Upon reaching the hilltop, Yevele stares in shock for a minute trying to take in everything that she is seeing. Rogram, casting his spell, and taking off at a quick pace jars the young monk out of her state of shock. Taking a few seconds to make sure everything is secure on her pack, the young woman follows the dwarf toward Greenest, keeping her eye out for any danger that they may encounter on the journey to the burning village.
The Dwarf offers the jug to Thrax, but to his surprise, the lizardfolk turns him down. Dern gives a shrug and then takes another sip on Thrax's behalf before passing the jug on to whomever would accept it. "Not much for the drink, lad?" he asks.
Thrax ponders his response for a moment and replies, “Drink, yes. We drink water, we drink juice, we drink blood, even drink milk if we have to, thess help us. Ale and wine, it does not help us. Never did understand.” He pauses and after a moment and adds “But thank you for the offer, nonetheless.”
The next day as they approach Greenest and the reality of the attack dawns on them, Thrax throws down his pack and begins to equip his heavy chain armor. His set was handcrafted, with intricate diamond shaped metal loops that mirrored his natural scales. His set was reinforced with bones on the arms, shins, and shoulders. He picks up his shield of wood and bone with the emblem of Gond embossed upon it in steel, in his hand a wooden spear with a steel head. He joins his companions and goes into the town.
Waking up early at the sound of Enom and some others getting up Smoke will take his time to stretch a bit and put on his belt and weapons once more. Packing up everything and finding a small piece of bread to eat as breakfast. As he eats he will walk around quietly trying not to wake anyone up.
Travelling on the road Smoke will be found chit-chatting when he notices his partner in conversation stop talking and staring ahead. Smoke will turn his head to see why and also see the sight that now everyone will most likely be looking at. If people could see through Smoke's fur they would see a pale face as his blood drains from it. He knew what he was looking at. A dragons destruction. A town like Greenest would be no match for a dragon.
Seeing the others move towards the town Smoke says to the commoner hes speaking to Stay here. If the dragon comes back hide away from the caravan, it might not see you.
Smoke will quickly run trying to catch up to Rogram, he quickly darts on all fours gaining movement. Rograms short legs are no match for Smokes speed in this short sprint and quickly catches up and runs past to create some room and time before they run past Smoke. As he runs he looks at his hands and seeing his furry Tabaxi arms. He stops, because its a strain to keep running and because doubt fills his mind. His frail body was no match for a dragon, none of them were.
Wait! he says as he turns to the others running towards the town while raising his palms up to signal for them to stop What if the dragon comes back? We cant just charge in!
Undoubtedly this plea will not stop them, as Smoke sees them passing by while he takes a breather. Mustering up some courage Smoke cannot let them go in alone. His facial expression turns from panic to determined as he starts running after them again realising he must do what he can to help them.
Smoke will use Feline Agility to double his movement then while ahead stop and rest using this time to reset it again but falling behind. His movement would be double the first 'turn' and 0 second speaking in turns. Then resume at normal speed.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Thia Moonsong shakes her head in disbelief. "Typical. I come here chasing you, Talis and you draw me into a war. What is wrong with you?" she says under her breath, exasperated. She makes sure she has all her equipment handy and moves to follow the others. She slips off the trail slightly, moving into undergrowth, behind hedges and trees and generally trying to approach undetected. Whilst moving in towards the town she is scanning the ground ahead on the look out for ambushes or danger. She tries to stay close to the others, to support or warn them if she sees something.
The Dwarf offers the jug to Thrax, but to his surprise, the lizardfolk turns him down. Dern gives a shrug and then takes another sip on Thrax's behalf before passing the jug on to whomever would accept it. "Not much for the drink, lad?" he asks.
Thrax ponders his response for a moment and replies, “Drink, yes. We drink water, we drink juice, we drink blood, even drink milk if we have to, thess help us. Ale and wine, it does not help us. Never did understand.” He pauses and after a moment and adds “But thank you for the offer, nonetheless.”
The next day as they approach Greenest and the reality of the attack dawns on them, Thrax throws down his pack and begins to equip his heavy chain armor. His set was handcrafted, with intricate diamond shaped metal loops that mirrored his natural scales. His set was reinforced with bones on the arms, shins, and shoulders. He picks up his shield of wood and bone with the emblem of Gond embossed upon it in steel, in his hand a wooden spear with a steel head. He joins his companions and goes into the town.
Dern's expression drops into disbelief. Ale and wine not helping?! Ridiculous! "Don't be talkin' such nonsense. Ale and wine is good for ya! Good for the spirit, anyway. That's why they call'em spirits, ya know. Plus it has other benefits. Some drink for fun. Some drink for friends. Some drink to forget. Back at home, my Aunt made the best cider 'round!" He pauses for a moment, but eventually just shakes his head. "Anyway, best be gettin' some rest." With that, the Dwarf hobbles to his tent and bedroll to settle in for the evening.
The rest of the following day passes mostly uneventfully, dotted here and there with Dern attempting to further explain the merits of drinking things like wine and ale. Doing so seems to distract him enough to forget about his cares or worries. The journey is long, but peaceful. For the first time in some time, Dern enjoys himself. So much so that he completely forgets to speak with Rogram about Greenest and Thia about this Dragon Cult.
Then they arrive. The columns of smoke rising from the rural town into the sky like fumes from a forge. Dern stood, his one good eye wide in disbelief as the growing fires from the town dance and flicker in it. The Dwarf is snapped back to his senses as he feels a dull ache grow behind his eye patch and at the stump of his leg where it meets his prosthetic. "No...no no no somethin's off here. Something isn't righ-" Dern is cut off mid-thought as a dragon soars over head! It sweeps by them and over Greenest directly. "Not again...Never again!" He mutters, his jaw clenching and his brow knitting into rage! That's when Rogram darts off at a surprising burst of speed, followed by Smoke and the others. Dern swings his strapped weapon around and loads his heavy crossbow. At last, vengeance would be his! He hurries forward, his false leg giving him an uneven gait. It's all coming back to him now. That fateful night. The smoke. The fire. The screams. By the gods, the screams! Dern brings his heavy crossbow to bear, ready to shoot down the first thing that looks like it is at the beck and call of the flying monstrosity laying waste to this town!
Action: Readying Heavy Crossbow to launch a bolt at a servant of the dragon
Rogram's spell allows his smaller legs to keep pace ahead of the rest of the party, aside from Smoke, whose bursts of speed defy that of any humanoid without the feline claws of a tabaxi. The two of them begin to lengthen the distance between them and the others, with Dern struggling to keep up.
By the time any of you reach the edge of town, the sun has set. Burning buildings and a half moon cast dim light throughout the streets. It looks as though the attackers have tried to set many buildings ablaze as they moved through town, but the thatch construction of most of the housing isn't as flammable as it looks. A quick glance shows that most of the flames come from haystacks and barns, not from homes or shops.
Nevertheless, a sea of people line the streets as far as you can see. Forms wielding torches and weapons move from house to house, but further ahead, in the center of town, many non-armed civilians can be seen running for the keep. Standing like a beacon, the defensible structure illuminates bright torchlight from its open gates.
OOC: If the rest of the party is running at Dern's pace of 25 feet per round, Rogram will reach the entrance of Greenest almost a mile ahead of the others. I want to make sure that DDP is aware of that before resolving. After a mile or so of his pace, Rogram would see that he is running forward toward an army by himself.
The red square on the map indicates the approximate location of the party once they reach the entrance of town.
Rogram will head straight to his house to check on his father. If he has to take a circuitous route to get there without engaging any hostile, he will.
Thrax will follow the lead of those other party members who are familiar with the layout of Greenest. He has his weapons at the ready, his eyes glint with a hunters precision as they moved into the war torn town.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Vercinius Thrax: Lizardfolk Cleric - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
L’Ouverture Zinn: Kobold Sorcerer - Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Titus Vorenus: Dragonborn Paladin - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Nemean Goldenmane: Tabaxi Fighter - Lost Mine of Phandelver (Retired)
Once they reach the edge of town, Yevele looks around her and waits for everyone else, except Rogram to gather at the entrance. "We should stick together for safety. Can anyone tell if those people going from door-to-door are attacking people or helping people? How should we arrange ourselves for defense? Stand five abreast, with Dern in the center, Smoke and Thia next to him, and myself and Thrax on the wings? Or does someone have a better strategy." As she is talking, the monk is holding her quarterstaff in a defensive post, casting her eyes at the street laid out before them.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
When Smoke arrives shortly after Rogram he thinks about shouting again to stop Rogram from walking into danger but saves himself the effort as it seems it is no use.
Looking back he sees the others still need some time to catch up. Smoke decides to follow Rogram part of the way. If its safe enough Smoke will walk up to the first intersection and raise his palms towards himself and gets his claws out as he moves towards one of the bigger houses and climbs up to the roof of it.
He tries to keep track of where Rogram is going so they could follow once the group arrives and at the same time get a better look at the streets ahead to spot positions of the mob with torches.
Sneaking across the roof he tries to stay out of sight as he waites for the others to arrive.
(perception to see where Rogram goes as far as possible and to spot groups of possible enemies 6, Stealth to stay out of sight while on top of the roof 14)
Thia reaches the town a little after the others, sneaking through the undergrowth. When she does she sees the risk that the party are already splitting up. She goes to stand next to Dern, Yevele and Thrax, pulls both locks of hair over her ears (a signal that she means business) and puts her hands on her hips. Looking after the departed Rogram and Smoke she says, "Men. Always in a rush. They'll get themselves killed they will." With a smirk and a half-smile at the monk she continues. "Seems to me the sensible place to be is in that fort. That's where everyone else is headed. We should make for there I think. Best protection from raiders and ... that thing," she finishes lamely looking up at the distant silhouette of the winged beast.
Looking around Thia spots the small stream which seems to wend its way through the village to a location close to the keep. "Perhaps we could use the brook for cover? Sneak along it, out of sight? I am happy to take point, as long as you guys aren't too far behind."
Arriving first, nearly a mile ahead of the rest of the party, Rogram rushes first to his home. The bulk of the attacking force being further east, he is able to reach the house unscathed. The home has clearly been ransacked; the door is busted open, sagging on its hinges, and the house has been overturned. Every cabinet, drawer, wardrobe, and chest has been opened. The rest of the house remains intact, and many of the more common household items remain, but anything more valuable than copper has been taken. His father is nowhere to be found, but there is also no sign of a struggle; from the look of things, the burglars had an easy time rummaging through the house.
Outside, Dern, Yevele and Thrax have lost sight of Smoke atop a nearby house.
For Smoke:
Whatever force is attacking this town bears little resemblance to an army. What you can see is chaotic - there is no apparent uniform or strategy, and is not so much a mob as hundreds of raiders all doing their own thing.
As Thia arrives and points out the stream and the defensible structure of the keep, without warning, five humans dash out from between two buildings to your left. Rogram sees this from further ahead, and Smoke notices the commotion as well from above. A limping man and three young children race across the street into more shadows, and a woman carrying a round shield and a broken spear turns and faces back in the direction from which they came. Seven kobolds stream out of the alley on the family's heels, small draconic humanoids with daggers and slings in hand. The kobolds fan out around the woman, who looks determined to delay the creatures for as long as possible.
Strangely, the kobolds seem entirely focused on the family. None have so much as turned a head in any of your directions.
Thia rapidly takes in the situation, the distances and the angles involved. She doesn't think, or plot, or consider. She just acts on impulse.
Drawing a small pinch of rose petals from a simple leather pouch at her side she makes a judgement...
Action: If I think I can fit 5+ kobolds in the AoE of my Sleep spell, I'll fire it off, using the rose petals as a component. If there is a chance to catch friendlies in the effect, or I can't catch as many as 5+, I'll instead swap to abusing the nearest kobold to the woman with some sarcastic comments about its parentage (which needs only verbal components). I'll then draw my rapier, ready to defend myself if the kobolds charge us, but will
Move: back a bit behind the doughtier members of the party.
Rogram, only slightly heartened at not finding his father, growls when he sees the kobolds. He draws his sword and hurries to help the surrounded woman.
Hearing the commotion Smoke will slowly move to get a good view of what is happening while trying to remain hidden. Seeing the others getting ready to engage Smoke prepares himself.
He glances around again to see if he can spot more than the 7 around the woman. He will then try to get a good stance on the roof and use his right hand to search his dagger, finding it behind his belt on his back. He holds up the knife behind his right shoulder getting ready to throw it if needed.
Smoke will not be the first to engage but instead wait for his group to catch the attention and then target one of the slingers with his dagger and throw it at the creature while remaining on the roof for now.
Action: Ready attack: Throwing his dagger at one of the Kobold slingers after someone else engages. Attack: 24 Damage: 6
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Dern gives a nod "A sound plan. Protect our flanks and advance. " Being the slowest of the group, Dern definitely appreciates a bit of protection with the others. It's at that moment that he notices the woman with shield and spear fending off the kobolds. Dern grits his teeth at the sight of the little monsters. Dragon Servants. Dragon Worshippers. Bah! He spits on the ground and raises his heavy crossbow. The Dwarf goes still for a moment, taking this opportunity to breathe in, aim at the kobold closest to the lady, breathe out and fire.
Upon reaching the hilltop, Yevele stares in shock for a minute trying to take in everything that she is seeing. Rogram, casting his spell, and taking off at a quick pace jars the young monk out of her state of shock. Taking a few seconds to make sure everything is secure on her pack, the young woman follows the dwarf toward Greenest, keeping her eye out for any danger that they may encounter on the journey to the burning village.
Thrax ponders his response for a moment and replies, “Drink, yes. We drink water, we drink juice, we drink blood, even drink milk if we have to, thess help us. Ale and wine, it does not help us. Never did understand.” He pauses and after a moment and adds “But thank you for the offer, nonetheless.”
The next day as they approach Greenest and the reality of the attack dawns on them, Thrax throws down his pack and begins to equip his heavy chain armor. His set was handcrafted, with intricate diamond shaped metal loops that mirrored his natural scales. His set was reinforced with bones on the arms, shins, and shoulders. He picks up his shield of wood and bone with the emblem of Gond embossed upon it in steel, in his hand a wooden spear with a steel head. He joins his companions and goes into the town.
Vercinius Thrax: Lizardfolk Cleric - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
L’Ouverture Zinn: Kobold Sorcerer - Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Titus Vorenus: Dragonborn Paladin - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Nemean Goldenmane: Tabaxi Fighter - Lost Mine of Phandelver (Retired)
Waking up early at the sound of Enom and some others getting up Smoke will take his time to stretch a bit and put on his belt and weapons once more. Packing up everything and finding a small piece of bread to eat as breakfast. As he eats he will walk around quietly trying not to wake anyone up.
Travelling on the road Smoke will be found chit-chatting when he notices his partner in conversation stop talking and staring ahead. Smoke will turn his head to see why and also see the sight that now everyone will most likely be looking at. If people could see through Smoke's fur they would see a pale face as his blood drains from it. He knew what he was looking at. A dragons destruction. A town like Greenest would be no match for a dragon.
Seeing the others move towards the town Smoke says to the commoner hes speaking to Stay here. If the dragon comes back hide away from the caravan, it might not see you.
Smoke will quickly run trying to catch up to Rogram, he quickly darts on all fours gaining movement. Rograms short legs are no match for Smokes speed in this short sprint and quickly catches up and runs past to create some room and time before they run past Smoke. As he runs he looks at his hands and seeing his furry Tabaxi arms. He stops, because its a strain to keep running and because doubt fills his mind. His frail body was no match for a dragon, none of them were.
Wait! he says as he turns to the others running towards the town while raising his palms up to signal for them to stop What if the dragon comes back? We cant just charge in!
Undoubtedly this plea will not stop them, as Smoke sees them passing by while he takes a breather. Mustering up some courage Smoke cannot let them go in alone. His facial expression turns from panic to determined as he starts running after them again realising he must do what he can to help them.
Thia Moonsong shakes her head in disbelief. "Typical. I come here chasing you, Talis and you draw me into a war. What is wrong with you?" she says under her breath, exasperated. She makes sure she has all her equipment handy and moves to follow the others. She slips off the trail slightly, moving into undergrowth, behind hedges and trees and generally trying to approach undetected. Whilst moving in towards the town she is scanning the ground ahead on the look out for ambushes or danger. She tries to stay close to the others, to support or warn them if she sees something.
Stealth (+5): 11
Perception (+1): 3
My Homebrew World: The World of Rodinia
Novels Published: Reynard's Fate, Kita's Honour and Callindrill
Dern's expression drops into disbelief. Ale and wine not helping?! Ridiculous! "Don't be talkin' such nonsense. Ale and wine is good for ya! Good for the spirit, anyway. That's why they call'em spirits, ya know. Plus it has other benefits. Some drink for fun. Some drink for friends. Some drink to forget. Back at home, my Aunt made the best cider 'round!" He pauses for a moment, but eventually just shakes his head. "Anyway, best be gettin' some rest." With that, the Dwarf hobbles to his tent and bedroll to settle in for the evening.
The rest of the following day passes mostly uneventfully, dotted here and there with Dern attempting to further explain the merits of drinking things like wine and ale. Doing so seems to distract him enough to forget about his cares or worries. The journey is long, but peaceful. For the first time in some time, Dern enjoys himself. So much so that he completely forgets to speak with Rogram about Greenest and Thia about this Dragon Cult.
Then they arrive. The columns of smoke rising from the rural town into the sky like fumes from a forge. Dern stood, his one good eye wide in disbelief as the growing fires from the town dance and flicker in it. The Dwarf is snapped back to his senses as he feels a dull ache grow behind his eye patch and at the stump of his leg where it meets his prosthetic. "No...no no no somethin's off here. Something isn't righ-" Dern is cut off mid-thought as a dragon soars over head! It sweeps by them and over Greenest directly. "Not again...Never again!" He mutters, his jaw clenching and his brow knitting into rage! That's when Rogram darts off at a surprising burst of speed, followed by Smoke and the others. Dern swings his strapped weapon around and loads his heavy crossbow. At last, vengeance would be his! He hurries forward, his false leg giving him an uneven gait. It's all coming back to him now. That fateful night. The smoke. The fire. The screams. By the gods, the screams! Dern brings his heavy crossbow to bear, ready to shoot down the first thing that looks like it is at the beck and call of the flying monstrosity laying waste to this town!
Action: Readying Heavy Crossbow to launch a bolt at a servant of the dragon
Rogram's spell allows his smaller legs to keep pace ahead of the rest of the party, aside from Smoke, whose bursts of speed defy that of any humanoid without the feline claws of a tabaxi. The two of them begin to lengthen the distance between them and the others, with Dern struggling to keep up.
By the time any of you reach the edge of town, the sun has set. Burning buildings and a half moon cast dim light throughout the streets. It looks as though the attackers have tried to set many buildings ablaze as they moved through town, but the thatch construction of most of the housing isn't as flammable as it looks. A quick glance shows that most of the flames come from haystacks and barns, not from homes or shops.
Nevertheless, a sea of people line the streets as far as you can see. Forms wielding torches and weapons move from house to house, but further ahead, in the center of town, many non-armed civilians can be seen running for the keep. Standing like a beacon, the defensible structure illuminates bright torchlight from its open gates.
OOC: If the rest of the party is running at Dern's pace of 25 feet per round, Rogram will reach the entrance of Greenest almost a mile ahead of the others. I want to make sure that DDP is aware of that before resolving. After a mile or so of his pace, Rogram would see that he is running forward toward an army by himself.
The red square on the map indicates the approximate location of the party once they reach the entrance of town.
See my profile for all my PbP threads!
(OOC: If Thia is stealthing along, can she keep up with Dern?)
My Homebrew World: The World of Rodinia
Novels Published: Reynard's Fate, Kita's Honour and Callindrill
Rogram will head straight to his house to check on his father. If he has to take a circuitous route to get there without engaging any hostile, he will.
Thrax will follow the lead of those other party members who are familiar with the layout of Greenest. He has his weapons at the ready, his eyes glint with a hunters precision as they moved into the war torn town.
Vercinius Thrax: Lizardfolk Cleric - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
L’Ouverture Zinn: Kobold Sorcerer - Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Titus Vorenus: Dragonborn Paladin - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Nemean Goldenmane: Tabaxi Fighter - Lost Mine of Phandelver (Retired)
Once they reach the edge of town, Yevele looks around her and waits for everyone else, except Rogram to gather at the entrance. "We should stick together for safety. Can anyone tell if those people going from door-to-door are attacking people or helping people? How should we arrange ourselves for defense? Stand five abreast, with Dern in the center, Smoke and Thia next to him, and myself and Thrax on the wings? Or does someone have a better strategy." As she is talking, the monk is holding her quarterstaff in a defensive post, casting her eyes at the street laid out before them.
When Smoke arrives shortly after Rogram he thinks about shouting again to stop Rogram from walking into danger but saves himself the effort as it seems it is no use.
Looking back he sees the others still need some time to catch up. Smoke decides to follow Rogram part of the way.
If its safe enough Smoke will walk up to the first intersection and raise his palms towards himself and gets his claws out as he moves towards one of the bigger houses and climbs up to the roof of it.
He tries to keep track of where Rogram is going so they could follow once the group arrives and at the same time get a better look at the streets ahead to spot positions of the mob with torches.
Sneaking across the roof he tries to stay out of sight as he waites for the others to arrive.
(perception to see where Rogram goes as far as possible and to spot groups of possible enemies 6, Stealth to stay out of sight while on top of the roof 14)
Thia reaches the town a little after the others, sneaking through the undergrowth. When she does she sees the risk that the party are already splitting up. She goes to stand next to Dern, Yevele and Thrax, pulls both locks of hair over her ears (a signal that she means business) and puts her hands on her hips. Looking after the departed Rogram and Smoke she says, "Men. Always in a rush. They'll get themselves killed they will." With a smirk and a half-smile at the monk she continues. "Seems to me the sensible place to be is in that fort. That's where everyone else is headed. We should make for there I think. Best protection from raiders and ... that thing," she finishes lamely looking up at the distant silhouette of the winged beast.
Looking around Thia spots the small stream which seems to wend its way through the village to a location close to the keep. "Perhaps we could use the brook for cover? Sneak along it, out of sight? I am happy to take point, as long as you guys aren't too far behind."
My Homebrew World: The World of Rodinia
Novels Published: Reynard's Fate, Kita's Honour and Callindrill
Arriving first, nearly a mile ahead of the rest of the party, Rogram rushes first to his home. The bulk of the attacking force being further east, he is able to reach the house unscathed. The home has clearly been ransacked; the door is busted open, sagging on its hinges, and the house has been overturned. Every cabinet, drawer, wardrobe, and chest has been opened. The rest of the house remains intact, and many of the more common household items remain, but anything more valuable than copper has been taken. His father is nowhere to be found, but there is also no sign of a struggle; from the look of things, the burglars had an easy time rummaging through the house.
Outside, Dern, Yevele and Thrax have lost sight of Smoke atop a nearby house.
For Smoke:
Whatever force is attacking this town bears little resemblance to an army. What you can see is chaotic - there is no apparent uniform or strategy, and is not so much a mob as hundreds of raiders all doing their own thing.
As Thia arrives and points out the stream and the defensible structure of the keep, without warning, five humans dash out from between two buildings to your left. Rogram sees this from further ahead, and Smoke notices the commotion as well from above. A limping man and three young children race across the street into more shadows, and a woman carrying a round shield and a broken spear turns and faces back in the direction from which they came. Seven kobolds stream out of the alley on the family's heels, small draconic humanoids with daggers and slings in hand. The kobolds fan out around the woman, who looks determined to delay the creatures for as long as possible.
Strangely, the kobolds seem entirely focused on the family. None have so much as turned a head in any of your directions.
See my profile for all my PbP threads!
Thia rapidly takes in the situation, the distances and the angles involved. She doesn't think, or plot, or consider. She just acts on impulse.
Drawing a small pinch of rose petals from a simple leather pouch at her side she makes a judgement...
My Homebrew World: The World of Rodinia
Novels Published: Reynard's Fate, Kita's Honour and Callindrill
Rogram, only slightly heartened at not finding his father, growls when he sees the kobolds. He draws his sword and hurries to help the surrounded woman.
Hearing the commotion Smoke will slowly move to get a good view of what is happening while trying to remain hidden. Seeing the others getting ready to engage Smoke prepares himself.
He glances around again to see if he can spot more than the 7 around the woman. He will then try to get a good stance on the roof and use his right hand to search his dagger, finding it behind his belt on his back. He holds up the knife behind his right shoulder getting ready to throw it if needed.
Smoke will not be the first to engage but instead wait for his group to catch the attention and then target one of the slingers with his dagger and throw it at the creature while remaining on the roof for now.
Dern gives a nod "A sound plan. Protect our flanks and advance. " Being the slowest of the group, Dern definitely appreciates a bit of protection with the others. It's at that moment that he notices the woman with shield and spear fending off the kobolds. Dern grits his teeth at the sight of the little monsters. Dragon Servants. Dragon Worshippers. Bah! He spits on the ground and raises his heavy crossbow. The Dwarf goes still for a moment, taking this opportunity to breathe in, aim at the kobold closest to the lady, breathe out and fire.
Heavy Crossbow: Attack: 25 Damage: 9
Rogram attacks the first kobold he reaches, swinging his sword with both strong arms. “Get out of Greenest!”
Two-hand longsword attack: 8; damage: 12 slashing damage
Yevele will move forward and attack one of kobolds, swinging with her quarterstaff Attack: 18 Damage: 12 followed by a kick Attack: 17 Damage: 6
Thrax charges in with his companions rushing to stand by the woman's side, taking a lunging shot at one of the Kobolds assailing them.
Spear Attack: Attack: 14 Damage: 4
Vercinius Thrax: Lizardfolk Cleric - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
L’Ouverture Zinn: Kobold Sorcerer - Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Titus Vorenus: Dragonborn Paladin - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Nemean Goldenmane: Tabaxi Fighter - Lost Mine of Phandelver (Retired)