"Hn. Seems we found our missing Drow -- or, at least the one."Rhogar conveyed to the party once the drow slipped away without missing a beat; his shared senses with Gorrah having once more coming in handy. "Any others remain unaccounted for. But if I, er, we had guess, they've likely already entered the western tower. Er, sorry, the library west of this tower. Hah. Got a little tongued there." He adds before telepathically bidding Gorrah to return downstairs. "Likely they were attracted by the noise of our battle upstairs, and, uh.... tempting as it would be to immediately pursue them, I say we see to what we found above first, as I doubt they'll be leaving the library any time soon. Not if their aim is to acquire as much Netherese knowledge as they can."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Krom nods in agreement. "You are right, Rhogar. There is no point in pursuing them now. Their goal might not the same as ours, but they will probably see us as a threat." The dwarf grips his warhammer, gesturing towards the staircase "Let's proceed to the top floor while the way is clear. Those arcane constructs might not stay inactive for long, and I would rather not deal with another round of their punches."
"Agreed, though i guess they know somebody is in this tower they may have chosen to leave us alone. But let's take care of the task at hand and find the words we seek." Chill says ready to go back up.
Kazri and Oli follow the group upstairs. They stay at the top of the stairs with her ears trained to the entrance to the building.
(I will take any attempt at entering will be pretty noisy.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
You return to the top floor of the tower, your footsteps echoing in the vast, empty chamber. The remnants of the defeated constructs still lie scattered across the stone floor, their broken fingers and shattered parts serving as a reminder of the fierce battle that took place, but the room is eerily quiet now.
In the center of the room, on the large stone pedestal, the tiny tower remains untouched. The miniature structure looks as though it holds secrets, perhaps a reflection of the larger tower itself or a key to unlocking deeper mysteries. The air feels heavy with magic as if you know now that the tiny tower is in fact a talisman that is a gateway, and the silence presses in on you, as if the room is waiting for something to happen.
"How do we proceed from here, Rhogar? Should we hold hands while one of us touches the tower?" Krom asks as the group reaches the top floor. "While I was in Neverwinter, I heard a wizard saying that in order to use certain portals with others, they have to be physically connected." He pauses, looking at the miniature tower. "If touching it doesn't activate the magic, I'll chant a hymn of divination to discern its properties."
"Hard to say, Master Krom. Potential gateways such as these do tend require a passphrase, or even a key kayed, erm, Key... KEYED to the pattern of the Weave woven as part of their creation. But at other times it is as you first considered due to either the peculiarities of a site, the quirks or limitations of the creator, or simply an oversight on said creators part." Explained Rhogar while rubbing his chin, but never stopping in movement until he reached the altar and tower.
"But if I were to place a wager on things, and given the living spells set at work to guard the tower, I'd say simply touching it would be enough. But if push comes to shove, then by all means cast your divinations." The temptation to just grasp the tower without thought after the spiel nearly gets to the dragonborn. But, he manages to stop just short of touching it, and after adjusting his grip on his staff, held out a hand to the others and made a motion for them to start linking hands. Once they do, he holds his breath before touching the tower with the other hand.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Kazri leaves Oli at the top of the stairs, as she gets closer to Rhogar in case things does south.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
You join Rhogar and link hands, feeling a surge of energy as you connect with him. Together, you focus on the tiny tower, its intricate details shimmering in the dim light of the chamber. Rhogar's fingers brush against the smooth surface of the miniature structure as he reaches out, his gaze steady with determination.
As his fingertips make contact with the tower, an ethereal glow begins to emanate from it, casting flickering shadows on the walls. The air hums with magic, and you can sense a powerful force at work. Suddenly, a glowing doorway materializes before you, its light illuminating the chamber in a warm, inviting hue.
The doorway stands tall at 8 feet, its edges shimmering like liquid silver. It spans 4 feet in width, creating an entrance that feels both imposing and alluring. The space between the pedestal and the doorway measures a mere 5 feet, yet it feels like a threshold between worlds, a passage to the unknown.
"You did it, Rhogar!" says Krom as the Dragonborn activates the tiny tower. "Let's go, we cannot be sure for how long it will remain open." adds the dwarf. Krom keeps his hands linked with the others as he prepares to enter the portal.
"Ah, uh, y-yes? Yes! *Ahem* Yes, let us proceed quickly! But remain on guard in case there are yet sentries on the other side."Rhogar says and Gorrah chirrups in agreement before the Dragonborn immediately starts rushing for the portal, pulling along whoever he'd happened to be hold at the time. The sudden movement leaves Gorrah clinging for dear life about his neck, yet soon after sending happy feelings to any and all receptive nearby just prior to entering the portal. Once on the other side Rhogar wastes little time and would try to strike up as defensive posture as possible while spreading out a few feet from the portal door, before then truly taking a moment to take in the new surroundings.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
"Allow me to go in first, followed by..." A very excited Rhogar pushes Kazri aside. "Well, if you insist Mr. Nimbatuul." She will follow the Dragonborn right after, then Oli.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Stepping through the conjured doorway, the very fabric of reality twists and warps, as though the world itself is bending to make room for your passage. You feel an unsettling pull in your gut, like gravity itself is confused. In an instant, the once familiar surroundings dissolve, replaced by the dim, shadowed interior of a cramped den. The air is thick, heavy with a musty odor, and the space feels alive with strange, otherworldly energy.
The den is about 40 feet long and 20 feet wide, but it feels smaller, the walls crowded with shelves crammed full of mysterious objects. Strange jars of pickled creatures, rusted cauldrons, and old tomes bound in cracked leather fill the room, while cobwebs cling to every surface. Flickering candles cast long, dancing shadows that make it hard to tell where the clutter ends and the room begins.
As your senses struggle to adjust, your gaze falls upon three figures standing on the far side of the room. Their eyes, black and glimmering, fix on you with unnatural intensity. The hags. Each one seems more grotesque than the last, their aged, twisted forms draped in tattered rags. One has gnarled fingers like the claws of a bird, another's skin hangs loose and wrinkled like the bark of an ancient tree, and the third’s smile is filled with rotting teeth, sharp as daggers.
The air seems to hum with malevolent energy as the hags stare at you in eerie silence, sizing you up, their crooked smiles growing wider as though they’ve been expecting you.
“Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore”
Even though Kazri didn't know what to expect by passing through the portal, she was still confused at the abode they arrived on. She keeps her shield and sword up, and she moves closer to Rhogar. "Courage my friends, for we have nothing to fear."
(Stay close for Kazri's aura of protection)
Aura of Protection - While you are conscious, you grant all friendly creatures (including you) within 10 ft. a +3 bonus to all saving throws.
Aura of Warding - You and friendly creatures within 10 ft. of you have resistance to damage from spells.
Aura of Courager - While you are conscious, you and friendly creatures within 10 ft. can’t be frightened.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
As the group steps through the portal into the strange abode, Krom's gaze momentarily wonders, examining the unfamiliar surroundings. His attention quickly shifts to the three hags. Studying them carefully, he tries to gauge their mood and intentions. The dwarf moves closer to Rhogar and Kazri, his hand resting on the handle of his warhammer, prepared for any sudden turn of events.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Chill's eyes narrow as he regains his senses and he watches the hags intently. He also is studying them, trying to determine their mood toward the group.
Insight 23
He allows Kazri and Krom to step forward as he himself takes half a step back.
With sudden realization that they may be trapped here he looks behind them to see if the doorway they just passed through is still there or not.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Rhogar, who had thus far been struck mute at the sight of the hags, shudder and shook off the surprise hearing Kazri's words. "Right... right." He says softly, before giving Kazri a thankful nod. When next the dragonborn turns on the hags, his face had harden into a stern mask. Though the effect of it may be somewhat ruined with the pseudodragon cutely cocking her head to the side as she studied the hags.
"Greetings and salutations ladies of this... fine, eh, establishment? Our sincerest apologies for the perhaps less than, uhm... for the unannounced visit. We meant no offense. We are but, eh... well, I not entirely humble -- BUT, we are explorers all the same, among other things, seeking knowledge left behind in the ruins outside your apparent domicile. I am known as Rhogar, and if it pleases you, I would be delighted to know who it is I am addressing this, uhm.. fine day." He greets the tree, expression softening halfway through the spiel as he tried to project a less hostile stance; his stomach churning uneasily at the sight of the trio. Even still, he met their gazes and look them over subtly in an effort to try and ascertain the crones nature.
Notably for the party, Rhogar for once did not give his Clan name during the greeting. A sure sign as any of the dragonborn's heightened caution in the moment.
Chill takes a quick glance over his shoulder, reassured for the moment that the doorway they entered through is still there, still offering a potential way out. However, his brief relief is shattered when one of the hags, her voice raspy and dripping with malice, croons ominously. "Not so simple to just walk away, no, not now." Her words hang in the air, thick with dark promise.
Krom and Kazri, sensing the rising tension, shift into more defensive positions. Krom’s sharp eyes catch the subtle expressions on the hags’ faces—twisted amusement playing at the corners of their cruel mouths. They seem to relish the situation, exuding a sinister confidence, bolstered by the fact that they are deep within their own den. The air itself feels charged with dark energy, the oppressive weight of their malevolent presence almost tangible.
Rhogar speaks, though his words seem distant, his mind racing as he tries to assess just how much trouble they might be in. His thoughts drift, perhaps not for the first time, to memories of their companion Rekuburk and his flaming greatsword, a weapon that would be particularly useful right about now. But Rekuburk isn't here, and the hags—dangerous and unpredictable—are.
Sly and subversive, Night Hags want to see the virtuous turn to villainy: love turned into obsession, kindness turned to hate, devotion to disregard, and generosity to selfishness. Night hags take perverse joy in corrupting mortals.
Night hags were once creatures of the Feywild, but their foulness saw them exiled to Hades long ago, where they degenerated into fiends. The night hags have long since spread across the Lower Planes.
Evil, and powerful, a coven of hags found within their den will be a deadly foe
The closest hag speaks, her grin widening into a dark, sly smile. Her eyes glitter with wicked intent as she speaks, her voice cracking and rasping like a brittle branch about to snap. "Explorers, eh?" Her words slither through the room like poison. "Seeking knowledge, are you? Perhaps we can come to an arrangement?" She pauses, letting the idea settle in, and her smile widens. "We will allow you to live, to leave with the knowledge you seek. But there will be a price. A simple thing, really... nothing you will truly miss, nothing that will cost..." her voice deepens, the malevolence thickening with her final words, "...cost too much, at any rate. What do you say?"
Her gaze sweeps over the group, lingering on each of you in turn. Her offer hangs in the air, but there is no mistaking the threat beneath her seemingly reasonable tone.
"Hn. Seems we found our missing Drow -- or, at least the one." Rhogar conveyed to the party once the drow slipped away without missing a beat; his shared senses with Gorrah having once more coming in handy. "Any others remain unaccounted for. But if I, er, we had guess, they've likely already entered the western tower. Er, sorry, the library west of this tower. Hah. Got a little tongued there." He adds before telepathically bidding Gorrah to return downstairs. "Likely they were attracted by the noise of our battle upstairs, and, uh.... tempting as it would be to immediately pursue them, I say we see to what we found above first, as I doubt they'll be leaving the library any time soon. Not if their aim is to acquire as much Netherese knowledge as they can."
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Krom nods in agreement. "You are right, Rhogar. There is no point in pursuing them now. Their goal might not the same as ours, but they will probably see us as a threat." The dwarf grips his warhammer, gesturing towards the staircase "Let's proceed to the top floor while the way is clear. Those arcane constructs might not stay inactive for long, and I would rather not deal with another round of their punches."
"Agreed, though i guess they know somebody is in this tower they may have chosen to leave us alone. But let's take care of the task at hand and find the words we seek." Chill says ready to go back up.
Kazri and Oli follow the group upstairs. They stay at the top of the stairs with her ears trained to the entrance to the building.
(I will take any attempt at entering will be pretty noisy.)
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
You return to the top floor of the tower, your footsteps echoing in the vast, empty chamber. The remnants of the defeated constructs still lie scattered across the stone floor, their broken fingers and shattered parts serving as a reminder of the fierce battle that took place, but the room is eerily quiet now.
In the center of the room, on the large stone pedestal, the tiny tower remains untouched. The miniature structure looks as though it holds secrets, perhaps a reflection of the larger tower itself or a key to unlocking deeper mysteries. The air feels heavy with magic as if you know now that the tiny tower is in fact a talisman that is a gateway, and the silence presses in on you, as if the room is waiting for something to happen.
"How do we proceed from here, Rhogar? Should we hold hands while one of us touches the tower?" Krom asks as the group reaches the top floor. "While I was in Neverwinter, I heard a wizard saying that in order to use certain portals with others, they have to be physically connected."
He pauses, looking at the miniature tower. "If touching it doesn't activate the magic, I'll chant a hymn of divination to discern its properties."
"Hard to say, Master Krom. Potential gateways such as these do tend require a passphrase, or even a key kayed, erm, Key... KEYED to the pattern of the Weave woven as part of their creation. But at other times it is as you first considered due to either the peculiarities of a site, the quirks or limitations of the creator, or simply an oversight on said creators part." Explained Rhogar while rubbing his chin, but never stopping in movement until he reached the altar and tower.
"But if I were to place a wager on things, and given the living spells set at work to guard the tower, I'd say simply touching it would be enough. But if push comes to shove, then by all means cast your divinations." The temptation to just grasp the tower without thought after the spiel nearly gets to the dragonborn. But, he manages to stop just short of touching it, and after adjusting his grip on his staff, held out a hand to the others and made a motion for them to start linking hands. Once they do, he holds his breath before touching the tower with the other hand.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Kazri leaves Oli at the top of the stairs, as she gets closer to Rhogar in case things does south.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Chill joins the others, linking hands, and waiting to see what happened when Rhogar touched the tower.
You join Rhogar and link hands, feeling a surge of energy as you connect with him. Together, you focus on the tiny tower, its intricate details shimmering in the dim light of the chamber. Rhogar's fingers brush against the smooth surface of the miniature structure as he reaches out, his gaze steady with determination.
As his fingertips make contact with the tower, an ethereal glow begins to emanate from it, casting flickering shadows on the walls. The air hums with magic, and you can sense a powerful force at work. Suddenly, a glowing doorway materializes before you, its light illuminating the chamber in a warm, inviting hue.
The doorway stands tall at 8 feet, its edges shimmering like liquid silver. It spans 4 feet in width, creating an entrance that feels both imposing and alluring. The space between the pedestal and the doorway measures a mere 5 feet, yet it feels like a threshold between worlds, a passage to the unknown.
"You did it, Rhogar!" says Krom as the Dragonborn activates the tiny tower. "Let's go, we cannot be sure for how long it will remain open." adds the dwarf.
Krom keeps his hands linked with the others as he prepares to enter the portal.
"Nice job. Now we go through right?" Chill asks ready to walk through the door.
"Ah, uh, y-yes? Yes! *Ahem* Yes, let us proceed quickly! But remain on guard in case there are yet sentries on the other side." Rhogar says and Gorrah chirrups in agreement before the Dragonborn immediately starts rushing for the portal, pulling along whoever he'd happened to be hold at the time. The sudden movement leaves Gorrah clinging for dear life about his neck, yet soon after sending happy feelings to any and all receptive nearby just prior to entering the portal. Once on the other side Rhogar wastes little time and would try to strike up as defensive posture as possible while spreading out a few feet from the portal door, before then truly taking a moment to take in the new surroundings.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
"Allow me to go in first, followed by..." A very excited Rhogar pushes Kazri aside. "Well, if you insist Mr. Nimbatuul." She will follow the Dragonborn right after, then Oli.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Stepping through the conjured doorway, the very fabric of reality twists and warps, as though the world itself is bending to make room for your passage. You feel an unsettling pull in your gut, like gravity itself is confused. In an instant, the once familiar surroundings dissolve, replaced by the dim, shadowed interior of a cramped den. The air is thick, heavy with a musty odor, and the space feels alive with strange, otherworldly energy.
The den is about 40 feet long and 20 feet wide, but it feels smaller, the walls crowded with shelves crammed full of mysterious objects. Strange jars of pickled creatures, rusted cauldrons, and old tomes bound in cracked leather fill the room, while cobwebs cling to every surface. Flickering candles cast long, dancing shadows that make it hard to tell where the clutter ends and the room begins.
As your senses struggle to adjust, your gaze falls upon three figures standing on the far side of the room. Their eyes, black and glimmering, fix on you with unnatural intensity. The hags. Each one seems more grotesque than the last, their aged, twisted forms draped in tattered rags. One has gnarled fingers like the claws of a bird, another's skin hangs loose and wrinkled like the bark of an ancient tree, and the third’s smile is filled with rotting teeth, sharp as daggers.
The air seems to hum with malevolent energy as the hags stare at you in eerie silence, sizing you up, their crooked smiles growing wider as though they’ve been expecting you.
“Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore”
Even though Kazri didn't know what to expect by passing through the portal, she was still confused at the abode they arrived on. She keeps her shield and sword up, and she moves closer to Rhogar. "Courage my friends, for we have nothing to fear."
(Stay close for Kazri's aura of protection)
Aura of Protection - While you are conscious, you grant all friendly creatures (including you) within 10 ft. a +3 bonus to all saving throws.
Aura of Warding - You and friendly creatures within 10 ft. of you have resistance to damage from spells.
Aura of Courager - While you are conscious, you and friendly creatures within 10 ft. can’t be frightened.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
As the group steps through the portal into the strange abode, Krom's gaze momentarily wonders, examining the unfamiliar surroundings. His attention quickly shifts to the three hags. Studying them carefully, he tries to gauge their mood and intentions. The dwarf moves closer to Rhogar and Kazri, his hand resting on the handle of his warhammer, prepared for any sudden turn of events.
Insight 24
Chill's eyes narrow as he regains his senses and he watches the hags intently. He also is studying them, trying to determine their mood toward the group.
Insight 23
He allows Kazri and Krom to step forward as he himself takes half a step back.
With sudden realization that they may be trapped here he looks behind them to see if the doorway they just passed through is still there or not.
Rhogar, who had thus far been struck mute at the sight of the hags, shudder and shook off the surprise hearing Kazri's words. "Right... right." He says softly, before giving Kazri a thankful nod. When next the dragonborn turns on the hags, his face had harden into a stern mask. Though the effect of it may be somewhat ruined with the pseudodragon cutely cocking her head to the side as she studied the hags.
"Greetings and salutations ladies of this... fine, eh, establishment? Our sincerest apologies for the perhaps less than, uhm... for the unannounced visit. We meant no offense. We are but, eh... well, I not entirely humble -- BUT, we are explorers all the same, among other things, seeking knowledge left behind in the ruins outside your apparent domicile. I am known as Rhogar, and if it pleases you, I would be delighted to know who it is I am addressing this, uhm.. fine day." He greets the tree, expression softening halfway through the spiel as he tried to project a less hostile stance; his stomach churning uneasily at the sight of the trio. Even still, he met their gazes and look them over subtly in an effort to try and ascertain the crones nature.
Notably for the party, Rhogar for once did not give his Clan name during the greeting. A sure sign as any of the dragonborn's heightened caution in the moment.
-Arcana: 13. (26)
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Chill takes a quick glance over his shoulder, reassured for the moment that the doorway they entered through is still there, still offering a potential way out. However, his brief relief is shattered when one of the hags, her voice raspy and dripping with malice, croons ominously. "Not so simple to just walk away, no, not now." Her words hang in the air, thick with dark promise.
Krom and Kazri, sensing the rising tension, shift into more defensive positions. Krom’s sharp eyes catch the subtle expressions on the hags’ faces—twisted amusement playing at the corners of their cruel mouths. They seem to relish the situation, exuding a sinister confidence, bolstered by the fact that they are deep within their own den. The air itself feels charged with dark energy, the oppressive weight of their malevolent presence almost tangible.
Rhogar speaks, though his words seem distant, his mind racing as he tries to assess just how much trouble they might be in. His thoughts drift, perhaps not for the first time, to memories of their companion Rekuburk and his flaming greatsword, a weapon that would be particularly useful right about now. But Rekuburk isn't here, and the hags—dangerous and unpredictable—are.
Sly and subversive, Night Hags want to see the virtuous turn to villainy: love turned into obsession, kindness turned to hate, devotion to disregard, and generosity to selfishness. Night hags take perverse joy in corrupting mortals.
Night hags were once creatures of the Feywild, but their foulness saw them exiled to Hades long ago, where they degenerated into fiends. The night hags have long since spread across the Lower Planes.
Evil, and powerful, a coven of hags found within their den will be a deadly foe
The closest hag speaks, her grin widening into a dark, sly smile. Her eyes glitter with wicked intent as she speaks, her voice cracking and rasping like a brittle branch about to snap. "Explorers, eh?" Her words slither through the room like poison. "Seeking knowledge, are you? Perhaps we can come to an arrangement?" She pauses, letting the idea settle in, and her smile widens. "We will allow you to live, to leave with the knowledge you seek. But there will be a price. A simple thing, really... nothing you will truly miss, nothing that will cost..." her voice deepens, the malevolence thickening with her final words, "...cost too much, at any rate. What do you say?"
Her gaze sweeps over the group, lingering on each of you in turn. Her offer hangs in the air, but there is no mistaking the threat beneath her seemingly reasonable tone.