vixvaxvux is a unknown race and class with some magical shadow that always hides his face he wears a thick trenchcoat and some big gloves and boots or thats what normal people think
in reality he`s three goblins standing on eachother ones a rogue another a wizard who cast magic hand to mimic the form of human hands for their costume and the last an artificer who made the exo skeleton for their suit he also cast magic hand (since they can only cast one each) and their names are vix vax and vux
Creating a character name and, then, trying to fit a character to it...
Some people seem to be able to do it, but I wonder if they already have a character in mind when thinking of a name.
I didn't have anything ready for creating Morgan, the Maladjusted Minotaur Monk. He was bland. I couldn't get into any character for him. As if I didn't learn the first time, Borf, the Belligerent Bugbear Bard wasn't any better.
Now, I stick to random generators after creating a character unless the character was born under prophecy or named by ritual. Parents usually pick names without any clue what the kid will become.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider. My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong. I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲 “It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
Okay, so my Celestial Warlock, right? She's a lawful evil edgelord. A former bandit queen, traitor and sociopath. So she gets defeated by these adventures and out of spite tries to summon a demon right? But she grabs the wrong scroll and an angel appears. Now this Angel, needs an agent right, so what this angel does. She takes this edgy bandit and turns her into a warlock. BUT she only gives the warlock healing, buff, debuff an control spells. No real damage spells. So now this bandit is forced into the healer/support role. Also the angel forces her to do good deeds. Because if she does evil, the angel will come back to kick her ass.
A pretentious Lizardfolk Monk who dropped out of cooking school and only joined the monastery because the temple regularly gave away free food. When I say pretentious, I mean she insists on eating haute cuisine even though she is poor. To prevent her from starving to death, the monastery monks had to rename their vegetarian food as French dishes. Eventually, she got into that habit as well. Did I mention she is also a coward unless she has some "fine wine"?
Zeenah, the product of a deceitful encounter between her Dwarven mother, Tess Smithering, and a mysterious Deep Gnome Rogue who used Svirfneblin Magic to sneak his way into the arms of her mother and then disappeared. Of course, both Zeenah and her mother were shunned from the other Dwarves in Mithril Hall and ultimately moved away to Silverymoon. Zeenah grew to look like her mother in size and stature with the exception of the color of her eyes, the color of her hair, and the color of her skin. Those features, however, are like that of The Deep Gnomes (light grey eyes, platinum hair, and tanned skin). But she still had her mother's cute little nose and her mother's beautiful smile. Zeenah also gained the ability to use Svirfneblin Magic as she grew older. But this was a shameful reminder of the Deep Gnome who fooled, tricked, and manipulated her mother. So she kept it a secret...
Until one day, while out on the way to her mother's place of employment, Zeenah saw a very peculiar thing that sparked her interest. She witnessed what was supposed to have been a secret exchange between her mother's boss and a mysterious looking figure in a hooded cloak. Zeenah avoided being seen by either one of them, as she walked right past, and proceeded to go visit her mother...
A backstory clone of any famous fantasy hero... at level 1.
Traveled the world. Thwarted great evils. Killed by a frog.🤣
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider. My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong. I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲 “It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
I made Mrs. Doubtfire as a Tabaxi at one point (swashbuckler rouge) only disguises as an elderly nanny in public, but takes off disguise to become Robin Williams
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
a hobbit of the tolkeinite cult
a frequenter of taverns
mainly an Emerald half-dragon with a psudodragon pet
haven't been on because mobile sucks and wifi sucks
Self-proclaimed Non-Binary Diety of bad writing and Lizardfolk Monks
I have a gnomish sorcerer named Agnomally. The thing is, she’s not a wild magic sorcerer like one might expect- she’s draconic bloodline. Picture this: a 3 foot tall gnome, brandishing a quarterstaff and yelling ‘You think me small, foul beast? The blood of the mightiest of all creatures flows in my veins!’.
I don’t know, this is not even so bad but lizardfolk wizard that went a little insane and now is 100% sure he's a bird. He will go and jump off anything even at little high at any given chance and communicates by whistling. He has a few rocks that he keeps as his children.
A dragonborn cleric called Culxenshtatsh (no one can pronounce it "correctly"). He has his god whispering to his ear stuff like jump off that cliff or burn the building down. Also he will stab anyone that pronounces his name wrong, which is everyone ever.
Bad and I'm proud of it: goblin that only communicates with riddles and hissing at anyone that comes near. Still he gets really mean and starts throwing rocks at everyone if he doesn't get attention.
A centaur rogue with the thief subclass. Imagine a half-man, half-horse thief climbing through your window at night, stealing a bunch of jewels, and escaping stealthily.
A Changling celestial warlock of a trickster god who pretends to be a cleric of a life domain god. Even the party shouldn't know they are a warlock or a changling.
A Minotaur with pottery tools that works in a china shop. Better as a NPC. (Bull in a china shop)
Lump of Flesh: A hairless tabaxi who was shunned from his society because of how hideous he was. No matter where he went people were repulsed by his appearance. He fled to the Underdark and found refuge there. While in the Underdark, he accidentally killed the queen of a naked mole rat colony but the naked mole rats saw him as a bigger and more powerful version of themselves. He became the new leader of the naked mole rats and became a swarmkeeper ranger with a swarm of naked mole rats. (I will never play this)
A goliath beast master ranger with a blue ox as his animal companion. He is a lumberjack and his favored foe are plants. He goes around and uses his ranger abilities to track down trees and slay them.
Appreciator of all things Weird, Wondrous, and/or Yummy
In the Autumn Country, days end quickly, the gloaming hours linger, and the midnights pile one upon the other till the air is thick and flows like twilight syrup.
A domineering Half-Orc Bard suffering from forgetful psychosis where the bard forgets (or maybe ignores) what was just said and makes a complete scenario mentally that is just as completely incongruent with the situation at hand and is extremely and loudly insistent that the imagined scenario is the real one without regard to other players or the DM.
Both a bad character and a bad player...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider. My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong. I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲 “It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
Creating a character name and, then, trying to fit a character to it...
Some people seem to be able to do it, but I wonder if they already have a character in mind when thinking of a name.
I sometimes come up with names, and build backstory around it.
The main one was Ash, short for Ashkara'a. I decided that she must have caused a fire (or, at least thought she did) that killed her mom and brother (who called her Kara) and so she used the shortened name Ash to remind herself of that personal horror. So, we have a Warlock with Hellish Rebuke. And, Ella Minnowpea. I think she should be a Valor Bard, maybe Tabaxi, but I'm not too sure about that. There was also Silence, that I mentioned earlier. She had to be at least part Sorcerer, to get the Message cantrip. And, I needed a strange patron name for an Undead Warlock, and I randomly discovered that the Welsh word for "merry go round" is Chyrligwgan (pronounced coo-EARLY-goo-gan) - and soon after I decided to make a Thri-Kreen character for a one-shot, and that seemed alien enough...
My mechanically feasible but worst character idea was an orcish bard named Orman Lute-smasher. He had the habit of coming up with the worst poems and songs and if anyone said anything bad about his attempts, he would not hesitate to smash their skulls in. I want to try to play this sometime but maybe add some barbarian multiclass in there to back up the brutish fighting aspect of this character.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Coffee is a must, sleep is a must, and DND is a must, in that order.
I once played Gnorm the Gnarly Gnome in a very homebrew campaign. He had a white mohawk, a black mustache, and wore a leather vest, no shirt, ripped jeans. He was a bard who rode a motorcycle with huge speakers, blasting various 80s rock/hair band anthems (rather than playing a musical instrument). I recall introducing him to the rest of the party by playing audio of a motorcycle engine with the slow build of "We Built this City." The entrance was, thankfully, as epically funny as I thought it would be. It all went downhill from there.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Walks in [insert absurd situation].
Honorary Leader in the Pixie Peewee Powderpuff Pals!
My worse idea, was when I was much, much, much younger.
I thought I had a great backstory.
Youth. It's so silly.
We were playing Dragonlance (the one that came out way back when!) - and I was new to the game (guy who began working where I did talked to me about D&D and saw how crazy I was about it). Explained he was doing a Dragonlance game and had already like eight players. Asked if I wanted in, I asked what was needed, pretty much everything was covered - from fighters, to wizards, to clerics, all of it. So I asked if he would allow a Kender. He asked me some fair questions (are you going to just steal to steal?) - I said, "No, it's mostly the care free attitude I want to play up. I will let you tell me if I steal anything." He agreed to it. So I made Braid Lockpick.
Now, as I said, I just wanted to play this fearless, carefree, fun character - I wasn't interested in the thieving. More the, "Oh, is that a cave over there? Be right back."
So his story - here we go - he claimed Tasslehoff Burrfoot was his uncle. (Which, he wasn't. But similar to how Tas always talked about "Uncle Trapspringer" - Braid often talked up how he had a famous uncle named Tas.
Looking back, I'd essentially made Tas - without the utter desire to steal - and talked about "Uncle Tas" rather than "Uncle Trapspringer."
It was an incredible game, however.
Most of my games prior, had been sitting around a table, everything's lit up, chips and sodas everywhere.
This game?
Was in a trailer. But I swear the table was almost the entire length of the living room. Lights were off. Candles around the table.
I was instantly in Braid's shoes as soon as I walked in.
vixvaxvux is a unknown race and class with some magical shadow that always hides his face he wears a thick trenchcoat and some big gloves and boots or thats what normal people think
in reality he`s three goblins standing on eachother ones a rogue another a wizard who cast magic hand to mimic the form of human hands for their costume and the last an artificer who made the exo skeleton for their suit he also cast magic hand (since they can only cast one each) and their names are vix vax and vux
Creating a character name and, then, trying to fit a character to it...
Some people seem to be able to do it, but I wonder if they already have a character in mind when thinking of a name.
I didn't have anything ready for creating Morgan, the Maladjusted Minotaur Monk. He was bland. I couldn't get into any character for him. As if I didn't learn the first time, Borf, the Belligerent Bugbear Bard wasn't any better.
Now, I stick to random generators after creating a character unless the character was born under prophecy or named by ritual. Parents usually pick names without any clue what the kid will become.
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider.
My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong.
I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲
“It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
Okay, so my Celestial Warlock, right? She's a lawful evil edgelord. A former bandit queen, traitor and sociopath. So she gets defeated by these adventures and out of spite tries to summon a demon right? But she grabs the wrong scroll and an angel appears. Now this Angel, needs an agent right, so what this angel does. She takes this edgy bandit and turns her into a warlock. BUT she only gives the warlock healing, buff, debuff an control spells. No real damage spells. So now this bandit is forced into the healer/support role. Also the angel forces her to do good deeds. Because if she does evil, the angel will come back to kick her ass.
I am also here.
Am snek.
A pretentious Lizardfolk Monk who dropped out of cooking school and only joined the monastery because the temple regularly gave away free food. When I say pretentious, I mean she insists on eating haute cuisine even though she is poor. To prevent her from starving to death, the monastery monks had to rename their vegetarian food as French dishes. Eventually, she got into that habit as well. Did I mention she is also a coward unless she has some "fine wine"?
Zeenah, the product of a deceitful encounter between her Dwarven mother, Tess Smithering, and a mysterious Deep Gnome Rogue who used Svirfneblin Magic to sneak his way into the arms of her mother and then disappeared. Of course, both Zeenah and her mother were shunned from the other Dwarves in Mithril Hall and ultimately moved away to Silverymoon. Zeenah grew to look like her mother in size and stature with the exception of the color of her eyes, the color of her hair, and the color of her skin. Those features, however, are like that of The Deep Gnomes (light grey eyes, platinum hair, and tanned skin). But she still had her mother's cute little nose and her mother's beautiful smile. Zeenah also gained the ability to use Svirfneblin Magic as she grew older. But this was a shameful reminder of the Deep Gnome who fooled, tricked, and manipulated her mother. So she kept it a secret...
Until one day, while out on the way to her mother's place of employment, Zeenah saw a very peculiar thing that sparked her interest. She witnessed what was supposed to have been a secret exchange between her mother's boss and a mysterious looking figure in a hooded cloak. Zeenah avoided being seen by either one of them, as she walked right past, and proceeded to go visit her mother...
A human called Nigel who comes from our world but has somehow become trapped in the Forgotten Realms and is trying to get home.
A backstory clone of any famous fantasy hero... at level 1.
Traveled the world. Thwarted great evils. Killed by a frog.🤣
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider.
My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong.
I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲
“It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
I made Mrs. Doubtfire as a Tabaxi at one point (swashbuckler rouge) only disguises as an elderly nanny in public, but takes off disguise to become Robin Williams
a hobbit of the tolkeinite cult
a frequenter of taverns
mainly an Emerald half-dragon with a psudodragon pet
haven't been on because mobile sucks and wifi sucks
Self-proclaimed Non-Binary Diety of bad writing and Lizardfolk Monks
I have a gnomish sorcerer named Agnomally. The thing is, she’s not a wild magic sorcerer like one might expect- she’s draconic bloodline. Picture this: a 3 foot tall gnome, brandishing a quarterstaff and yelling ‘You think me small, foul beast? The blood of the mightiest of all creatures flows in my veins!’.
Only spilt the party if you see something shiny.
Ariendela Sneakerson, Half-elf Rogue (8); Harmony Wolfsbane, Tiefling Bard (10); Agnomally, Gnomish Sorcerer (3); Breeze, Tabaxi Monk (8); Grace, Dragonborn Barbarian (7); DM, Homebrew- The Sequestered Lands/Underwater Explorers; Candlekeep
I don’t know, this is not even so bad but lizardfolk wizard that went a little insane and now is 100% sure he's a bird. He will go and jump off anything even at little high at any given chance and communicates by whistling. He has a few rocks that he keeps as his children.
A dragonborn cleric called Culxenshtatsh (no one can pronounce it "correctly"). He has his god whispering to his ear stuff like jump off that cliff or burn the building down. Also he will stab anyone that pronounces his name wrong, which is everyone ever.
Bad and I'm proud of it: goblin that only communicates with riddles and hissing at anyone that comes near. Still he gets really mean and starts throwing rocks at everyone if he doesn't get attention.
a psychosis mushroom that grows on a human's head and uses the human to move around.
A centaur rogue with the thief subclass. Imagine a half-man, half-horse thief climbing through your window at night, stealing a bunch of jewels, and escaping stealthily.
A Changling celestial warlock of a trickster god who pretends to be a cleric of a life domain god. Even the party shouldn't know they are a warlock or a changling.
A Minotaur with pottery tools that works in a china shop. Better as a NPC. (Bull in a china shop)
Lump of Flesh: A hairless tabaxi who was shunned from his society because of how hideous he was. No matter where he went people were repulsed by his appearance. He fled to the Underdark and found refuge there. While in the Underdark, he accidentally killed the queen of a naked mole rat colony but the naked mole rats saw him as a bigger and more powerful version of themselves. He became the new leader of the naked mole rats and became a swarmkeeper ranger with a swarm of naked mole rats. (I will never play this)
A goliath beast master ranger with a blue ox as his animal companion. He is a lumberjack and his favored foe are plants. He goes around and uses his ranger abilities to track down trees and slay them.
A domineering Half-Orc Bard suffering from forgetful psychosis where the bard forgets (or maybe ignores) what was just said and makes a complete scenario mentally that is just as completely incongruent with the situation at hand and is extremely and loudly insistent that the imagined scenario is the real one without regard to other players or the DM.
Both a bad character and a bad player...
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider.
My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong.
I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲
“It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
I sometimes come up with names, and build backstory around it.
The main one was Ash, short for Ashkara'a. I decided that she must have caused a fire (or, at least thought she did) that killed her mom and brother (who called her Kara) and so she used the shortened name Ash to remind herself of that personal horror. So, we have a Warlock with Hellish Rebuke.
And, Ella Minnowpea. I think she should be a Valor Bard, maybe Tabaxi, but I'm not too sure about that.
There was also Silence, that I mentioned earlier. She had to be at least part Sorcerer, to get the Message cantrip.
And, I needed a strange patron name for an Undead Warlock, and I randomly discovered that the Welsh word for "merry go round" is Chyrligwgan (pronounced coo-EARLY-goo-gan) - and soon after I decided to make a Thri-Kreen character for a one-shot, and that seemed alien enough...
My mechanically feasible but worst character idea was an orcish bard named Orman Lute-smasher. He had the habit of coming up with the worst poems and songs and if anyone said anything bad about his attempts, he would not hesitate to smash their skulls in. I want to try to play this sometime but maybe add some barbarian multiclass in there to back up the brutish fighting aspect of this character.
Coffee is a must, sleep is a must, and DND is a must, in that order.
I once played Gnorm the Gnarly Gnome in a very homebrew campaign. He had a white mohawk, a black mustache, and wore a leather vest, no shirt, ripped jeans. He was a bard who rode a motorcycle with huge speakers, blasting various 80s rock/hair band anthems (rather than playing a musical instrument). I recall introducing him to the rest of the party by playing audio of a motorcycle engine with the slow build of "We Built this City." The entrance was, thankfully, as epically funny as I thought it would be. It all went downhill from there.
Walks in [insert absurd situation].
Honorary Leader in the Pixie Peewee Powderpuff Pals!
My worse idea, was when I was much, much, much younger.
I thought I had a great backstory.
Youth. It's so silly.
We were playing Dragonlance (the one that came out way back when!) - and I was new to the game (guy who began working where I did talked to me about D&D and saw how crazy I was about it). Explained he was doing a Dragonlance game and had already like eight players. Asked if I wanted in, I asked what was needed, pretty much everything was covered - from fighters, to wizards, to clerics, all of it. So I asked if he would allow a Kender. He asked me some fair questions (are you going to just steal to steal?) - I said, "No, it's mostly the care free attitude I want to play up. I will let you tell me if I steal anything." He agreed to it. So I made Braid Lockpick.
Now, as I said, I just wanted to play this fearless, carefree, fun character - I wasn't interested in the thieving. More the, "Oh, is that a cave over there? Be right back."
So his story - here we go - he claimed Tasslehoff Burrfoot was his uncle. (Which, he wasn't. But similar to how Tas always talked about "Uncle Trapspringer" - Braid often talked up how he had a famous uncle named Tas.
Looking back, I'd essentially made Tas - without the utter desire to steal - and talked about "Uncle Tas" rather than "Uncle Trapspringer."
It was an incredible game, however.
Most of my games prior, had been sitting around a table, everything's lit up, chips and sodas everywhere.
This game?
Was in a trailer. But I swear the table was almost the entire length of the living room. Lights were off. Candles around the table.
I was instantly in Braid's shoes as soon as I walked in.
Check out my publication on DMs Guild:
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights:
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) -
a cleric with only healing spells and buffs, who loves to murder everything
Samson K