"OH MY GOODNESS! You are very generous!" Gil would exclaim excitedly as he begins recording the equipment in his log book. "So.. Just wondering.. trying to keep track of items and such... will you be expecting these items to be returned upon completion of the quest?" Gil would ask looking up from the book that is nearly as big as he is with his pen in hand.
"Let's worry about that if you make it back alive. I've heard good things about Acq Inc and you came highly recommended. But there is competition out there. I wouldn't want to have to leave a poor review of you on the local message board outside The Stunted Fool and hire one of your competitors, say Dran Enterprises? They pitched a compelling presentation when I sent out bid requests."
He leans back in his chair.
"Anyways, you can rest at The Stunted Fool tonight. It's the local tavern and inn and start in the morning if you like. I'll make sure you get a corporate discount if you stay there."
"Indeed, this is most generous of you, Sir Tristan," Darvin adds. "We will return your generosity by using these powerful items to dispose of the troublesome creature in question."
Turning to Gil, "As the hoardsperson, it would be fitting for you to be entrusted with one of the bags. As for the wand, that also seems like it falls under your purview as a wizard. Shall I take the other bag, or does someone else want the honor? As for the sword, correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't really envision any of you wielding it, so perhaps I'd better hold onto it as well."
"I think one of the bags would be useful for me for sure!" The small Verdan would say as he takes on of the bags of holding and secures it to the front of his belt like a fanny pack. At the mention of keeping the wand, his large eyes would go even wider. Taking the wand from Darvin, he would hold it in his hands and grin before shaking his head with a few slapping sounds as his ears beat against the sides of his face. "No.. I can't...Well... I mean... wow. I would love to have it but... Since I have this bag, perhaps it should go to someone else. I mean.. Something like this could be of great use to anyone of us." He would say hold the wand out to the others if any of them are interested. "But if no one else wants it... I would love to have it!" He would say looking at it closely once more. He would then quickly start making note of the rings and potions and who is taking what equipment and logging it in the book. "If you don't want to use the great sword, I can hold it for the group.. otherwise I can make note of who has it in their possession" The Aqua colored Verdan would say without looking up from his book.
"I doubt I will make it my go-to option of attack, as I tend to prefer weapons I can hold in one hand, but it may be useful in some circumstances," Darvin says, holding the sword and giving it a few practice swings.
With the audience with Sir Tristan finished and the items dispersed among the party members you head for the The Stunted Fool. Outside you see it is now getting dark, the sun having set.
The tavern is a timber framed sprawling single story building, with a reinforced wooden door and moss-covered walls and roof. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains a deck with chairs. Inside you find that the tavern is empty, no other customer's are in the main room. Behind the bar stands a half-elf.
"Greetings travelers, I am Randal Horineth, proprietor of The Stunted Fool. Sir Tristan informs me that you will need rooms for the night and meals. A corporate discount for Acquisition's Inc is included in the prices. Private rooms are 1 gp a night each and includes meals. Not many people out at night anymore, what with the attacks so I have plenty of room. Everyone locks themselves up tight at night. I'm mighty glad to see you guys. If you can rid us of this beast then business will pick up again and people will feel safe to go out at night."
"We are most appreciative," Darvin says. "We'll take four rooms. Once we've rested and eaten, we will be swiftly to the task at hand. I have every confidence in my team, and have no doubt your business will return to normal soon."
"Yeah! We are going to get rid of that monster thing! Don't you worry" Gil would say as he struggles to climb into his seat. "I'll take a meal and drink please!" He would say with a smile before looking to the others after Randal leaves. "So are you guys excited! I am excited... we already have so much loot and we haven't even done anything yet!" He would say as he practically stands on his chair to lean onto the table.
Tibi pats his hand crossbows and his rapier “these have been good enough for me for the past several years and will be sufficient for this task!” He turns back to Sir Tristram and continues “you can rest assured that the xxx franchise of Acquisitions Incorporated will live up to the standards set by our organisation and deal with this problem!”
You find the rooms comfortable and the breakfast the following morning fills you up.
As you ready to leave Randal offers you each an apple. "Local apples tasted better before the thessalhydra arrived. Im sure the monster’s lair is in the apple orchards to the north."
You head out of the tavern (5) and into town. You wander into the crossroads and see merchants setting up booths and tables for the days business. Already villagers are out and about on their daily duties.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Thanks Randal!" Gil would say as he slides the apple into his pack. "Can anyone think of any equipment we could buy before heading off?" He would ask as he pulls out his log book and looks over their list of equipment. "I think we should be safe to set off, but let me know if you think we need anything else!" He would say before quickly shutting the book and looking to the others. As they make their way through the town, Gil would scamper from stall to stall looking to see if there is anything that catches his eye on their way out of town.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Tibi takes an apple and quickly dices it into small pieces which he swallows with relish. He turns to his fellow franchisees and says “let me scout ahead to see what I can see.” He launches himself into the air quickly climbing to a height of about 250 feet, where he scans the surrounding countryside focusing particularly on the orchard (Perception = 5) to see if he can determine where the monster may be hiding.
“Now if I had a nice strong cheddar or a blue cheese, it would be perfect! And a glass of Amnish red would finish it off nicely,” Tibi replies with a grin
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Whistler smiles as they complain about how Tibi ate his apple. He takes an apple for himseld, which he cuts up using a small knife, eating it a little slower than Tibi. When he is done, he whistles to get the other twos attention, and gestures than he will be scouting ahead himself. He moves about 20ft ahead of the group using the trees as cover where possible.
“Pies just mush up the apple and you lose all the crunch and the amount of sugar simply disguises the tartness and freshness of the apple!” Tibi replies
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond DM - Four bards walk into a bar... Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
As the kenku gets 20 feet away, Gil will begin to communicate with him telepathically while waving at him and pointing at his own head from his spot next to Darvin. Gil would try to communicate that the kenku should think about threats if he spots any. Gil would then make his way behind tibi and Whistler in the cart, trotting along still examining the items in the shop stalls nearby as he passes.
Tibi flies up into the air. Surrounding the village is farmland with apple orchards to the NW. This changes to forest. Further north the elevation changes with tree covered foothills that change to a tangled landscape of rough hills as they lead into the Trollclaws.
As the group moves through the village they see the typical offerings that a small village would offer. There is a blacksmith, a masonry shop, a woodworkers shop that has some plants hanging in the windows. They also find a jeweler, a general store and a shrine of All-Faiths.
"OH MY GOODNESS! You are very generous!" Gil would exclaim excitedly as he begins recording the equipment in his log book. "So.. Just wondering.. trying to keep track of items and such... will you be expecting these items to be returned upon completion of the quest?" Gil would ask looking up from the book that is nearly as big as he is with his pen in hand.
Grinning he answers you.
"Let's worry about that if you make it back alive. I've heard good things about Acq Inc and you came highly recommended. But there is competition out there. I wouldn't want to have to leave a poor review of you on the local message board outside The Stunted Fool and hire one of your competitors, say Dran Enterprises? They pitched a compelling presentation when I sent out bid requests."
He leans back in his chair.
"Anyways, you can rest at The Stunted Fool tonight. It's the local tavern and inn and start in the morning if you like. I'll make sure you get a corporate discount if you stay there."
"Indeed, this is most generous of you, Sir Tristan," Darvin adds. "We will return your generosity by using these powerful items to dispose of the troublesome creature in question."
Turning to Gil, "As the hoardsperson, it would be fitting for you to be entrusted with one of the bags. As for the wand, that also seems like it falls under your purview as a wizard. Shall I take the other bag, or does someone else want the honor? As for the sword, correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't really envision any of you wielding it, so perhaps I'd better hold onto it as well."
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
"I think one of the bags would be useful for me for sure!" The small Verdan would say as he takes on of the bags of holding and secures it to the front of his belt like a fanny pack. At the mention of keeping the wand, his large eyes would go even wider. Taking the wand from Darvin, he would hold it in his hands and grin before shaking his head with a few slapping sounds as his ears beat against the sides of his face. "No.. I can't...Well... I mean... wow. I would love to have it but... Since I have this bag, perhaps it should go to someone else. I mean.. Something like this could be of great use to anyone of us." He would say hold the wand out to the others if any of them are interested. "But if no one else wants it... I would love to have it!" He would say looking at it closely once more. He would then quickly start making note of the rings and potions and who is taking what equipment and logging it in the book. "If you don't want to use the great sword, I can hold it for the group.. otherwise I can make note of who has it in their possession" The Aqua colored Verdan would say without looking up from his book.
"I doubt I will make it my go-to option of attack, as I tend to prefer weapons I can hold in one hand, but it may be useful in some circumstances," Darvin says, holding the sword and giving it a few practice swings.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
With the audience with Sir Tristan finished and the items dispersed among the party members you head for the The Stunted Fool. Outside you see it is now getting dark, the sun having set.
The tavern is a timber framed sprawling single story building, with a reinforced wooden door and moss-covered walls and roof. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains a deck with chairs. Inside you find that the tavern is empty, no other customer's are in the main room. Behind the bar stands a half-elf.
"Greetings travelers, I am Randal Horineth, proprietor of The Stunted Fool. Sir Tristan informs me that you will need rooms for the night and meals. A corporate discount for Acquisition's Inc is included in the prices. Private rooms are 1 gp a night each and includes meals. Not many people out at night anymore, what with the attacks so I have plenty of room. Everyone locks themselves up tight at night. I'm mighty glad to see you guys. If you can rid us of this beast then business will pick up again and people will feel safe to go out at night."
"We are most appreciative," Darvin says. "We'll take four rooms. Once we've rested and eaten, we will be swiftly to the task at hand. I have every confidence in my team, and have no doubt your business will return to normal soon."
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
"Yeah! We are going to get rid of that monster thing! Don't you worry" Gil would say as he struggles to climb into his seat. "I'll take a meal and drink please!" He would say with a smile before looking to the others after Randal leaves. "So are you guys excited! I am excited... we already have so much loot and we haven't even done anything yet!" He would say as he practically stands on his chair to lean onto the table.
Tibi pats his hand crossbows and his rapier “these have been good enough for me for the past several years and will be sufficient for this task!” He turns back to Sir Tristram and continues “you can rest assured that the xxx franchise of Acquisitions Incorporated will live up to the standards set by our organisation and deal with this problem!”
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
You find the rooms comfortable and the breakfast the following morning fills you up.
As you ready to leave Randal offers you each an apple. "Local apples tasted better before the thessalhydra arrived. Im sure the monster’s lair is in the apple orchards to the north."
You head out of the tavern (5) and into town. You wander into the crossroads and see merchants setting up booths and tables for the days business. Already villagers are out and about on their daily duties.
"Thanks Randal!" Gil would say as he slides the apple into his pack. "Can anyone think of any equipment we could buy before heading off?" He would ask as he pulls out his log book and looks over their list of equipment. "I think we should be safe to set off, but let me know if you think we need anything else!" He would say before quickly shutting the book and looking to the others. As they make their way through the town, Gil would scamper from stall to stall looking to see if there is anything that catches his eye on their way out of town.
Perception! 8
Tibi takes an apple and quickly dices it into small pieces which he swallows with relish. He turns to his fellow franchisees and says “let me scout ahead to see what I can see.” He launches himself into the air quickly climbing to a height of about 250 feet, where he scans the surrounding countryside focusing particularly on the orchard (Perception = 5) to see if he can determine where the monster may be hiding.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Darvin watches Tibi eating his apple, and winces slightly. "Relish, on an apple? I prefer peanut butter, myself. Is that an aarakocra thing?"
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
“Now if I had a nice strong cheddar or a blue cheese, it would be perfect! And a glass of Amnish red would finish it off nicely,” Tibi replies with a grin
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
"I... I uhhh.. prefer my apples baked into a pie" The verdan would say with a look of disgust at the way tibi eats his apple.
Whistler smiles as they complain about how Tibi ate his apple. He takes an apple for himseld, which he cuts up using a small knife, eating it a little slower than Tibi. When he is done, he whistles to get the other twos attention, and gestures than he will be scouting ahead himself. He moves about 20ft ahead of the group using the trees as cover where possible.
Perception: 18
Stealth: 12
“Pies just mush up the apple and you lose all the crunch and the amount of sugar simply disguises the tartness and freshness of the apple!” Tibi replies
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
As the kenku gets 20 feet away, Gil will begin to communicate with him telepathically while waving at him and pointing at his own head from his spot next to Darvin. Gil would try to communicate that the kenku should think about threats if he spots any. Gil would then make his way behind tibi and Whistler in the cart, trotting along still examining the items in the shop stalls nearby as he passes.
Tibi flies up into the air. Surrounding the village is farmland with apple orchards to the NW. This changes to forest. Further north the elevation changes with tree covered foothills that change to a tangled landscape of rough hills as they lead into the Trollclaws.
As the group moves through the village they see the typical offerings that a small village would offer. There is a blacksmith, a masonry shop, a woodworkers shop that has some plants hanging in the windows. They also find a jeweler, a general store and a shrine of All-Faiths.