First let me be upfront, I have not been successful at running a consistent pbp campaign. However I would like to try again with something more manageable. I will offering to GM Frozen Sick, then see where it goes from there. This is 1st level adventure, with idea of continuing on with series of episode type adventures, that have overall story.
Crunch portion
2024 rule or 2014 rule your choice, also expanded rules.
Gunslinger and Blood Hunter are available.
Races of Exandria available to use. Such as Aerion Automiton, Hollow One, Etc.
Use either point buy or roll for stats.
Start with one green item, and starting equipment.
1. Where are you from in Exandria? Asarius, Xhorhas
2. What is your greatest strength as a person? Versatility and Ingenuity
3. How do you know each other? This part I'd rather discuss once the players have assembled
4. Do you want Pateron a person who can provide things etc? Not particularly
5. Do you believe in the Prime gods? No, the Luxon
6. What is your one flaw/weakness? Insubordination/lack of respect for authority
7. What kind adventure do you as player want to experience? I'd like to explore the setting a bit, see what it's like to play in a world with established lore
1. Where are you from in Exandria? Born a Ravenite in Draconia Krystal headed north looking for better prospects and fell in with a splinter Cult of the Crawling King....learning the truth and breaking away she fled north once more securing passage towards Eiselcross her ship foundered and she would have died but....something..... saved her. She is still unsure what...
2. What is your greatest strength as a person? Krystal knows she can be weak and easily led.......knowing this now about herself lets her act against her instincts when she knows they will lead her astray...
3. How do you know each other? Happenstance or perhaps they met previously down south.
4. Do you want Pateron a person who can provide things etc? Not necessary.
5. Do you believe in the Prime gods? Of course.....also the Betrayers unfortunately......
6. What is your one flaw/weakness? Easily led down the easiest path.....but she's working on it......
7. What kind adventure do you as player want to experience? Mix of investigation and social interaction with dash or two of Combat and Survival.....
Bidet Fellow Critters,
First let me be upfront, I have not been successful at running a consistent pbp campaign. However I would like to try again with something more manageable. I will offering to GM Frozen Sick, then see where it goes from there. This is 1st level adventure, with idea of continuing on with series of episode type adventures, that have overall story.
Crunch portion
Are you ok playing the Illrigger class?
Ability scores: 16 16 11 12 16 18
As long as you don’t play it evil. Sure it’s first time I have heard of it.
Ability scores: 12 14 10 16 16 12
With those stats I'd be remiss if I didn't play a monk.
I'll have a character drafted hopefully later today
Ability scores: 11 15 10 8 12 12
Ability scores: 17 15 18 15 17 15
Well, that works!
Questions for characters.
1. Where are you from in Exandria?
2. What is your greatest strength as a person?
3. How do you know each other?
4. Do you want Pateron a person who can provide things etc?
5. Do you believe in the Prime gods?
6. What is your one flaw/weakness?
7. What kind adventure do you as player want to experience?
1. Where are you from in Exandria? Asarius, Xhorhas
2. What is your greatest strength as a person? Versatility and Ingenuity
3. How do you know each other? This part I'd rather discuss once the players have assembled
4. Do you want Pateron a person who can provide things etc? Not particularly
5. Do you believe in the Prime gods? No, the Luxon
6. What is your one flaw/weakness? Insubordination/lack of respect for authority
7. What kind adventure do you as player want to experience? I'd like to explore the setting a bit, see what it's like to play in a world with established lore
If there is still space or one more:
Rolling for stats: Ability scores: 12 12 14 17 13 8
Gods damn that's good
Ability scores: 14 10 12 13 10 17
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Crosses fingers! Assuming no rerolling 1s.
Ability scores: 11 12 16 12 14 12
DM mostly, Player occasionally | Session 0 form | He/Him/They/Them
Doctor/Published Scholar/Science and Healthcare Advocate/Critter/Trekkie/Gandalf with a Glock
Try DDB free: Free Rules (2024), premade PCs, adventures, one shots, encounters, SC, homebrew, more
Answers: physical books, purchases, and subbing.
Check out my life-changing
Looks like you have enough folks already but happy to jump in if someone drops out.
Ability scores: 9 11 15 18 13 6
1. Where are you from in Exandria? Born a Ravenite in Draconia Krystal headed north looking for better prospects and fell in with a splinter Cult of the Crawling King....learning the truth and breaking away she fled north once more securing passage towards Eiselcross her ship foundered and she would have died but....something..... saved her. She is still unsure what...
2. What is your greatest strength as a person? Krystal knows she can be weak and easily led.......knowing this now about herself lets her act against her instincts when she knows they will lead her astray...
3. How do you know each other? Happenstance or perhaps they met previously down south.
4. Do you want Pateron a person who can provide things etc? Not necessary.
5. Do you believe in the Prime gods? Of course.....also the Betrayers unfortunately......
6. What is your one flaw/weakness? Easily led down the easiest path.....but she's working on it......
7. What kind adventure do you as player want to experience? Mix of investigation and social interaction with dash or two of Combat and Survival.....
Character Sheet
DM mostly, Player occasionally | Session 0 form | He/Him/They/Them
Doctor/Published Scholar/Science and Healthcare Advocate/Critter/Trekkie/Gandalf with a Glock
Try DDB free: Free Rules (2024), premade PCs, adventures, one shots, encounters, SC, homebrew, more
Answers: physical books, purchases, and subbing.
Check out my life-changing
1. Where are you from in Exandria? Feolinn, producer of the finest wines in all the land.
2. What is your greatest strength as a person? A kind heart and an open mind.
3. How do you know each other? We met while somebody held my shell back as I continually lost my lunch overboard on the ship.
4. Do you want Pateron a person who can provide things etc? If they are a worthy being, and I can support their ideals, then yes.
5. Do you believe in the Prime gods? Of course! They are the ones what brought the world to being.
6. What is your one flaw/weakness? I am a bit gullible. Not well versed with the wild beyond.
7. What kind adventure do you as player want to experience? Some flash, some dash, and sprinkle of wow.
Dantos Sondru
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Ability scores: 14 11 16 15 14 12
Rolling then will answer questions. Would enjoy a CR world adventure immensely.
Ability scores: 15 12 12 14 12 14