The captain looks up at Chip, "I hear ya, I'll check the crew and see if anyone's missing. No ones reported a man overboard or anyone missing, but I'll check into it." he replies.
Rekuberk nods to the man as they return to the ship and then ready themselves to depart, moving to help get the ship ready to go since he figures that his strength will be of help. As the others come back from their tasks he nods to each of them, keeping a look out once they set sail.
To his credit, Rhogar at least refrained from staring all too much at the halo during breakfast, but Sandri, the psuedodragon formerly known as Ghorar, couldn't help but herself. If not for a seeming absent-minded restraining of the petite dragon during the meal, curiosity may have very well gotten the better of her. As for the dress, apart from a prideful smile that soon became a flustered one upon staring a bit too long, the Bronze had been content to give it much the same treatment, if only to hasten disregard for his own slip up.
"Uhm... One other thing, Captain." Rhogar would hours later find himself saying as the vessel moored. "Is the burning of houses some sort of festival here? Or are concern we should be made of aware of before we disembark?"He went on say, a note of genuine concern in both his and even Sandri's expression, such as they were.
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When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
"That dress suits you well lass." says Krom while eating his breakfast, "and you have a new shining necklace too. I like it. Did you get it in Luskan?"
Krom standing next to Rhogar also notices the burning houses and says to the dragonborn "I doubt that it some sort of festival Rhogar. Better to be prepared for anything."
"This time, I think we should all go with Chip as he delivers that letter. I smell trouble coming with those burning houses." The dwarf checks his armor and weapons as he readies himself to disembark.
Stepping from the ship the woman approaches your group. She introduces herself as Kalannai Grayfur. "I am a representative of the people of Fireshear. I would recognize the Icebreaker anywhere, and I welcome you to Fireshear. What is your business here?"
"Thank you Master Krom." Says Kazri slightly embarrassed, for she is still getting used to wearing a dress. "As for the necklace." She sighs. "I hope I am able to explain it one day." She runs her hand around the new object around her neck.
When they arrive at Fireshear she disembark the ship and greets the woman in the green dress. Kazri is wearing her armor, and caring her shield. "Greetings Ms. Grayfur, my name is Kazri. My companions and I were... Uhmm... Sent here to assist in any way that we can. How may we be of service?"
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Grayfur looks very happy to see you. "You look like capable people, adventurers I assume? We are in fact having a problem." She explains that mischievous and destructive elemental creatures have started appearing in the eastern neighborhoods, but no one can fully explain why. They are setting buildings afire and that is the smoke and flames you see. The people have been displaced by the attacks in the eastern neighborhoods. "We don't have much, but we can offer a bounty of 25 gp for helping to stop the invasion."
Kazri looks towards the direction of fire and smoke. "Please do not concern too much with compensation. We will try to help as best as we can." Kazri will wait for the other to be ready and head towards the eastern neighborhood.
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Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Rhogar said nothing throughout the entire greeting, but had at least nodded in return for it. The rest he listened to with a look of growing concern. Needless to say, when the others appeared gun-ho to help, with or without compensation, he put forth no complaint. The Bronze merely rolled up his sleeves as much as his new cold weather gear (his old having long since been repaired and adjusted for his new size) allowed, and then looked to the usual frontliners with a 'Well, after you' sort of expression and small head gesture.
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When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Rekuberk cracks his knuckles as he knew that they would soon be getting into a fight. While he had done a bit of it during their six months or so apart, it was clear that the half orc was ready for a good scrap. "Point us in the right direction and we will take care of it for you."
Kazri turns around. "My apologies Chip. Perhaps we can ask Ms. Grayfur regarding the letter."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
"We have been also tasked to deliver a letter to a certain Griggle Duskloch. If you know of such fellow, could you point us in his direction? We will be of course gladly take care of elemental problem in the meanwhile." replies Krom.
The dwarf turns towards the rest of the group and says "We have a few hours before the Icebreaker sails again, let's show those elementals what the Fellowship can do!"
"Griggle Duskloch? Yes, he lives in the eastern neighborhood where he has a forge." She points you in that direction. "He is a bit of a reclusive eccentric who is always experimenting with magic to soup up his forge. Come to think of it I haven't seen him recently, he hasn’t escaped his dangerous neighborhood yet. I wonder if he might be in danger."
"A fellow smith then? If he is like myself, I guess that he is still crafting something while the neighborhood is burning. We will look for him while taking care of those elemental creatures." replies Krom. The dwarf then says "I wonder what he is crafting. If we have time I would like to exchange notes and ideas."
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
General Intelligence: 12
General Intelligence: 2 (just for flavor)
"Of course! And may these fire spirits be shown the error of their ways, and swiftly returned home." Both Rhogar and Resplindixx, as she has chosen right then(for now), grin toothily in unison. "Be it the easy way or hard way. I admit I was looking forward to testing Brikibixx for some time now anyhow." He admits, tapping the ground with the butt of the ivory staff. And if none lead the charge in the next few moments, an eager Rhogar would be more than happy to in the usual front runners stead.
"good idea kazri" Chip would say as he looks from her to Krom and then to the woman. "I think we should make sure everyone is safe before taking care of the elementals." Chip would say as he pulls out his new lute and strums a few chords. "I think we should move quickly" he would say looking to his Krom and his companions.
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The captain looks up at Chip, "I hear ya, I'll check the crew and see if anyone's missing. No ones reported a man overboard or anyone missing, but I'll check into it." he replies.
Rekuberk nods to the man as they return to the ship and then ready themselves to depart, moving to help get the ship ready to go since he figures that his strength will be of help. As the others come back from their tasks he nods to each of them, keeping a look out once they set sail.
Perception: 16
To his credit, Rhogar at least refrained from staring all too much at the halo during breakfast, but Sandri, the psuedodragon formerly known as Ghorar, couldn't help but herself. If not for a seeming absent-minded restraining of the petite dragon during the meal, curiosity may have very well gotten the better of her. As for the dress, apart from a prideful smile that soon became a flustered one upon staring a bit too long, the Bronze had been content to give it much the same treatment, if only to hasten disregard for his own slip up.
"Uhm... One other thing, Captain." Rhogar would hours later find himself saying as the vessel moored. "Is the burning of houses some sort of festival here? Or are concern we should be made of aware of before we disembark?" He went on say, a note of genuine concern in both his and even Sandri's expression, such as they were.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
"That dress suits you well lass." says Krom while eating his breakfast, "and you have a new shining necklace too. I like it. Did you get it in Luskan?"
Krom standing next to Rhogar also notices the burning houses and says to the dragonborn "I doubt that it some sort of festival Rhogar. Better to be prepared for anything."
"This time, I think we should all go with Chip as he delivers that letter. I smell trouble coming with those burning houses." The dwarf checks his armor and weapons as he readies himself to disembark.
Stepping from the ship the woman approaches your group. She introduces herself as Kalannai Grayfur. "I am a representative of the people of Fireshear. I would recognize the Icebreaker anywhere, and I welcome you to Fireshear. What is your business here?"
"Thank you Master Krom." Says Kazri slightly embarrassed, for she is still getting used to wearing a dress. "As for the necklace." She sighs. "I hope I am able to explain it one day." She runs her hand around the new object around her neck.
When they arrive at Fireshear she disembark the ship and greets the woman in the green dress. Kazri is wearing her armor, and caring her shield. "Greetings Ms. Grayfur, my name is Kazri. My companions and I were... Uhmm... Sent here to assist in any way that we can. How may we be of service?"
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Grayfur looks very happy to see you. "You look like capable people, adventurers I assume? We are in fact having a problem." She explains that mischievous and destructive elemental creatures have started appearing in the eastern neighborhoods, but no one can fully explain why. They are setting buildings afire and that is the smoke and flames you see. The people have been displaced by the attacks in the eastern neighborhoods. "We don't have much, but we can offer a bounty of 25 gp for helping to stop the invasion."
"That seems fair I suppose" Chip would say to the offer of coin.
Kazri looks towards the direction of fire and smoke. "Please do not concern too much with compensation. We will try to help as best as we can." Kazri will wait for the other to be ready and head towards the eastern neighborhood.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
Rhogar said nothing throughout the entire greeting, but had at least nodded in return for it. The rest he listened to with a look of growing concern. Needless to say, when the others appeared gun-ho to help, with or without compensation, he put forth no complaint. The Bronze merely rolled up his sleeves as much as his new cold weather gear (his old having long since been repaired and adjusted for his new size) allowed, and then looked to the usual frontliners with a 'Well, after you' sort of expression and small head gesture.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Rekuberk cracks his knuckles as he knew that they would soon be getting into a fight. While he had done a bit of it during their six months or so apart, it was clear that the half orc was ready for a good scrap. "Point us in the right direction and we will take care of it for you."
Chill shrugs. "I'm certainly game. But what about that letter Chip? Where do you have to deliver that?"
Kazri turns around. "My apologies Chip. Perhaps we can ask Ms. Grayfur regarding the letter."
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
"We have been also tasked to deliver a letter to a certain Griggle Duskloch. If you know of such fellow, could you point us in his direction? We will be of course gladly take care of elemental problem in the meanwhile." replies Krom.
The dwarf turns towards the rest of the group and says "We have a few hours before the Icebreaker sails again, let's show those elementals what the Fellowship can do!"
"Griggle Duskloch? Yes, he lives in the eastern neighborhood where he has a forge." She points you in that direction. "He is a bit of a reclusive eccentric who is always experimenting with magic to soup up his forge. Come to think of it I haven't seen him recently, he hasn’t escaped his dangerous neighborhood yet. I wonder if he might be in danger."
"A fellow smith then? If he is like myself, I guess that he is still crafting something while the neighborhood is burning. We will look for him while taking care of those elemental creatures." replies Krom.
The dwarf then says "I wonder what he is crafting. If we have time I would like to exchange notes and ideas."
“Perhaps we should visit this Mr. Duskloch first.” Wonders Kazri.
Kazri - Level 10 Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) - The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks
Droknin Palemane - Level 4 Leonin Barbarian (Path of the Beast) - Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story
Faelan (Cottontail) Whisperwind - Level 3 Ranger (Fey Wanderer) - Zorg's Lost Souls II
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
"He lives in the area where the elemental creatures are burning the houses. And an house with a forge should be easy to find lass." replies Krom.
"Shall we go friends?" says the dwarf to the rest of the Fellowship.
General Intelligence: 12
General Intelligence: 2 (just for flavor)
"Of course! And may these fire spirits be shown the error of their ways, and swiftly returned home." Both Rhogar and Resplindixx, as she has chosen right then(for now), grin toothily in unison. "Be it the easy way or hard way. I admit I was looking forward to testing Brikibixx for some time now anyhow." He admits, tapping the ground with the butt of the ivory staff. And if none lead the charge in the next few moments, an eager Rhogar would be more than happy to in the usual front runners stead.
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
"good idea kazri" Chip would say as he looks from her to Krom and then to the woman. "I think we should make sure everyone is safe before taking care of the elementals." Chip would say as he pulls out his new lute and strums a few chords. "I think we should move quickly" he would say looking to his Krom and his companions.