Story & Lore

Discuss the lore of the worlds of D&D and share your own stories or character backgrounds
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
How Was Your Last Session? >>
by MellieDM
1,333 36,101
Share your character backstory >>
by GalacticSamurai
1,238 262,769
Three-Sentence Backstory. >>
by IamSposta
1,015 19,084
Create a world >>
by Jack727
409 3,917
Monsters are messed up >>
by CatGodSpeedz
352 2,383
What are the stupidest things you or your party ever did in D&D? >>
by BoringBard
335 6,810
Eberron: The World That We Won't Forget. >>
by TheGmoat
288 31,013
Thoughts on the New "Drow" Lore >>
by Skyrd
263 8,202
Weirdest/Most Creative/Bizarre Characters >>
by BobobSyxtieNein
235 32,518
Tanmar, an agressively non-steriotypical world and how you can help me make it. >>
by Gamer_Thirteen
228 1,432
Tell me your worst character idea >>
by EatABagOfDice
223 10,657
Tor-eal Lore (If the Devils won the blood war in Toril, fast forward 1000 years) >>
by The_Leviathan_of_Levistus
223 4,208
Dumbest way you died >>
by Yeetlord300
190 9,079
Using goblins, orc, and gnolls without the racism >>
by deadPan_c
149 2,756
Guns or no guns. >>
by geeksandnerdsarediffrent
145 1,080
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