Issen looks concerned. "I'm afraid that is not something the Home Office will approve Whistler. The storeroom is available space for all to use. You may set up shop there, but we cannot allow you to sleep in the same place as dangerous chemicals. Too much liability. Also, everyone's rooms must be the same size. Perhaps when the opportunity to expand the building comes along we can budget private work space, but right now we can't do that.
As for what you can brew, roleplay what you are trying or thinking of and I'll let you know. But think potions, anything liquid like flask of oil or acid, etc but not posions. You can use your 150 gp for anything that has a price in the PHB. Anything else you will need to shop for.
Tibi fills out his beneficiary form naming Jaylen Greybender - Priest of Tymora - with a last know address of All Faith's Shrine - Secomber as his benficiary. He then turns to Gil and says "have you worked out what we need to take yet. I've got an empty cart and a draft horse ready to pull it and time is awasting."
As Issen walks around the headquarters he calls out to you
"Still here fluttering about? Are you not settled in your rooms? The client is waiting and it is a 3 day ride to his domain. Time is money people." he says in his cheerful manner.
Gil would have finished his forms, requesting a chest to be delivered before filling out his beneficiary paper work and signing his name. He would also finish by pulling out some wax and using his signet ring to place a wax symbol next to his signature on each of the forms. Once done he would look to Tibi. "Get the horse and cart! Let's go!" He would say excitedly as he adjusts the straps on the bags hanging form his sides and grabs hold of his staff. "Let's load up with enough food and drink from the kitchen to cover us for a least a week. That way we only need to dip into our rations if absolutly necessary... And remember... I need to be aware of any and all treasure and payments we receive so I can log it with the head office. I plan to use the chest to store our loot for that very purpose once it arrives! Gil would say excitedly as he rushes to the kitchen and request the cart be filled with meals. Returning quickly to the others, he would make his way into the cart. Once joined by the others he would open his backpacks and begin showing them many of his useful items. "So I kept a bunch of equipment from my old shop... I uhh.. well.. Had to shut it down but I am sure that this business veture will go better!" He would say excitedly "Look.. I have crowbar, and a sledge hammer, magnafying glass, and scales, and a grappling hook... which works great with this rope.. feel how soft this rope is. Yup, it is real silk!.. and this lock.. you never know when you might need a lock.. and an abacus!"
Gil would quickly put the items back in his backpacks but would hold the lock in his hands for a while. "This lock belonged to my parents. They gave it to me to keep my money and treasure safe" He would say with a small smile as the iron lock in his hands turned to glimmering silver. "It worked great too until someone picked it and took all my savings... after that I couldn't pay my bills and had to sell off everything I owned just to avoid ending up in jail...." A heavy frown would fall across his face for a moment. After a couple seconds he would quickly shake his head back an forth, smacking himself in the face with his ears. "But it is still a good lock!" He would say before stuffing it back in his bag. The silver shine fading as it returned to iron.
In response to being told no, Whistler would just shrug. His experience with Aquisition Incorporated meant he was expecting this answer, but there was no harm in trying. Other than that he is ready to go and indicates so to the group.
Issen gathers your requisition forms. "I'll make sure everything is here when you get back from the mission."
Out in the courtyard you find Brace waiting with a horse and cart. A bag with a weeks food for each of you is in the cart.
"Yes sirs, I've got it all here for you. Good luck to ya!" He says as he fusses with the bridle of the horse. "Ya know, I'm going to be a franchisee one day myself! Issen says if I work hard I can climb the company ladder and one day be like one of you."
You head out of the city and make your way east along the Trade Way. As you get further from the city you see there are fewer people on roads. The road slowly bends northward and you find the fork that leads straight east again. A sign points east "Hull". You know that to be the name of the village where Sir Tristan has his domain. The Trade Way continues northward, the road you follow east has no name. Now you find yourselves alone on the road and have not seen anyone the second day.
You find safe places to camp each night and find the weather warm and pleasant.
Whistler spends some time each night foraging for any plants and flowers he could use with his alchemy set. His ambition to brew potions evident
Whistler, give me 2 nature rolls
On the third day you see hills rise in the distance to the north. As they grow larger you find farmland and pass an occasional farmhouse until you enter a small village with a stone keep. A crossroads is in the center of the small village. A sign points west that says Baldur's Gate, another east that says Elturel and another north that says Soubar.
Tired and weary from the road it is late afternoon as you find yourselves in the village of Hull. You passed a blacksmith shop (1) and saw a general store (2) to the north. Up ahead you see an inn (5) and north of that a stone keep (8). Small cottages and homes line the streets. Villagers are out, sometimes in small groups. Some alone. A lone farmer pushes an empty cart west out of the village along the road as you enter. A few stalls surround the crossroads and appear to be a farmer's marketplace selling fresh foods. Most are closing down for the day and only a few people remain.
Startled the man cowers in front of you and he points to the NE where you see a 3 story stone keep. "There, there!" is all he can say as he grabs his cart and pushes away from you faster.
“Why thank you good sir” Tibi says as he flips him a silver piece. “This is for your troubles!” Tibi then turns to the party and says “Tally-ho gents, we need to head off that way” pointing to the keep as he launches into the air.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"I am sure some day you will own your own franchise" Gil would say with a smile as the cart departs. After a few days go by and they arrive into town, Gilbert will watch and wave to the farmer pushing his cart. As the Farmer answers Tibi and quickly runs away, the Verdan would shout after him "Thank you for your help friend! Aquisitions Inc. Is in town! Tell your friends!!" Gil would grin widly as his ears sway back and forth as the cart moves through town. "Do you think we should approach the keep now? Or find a place to rest for the night and check out the keep in the morning? He would ask aloud looking to Whistler and Darvin before scanning the skys for Tibi. Upon spotting him he would summon his familiar and send the misty bat up into the air to get his attention and bring him back to the cart to discuss their next move.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Tibi lands next to the cart and after Gil updates him on the question says “well let’s see what Tymora has to say about that!” as he pulls out his coin. “If Tymora favours us visiting the keep tonight she will indicate it by showing her face” as he flips the coin in the air (1-2 = Tymora / 3-4 = AI logo){2} “well gents looks like we’re visiting the keep tonight” as he takes off and flys towards the keep.
You pull your cart up to the front gates of the castle keep. You see that it is made of stone and three story's in height. A porticullis gate with 2 guards armed with spears stand at the entrance.
As you approach one of them steps forward and calls out to you.
"Sir Tristan is not taking visitors at this time. Return tomorrow to seek the counsel of the lord."
"Welp... I guess that answers that.. I guess maybe the coin was mistaken?" Gil would ask questioningly to Tibi. Then looking to the guards, Gilbert would stand up in the cart and shout to the guards. "We are with Aquisitions Inc... we were hired by Sir Tristan to take care of a dangerous threat to his realm.... Are you sure he would not want to speak with us immediately?" The Verdan would say with both hands holding the small staff in front of him as though he were a tripod, his aqua colored skin shining as the setting sun reflects off of his bald head.
"Well, yes, we have orders to allow you in to see the lord of the keep. He has been expecting you. I thought you were villagers, what with that rickety cart and all, that were here to try and see him."
He then turns and calls up.
"Raise the gates!"
A moment later the entry is open and you enter a small courtyard. Another guard comes forward. The first informs him of who you are. "Take them to see Sir Tristan immediately." The gate then drops behind you.
The new guard escorts you into the keep and announces you to Sir Tristan.
The man you see is in his 40's, his dark hair beginning to go gray.
"At last! Acquisitions Incorporated, I am very glad you are here, I'll get right to the point. Lately a monster called a thessalhydra appears out of nowhere and attacks local farms, homes in the village, and even my castle. All of my soldiers together could barely fight it off. After each attack, the thessalhydra disappears into the woods to the north and leaves no trail. I can’t send my guards after the monster. They must protect the castle and village. I have hired you to hunt down and kill the thessalhydra, then return with its heads. I want them stuffed and mounted over my throne. Besides the payment already given I offer you 100 gp as a bonus to each of you upon successful completion of the mission and the heads of this beast brought to me."
Whistler listens quietly to the mission. When the man is down speaking he thinks for a moment before turning to the others and nodding in agreement/acceptance of the mission.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Wow, that sounds really dangerous alright.. One hundred gold each you say..." He would say as he quickly pulls out a log book and writes down the payment amount. "That is very generous of you. While I cannot speak for all of us, I would say that sounds fair. That being said... fighting a creature like that... well.. we may need all the help we can get. Perhaps a powerful man like yourself might be able to spare some extra equipment t or potions to aid us I'm this task?" Gil would ask with a smile, his large eyes looking to to sir Triston like a puppy dog.
Darvin looks on with some surprise and admiration as the Verdan capably negotiates with the client. "Going to make me obsolete soon, that one," he thinks to himself, while smiling first at Gil and then at Tristan.
Gil would quickly start filling Darvin's mind with images of "piles of gold... and the impression that he thinks they should try to ask for more money" as he looks glances towards Darvin. "Thanks Darvin, but I could never replace you... I'm just trying to help our team, I don't know much about money like you... but figure we can us all the help we can get..." He would say with a smile.
Sir Tristan smiles. "I can't afford to pay you anymore gold, what with the 500 gold pieces I paid your franchise to hire you and the bonus I am offering. But I do have some equipment to help you." He motions to a couple guards who bring a large chest forward.
Reaching into the chest he starts bringing out items. He starts with two bags of holding. "You'll need these so that you can easily carry the thessalhydra’s severed heads." Then, for each of you he provides a ring of protection and a potion of healing. Finally, he has two weapons — a wand of magic missiles and a greatsword.
"This isWinter’s Dark Bite. This greatsword is made of an unknown black metal but its edge is keen and it is powerful." (it works as a +1 greatsword.)
He closes the chest.
"Defeat this enemy of mine, return its heads to me and I will sing the praises of Acq Inc to everyone I meet."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Issen looks concerned. "I'm afraid that is not something the Home Office will approve Whistler. The storeroom is available space for all to use. You may set up shop there, but we cannot allow you to sleep in the same place as dangerous chemicals. Too much liability. Also, everyone's rooms must be the same size. Perhaps when the opportunity to expand the building comes along we can budget private work space, but right now we can't do that.
As for what you can brew, roleplay what you are trying or thinking of and I'll let you know. But think potions, anything liquid like flask of oil or acid, etc but not posions. You can use your 150 gp for anything that has a price in the PHB. Anything else you will need to shop for.
Tibi fills out his beneficiary form naming Jaylen Greybender - Priest of Tymora - with a last know address of All Faith's Shrine - Secomber as his benficiary. He then turns to Gil and says "have you worked out what we need to take yet. I've got an empty cart and a draft horse ready to pull it and time is awasting."
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
As Issen walks around the headquarters he calls out to you
"Still here fluttering about? Are you not settled in your rooms? The client is waiting and it is a 3 day ride to his domain. Time is money people." he says in his cheerful manner.
Gil would have finished his forms, requesting a chest to be delivered before filling out his beneficiary paper work and signing his name. He would also finish by pulling out some wax and using his signet ring to place a wax symbol next to his signature on each of the forms. Once done he would look to Tibi. "Get the horse and cart! Let's go!" He would say excitedly as he adjusts the straps on the bags hanging form his sides and grabs hold of his staff. "Let's load up with enough food and drink from the kitchen to cover us for a least a week. That way we only need to dip into our rations if absolutly necessary... And remember... I need to be aware of any and all treasure and payments we receive so I can log it with the head office. I plan to use the chest to store our loot for that very purpose once it arrives! Gil would say excitedly as he rushes to the kitchen and request the cart be filled with meals. Returning quickly to the others, he would make his way into the cart. Once joined by the others he would open his backpacks and begin showing them many of his useful items. "So I kept a bunch of equipment from my old shop... I uhh.. well.. Had to shut it down but I am sure that this business veture will go better!" He would say excitedly "Look.. I have crowbar, and a sledge hammer, magnafying glass, and scales, and a grappling hook... which works great with this rope.. feel how soft this rope is. Yup, it is real silk!.. and this lock.. you never know when you might need a lock.. and an abacus!"
Gil would quickly put the items back in his backpacks but would hold the lock in his hands for a while. "This lock belonged to my parents. They gave it to me to keep my money and treasure safe" He would say with a small smile as the iron lock in his hands turned to glimmering silver. "It worked great too until someone picked it and took all my savings... after that I couldn't pay my bills and had to sell off everything I owned just to avoid ending up in jail...." A heavy frown would fall across his face for a moment. After a couple seconds he would quickly shake his head back an forth, smacking himself in the face with his ears. "But it is still a good lock!" He would say before stuffing it back in his bag. The silver shine fading as it returned to iron.
In response to being told no, Whistler would just shrug. His experience with Aquisition Incorporated meant he was expecting this answer, but there was no harm in trying. Other than that he is ready to go and indicates so to the group.
Issen gathers your requisition forms. "I'll make sure everything is here when you get back from the mission."
Out in the courtyard you find Brace waiting with a horse and cart. A bag with a weeks food for each of you is in the cart.
"Yes sirs, I've got it all here for you. Good luck to ya!" He says as he fusses with the bridle of the horse. "Ya know, I'm going to be a franchisee one day myself! Issen says if I work hard I can climb the company ladder and one day be like one of you."
You head out of the city and make your way east along the Trade Way. As you get further from the city you see there are fewer people on roads. The road slowly bends northward and you find the fork that leads straight east again. A sign points east "Hull". You know that to be the name of the village where Sir Tristan has his domain. The Trade Way continues northward, the road you follow east has no name. Now you find yourselves alone on the road and have not seen anyone the second day.
You find safe places to camp each night and find the weather warm and pleasant.
Whistler spends some time each night foraging for any plants and flowers he could use with his alchemy set. His ambition to brew potions evident
Whistler, give me 2 nature rolls
On the third day you see hills rise in the distance to the north. As they grow larger you find farmland and pass an occasional farmhouse until you enter a small village with a stone keep. A crossroads is in the center of the small village. A sign points west that says Baldur's Gate, another east that says Elturel and another north that says Soubar.
Tired and weary from the road it is late afternoon as you find yourselves in the village of Hull. You passed a blacksmith shop (1) and saw a general store (2) to the north. Up ahead you see an inn (5) and north of that a stone keep (8). Small cottages and homes line the streets. Villagers are out, sometimes in small groups. Some alone. A lone farmer pushes an empty cart west out of the village along the road as you enter. A few stalls surround the crossroads and appear to be a farmer's marketplace selling fresh foods. Most are closing down for the day and only a few people remain.
Tibi swoops down and lands in front of the farmer “where might I find Sir Tristam’s place of abode?”
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Startled the man cowers in front of you and he points to the NE where you see a 3 story stone keep. "There, there!" is all he can say as he grabs his cart and pushes away from you faster.
“Why thank you good sir” Tibi says as he flips him a silver piece. “This is for your troubles!” Tibi then turns to the party and says “Tally-ho gents, we need to head off that way” pointing to the keep as he launches into the air.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Nature Rolls: 8, 14
"I am sure some day you will own your own franchise" Gil would say with a smile as the cart departs. After a few days go by and they arrive into town, Gilbert will watch and wave to the farmer pushing his cart. As the Farmer answers Tibi and quickly runs away, the Verdan would shout after him "Thank you for your help friend! Aquisitions Inc. Is in town! Tell your friends!!" Gil would grin widly as his ears sway back and forth as the cart moves through town. "Do you think we should approach the keep now? Or find a place to rest for the night and check out the keep in the morning? He would ask aloud looking to Whistler and Darvin before scanning the skys for Tibi. Upon spotting him he would summon his familiar and send the misty bat up into the air to get his attention and bring him back to the cart to discuss their next move.
Tibi lands next to the cart and after Gil updates him on the question says “well let’s see what Tymora has to say about that!” as he pulls out his coin. “If Tymora favours us visiting the keep tonight she will indicate it by showing her face” as he flips the coin in the air (1-2 = Tymora / 3-4 = AI logo){2} “well gents looks like we’re visiting the keep tonight” as he takes off and flys towards the keep.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
You pull your cart up to the front gates of the castle keep. You see that it is made of stone and three story's in height. A porticullis gate with 2 guards armed with spears stand at the entrance.
As you approach one of them steps forward and calls out to you.
"Sir Tristan is not taking visitors at this time. Return tomorrow to seek the counsel of the lord."
"Welp... I guess that answers that.. I guess maybe the coin was mistaken?" Gil would ask questioningly to Tibi. Then looking to the guards, Gilbert would stand up in the cart and shout to the guards. "We are with Aquisitions Inc... we were hired by Sir Tristan to take care of a dangerous threat to his realm.... Are you sure he would not want to speak with us immediately?" The Verdan would say with both hands holding the small staff in front of him as though he were a tripod, his aqua colored skin shining as the setting sun reflects off of his bald head.
"Well, yes, we have orders to allow you in to see the lord of the keep. He has been expecting you. I thought you were villagers, what with that rickety cart and all, that were here to try and see him."
He then turns and calls up.
"Raise the gates!"
A moment later the entry is open and you enter a small courtyard. Another guard comes forward. The first informs him of who you are. "Take them to see Sir Tristan immediately." The gate then drops behind you.
The new guard escorts you into the keep and announces you to Sir Tristan.
The man you see is in his 40's, his dark hair beginning to go gray.
"At last! Acquisitions Incorporated, I am very glad you are here, I'll get right to the point. Lately a monster called a thessalhydra appears out of nowhere and attacks local farms, homes in the village, and even my castle. All of my soldiers together could barely fight it off. After each attack, the thessalhydra disappears into the woods to the north and leaves no trail. I can’t send my guards after the monster. They must protect the castle and village. I have hired you to hunt down and kill the thessalhydra, then return with its heads. I want them stuffed and mounted over my throne. Besides the payment already given I offer you 100 gp as a bonus to each of you upon successful completion of the mission and the heads of this beast brought to me."
Whistler listens quietly to the mission. When the man is down speaking he thinks for a moment before turning to the others and nodding in agreement/acceptance of the mission.
"Wow, that sounds really dangerous alright.. One hundred gold each you say..." He would say as he quickly pulls out a log book and writes down the payment amount. "That is very generous of you. While I cannot speak for all of us, I would say that sounds fair. That being said... fighting a creature like that... well.. we may need all the help we can get. Perhaps a powerful man like yourself might be able to spare some extra equipment t or potions to aid us I'm this task?" Gil would ask with a smile, his large eyes looking to to sir Triston like a puppy dog.
persuasion! 24
Darvin looks on with some surprise and admiration as the Verdan capably negotiates with the client. "Going to make me obsolete soon, that one," he thinks to himself, while smiling first at Gil and then at Tristan.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
Gil would quickly start filling Darvin's mind with images of "piles of gold... and the impression that he thinks they should try to ask for more money" as he looks glances towards Darvin. "Thanks Darvin, but I could never replace you... I'm just trying to help our team, I don't know much about money like you... but figure we can us all the help we can get..." He would say with a smile.
Sir Tristan smiles. "I can't afford to pay you anymore gold, what with the 500 gold pieces I paid your franchise to hire you and the bonus I am offering. But I do have some equipment to help you." He motions to a couple guards who bring a large chest forward.
Reaching into the chest he starts bringing out items. He starts with two bags of holding. "You'll need these so that you can easily carry the thessalhydra’s severed heads." Then, for each of you he provides a ring of protection and a potion of healing. Finally, he has two weapons — a wand of magic missiles and a greatsword.
"This is Winter’s Dark Bite. This greatsword is made of an unknown black metal but its edge is keen and it is powerful." (it works as a +1 greatsword.)
He closes the chest.
"Defeat this enemy of mine, return its heads to me and I will sing the praises of Acq Inc to everyone I meet."