The hacked remains of the blue-boiled corpses reveal little in the way of possessions - some scraps of leather armor, rusty longswords, a ratty dagger, an ancient hand crossbow, all covered in rotting gore.
Wrinkling his nose at the gore, Kellen bypasses it and goes to the diving bell. He tries to talk to the captain above, telling them to raise it 20 feet, unsure if it will work through the water.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Kellen Rivian(Level 12 Lore Bard)- Ghosts of Saltmarsh (cbaer8)
Ruven Gilrel (Level 4 Bladesinger)- The Shattered Obelisk
The speaking tube, now filled with water, is no longer functional as such. But (very) simple signals can still be transmitted by tugging on the line.
However, the diving bell doesn't fully block the hole into the ship; they can slip around it. Indeed, looking down, Kellen can see not only through to the end of the smashed stern, he can see past it – it appears as though the ship has pierced the top of an underground cavern. And there's a light deep below – a pulsating light of unnatural colors at least fifteen feet below the level of the ocean floor.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Kellen sighs, seeing the pulsing light. Well, that's not ominous at all he mutters. He lets go of the diving bell and swims down toward the cavern, trying to get a better look at everything.
The inside of the ship has been gutted over time – it's essentially an empty frame now, a water-filled tube leading underground. It's clear that many feet have climbed in and out of this hollowed-out sunken vessel in recent years.
Kei returns his shadow tentacle back to sea floor as he swims to Kellen's position. "Seems someone left the light on for us, almost like an invitation" he says sarcastically. "Once Gerrard sends his message we should head in. There's no point dallying when we're this far underwater". He looks to Gerrard and beckons him over once he's completed his communication with the surface.
A pulsating light composed of unnatural colors permeates this underwater cavern. The stern of the ship has broken through the cavern’s fifteen-foot-high ceiling near the center of the area. The nauseating light reveals a hideous array of piled bones, many of which clearly once belonged to humanoids — far more bones than could be accounted for by the crew of a single sunken ship.
A shallow alcove opens up to the north, with a rotting sea chest set before it, leaning against the rough stone wall. Within the alcove, a funnel-shaped hollow in the cavern floor terminates at a narrow hole in the bedrock below. The pulsing light emanates from this hole. The water remains bitter cold.
"If these bones animate, we are in for a rough time," says Gerrard, swimming over carefully to the sea chest. His dagger sheathed so he can hold his glowing rapier in one hand for light, Gerrard shines the light on the sea chest, looking for any traps or other items of concern. If it truly is just rotten, and unlocked, he tries flipping it open with the tip of his rapier.
Perception on the chest: 18
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Kellen moves forward with Gerrard, also checking the chest for any traps. Yes, well this whole thing feels like some sort of cosmic trap we've just willingly swam into Kellen says drily, though seems content to keep going all the same.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Kellen Rivian(Level 12 Lore Bard)- Ghosts of Saltmarsh (cbaer8)
Ruven Gilrel (Level 4 Bladesinger)- The Shattered Obelisk
Kei, usually one for shadows and loot, makes his way past the chest to the hollow in the floor. The light offering greater fascination than the rotting chest. He peers down into the light. "Either of you seen a light like this before?"
Viewing it from afar, you can see that the hollow to the north is the source of the pulsating light. It's maybe 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet deep with a small hole at the bottom. It appears to be otherwise empty. But you are still some 15 feet away.
The chest looks like an ordinary captain's sea chest, covered in dead barnacles and detritus.
But before you can get close, two figures rise from the pile of bones to the north.
One, bearing a rusty longsword, looks similar to the ones you defeated minutes ago. The other, holding a greatsword, is different: while its blue-boiled torso, arms, and head (bearing the remains of a ship captain's hat) retain something like their likely former shapes, its legs have split into shadowy tentacles. They stand between you, and the hole and chest.
Half expecting this turn of events, Gerrard readies himself. Initially relieved there are only two foes, he grows quickly concerned at the tentacled form of the captain!
Initiative: 11
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Kei's fascination with the light is quickly dismissed as the jumble of bones come together. As both corpses arm themselves, it becomes clear to Kei that a fight is imminent.
The Drowned Blade staggers toward Gerrard and, without prelude or introduction, attacks him with its rusty blade:
Rusted Longsword Attack #1 vs. Gerrard: 19. Hit: 11 slashing damage, and Gerrard must succeed on a DC 12 CON save... Rusted Longsword Attack #2 vs. Gerrard: 24. Hit: 8 slashing damage, and Gerrard must succeed on a DC 12 CON save...
Kellen eyes the greatsword the captain is holding, and grips his mandolin while focusing on it. The greatsword glows red hot, scalding the captain and hissing in the water.
15 fire damage, DC 17 con save or he drops it. If he doesn't drop it, disadvantage on attacks.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Drawing his dagger and setting it to scalding as he deftly switches places with Kei (Bonus to enflame dagger, Bait and Switch), Gerrard stays engaged with the drowned blade as he closes with the one wielding the greatsword.
”I’ll try and block for us!” he calls as he launches into a flurry of attacks on the dead captain with his scalding dagger, keeping his rapier poised to block!
Add to his own AC with Bait and Switch, AC =19 + 6
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 26 Damage: 14
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 14 Damage: 11
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 22 Damage: 8
Action Surge:
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 12 Damage: 10
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 20 Damage: 10
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 20 Damage: 12
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
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The hacked remains of the blue-boiled corpses reveal little in the way of possessions - some scraps of leather armor, rusty longswords, a ratty dagger, an ancient hand crossbow, all covered in rotting gore.
Wrinkling his nose at the gore, Kellen bypasses it and goes to the diving bell. He tries to talk to the captain above, telling them to raise it 20 feet, unsure if it will work through the water.
Ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Kellen Rivian (Level 12 Lore Bard)- Ghosts of Saltmarsh (cbaer8)
Ruven Gilrel (Level 4 Bladesinger)- The Shattered Obelisk
The speaking tube, now filled with water, is no longer functional as such. But (very) simple signals can still be transmitted by tugging on the line.
However, the diving bell doesn't fully block the hole into the ship; they can slip around it. Indeed, looking down, Kellen can see not only through to the end of the smashed stern, he can see past it – it appears as though the ship has pierced the top of an underground cavern. And there's a light deep below – a pulsating light of unnatural colors at least fifteen feet below the level of the ocean floor.
Kellen sighs, seeing the pulsing light. Well, that's not ominous at all he mutters. He lets go of the diving bell and swims down toward the cavern, trying to get a better look at everything.
Perception 7
Ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Kellen Rivian (Level 12 Lore Bard)- Ghosts of Saltmarsh (cbaer8)
Ruven Gilrel (Level 4 Bladesinger)- The Shattered Obelisk
The inside of the ship has been gutted over time – it's essentially an empty frame now, a water-filled tube leading underground. It's clear that many feet have climbed in and out of this hollowed-out sunken vessel in recent years.
Offering to send the required signals, Gerrard leads the way into the wreck once Kellen is satisfied with the position of the bell.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Kei returns his shadow tentacle back to sea floor as he swims to Kellen's position. "Seems someone left the light on for us, almost like an invitation" he says sarcastically. "Once Gerrard sends his message we should head in. There's no point dallying when we're this far underwater". He looks to Gerrard and beckons him over once he's completed his communication with the surface.
A pulsating light composed of unnatural colors permeates this underwater cavern. The stern of the ship has broken through the cavern’s fifteen-foot-high ceiling near the center of the area. The nauseating light reveals a hideous array of piled bones, many of which clearly once belonged to humanoids — far more bones than could be accounted for by the crew of a single sunken ship.
A shallow alcove opens up to the north, with a rotting sea chest set before it, leaning against the rough stone wall. Within the alcove, a funnel-shaped hollow in the cavern floor terminates at a narrow hole in the bedrock below. The pulsing light emanates from this hole. The water remains bitter cold.

"If these bones animate, we are in for a rough time," says Gerrard, swimming over carefully to the sea chest. His dagger sheathed so he can hold his glowing rapier in one hand for light, Gerrard shines the light on the sea chest, looking for any traps or other items of concern. If it truly is just rotten, and unlocked, he tries flipping it open with the tip of his rapier.
Perception on the chest: 18
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Kellen moves forward with Gerrard, also checking the chest for any traps. Yes, well this whole thing feels like some sort of cosmic trap we've just willingly swam into Kellen says drily, though seems content to keep going all the same.
Ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Kellen Rivian (Level 12 Lore Bard)- Ghosts of Saltmarsh (cbaer8)
Ruven Gilrel (Level 4 Bladesinger)- The Shattered Obelisk
Kei, usually one for shadows and loot, makes his way past the chest to the hollow in the floor. The light offering greater fascination than the rotting chest. He peers down into the light. "Either of you seen a light like this before?"
Perception 6
Viewing it from afar, you can see that the hollow to the north is the source of the pulsating light. It's maybe 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet deep with a small hole at the bottom. It appears to be otherwise empty. But you are still some 15 feet away.
The chest looks like an ordinary captain's sea chest, covered in dead barnacles and detritus.
But before you can get close, two figures rise from the pile of bones to the north.
One, bearing a rusty longsword, looks similar to the ones you defeated minutes ago. The other, holding a greatsword, is different: while its blue-boiled torso, arms, and head (bearing the remains of a ship captain's hat) retain something like their likely former shapes, its legs have split into shadowy tentacles. They stand between you, and the hole and chest.
The captain clacks its skeletal jaw noiselessly.
Roll initiative!
Half expecting this turn of events, Gerrard readies himself. Initially relieved there are only two foes, he grows quickly concerned at the tentacled form of the captain!
Initiative: 11
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Kellen sighs, bringing his instrument back around facing the two undead. You guys really are the unluckiest sonuva...
Init: 12
Ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Kellen Rivian (Level 12 Lore Bard)- Ghosts of Saltmarsh (cbaer8)
Ruven Gilrel (Level 4 Bladesinger)- The Shattered Obelisk
Kei's fascination with the light is quickly dismissed as the jumble of bones come together. As both corpses arm themselves, it becomes clear to Kei that a fight is imminent.
Initiative 19
Kei: 17
Kellen: 12
Gerrard: 11
Drowned Master: 8
Drowned Blade: 18
The Drowned Blade staggers toward Gerrard and, without prelude or introduction, attacks him with its rusty blade:
Rusted Longsword Attack #1 vs. Gerrard: 19. Hit: 11 slashing damage, and Gerrard must succeed on a DC 12 CON save...
Rusted Longsword Attack #2 vs. Gerrard: 24. Hit: 8 slashing damage, and Gerrard must succeed on a DC 12 CON save...
Everyone may act!
Kellen eyes the greatsword the captain is holding, and grips his mandolin while focusing on it. The greatsword glows red hot, scalding the captain and hissing in the water.
15 fire damage, DC 17 con save or he drops it. If he doesn't drop it, disadvantage on attacks.
Ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Kellen Rivian (Level 12 Lore Bard)- Ghosts of Saltmarsh (cbaer8)
Ruven Gilrel (Level 4 Bladesinger)- The Shattered Obelisk
Reacting quickly, Gerrard parries the first attack of the Drowned Blade (Defensive Duelist) but not the second, taking a slashing blow!
Constitution Save: 24
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Drawing his dagger and setting it to scalding as he deftly switches places with Kei (Bonus to enflame dagger, Bait and Switch), Gerrard stays engaged with the drowned blade as he closes with the one wielding the greatsword.
”I’ll try and block for us!” he calls as he launches into a flurry of attacks on the dead captain with his scalding dagger, keeping his rapier poised to block!
Add to his own AC with Bait and Switch, AC =19 + 6
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 26 Damage: 14
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 14 Damage: 11
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 22 Damage: 8
Action Surge:
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 12 Damage: 10
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 20 Damage: 10
Scalding Dagger: Attack: 20 Damage: 12
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"