"Let us try the hourglass once more. It may not work, but I recall it is the location we eventually wish to reach. If that does nothing, the chair is fine," says Tobin.
"To be clear, is our intent to blend in or act as if we are sounding the alarm that intruders are elsewhere in the tower?" he asks, wanting to make sure he supports the group plan.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Aiwin searches the cultists one last time but finds nothing of interest; they have been thoroughly searched and had little of note to begin with.
The party gathers around Tobin on the teleportation circle, discussing and finalising the details of the plan. Tobin touches the hourglass symbol; and once again, there is a noise that indicates failure, and nothing happens - you are not teleported anyway.
Having been unsuccessful, Tobin pushes the chair symbol, and the teleportation circle activates.
You appear in a room, circular like all others you have seen in the tower. The walls of this chamber bear exotic geometric designs representing feathers, eagles, and snakes, all rendered in a style you’ve never seen before. In the centre is a large table surrounded by chairs, and there are two balconies overlooking the chamber, about eight feet above you. To one side of the room, a human female is sprawled face down in a pool of blood. She is dressed like a high-ranking member of the Cult of the Dragon.
While Tobin does his ritual, Varan will walk around the room looking to see if there is anything else that might be unusual or possibly other ways in or out.
Aiwin just looks around as he begins to investigate the room for any signs of what may have occurred, keeping his hand on his sword ready to draw if needed "This was not what I was expecting."
There's the dead body, which has been stabbed - you see the wound, and can attempt a Medicine check if you want to determine what kind of weapon caused it.
The decorations in the room are reminiscent of a Maztican style of architecture. There are a couple of very narrow windows you can just about see out of, but there's no way anyone could enter or exit through them unless they were tiny. No exits other than the teleportation circle.
Tobin, you get a clear sense of conjuration magic from the teleportation circle, and two smaller, similar presences, though you cannot see the exact source but they are up on the two balconies overlooking this area. Aside from the general magic of the items that you and your fellows possess, you don't sense anything else.
Varan digs the grappling hook and rope out of his bag, and ties the two together. "Good thin' I picked these up, eh." He'll take a few test swings to get the feel before tossing the grappling hook up onto the balcony to his right.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
Varan easily uses his equipment to climb up to the balcony on the right. There he finds a row of three expensive-looking seats facing into the room, overlooking it and giving an excellent view. On a table to the side are three bottles of expensive-looking wine. On the floor is a teleportation semi-circle similar to those you have seen in all the rooms in the tower, with one difference - there is only one symbol in the wall nearby, showing a single chair.
Slumped in one of the chairs is the dead body of a cultist, wearing similar armour to those you have fought before. The cultist's face is quite badly burned.
Varan looks down from the balcony, "I think I found where that chair glyph goes. Also, we got another dead cultist up here." Varan will inspect the area for any traps before checking the cultist for anything useful.
Varan, you find a pouch containing 20 gold, 11 silver and 15 copper pieces, and a small, locked metal box. When you pick it up, it rattles, suggesting something small inside it.
Varan looks over the box and sets it on the table giving it a once over for potential traps. Taking out his tools he will attempt to unlock the box, if no traps are found.
"Let us try the hourglass once more. It may not work, but I recall it is the location we eventually wish to reach. If that does nothing, the chair is fine," says Tobin.
"To be clear, is our intent to blend in or act as if we are sounding the alarm that intruders are elsewhere in the tower?" he asks, wanting to make sure he supports the group plan.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Aiwin searches the cultists one last time but finds nothing of interest; they have been thoroughly searched and had little of note to begin with.
The party gathers around Tobin on the teleportation circle, discussing and finalising the details of the plan. Tobin touches the hourglass symbol; and once again, there is a noise that indicates failure, and nothing happens - you are not teleported anyway.
Having been unsuccessful, Tobin pushes the chair symbol, and the teleportation circle activates.
You appear in a room, circular like all others you have seen in the tower. The walls of this chamber bear exotic geometric designs representing feathers, eagles, and snakes, all rendered in a style you’ve never seen before. In the centre is a large table surrounded by chairs, and there are two balconies overlooking the chamber, about eight feet above you. To one side of the room, a human female is sprawled face down in a pool of blood. She is dressed like a high-ranking member of the Cult of the Dragon.
Varan looks around the room, "Looks like we might not be the only intruders here."
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
”Indeed,” replies Tobin, surmising, “Recall the body that fell from the balcony. Perhaps this is the room from which it came.”
He starts the ritual for the Detection of Magic while the others investigate as they will.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Tobin starts his ritual, which takes ten minutes.
While Tobin does his ritual, Varan will walk around the room looking to see if there is anything else that might be unusual or possibly other ways in or out.
Perception: 19
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
Aiwin just looks around as he begins to investigate the room for any signs of what may have occurred, keeping his hand on his sword ready to draw if needed "This was not what I was expecting."
Investigation Check: 16
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
There's the dead body, which has been stabbed - you see the wound, and can attempt a Medicine check if you want to determine what kind of weapon caused it.
The decorations in the room are reminiscent of a Maztican style of architecture. There are a couple of very narrow windows you can just about see out of, but there's no way anyone could enter or exit through them unless they were tiny. No exits other than the teleportation circle.
Tobin's ritual ends.
Tobin, you get a clear sense of conjuration magic from the teleportation circle, and two smaller, similar presences, though you cannot see the exact source but they are up on the two balconies overlooking this area. Aside from the general magic of the items that you and your fellows possess, you don't sense anything else.
”We should check the balconies,” suggests Tobin, “I detect conjuration auras up there.”
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Varan looks at the balconies for any way up there.
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
There’s certainly no ladder or stairs; no conventional way to get there easily.
Varan digs the grappling hook and rope out of his bag, and ties the two together. "Good thin' I picked these up, eh." He'll take a few test swings to get the feel before tossing the grappling hook up onto the balcony to his right.
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
Varan easily uses his equipment to climb up to the balcony on the right. There he finds a row of three expensive-looking seats facing into the room, overlooking it and giving an excellent view. On a table to the side are three bottles of expensive-looking wine. On the floor is a teleportation semi-circle similar to those you have seen in all the rooms in the tower, with one difference - there is only one symbol in the wall nearby, showing a single chair.
Slumped in one of the chairs is the dead body of a cultist, wearing similar armour to those you have fought before. The cultist's face is quite badly burned.
Varan looks down from the balcony, "I think I found where that chair glyph goes. Also, we got another dead cultist up here." Varan will inspect the area for any traps before checking the cultist for anything useful.
Investigation: 2 (No traps here, lol)
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
Varan, you find a pouch containing 20 gold, 11 silver and 15 copper pieces, and a small, locked metal box. When you pick it up, it rattles, suggesting something small inside it.
Aiwin walks to it and begins to climb the rope of the grappling hook “Coming up.”
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Varan looks over the box and sets it on the table giving it a once over for potential traps. Taking out his tools he will attempt to unlock the box, if no traps are found.
Investigation: 10, to find traps
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!
Varan, you don't see any sign of traps on this small metal box. Make a tools check with thieves' tools, adding your proficiency bonus if proficient.
Thieves' Tools: 27 (Nat 20+3(Dex)+4(Prof))
Be excellent to each other, and roll for initiative dudes!