It started a couple months ago. Some rumors of people gone missing. Crazed reports of walking boxes in the woods. Obvious nonsense. But then things progressed. More people missing. More strange sightings. And then empty villages. Soon the region was in alarm as forces of mechanical beings scoured the land. Some even reported seeing this missing loved ones among them, now outfitted with clockwork modifications.
Amidst this chaos the town of Chesterfeld has become a beacon for those seeking safety. Though the old fort within has seen far better days work has been done to get it in functional, if roughshod, order. Perhaps your character grew up here or has come seeking safety. Perhaps they're from elsewhere and sought to aid the situation after hearing stories. But now this safehaven is in jeopardy.
A messenger has arrived. Humanoid from a distance but mechanical in nature. Flesh merged with gears and other constructs. A modronized person with a simple message. "We are modron. Resistance is futile."
Looking to recruit 4-5 people for a little adventure. Would be played here on the forums. Intending to have a roughly daily post rate.
Content Notice: This was inspired after seeing the idea of Modrons as Borg came up and I took a liking to it. So some body modifications / horror of that style are to be expected.
Character creation
Ruleset: 5.0 (2014) rules Allowed Sources: Official sources. No homebrew. (legacy A-OK) For races I'm willing to consider 3rd party content. (no guarantees on specific choices; please have a backup option) For spells I'm open to considering 5.5 (2024) spells that don't have a 5.0 counterpart (ex: starry wisp) but ask about them since I don't know them all and how they work. If there's something official that you don't own on DDB I'm okay if you make a homebrew copy of it. Just give a heads up. Also while I don't have content-sharing a DM can edit characters so if you need something from the PHB/DMG/Acquisitions Incorporated I can see about helping you there.
Stat Generation: 4d6 drop lowest; do not reroll ones. If you don't like the rolls feel free to go point-buy / standard array Equipment: starting equipment Bonus Feat: Unless your background already provides a feat, you may choose a free one of your choice. Starting Level: Level 2. Can expect to go up to lv3 within the adventure.
Homebrew Rules
Listing two big things to know here. And then more in the spoilers, mostly relaxations of some rules to make things a little smoother.
Combat will use block initiative. I may also adjust things after seeing the initiative to make nicer blocks. (Example: If two PCs were split in initiative by a single enemy then I might move that enemy up/down in initiative so the PCs can be grouped together.) Goal: I've seen block initiative used to great effect in PBP to help combat remain more fluid.
Short Rests are 5 minutes. Effects/spells still count down as if 1 hour had occurred. Goal: Allows me to have things closer together in the dungeon while still letting the party short-rest without finding a place that's safe for an entire hour. And by keeping spells counting down, keeps 1 hour / 10 minute duration spells that weren't intended to last through a short rest still in their designed time frame.
If your character dual-wields then you can draw/stow both weapons with your item interaction without needing the Dual Wielder feat. Goal: Want to help the dual-wield fantasy.
You can use a bonus action for a second item interaction. Goal: I know I've had cases where a character is juggling some weapons, so figure this adds some versatility.
When hidden, you can step 5ft from beyond your cover and still gain the unseen attacker bonus. Goal: Helps things like rogues hide behind a pillar for sneak attack and not lose that unseen attacker bonus from stepping out from behind the pillar. Also pretty sure this is how most people rule it anyways.
If you have a gish character that wants to sword and board such as an eldritch knight, we can also figure out your spellcasting focus in a way that doesn't require you to drop your sword to grab it. Whether that's an attunement-free Ruby of the Warmage or something similar we can discuss. Goal: The juggling like that feels silly on classes/subclasses intended to be holding weapons with both hands.
Inspiration is a reroll that can be used after seeing the die as opposed to spent for advantage. Goal: I don't give out inspiration a lot. So making it a reroll helps to avoid it get wasted in situations where it wouldn't matter because the non-advantage roll was already good.
A monster with multiattack can substitute one of the multiattacks for a shove/grapple/push/etc. similar to Extra Attack. Goal: RAW is kinda tricky with multiattack's technicalities. This helps give multiattack monsters that utility of shoving/grappling without giving up an entire turn of damage.
Application Format
Character Name: Class (subclass / planned sublcass): Race (subrace): Background: Bonus Feat: Character Sheet: 1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy):
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ability scores: 111113171012
Application Format
Character Name: Brozznan Kane Class (subclass / planned sublcass): Rogue Race (subrace): Half-Orc Background: Criminal/spy Bonus Feat: Observant Character Sheet: 1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy): Brozznan grew up in the city and was a troublemaker in his younger years, landing inside of the local lock-up somewhat regularly. As time drew on, Brozznan began to turn a new leaf, looking for career options that would suit his skill set. That's when he decided that the life of crime could still be used to make money, not by committing crimes, but rather by investigating them.
- Well, I guess the editing post manipulates the dice rolls... It's been a while since I've played here...
1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy): A deranged man so ugly that goblins thought he was one of them when he was a infant, he was eventually arrested due to starting a cult, consisting of 4 other people. When the modrons attacked, his prison and cell were destroyed, and he sort of wandered here.
1-2 sentence backstory: Forced from his orders tower for safety, old man Hamma traveled with many other from the tower seeking refuge. Hamma is old and feels he close to big discoveries so is willing to put his old body on the line remove the dangers and return to work on more important matters.
This looks really interesting! Let's see what scores I get.
Ability scores: 12101215812
Character Name: Callow Sunken-Eyes Class (subclass / planned sublcass): Druid (Circle of Land: Arctic) Race (subrace): Goliath (legacy) Background: Soldier Bonus Feat: Savage Attacker Character Sheet:Callow Sunken-Eyes's Character Sheet - D&D Beyond 1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy): [I completely went overboard on backstory lmao so I'll leave the complete one in the spoiler below but a summary is pretty much: He was dug out of a glacier as last surviving member of an ancient tribe, but then was forced into a cruel labour facility for many years, until he eventually managed to escape through the druid powers he awakened using his totem and sheer determination!]
Callow doesn't remember what his life was like before, but there are a few clues. He was dug out of a glacier by an expedition team exploring a frozen village that had been buried long ago, and it was discovered that he was the lone survivor, somehow kept alive against all odds, but from there things didn't go particularly well. He was bundled off into a remote facility in the tundra, where he worked under an evil organisation who only saw him as free labour for what could have been years. Every day it was a cycle of gruelling training, or smashing ice until his knuckles bled and then more, or being sent out on missions to fight incomprehensible threats far beyond his capabilities, again and again and again.
However, the one glimmer of hope that Callow kept was the totem he had around his neck when he was first found. He was stripped of his furs shortly after arriving in the facility, and was given a drab grey uniform, which he did freely, though when a guard tried to take his totem, he broke his jaw. And the bones of the other 14 armed officers in the room, just for good measure. So, he was allowed to keep it, and after years of suffering and prayers to this shred of his past, it yielded some results. He found that he was slowly able to produce some minor magical effects, and after another torturous few months of anguish, he could even contort his form into that of beasts. Using this, he escaped, and never looked back, following the trail to kinder lands, where he would slowly build a new life for himself (including his brand new name, given to him by a young girl in a tavern, on account of his defining feature, left there by the horrors of his past) He continued to travel and learn, and eventually happened to find himself in Chesterfeld, just in time for this adventure...
Character Name: Boigo Bristletoes Class (subclass / planned sublcass): Paladin (Oathbreaker) Race (subrace): Halfling (Stout) Background: Soldier Bonus Feat: Mageslayer (If modron cast spells, otherwise Warcaster) Character Sheet: 1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy): Boigo was a budding squire to a paladin of the god of Law and Order, but when the modron attacked and the church decided to let the beings take over unopposed, Boigo couldn't stand for it. He renounced his oath, marred his holy emblem, and took up arms against the invasion.
bonus feat:tavern brawler(I dont own any books on beyond so I can't add this to my character sheet)
character sheet: not made yet I will send a link tomorrow
backstory:Andre thinks he is a kind teenager he always tries to help his friends out but he is still a teen he gets violent mood swings that trigger by normal things but as far as he can tell his are worse than other teens in the noble society he grew up in once they get going no one can stop them and he sometimes notices strange things that happen when he is angry like his nails or teeth getting sharper one time even a small tail in an attempt to minimize damage he carries no weapon but his angry state always finds a way to do lots of damage.
It started a couple months ago. Some rumors of people gone missing. Crazed reports of walking boxes in the woods. Obvious nonsense. But then things progressed. More people missing. More strange sightings. And then empty villages. Soon the region was in alarm as forces of mechanical beings scoured the land. Some even reported seeing this missing loved ones among them, now outfitted with clockwork modifications.
Amidst this chaos the town of Chesterfeld has become a beacon for those seeking safety. Though the old fort within has seen far better days work has been done to get it in functional, if roughshod, order. Perhaps your character grew up here or has come seeking safety. Perhaps they're from elsewhere and sought to aid the situation after hearing stories. But now this safehaven is in jeopardy.
A messenger has arrived. Humanoid from a distance but mechanical in nature. Flesh merged with gears and other constructs. A modronized person with a simple message. "We are modron. Resistance is futile."
Looking to recruit 4-5 people for a little adventure. Would be played here on the forums. Intending to have a roughly daily post rate.
Content Notice: This was inspired after seeing the idea of Modrons as Borg came up and I took a liking to it. So some body modifications / horror of that style are to be expected.
Character creation
Ruleset: 5.0 (2014) rules
Allowed Sources: Official sources. No homebrew. (legacy A-OK) For races I'm willing to consider 3rd party content. (no guarantees on specific choices; please have a backup option) For spells I'm open to considering 5.5 (2024) spells that don't have a 5.0 counterpart (ex: starry wisp) but ask about them since I don't know them all and how they work.
If there's something official that you don't own on DDB I'm okay if you make a homebrew copy of it. Just give a heads up. Also while I don't have content-sharing a DM can edit characters so if you need something from the PHB/DMG/Acquisitions Incorporated I can see about helping you there.
Stat Generation: 4d6 drop lowest; do not reroll ones. If you don't like the rolls feel free to go point-buy / standard array
Equipment: starting equipment
Bonus Feat: Unless your background already provides a feat, you may choose a free one of your choice.
Starting Level: Level 2. Can expect to go up to lv3 within the adventure.
Homebrew Rules
Listing two big things to know here. And then more in the spoilers, mostly relaxations of some rules to make things a little smoother.
Combat will use block initiative. I may also adjust things after seeing the initiative to make nicer blocks. (Example: If two PCs were split in initiative by a single enemy then I might move that enemy up/down in initiative so the PCs can be grouped together.)
Goal: I've seen block initiative used to great effect in PBP to help combat remain more fluid.
Short Rests are 5 minutes. Effects/spells still count down as if 1 hour had occurred.
Goal: Allows me to have things closer together in the dungeon while still letting the party short-rest without finding a place that's safe for an entire hour. And by keeping spells counting down, keeps 1 hour / 10 minute duration spells that weren't intended to last through a short rest still in their designed time frame.
If your character dual-wields then you can draw/stow both weapons with your item interaction without needing the Dual Wielder feat.
Goal: Want to help the dual-wield fantasy.
You can use a bonus action for a second item interaction.
Goal: I know I've had cases where a character is juggling some weapons, so figure this adds some versatility.
When hidden, you can step 5ft from beyond your cover and still gain the unseen attacker bonus.
Goal: Helps things like rogues hide behind a pillar for sneak attack and not lose that unseen attacker bonus from stepping out from behind the pillar. Also pretty sure this is how most people rule it anyways.
If you have a gish character that wants to sword and board such as an eldritch knight, we can also figure out your spellcasting focus in a way that doesn't require you to drop your sword to grab it. Whether that's an attunement-free Ruby of the Warmage or something similar we can discuss.
Goal: The juggling like that feels silly on classes/subclasses intended to be holding weapons with both hands.
Inspiration is a reroll that can be used after seeing the die as opposed to spent for advantage.
Goal: I don't give out inspiration a lot. So making it a reroll helps to avoid it get wasted in situations where it wouldn't matter because the non-advantage roll was already good.
A monster with multiattack can substitute one of the multiattacks for a shove/grapple/push/etc. similar to Extra Attack.
Goal: RAW is kinda tricky with multiattack's technicalities. This helps give multiattack monsters that utility of shoving/grappling without giving up an entire turn of damage.
Application Format
Character Name:
Class (subclass / planned sublcass):
Race (subrace):
Bonus Feat:
Character Sheet:
1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy):
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Ability scores: 11 11 13 17 10 12
Application Format
Character Name: Brozznan Kane
Class (subclass / planned sublcass): Rogue
Race (subrace): Half-Orc
Background: Criminal/spy
Bonus Feat: Observant
Character Sheet:
1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy): Brozznan grew up in the city and was a troublemaker in his younger years, landing inside of the local lock-up somewhat regularly. As time drew on, Brozznan began to turn a new leaf, looking for career options that would suit his skill set. That's when he decided that the life of crime could still be used to make money, not by committing crimes, but rather by investigating them.
- Well, I guess the editing post manipulates the dice rolls... It's been a while since I've played here...
PC: Fitzroy Hammerstone - The Mad Empiricist of Corinth
Popular Stream Character Sheets
@Kyleh, please make the sheet public so it can be viewed.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Should be good now
PC: Fitzroy Hammerstone - The Mad Empiricist of Corinth
Popular Stream Character Sheets
Character Name: Stirge Lord
Class (subclass / planned sublcass): cleric, of life.
Race (subrace): human. Not variant
Background: criminal
Bonus Feat: (I assume we get a feat, but I want to verify before I add anything)
Character Sheet:
1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy): A deranged man so ugly that goblins thought he was one of them when he was a infant, he was eventually arrested due to starting a cult, consisting of 4 other people. When the modrons attacked, his prison and cell were destroyed, and he sort of wandered here.
I’m interested. Will work on character
Copying in case these get lost
Character Name: Aronan
Class warlock hexblade
Race (subrace): half elf
Background: urchin
Bonus Feat: elven accuracy
Character Sheet: Wip
1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy): random encounter as a young elf found a dieing genie who granted him powers
Ability scores: 17 8 13 13 12 13
La pire des bénédictions, la plus belle des malédictions ♫
Nessa | Saxa | Auriel | Chase | Shenua | Aisling
Ability scores: 9 12 11 11 8 13
Character Name: Hamma Rhen
Class: Wizard (Order of Scribes)
Race: Human
Background: Sage
Bonus Feat: Spell Sniper
Character Sheet:
1-2 sentence backstory: Forced from his orders tower for safety, old man Hamma traveled with many other from the tower seeking refuge. Hamma is old and feels he close to big discoveries so is willing to put his old body on the line remove the dangers and return to work on more important matters.
Edit: Sorry, I'm not as interested as I thought I was. You can ignore this.
This looks really interesting! Let's see what scores I get.
Ability scores: 12 10 12 15 8 12
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Character Name: Callow Sunken-Eyes
Class (subclass / planned sublcass): Druid (Circle of Land: Arctic)
Race (subrace): Goliath (legacy)
Background: Soldier
Bonus Feat: Savage Attacker
Character Sheet: Callow Sunken-Eyes's Character Sheet - D&D Beyond
1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy): [I completely went overboard on backstory lmao so I'll leave the complete one in the spoiler below but a summary is pretty much: He was dug out of a glacier as last surviving member of an ancient tribe, but then was forced into a cruel labour facility for many years, until he eventually managed to escape through the druid powers he awakened using his totem and sheer determination!]
Callow doesn't remember what his life was like before, but there are a few clues. He was dug out of a glacier by an expedition team exploring a frozen village that had been buried long ago, and it was discovered that he was the lone survivor, somehow kept alive against all odds, but from there things didn't go particularly well. He was bundled off into a remote facility in the tundra, where he worked under an evil organisation who only saw him as free labour for what could have been years. Every day it was a cycle of gruelling training, or smashing ice until his knuckles bled and then more, or being sent out on missions to fight incomprehensible threats far beyond his capabilities, again and again and again.
However, the one glimmer of hope that Callow kept was the totem he had around his neck when he was first found. He was stripped of his furs shortly after arriving in the facility, and was given a drab grey uniform, which he did freely, though when a guard tried to take his totem, he broke his jaw. And the bones of the other 14 armed officers in the room, just for good measure. So, he was allowed to keep it, and after years of suffering and prayers to this shred of his past, it yielded some results. He found that he was slowly able to produce some minor magical effects, and after another torturous few months of anguish, he could even contort his form into that of beasts. Using this, he escaped, and never looked back, following the trail to kinder lands, where he would slowly build a new life for himself (including his brand new name, given to him by a young girl in a tavern, on account of his defining feature, left there by the horrors of his past) He continued to travel and learn, and eventually happened to find himself in Chesterfeld, just in time for this adventure...
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Ability scores: 10 14 11 13 14 12
Yep. Unless your background already gives a feat, you can choose one.
@Fairlthilien, could you please adjust the privacy settings on Tali's sheet to be public? Currently can't view it.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Going with point buy instead
Character Name: Boigo Bristletoes
Class (subclass / planned sublcass): Paladin (Oathbreaker)
Race (subrace): Halfling (Stout)
Background: Soldier
Bonus Feat: Mageslayer (If modron cast spells, otherwise Warcaster)
Character Sheet:
1-2 sentence backstory (no need to be fancy): Boigo was a budding squire to a paladin of the god of Law and Order, but when the modron attacked and the church decided to let the beings take over unopposed, Boigo couldn't stand for it. He renounced his oath, marred his holy emblem, and took up arms against the invasion.
Ok, I chose one.
Character name:Andres brambletopple
class: barbarian(path of the beast)
race: hafling( stout)
background: noble
bonus feat:tavern brawler(I dont own any books on beyond so I can't add this to my character sheet)
character sheet: not made yet I will send a link tomorrow
backstory:Andre thinks he is a kind teenager he always tries to help his friends out but he is still a teen he gets violent mood swings that trigger by normal things but as far as he can tell his are worse than other teens in the noble society he grew up in once they get going no one can stop them and he sometimes notices strange things that happen when he is angry like his nails or teeth getting sharper one time even a small tail in an attempt to minimize damage he carries no weapon but his angry state always finds a way to do lots of damage.
11 14 14 18 16 10