We are Hiring! Join the acclaimed Acquisitions Incorporated Today! We are looking for individuals that seek the unknown, willing to venture where none have, or even get back their money. (I am talking about you James, an electrum is still an electrum) Experience needed? No! We just need your enthusiasm, your devotion, or need for a steady pay per month. Any that seek to apply, should head for the our newest branch opening at Waterdeep, the city of Splendors! Join today, and become the Hero, be the Legend, or get that pay you deserve. Acquisitions Incorporated is not responsible for any injuries, deaths, or missing people. Any claims to such is simple slander and mere speculation. Any evidence must be confirmed by victim and perpetrator before a court, otherwise evidence is simple conjecture without a solid basis.
(This is a recruitment thread for the Acq Inc campaign. Beginning with the adventures set by the original sourcebook and even leading to running their own franchise. The following shall be the 'resume' form to submit to apply)
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please):
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated:
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?:
(For more info, all races shall be accepted with the exception of homebrew, needs review to permit. All players will start at 1st level. As with the new PHB, you may choose a feat of your choosing unless choosing a background from the new PHB(2024). Stats shall be rolled via post with reroll 1s once. Stats may be rerolled again on a new post but shall null and void the previous stats post, meaning you shall be left with newest post as the only option. Please ignore the struck portion of the 'resume'.) Answering the question shall get you 10 gold, you know, a real currency.
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): A former soldier, Grigor has finished an enlistment he thought would give him purpose, but found he questioned orders a little too much to fit in as well as he'd hoped. No he's looking for an opportunity to use his skills to improve his life rather than increase someone else's wealth and holdings.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: The group was recommended by an army buddy as steady work that was less immediately deadly than war.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Is this a trick question? Reads like a trick question. Look man, I just want a job. I pick things up and put them down and I'm a pretty good in a fight. If I'm still alive in 10 years... I don't know, maybe get some piercings or something.
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation? I've got skills, and as long as you don't ask too many questions about how I get things done, I won't ask too many questions about why you're asking me to do it.Uhh.. Electrum is just an alloy of gold and silver and sometimes other metals. I mean, it's no more or less valuable than the base metals and fills a need for some communities for factions of a gold piece. But uhhh. I don't expect to ever need to deal in anything smaller than platinum.. Is that what you're looking for?
If interested in Grigor, I can get you a full char sheet pretty quickly. :)
Class: Paladin 2024 (Samaurai, dual wielding shortsword/ninjato and scimitar/katana)
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): Childhood was not fun, mean drunk father (I have sworn off alcohol) who taught me the ways of the sword. I rebelled and got into the seedier parts of the city and was running with the wrong crowd. Using my wits more than my sword until my father caught me in a scheme trying to rip off some nobles kids for a lot of coin as he was the head of the City Guard. That day I had a choice to either face up to what I had done and likely lose my head or enter into the brotherhood. I chose the ******* brotherhood as it was better than possible death. The brotherhood taught me additional skills and has sent me on a quest to find a great artifact, they said i will know when I find it. Could be I was hired out by another player characters parents to protect them and am being paid under the table but it must be kept a secret. Payment can be gold or it could be the missing information about the artifact.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: Gain power and knowledge to defeat my father, I mean find out info about the artifact that I need for the brotherhood
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Wherever the gods lead me as at this point in time I have no clue.
Why should we let you join our corporation?: Dedication and reliability, please let me know if you have any questions.
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory: Blessed (or cursed) from a young age with overwhelming ambition Endel was not content to repair books like his parents. But he saw few ways of attaining his desires, instead spending his time reading the tomes as he fixed them. But when a holy book of a certain (not exactly welcome in polite society) deity was brought in for repairs Endel saw his chance. A few prayers, a trip to the graveyard to repurpose some bones nobody would miss (it's not like he stole a skull!), and Endel was the newest Cleric of a god that he's not going to tell you about. Proprietary information, he hopes you understand.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: Money, power, and did I mention money and power? Plus the contacts and resources to get even more money and power!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Sitting on a throne while holding a glass of extremely expensive wine in one hand and a huge bag of gold in the other while a servant holds up a book in front of him. Or maybe the servant is holding the gold and Endel's holding the book, he's not quite sure yet.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else, have I got a Cleric for you! With most Clerics all they can offer is healing. The few who can actually smite their enemies tend to be cackling maniacs intent on bringing about eternal darkness while sacrificing anyone within reach to their vile deities. Endel keeps you on your feet, puts your enemies in an early grave, and all he's asking for is a piece of the action! Terms and conditions may apply.
As for electrum, cash is cash. If somebody's willing to accept electrum Endel will be happy to exchange it for goods or services. And if it does end up being worthless as coinage it can be melted down into jewelry and sold!
Oh yes I have really wanted to play an acq inc, but never found anyone willing or capable.
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please):
Tilvus was never really accepted by the majority of the world. A tabaxi with bursting fascination and curiosity, and little regard for personal safety, he was... fun to be around, charming, but not someone you might consider a "frienc". Though Tilvus was born and raised in a city hateful of magic, he viewed magic as a curiosity, something interesting to learn about or study, not a danger to society. He would constantly be asking questions, and constantly investigate anything that seemed remotely magical. Charismatic, charming, and fun to be around, he inspired a large following. Upon sighting anything that appeared remotely magical, he would ask questions in awe and lead his friends on "investigations" regarding the magic. Naturally, this did not go over well with the Sentinels. Tilvus' parents were blamed for numerous infractions, after some of his "friends" had reported him to the city guards for his. One day, on a shopping trip, his parents simply disappeared. Tilvus cried for long hours, awaiting the return of his parents... but they never came back. Tilvus also began noticing armored guards, attempting to remain unnoticed, stalking him wherever he went.
Thus began a new chapter in his life. With nobody to hold the property that Tilvus once called home, the land was retaken by the city and given to another. He had to rely on the kindness of others to survive. On the streets, Tilvus learned quickly. The criminal activities Tilvus came naturally to him, as a quick and charming tabaxi. He had to do anything he could to live. stealing, swindling--even killing, at times. He survived as such for many long years, barely scraping by, keeping his curiosity in check--he had no wish to end up the same way as his parents. However, soon, his curious nature got the better of him, as one day, a stone monolith rose up in front of him. He knew that he shouldn't; he knew that he might get caught... but he gave in. He pulled his long hood over his head, and slid towards the monolith like a dark shadow in the middle of the night.
The stone structure was half buried within the ground, and runes coated individual stones. Tilvus was curious, but not stupid, deciding that although it would be really interesting to touch one, that probably wasn't the greatest idea. As Tilvus approached, a hidden door silently slid open, revealing an interior under the surface. TIlvus crept through the structure, fascinated by everything he saw. Once graceful and sweeping arches, destroyed, ruined, vandalized. Once intricate carvings, faded away with time. Shards of pottery, glass, and... something else... lay upon the floor, evidently shattered. Eventually in his wandering, Tilvus came across a door marked with a strange symbol that he did not know (nat 1 arcana check lol). It seemed like an eye, but distorted in a strange fashion. The door was locked, but that was no problem. Tilvus whipped out his "tools" and began working. The lock was extremely difficult to open; that was probably something magical, but eventually, Tilvus cracked the lock. As he opened the door, he was completely awed by what he saw.
A vast hall, much larger than it appeared would be possible given the surface above him, stood before him (pocket dimension i guess). The destruction and wreckage of the outer part of the ruins did not spread to this part of the structure, it seemed, as it was in perfect and pristine condition. Along the sides of the hall, were gems of pure white, illuminating the hall, clasped upon stands of pure gold. Tilvus gasped in shock as the perfection of this place washed over him, and started walking towards a stone, almost as if he were in a trance (hint hint he was). He gazed at the gem for a moment, reached out his hands, and picked it up. Immediately, his mind seared with pain. So... much... pain. Everything hurt, the world was pain, he knew nothing else. And yet he remained conscious. Fighting a mental battle with whatever was within, he exerted himself like he had never before. Eventually, just as he was beginning to flag, the attack subsided, and Tilvus collapsed.
Tilvus woke to the sound of cries of pain and explosions. For a moment, he forgot who he was, where he was, and what had happened. As he opened his eyes, he remembered, but something was off. As he got up and pulled his cowl over his head, three armed guards burst into the hall, and cowered in fear at the sight before them. In hindsight, Tilvus decided, it probably did seem frightening to them. A figure cloaked in black, a dagger at his side, standing within a vast hall filled with what they hated most: magic. In the moment, however, he had no time to think such thoughts. The Sentinels closed in, as more entered the hall. They moved to encircle him, to trap him... but something seemed off. All of the guards had a strange sheen around them, a red aura that surrounded the group. However, Tilvus could not ponder such thoughts. He bolted for the door, only for a guard to slam it shut before Tilvus could escape. Tilvus pushed and pushed against the door, as the guards aimed their crossbows carefully, desperately trying to open the door. White-blue light crept over his body, and threw the door open. Surprised, Tilvus looked for the source of this light, and found... it was him.
Thus, Tilvus slipped away and hid within the big city. In a day, this strange magic-user, cloaked in black, was wanted throughout the city--indeed, the entire region--but he existed no longer. Now, there was only a tabaxi, with a mind that he himself could barely begin to understand. Tilvus spend the next few months the way he normally would. Swindling, stealing, the usual--but he found that the usual thrill of a successful swindle, or the satisfaction of a flawless pickpocket, was gone. He would spend long hours pondering his mind and the events within the structure, and eventually pieced together what had happened. And so, he continued his life, saving up gold, though he did not know why exactly. Eventually, he decided that he would discover the truth. Still curious, even now, he decided to pack his bags and leave. He purchased some clothes and leather armor for the journey, in addition to some useful equipment he would use, and set out to learn everything and anything he could.
So Tilvus was a tabaxi who grew up in a city hateful of magic. He was very charming, charismatic, and always wondering about one thing or another. He didn't view danger as something to steer clear from, but rather an experience, and a thrilling one at that. Thus, despite being told that magic was dangerous and caused the fall of many a civilization, and the death of many a person, he merely found it a curiosity to study and observe. The city guards eventually heard of this and after some careful observation, decided that his parents were to blame. Mysteriously afterwards, said parents disappeared. Tilvus had no idea why or how, and spent a long time crying. The city eventually came to take over the property once held by his parents, and Tilvus was cast out upon the streets.
There he learned how to pickpocket, how to hide, how to lie, and even how to kill people. He toughened up, learned the ways of the streets, but never lost his core qualities. In fact, he used them to further his survival. Tilvus gets quite a bit of money and a pretty comfortable living, though inconsistent, and everything seems fine. Except one day, in his wanderings, a big rock rises in front of him. He approaches it before the guards of the city can lock down the area, and a hidden door opens, and he enters. It's totally ruined. Eventually he finds a locked door and picks the lock (says something about his skill, considering the lock was in fact magical), and enters the room behind it. There he touches a giant white gem, there's a big flash of light, and he falls unconcious.
When he wakes up, guards are entering the room, and he has his newfound soulknife powers--though he does not yet know how to harness them. He escapes the room (using the ability that lets you add the psionic die to your ability check) and figure himself out. To be clear, his soulknife stuff is dormant, and the stuff in the big rock was just a fluke. It's probably going to surge through his body and mind when he reaches level three, giving him a huge headache and eventually leaving him with psionic powers. Anyways he decides that he needs to go do something significant, and acq inc is the first step to that, as he wants money.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: money money money
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Not sure; I'm still finding that out. Maybe 6 feet under, depending.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: I'm not just your run of the mill rogue, or assassin--though I am good at both of those. I can lie and cheat effortlessly, and also i have magic powers. I think? I'm not sure. Probably. Maybe not.
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): After being exiled from the clan, Fitzroy took to the streets of a nearby city to find solace in the bottom of a mug. Looking back, I guess an alcoholic artificer wasn't what the clan needed in the depths of his former home, Mount Sungard. They also didn't seem too keen on the multiple accidental fires and such alchemical mishaps. But now, a flyer on the wall with the AI insignia draws him in. Maybe I can buy his way back in.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: trying to buy myself back into the good graces of the clan.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: 10 years? Not sure I'll make it 10 more years. I suppose still fighting my own demons and the demons in the Underdark. Money is always easy to come by in dangerous situations.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: You need dwarves like me. Sure, I have problems, but who doesn't? I've never backed down from a fight, I mean maybe a few times, but I'm loyal to friends and coworkers.
Hey all sorry for the long wait. I'm one of the players for the current game and just apologizing for the long wait. We started the Game just before Christmas so there was a delay getting everyone back together after the holidays. We lost a couple players and other things came up, but hopefully our DM will contact you soon if yu are still interested in playing.
If this is still recruiting I’d be happy to put my hat in The ring!
Ability scores: 131518121116
Ill prolly have a character cooked up by tonight!
Ok, here we go! BTW, I'd be happy to adjust class and build based on what the party needs so that way I don't step on anyone's toes. I'll provide a few possible options for classes in my app!
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): "It was a dark and stormy night. I was running from the dark lord of my ancestral homeland, who wished to use me in a plot to destroy the world!!!! Ha, just kidding! You should've seen the looks on your faces!! Haha, priceless. Oh. You want to know my actual backstory? Uhh..."
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: "Fame? Hells yes! Fortune? Hells yes! New friends? Hells yes! The benefits are endless!!!"
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: "Ah, I don't know. Probably the leader of a legendary adventuring company, with a cool secret base, ancient magic artifacts, and tons of paparazzi! Oh yeah, don't forget the hot girl or boyfriend and adorable baby monster pet! You know, nothing too grand."
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: "Yes. Of course. You would deny someone giving you money just because of the form of money they use? I thought this was a legitimate operation here! Haha, I'm just messing with you. Oh, you want me to answer the 'real' question? Sure. Uhhh...I guess because I'm powerful, smart, charismatic, and I can make you guys lots of money!"\
Hope you like it (and that I'm not too late)!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
Name: "Gerald Butler." Race: "... You're looking at me. It should be obvious I'm an elf." Class: "Doesn't the giant Sacred Flame insignia on the shield clue you in? I'm a paladin." Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): "Uhhh, My family was killed by a zombie. I've sworn myself against all evil." Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: "I think it's cool. And I haven't fought anything in a while." Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: 'I'm gonna be honest. Dead. Died trying to bite off more than I could chew with a monster." Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: "Money is Money. I'll just exchange it for gold. Oh and uh, you need help killing monsters. I'm good at that. I did it professionally for a while."
Thank you all for the submissions, I shall be closing the recruitment by tomorrow and will message the selected. Thank you all for showing interest in the recruitment and I wish you all the best of luck in your games.
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please):
Daryl is a down on his luck wannabee adventurer who is quickly getting too old for that line of work. After being mugged by maurading band of halflings, Daryl decided enough was enough and he was finally going to make something of himself. So he dusted his rags off and walked into the first door he saw. Being immediately kicked out, he walked into the second door he saw where this application was placed into his hands.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated:
"I don't give a rat's ass whether I live or die, I just want to see the world and eventually, beat those halflings up that stole my sweetroll!"
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
"Most likely dead, but if not... working this job until I do die."
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?:
"You shouldn't, but if you do you won't regret it!" after a short pause, "What's eletum?"
(This is a recruitment thread for the Acq Inc campaign. Beginning with the adventures set by the original sourcebook and even leading to running their own franchise. The following shall be the 'resume' form to submit to apply)
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?:(For more info, all races shall be accepted with the exception of homebrew, needs review to permit. All players will start at 1st level. As with the new PHB, you may choose a feat of your choosing unless choosing a background from the new PHB(2024). Stats shall be rolled via post with reroll 1s once. Stats may be rerolled again on a new post but shall null and void the previous stats post, meaning you shall be left with newest post as the only option. Please ignore the struck portion of the 'resume'.)
Answering the question shall get you 10 gold, you know, a real currency.(This thread is to replace MIA players.)
Maybe. Don’t have 2024 books. Can we use 2014?
Ability scores: 14 16 12 13 11 12
Ability scores: 15 12 15 13 8 17
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation? I've got skills, and as long as you don't ask too many questions about how I get things done, I won't ask too many questions about why you're asking me to do it. Uhh.. Electrum is just an alloy of gold and silver and sometimes other metals. I mean, it's no more or less valuable than the base metals and fills a need for some communities for factions of a gold piece. But uhhh. I don't expect to ever need to deal in anything smaller than platinum.. Is that what you're looking for?If interested in Grigor, I can get you a full char sheet pretty quickly. :)
14 10 17 15 16 7
12, 15, 14, 11, 13, 16
Can I use the stats and application from when I applied to this when you first posted it?
If so here are the stats: https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/play-by-post/210624-acquisitions-incorporated-want-you?page=2#c40
And here's the application:
Name: Endel Zera Monet
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Cleric (Death Domain)
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory: Blessed (or cursed) from a young age with overwhelming ambition Endel was not content to repair books like his parents. But he saw few ways of attaining his desires, instead spending his time reading the tomes as he fixed them. But when a holy book of a certain (not exactly welcome in polite society) deity was brought in for repairs Endel saw his chance. A few prayers, a trip to the graveyard to repurpose some bones nobody would miss (it's not like he stole a skull!), and Endel was the newest Cleric of a god that he's not going to tell you about. Proprietary information, he hopes you understand.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: Money, power, and did I mention money and power? Plus the contacts and resources to get even more money and power!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Sitting on a throne while holding a glass of extremely expensive wine in one hand and a huge bag of gold in the other while a servant holds up a book in front of him. Or maybe the servant is holding the gold and Endel's holding the book, he's not quite sure yet.
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else, have I got a Cleric for you! With most Clerics all they can offer is healing. The few who can actually smite their enemies tend to be cackling maniacs intent on bringing about eternal darkness while sacrificing anyone within reach to their vile deities. Endel keeps you on your feet, puts your enemies in an early grave, and all he's asking for is a piece of the action! Terms and conditions may apply.As for electrum, cash is cash. If somebody's willing to accept electrum Endel will be happy to exchange it for goods or services. And if it does end up being worthless as coinage it can be melted down into jewelry and sold!
Oh yes I have really wanted to play an acq inc, but never found anyone willing or capable.
Tilvus was never really accepted by the majority of the world. A tabaxi with bursting fascination and curiosity, and little regard for personal safety, he was... fun to be around, charming, but not someone you might consider a "frienc". Though Tilvus was born and raised in a city hateful of magic, he viewed magic as a curiosity, something interesting to learn about or study, not a danger to society. He would constantly be asking questions, and constantly investigate anything that seemed remotely magical. Charismatic, charming, and fun to be around, he inspired a large following. Upon sighting anything that appeared remotely magical, he would ask questions in awe and lead his friends on "investigations" regarding the magic. Naturally, this did not go over well with the Sentinels. Tilvus' parents were blamed for numerous infractions, after some of his "friends" had reported him to the city guards for his. One day, on a shopping trip, his parents simply disappeared. Tilvus cried for long hours, awaiting the return of his parents... but they never came back. Tilvus also began noticing armored guards, attempting to remain unnoticed, stalking him wherever he went.
Thus began a new chapter in his life. With nobody to hold the property that Tilvus once called home, the land was retaken by the city and given to another. He had to rely on the kindness of others to survive. On the streets, Tilvus learned quickly. The criminal activities Tilvus came naturally to him, as a quick and charming tabaxi. He had to do anything he could to live. stealing, swindling--even killing, at times. He survived as such for many long years, barely scraping by, keeping his curiosity in check--he had no wish to end up the same way as his parents. However, soon, his curious nature got the better of him, as one day, a stone monolith rose up in front of him. He knew that he shouldn't; he knew that he might get caught... but he gave in. He pulled his long hood over his head, and slid towards the monolith like a dark shadow in the middle of the night.
The stone structure was half buried within the ground, and runes coated individual stones. Tilvus was curious, but not stupid, deciding that although it would be really interesting to touch one, that probably wasn't the greatest idea. As Tilvus approached, a hidden door silently slid open, revealing an interior under the surface. TIlvus crept through the structure, fascinated by everything he saw. Once graceful and sweeping arches, destroyed, ruined, vandalized. Once intricate carvings, faded away with time. Shards of pottery, glass, and... something else... lay upon the floor, evidently shattered. Eventually in his wandering, Tilvus came across a door marked with a strange symbol that he did not know (nat 1 arcana check lol). It seemed like an eye, but distorted in a strange fashion. The door was locked, but that was no problem. Tilvus whipped out his "tools" and began working. The lock was extremely difficult to open; that was probably something magical, but eventually, Tilvus cracked the lock. As he opened the door, he was completely awed by what he saw.
A vast hall, much larger than it appeared would be possible given the surface above him, stood before him (pocket dimension i guess). The destruction and wreckage of the outer part of the ruins did not spread to this part of the structure, it seemed, as it was in perfect and pristine condition. Along the sides of the hall, were gems of pure white, illuminating the hall, clasped upon stands of pure gold. Tilvus gasped in shock as the perfection of this place washed over him, and started walking towards a stone, almost as if he were in a trance (hint hint he was). He gazed at the gem for a moment, reached out his hands, and picked it up. Immediately, his mind seared with pain. So... much... pain. Everything hurt, the world was pain, he knew nothing else. And yet he remained conscious. Fighting a mental battle with whatever was within, he exerted himself like he had never before. Eventually, just as he was beginning to flag, the attack subsided, and Tilvus collapsed.
Tilvus woke to the sound of cries of pain and explosions. For a moment, he forgot who he was, where he was, and what had happened. As he opened his eyes, he remembered, but something was off. As he got up and pulled his cowl over his head, three armed guards burst into the hall, and cowered in fear at the sight before them. In hindsight, Tilvus decided, it probably did seem frightening to them. A figure cloaked in black, a dagger at his side, standing within a vast hall filled with what they hated most: magic. In the moment, however, he had no time to think such thoughts. The Sentinels closed in, as more entered the hall. They moved to encircle him, to trap him... but something seemed off. All of the guards had a strange sheen around them, a red aura that surrounded the group. However, Tilvus could not ponder such thoughts. He bolted for the door, only for a guard to slam it shut before Tilvus could escape. Tilvus pushed and pushed against the door, as the guards aimed their crossbows carefully, desperately trying to open the door. White-blue light crept over his body, and threw the door open. Surprised, Tilvus looked for the source of this light, and found... it was him.
Thus, Tilvus slipped away and hid within the big city. In a day, this strange magic-user, cloaked in black, was wanted throughout the city--indeed, the entire region--but he existed no longer. Now, there was only a tabaxi, with a mind that he himself could barely begin to understand. Tilvus spend the next few months the way he normally would. Swindling, stealing, the usual--but he found that the usual thrill of a successful swindle, or the satisfaction of a flawless pickpocket, was gone. He would spend long hours pondering his mind and the events within the structure, and eventually pieced together what had happened. And so, he continued his life, saving up gold, though he did not know why exactly. Eventually, he decided that he would discover the truth. Still curious, even now, he decided to pack his bags and leave. He purchased some clothes and leather armor for the journey, in addition to some useful equipment he would use, and set out to learn everything and anything he could.
So Tilvus was a tabaxi who grew up in a city hateful of magic. He was very charming, charismatic, and always wondering about one thing or another. He didn't view danger as something to steer clear from, but rather an experience, and a thrilling one at that. Thus, despite being told that magic was dangerous and caused the fall of many a civilization, and the death of many a person, he merely found it a curiosity to study and observe. The city guards eventually heard of this and after some careful observation, decided that his parents were to blame. Mysteriously afterwards, said parents disappeared. Tilvus had no idea why or how, and spent a long time crying. The city eventually came to take over the property once held by his parents, and Tilvus was cast out upon the streets.
There he learned how to pickpocket, how to hide, how to lie, and even how to kill people. He toughened up, learned the ways of the streets, but never lost his core qualities. In fact, he used them to further his survival. Tilvus gets quite a bit of money and a pretty comfortable living, though inconsistent, and everything seems fine. Except one day, in his wanderings, a big rock rises in front of him. He approaches it before the guards of the city can lock down the area, and a hidden door opens, and he enters. It's totally ruined. Eventually he finds a locked door and picks the lock (says something about his skill, considering the lock was in fact magical), and enters the room behind it. There he touches a giant white gem, there's a big flash of light, and he falls unconcious.
When he wakes up, guards are entering the room, and he has his newfound soulknife powers--though he does not yet know how to harness them. He escapes the room (using the ability that lets you add the psionic die to your ability check) and figure himself out. To be clear, his soulknife stuff is dormant, and the stuff in the big rock was just a fluke. It's probably going to surge through his body and mind when he reaches level three, giving him a huge headache and eventually leaving him with psionic powers. Anyways he decides that he needs to go do something significant, and acq inc is the first step to that, as he wants money.
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: I'm not just your run of the mill rogue, or assassin--though I am good at both of those. I can lie and cheat effortlessly, and also i have magic powers. I think? I'm not sure. Probably. Maybe not.Please sign here. And don't read the fine print.
Ok, now this is what I’ve been waiting for years to get back to and even with a DM I used to play a few games with.
Ability scores: 14 12 14 15 12 16
PC: Fitzroy Hammerstone - The Mad Empiricist of Corinth
Popular Stream Character Sheets
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: You need dwarves like me. Sure, I have problems, but who doesn't? I've never backed down from a fight, I mean maybe a few times, but I'm loyal to friends and coworkers.PC: Fitzroy Hammerstone - The Mad Empiricist of Corinth
Popular Stream Character Sheets
Hey all sorry for the long wait. I'm one of the players for the current game and just apologizing for the long wait. We started the Game just before Christmas so there was a delay getting everyone back together after the holidays. We lost a couple players and other things came up, but hopefully our DM will contact you soon if yu are still interested in playing.
(SIgurd in game)
Cats go Moo!
If this is still recruiting I’d be happy to put my hat in The ring!
Ability scores: 13 15 18 12 11 16
Ill prolly have a character cooked up by tonight!
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
Ok, here we go! BTW, I'd be happy to adjust class and build based on what the party needs so that way I don't step on anyone's toes. I'll provide a few possible options for classes in my app!
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: "Yes. Of course. You would deny someone giving you money just because of the form of money they use? I thought this was a legitimate operation here! Haha, I'm just messing with you. Oh, you want me to answer the 'real' question? Sure. Uhhh...I guess because I'm powerful, smart, charismatic, and I can make you guys lots of money!"\Hope you like it (and that I'm not too late)!
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
Name: "Gerald Butler."
Race: "... You're looking at me. It should be obvious I'm an elf."
Class: "Doesn't the giant Sacred Flame insignia on the shield clue you in? I'm a paladin."
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): "Uhhh, My family was killed by a zombie. I've sworn myself against all evil."
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: "I think it's cool. And I haven't fought anything in a while."
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: 'I'm gonna be honest. Dead. Died trying to bite off more than I could chew with a monster."
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: "Money is Money. I'll just exchange it for gold. Oh and uh, you need help killing monsters. I'm good at that. I did it professionally for a while."[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
Ability scores: 10 14 12 12 11 10
I'll work on it tomorrow.
Ability scores: 14 14 14 14 12 16
Guess that's slightly important
[A paper drops out of a flash of light and drifts to the ground at your feet] -(extended sig)-
Thank you all for the submissions, I shall be closing the recruitment by tomorrow and will message the selected. Thank you all for showing interest in the recruitment and I wish you all the best of luck in your games.
Ability scores: 12 13 10 9 14 12
DM for Tyranny of Dragons and Phandelver and Below, two in-person campaigns that meet weekly on Friday and Saturday nights.
Daryl is a down on his luck wannabee adventurer who is quickly getting too old for that line of work. After being mugged by maurading band of halflings, Daryl decided enough was enough and he was finally going to make something of himself. So he dusted his rags off and walked into the first door he saw. Being immediately kicked out, he walked into the second door he saw where this application was placed into his hands.
"I don't give a rat's ass whether I live or die, I just want to see the world and eventually, beat those halflings up that stole my sweetroll!"
"Most likely dead, but if not... working this job until I do die."
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?:"You shouldn't, but if you do you won't regret it!" after a short pause, "What's eletum?"
DM for Tyranny of Dragons and Phandelver and Below, two in-person campaigns that meet weekly on Friday and Saturday nights.