Red's lips curl upwards at the jokes and she can fee herself perk up. So they're exhausted and in the middle of nowhere, at least her companions still have there sense of humor. She nods to Omen as the others get up and start searching the beach. "I'm all for helping you find your book, and checking out whats left of the wreckage over there but like I said, I don't have a good feeling about that smoke. We may not want to stay here too long."
In saying that she pulls out her instrument and inspects it. Not to bad, she thinks, could use some TLC but it's usable. She then pulls out her bow and grins cheerfully at Omen. "Here." She says running the bow across some of the strings. "I'll play a bit and help you wake up, give you a last chance to spot that book."
Claire opens her eyes, coughing and hearing quiet chatter and the lapping of waves against the shore. She moves her heavy limbs only with great effort, having just made a desperate swim for life after weeks of abuse. Her hair clings to her pale, wet skin, which becomes prickled with goosebumps when a chill runs through the foggy air. Shivering from the cold, she stands and folds her arms together, salvaging as much warmth as she could while she walks along the shore, nearly tripping as her toes dig into the sand.
The cleric grimaces as the taste of salt and sand and the smell of smoke overwhelms her senses. Her clumsy legs, numb from days of stillness, stop only when she bends to collect the materials that are strewn along her path. She miraculously manages to find everything she'd been carrying before her odyssey across the Azure Sea, including her mace and shield. She finds her holy symbol, a white flower hairpin with golden inlets, on a gaunt human carcass that was sure to be one of the slaves that had been on the same ship as her, judging by the dead man's shackles. She might have vomited if her stomach weren't so empty.
Blinking tears from her eyes, the girl drops her collected vestments onto the sand and equips the hairpin. She removes the chains from the corpse's wrist and mouths a near-silent prayer wishing for the man to rest in peace. Standing from her kneeling position, the girl begins to make her way towards the group with barely enough strength left to carry everything she's found; instead she drags her things along the ground.
She smiles weakly but nervously as she approaches the others. Her lips are chapped from dehydration, her face is gaunt from starvation, and her skin is pale. Aside from the hairpin in her wet hair, she's dressed in white and gold painted leather armor with a skirt. A shoulderpad lies on her left shoulder and she wears a choker engraved with a blue gem. "Is there room for one more? I hope I'm not intruding."She eyes everyone near the fire warily, quickly coming to the conclusion that they were in the same situation as her and that they weren't a threat. She reaches into her pack and withdraws a blanket, wrapping herself in it to dry off as she sits near the fire. She sighs and looks into the sky. "The light is weak here, but it looks like dawn is approaching. 'In the dawn, beauty reigns, and the way is clearer'...that's what the scriptures say, anyway." Claire ends her monologue and returns her attention to the others. "My name is Claire, it's good to meet you all. Your presence here comforts me more than you know... Oh, you all look quite haggard. N-no offense! I'd be willing to heal anyone who's injured, just let me know and I'll do it right away." She smiles, trying and failing to seem stronger than she is.
In the middle of playing Red flicks Claire a wiry smile and speaks over the music. "That's probably a good idea. I can do a little healing myself but I didn't even think of it." She leans back and twists around to peer down the beach at the others. "I don't know how safe it is here but I think if nothing else we could all probably use a rest soon. Oh!" She turns back to face Claire. "It's nice to meet you too, I'm Red by the way."
He spends a few minutes intermittently jogging and walking, keeping an eye on the sand for anything interesting. By the time his exercise began to warm him, he was exhausted. He finds nothing noteworthy, but does grab a few more pieces of wood. He makes his way back to the fire, throws the wood on it, and flops down onto the sand by the others. "I've never been so cold or tired in my life. I'd like to check out the village over there, to see if perhaps we might find someone able to help or a dry room, but we're don't appear all that respectable at the moment. Maybe if we could at least get rid of these?" He raises his wrist to indicate the shackle. Seemingly just noticing the newcomer, he offers a hand and says, "I'm Kasimir, by the way." He then begins fiddling with his manacle.
(DM: are these manacles bolted/welded, so that they'll have to be cut off, or are they locked? If they're locked I'd like to try to pick mine: thieves' tools6 +2)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Red turns her gaze to Kasimir as he approaches and listens as he speaks still playing a few notes. She looks towards the villages and studies it quietly.
Omen feels a bit lighter and refreshed from Red's song. "Thank you for the song, it does lighten the load of worry a bit." he says with a smile.
Hearing Claire's words and turning to see her, Omen clears his place by the fire a bit. " Here, sit close to the fire and warm yourself a bit. Kasimir has made it for us so the warmth is a thanks to him and his skill."
Omen pauses for a moment, seeing the attention of his fellow freed slaves turning to the village in the distance. He looks in that direction as well.
"Yes, I agree, this village should be next on our list of places to see."
Omen turns back to the beach. "If you all will indulge me one last time I will make a short inspection of the debris for my book. There or not, I will return in short order and will agree to move from this place."
With that Omen will trot off, following the debris up and down the shore looking into barrels and under things to see if his book has washed ashore. Also if there is anything else of interest from this ship wreck found he will bring it back to the party.
Perception: 13 (forgot to add the Bardic inspiration as well so +3
After 10 minutes at the most, whether Omen finds his book or not, he will return to the group.
(DM: are these manacles bolted/welded, so that they'll have to be cut off, or are they locked? If they're locked I'd like to try to pick mine: thieves' tools6 +2)
Kasimir examines his manacles. They are locked with a key, but his attempts to pick the lock fail, at least in his current, shaky condition. He can try again after a rest. A second manacle dangles from it; it's annoying, and may interfere somewhat with combat in some situations. (Kasimir is not confident how accurately he could use his dagger or rapier with a loose manacle dangling from his dominant hand, for instance.)
(Can she see the ominous smoke? Maybe tell what it's from?)
Red cannot see the smoke, but she can smell it. It's a very thin wood smoke smell, mixed with something a little nasty. It sometimes disappears for a moment when the wind shift, but then it returns. It's faint, but ever present.
After not being able to locate Omens journal, Qivys walks over to the barrels/crates and checks for any labelling.
With that Omen will trot off, following the debris up and down the shore looking into barrels and under things to see if his book has washed ashore. Also if there is anything else of interest from this ship wreck found he will bring it back to the party.
Qivys and Omen walk a few hundred yards west down the stony beach in the direction of the village, the surf crashing on their left, the cliff looming close on their right. It's slow and cumbersome to walk on the smooth stones, which shift with every step.
Under a jumble of timbers, Quivys finds a damaged barrel of hardtack, ruined by seawater, and a barrel of mead that seems intact. He also finds a crate full of daggers - perhaps one hundred or so, brand new, made of good steel, wrapped in a length of cloth.
Omen spots a small, decorative chest. It is stained and swollen, but intact. Opening it he finds, to his great relief, his book! Dry and undamaged. Also, neatly folded in a case, is a pair of spectacles. Eyeglasses are very unfamiliar to all of you and quite rare - the domain of tinkerers and mad mages, perhaps. Just as unusual is the subtle fish-scale pattern on the frames, made of an unfamiliar material.
Omen breaths a sigh of relief. "Thought I'd lost you there for a moment lad" he says to his book.
Omen secures his book then looks in wonder at these spectacles, examining them for a moment.
He will stand and wave to Qivy with a smile on his face. "Found it" and then says, "And something more I think."
Omen will place the spectacles back into their case, put them into the small chest and take the small chest, move towards Qivy seeing if he needs any help.
Omen will then return to the fire with a big smile on his face. "Found it" he'll say.
"And have a look at this." Omen will show off the small chest, put it on the sandy ground and open it, taking out the case. Opening the case and show the others the spectacles.
"One of our captors seems to have a bit of a vision problem." Omen will place the case with the spectacles on the ground next to the fire for everyone to take a look at and examine if they like.
Picks at the lock on the manacle for a while, then gives up with a curse. "I can't do this when I can't feel my fingers!"
Frustrated, he warms his hands by the fire. Seeing the others studying the smoke he looks as well. "Anyone else think it's odd no one has come to check us out? With all this wet wood the fire's smoking like a chimney. If we can see their smoke, they can certainly see ours. Seems like a group of strangers camping on their beach would warrant a visit from the local law, or at least some kids. I'm curious to see what's more interesting than us."
He bundles up his gear, puts on his partially-dry boots, and gets to his weary feet. He spends a minute attempting to make himself presentable, but only looks like a slightly better-groomed drowned rat."All right, I'm ready to meet the locals. Whoever wants to be the face of our little group, lead the way and I shall surely follow."
Red finishes her song and leans over to peer at the glasses. Then she shrugs with rueful smile and stands. The glasses are certainly fancy, but they mean nothing to her. "I'm not always the best with words, but I have my charms." She pauses and her smile turns wry. "Though as I keep saying, I have a bad feeling about this."She looks everyone over, pausing on Qivys."We all look a little worse for wear as Claire pointed out. If theres someone here who can usually take a couple of hits, maybe we heal them up and they stick close hmm?"
The settlement is perhaps a half-mile to the west, where the cliff diminishes, the beach appears to open up, and the surf appears calmer. It shouldn't be more than 20-30 minutes of hiking, even over these rocks. It's still early in the morning, still heavily overcast, still cold and raw. Your characters are all exhausted, which can only be cured with a long rest, and everyone is still at 2 hp.
It sounds like most everyone is getting ready to head toward the settlement. Did you want to take a short rest first, and do some healing? Or do some magical healing? Or just move on?
Omen: Do you want to carry the chest (it's a little bit cumbersome, but very doable) or just the glasses? (Or what do you want to do with the glasses?) Qivys: Do you want to do anything with that crate of daggers? (It weighs about 100 pounds - you could just barely carry it by yourself.) Anyone else have business you want to complete before moving on?
Finally - any special instructions on how you want to approach the settlement?
(I hadn't thought about it, but I like the idea of spending an hour warming up by the fire and using our Hit Dice to heal. That would probably bring me up to near full HP, then Claire could heal anyone still hurting. Thanks DM!)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"I agree with Kasimir, an hours rest would be helpful for us and we can use the rest." Omen states.
Omen will raise the spectacles before him, open the spectacles up and while holding them at arms length he will look through them.
After which he will put them in the case then stow them in his pack.
Omen will take time to gather a few more pieces of drift wood, bringing them back to the fire. He will use "Prestidigitation" to dry the wood a bit then stack them in a pile. After which Omen will take a place at the fire and warm up and dry a bit off.
When the hour passes Omen will help the others up and trek towards the village. Omen will continue to to scan the village as we get closer to see what is going on and if there is any danger or threats.
"These daggers might fetch a fair price, but I think the crate full might slow us down. Plus, it'd be suspicious if we turn up with what is obviously an order for someone. What does everyone think? One or two each should not raise an eyebrow"
Qivys stuffs 2 daggers in his pack and joins the others at the fire.
(Sorry guys, at work so only a speedy post for now)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Red drops back down by the fire amused and starts playing again. "Sure." She says, "that could work. I'll grab a dagger of two when we head towards the village, but yeah, carrying that around with us doesn't seem like a great idea." She starts playing again as they sit around the fire.
Red does indeed grab a couple daggers as they head off an hour later. She stays near the front of the group, with a smile, hoping her natural charisma will help with whatever they find at the dwellings.
"I agree with Qivys. Any smith or general store might buy a dagger or two for a few coins; very few people are going to buy a whole crate, and even fewer will ask no questions. But maybe we can stash the rest on the chance we meet the right buyer." He takes two daggers and tucks them in his pack.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Kas... Can I call you Kas....anyway, that sounds like a grand idea"Qivys looks around briefly to see if there is an area close by but off the beach that might securely house their cache.
Perception 16
In response to the insinuation from Red "I would be honoured to take lead. I might not be the tallest wall you've seen, but I will gladly put myself between evil and you all" Qivys' chest swells with pride. This might be his chance to prove himself once more. He quietly checks across his gear to make sure the scavenged gear will be upto scratch.
Hit die: 8 incl Con bonus
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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"My legs are cramping up just sitting here. I need to move around some to warm up. I'll keep an eye out for a book."
He strides off toward the pile to the west, occasionally kicking over a piece of wreckage.
Perception 10 +2
After not being able to locate Omens journal, Qivys walks over to the barrels/crates and checks for any labelling.
Red's lips curl upwards at the jokes and she can fee herself perk up. So they're exhausted and in the middle of nowhere, at least her companions still have there sense of humor. She nods to Omen as the others get up and start searching the beach. "I'm all for helping you find your book, and checking out whats left of the wreckage over there but like I said, I don't have a good feeling about that smoke. We may not want to stay here too long."
In saying that she pulls out her instrument and inspects it. Not to bad, she thinks, could use some TLC but it's usable. She then pulls out her bow and grins cheerfully at Omen. "Here." She says running the bow across some of the strings. "I'll play a bit and help you wake up, give you a last chance to spot that book."
Red gives Omen a 1d6 bardic inspiration
Claire opens her eyes, coughing and hearing quiet chatter and the lapping of waves against the shore. She moves her heavy limbs only with great effort, having just made a desperate swim for life after weeks of abuse. Her hair clings to her pale, wet skin, which becomes prickled with goosebumps when a chill runs through the foggy air. Shivering from the cold, she stands and folds her arms together, salvaging as much warmth as she could while she walks along the shore, nearly tripping as her toes dig into the sand.
The cleric grimaces as the taste of salt and sand and the smell of smoke overwhelms her senses. Her clumsy legs, numb from days of stillness, stop only when she bends to collect the materials that are strewn along her path. She miraculously manages to find everything she'd been carrying before her odyssey across the Azure Sea, including her mace and shield. She finds her holy symbol, a white flower hairpin with golden inlets, on a gaunt human carcass that was sure to be one of the slaves that had been on the same ship as her, judging by the dead man's shackles. She might have vomited if her stomach weren't so empty.
Blinking tears from her eyes, the girl drops her collected vestments onto the sand and equips the hairpin. She removes the chains from the corpse's wrist and mouths a near-silent prayer wishing for the man to rest in peace. Standing from her kneeling position, the girl begins to make her way towards the group with barely enough strength left to carry everything she's found; instead she drags her things along the ground.
She smiles weakly but nervously as she approaches the others. Her lips are chapped from dehydration, her face is gaunt from starvation, and her skin is pale. Aside from the hairpin in her wet hair, she's dressed in white and gold painted leather armor with a skirt. A shoulderpad lies on her left shoulder and she wears a choker engraved with a blue gem. "Is there room for one more? I hope I'm not intruding." She eyes everyone near the fire warily, quickly coming to the conclusion that they were in the same situation as her and that they weren't a threat. She reaches into her pack and withdraws a blanket, wrapping herself in it to dry off as she sits near the fire. She sighs and looks into the sky. "The light is weak here, but it looks like dawn is approaching. 'In the dawn, beauty reigns, and the way is clearer'...that's what the scriptures say, anyway." Claire ends her monologue and returns her attention to the others. "My name is Claire, it's good to meet you all. Your presence here comforts me more than you know... Oh, you all look quite haggard. N-no offense! I'd be willing to heal anyone who's injured, just let me know and I'll do it right away." She smiles, trying and failing to seem stronger than she is.
In the middle of playing Red flicks Claire a wiry smile and speaks over the music. "That's probably a good idea. I can do a little healing myself but I didn't even think of it." She leans back and twists around to peer down the beach at the others. "I don't know how safe it is here but I think if nothing else we could all probably use a rest soon. Oh!" She turns back to face Claire. "It's nice to meet you too, I'm Red by the way."
He spends a few minutes intermittently jogging and walking, keeping an eye on the sand for anything interesting. By the time his exercise began to warm him, he was exhausted. He finds nothing noteworthy, but does grab a few more pieces of wood. He makes his way back to the fire, throws the wood on it, and flops down onto the sand by the others. "I've never been so cold or tired in my life. I'd like to check out the village over there, to see if perhaps we might find someone able to help or a dry room, but we're don't appear all that respectable at the moment. Maybe if we could at least get rid of these?" He raises his wrist to indicate the shackle. Seemingly just noticing the newcomer, he offers a hand and says, "I'm Kasimir, by the way." He then begins fiddling with his manacle.
(DM: are these manacles bolted/welded, so that they'll have to be cut off, or are they locked? If they're locked I'd like to try to pick mine: thieves' tools 6 +2)
Red turns her gaze to Kasimir as he approaches and listens as he speaks still playing a few notes. She looks towards the villages and studies it quietly.
Perception 6
(Can she see the ominous smoke? Maybe tell what it's from?)
Omen feels a bit lighter and refreshed from Red's song. "Thank you for the song, it does lighten the load of worry a bit." he says with a smile.
Hearing Claire's words and turning to see her, Omen clears his place by the fire a bit. " Here, sit close to the fire and warm yourself a bit. Kasimir has made it for us so the warmth is a thanks to him and his skill."
Omen pauses for a moment, seeing the attention of his fellow freed slaves turning to the village in the distance. He looks in that direction as well.
"Yes, I agree, this village should be next on our list of places to see."
Omen turns back to the beach. "If you all will indulge me one last time I will make a short inspection of the debris for my book. There or not, I will return in short order and will agree to move from this place."
With that Omen will trot off, following the debris up and down the shore looking into barrels and under things to see if his book has washed ashore. Also if there is anything else of interest from this ship wreck found he will bring it back to the party.
Perception: 13 (forgot to add the Bardic inspiration as well so +3
After 10 minutes at the most, whether Omen finds his book or not, he will return to the group.
"Ok" Omen says, "I'm ready to go."
Kasimir examines his manacles. They are locked with a key, but his attempts to pick the lock fail, at least in his current, shaky condition. He can try again after a rest. A second manacle dangles from it; it's annoying, and may interfere somewhat with combat in some situations. (Kasimir is not confident how accurately he could use his dagger or rapier with a loose manacle dangling from his dominant hand, for instance.)
Omen breaths a sigh of relief. "Thought I'd lost you there for a moment lad" he says to his book.
Omen secures his book then looks in wonder at these spectacles, examining them for a moment.
He will stand and wave to Qivy with a smile on his face. "Found it" and then says, "And something more I think."
Omen will place the spectacles back into their case, put them into the small chest and take the small chest, move towards Qivy seeing if he needs any help.
Omen will then return to the fire with a big smile on his face. "Found it" he'll say.
"And have a look at this." Omen will show off the small chest, put it on the sandy ground and open it, taking out the case. Opening the case and show the others the spectacles.
"One of our captors seems to have a bit of a vision problem." Omen will place the case with the spectacles on the ground next to the fire for everyone to take a look at and examine if they like.
Picks at the lock on the manacle for a while, then gives up with a curse. "I can't do this when I can't feel my fingers!"
Frustrated, he warms his hands by the fire. Seeing the others studying the smoke he looks as well. "Anyone else think it's odd no one has come to check us out? With all this wet wood the fire's smoking like a chimney. If we can see their smoke, they can certainly see ours. Seems like a group of strangers camping on their beach would warrant a visit from the local law, or at least some kids. I'm curious to see what's more interesting than us."
He bundles up his gear, puts on his partially-dry boots, and gets to his weary feet. He spends a minute attempting to make himself presentable, but only looks like a slightly better-groomed drowned rat. "All right, I'm ready to meet the locals. Whoever wants to be the face of our little group, lead the way and I shall surely follow."
Red finishes her song and leans over to peer at the glasses. Then she shrugs with rueful smile and stands. The glasses are certainly fancy, but they mean nothing to her. "I'm not always the best with words, but I have my charms." She pauses and her smile turns wry. "Though as I keep saying, I have a bad feeling about this." She looks everyone over, pausing on Qivys."We all look a little worse for wear as Claire pointed out. If theres someone here who can usually take a couple of hits, maybe we heal them up and they stick close hmm?"
The settlement is perhaps a half-mile to the west, where the cliff diminishes, the beach appears to open up, and the surf appears calmer. It shouldn't be more than 20-30 minutes of hiking, even over these rocks. It's still early in the morning, still heavily overcast, still cold and raw. Your characters are all exhausted, which can only be cured with a long rest, and everyone is still at 2 hp.
It sounds like most everyone is getting ready to head toward the settlement. Did you want to take a short rest first, and do some healing? Or do some magical healing? Or just move on?
Omen: Do you want to carry the chest (it's a little bit cumbersome, but very doable) or just the glasses? (Or what do you want to do with the glasses?)
Qivys: Do you want to do anything with that crate of daggers? (It weighs about 100 pounds - you could just barely carry it by yourself.)
Anyone else have business you want to complete before moving on?
Finally - any special instructions on how you want to approach the settlement?
(I hadn't thought about it, but I like the idea of spending an hour warming up by the fire and using our Hit Dice to heal. That would probably bring me up to near full HP, then Claire could heal anyone still hurting. Thanks DM!)
Using my hit die to heal: 7 +1
"I agree with Kasimir, an hours rest would be helpful for us and we can use the rest." Omen states.
Omen will raise the spectacles before him, open the spectacles up and while holding them at arms length he will look through them.
After which he will put them in the case then stow them in his pack.
Omen will take time to gather a few more pieces of drift wood, bringing them back to the fire. He will use "Prestidigitation" to dry the wood a bit then stack them in a pile. After which Omen will take a place at the fire and warm up and dry a bit off.
When the hour passes Omen will help the others up and trek towards the village. Omen will continue to to scan the village as we get closer to see what is going on and if there is any danger or threats.
Perception: 9
"These daggers might fetch a fair price, but I think the crate full might slow us down. Plus, it'd be suspicious if we turn up with what is obviously an order for someone. What does everyone think? One or two each should not raise an eyebrow"
Qivys stuffs 2 daggers in his pack and joins the others at the fire.
(Sorry guys, at work so only a speedy post for now)
Red drops back down by the fire amused and starts playing again. "Sure." She says, "that could work. I'll grab a dagger of two when we head towards the village, but yeah, carrying that around with us doesn't seem like a great idea." She starts playing again as they sit around the fire.
Red does indeed grab a couple daggers as they head off an hour later. She stays near the front of the group, with a smile, hoping her natural charisma will help with whatever they find at the dwellings.
Hit die: 9
"I agree with Qivys. Any smith or general store might buy a dagger or two for a few coins; very few people are going to buy a whole crate, and even fewer will ask no questions. But maybe we can stash the rest on the chance we meet the right buyer." He takes two daggers and tucks them in his pack.
"Kas... Can I call you Kas....anyway, that sounds like a grand idea" Qivys looks around briefly to see if there is an area close by but off the beach that might securely house their cache.
Perception 16
In response to the insinuation from Red "I would be honoured to take lead. I might not be the tallest wall you've seen, but I will gladly put myself between evil and you all" Qivys' chest swells with pride. This might be his chance to prove himself once more. He quietly checks across his gear to make sure the scavenged gear will be upto scratch.
Hit die: 8 incl Con bonus