This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
*I am so sorry for not responding sooner, I had a bit of a busy day. But I am here!*
Lucian yelps in fright as he sees the shadowy, terrible creatures appear before the group. Quick on his feet and the first to act, he draws his bow, the only apparent weapon he has on him besides a short sword. A finely crafted bow made of a black wood, specially made to go well with his outfit, it seems. In half a second he has it drawn with an arrow he produced somehow, hidden amongst the ruffles and details of his outfit. He lets loose the arrow, hopefully aiming true.
The arrow flies through the air towards the larger shadow creature in front of your group. It passes through, but seems to tear away chunks of the thing's wispy form, which it now seems to struggle to hold together.
From the platform you just left, another creature darts forward to attack. This one is not made of shadow, but glows with a faint translucent light. It reaches out with a withering touch towards Korran(Melee Spell Attack: 12 to hit), who backs away from its cold grasp.
Holmand then Danteare now up!
I highlighted the creature Lucianhas attacked (I just presumed he would pick the "scariest" one since it wasn't specified) with a red border. Again, I'll try to leave the maps session up as long as I can. Alternatively, here's a screenshot:
As the shadowy creatures appear before the group, Holm's mind starts racing through spells and combat training scenarios. This was Dravica, so any magic was a risk, but then again, nobody had immediately attacked the wild looking man in front of him that had revealed an obviously-magical familiar, so perhaps he could risk a bit of a spectacle.
Pulling a loose sleeve up to his elbow and exposing his metal bracer once again, Holm channels a large portion of his arcane energy into the gem hidden underneath the layers of metal. In a sudden flurry of motion, three metallic arms extend from the bracer, two on either side of his wrist and one longer one nearer his elbow (A: Activate Eldritch Cannon). Rather than aiming the strange contraption at any of the creatures around his new traveling companions, he instead closes his eyes and focuses, squeezing his fist shut, until a pulse of soft red light flares outward, engulfing the group. "That should protect you all from a hit or two! And if anyone's strongly anti-mage, can we just agree to discuss it later?"
[[ BA: Protector Cannon for 9 temp HP to anyone within 10 ft. of Holm. It seems like the maps session has closed and I can't exactly tell the scale or positioning on the screenshot, but he would take a step or two before the activation to catch as many people as possible (which I think may be everyone except Korran? If forced to choose between Roland and Dante he would probably go with Roland for now on the simple basis of knowing that he too is magical and a likely ally in any possible disagreements over that subject). ]]
"My nameless friend, if anyone here takes issue with magic used in good intention, they will have to deal with both of us."
Dante makes a motion with his hand, as the crystal ring on his finger glows. "Tachos." Branching veins of bluish-white light run down his legs, pulsing as magic begins to flow into the limbs. He darts through the gap between Roland and Lucian, leaping across the broken part of the bridge. After landing on the other side he spins, rounding on the luminescent spirit as he forces magic into the sword in his hands. The blade gives off the same faint blue glow as the traces on his legs as he brings it down in an overhead arc on the creature.
Bonus Action| Otherworldly Leap Invocation (Jump) Move| 5 ft north -- 5 ft northwest -- 20 ft jump north (costs 10 ft movement) -- 5 ft southeast Action| True Strike (Agonizing Blast Invocation) Attack: 14 Damage:14radiant
OOC: im new to the 2024 rules, let me know if ive read the map wrong or if this is 100% illegal
Lucian, Holm, Korran, and Rolandwill have 9 temporary HP, bathed in the soft red glow of Holm'sarcane contraption. The glowing spirit screeches in pain as Dante's radiant blade slashes through its incorporeal form, which shivers and shimmers as the magical attack inflicts its full damage.
The shadow finally regathers itself from Lucian's earlier attack, quickly closing the gap between itself and the group as it raises a shadowy claw to threaten the rogue.
The squares are 5 ft. Here is a more zoomed in screenshot for when the maps session inevitably fails. It is now Korranand then Rolandin initiative!
So he was with the Rebellion, Korran thought as the bearded human showed the familiar. The bard was more than happy to take the presence of the spirit as proof they were still alive. None of the others seemed bothered by the sign of arcane magic and that meant that no Sentinels was amongst them. At least no radical Sentinel. He examined the berry when stone started to emerge and combine into a kind of bridge. Surprise from that was brief thing, for dark figures appeared.
Ghosts, was the first thing that came to mind. Maybe they were not the only ones. Maybe those were people in the summit. The thought was interrupted by the reaching hand from one of the things. Through reflex he reacted, first taking a step back and unsheathing his blades then moving them in descending arcs – mirrored moves that cut an ‘x’ through the air, biting into the figure before him. The scimitar on his right hand glimmered in contact with the enemy.
In the end Korran believed that was the best move. Healing was best left for when an ally fell and there was no safe place to disengage to. The enemies where spread so Faerie Fire would be of little impact. Vicious Mockery would do less than his blades and Eldritch Blast was hard to use when engaged in melee. Command could have no effect and if he was to risk being hit it was better to do it before taking any wounds.
Notes: Korran spends his action to attack the enemy in front of him with his pact weapon (25 to hit, 5 radiant damage) then spends his bonus action to attack the same enemy with his offhand weapon (31 to hit, 3 slashing damage). Same rolls twice in a roll. Pity this meant 1 damage in the dice. Does the creature seems more or less resistant to any of the damage types?
Radiant energy cuts through the spectral form of the spirit, bisecting it from shoulder to opposite hip. What remains of its face twists into agony and fury as it fades, withering to nothing.
Korranstill has a bonus action. The creature didn't seem to resist his first attack at all, but the mundane weapon attack never landed, as it had already perished.
We're onto just Rolandnow. The map remains the same, minus the creature between Korranand Dante.
Roland raises his shield and reaches for his sword, looking at the spectral creature, but before he can act, Korran swings his sword and dispatches the creature.
He turns in the other direction, looking at Lucian's attacker, and mutters a quick command.
The bonfire engulfs the shadow, burning away the darkness that makes up its body. As its form dissipates, the group of three on the other island zoom across the gap, while the remaining two on the bridge float forwards, all of them swarming around your group.
Two of them lash out at Dante(Melee Group Attack: 21 to hit, 2 necrotic damage), raking him with ethereal claws that do no physical damage, but seem to drain the very lifeforce from him.
As the fight goes on, the deep chant emanating from seemingly all directions begins to rise in volume. On the platform you came from, the green sigil upon which the creatures first appeared flares to life again...
Top of Initiative! Lucian, Holm, Dante, Korran, and Roland.
As Roland summons a gout of flame to burn the shadow to nothingness, right before Lucian’s eyes, he yelps, jumping back as a reflex. The other shadows rush towards The group. as the shadow currently closest to Lucian had made its way in front of him, He nearly falters, but draws his sword in an instant, attempting to plunge it deep into the dark mass of the monster. His sword, which superficially resembles a golden cane, except for the fact it’s sharp and made of steel, is black and gold, with decorative patterns, also gold, all along its handle.
”They are so fast-“ he yelps, a bit panicked but clearly trying to hide it. ”Why are they so fast?!-“
In a moment of surprise after revealing CASK, Holm watches the sword-wielding redhead make a truly impossible leap through the air to slash at one of the shadows. Perhaps I shouldn't be so quick to form impressions of others. Obviously not every mage in Dravica would be so forthcoming with their abilities. At least none of the others had moved to attack him, the redhead, or the wild man yet.
As the shadows surround the group and the chanting grows ever louder, Holm finds himself drawn to the glow of the sigil just across the bridge. Moving further into the fray, he raises his arm and aims it at the shadow between the two sword-wielding strangers, letting loose a cone of flames from the two metallic arms branching from his bracer on either side of his wrist (BA: Flamethrower - DC 13 DEX save or 15 fire damage in a 15 foot cone, 7 on a successful save. Hoping to aim between Dante and Korran to catch three shadows, but if I have the wrong idea of a 15 ft. cone, I'd just aim it to catch as many shadows as possible without catching allies. Maybe the ones beneath and to the left of Dante?).
"Cover me!" he shouts, dashing towards the sigil, hoping to glean some insight into its purpose or where and how he and the others had been transported.
I'm not sure how close I need to be to the sigil to take the study action and make an arcana check but that's my goal either this round or next. If I can do it from 20 or so feet away, I'll move as close as possible (taking probably 1-2 opportunity attacks) and do that (arcana9. Going to reroll with heroic inspiration for a dirty 20). If I can't, I'll still move as close as possible and then ready a fire bolt to be triggered by any monster that might emerge from or be summoned by the sigil, then I'll use that arcana roll on my next turn or right after combat ends.
As the battle rages, Roland takes a quick look around. Questions form in his head, is the Prince dead, are we dead, no we answered that, where are we, undead?, ... questions for later, time to focus.
He looks at those with blades in their hand, and those who may need support, and lets out a ... chirp? ... the sound of some woodland animal perhaps, and a blessing falls over Holm, Lucian, and Korran, as he asks spirits to guide them.
He then raises his wrist, "this could be a bad idea" he says outloud, then says lower to his familiar, "Lojack bite me, sink your teeth into this... whatever it is.. bite hard" allowing her to bite him where the new mark has manifested on his wrist. [bonus or free action?] [[RAW weasels do 1 hp dmg, :) ]]
Lucian's panicked strike dissipates the creature before him into black smoke that slowly withers away in the fog as Holmmoves deeper into the fray. Korranand Dantefeel heat as the arcanist releases a stream of flame from the odd contraption around his forearm. When the gout of fire fades, three more of the shades are gone. As Holmslips between Danteand the remaining shade it lashes out towards him(Melee Attack: 14 to hit), but its shadowy claw misses as he speeds by. He almost makes it to the foot of the stairs leading back up to the platform, but can't quite see the full breadth sigil from his lower vantage point.
Holm, Lucian, and Korranwould feel a gentle warmness fall over them as Roland'sblessing takes hold. The fuzzy white weasel bites down into his skin...But nothing happens, besides a bit of blood being drawn.
"Cold!"Dante exclaims as the shadows claw at him, feeling his warmth drain with each hit...Though the sensation passes as his attackers are barbecued right in front of him. He gives the man and his device a strange look as he runs by. With a slight shake of his head, he refocuses on the shade in front of him alighting his blade with blue radiance again as he stabs the monster through the torso.
As it fades, he looks towards the man who called for cover, and bounds after him, leaping over the ledge back onto the platform. He makes another sign with the hand his ring is on, "krúos." A cold layer of protective frost grows outward from the glowing crystal on the ring, covering the areas his armor fails to. He keeps his sword ready, waiting to protect Holm from whatever else may come after he ascends the stairs.
Action| True StrikeAttack:25, Damage:9 Radiant Move| 5ft northeast -- 15ft north -- jump(8 rounds left) onto the platform Bonus Action| Armor of Agathys
He was surprise to find his attack enough to finish the enemy and felt uneasy when the circle started to glow. More enemies, he felt studying the field. By them they were surrounded, with no place to scape. He was about to shout for the others to take position in front of it when the battle changed. Six second or so of chaos and fury was that took for the enemies to be vanquished in flame and blade. Lucian jumped before the myristic arrange and Korran could only hope the ghosts appeared from the location.
“Helka.” He whispered moving towards Holm, leaving a trail of mist. Over his studded leather scales of ice appeared, giving form to a semi-translucent mail. Vines of frost crossed the upper arm and three distinct buttons ran through its neck – decorative parts likely to be made of a precious metal in a armor of steel. “Is this the only seal?”
His question wasn’t directed to anyone in particular. Rather, the bard wanted the group to consider being attacked from other directions. A wave of warmth take his body for a moment as the bard focused his mind, ready to strike with a rudimentary spell should an opponent appear.
Notes: Korran uses his full speed (30ft) to move towards Holm, spends his bonus action to cast Armor of Agathys and takes the Ready action, preparing to cast Vicious Mockery (Wis save 14) on the first enemy that appears. Helka is Quenya for "ice-cold" and the form of the AoA is inspired by this rendition of the elvish armor in the Silmarillion.
Another group of shades appears, with a pair of specters forming with them as the reverberating chant continues to grow in volume - the words are meaningless to you, but they set a deep unease within you.
Dante, Holm, and Korran: As close as the three of you are, you notice something odd about this "summoning." They don't seem to be appearing from thin air. Rather, pieces of stone from the platform, or pieces of rock from the cliff behind it shimmer and melt into the fog, swirling and coalescing into the monstrous forms you now see before you.
Roland: Something tickles the back of your mind, like a presence you hadn't noticed before tapping you on the shoulder. You turn to look around, and notice a swirling vortex of some kind of arcane energy on another island about a 100 feet out. Your mark itches and when you glance down at it you notice it faintly pulsing in sync with the vortex.
We have, Lucian, Holm, Dante, and Korranup first. Holm and Korran have readied actions from the previous round they can take.
As the ghostly figures begin to move closer, Lucian is the first to act!
*I am so sorry for not responding sooner, I had a bit of a busy day. But I am here!*
Lucian yelps in fright as he sees the shadowy, terrible creatures appear before the group. Quick on his feet and the first to act, he draws his bow, the only apparent weapon he has on him besides a short sword. A finely crafted bow made of a black wood, specially made to go well with his outfit, it seems. In half a second he has it drawn with an arrow he produced somehow, hidden amongst the ruffles and details of his outfit. He lets loose the arrow, hopefully aiming true.
to hit: 15 damage: 7 + sneak attack: 7 piercing damage.
(First combat of the Campaign, I’m so excited! And Lucian has assassinate, this will be exciting!)
The arrow flies through the air towards the larger shadow creature in front of your group. It passes through, but seems to tear away chunks of the thing's wispy form, which it now seems to struggle to hold together.
From the platform you just left, another creature darts forward to attack. This one is not made of shadow, but glows with a faint translucent light. It reaches out with a withering touch towards Korran (Melee Spell Attack: 12 to hit), who backs away from its cold grasp.
Holm and then Dante are now up!

I highlighted the creature Lucian has attacked (I just presumed he would pick the "scariest" one since it wasn't specified) with a red border. Again, I'll try to leave the maps session up as long as I can. Alternatively, here's a screenshot:
As the shadowy creatures appear before the group, Holm's mind starts racing through spells and combat training scenarios. This was Dravica, so any magic was a risk, but then again, nobody had immediately attacked the wild looking man in front of him that had revealed an obviously-magical familiar, so perhaps he could risk a bit of a spectacle.
Pulling a loose sleeve up to his elbow and exposing his metal bracer once again, Holm channels a large portion of his arcane energy into the gem hidden underneath the layers of metal. In a sudden flurry of motion, three metallic arms extend from the bracer, two on either side of his wrist and one longer one nearer his elbow (A: Activate Eldritch Cannon). Rather than aiming the strange contraption at any of the creatures around his new traveling companions, he instead closes his eyes and focuses, squeezing his fist shut, until a pulse of soft red light flares outward, engulfing the group. "That should protect you all from a hit or two! And if anyone's strongly anti-mage, can we just agree to discuss it later?"
[[ BA: Protector Cannon for 9 temp HP to anyone within 10 ft. of Holm. It seems like the maps session has closed and I can't exactly tell the scale or positioning on the screenshot, but he would take a step or two before the activation to catch as many people as possible (which I think may be everyone except Korran? If forced to choose between Roland and Dante he would probably go with Roland for now on the simple basis of knowing that he too is magical and a likely ally in any possible disagreements over that subject). ]]
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
"My nameless friend, if anyone here takes issue with magic used in good intention, they will have to deal with both of us."
Dante makes a motion with his hand, as the crystal ring on his finger glows. "Tachos." Branching veins of bluish-white light run down his legs, pulsing as magic begins to flow into the limbs. He darts through the gap between Roland and Lucian, leaping across the broken part of the bridge. After landing on the other side he spins, rounding on the luminescent spirit as he forces magic into the sword in his hands. The blade gives off the same faint blue glow as the traces on his legs as he brings it down in an overhead arc on the creature.
Bonus Action| Otherworldly Leap Invocation (Jump)
Move| 5 ft north -- 5 ft northwest -- 20 ft jump north (costs 10 ft movement) -- 5 ft southeast
Action| True Strike (Agonizing Blast Invocation)
Attack: 14
Damage: 14 radiant
OOC: im new to the 2024 rules, let me know if ive read the map wrong or if this is 100% illegal
Lucian, Holm, Korran, and Roland will have 9 temporary HP, bathed in the soft red glow of Holm's arcane contraption. The glowing spirit screeches in pain as Dante's radiant blade slashes through its incorporeal form, which shivers and shimmers as the magical attack inflicts its full damage.
The shadow finally regathers itself from Lucian's earlier attack, quickly closing the gap between itself and the group as it raises a shadowy claw to threaten the rogue.
The squares are 5 ft. Here is a more zoomed in screenshot for when the maps session inevitably fails. It is now Korran and then Roland in initiative!
So he was with the Rebellion, Korran thought as the bearded human showed the familiar. The bard was more than happy to take the presence of the spirit as proof they were still alive. None of the others seemed bothered by the sign of arcane magic and that meant that no Sentinels was amongst them. At least no radical Sentinel. He examined the berry when stone started to emerge and combine into a kind of bridge. Surprise from that was brief thing, for dark figures appeared.
Ghosts, was the first thing that came to mind. Maybe they were not the only ones. Maybe those were people in the summit. The thought was interrupted by the reaching hand from one of the things. Through reflex he reacted, first taking a step back and unsheathing his blades then moving them in descending arcs – mirrored moves that cut an ‘x’ through the air, biting into the figure before him. The scimitar on his right hand glimmered in contact with the enemy.
In the end Korran believed that was the best move. Healing was best left for when an ally fell and there was no safe place to disengage to. The enemies where spread so Faerie Fire would be of little impact. Vicious Mockery would do less than his blades and Eldritch Blast was hard to use when engaged in melee. Command could have no effect and if he was to risk being hit it was better to do it before taking any wounds.
Notes: Korran spends his action to attack the enemy in front of him with his pact weapon (25 to hit, 5 radiant damage) then spends his bonus action to attack the same enemy with his offhand weapon (31 to hit, 3 slashing damage). Same rolls twice in a roll. Pity this meant 1 damage in the dice. Does the creature seems more or less resistant to any of the damage types?
Radiant energy cuts through the spectral form of the spirit, bisecting it from shoulder to opposite hip. What remains of its face twists into agony and fury as it fades, withering to nothing.
Korran still has a bonus action. The creature didn't seem to resist his first attack at all, but the mundane weapon attack never landed, as it had already perished.
We're onto just Roland now. The map remains the same, minus the creature between Korran and Dante.
Roland raises his shield and reaches for his sword, looking at the spectral creature, but before he can act, Korran swings his sword and dispatches the creature.
He turns in the other direction, looking at Lucian's attacker, and mutters a quick command.
a fire erupts at it's feet. DC Dex 14 fire dmg 5.
"At least these strangers seem competent in a fight" he whispers to Lojack.
The bonfire engulfs the shadow, burning away the darkness that makes up its body. As its form dissipates, the group of three on the other island zoom across the gap, while the remaining two on the bridge float forwards, all of them swarming around your group.
Two of them lash out at Dante (Melee Group Attack: 21 to hit, 2 necrotic damage), raking him with ethereal claws that do no physical damage, but seem to drain the very lifeforce from him.
As the fight goes on, the deep chant emanating from seemingly all directions begins to rise in volume. On the platform you came from, the green sigil upon which the creatures first appeared flares to life again...
Top of Initiative! Lucian, Holm, Dante, Korran, and Roland.
Map Screenshot. Create Bonfire indicated by orange dot.
As Roland summons a gout of flame to burn the shadow to nothingness, right before Lucian’s eyes, he yelps, jumping back as a reflex. The other shadows rush towards The group. as the shadow currently closest to Lucian had made its way in front of him, He nearly falters, but draws his sword in an instant, attempting to plunge it deep into the dark mass of the monster. His sword, which superficially resembles a golden cane, except for the fact it’s sharp and made of steel, is black and gold, with decorative patterns, also gold, all along its handle.
”They are so fast-“ he yelps, a bit panicked but clearly trying to hide it. ”Why are they so fast?!-“
to hit: 9 damage: 8 + 5 slashing damage.
[lets Reroll that, sorry! It isn’t showing up for me]
To hit: 14 damage: 5+5
In a moment of surprise after revealing CASK, Holm watches the sword-wielding redhead make a truly impossible leap through the air to slash at one of the shadows. Perhaps I shouldn't be so quick to form impressions of others. Obviously not every mage in Dravica would be so forthcoming with their abilities. At least none of the others had moved to attack him, the redhead, or the wild man yet.
As the shadows surround the group and the chanting grows ever louder, Holm finds himself drawn to the glow of the sigil just across the bridge. Moving further into the fray, he raises his arm and aims it at the shadow between the two sword-wielding strangers, letting loose a cone of flames from the two metallic arms branching from his bracer on either side of his wrist (BA: Flamethrower - DC 13 DEX save or 15 fire damage in a 15 foot cone, 7 on a successful save. Hoping to aim between Dante and Korran to catch three shadows, but if I have the wrong idea of a 15 ft. cone, I'd just aim it to catch as many shadows as possible without catching allies. Maybe the ones beneath and to the left of Dante?).
"Cover me!" he shouts, dashing towards the sigil, hoping to glean some insight into its purpose or where and how he and the others had been transported.
I'm not sure how close I need to be to the sigil to take the study action and make an arcana check but that's my goal either this round or next. If I can do it from 20 or so feet away, I'll move as close as possible (taking probably 1-2 opportunity attacks) and do that (arcana 9. Going to reroll with heroic inspiration for a dirty 20). If I can't, I'll still move as close as possible and then ready a fire bolt to be triggered by any monster that might emerge from or be summoned by the sigil, then I'll use that arcana roll on my next turn or right after combat ends.
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
As the battle rages, Roland takes a quick look around. Questions form in his head, is the Prince dead, are we dead, no we answered that, where are we, undead?, ... questions for later, time to focus.
He looks at those with blades in their hand, and those who may need support, and lets out a ... chirp? ... the sound of some woodland animal perhaps, and a blessing falls over Holm, Lucian, and Korran, as he asks spirits to guide them.
He then raises his wrist, "this could be a bad idea" he says outloud, then says lower to his familiar, "Lojack bite me, sink your teeth into this... whatever it is.. bite hard" allowing her to bite him where the new mark has manifested on his wrist. [bonus or free action?] [[RAW weasels do 1 hp dmg, :) ]]
Roland is Concentrating
Lucian's panicked strike dissipates the creature before him into black smoke that slowly withers away in the fog as Holm moves deeper into the fray. Korran and Dante feel heat as the arcanist releases a stream of flame from the odd contraption around his forearm. When the gout of fire fades, three more of the shades are gone. As Holm slips between Dante and the remaining shade it lashes out towards him(Melee Attack: 14 to hit), but its shadowy claw misses as he speeds by. He almost makes it to the foot of the stairs leading back up to the platform, but can't quite see the full breadth sigil from his lower vantage point.
Holm, Lucian, and Korran would feel a gentle warmness fall over them as Roland's blessing takes hold. The fuzzy white weasel bites down into his skin...But nothing happens, besides a bit of blood being drawn.
We're down to Dante and Korran for initiative!
Roland looks at Lojack, after the bite, a bit of blood flows from his wrist.
"Oww" he says, shaking his hand, "good bite buddy."
Con save: 7
"I didn't know what would happen, yes maybe you would blow up, but maybe we would return to the prince!"
The spirit's get distracted, the blessing drops from the others.
"Cold!" Dante exclaims as the shadows claw at him, feeling his warmth drain with each hit...Though the sensation passes as his attackers are barbecued right in front of him. He gives the man and his device a strange look as he runs by. With a slight shake of his head, he refocuses on the shade in front of him alighting his blade with blue radiance again as he stabs the monster through the torso.
As it fades, he looks towards the man who called for cover, and bounds after him, leaping over the ledge back onto the platform. He makes another sign with the hand his ring is on, "krúos." A cold layer of protective frost grows outward from the glowing crystal on the ring, covering the areas his armor fails to. He keeps his sword ready, waiting to protect Holm from whatever else may come after he ascends the stairs.
Action| True Strike Attack: 25, Damage: 9 Radiant
Move| 5ft northeast -- 15ft north -- jump(8 rounds left) onto the platform
Bonus Action| Armor of Agathys
The radiant blue blade burns away the shade, and its essence fades away into the fog...
Still in initiative, Korran is up!
Full map
He was surprise to find his attack enough to finish the enemy and felt uneasy when the circle started to glow. More enemies, he felt studying the field. By them they were surrounded, with no place to scape. He was about to shout for the others to take position in front of it when the battle changed. Six second or so of chaos and fury was that took for the enemies to be vanquished in flame and blade. Lucian jumped before the myristic arrange and Korran could only hope the ghosts appeared from the location.
“Helka.” He whispered moving towards Holm, leaving a trail of mist. Over his studded leather scales of ice appeared, giving form to a semi-translucent mail. Vines of frost crossed the upper arm and three distinct buttons ran through its neck – decorative parts likely to be made of a precious metal in a armor of steel. “Is this the only seal?”
His question wasn’t directed to anyone in particular. Rather, the bard wanted the group to consider being attacked from other directions. A wave of warmth take his body for a moment as the bard focused his mind, ready to strike with a rudimentary spell should an opponent appear.
Notes: Korran uses his full speed (30ft) to move towards Holm, spends his bonus action to cast Armor of Agathys and takes the Ready action, preparing to cast Vicious Mockery (Wis save 14) on the first enemy that appears. Helka is Quenya for "ice-cold" and the form of the AoA is inspired by this rendition of the elvish armor in the Silmarillion.
Another group of shades appears, with a pair of specters forming with them as the reverberating chant continues to grow in volume - the words are meaningless to you, but they set a deep unease within you.
Dante, Holm, and Korran: As close as the three of you are, you notice something odd about this "summoning." They don't seem to be appearing from thin air. Rather, pieces of stone from the platform, or pieces of rock from the cliff behind it shimmer and melt into the fog, swirling and coalescing into the monstrous forms you now see before you.
Roland: Something tickles the back of your mind, like a presence you hadn't noticed before tapping you on the shoulder. You turn to look around, and notice a swirling vortex of some kind of arcane energy on another island about a 100 feet out. Your mark itches and when you glance down at it you notice it faintly pulsing in sync with the vortex.
We have, Lucian, Holm, Dante, and Korran up first. Holm and Korran have readied actions from the previous round they can take.
Full Map