As Uthal cleans off the head of his war pick, he happily volunteers himself, "Uthal can carry the weird woman's body." He likes to be useful. Making camp. Fighting. Lifting and carrying things. These are things Uthal knows how to do.
"Thank you for carrying her back. I am sure her family will be most grateful."
He doesn't want to interrupt, but when there's a lull in the conversation about what to do next, he asks Erendo in a quieter rumble than his usually carrying voice: "Does her blood look wrong?" He gestures at the pool of blood that had formed where the body was initially lying. "Not the normal color?"
"Agreed. The blood does look strange is very much not normal."
As Aldrin lets us know there is an unknown someone nearby, Donavan readies himself.
Start of the campaign, everyone is eager. Take the plethora of posts and be happy with them, eventually there'll be lulls and quiet times when you wonder if everyone just abandoned the campaign without telling you. Even the longest running campaigns will have dry spots.
"I would rather have your hands free to fight, if need be," Erendo says to Uthal in regards to carrying the body. "But if not you carrying then it'd take two of us. Just don't be afraid to drop her if the need arises..." Erendo adds a smile and a companionable pat upon the other man's arm.
"The blood... It appears to have been dead for a while. Cooled. Congealed," Erendo notes. It reminds him much of some of the stored blood used in some of his devotions rituals and ceremonies. Or the less frequent offerings unto the flames. But "I've had to deal with corpses of the departed. Funeral rites, and such," is what he says in explanation.
"Yes, I think we bring the body back to the family. Tonight. The quicker done the quicker over..."
As Aldrin states that they have company, Erendo pauses and looks around. He doesn't immediately go defensive as he voice was controlled, not panicked, but he is looking all about as he certainly has no idea which way is east without a compass, a map and a good twenty minutes orienting himself. "Where? What? Who?" he asks.
Despite the situation, Aldrin gives a slight chuckle at Erendo's reaction. "I'll show you," she mutters, drawing her shortbow and an arrow. She quickly casts druidcraft to set the arrow alight and looses it in the direction of the figure.
Bonus Action: Steady Aim to cancel out disadvantage from long distance
Action: Shortbow to hit near figure 9 -.- (Should at least go in the general direction though)
"I would rather have your hands free to fight, if need be," Erendo says to Uthal in regards to carrying the body. "But if not you carrying then it'd take two of us. Just don't be afraid to drop her if the need arises..." Erendo adds a smile and a companionable pat upon the other man's arm.
Uthal nods with a deep, "Mm hm. Yes," as though following Erendo's thought process. But when the Erendo pats Uthal's thick arm, the goliath says, "OK. Soooo...I carry the woman?" There may have been one too many "ifs" in what the cleric said.
As Aldrin states that they have company, Erendo pauses and looks around. He doesn't immediately go defensive as he voice was controlled, not panicked, but he is looking all about as he certainly has no idea which way is east without a compass, a map and a good twenty minutes orienting himself. "Where? What? Who?" he asks.
Uthal has a better sense of direction outdoors. Survival 16 (in game log) He simply grasps Erendo's shoulder with his large hand and turns the cleric to face east, in the direction where Aldrin is now pointing.
Aldrin glanced around at the others, her free hand gesturing toward the figure. "Can you see it? Uthal, keep that pick ready."
Uthal says, "Don't worry, Aldrin. I always have a weapon ready." He goes back to working on the litter for the woman's body if he could find materials within the light, but he sets his great two-handed hammer on the ground next to him while he works.
Survival: 20, if needed for fashioning a makeshift stretcher. It's not really for two people to use, but if he can strap the body to a litter and then he could carry the stretcher with one hand, dragging the back end of the stretcher along the ground. That way, he would have one hand free for his pick or shield.
Feng, upon seeing the gem and the conditions of the shallow grave you seem to recall that in some rituals gems such as this one could be used in perhaps a form of powerful use of magic. Dark magic, necromancers, this all fits around the fact that the gem is pure black.
Donavan, the black gem just gives off a foul impression, the value of the gem easily is above 150 gold and in your experience any sort of material component of that much value could only mean that this was the location of powerful magic. You need to be on the alert around here, there is a corrupt powerful necromancer in the area.
Uthal, you find East with ease and see nothing in the direction that everyone was talking about. However, you seem to find the right pieces for the stretcher and are able to assemble it while keeping an eye on the distance, some of your finest work.
Aldrin, your arrow flies true hitting just near where the figure is pacing back and forth with the lantern. The figure watches the magically lit arrow hit the side of a grass covered tree stump and stares at it for a moment as it slowly places the lantern on the ground which soon fades to dark. The figure which is nothing more than shadow looks up from the ground as its eyes glow bright yellow before it holds up a hand to where its mouth would be and in your head you can hear the “shhhhh’ing” sound it is motioning. The figure then disperses into shadows. (WIS Save)
Everyone sees the lit arrow hit the tree stump, however there does not seem to be anything there that Aldrin is alluding to at this time.
Erendo, something pulls your attention away from the whole arrow thing and as you swing your head around to the side there standing right behind you is the figure of Viessa. Her mouth is hung open and a combination of dirty and spit hangs from her jagged teeth. Her eyes are completely white and stare directly through you in the void. Thankfully, her hands were bound but she began to tug at an unnatural manner, you can hear the joints in her arms cracking as she does what she can to bring her arms around to the front of her body -- think of how a contortionist is able to do so, but with no grace.
The party gets the initiative. Erendo being the closest gets the first action. Uthal, who is near the body, gets the second. Everyone else is watching where Aldrin was pointing and going after the other two.
This is not a major combat, no battle map for this.
Aldrin’s smirk falters and she freezes as the figure raises a shadowy hand to where its mouth should be, the silent “shhhhh” reverberating inside her head. The sound is both gentle and menacing, its intrusion into her mind sending a cold shiver down her spine.
As the figure dissolves into shadow, Aldrin lets out a shaky exhale, lowering her bow. She takes a cautious step back, her gaze fixed on the spot where the figure has vanished. For a long moment, she doesn’t speak, the eerie quiet of the moor filling the space where her usual sharp wit would be.
"I don’t know what that was, but it wasn’t natural. And I don’t like being shushed, especially not in my own head."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
(OOC: I'm posting before Kaemgen because I no longer have power at home, so I'm not sure when I'll be back online. If Erendo's action makes this action no longer make sense, I'll try to update and fix it later this weekend if I can get back online.)
Round 1: Uthal
Uthal is a little worried about the "person" Aldrin says that she sees, but he leaves it to the others to figure that out. He focuses on assembling a stretcher for carrying the woman's body -- the weird woman's body. As he finishes, he holds it out in the light and looks at it, pleased with his work. That might be his best bit of fieldcraft ever! He sets it down and then turns to get ready to move the woman's body onto the stretcher when he realizes that she's no longer lying on the ground! She's standing close to Erendo, struggling against the ropes with jerky motions, joints and ligaments popping sickeningly.
Uthal's first feeling is surprise and then guilt that he made a mistake. Was he supposed to be guarding her? But -- no -- who guards a dead body? His second thought is that this spook is now standing right next to Erendo. He reaches out and grabs his maul and then surges to his feet as he gives a tense warning: "Look out." Unless Erendo has already handled the situation, Uthal enters a rage and attacks the "woman." If he can put himself between Erendo and the woman, he does. Otherwise, he'll stand next to Erendo and try to knock the woman back down with his maul.
Movement: Stand up and close to melee range. Bonus Action: Enter a rage. Action: Reckless Attack against the woman, Maul: 24 Damage: 14 (bludgeoning) + 5 (radiant) = 19 (total) Topple: on a hit, the target must make a DC 14 CON saving throw or be knocked prone. Free Action: equip maul
Attacks rolls against Uthal have advantage until the start of his next turn.
Tessera gulps audibly as she watches the silhouetted figure dissipate into the gloom. "Well, that... that is rather uncanny." She laughs, feeling the hairs on the nape of her neck begin to rise. "And most impolite. If you care to join us for a cup of evening tea... all you need do is ask, stranger."
She calls out into the darkness, her voice both chiding and playful, despite the somewhat unsettled look on her face. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices the unnatural figure animating beside Erendo and Uthal. Her stomach lurches at the gruesome dislocation of ligaments and the popping of bones out of sockets, and she gawps in surprise.
"Everyone... Viessa Crowe!" Tess hollers after Erendo and Uthal burst into action, immediately drawing the light crossbow she keeps secured to her back. She nocks a bolt and fixes her sights on the centre of Viessa's forehead, muttering an incantation. The small glow of a translucent rose magically coils itself around her ammunition as Tess' finger finds the trigger.
Tess' shout draws Aldrin's attention to the 'corpse' she had almost forgotten about and she instinctively stows her bow and draws her rapier, reluctantly closing the distance with Viessa as the ghastly cracking of bones ripping from sockets fills the chill night air. Ugh, she knew she should've stayed in the city...
Action: Move to Viessa, Rapier to hit nat 1 + 6 -.-
"Scorching Taint!" Erendo calls out reflexively, shocked and scared and so surprised his danglies are crawling back up into his abdomen... With the words he also haphazardly makes an arcane gesture as he flings up an arm in defense, casting Fire Bolt almost accidentally... (Rolling with disadvantage as Viessa in within melee range...)
Fire Bolt Attack: 16to hit for 4fire damage
As the spell is released Erendo loses his footing and falls backwards onto his butt. He immediately starts kicking his legs and pushing backwards with his arm to try and effectively back-crawl away from the woman.
Donavan, syas "Yes, I agree. This black gem just gives off a foul impression. We are probably dealing with a Necromancer."
With Viessa come back to life he calmly changes subjects and says "Remarkable. She is moving again. Yes. This clearly is the work of a Necromancer. Now to the young, deceased, lady here. We must prevent her from ambulating around. Ropes do not seem to make the cut. Let me try something else. Does someone have Manacles or chain? Otherwise I saw we double tie her as a hog hand-to-foot."
Sorry, I was away all weekend and just needed a night to chill. Back to the murder adventure!
Erendo, your firebolt rolls up and across the twisted face of Viessa causing a loud non-human sounding groan to echo across the Whispering Moors. “She” stumbles backwards giving you enough space to scramble away and for Uthal to step in, Uthal’s maul rushes through the air and connects with thunderous smash across the upper torso and neck of Viessa. She crumbles to the ground for the second time at the hands of Uthal and lays there motionless. You’ve all seen Uthal in this manner before (rage) and know that tapping him on the shoulder now isn’t a good idea.
Silence falls upon the moors for a brief second.
A couple of calm moments go by.
Then in the distance of the moors, there are other groans…
The rest of you can stop your actions. She's dead... again.
If you would be standing in the 40’ diameter of Erendo’s light spell -- I’m assuming it is still going. You do not have to make a WIS save, however, anyone that would not be within that 40’ diameter please make a WIS save. Aldrin, regardless of where you are standing, you begin to see a number of small lantern lights pop up over the horizon -- except towards the East (where you shot the arrow with the little glow on it)
I think Aldrin would be in the light since she's right behind Uthal, but WIS save just in case: 14
Aldrin doubles over as she struggles to catch her breath after the shock of the 'battle', short as it was.
"Is she dead for good this time? S-somehow I doubt it..." She murmurs after a few moments, finally gathering the energy to look up from the ground. Her sharp grey eyes widen as she sees not one but many lantern lights--more shadowy watchers?--start to appear on the horizon.
"We...we can't stay here, or anywhere near here," she breathes, turning around aimlessly as she suddenly feels any sense of direction fade. Her gaze is finally drawn to the faint glow of the smoldering arrow. "Light. We need light, fire. And to get away from here. M-maybe we can just take the necklace with us and...Stake her down? For the family to come find later if they care so much."
"Is she dead for good this time? S-somehow I doubt it..." She murmurs after a few moments,
"Maybe it's one of them not-dead spooks?", Uthal says. Since Aldrin seems to suggest that the body is still not dead, Uthal raises his maul slightly and asks, "Should I hit her again?" He also glances at Erendo for his input. Uthal good at hitting things hard, and that last hit was solid. Then again, his first hit with his war pick seemed like it should have killed the woman, and then she got up again later.
Uthal will continue to extend his rage as long as possible, especially since he's not sure whether Viessa will get back up again, and Aldrin indicated that she saw something on the moor that none of the others could see.
M-maybe we can just take the necklace with us and...Stake her down? For the family to come find later if they care so much."
At Aldrin's suggestion that they just stake down the body and leave it, Uthal sounds a little put out:"I made a litter. We can tie the body to it." He's proud of the stretcher he made, and he wants to have a chance to use it.
"C... Can't hurt, sure," Erendo answers Uthal and crab walks further back away from the body, not wanting to be splattered.
Not particularly wanting to pay attention to any potential squishy sounds of further pounding, Erendo looks around to the others. "Surely they'll recognize the clothes and the body... Who really pays attention to faces?" he says, knowing how ridiculous it sounds even as it comes out of his mouth.
(For the record, unless stated otherwise Erendo casts light atop his hood. This maximized the amount of light distribution and minimizes shadows and black spots. He really should pick a better spot in combat as a glowing hood makes a good target, but he's often too surprised to think when violence breaks out...)
Aldrin can sense Uthal's disappointment at potentially not being about to use the litter he built and sighs, giving a reluctant nod. "Hm, fine by me," she states, starting a silent waltz with herself despite her unease, "But you are in charge of knocking her out again if she makes any escape attempts." She points at him dramatically and does a spin, surprised to see Viessa's necklace already in her hand. "Huh...? I...guess I'll carry this."
(Sorry, I updated my post so I wanted to bring it forward)
With Viessa come back to life Donavan calmly changes subjects and says "Remarkable. She is moving again. Yes. This clearly is the work of a Necromancer. Now, what to do about our reanimating young lady here. We must prevent her from ambulating around. Ropes do not seem to make the cut. Let me try something else. Does someone have Manacles or chain? Otherwise I saw we double tie her as a hog; hand-to-foot."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
D&D since 1984
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Donavan gathers up his gear and makes ready to leave back to town.
"Thank you Feng. I appreciate your thoughts on my abilities. I doubt myself many times. So, lets take a look at this gem."
Arcana/Investigation: 25
As Aldrin lets us know there is an unknown someone nearby, Donavan readies himself.
D&D since 1984
((Figure isn't approaching, just pacing back and forth...menacingly!))
Start of the campaign, everyone is eager. Take the plethora of posts and be happy with them, eventually there'll be lulls and quiet times when you wonder if everyone just abandoned the campaign without telling you. Even the longest running campaigns will have dry spots.
"I would rather have your hands free to fight, if need be," Erendo says to Uthal in regards to carrying the body. "But if not you carrying then it'd take two of us. Just don't be afraid to drop her if the need arises..." Erendo adds a smile and a companionable pat upon the other man's arm.
"The blood... It appears to have been dead for a while. Cooled. Congealed," Erendo notes. It reminds him much of some of the stored blood used in some of his devotions rituals and ceremonies. Or the less frequent offerings unto the flames. But "I've had to deal with corpses of the departed. Funeral rites, and such," is what he says in explanation.
"Yes, I think we bring the body back to the family. Tonight. The quicker done the quicker over..."
As Aldrin states that they have company, Erendo pauses and looks around. He doesn't immediately go defensive as he voice was controlled, not panicked, but he is looking all about as he certainly has no idea which way is east without a compass, a map and a good twenty minutes orienting himself. "Where? What? Who?" he asks.
Despite the situation, Aldrin gives a slight chuckle at Erendo's reaction. "I'll show you," she mutters, drawing her shortbow and an arrow. She quickly casts druidcraft to set the arrow alight and looses it in the direction of the figure.
Bonus Action: Steady Aim to cancel out disadvantage from long distance
Action: Shortbow to hit near figure 9 -.- (Should at least go in the general direction though)
Uthal nods with a deep, "Mm hm. Yes," as though following Erendo's thought process. But when the Erendo pats Uthal's thick arm, the goliath says, "OK. Soooo...I carry the woman?" There may have been one too many "ifs" in what the cleric said.
Uthal has a better sense of direction outdoors. Survival 16 (in game log) He simply grasps Erendo's shoulder with his large hand and turns the cleric to face east, in the direction where Aldrin is now pointing.
Uthal says, "Don't worry, Aldrin. I always have a weapon ready." He goes back to working on the litter for the woman's body if he could find materials within the light, but he sets his great two-handed hammer on the ground next to him while he works.
Survival: 20, if needed for fashioning a makeshift stretcher. It's not really for two people to use, but if he can strap the body to a litter and then he could carry the stretcher with one hand, dragging the back end of the stretcher along the ground. That way, he would have one hand free for his pick or shield.
Feng, upon seeing the gem and the conditions of the shallow grave you seem to recall that in some rituals gems such as this one could be used in perhaps a form of powerful use of magic. Dark magic, necromancers, this all fits around the fact that the gem is pure black.
Donavan, the black gem just gives off a foul impression, the value of the gem easily is above 150 gold and in your experience any sort of material component of that much value could only mean that this was the location of powerful magic. You need to be on the alert around here, there is a corrupt powerful necromancer in the area.
Uthal, you find East with ease and see nothing in the direction that everyone was talking about. However, you seem to find the right pieces for the stretcher and are able to assemble it while keeping an eye on the distance, some of your finest work.
Aldrin, your arrow flies true hitting just near where the figure is pacing back and forth with the lantern. The figure watches the magically lit arrow hit the side of a grass covered tree stump and stares at it for a moment as it slowly places the lantern on the ground which soon fades to dark. The figure which is nothing more than shadow looks up from the ground as its eyes glow bright yellow before it holds up a hand to where its mouth would be and in your head you can hear the “shhhhh’ing” sound it is motioning. The figure then disperses into shadows. (WIS Save)
Everyone sees the lit arrow hit the tree stump, however there does not seem to be anything there that Aldrin is alluding to at this time.
Erendo, something pulls your attention away from the whole arrow thing and as you swing your head around to the side there standing right behind you is the figure of Viessa. Her mouth is hung open and a combination of dirty and spit hangs from her jagged teeth. Her eyes are completely white and stare directly through you in the void. Thankfully, her hands were bound but she began to tug at an unnatural manner, you can hear the joints in her arms cracking as she does what she can to bring her arms around to the front of her body -- think of how a contortionist is able to do so, but with no grace.
The party gets the initiative. Erendo being the closest gets the first action. Uthal, who is near the body, gets the second. Everyone else is watching where Aldrin was pointing and going after the other two.
This is not a major combat, no battle map for this.
Aldrin’s smirk falters and she freezes as the figure raises a shadowy hand to where its mouth should be, the silent “shhhhh” reverberating inside her head. The sound is both gentle and menacing, its intrusion into her mind sending a cold shiver down her spine.
As the figure dissolves into shadow, Aldrin lets out a shaky exhale, lowering her bow. She takes a cautious step back, her gaze fixed on the spot where the figure has vanished. For a long moment, she doesn’t speak, the eerie quiet of the moor filling the space where her usual sharp wit would be.
"I don’t know what that was, but it wasn’t natural. And I don’t like being shushed, especially not in my own head."
Wis Save: 16
(OOC: I'm posting before Kaemgen because I no longer have power at home, so I'm not sure when I'll be back online. If Erendo's action makes this action no longer make sense, I'll try to update and fix it later this weekend if I can get back online.)
Round 1: Uthal
Uthal is a little worried about the "person" Aldrin says that she sees, but he leaves it to the others to figure that out. He focuses on assembling a stretcher for carrying the woman's body -- the weird woman's body. As he finishes, he holds it out in the light and looks at it, pleased with his work. That might be his best bit of fieldcraft ever! He sets it down and then turns to get ready to move the woman's body onto the stretcher when he realizes that she's no longer lying on the ground! She's standing close to Erendo, struggling against the ropes with jerky motions, joints and ligaments popping sickeningly.
Uthal's first feeling is surprise and then guilt that he made a mistake. Was he supposed to be guarding her? But -- no -- who guards a dead body? His second thought is that this spook is now standing right next to Erendo. He reaches out and grabs his maul and then surges to his feet as he gives a tense warning: "Look out." Unless Erendo has already handled the situation, Uthal enters a rage and attacks the "woman." If he can put himself between Erendo and the woman, he does. Otherwise, he'll stand next to Erendo and try to knock the woman back down with his maul.
Movement: Stand up and close to melee range.
Bonus Action: Enter a rage.
Action: Reckless Attack against the woman, Maul: 24 Damage: 14 (bludgeoning) + 5 (radiant) = 19 (total)
Topple: on a hit, the target must make a DC 14 CON saving throw or be knocked prone.
Free Action: equip maul
Attacks rolls against Uthal have advantage until the start of his next turn.
Tessera gulps audibly as she watches the silhouetted figure dissipate into the gloom. "Well, that... that is rather uncanny." She laughs, feeling the hairs on the nape of her neck begin to rise. "And most impolite. If you care to join us for a cup of evening tea... all you need do is ask, stranger."
She calls out into the darkness, her voice both chiding and playful, despite the somewhat unsettled look on her face. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices the unnatural figure animating beside Erendo and Uthal. Her stomach lurches at the gruesome dislocation of ligaments and the popping of bones out of sockets, and she gawps in surprise.
"Everyone... Viessa Crowe!" Tess hollers after Erendo and Uthal burst into action, immediately drawing the light crossbow she keeps secured to her back. She nocks a bolt and fixes her sights on the centre of Viessa's forehead, muttering an incantation. The small glow of a translucent rose magically coils itself around her ammunition as Tess' finger finds the trigger.
Tess' shout draws Aldrin's attention to the 'corpse' she had almost forgotten about and she instinctively stows her bow and draws her rapier, reluctantly closing the distance with Viessa as the ghastly cracking of bones ripping from sockets fills the chill night air. Ugh, she knew she should've stayed in the city...
Action: Move to Viessa, Rapier to hit nat 1 + 6 -.-
Bonus Action: Cunning Action Disengage, move behind Uthal
"Scorching Taint!" Erendo calls out reflexively, shocked and scared and so surprised his danglies are crawling back up into his abdomen... With the words he also haphazardly makes an arcane gesture as he flings up an arm in defense, casting Fire Bolt almost accidentally... (Rolling with disadvantage as Viessa in within melee range...)
Fire Bolt Attack: 16 to hit for 4 fire damage
As the spell is released Erendo loses his footing and falls backwards onto his butt. He immediately starts kicking his legs and pushing backwards with his arm to try and effectively back-crawl away from the woman.
True Strike + Light Crossbow. Damage Type: Radiant.
Attack: 11 Damage: 12
Bonus Action
((In the unlikely event that hit, the damage should be 10. Accidentally typed +5 to damage, when it's supposed to be +3.))
Feng, hearing everyone, drops his torch and grabs a dagger in his left hand. Running over he attacks the undead woman.
“We are dealing with Dark Magic. I don't think keeping the corpse intact is the best idea anymore.”
Round 1:
Move to Vienna
Shortsword: Attack(25) Damage(7)
Using Nik with his Dagger: Attack(25) Damage(4)
Bonus Action:
Unarmed Strike: Attack Nat 1
Donavan, syas "Yes, I agree. This black gem just gives off a foul impression. We are probably dealing with a Necromancer."
With Viessa come back to life he calmly changes subjects and says "Remarkable. She is moving again. Yes. This clearly is the work of a Necromancer. Now to the young, deceased, lady here. We must prevent her from ambulating around. Ropes do not seem to make the cut. Let me try something else. Does someone have Manacles or chain? Otherwise I saw we double tie her as a hog hand-to-foot."
D&D since 1984
Sorry, I was away all weekend and just needed a night to chill. Back to the
murderadventure!Erendo, your firebolt rolls up and across the twisted face of Viessa causing a loud non-human sounding groan to echo across the Whispering Moors. “She” stumbles backwards giving you enough space to scramble away and for Uthal to step in, Uthal’s maul rushes through the air and connects with thunderous smash across the upper torso and neck of Viessa. She crumbles to the ground for the second time at the hands of Uthal and lays there motionless. You’ve all seen Uthal in this manner before (rage) and know that tapping him on the shoulder now isn’t a good idea.
Silence falls upon the moors for a brief second.
A couple of calm moments go by.
Then in the distance of the moors, there are other groans…
The rest of you can stop your actions. She's dead... again.
If you would be standing in the 40’ diameter of Erendo’s light spell -- I’m assuming it is still going. You do not have to make a WIS save, however, anyone that would not be within that 40’ diameter please make a WIS save. Aldrin, regardless of where you are standing, you begin to see a number of small lantern lights pop up over the horizon -- except towards the East (where you shot the arrow with the little glow on it)
I think Aldrin would be in the light since she's right behind Uthal, but WIS save just in case: 14
Aldrin doubles over as she struggles to catch her breath after the shock of the 'battle', short as it was.
"Is she dead for good this time? S-somehow I doubt it..." She murmurs after a few moments, finally gathering the energy to look up from the ground. Her sharp grey eyes widen as she sees not one but many lantern lights--more shadowy watchers?--start to appear on the horizon.
"We...we can't stay here, or anywhere near here," she breathes, turning around aimlessly as she suddenly feels any sense of direction fade. Her gaze is finally drawn to the faint glow of the smoldering arrow. "Light. We need light, fire. And to get away from here. M-maybe we can just take the necklace with us and...Stake her down? For the family to come find later if they care so much."
Uthal extends his range (bonus action). He stands over the body for a moment, holding his maul in both hands, ready to strike again if the body moves.
"Maybe it's one of them not-dead spooks?", Uthal says. Since Aldrin seems to suggest that the body is still not dead, Uthal raises his maul slightly and asks, "Should I hit her again?" He also glances at Erendo for his input. Uthal good at hitting things hard, and that last hit was solid. Then again, his first hit with his war pick seemed like it should have killed the woman, and then she got up again later.
Uthal will continue to extend his rage as long as possible, especially since he's not sure whether Viessa will get back up again, and Aldrin indicated that she saw something on the moor that none of the others could see.
At Aldrin's suggestion that they just stake down the body and leave it, Uthal sounds a little put out: "I made a litter. We can tie the body to it." He's proud of the stretcher he made, and he wants to have a chance to use it.
"C... Can't hurt, sure," Erendo answers Uthal and crab walks further back away from the body, not wanting to be splattered.
Not particularly wanting to pay attention to any potential squishy sounds of further pounding, Erendo looks around to the others. "Surely they'll recognize the clothes and the body... Who really pays attention to faces?" he says, knowing how ridiculous it sounds even as it comes out of his mouth.
(For the record, unless stated otherwise Erendo casts light atop his hood. This maximized the amount of light distribution and minimizes shadows and black spots. He really should pick a better spot in combat as a glowing hood makes a good target, but he's often too surprised to think when violence breaks out...)
Aldrin can sense Uthal's disappointment at potentially not being about to use the litter he built and sighs, giving a reluctant nod. "Hm, fine by me," she states, starting a silent waltz with herself despite her unease, "But you are in charge of knocking her out again if she makes any escape attempts." She points at him dramatically and does a spin, surprised to see Viessa's necklace already in her hand. "Huh...? I...guess I'll carry this."
(Sorry, I updated my post so I wanted to bring it forward)
With Viessa come back to life Donavan calmly changes subjects and says "Remarkable. She is moving again. Yes. This clearly is the work of a Necromancer. Now, what to do about our reanimating young lady here. We must prevent her from ambulating around. Ropes do not seem to make the cut. Let me try something else. Does someone have Manacles or chain? Otherwise I saw we double tie her as a hog; hand-to-foot."
D&D since 1984