Darkness comes in many forms, and for many reasons.
Your hands tremble as you take hold of the tome. Literally. A power surges through the book, and upon touching it, through you. It is thin and small for a tome. Perfectly sized for a lengthy journey. The binding is metal with two clasps, and the pages some kind of vellum. The metal is old and appears tarnished. It is strangely blue, though it appears black in dim light. There are no symbols, emblems, or writing upon it... until you touch it. Runes of Power alight in faintly glowing white when the book is held in both hands. The inscriptions are in some unknown language across the front and back covers. The powerful energy within the book is unmistakably cold, void... negative. Whenever you grasp it with both hands you hear someone or something using your own whispering voice in your mind promising you power over undeath and access to eternity. You have no confusion what this book is.
The Game
Who you are, where you live, and how you came across the book are all to be written by you. As is your journey into darkness. This is a single player story-driven adventure. Good or evil, well-meaning or dastardly, you find yourself on the path of a Necromancer in a bid to translate the contents of the book. Your Session Zero will help setup your background, goals, and a strong hook as to why your character is willing to pursue unlocking the dark knowledge you have gained.
Play a good person dabbling too close to the edge if you wish. Be the BBEG of the story and try to dominate the world. Do you want your adventure to be written in blood? Plenty of combat encounters it is then. Do you wish to use your wit and charm? Encounters of intrigue await. Is your path written by randomness, luck, and your own grit? Let the dice decide from scene to scene what you will encounter. Want a mix? It is entirely up to you.
It is my wish to run a serious campaign. I'm neither good at or really interested in silly settings and stories. Big thinkers and schemers are equally welcome with hackers and slashers. Just be ready to roleplay a lot. Of course, powerful forces will be arrayed against you. Grow into your power and you will either have to hide from certain nations and Gods, or confront them outright. But that's okay... death is just the beginning, right?
The Setup
This is a sandbox adventure starting at Level 1 and set within the world of Faerun. All races and classes are welcome except for the already undead or those that can never become undead. This is not based on any pre-written materials so maps, references, NPCs, etc., will all be homebrew.
RAW 2014 Rules with some common table rules included. Attributes are to be Standard Array plus four points to be placed any way you choose, barring racial maximums. Leveling will be fast-paced for PbP as I will work very hard to pack as much into a week as I can. Be prepared.
You decide if the game will be on Discord or here on DDB. I personally believe Discord has more to offer in tools, but am happy to offer the game in either platform. Alas, I do not offer video sessions if Discord, or a fixed game-time schedule. We can work out the posting frequency per week after you are selected. I am fine with daily posting but with due consideration for life, work, and holidays.
That said, this adventure has an end date. From the time we start I would like to set a three-month timer on the campaign. Look at it as a marathon to either get to power as fast as possible, or just to survive the enemies you will undoubtedly make! This is a new campaign setup for me, so you will be my test subject. As such, I ask that you give feedback along the way and especially at the end. If all goes well then I will run a new person every three months. If that works great then I'll run two at a time. TBD.
Forget the stats, tell me a story. Who is your character and what would drive them to seek ancient and forbidden dark knowledge? Are you a goodie trying to save - or bring back to life - a loved one? A baddie willing to do anything for power? Just someone seeking immortality who cannot find any other way to do it? Something else entirely?
I am in GMT-6 / CST and it is currently Saturday, January 18, 2025. Barring few replies I will most likely pull recruitment by Monday evening and PM the selectee.
I'm very interested and would be fine with waiting to be the player after your first player, this is right up my alley.
In terms of combat/exploration/roleplay I love roleplaying and developing characters most, with exploration a distant second and combat last.
In terms of platforms I personally prefer Discord.
Would homebrew be allowed? I'm fine if the answer's no but this seems like the perfect opportunity to try out the homebrew Lich Warlock Patron from the Ancient Library of Knowledge 3rd party class.
Here's my character idea:
Geren was yet another disaffected youth who joined a cult. In his case a cult to the death god Myrkul. But he found he had no attachment to the cult's teachings. Geren had no intention of dying if he could help it, so why should he worship a deity who had the inevitability of death as his dogma? So when a group of adventurers attacked the cult Geren chose to flee with whatever he could carry, leaving his fellow cultists behind to fight to the death.
From there Geren drifted from cult to cult, learning their dark secrets but finding no deities he was interested in worshiping. Shar’s fixation on despair and oblivion was at odds with Geren’s hope for a better life, Grazzt was too much of a good thing, Talos’s destructive creed was pointless, and Mammon’s focus on greed bored Geren. Strangely enough it was his time with a group of Ghaunadaur cultists that almost resulted in Geren converting, but nearly getting devoured by an ooze put an end to that.
Eventually Geren's obsession with forbidden lore paid off when he obtained the powers of a Warlock from his latest discovery (either the Fiend Patron if homebrew isn't allowed or The Lich patron (with the tome possibly being the Patron) if it's allowed). Amoral but not malicious, Geren seeks immortality so he can have all eternity to learn all there is to know.
In terms of mechanics Geren would be a Variant Human Warlock (Fiend or Lich Patron) with the Sage or Haunted One Background.
Kaelith Morvael is no stranger to te bitter taste of death, that which leaves a bile taste in ones mouth and somehow that bile finds its way to coat the heart. Kaelith has kissed the ring offered by deaths icy touch to many times and simply wants her.. well in a word... Dead.
Kaelith remembers a time when he stretches the vastness of his mind to his earliest memories as child.. his mother telling him they were to live with elves, want for nothing and have an idellioc life.. for she was the human wife of an elven wizard... and although being a great wizard in her own right - paused so she could raise her son... their only son as it turned out...
The simple an charming life promised, soon gave way to the undercurrnets of bigitroy that rest and find hold in all great societies, for Kaelith had been born of a fatal flaw to some of the elves - he looked more human than elf.. and therefor stood out...everywhere; ad the elven kids were relentless. even when he grew into his more human strengths, the elven biiggots always had the upper hand in both sheer numbers, and well their innate magic- which somehow skilled over the human loooking child.
Once day, like the flipping of a page any happiness that Kaelith found, and sactuary, or slight repreave from the uncaring relentness wave of hatrid that was forced onto him by the unyielding elven children, simply ended.
"kaelith come here" said his father.
"i dont want to", dragging his feet - he entered the ritual room, his mothers form layed covered in hie finest clothes, on top of a pyre.. the Elven clerics, entertained Kaelith's unreleting pleas for awhile and were initially kind (or at least as underanding as they could be - so simply less cold)- twds the end they simply said - "it is the circle of life and death - your mother is old by human years and would even be consired an young adult if an elf... Mother Death simply is calling her home - nothing we can do..."
Kaeliths tear fell onto his mothers body as he dropped the lit torch.. he was too close and the unrushing fire licked at his hair and burned it, an unripe smell entered the air... he turned and left...
His next chapter of solutude was wroght by seer determination to escape his tourmenters... they eventually methodically searched the village for over a year to find him, and they did... in the towns , uncharestically large library... he had dived into reading and learning...however his tourmenters stumbled on his one day and started pelting him with magic - and he sped through the library he came upon a locked section. an aged librarian quickly came over to him and signeled this room was for the more advance readers and he would not be allowed in - relectulantly he started to turn away, and glanced up - quizzically he looked back to the librarian and said words that changed the arc of his life...
"sir, this room is not for advanced readers - the words above the door say "enter yea who whish to learn" and i wish to learn. The libranrian was taken aback, as the words were written in ancient dwarvish and only the very ancient of the villages elders - generally the archmages and equally powerful clerics spend any time learning dwarvish...
"in fact the pharases is .... in its natural dwarvish" the lock on hearing is keyphrase simply unlocked and opened... an invintation that Kaelith gladly took... the door closed behind him and his last image that day was the librarian preventing the children from progressing foward, and the librarian's gaping mouth (possibly with the hint of a smile on it...).
Days, turned to years as Kaelith effectively moved into the special section of the library.. his mothers strong magic, and disdane for manual task - like cooking- had solved the problem with a what she referred to as a cooking stone....simply ask of it a meal- and it provide it..
occasionally other venerable elves would be seen in the hallways of this special room, however they mostly extended the same courtsey to one another - that being avoidance...
about 5-10 years after Kaeliths months passing, a surprise awaited him on awaking - that of his father... sitting and reading an ancient dwarven text...
"your mothers love for learning is what brought us together, we always thought we'd have more time... "
"a life that the mistress of death robed us all of..."
"on the contrary, you make of this world what you can grab and keep...no one made your mom and i archmages.. we by the grit of our own characters forged our path and in a word ...survived... and kept learning and growing in power... I see know why your mom insisted teaching you dwarvish before common or even elvish... she was wise beyond her years..."
"why are you here..."
"to tell you i love you and that i sometimes let my pursuit for magic stand in the way of my more fatherly duties, and to say, that your should stay in here for awhile.. there is a plague in our village... it is wiping though the elves, even the clerics are not able to contain it for long.. it seems as if the whole town is infected.. i tell you this not to draw concern, rather so you can see this as the effort it is- a father trying to protect his son.. stay here...i have teleported to you a magical clock/calendar that will tack the passage of time... wait a year.. in that time we will have survived it. or you will be the heir to an empty village....Kaelith i do love you my son..." For a moment Kaelith felt that long lost feeling of being held in the embrace by someone who loved him...
When a year passed, kaelith stepped into a seeming elven landscape, familiar around the centers, but fuzzy on its edges....the once pristine village was starting to be over grone... Kaelith rand home
most of the memories of that initial first run home are lost... he seems to remember the characters of his fellow tormenters stirring at his passing, slowing rising as if from a slumber... however he was faster... his door protected by powerful magics opened at his vice.. there in he saw a disarray that would make his mother turn over in her grave... his dads body draped over pages scattered over the floor... his staff and sword - items he only used when adventuring... were on the table... picking up papers he read them - words he could read but didnt understand fully were written there.. "contagions, full-elf.. maybe kaelith safe with human blood- village lost'
a stirring in the house broke his attention... turning quickly he smiled his dad was waking up... he ran to him and embraced him with a bear hug almost knocking the two down.. then he felt it... a bite in his shoulder...surprise took over then panic, looking up at his father, he say a scarred face, and an eyeball popped out dangling by the veins.. fortunate for Kaelith was was strong and pushed his former father away.. he froze.. his dad move towards him.. slowly and awkardly as if he had not moved in a while his whole body asleep...
Kaelith grabbed the sword and staff defensively and kept screaming 'dad its me. its Kaelith'- however the glacially slow persuit was unyeilding...
when an outstretch arm tried to attack... he slashed at it.. a smile formed across his face as he heard his mother's voice "one must always be prepared to defined oneself.. you will learn to." and he connected with the arm and sliced it mostly though.. the father stumbled backwards
and he ran upstairs as the zombie blocked the door and he could see others moving twds the house... upstairs he ran up to his parents study... and he shut the door...and barred it with a book case... and he cried. pounding on the door woke him... he needed a way out or he would ide here...
he looked around to this semi familiar setting - his mom would bring him up occasionally to study dwarvish literature.. however there was no way out.. he screamed...
he screamed "mom i need a way out of here... or i will die". It was moments before he was aware of the glow in the room, he cautiously opened up his eyes hands instinctively grabed tight the staff and sword he now held in each hand... the staff's gem was glowing.... filling the room with light and a spectral form appeared - and took the form of his mother.. " Kaelith, look at me, i barely have the strength to talk... listen carefully.. say these words an you will find a room... take everything and follow it to its end...and with that she vanished..."
the banging at the door increased, he struggled to remember the words recently spoken.. he did... and a doorway opened up on the wall- he did as instructed.. grabbed everything and ran back to the only safety he had know. back to the library..
time moved like the pages being blown by the wind.. his magical calendar showed months passing into years, decades, and even centuries gathered momentum and simply raced by.. he did learn that he had inherited elven longevity from his father...when he looked into the single mirror in his new home he saw the shell of the man he was.. he had pased his time reading every book in this vast collection, and even the more secret collections behind this - self taught himself infernal, abbismal, and other languages.. he was able to read anything in the library- but hadnt seen a single person - living that is- in several centeries... his time spent wandering the vast hallways of secret knowledge hidden away by the towns elders.
the calendar showed the passing of a day into the next- a glimmer of a memory appeared that of his mother. it was the anniversary of her death He had tried the staff multiple times- only rarely did she appear- saying her magic was diminishing and should only be used for life and death situations- there was that word again Death... "i will kill death" he vowed.
it was then his attention refocus on the bundles taken from his parents house forgotten till now... he reached into one bag and pulled out a bundle wapped in black cloth... unwrapping...Your hands tremble as you take hold of the tome. Literally. A power surges through the book, and upon touching it, through you. It is thin and small for a tome. Perfectly sized for a lengthy journey. The binding is metal with two clasps, and the pages some kind of vellum. The metal is old and appears tarnished. It is strangely blue, though it appears black in dim light. There are no symbols, emblems, or writing upon it... until you touch it. Runes of Power alight in faintly glowing white when the book is held in both hands. The inscriptions are in some unknown language across the front and back covers. The powerful energy within the book is unmistakably cold, void... negative. Whenever you grasp it with both hands you hear someone or something using your own whispering voice in your mind promising you power over undeath and access to eternity. You have no confusion what this book is.
he reaches for a dagger and drops of blood disappear into the pages, causing words to appear....
would prefer to play on discord - moves faster...
Kaelith Morvael - half elf warlock - patron the undying
Thank you to everyone who submitted posts here or directly via PM. I'll reach out to the chosen applicant tonight. If this turns out to be a solid PbP format / campaign setup then I will be right back here again in three months time. See you then!
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Darkness comes in many forms, and for many reasons.
Your hands tremble as you take hold of the tome. Literally. A power surges through the book, and upon touching it, through you. It is thin and small for a tome. Perfectly sized for a lengthy journey. The binding is metal with two clasps, and the pages some kind of vellum. The metal is old and appears tarnished. It is strangely blue, though it appears black in dim light. There are no symbols, emblems, or writing upon it... until you touch it. Runes of Power alight in faintly glowing white when the book is held in both hands. The inscriptions are in some unknown language across the front and back covers. The powerful energy within the book is unmistakably cold, void... negative. Whenever you grasp it with both hands you hear someone or something using your own whispering voice in your mind promising you power over undeath and access to eternity. You have no confusion what this book is.
The Game
Who you are, where you live, and how you came across the book are all to be written by you. As is your journey into darkness. This is a single player story-driven adventure. Good or evil, well-meaning or dastardly, you find yourself on the path of a Necromancer in a bid to translate the contents of the book. Your Session Zero will help setup your background, goals, and a strong hook as to why your character is willing to pursue unlocking the dark knowledge you have gained.
Play a good person dabbling too close to the edge if you wish. Be the BBEG of the story and try to dominate the world. Do you want your adventure to be written in blood? Plenty of combat encounters it is then. Do you wish to use your wit and charm? Encounters of intrigue await. Is your path written by randomness, luck, and your own grit? Let the dice decide from scene to scene what you will encounter. Want a mix? It is entirely up to you.
It is my wish to run a serious campaign. I'm neither good at or really interested in silly settings and stories. Big thinkers and schemers are equally welcome with hackers and slashers. Just be ready to roleplay a lot. Of course, powerful forces will be arrayed against you. Grow into your power and you will either have to hide from certain nations and Gods, or confront them outright. But that's okay... death is just the beginning, right?
The Setup
This is a sandbox adventure starting at Level 1 and set within the world of Faerun. All races and classes are welcome except for the already undead or those that can never become undead. This is not based on any pre-written materials so maps, references, NPCs, etc., will all be homebrew.
RAW 2014 Rules with some common table rules included. Attributes are to be Standard Array plus four points to be placed any way you choose, barring racial maximums. Leveling will be fast-paced for PbP as I will work very hard to pack as much into a week as I can. Be prepared.
You decide if the game will be on Discord or here on DDB. I personally believe Discord has more to offer in tools, but am happy to offer the game in either platform. Alas, I do not offer video sessions if Discord, or a fixed game-time schedule. We can work out the posting frequency per week after you are selected. I am fine with daily posting but with due consideration for life, work, and holidays.
That said, this adventure has an end date. From the time we start I would like to set a three-month timer on the campaign. Look at it as a marathon to either get to power as fast as possible, or just to survive the enemies you will undoubtedly make! This is a new campaign setup for me, so you will be my test subject. As such, I ask that you give feedback along the way and especially at the end. If all goes well then I will run a new person every three months. If that works great then I'll run two at a time. TBD.
Forget the stats, tell me a story. Who is your character and what would drive them to seek ancient and forbidden dark knowledge? Are you a goodie trying to save - or bring back to life - a loved one? A baddie willing to do anything for power? Just someone seeking immortality who cannot find any other way to do it? Something else entirely?
I am in GMT-6 / CST and it is currently Saturday, January 18, 2025. Barring few replies I will most likely pull recruitment by Monday evening and PM the selectee.
I'm very interested and would be fine with waiting to be the player after your first player, this is right up my alley.
In terms of combat/exploration/roleplay I love roleplaying and developing characters most, with exploration a distant second and combat last.
In terms of platforms I personally prefer Discord.
Would homebrew be allowed? I'm fine if the answer's no but this seems like the perfect opportunity to try out the homebrew Lich Warlock Patron from the Ancient Library of Knowledge 3rd party class.
Here's my character idea:
Geren was yet another disaffected youth who joined a cult. In his case a cult to the death god Myrkul. But he found he had no attachment to the cult's teachings. Geren had no intention of dying if he could help it, so why should he worship a deity who had the inevitability of death as his dogma? So when a group of adventurers attacked the cult Geren chose to flee with whatever he could carry, leaving his fellow cultists behind to fight to the death.
From there Geren drifted from cult to cult, learning their dark secrets but finding no deities he was interested in worshiping. Shar’s fixation on despair and oblivion was at odds with Geren’s hope for a better life, Grazzt was too much of a good thing, Talos’s destructive creed was pointless, and Mammon’s focus on greed bored Geren. Strangely enough it was his time with a group of Ghaunadaur cultists that almost resulted in Geren converting, but nearly getting devoured by an ooze put an end to that.
Eventually Geren's obsession with forbidden lore paid off when he obtained the powers of a Warlock from his latest discovery (either the Fiend Patron if homebrew isn't allowed or The Lich patron (with the tome possibly being the Patron) if it's allowed). Amoral but not malicious, Geren seeks immortality so he can have all eternity to learn all there is to know.
In terms of mechanics Geren would be a Variant Human Warlock (Fiend or Lich Patron) with the Sage or Haunted One Background.
I hadn't read up on that before and am happy to take a look at it.
Short answer to homebrew, sure, if balanced.
Interesting idea.
Kaelith Morvael is no stranger to te bitter taste of death, that which leaves a bile taste in ones mouth and somehow that bile finds its way to coat the heart. Kaelith has kissed the ring offered by deaths icy touch to many times and simply wants her.. well in a word... Dead.
Kaelith remembers a time when he stretches the vastness of his mind to his earliest memories as child.. his mother telling him they were to live with elves, want for nothing and have an idellioc life.. for she was the human wife of an elven wizard... and although being a great wizard in her own right - paused so she could raise her son... their only son as it turned out...
The simple an charming life promised, soon gave way to the undercurrnets of bigitroy that rest and find hold in all great societies, for Kaelith had been born of a fatal flaw to some of the elves - he looked more human than elf.. and therefor stood out...everywhere; ad the elven kids were relentless. even when he grew into his more human strengths, the elven biiggots always had the upper hand in both sheer numbers, and well their innate magic- which somehow skilled over the human loooking child.
Once day, like the flipping of a page any happiness that Kaelith found, and sactuary, or slight repreave from the uncaring relentness wave of hatrid that was forced onto him by the unyielding elven children, simply ended.
"kaelith come here" said his father.
"i dont want to", dragging his feet - he entered the ritual room, his mothers form layed covered in hie finest clothes, on top of a pyre.. the Elven clerics, entertained Kaelith's unreleting pleas for awhile and were initially kind (or at least as underanding as they could be - so simply less cold)- twds the end they simply said - "it is the circle of life and death - your mother is old by human years and would even be consired an young adult if an elf... Mother Death simply is calling her home - nothing we can do..."
Kaeliths tear fell onto his mothers body as he dropped the lit torch.. he was too close and the unrushing fire licked at his hair and burned it, an unripe smell entered the air... he turned and left...
His next chapter of solutude was wroght by seer determination to escape his tourmenters... they eventually methodically searched the village for over a year to find him, and they did... in the towns , uncharestically large library... he had dived into reading and learning...however his tourmenters stumbled on his one day and started pelting him with magic - and he sped through the library he came upon a locked section. an aged librarian quickly came over to him and signeled this room was for the more advance readers and he would not be allowed in - relectulantly he started to turn away, and glanced up - quizzically he looked back to the librarian and said words that changed the arc of his life...
"sir, this room is not for advanced readers - the words above the door say "enter yea who whish to learn" and i wish to learn. The libranrian was taken aback, as the words were written in ancient dwarvish and only the very ancient of the villages elders - generally the archmages and equally powerful clerics spend any time learning dwarvish...
"in fact the pharases is .... in its natural dwarvish" the lock on hearing is keyphrase simply unlocked and opened... an invintation that Kaelith gladly took... the door closed behind him and his last image that day was the librarian preventing the children from progressing foward, and the librarian's gaping mouth (possibly with the hint of a smile on it...).
Days, turned to years as Kaelith effectively moved into the special section of the library.. his mothers strong magic, and disdane for manual task - like cooking- had solved the problem with a what she referred to as a cooking stone....simply ask of it a meal- and it provide it..
occasionally other venerable elves would be seen in the hallways of this special room, however they mostly extended the same courtsey to one another - that being avoidance...
about 5-10 years after Kaeliths months passing, a surprise awaited him on awaking - that of his father... sitting and reading an ancient dwarven text...
"your mothers love for learning is what brought us together, we always thought we'd have more time... "
"a life that the mistress of death robed us all of..."
"on the contrary, you make of this world what you can grab and keep...no one made your mom and i archmages.. we by the grit of our own characters forged our path and in a word ...survived... and kept learning and growing in power... I see know why your mom insisted teaching you dwarvish before common or even elvish... she was wise beyond her years..."
"why are you here..."
"to tell you i love you and that i sometimes let my pursuit for magic stand in the way of my more fatherly duties, and to say, that your should stay in here for awhile.. there is a plague in our village... it is wiping though the elves, even the clerics are not able to contain it for long.. it seems as if the whole town is infected.. i tell you this not to draw concern, rather so you can see this as the effort it is- a father trying to protect his son.. stay here...i have teleported to you a magical clock/calendar that will tack the passage of time... wait a year.. in that time we will have survived it. or you will be the heir to an empty village....Kaelith i do love you my son..." For a moment Kaelith felt that long lost feeling of being held in the embrace by someone who loved him...
When a year passed, kaelith stepped into a seeming elven landscape, familiar around the centers, but fuzzy on its edges....the once pristine village was starting to be over grone... Kaelith rand home
most of the memories of that initial first run home are lost... he seems to remember the characters of his fellow tormenters stirring at his passing, slowing rising as if from a slumber... however he was faster... his door protected by powerful magics opened at his vice.. there in he saw a disarray that would make his mother turn over in her grave... his dads body draped over pages scattered over the floor... his staff and sword - items he only used when adventuring... were on the table... picking up papers he read them - words he could read but didnt understand fully were written there.. "contagions, full-elf.. maybe kaelith safe with human blood- village lost'
a stirring in the house broke his attention... turning quickly he smiled his dad was waking up... he ran to him and embraced him with a bear hug almost knocking the two down.. then he felt it... a bite in his shoulder...surprise took over then panic, looking up at his father, he say a scarred face, and an eyeball popped out dangling by the veins.. fortunate for Kaelith was was strong and pushed his former father away.. he froze.. his dad move towards him.. slowly and awkardly as if he had not moved in a while his whole body asleep...
Kaelith grabbed the sword and staff defensively and kept screaming 'dad its me. its Kaelith'- however the glacially slow persuit was unyeilding...
when an outstretch arm tried to attack... he slashed at it.. a smile formed across his face as he heard his mother's voice "one must always be prepared to defined oneself.. you will learn to." and he connected with the arm and sliced it mostly though.. the father stumbled backwards
and he ran upstairs as the zombie blocked the door and he could see others moving twds the house... upstairs he ran up to his parents study... and he shut the door...and barred it with a book case... and he cried. pounding on the door woke him... he needed a way out or he would ide here...
he looked around to this semi familiar setting - his mom would bring him up occasionally to study dwarvish literature.. however there was no way out.. he screamed...
he screamed "mom i need a way out of here... or i will die". It was moments before he was aware of the glow in the room, he cautiously opened up his eyes hands instinctively grabed tight the staff and sword he now held in each hand... the staff's gem was glowing.... filling the room with light and a spectral form appeared - and took the form of his mother.. " Kaelith, look at me, i barely have the strength to talk... listen carefully.. say these words an you will find a room... take everything and follow it to its end...and with that she vanished..."
the banging at the door increased, he struggled to remember the words recently spoken.. he did... and a doorway opened up on the wall- he did as instructed.. grabbed everything and ran back to the only safety he had know. back to the library..
time moved like the pages being blown by the wind.. his magical calendar showed months passing into years, decades, and even centuries gathered momentum and simply raced by.. he did learn that he had inherited elven longevity from his father...when he looked into the single mirror in his new home he saw the shell of the man he was.. he had pased his time reading every book in this vast collection, and even the more secret collections behind this - self taught himself infernal, abbismal, and other languages.. he was able to read anything in the library- but hadnt seen a single person - living that is- in several centeries... his time spent wandering the vast hallways of secret knowledge hidden away by the towns elders.
the calendar showed the passing of a day into the next- a glimmer of a memory appeared that of his mother. it was the anniversary of her death He had tried the staff multiple times- only rarely did she appear- saying her magic was diminishing and should only be used for life and death situations- there was that word again Death... "i will kill death" he vowed.
it was then his attention refocus on the bundles taken from his parents house forgotten till now... he reached into one bag and pulled out a bundle wapped in black cloth... unwrapping...Your hands tremble as you take hold of the tome. Literally. A power surges through the book, and upon touching it, through you. It is thin and small for a tome. Perfectly sized for a lengthy journey. The binding is metal with two clasps, and the pages some kind of vellum. The metal is old and appears tarnished. It is strangely blue, though it appears black in dim light. There are no symbols, emblems, or writing upon it... until you touch it. Runes of Power alight in faintly glowing white when the book is held in both hands. The inscriptions are in some unknown language across the front and back covers. The powerful energy within the book is unmistakably cold, void... negative. Whenever you grasp it with both hands you hear someone or something using your own whispering voice in your mind promising you power over undeath and access to eternity. You have no confusion what this book is.
he reaches for a dagger and drops of blood disappear into the pages, causing words to appear....
would prefer to play on discord - moves faster...
Kaelith Morvael - half elf warlock - patron the undying
home brew ok. just would need to understand it...
Thank you to everyone who submitted posts here or directly via PM. I'll reach out to the chosen applicant tonight. If this turns out to be a solid PbP format / campaign setup then I will be right back here again in three months time. See you then!