Story & Lore

Discuss the lore of the worlds of D&D and share your own stories or character backgrounds
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Firemind, Godsmen's Engineer >>
by gnufred
1 91
Toxipothecary - A rogue subclass? >>
by jlwilli
3 50
Pregnancy and Infants? >>
by Song_of_Blues
28 2,082
Cosmology Pt. 2 >>
by GreatMageBalasar
1 30
Error in DMG lore? Bruner Drizzt's adoptive father? >>
by DanimalManimal
2 59
I'm kind of disappointed by the planned Drow lore retcon >>
by Samueltheslayer
16 546
In game minigame ideas! >>
by Senn000
24 40,209
Eberron 13th Anniversary >>
by Gonz
1 826
Free ideas up for grabs >>
by Cottoneyesjoe45464
0 27
A website to honor your fallen characters.. >>
by LimitlessAdventures
8 2,009
Tell me your worst character idea >>
by EatABagOfDice
223 10,658
Curse of Strahd Campaign ending kind of unsatisfying... >>
by Cleseus_Of_Castigonia
6 81
How did WoC create deities, spells, and classes? >>
by rebelp03
7 99
Origin of the Multiverse in 5e >>
by OnerousObligation
11 141
Your favorite NPCs >>
by neverwinterdruidelf
18 180
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