Tessera's spell fizzles when she notices the newly reanimated Viessa slump over once more, but her eyes are narrowed. "I don't think we have time to chain her up and bring her with us. Didn't you hear those frightful groans that followed her cry?"
She pauses, and peers into the darkness that is settling on the moors. "There are others out there. Others who will likely be drawn to this spot very, very soon."
Tess immediately begins taking a few steps eastward. "Hurry, to Duskvale!"
"C... Can't hurt, sure," Erendo answers Uthal and crab walks further back away from the body, not wanting to be splattered.
Not particularly wanting to pay attention to any potential squishy sounds of further pounding, Erendo looks around to the others. "Surely they'll recognize the clothes and the body... Who really pays attention to faces?" he says, knowing how ridiculous it sounds even as it comes out of his mouth.
(OOC: Assuming that there's enough time....)
Given the OK by Erendo, Uthal starts to raise his maul, but then he hears what the cleric says about faces. Better not to smash up the woman's face. Uthal stows his maul and picks up his halberd. "Won't have to smash the head if it's not attached," he explains. If the body is still just lying on the ground, he attempts to decapitate it with his halberd.
Action: Attack, Halberd: 20 Damage: 17 (slashing) + 4 (radiant) = 21 (total) Since the body is basically unconscious, I rolled the attack with advantage and rolled for critical hit damage. Bonus Action: Extend rage
Aldrin quickly turns away as Uthal raises his halberd. "How convenient! Good idea, big man."Still, she'd rather not watch or get anything splattered on her fine clothes. Appearances are important...though even to her that is on the low end of their concerns at the moment. She will eagerly follow Tessara's lead.
"I've been focused on... Well, the corpse in front of me," Erendo so in reply to Tessera's paranoia. "But yes, I think we are all in agreement to depart. Now."
That said, Erendo looks around for anything he is forgetting - A watersack set on a rock or any other minor detail before confirming that yes, he is ready and we should leave with all haste!
"I'll take it," Aldrin states as she accepts the lantern from Feng, somewhat comforted by holding the lightsource in addition to her natural darkvision. She can wield her rapier with one hand anyway. "Everyone stay close; it'll be a nightmare--well, more than it already is--if we get separated out here."
Tessera makes a face as Uthal begins beheading the remains of Viessa Crowe. "I must say, if I were the widow of someone who met such a grisly fate, I'd prefer not to have their decollated head swung in my face while I still have my hopes up. Returning an intact corpse one thing, but this... "
She suppresses a little shudder and moves alongside Aldrin and her lantern, gathering pace as her shadow stretches long into the murkiness of the moors.
"If we're exchanging items, kindly pass that black gem over here, if you will. And I know what you're thinking - nooo, not for my jewellery collection!" Tessera scoffs, as if scandalised by the suggestion - a suggestion she herself made.
"But if it really is something a necromancer has utilised to create the Vampyr that was once Viessa, perhaps my gifts with the arcane can plumb its mysteries. Maybe it is something that we must deactivate or destroy in order to deter whatever else is out there."
Tessera extends her open palm while still moving eastward under the swaying light Aldrin holds in her free hand.
(OOC we are going south to Duskvale right? Also I assume Donavan gave the gem back to Feng. If I am wrong let me know.)
Feng walking close to Tessera.
"Tess, even if it was only for your morbid curiosity I would gladly let you have this gem. May it help you understand something more of the workings of this world." Feng hands the gem over to Tessera.
((Whoops! For some reason, I thought Duskvale was to the east. Yes, moving southward to Duskvale.))
"Tonight, I'll just take it saving our bacon. Unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos can wait till tomorrow." Tessera grins grimly before taking the gem off her companion's hands. "Thank you, dear."
As the Changeling woman walks hurriedly beside Aldrin, she inspects the black jewel. Tessera turns it over between her fingers, probing it with her natural affinity for all things magical. She draws mystical sigils in the air, scrutinising this locus for dark magic, hoping to uncover some means of using it to thwart this strange necromancer and his minions.
ArchlandtheAmazing - let us know if we need to slow down the posts in between your updates. If we're in a situation where something is about to happen or where we're in a round-by-round combat, maybe just make it clear in your message that we should only post our PCs' actions for 1 round. I don't want to force you to unwind a bunch of things we're posting if we went too far ahead.
Assuming that Uthal was able to decapitate Viessa's body and that she "stays dead," he'll next cut a section from the bottom of her dress so that he has something to wrap her head in. A sort of bag or sling so that they they don't have to walk into town carrying her severed head openly. (Even Uthal knows that you should not do that!) Then he'll help to cuff the body with the manacles and strap it down tot he stretcher. He wants to be sure that the body doesn't get up again while they walk back to the town. Uthal intends to drag the stretcher behind him, holding the "head" end off the ground by a loop and dragging the "foot" end through the dirt. That way, he can both drag the stretcher in one hand and carry his war pick in the other. He wants to be ready in case they're attacked by more spooks.
While he works, Uthal picks up on the panicky mood from his companions, and it makes him anxious. He continues to extend his rage. He's not currently violent: he's just seething and easily irritated. He accepts assistance in tying the body to the stretcher, but he's mostly silent or just giving single-word responses. He hates this stupid, haunted moor. And spooks that don't stay dead. And dark magic that raises bodies from their graves.
Normally, Uthal would walk near the front of the group. Not scouting ahead, just the first one to walk into an unknown situation. But now that they're headed south, back to Duskvale and safety, he'll presumably be walking near the back of the group. That way, the stretcher won't get in anyone's way.
Aldrin quickly turns away as Uthal raises his halberd. "How convenient! Good idea, big man."
Uthal merely nods. For many years now, people have hired him to do things that they'd rather not do or even see. Just because your boss says, "Rip off his harms," for example, doesn't mean that he wants to see it.
Advocate Erendo gentle interrupts Uthal before he can start ripping at the dead woman's dress. "Please, allow me," Erendo says gently, calmly from a step away. He doesn't want to actually look like he is trying to stop the big man, not while he has this edge about it. He has found a gentle interruption to be much more acceptable...
Assuming Uthal allows, Erendo does what he can to prepare the body, and the head, for travel. This largely consists of wrapping both tightly inside of his blanket and securing it all with rope so that the body is shrouded from sight. Erendo asks Uthal to help with the knots, having noticed they have an affinity for such that Erendo just does not possess. "This way it's all in one tight bundle and nobody has to get too good a look if they do not wish," he explains.
Once the group is underway and moving on, Erendo walks alongside the litter and mutters some prayers. One would presume prayers for the dead and funeral type rites... One wouldn't be precisely wrong but the words are not meant to convey the spirit on to a better place so much as offer up such for consumption in the cleansing fires of Apophis.
A bit later Erendo finds himself in step with Tessera. "Have you found the answers you seek?" he asks, a bit out of the blue.
"Sorry. Sorry," he adds quickly and humbly in fear that he broke her train of thought or disturbed her in some other way. "It's just I couldn't help but noticed you pondering the gem. I thought perhaps, if you wished, I could also take a look..."
((Erendo offers either Help to Tessera so that she has advantage and can roll her Arcana again or to give his own Arcana a try (+8))
Assuming that Uthal was able to decapitate Viessa's body and that she "stays dead," he'll next cut a section from the bottom of her dress so that he has something to wrap her head in. A sort of bag or sling so that they they don't have to walk into town carrying her severed head openly. (Even Uthal knows that you should not do that!) Then he'll help to cuff the body with the manacles and strap it down tot he stretcher. He wants to be sure that the body doesn't get up again while they walk back to the town.
Advocate Erendo gentle interrupts Uthal before he can start ripping at the dead woman's dress. "Please, allow me," Erendo says gently, calmly from a step away. He doesn't want to actually look like he is trying to stop the big man, not while he has this edge about it. He has found a gentle interruption to be much more acceptable...
Assuming Uthal allows, Erendo does what he can to prepare the body, and the head, for travel. This largely consists of wrapping both tightly inside of his blanket and securing it all with rope so that the body is shrouded from sight. Erendo asks Uthal to help with the knots, having noticed they have an affinity for such that Erendo just does not possess. "This way it's all in one tight bundle and nobody has to get too good a look if they do not wish," he explains.
Uthal initially looks annoyed at the interruption, but he accepts Erendo's gentle assistance. Once Erendo starts working, Uthal seems a little relieved at not having to figure it all out himself and ties the knots as requested. Survival (STR): 22 (using STR modifier because of Primal Knowledge)
When they're finished, Uthal nods and says, "Good plan. Thank you, Erendo."
I'm going to be catching up here in a bit here. I apologize, there's been a nasty flu/cold thing flying around the house and the entire family has had it.
There’s no need to discuss the condition of the body, Uthal’s halberd strike hit its mark. The body hasn’t moved since, the only noises now are the shaking of manacle chains as she is dragged over the rough mud of the moors as the party begins to escape the darkness and back towards Duskvale.
Throughout the journey back towards Duskvale there are strange lights towards the East that continue to pop out of nowhere and then disappear just as quickly. While this is strange, there is no reason to stop or follow them. Aldrin, however, does find herself pulled away from the group a couple of times as she sees more than just lights from time to time -- a welcoming campfire here or even a pristine looking cabin that seems, but just as she gets a few steps from the group another of your travelers keeps you on the path or there is a reminder from the flicker of light from the hood of Erendo’s cloak that pulls you back.
Just in the distance the first of a couple of the nightwatch guards can be seen near the outer reaches of the village of Duskvale. From the first time you all arrived at this location you have already met this member of the nightwatch, his name is Arun and he was the one that grabbed the group’s attention about the “wedding night incident” that started this off before. Arun, from a good distance from all of you, gives you a wave to acknowledge that he both sees you and that you have made it safely. As you get closer he gives a signal back towards the other guard of the nightwatch (probably the only two they have) which means you have safe passage.
Though it is the middle of the night, a good four hours before the dawn, there are plenty of freestanding sconces that have been lit and stationed into the ground. These give off a mixture of a flowery scent and something of a spice (RELIGION CHECK) have given a bit of a fog to the evening. There are also a few more wagons that have lined the streets, and an overflow of new people who have taken up in the taverns -- odd to be celebrating at this time of night in a place like this (HISTORY CHECK)
Tessera, you know that black gems like this can be used in ritual for dark and unnatural magic. But there is not more that you can take from the gem without further study and probably while not moving at this speed on foot.
During your travels you would have "prepped" the body as well as you could to present to the family.
There are multiple paths here to take for the party, feel free to "split up" here to cover these things -- I promise not to punish you for splitting the party.
(a) Find the family immediately
(b) Figure out what's with the party
(c) The sconces are something new that was not here the last time you all arrived.
Uthal's rage faded as they marched across the moor and back to town. Now, he's just ready to be done with the job and to get some sleep. He doesn't know anything about the sconces and the parties, but he's happy that there's some activity in the village even though they're arriving in the middle of the night. Maybe they could even get a bite to eat and some strong drink before breakfast time. His stomach makes an audible growl.
Uthal is interested in finding the family immediately. He doesn't want to be be left standing around in the streets of Duskvale and holding the woman's headless body until morning.
But something has been bothering Uthal for the whole walk back to Duskvale. It must be clear to everyone else since he didn't hear anyone talking about it. He finally decides to ask Erendo since the cleric never teases him when he's slow to understand things. "Erendo," he asks, "if the woman was missing since her wedding night, who buried her on the moor? I mean, if someone killed her and her husband, then why leave his body behind and bury hers? Or was she already buried and come back a spook when she got married? Because, if not..." Uthal's voice trails off, and he squeezes his eyes shut as he rubs his bald head with his hand. There are too many possibilities, and it hurts his head to think about them all.
While everyone decides what to do next, Uthal looks around to see whether anyone has noticed the party or is acting strangely. Since Uthal is nearly 8-ft tall, he can easily see over the others.
As the group reaches the outskirts of Duskvale, Aldrin's spirits lift at the sight of flickering sconces and the faint buzz of life. The spicy floral scent in the air mingles with the glow of lanterns, making the village feel almost welcoming after the oppressive darkness of the moors. Her gray eyes scan the streets, catching glimpses of wagons and the lively hum spilling from the taverns. “Finally,” she mutters, a smile breaking through her weariness. “Civilization! Or close enough.”
Her gaze lingers longingly on a bustling tavern as they pass, the light and warmth beckoning to her. "Maybe after we drop off Viessa I can play a few songs, earn us some drinks? Nothing like celebrating a job well done." She is more interested in moving on from the whole ordeal than investigating further, though Uthal's questions make a part of her start to reluctantly wonder. She wants to be there when they deliver the body, if only to try to 'negotiate' a bonus to their reward.
Insight on any people they see in the streets, trying to gather why they are celebrating: 15
Donavan would go with Viessa and return her to her parents.
Uthal is a little confused: "Who hired us? Do we take her body to that family -- the crows? -- or to her parents? Or are they the parents of both the bride and groom?" Something about that doesn't sound right to Uthal, but he trusts that Donovan will understand what he meant to ask. He thinks that they should go first to their employer so that they can get paid for finding the missing woman.
FYI - I'm switching Uthal's spoken text to orange just so that it's more district from Aldrin's.
Tessera's spell fizzles when she notices the newly reanimated Viessa slump over once more, but her eyes are narrowed. "I don't think we have time to chain her up and bring her with us. Didn't you hear those frightful groans that followed her cry?"
She pauses, and peers into the darkness that is settling on the moors. "There are others out there. Others who will likely be drawn to this spot very, very soon."
Tess immediately begins taking a few steps eastward. "Hurry, to Duskvale!"
(OOC: Assuming that there's enough time....)
Given the OK by Erendo, Uthal starts to raise his maul, but then he hears what the cleric says about faces. Better not to smash up the woman's face. Uthal stows his maul and picks up his halberd. "Won't have to smash the head if it's not attached," he explains. If the body is still just lying on the ground, he attempts to decapitate it with his halberd.
Action: Attack, Halberd: 20 Damage: 17 (slashing) + 4 (radiant) = 21 (total)
Since the body is basically unconscious, I rolled the attack with advantage and rolled for critical hit damage.
Bonus Action: Extend rage
Uthal nods: "Yup. I have manacles in my backpack from that old job." He gestures to his backpack, which is on the ground near the stretcher.
Aldrin quickly turns away as Uthal raises his halberd. "How convenient! Good idea, big man." Still, she'd rather not watch or get anything splattered on her fine clothes. Appearances are important...though even to her that is on the low end of their concerns at the moment. She will eagerly follow Tessara's lead.
"I've been focused on... Well, the corpse in front of me," Erendo so in reply to Tessera's paranoia. "But yes, I think we are all in agreement to depart. Now."
That said, Erendo looks around for anything he is forgetting - A watersack set on a rock or any other minor detail before confirming that yes, he is ready and we should leave with all haste!
Feng gets out a Hooded Lantern from his pack.
"Lets get going! Would anyone like to hold my lantern to help us see where we are going?"
Feng will hand his Lantern to anyone that wants it. It is 30 feet of bright light and 30 feet of dim light for 6 hours.
"I'll take it," Aldrin states as she accepts the lantern from Feng, somewhat comforted by holding the lightsource in addition to her natural darkvision. She can wield her rapier with one hand anyway. "Everyone stay close; it'll be a nightmare--well, more than it already is--if we get separated out here."
Tessera makes a face as Uthal begins beheading the remains of Viessa Crowe. "I must say, if I were the widow of someone who met such a grisly fate, I'd prefer not to have their decollated head swung in my face while I still have my hopes up. Returning an intact corpse one thing, but this... "
She suppresses a little shudder and moves alongside Aldrin and her lantern, gathering pace as her shadow stretches long into the murkiness of the moors.
"If we're exchanging items, kindly pass that black gem over here, if you will. And I know what you're thinking - nooo, not for my jewellery collection!" Tessera scoffs, as if scandalised by the suggestion - a suggestion she herself made.
"But if it really is something a necromancer has utilised to create the Vampyr that was once Viessa, perhaps my gifts with the arcane can plumb its mysteries. Maybe it is something that we must deactivate or destroy in order to deter whatever else is out there."
Tessera extends her open palm while still moving eastward under the swaying light Aldrin holds in her free hand.
"We can make her 'presentable when we get to town. For now we need to move." Donavan says as they make their way to town.
D&D since 1984
(OOC we are going south to Duskvale right? Also I assume Donavan gave the gem back to Feng. If I am wrong let me know.)
Feng walking close to Tessera.
"Tess, even if it was only for your morbid curiosity I would gladly let you have this gem. May it help you understand something more of the workings of this world." Feng hands the gem over to Tessera.
((Whoops! For some reason, I thought Duskvale was to the east. Yes, moving southward to Duskvale.))
"Tonight, I'll just take it saving our bacon. Unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos can wait till tomorrow." Tessera grins grimly before taking the gem off her companion's hands. "Thank you, dear."
As the Changeling woman walks hurriedly beside Aldrin, she inspects the black jewel. Tessera turns it over between her fingers, probing it with her natural affinity for all things magical. She draws mystical sigils in the air, scrutinising this locus for dark magic, hoping to uncover some means of using it to thwart this strange necromancer and his minions.
Arcana: 5
ArchlandtheAmazing - let us know if we need to slow down the posts in between your updates. If we're in a situation where something is about to happen or where we're in a round-by-round combat, maybe just make it clear in your message that we should only post our PCs' actions for 1 round. I don't want to force you to unwind a bunch of things we're posting if we went too far ahead.
Assuming that Uthal was able to decapitate Viessa's body and that she "stays dead," he'll next cut a section from the bottom of her dress so that he has something to wrap her head in. A sort of bag or sling so that they they don't have to walk into town carrying her severed head openly. (Even Uthal knows that you should not do that!) Then he'll help to cuff the body with the manacles and strap it down tot he stretcher. He wants to be sure that the body doesn't get up again while they walk back to the town. Uthal intends to drag the stretcher behind him, holding the "head" end off the ground by a loop and dragging the "foot" end through the dirt. That way, he can both drag the stretcher in one hand and carry his war pick in the other. He wants to be ready in case they're attacked by more spooks.
While he works, Uthal picks up on the panicky mood from his companions, and it makes him anxious. He continues to extend his rage. He's not currently violent: he's just seething and easily irritated. He accepts assistance in tying the body to the stretcher, but he's mostly silent or just giving single-word responses. He hates this stupid, haunted moor. And spooks that don't stay dead. And dark magic that raises bodies from their graves.
Normally, Uthal would walk near the front of the group. Not scouting ahead, just the first one to walk into an unknown situation. But now that they're headed south, back to Duskvale and safety, he'll presumably be walking near the back of the group. That way, the stretcher won't get in anyone's way.
Uthal merely nods. For many years now, people have hired him to do things that they'd rather not do or even see. Just because your boss says, "Rip off his harms," for example, doesn't mean that he wants to see it.
Advocate Erendo gentle interrupts Uthal before he can start ripping at the dead woman's dress. "Please, allow me," Erendo says gently, calmly from a step away. He doesn't want to actually look like he is trying to stop the big man, not while he has this edge about it. He has found a gentle interruption to be much more acceptable...
Assuming Uthal allows, Erendo does what he can to prepare the body, and the head, for travel. This largely consists of wrapping both tightly inside of his blanket and securing it all with rope so that the body is shrouded from sight. Erendo asks Uthal to help with the knots, having noticed they have an affinity for such that Erendo just does not possess. "This way it's all in one tight bundle and nobody has to get too good a look if they do not wish," he explains.
Once the group is underway and moving on, Erendo walks alongside the litter and mutters some prayers. One would presume prayers for the dead and funeral type rites... One wouldn't be precisely wrong but the words are not meant to convey the spirit on to a better place so much as offer up such for consumption in the cleansing fires of Apophis.
A bit later Erendo finds himself in step with Tessera. "Have you found the answers you seek?" he asks, a bit out of the blue.
"Sorry. Sorry," he adds quickly and humbly in fear that he broke her train of thought or disturbed her in some other way. "It's just I couldn't help but noticed you pondering the gem. I thought perhaps, if you wished, I could also take a look..."
((Erendo offers either Help to Tessera so that she has advantage and can roll her Arcana again or to give his own Arcana a try (+8))
Yes, Donavan would have given the gem back.
D&D since 1984
Uthal initially looks annoyed at the interruption, but he accepts Erendo's gentle assistance. Once Erendo starts working, Uthal seems a little relieved at not having to figure it all out himself and ties the knots as requested.
Survival (STR): 22 (using STR modifier because of Primal Knowledge)
When they're finished, Uthal nods and says, "Good plan. Thank you, Erendo."
I'm going to be catching up here in a bit here. I apologize, there's been a nasty flu/cold thing flying around the house and the entire family has had it.
Thanks for your patience.
There’s no need to discuss the condition of the body, Uthal’s halberd strike hit its mark. The body hasn’t moved since, the only noises now are the shaking of manacle chains as she is dragged over the rough mud of the moors as the party begins to escape the darkness and back towards Duskvale.
Throughout the journey back towards Duskvale there are strange lights towards the East that continue to pop out of nowhere and then disappear just as quickly. While this is strange, there is no reason to stop or follow them. Aldrin, however, does find herself pulled away from the group a couple of times as she sees more than just lights from time to time -- a welcoming campfire here or even a pristine looking cabin that seems, but just as she gets a few steps from the group another of your travelers keeps you on the path or there is a reminder from the flicker of light from the hood of Erendo’s cloak that pulls you back.
Just in the distance the first of a couple of the nightwatch guards can be seen near the outer reaches of the village of Duskvale. From the first time you all arrived at this location you have already met this member of the nightwatch, his name is Arun and he was the one that grabbed the group’s attention about the “wedding night incident” that started this off before. Arun, from a good distance from all of you, gives you a wave to acknowledge that he both sees you and that you have made it safely. As you get closer he gives a signal back towards the other guard of the nightwatch (probably the only two they have) which means you have safe passage.
Though it is the middle of the night, a good four hours before the dawn, there are plenty of freestanding sconces that have been lit and stationed into the ground. These give off a mixture of a flowery scent and something of a spice (RELIGION CHECK) have given a bit of a fog to the evening. There are also a few more wagons that have lined the streets, and an overflow of new people who have taken up in the taverns -- odd to be celebrating at this time of night in a place like this (HISTORY CHECK)
Tessera, you know that black gems like this can be used in ritual for dark and unnatural magic. But there is not more that you can take from the gem without further study and probably while not moving at this speed on foot.
During your travels you would have "prepped" the body as well as you could to present to the family.
There are multiple paths here to take for the party, feel free to "split up" here to cover these things -- I promise not to punish you for splitting the party.
(a) Find the family immediately
(b) Figure out what's with the party
(c) The sconces are something new that was not here the last time you all arrived.
Uthal's rage faded as they marched across the moor and back to town. Now, he's just ready to be done with the job and to get some sleep. He doesn't know anything about the sconces and the parties, but he's happy that there's some activity in the village even though they're arriving in the middle of the night. Maybe they could even get a bite to eat and some strong drink before breakfast time. His stomach makes an audible growl.
Uthal is interested in finding the family immediately. He doesn't want to be be left standing around in the streets of Duskvale and holding the woman's headless body until morning.
But something has been bothering Uthal for the whole walk back to Duskvale. It must be clear to everyone else since he didn't hear anyone talking about it. He finally decides to ask Erendo since the cleric never teases him when he's slow to understand things. "Erendo," he asks, "if the woman was missing since her wedding night, who buried her on the moor? I mean, if someone killed her and her husband, then why leave his body behind and bury hers? Or was she already buried and come back a spook when she got married? Because, if not..." Uthal's voice trails off, and he squeezes his eyes shut as he rubs his bald head with his hand. There are too many possibilities, and it hurts his head to think about them all.
While everyone decides what to do next, Uthal looks around to see whether anyone has noticed the party or is acting strangely. Since Uthal is nearly 8-ft tall, he can easily see over the others.
Perception: 11
Religion and History respectively: 14, 18
As the group reaches the outskirts of Duskvale, Aldrin's spirits lift at the sight of flickering sconces and the faint buzz of life. The spicy floral scent in the air mingles with the glow of lanterns, making the village feel almost welcoming after the oppressive darkness of the moors. Her gray eyes scan the streets, catching glimpses of wagons and the lively hum spilling from the taverns. “Finally,” she mutters, a smile breaking through her weariness. “Civilization! Or close enough.”
Her gaze lingers longingly on a bustling tavern as they pass, the light and warmth beckoning to her. "Maybe after we drop off Viessa I can play a few songs, earn us some drinks? Nothing like celebrating a job well done." She is more interested in moving on from the whole ordeal than investigating further, though Uthal's questions make a part of her start to reluctantly wonder. She wants to be there when they deliver the body, if only to try to 'negotiate' a bonus to their reward.
Insight on any people they see in the streets, trying to gather why they are celebrating: 15
Donavan would go with Viessa and return her to her parents.
D&D since 1984
Uthal is a little confused: "Who hired us? Do we take her body to that family -- the crows? -- or to her parents? Or are they the parents of both the bride and groom?" Something about that doesn't sound right to Uthal, but he trusts that Donovan will understand what he meant to ask. He thinks that they should go first to their employer so that they can get paid for finding the missing woman.
FYI - I'm switching Uthal's spoken text to orange just so that it's more district from Aldrin's.