Chosens are a new feature to characters comparable in priority to character class. I need these to be well made and playtested. They are OP for normal D&D campaigns, so just test their powerscale against each other please.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
Here are rough maps of Zionderia's layers in the 3rd Era...needs serious editing...
I will work on a Timeline but until then I will send Race Stats, new monsters, the buffing fomula for the old Monsters, the rules of Chosens, spells, crafting rules and many other things i am working on. Pardon me for my bad spelling and lack of convincing storywriting. If you all have questions or comments PLEASE PLEASE share them. This has been something I want opinions on for quite some time. Also, if you can tell me more effective ways to share my work, (anything from: "This is not the write forum to post this in", TO: Teaching me how to post in a thread in a more navigate-able way).
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
"Hello everyone here at D&D! First I want to say a huuuuge thanks to this company, and the people involved here. You all have created a platform (though still in progress) and content that I have taken and used to train myself into what I hope can become my future career (Yahweh willing!). I am a young man aspiring to publish a story that I have had in my head and been developing ever since I was 5 years old. When I was given the Starter Set by my Grandmama 10 or so years ago, little did I know that it was the beginning tool for making my stories come alive! It sat on the shelf for a year, I not seeing it as such, and was mostly unused till the next year when she gave me the Essentials Kit! That was when I began to use D&D, but never did it enter my mind to use my stories in the manner D&D endorses. I studied D&D for a few years after that, reading over and over the starter books, and later the PHb, MM, and DmG; becoming as familiar with its mechanics as I could just for the fun of it! I hadn't played a single campaign in all that time, neither as DM or player, but only fantasized what it would be like. Eventually, that changed when I began the Essentials Kit campaign, (Icespire Peak) and combined its content with that of the Starter Set's (Lost Mine of Phandelver), adding the locations and combining the stories. I began this combination several times, making characters with my family, but rarely ever did we actually play! The characters sat in the boxes, waiting to be used by the ones who envisioned them. With as rare of a time as we played, I was still fascinated with the game, and spent much of my free time homebrewing expansions to those two adventures, building my own Sword Coast. We moved a couple times during then, and we didn't make a lot of time for D&D, but I never stopped making content in my head. Eventually, we moved to a new place, just before Covid hit. About a year after that, my cousins who lived very close to my Grandmama, moved down as well from another state. They were the only other D&D players i knew, and me and my best friend (one of my cousins) began to finally play those expansions I had worked out. I finally got an understanding of what it was like to play D&D. Then, it happened. My cousin, my closest friend in the world, caught wind that I had this story in my head ever since I was 5! He said to me "DUDE! Why have you not made a D&D setting of your stories. Come on man, make some of that personal and special content! I will help you, bro."
Ever since that day, I have been trying to fashion content from my stories, and write the stories down for the first time. All stories and content were written in a notes app on my phone, and my cousin and I worked to make fun and meaningful content. We had a major hiccup when my Grandmama sought to bless me with a new and better, second phone (she had also given me my first phone). In the process of moving data from the Iphone to the Samsung, we lost all of the content!!! I am not kidding, we lost everything. I was distraught to say the least, angry at Yahweh for letting that happen. I thought he had given it to me as a gift! I began to lose all hope in my perceived future, and my faith in Yahweh! But then he spoke to me. And not in like a loud booming voice only I could hear, or even a small whisper. No, his words came to me in a thought, "What is stopping you, from recreating the content, and making it better than it was. The stories are still in you, and you remember them everyday. Maybe I let this happen so you can fix all the errors you saw in your work and were too lazy to change (for that was true), or maybe it was to teach how little you can accomplish without my help, after all, I gave you the stories in the first place. But regardless of why, what will you do now?"
I knew then, I would not give up. I worked hard to recreate the things i had once made, and fix the problems within them (most such errors were that the story wasn't as original as it had been, to many of MY changes, and not enough of Yahweh's content. Most of what I had made is now restored, and much more I have made as well. I am now working on it becoming homebrew entried here on D&D Beyond. And you know what, I truly, love Yahweh's and my content, better than just my content. My stories stem from my life experiences and beliefs, they are what Yahweh put in me too write and to make. And thanks to my Grandmama, my cousin, my family, and Dungeons and Dragons, I believe I have found a platform to share what I was given and love, with the rest of the world. May this content bless you, and my it bring fun and meaningful times to all you amazing and imaginatively creative people. I love and thank you all so much."
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
"As I have gone through my life, I have been inspired and motivated by several stories that I have watched in a movie or read in a book. As a younger boy, these stories made a direct impact on my imagination and story, all through the lens of my creativity Yahweh gave me. These stories include Lord of the Rings and all Tolkein's works (go figure lol), Narnia, Avatar the Last Airbender, Trollhunters, Wings of Fire, Dragons vs. Drones, the Dragon's Egg, Eragon, the movie Inception, a few differnt japanese animes like Moribito The Guardian of the Spirit and Twelve Kingdoms, and many others whose names I may add to the list later when I remember them. (There was a book whose name I can't remember that I read 8 or so years ago, about a girl who is caught in a sudden flood in a parking lot and transported to a magical world. She is taken aboard a ship with a good wizard and goes on an adventure in a 2 book series. She also meets the other protagonist in the first book, Finn, who has a face no one can remember if they lose visual contact of him. I have looked for this book ever since and all I have found are other people who also can't find it.) With all those stories and tales in my head, you will see elements of their tales throughout mine I am sure."
"The history of the world is long and incomplete, and I will post it here soon, but for now I will detail the setting. Ahem, the cosmos itself holds our world, the Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Greyhawk, and many of the others, which if one could travel far enough in space and time, they would find from our world, and so are all connected in the cosmos. Amidst this spectacular array of worlds, a new one has been borne, and its tales and lore are still come. The first Era of the world is called Era 0, the Era of Creation, and it details the history of the world I mentioned earlier. In summary, divine beings known as the True Elohim, are created by Yahweh, and they create and inhabit this world Zionderia. They go on to make creatures and other things that create this setting. As with any story, a villain comes on the scene and wreaks havoc throughout this worlds timline, in the form of different entities. The following Eras detail events like the time before the first Yoshua, and then the tale OF the first Yoshua, who is, my often mentioned, Arronlion. Then tales of several Dragon Wars and soon the attempts of many races trying to rule this world. As I said, I will give a creation history note, and then I have yet to create ample content detailing things past the tale of the first Yoshua. Overall, there will be close to 7 or 8 Eras (this may change), and depending on which Era your adventure takes lace, that will detail the more specific aspects of your setting."
"Now, it is time for the biggest news of this content. It is OP for normal D&D settings. Monsters from D&D have been buffed to match player strengths, and players are provided many many options and powers. The biggest changes and additions to D&D base rules for my world include the following:
Players can reach level 40, allowing them to fully multiclass into one of over 156 class combinations!!! (By math: 13 classes to choose from, leaving 12 other classes besides the one chosen, per choice! 13x12=156. there are more than that because I plan to make more classes, and this does not include all the different subclass combinations!!!)
The max monster Challenge ratings go over 30 (possibly up to 100! still in progress).
A players hp maximum is greatly increased upon creation and leveling. You will double the hp from hit dice you would normally have. (Example: level 1 Barbarian: 1d12+5 con is normally 17, but becomes 29) This happens because player damage output is greatly increased, so monster hp must be increased as well, but that means monster damage output should also be buffed and therefore player hp should be as well.
Races all give access to a Chosen, or Chosen Follower, both of which I will describe later. In summary, they give players control over certain elements or traits related to aspects of that element.
There are detailed crafting rules and components for each. Crafting types include Leatherworking, Dragonscales, Metalworking, Woodworking, Gemstone Embbeding, Alchemy and potions crafting.
New Races, Monsters, Items, and in depth lore for all of them, as well as a buffed version of all the monsters in D&D! (working on it lol, turns out copying all 1000+ monsters from as many sources as i can find is a huge project)
Spells are now underpowered with their original descriptions. I need to either buff all the spells, or use my temporary solution of them being able to be cast way more often with lots of spell slots.
And last but not all ads say..."And So Much MORE!" lol
I will now post this, and work on adding my stuff here in this thread...assuming that is how this works
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
(As told by Jestaric Lionguard to the Seekers of Truth when he goes to recruit them).
In the beginning of all, their was the One. He was the only thing at the time, because He was everything, (and not just the other way around mind you). He is called, Yahweh. This One, is a selfless, loving and powerful being. He demonstrates this with He first act, we know of, Creation. He became a Creator when He was everything! He was so selfless, so humble, that He went about creating, to make more things beside Himself, things that could be! To enjoy the everything He was and to act as his partner in existence.
He started with the Heavens they say, making the most glorious of places for him to call home. He created for himself a place to abide, and filled it with many magnificent creatures. Cherubim, and Seraphim, Angels and Principalities, they all filled this realm of Light and Holiness. They are beautiful and magnificent, powerful and demonstrations of his glory. We have come to think of them as perfect, and the greatest amongst the kinds of the world.
Alas, I think not, for Yahweh didn't. He saw them and was saddened, as He knew they could not truly love, and without that, they weren't perfect, for perfection is defined by the Creator's identity, and He is love as He shows by Creations itself, and so to not be able to love as He does, means they are not perfect as He is.
So, he made us, beings of freedom of choic, of independence of action, of mind of beauty. In order to truly love, one must choose to do so, and that is a very hard thing. He made many creatures in many worlds, all worlds a story telling the same tale, one of us free beings given the choice, and we choose wrong, plunging ourselves into a dream, a shade of reality that is Him who made us, and stuck here until we learn from our mistake.
I will tell you now one story, a powerful one of another world, as an example to what I mean, are you interested to hear it?
If so, I shall begin when best suits you.
The Story Begins
"Ahem, Yahweh began this world, with the creation of its first independent creature. She was Zionel, an Elohim of Heaven. She was given the gift of Power with her life, and she is known to many as the Lady of Power. Yahweh and her became partners, husband and wife, Lady and Lord of the world to come. Yahweh new the love Zionel had for Him, the Lord of Light was young, and had yet to be challenged to prove it's reality. But this had yet to come for a while.
Yahweh had made Zionel in His likeness, giving her powers much like His own. And so with this, She desired to create, to make beings to care for and love, like a mother to her child. So Yahweh showed her his Heaven, his home and his world, his creatures and his ways. She drew upon the creatures as inspiration, and made creatures in her image! They were like her in heart, free of choice and independent of mind, and they two had young passionate love for Zionel and Yahweh. Zionel made them her representatives her Men, and she called them Humans. They were given her powers of Power, and she blessed them with what came to be called Power Chosen. 12 different kinds she made, and they each held a type of her power. She made to rule them under her 15 Humans, 7 of them Wizards, powerful and versed in knowledge, and 8 Knights, strong and mighty in spirit and body. She stepped back from her work, and she with Yahweh looked at them, the first of the race of Men, Humans, and they said they were "good". Yahweh said this, knowing they had yet to become perfect, just as Zionel had yet to do. But for now, all was good.
After a time, Zionel began to grow a little restless, the desire for more probing her mind every moment. She couldn't wait any longer and presented her wish to Yahweh, saying "My Lord, you have told that you love me. You say you care for me with greatest kind of love there is, with perfect love. But see now, my heart aches, by body is weak and my mind troubled. I want children my husband, beings in the image of you and me, of us to rule as we do, to be us in Heaven. Why then have you not done so already? Wouldn't your perfect love have already done this for me, keeping my heart from the pain that empty time has caused? If you love me as you say, make for me children, creatures of my kind, my blood and bone, of my flesh and soul. Will you not do this for me?"
Yahweh felt pain in his heart, knowing the day she would fall was drawing closer. For in this, she showed how she had become less attached to Him, and was nearing the moment she must make the choice. But, his love is indeed great, boundless and mighty and he only smiled saying "My dear wife, forgive me, I shall make you wait no longer."
Together, they conceived a child, and she was graceful and slender, her beauty matching that of her mother's. They named her Ephonel, Lady of Air, as her breathe was unique in the heavens, bringing song and life. She carried with her the desire to appease her parents, for her take pride in their joy as she gave it to them.
Then they bore a second child, a son, and his name was Grodnel, the Duke of Earth. He was broad shouldered and firm, sturdy like rock in both spirit and body. He had the innate desire to protect, to be a guardian of his older sister, and then his younger her sister.
Yes another daughter was born after him, a third child, and her emotions were as powerful as the heavens. She was named Oqualnel, Mistress of Water. Her emotions drove her actions, empowering her every step and inspiring her siblings.
These three Elohim were born, and they brought such joy to Zionel and Yahweh, and they ruled high in Heaven.
As the time came for Zionel to create, so did the time for the children came as well. Yahweh showed Ephonel, Grodnel and Oqualnel his Heaven, and his creatures, and well as Zionel's Men, the Humans. He then said to them "Go, and make what you desire! You are free to do as you will." The children wandered the heavens after this for sometime trying to decided what they would make.
The Creation of Zionderia
Zionel watched them in eager glee, excitement bubbling up within her like a spring. The children then came together and whispered to one another, and Zionel became puzzled. Suddenly they all fled away, and went beyond the boarders of heaven out into the Void between worlds, you may know it as Space. The thoughts in Zionel's head rammed her now, and she felt devastated at losing her children! For she knew to leave Heaven was to leave it forever! Yahweh too looked on in dismay, but he knew what this was. As he had made Zionel, they made the children, given powers of freedom and independence of thought, and here was the moment where they distanced themselves from their parents, and made their first mistake that would begin the process for them to learn how to truly love Yahweh, no matter what came into their hearts.
They left into the Void, but not out of sight, and Zionel began to see their work as Yahweh showed her it from afar in Heaven. Suddenly colors of blue, brown and white exploded in the Void where the children stood and they saw a world appear, a planet in the shape of rhombus diamond. It was not flat, but it lay on its side. The diamond was in three layers. The top layer, where it traveled from widest in the center to a point at the top, was a layer of sky. Filled with clouds and winds, and breeze that sung a song that could make ones heart swoon, it's simple and beautiful appearance made by Ephonel. She was stood in its center, making all there was in the realm. She was creating Air, the sky and she said "I have made Oculis, the Realm of Air, the Realm of Insight." Zionel marveled at her work, but soon her eyes were brought down. She noticed that at the very bottom layer, from the center where the planet was widest, down to the bottom where it came to a point, the area was filled with earth. A giant rock, creating the foundation of the world. It's earthen body sprung up, making mountains in the center layer, as well as valleys and craters.
Zionel marveled now at its design, and Grodnel it's designer. Grodnel traveled about, and with his giant strong hands, he morphed the lands, and sculpted this structure. And just as Zionel began to take a step back and marvel at the combined work of Ephonel and Grodnel, a blue pieced the white and brown world. Water flooded from Oqualnel, and she danced atop the waves, spreading her oceans and seas in the valleys, and she filled up the deepest craters of the land, leaving the mountains and large plateaus to stand above them. These left islands and continents, areas above the sea level to be walked upon and seen.
This world was beautiful, but still simple, and Yahweh knew this was all his children could make without him. So in his graciousness, he made them partners too like he did Zionel for himself, and sent them down to his children. For Oqualnel, He gave her Iscornel, and he traveled her ocean blue and took the northern seas, covering them with ice and snow, building glaciers atop the waves that stood like white spires. Oqualnel and Iscornel had finished their work, Oqualnel called the 5 southern seas Aquetieol, Realm of Water; and Iscornel called the 2 northern seas Iscacar, Realm of Ice.
For Grodnel, Yahweh gave Acionel, and she came to her husband began to hollow and softened the hard earth Grodnel had made. She too softened his heart, and Grodnel and her had a son. His name was Metonel, another Elohim, who went and filled the caverns with valuable metals and gems, and treasures of all kinds.
The family called this realm under the surface Gadol Cavernus, the Realm of Earth.
Finally, Ephonel, Lady of Air, was going to be given her spouse. However, she did not want one! In fact she pleaded with Yahweh for him to come down and speak with her. Yahweh recognized this moment, and similarities to Zionel. He came down and Ephonel fell at his feet saying with tears on her cheeks "Yahweh, my father please, do not require of me to be married. I do not want him to distract me from you, I want my sharp eyes to always be fixed upon you." Ephonels tears fell on Yahweh's feet, and her plea continued forth "My king, have my works displeased you so? Is not Oculis a jewel amongst the void? Why must you feel the need for it to be changed? Please leave it as it is, and accept my handiwork for what I have made it to be."
Yahweh's face too became covered in tears, and they fell down to join his daughters on his feet. Yahweh then fell with his tears, and knelt down to comfort his daughter. "Ephonel, I am grateful for your devotion. I will surely grant you, my firstborn, your request. Instead of a spouse, you will be given servants. 5 servants their will be, and they will watch your realm and you will be their Queen." Ephonel embraced her Father and her tears turned into those of joy. And so five tall men appeared, and they went back with Ephonel and spread out amongst Oculis. Four to 4 directions, and 1 in the center of Oculis.
Yahweh looked longingly after his daughter as she left, and his tears that fell were those of sorrow. He knew her devotion was tainted in selfish pride, and he was saddened again, knowing this flower he awaited to bloom, must first suffer the harsh sun and pouring rains, and then the flower would thay much sweeter.
Now as the Children finished making the worlds form, they now had to fill it with creatures. At first they began with simple creatures, similar in mind to the celestial beings Yahweh had made in heaven. Birds, fish, tunnelers, and every beast and monstrosity they made.
But finally came the day they most waited for, the creation of their Men. Ephonel was the first to do so, and she created the Elves. They were blessed with her powers of air and magic, as Humans were to Zionel. The Elves were then given to her 5 servants, and they watched over each Elf kind in Oculis. Grodnel and his family made the Dwarves, and the spread through Gadol Cavernus carving homes into the underground landscape. Finally, Oqualnel and Iscornel worked to make Manctopi. This is a race you likely have never heard of. They are, average sized folk, designed in form to live in water. Their legs and arms have fins to help them swim, and all have 4 arms! They have the ability to camouflage and change the color of their skin to match their surroundings. Some two possess luminescent patches that they can illuminate to blind creatures. Their skin colors are usually a bluish color, anywhere form bluish purple to aqua green, to pure sapphire, they are magnificent to behold. The are a race of Men, like the Dwarves, the Elves, and the Humans.
The Fall
Finally, the world's creation days were coming to an end, and story was beginning to unfold. For in heaven, Zionel began to become restless once again. She begged Yahweh to let her go down and live with them, to live with her children and leave Heaven behind. Yahweh shook his head saying "My wife, I know how much you are desperate for your children, but they have grown, and made their choices, you are not meant to go down and live with them. If you do, you will stop your children, and take over there creation. You will forget me, and death will creep at your doorstep, is this truly what you want?" She weeded in agony and clawed at her husband's robes "What then do I do? How can this empty heart of mine be filled if not with my children? When did love become such a painful thing?" Yahweh embraced his wife letting her cry for a moment. He too felt sorrow, but not just for His children leaving. He saw that she was beginning to leave him as well, and his heart was pained to know she did not love as passionately as before in her youth. He knew she would soom leave him, and she too would be put through the pains of making mistakes before learning how to truly love, and that was how it must be. So, Yahweh embraced Zionel, and said to her "My wife, let us make you more children, and maybe they shall live with you here in heaven, and bring joy to heavy heart."
Soon, two children were born to her, twins, a son and a daughter. The son was named Srreshnel, Lord of Fire, and he was strong, powerful, lacking only some sense to cope with his firey heart. He was given a wife, a cunning woman of great skill and intelligence, and she was called Lectricel.
The daughter was Tithnel, Lady of the Forest, and she was wise and shrewd, pride also coating her every action like poison oil on a leaf. She was given a husband, Tarthnel, and his strong rooted nature helped to hold his wife low, and keep her humble.
Both children were born in Zionel's heart of dissatisfaction, and thus chaos reigned in each of their hearts as well. The was coming near.
Yes, the two children became enemies, hating one another and claiming a right to their mothers heart. They argued and fought about all their was, but mostly for you deserved to be their mothers comfort, since they did not believe both could. Zionel was unaware of this however, do happy she was to have children again.
Yahweh looked at what was coming, and he went away, weeping and letting the events unfold, as he knew they were too painful for him to watch. He even felt as though he may try to stop it.
One day, not to long after Yahweh left for a little while, Srreshnel and Tithnel arranged a date in secret where they would decide their argument once and for all, through a battle to the death. However, it was not a secret to all. A spirit of Heaven, the most powerful Celestial their, Beuartonel the Magnificent, who had been given two a sense of reason and freedom of choice, had watched them for quite some time. He was intrigued by their fighting and had begun a plan in his dark heart. Beuartonel was a close friend of Yahweh, or so he believed, but Yahweh knew his dark heart and his plans of treachery. Beuartonel had always wanted the throne of heaven, and decided the best way to secure it, would be to destroy its heirs, and bring devastation to Yahweh's heart.
So the creature, who often took the form of a Seraphim, followed them to their secret meeting, and began to talk with them saying. "Children of Yahweh, great and powerful Elohim, I have heard that war has brought you here this day. You are right, to want your mother's heart, and she can to one being, yes...but who, we may never know, unless this battle is finished through." This pleased the twins, and he continued saying "But it has come to attention, that here in heaven is not the place for this battle. I have seen spies watching you, and I fear Yahweh and the creatures of Heaven will try to stop you. I suggest the world below, the one that your older siblings have made. Their, you cannot be reached, and war can continue, uninterrupted. I can show you the way down, but you must take with you these birds." Beuartonel handed both children a bird, a Nightingale for Srreshnel, and a Songbird for Tithnel.
"Follow these birds, and they will take you to that world. Establish then your armies, and gather your forces, so that you will find who is loyal to you and who belongs in your world. Your mother will see the victor and bring you home to be with her forever."
The two children believed him, throwing away every thought, every warning that opposed the idea.
Soon, the two children set off, and when they reached the world below, and they saw the 3 empty continents on the surface, they went to eastern and western most continents, leaving behind the birds of Beuartonel to roam Oculis. Much happened in that moment that is difficult to reiterate, but... Srreshnel went to the west, the largest continent and made an army our Seraphim who he convinced to join him in heaven, and they became known as Dragons. He two won the favor of the Dwarves, and they made an army of metal, and fire! His Nightingale, seeing that it longer owed anymore to Srreshnel, went about her real work assigned to her by Beuartonel. She went west in Oculis, and took over. She cursed and tricked the elves there, and made them her own. The servant in charge of them disappeared and know one is sure where he has gone. She became the Nightingale Queen, and her elves were known as the Shadar Kai, or Barrenightmar Elves. It was a dark day in history.
Same to happen to the east. Tithnel grew her forests and armies of plants. She enchanted many beasts and summoned them to her woods, she created the great Syltrees, tree folk as large as mountain and powerful and magic. She won the alliance of much of the Elves, and the Manctopi. Thus her army was formed, and she was ready for war. And as the Nightingale Queen had, so two was the Songbird's intentions she flew east in Oculis, and took over the Elves there, charming them into her servants. The Elves there changed and became known as the Eladrin, the Dreamwild Elves.
Much destruction was wrought on the world that day, but then two it was given a name, by the name of the war. War was called "The War for Zionderia", and Zionderia became the name of that world. And as if this war had bot wrought enough destruction, and Beuartonel had not already encouraged enough falleness in all there was, he went next, to Zionel.
She was looking in the garden Yahweh had made for her, for her children, when Beuartonel slithered out from a bush, in his Seraphim form. His purple eyes stared in Zionel's and he said "My Queen, great Lady of Power and of Heaven, your children are nowhere here to be found. I have seen them though, flying away, to start a war in the world below, made by your older children. They fight this war, in the hopes of making proud your heart one of the children who is the victor." Zionel felt her mind and heart fill with sorrow and anger, for she had been left a second time. Zionel asked him saying "What should I do? I do want them to start a war for me, I just want to be with them, to rule over them and keep them safe, how do I do that from here?" Beuartonel's eyes narrowed into an evil smile, "Zionel, why don't you just go down there and stop this war yourself? You can still do all you desire for your children, what keeps you from going?" Zionel wiped her tears and looked into his face "My husband! He has said that those who leave Heaven, the leave Him. He says that if I go down there, I will be met with death, and never be able to return to Heaven." Beuartonel sighed, shaking his head "I never thought this would happen, for Yahweh to lie to you for selfish reasons. He knows that if you leave your eyes will be opened, you will see what is real, and be able to make a choice, a choice of weather to choose him and be forever enslaved, or to be free with your powers! Don't listen to his lies Zionel, go down and do the righteous thing, save your children and rule over them as you should." Zionel had been awaiting any excuse to do so, and left without second thought. Beuartonel's words had truth in them, but lies coated and twisted every thought.
Zionel needed army and Beuartonel gave her Nephalim through conception. Giant powerful men they were, and with Humans and Zionel, they all descended down to Zionderia. They took the center continent, and pushed back against both sides of the war. They had a mighty hand, and began to quench the fire and cutt the shoots, of this war.
Not long after she left, Yahweh returned to the scene. He knew what had happened and confronted Beuartonel. He took him by the throat and beat him, rendering scales marveled with black and purple from the brushes. He cursed the traitor and sent him out of Heaven and into the Void. Yahweh then looked down at his family and spoke to them a promise. All the Elohim heard his voice as he gave a Promise to his family.
"Elohim! My dear wife and children, what in your hearts has caused you to leave me? My heart aches hear in Heaven, alone again with no one you can truly love me they way you all can. My sorrow is great, and but I know this must pass. You see I made you different from all the creations of Heaven. You were given a freedom of will, an independent nature. By this, you are more magnificent and beautiful than any of my Heavenly beings. Alas, I know this phase must come, when you all turn from me to try and be your own.
But you must come back, for I am the Life, the Creator, the reality, and without me, you will all die in your dreams together.
See the world before you, this world that you have removed me from? See it's pain and death, it's war and suffering. Life their will be full of sorrow and much torture.
See now you are in a dream, you have removed Me, the reality, from your world, leaving only shades of what is Real. You have fallen into a slumber, and deadly dream that of which you must wake! For this dream, if one should remain in it forever, will suffer it's Hell and torture.
My family, I am distraught, for to wake is not an easy task. You must sacrifice your lives, you must head my words and listen to my directions closely. Laws I shall give you, Torah they are called. You must follow each one perfectly your whole lives, to renter Heaven. This is a difficult task, and possibly impossible, but this is what you must do until I send you a gift.
The Messenger will come, and he will show you the way to heaven, a way that has been reinforced by the Torah.
Before the Messenger can come, you must head the words of this Prophesy and wait for it to pass.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
My children, Seekers of Truth will come to fulfill this prophesy, and the Yoshua will come. End this war, and bring peace to your world, so you will have open ears and war not distracting your thoughts.
Remember always my love for you, and one day I will bring you home when you are ready. Elohim Selah."
The world is still in great war, and it lays bound by it, till this very day."
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
The prologue of Zionderia is complicated but in it lies the foundation of the world that of which can be seen. As most Elves and Scholors will dumb it down, this is the simplified version of the history.
(It isn't strictly accurate, and is told from the perspective of those who belive the True Elohim, (Zionel; Ephonel; Grodnel, Acionel, and Metonel; Oqualnel and Iscornel; Tithnel and Tarthnel; and Srreshnel and Lectricel.) never existed. They did in fact, and by removing this simple but vital fact, the world story is changed. Several arguments were made against the elves and their overly logical and inaccurate rendition of the world history. Eventually this verison was discarded.)
The True Meaning of Elemental Power
When Yahweh created the world, he first created Men to live with him high in heaven. He then made a World, creating the Earth, the Water, and the Sky. The foundation of Zionderia set, he sent a few Men down to develop and enjoy the world. He promised them that if they remained faithful, they would return soon. He wanted them to be allowed to be free and show him what they could do, even though he already knew all. They went down first hesitantly, but soon began going about and establishing kingdoms, and creating the nation's of Manctopi, Dwarves, and Elves. They were given the power of the Realms they lived in, and these powers were known as the Chosens. As the world became more beautiful, the Men who had remained with Yahweh became captivated by its beauty and Yahweh's treacherous pet convinced them to sneak away from their home, their king, and the truth and claim rulership over it, making their own home, becoming their own Rulers, and defining truth for themselves apart from Yahweh. So they did, and Yahweh became very disheartened. But he took it out on the treacherous Seraphim, and sent him to darkness, knowing the creature had no love or desire in his heart for anything of Yahweh. The people understood their fault and repented. But IT wasn't so easy, they had to now defend their world, and await its end as they had bound themselves to it. Later Drakes and Dryads were made, and more Chosens arose, such as Ice, Lightning, Metal, and Acid. These nations were each given a Gemsalem, a Powerful Stone said to contain the essence of their elements. But Yahweh then hid them saying they no longer deserved them and he would return them when a messenger was sent. The Men lost much of their abilities and were weakened and not able to establish their nations completly, thus leaving holes for dark things to aim for. When the first messenger came, Arronlion, he failed breaking dowm a defensive force that kept Lucifonel from entering. But not all hope was lost, as Yahweh made the messenger a savior, sent to undo his mistake. This battle between Yoshua and Shadow would continue until Yahweh came and defeated it once and for all. Then he would return all his people home to a new world, known as Heaven.
The end.
The Elemental Balance
So...while the stones existed in Zionderia (they are indeed real), they created pools of energy in the world's "secret places". These pools poured our their energy into the world and this is the Elemental magic that courses through everything. But as time goes on, the magic is decreasing leaking out into the void and disappearing. The prophecy states that Yahweh will defeat the evil when the magic has fully run out. Then it will only be a matter of years before Yahweh takes his people home forever.
Now these pools are in a balance and impact each other in interesting ways. But the most practical application is when Men or creatures use it in their Chosens. This section describes how each element fairs against one another in a matter of win, lose or are neutral.
Winner: When an element is listed Winner under the main element entry, it describes that the main entry would have advantage against any checks, saves, or attack rolls, against the listed element. Consequently, the listed element has disadvantage against those same rolls, against the main element entry.
Loser: When an element is listed Loser under the main element entry, it describes that the main entry would have disadvantage against any checks, saves, or attack rolls, against the listed element. Consequently, the listed element has advantage against those same rolls, against the main element entry.
Neutral: When an element is listed Neutral under the main element entry, it describes that their is no notable advantage or disadvantage that either element gains upon interaction.
Examples: If a Fire Elemental attempts to dodge the water spell Tsunami, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. Alternatively, the spell Fire Bolt, has advantage on its attack roll against a plant creature like a Vine Blight.
🔥Fire🔥: VS...
Acid: Neutral
Air: Loser
Earth: Loser
Forest: Winner
Ice: Winner
Lightning: Neutral
Metal: Winner
Water: Loser
⚡️Lightning⚡️: VS...
Acid: Winner
Air: Neutral
Earth: Loser
Fire: Neutral
Forest: Winner
Ice: Neutral
Metal: Winner
Water: Winner
💧Water💧: VS...
Acid: Winner
Air: Neutral
Earth: Winner
Fire: Winner
Forest: Loser
Ice: Loser
Lightning: Loser
Metal: Winner
❄️Ice❄️: VS...
Acid: Winner
Air: Neutral
Earth: Loser
Fire: Loser
Forest: Winner
Lightning: Neutral
Metal: Loser
Water: Winner
☄️Earth☄️: VS...
Acid: Loser
Air: Loser
Fire: Winner
Forest: Loser
Ice: Winner
Lightning: Winner
Metal: Loser
Water: Loser
⛓️Metal⛓️: VS...
Acid: Loser
Air: Neutral
Earth: Loser
Fire: Winner
Forest: Winner
Ice: Winner
Lightning: Loser
Water: Loser
🧫Acid🧫: VS...
Air: Neutral
Earth: Loser
Fire: Neutral
Forest: Winner
Ice: Loser
Lightning: Loser
Metal: Winner
Water: Loser
🌪Air🌪: VS...
Acid: Neutral
Earth: Winner
Fire: Winner
Forest: Loser
Ice: Neutral
Lightning: Neutral
Metal: Neutral
Water: Neutral
🌳Sylvan Forest🌳: VS...
Acid: Loser
Air: Winner
Earth: Winner
Fire: Loser
Ice: Loser
Lightning: Loser
Metal: Loser
Water: Winner
🌠Power🌠: VS...
All Material: Neutral
Light: Winner
Darkness: Loser
🌟Light🌟: VS...
All Material: Neutral
Power: Loser
Darkness: Winner
🌌Darkness🌌: VS...
All Material: Neutral
Light: Loser
Power: Winner
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future. I am doing a lot of this on a mobile phone and therefore can't do anything to the text font or size. I can't add links, or any other extra tool normally possible. Also, the accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.
EDIT: I have only updated the fonts and added some links, let me know if their is any changes to content you think i should employ]
Chosens are the manifestation of the dominion that your character has over creation. It usually consists of sample actions and skills, as well as related spells that can be learned like a new spellcasting style with versatile spell slots that can be used for any other spells in your lists. Ultimately the DM and players come up with what one can do with its powers as long it is sensible to then. A Water Chosen can part a sea or freeze a puddle, or maybe summon a tsunami with the Tsunami spell. A Earth Chosen can burrow or create walls of earth, even structures to provide shelter and protection.
A creature is usually born with a Chosen determined by their race, and it grows in power along with them. When a player first gains a Chosen, they are 1st level in that Chosen. When that player then levels up, they are then considered 2nd level Chosen. This continues all the way up to 20th Chosen level. Note that your chosens level is not nessacarily equal to your player level, but both such levels increase at the same time. (Example: A Level 5 player suddenly has 1st level Fire Chosen. When that player hits level 6, the Chosens level will increase to 2).
Normally a creature only has one Chosen. However, their are cases where multichosening(lol) is done. The most common example of this is the race of Humans usually gain 2-3 different power Chosens. But other cases of an Aqua Chosen taking on levels in both Water, and then Ice Chosen is also common, (and is in fact almost mandatoryonce you have reached level 20 in your chosen and total level, and you have 20 levels left). Records have even said that their have Fire Chosen who have also had Water Chosens! This is extremely rare is is not usually given by birth. If this is something you are considering, talk about it with your DM.
Chosens have been seperated into 3 Major Groups.
1. Physical Elements. These include the bulk of the Chosen categories. Desert, Sylvan, Aqua, Terra, and Sky Chosens.
2. Magical Elements.This group only contains Power Chosens, the most extensive category of Chosens their is.
3. Spiritual Elements. This group contains the ultimate chosens of light and darkness. No categories have been placed here save that of the 2 raw chosens that exist within. Light Chosen and Shadow Chosen.
All of these are Groups are simply groupings of groups. For example, Desert Chosens are Fire Chosen and Lightning Chosen, Aqua is Water and Ice, and so on... each will be posted seperatly and I will establish links to each for easy navigation. For now here is my table of contents of Chosens.
Aqua Chosens: Water Chosen (Used by Deep Manctopi) and Ice Chosen (Used by Shallow Manctopi)
Sylvan Chosen: Forest Chosen (Used by Dryads of all kinds)
Desert Chosen: Fire Chosen (Used by Fire Drakes) and Lightning Chosen (Used by Fire or Lightning Drakes)
Power Chosen (Used by Humans): Velocity Chosen, Force Chosen, Shields Chosen, Absorbtion Chosen, Sonic Chosen, Luminate Chosen, Transmutation Chosen, Psychie Chosen, Mortality Chosen, Creation Chosen, Portal Chosen (Exclusive to the Yoshua), and Time Chosen (Exclusive to the Yoshua)
Spiritual Chosens: Light Chosen (Exclusive to Celestials and DM chosen creatures) and Shadow Chosen (Exclusive to Fiends and DM chosen creatures)
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future. I am doing this on a mobile phone and therefore can't do anything to the text font or size. I can't add links, or any other extra tool normally possible. Also, the accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.
EDIT: I have only updated the fonts and added some links, let me know if their is any changes to content you think i should employ]
EDIT: I have changed some content rules but playtesting is still required for me to feel satisfied with it. Also, I have employed a new categorizing system for the spells this Chosen grants access to. It will allow me to easily remove spells from the data when I want to publish it on Hombrew.
These chosens belong to masters of the air, whether they be flyers and gliders, to archers and quick swordsmen. These are usually the Elves of Zionderia. I say chosens, but really Sky Chosens only contains one Chosen kind, Air Chosen. Here is what it is and what it can do!
If you want to go back to the following places, click:
An Air Chosen is a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control air and gases. Air Chosen are capable of moving things in the blink of an eye with powerful gusts of air. Elves are the main users of this skill. Air Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural means. Usually by magic or curses and blessings, are other races capable of this power.
General Air Chosen Skills
When you gain Air Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of feats. When you use Air Chosen, it can be as simple as blowing out a candel far off, to shoving a Giant to the ground. Air Chosen's uses are many but do require air to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Air Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of Air feats active equal to your proficiency bonus, (Moved Targets and Air Vortexs only count as active when they are used and then are considered inactive after they end. If you activate an Air skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Air Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
• Move Targets (via Air):As a Bonus Action, Reaction, and/or Action (letting you do this on each one), you can move a volume of air and consequently anything loose within it. Choose points within 60ft that you can see. From those points, all gases in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 3,375ft³ (15ft×15ft×15ft), can be moved to any other place you can see within range. Then, creatures, loose objects, or any other unachored target in the area of this gas, can be moved. You can only move targets of size Medium and smaller with this. You can move each target in any direction you want, but the distance you can move each target is based on their size and whether they resist or not. In the event you want to move an unwilling target, they must succeed a Strength saving throw (DC=8+your Dexterity modifier+proficiency bonus). On a success by 5 or less, they are pushed half as far. If they succeed by any higher, they aren't pushed at all. If your Air Chosen happens to cause a target to smash into something, the thing takes or deals 1d4 damage per 10ft traveled to a max of 20d4. The volume, strength, and frequency of your air gusts increase at levels 6, 11, and 16.
At 1st Level:The range is 60ft and the total volume is 3,375ft³ (15ftx15ftx15ft), you can only use this effect once per Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction, and can affect targets of size Medium and smaller.
Tiny Targets:Can be moved 30ft
Small Targets: Can be moved 20ft.
Medium Targets:Can be moved 10ft.
At 6th Level:The range is 120ft and the total volume increases to 27,000ft³ (30ftx30ftx30ft), you can use this effect 2 times per Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction, and can now affect targets of size Large and smaller.
Tiny Targets:Can be moved 60ft
Small Targets:Can be moved 40ft.
Medium Targets:Can be moved 20ft.
Large Targets:Can be moved 10ft.
At 11th Level:The range is 240ft and the total volume increases to 216,000ft³ (60ftx60ftx60ft), you can use this effect 3 times per Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction, and can now affect targets of size Huge and smaller.
Tiny Targets:Can be moved 120ft
Small Targets:Can be moved 80ft
Medium Targets:Can be moved 40ft
Large Targets:Can be moved 20ft.
Huge Targets:Can be moved 10ft.
At 16th Level:The range is 360ft and the total volume increases to 729,000ft³ (90ftx90ftx90ft), you can use this effect 5 times per Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction, and can now affect targets of size Gargantuan and smaller.
Tiny Targets:Can be moved 240ft
Small Targets:Can be moved 160ft.
Medium Targets:Can be moved 80ft.
Large Targets:Can be moved 40ft.
Huge Targets:Can be moved 20ft.
Gargantuan Targets:Can be moved 10ft
How you move your targets is entirely up to you. This skill offers a wide range of options, and because of this, I will offer in depth examples.
Example 1: An orc (medium sized) rushes at you ready to strike with his melee weapon next turn. It is now your turn, and you decide to use your Bonus Action to move him with your Air Chosen, and the max you can go is 10ft. He makes the save and fails. You throw him into the air 10ft, and let him crash to the ground, taking 1d4 bludeoning damage. Then, you move back, dodging his lame opportunity attack, and then with your longow, you use your Action to unleash the following strike! (See next example).
Example 2: You shoot an arrow (size Tiny) from your longbow as an action, and as part of it, you decide to boost its distance and power. Your longbow has a range of (150ft/600ft) and your target is 180ft away (perfect!). You use your Air Chosen, and it's range increases by 30ft, and the damage therefore increases by 3d4. You don't need to make the attack roll with disadvantage, and it is a hit. The target is struck, and the arrow blows right through that enemy, killing him.
Example 3: Three size small bolts are shot at you from a ballista, and your send a gust of air out to meet them as a reaction. Right as they near you, you control the air in a 15ft cube, right as they all enter that range. You can move small things up to 20ft, and send them each in 3 different directions. You send one down into the ground in front of you, and the other 2 are diverted and thrown 20ft from their current positions, to either side of you, striking two melee attacking enemies right beside you, each dealing an extra 2d4 damage.
• Air Vortex:As an Action, you create a Vortex, much like a tornado. This Vortex appears in a spot you can see within 60ft of you, and is a cylinder with a 5ft radius, and a height of 20ft . Any creature within 30ft of the vortex when it is created, or begins their turn, must make a Strength saving throw (DC=8+Dexterity modifier+proficiency bonus)or be pulled 10ft closer. Flying creatures have disadvantage on this save. Any movement in that range to move in a direction away from it is halved. Any creature that enters the Vortex's main body is grappled (DC=8+Dexterity modifier+proficiency bonus) and incapacitated. The creature is held by the Vortex for 3 rounds (after it is grappled and incapacitated) before the creatures is thrown 60ft out and takes the appropriate damage for falling that far. The creature can try to escape early and take no damage by making the check to escape the grapple. On a success the creature is flung harmlessly just out of range of the tornado and to a spot the creature chooses. In either case the target is left prone. This Vortex can be moved as a BA up to 30ft in any direction. The Vortex lasts for 1 minute. The volume and strength of your Vortex increase at levels 6, 11, and 16.
At 6th level:The Vortex is now up to 120ft away, a size of 12.5ft radius, and a height of 50ft, the range it can suck is made 60ft, creatures are pulled 20ft closer on fails, and are thrown 120ft away at the end. The vortex can now be out for 10 minutes. It can be moved up to 60ft at a time.
At 11th level:The Vortex is now up to 240ft away, a size of 25ft radius, and a height of 100ft, the range it can suck is made 90ft, creatures are pulled 30ft closer on fails, and are thrown 180ft away at the end. The vortex can now be out for 1 hour. It can be moved up to 90ft at a time.
At 16th level:The Vortex is now up to 360ft away, a size of 50ft radius, and a height of 200ft, the range it can suck is made 150ft, creatures are pulled 60ft closer on fails, and are thrown 300ft away at the end. The vortex can now be out for 1 day. It can be moved up to 150ft at a time.
• Cast an Air Spell:Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of air spells from the air list equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the air cantrips listed below in your prepared fire spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells are Dexterity. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the air spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
PHB$: This is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 and 2024 Player's Handbooks. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing this error (see spoiler):
This Feat cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Feat has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Feat.
2024$: The 2024 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2024 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2024 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
2014$: The 2014 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2014 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
T$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LT$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
X$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LX$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
Spell slots you have at Air Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future. The accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.]
EDIT: I have changed some content rules but playtesting is still required for me to feel satisfied with it. Also, I have employed a new categorizing system for the spells this Chosen grants access to. It will allow me to easily remove spells from the data when I want to publish it on Hombrew.
These Chosens belong to masters of the earth, whether they be miners and crafters, to acid warriors and bodyguards. These are usually the Dwarves of Zionderia. Terra Chosens contains 3 Chosen kinds, Earth Chosen, Acid Chosen, and Metal Chosen. I am going to include the Earth Chosen Abilites here in this note, but the other two will be supplied below in links further in this thread.
An Earth Chosen is a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control land and minerals. This allows them to work from a to tunnel expertly, or build structures in seconds. Earth Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural means. Usually by by magic or curses and blessings are other races capable of this power.
General Earth Chosen Skills
When you gain Earth Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of feats. When you use Earth Chosen, it can be as simple as throwing a rock, to building a castle of stone. Earth Chosen's uses are many but do require rock, or stone of somekind to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Earth Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of Earth feats active equal to your proficiency bonus, (Boulders only count as active when they are used and then are considered inactive after they end. If you activate a Earth skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Earth Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
• Move Earth:As an Action, you can make a volume of earth or stone move from one place to another. Choose points within 120ft you can see. From those points, all rock in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 27,000ft³ (30ft×30ft×30ft), can be moved to any other place within range. If you move it a place where it would be subject to moving after you place it, you can choose to hold onto it, but this will take up 1 of the number of active Earth skills you can have at a time. Examples can be moving a boulder out of the way, or tunneling. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16.
At 6th Level:Choose points within 240ft that you can see. Volume 216,000ft³ (60ftx60ftx60ft),
At 11th Level:Choose points within 360ft that you can see. Volume 729,000ft³ (90ftx90ftx90ft),
At 16th Level:Choose points within 480ft that you can see. Volume 1,728,000ft³ (120ftx120ftx120ft),
• Boulder Throwing:As an Action, you can summon rocks to your hand that can be different sizes. You can use a rock as a weapon, and it uses Constitution as it's main ability. It counts as a thrown weapon with a range based on the weapons size. Lesser Rocks count as one handed and light to you (so they can be dual wielded), while Average Rocks are only one-handed (so they can only be dual wielded with a shield or light weapon). Greater Rocks count as two handed to you. All rocks you throw deal an extra d6 bludgeoning for every 20ft they travel over an initial 20ft. These rocks base damage dice is dependent on the size. The size of rocks you can throw, the distance they go, and how they feel to you, increases with level. Here are the basic stats of your rocks at level 1.
At 1st level:Here are the sizes of rocks you can throw at this level and what they can do.
Size Tiny Rocks:1d4 bludgeoning, range(60ft/240ft), always count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Small Rocks:3d4 bludgeoning, range(40ft/160ft), count as average rocks to you.
Size Medium Rocks:5d4 bludgeoning, range(20ft/80ft), count as greater rocks to you.
At 6th level:Here are the sizes of rocks you can throw at this level and what they can do.
Size Tiny Rocks:1d4 bludgeoning, range(80ft/320ft), always count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Small Rocks:3d4 bludgeoning, range(60ft/240ft), count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Medium Rocks:5d4 bludgeoning, range(40ft/160ft), count as average rocks to you.
Size Large Rocks:7d4 bludgeoning, range(20ft/80ft), count as greater rocks to you.
At 11th level: Here are the sizes of rocks you can throw at this level and what they can do.
Size Tiny Rocks:1d4 bludgeoning, range(100ft/400ft), always count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Small Rocks:3d4 bludgeoning, range(80ft/320ft), count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Medium Rocks:5d4 bludgeoning, range(60ft/240ft), count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Large Rocks:7d4 bludeoning, range(40ft/160ft), count as average rocks to you.
Size Huge Rocks:9d4 bludgeoning, range(20ft/80ft), count as greater rocks to you.
At 16th level:Here are the sizes of rocks you can throw at this level and what they can do.
Size Tiny Rocks:1d4 bludgeoning, range(120ft/480ft), always count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Small Rocks:3d4 bludgeoning, range(100ft/400ft), count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Medium Rocks:5d4 bludgeoning, range(80ft/320ft), count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Large Rocks:7d4 bludgeoning, range(60ft/240ft), count as lesser rocks to you.
Size Huge Rocks:9d4 bludgeoning, range(40ft/160ft), count as average rocks to you.
Size Gargantuan Rocks:12d4 bludgeoning, range(20ft/80ft), count as greater rocks to you.
•Earthen Armour:As a BA on your turn, you can create a single layer of rock around you that increases you armour and resistance the more layers you put on. While you have a layer of earth on you, you have resistance to all damage except psychic. When you create a layer of rock on your self you gain a +1 bonus to your Armour Class, melee damage rolls, and your Strength saving throws and Constitution saving throws. At the same time you give yourself a -1 penalty to Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls, and your speed is reduced by 10ft. You can have up to 3 layers applied to you at once. If you move or attack on you turn, one layer breaks off. The number of layers, and the effectiveness of each increase at 6th, 11th, and 16th level.
At 6th level:You can have up to 5 layers applied at once, and they only reduced your speed by 5ft each.
At 11th level:The bonuses increase to +2 per layer.
At 16th level:There are no penalties for any number of layers.
•Cast an Earth Spell:Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of earth spells from the earth list equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the earth cantrips listed below in your prepared earth spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Constitution. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the earth spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
PHB$: This is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 and 2024 Player's Handbooks. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing this error (see spoiler):
This Feat cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Feat has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Feat.
2024$: The 2024 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2024 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2024 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
2014$: The 2014 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2014 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
T$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LT$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
X$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LX$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
Spell slots you have at Earth Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future.The accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.]
EDIT: I have changed some content rules but playtesting is still required for me to feel satisfied with it. Also, I have employed a new categorizing system for the spells this Chosen grants access to. It will allow me to easily remove spells from the data when I want to publish it on Hombrew.
What is an Acid Chosen?
An Acid Chosen is a special type of Terra Chosen, and are a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control the corrosive substance known as Acid. Said to be the antiearth of liquids, Acid is different from water in that is more of a goo. This makes Water Chosen unable to bend this type of matter. Acid Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural mean. Usually by by magic or curses and blessings are other races capable of this power.
If you want to go back to the following places, click:
When you gain Acid Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of feats. When you use Acid Chosen, it can be as simple as corroding a rock to make a tunnel, to disintegrating a fortress filled with creatures. Acid Chosen's uses are many but do require acid to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. Acid chosen however, can create acid from nothing. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Acid Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of acid feats active equal to your proficiency bonus, (Blobs, and summoned acid only count as active when they are used and then are considered inactive after they end. If you activate an acid skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Acid Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
• Form Acid:As an Action, you can make a volume of Acid appear. Choose a point within 40ft of you. The point can be up to 80ft away at level 6, up to 160ft away at 11th Level, and up to 320ft away at 16th Level. From that point enough acid can be created to equal to up to the area of a 10ft×10ft space . This increases to 20ftx20ft at 6th level, 40ftx40ft at 11th level, and 80ftx80ft at 16th level. The acid created settles as a viscous liquid, layering the ground it falls on as a 1 inch thick puddle. The acid you create can be of different potentcies, that of which determine how much damage and melting it can do. Anything that would touch acid will suffer the damage and effects of the acid, by failing a Constitution saving throw (DC=8+your Constitution modifier+your proficiency bonus). On a success, they take half damage and no effects are dealt to them. At 1st level the only potency you can produce isBubbling. You gain more at levels 6, 11, and 16.
Bubbling:A simple bubbling acid, it melts flesh, plant matter, paper, cloth, and other similar materials. It deals (1d6) acid damage to any surfaces made of such material.
At 6th level,Corrosive:This acid is more potent and deals (3d6) acid damage to flesh, plant matter, paper, cloth, and other similar materials. Besides this, this acid is a weakening substance, and is potent enough to partially melt wood, bone, metal, scale, and even stone (It is ineffective against the acid elemental materials, like the scale [Black or Copper Scales] and the metal [Elemental Copper]). Any surface made of those materials that touches this acid takes (1d6) acid damage. If the material is a piece of armour or weapon, it also receives a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty. When this penalty is applied to weapons, it reduces the attack and damage dices totals by the penalty. To clarify, this does NOT subtract from the damage bonus, the number of damage dice, or even subtract the amount rolled on each damage die. Only the total amount ROLLED by the dice for attack rolls and damage rolls. If this reduces the total of damage dice to 0 before the weapon breaks, the weapon is disintegrated. If this penalty is applied to armour, the AC provided by the armour (not including Dexterity) is decreased by the penalty. If this penalty reduces the AC provided to 0 before the armour breaks, the armour is disintegrated. The penalties and damage can be removed upon repairing the equipment with the necessary time and money.
At 11th level,Vitriolic:This acid is more potent and deals (5d6) acid damage to flesh, plant matter, paper, cloth, and other similar materials. Besides this, this acid is a heavily weakening substance, and is potent enough to almost completely melt wood, bone, metal, scale, and even stone (It is still ineffective against the acid elemental materials, like the scale [Black or Copper Scales] and the metal [ Elemental Copper]). Also it can effect magical materials. Any surface made of those materials that touches this acid takes (3d6) acid damage. If the material is a piece of armour or weapon, it also receives a permanent and cumulative -3 penalty. When this penalty is applied to weapons, it reduces the attack and damage dices totals by the penalty. To clarify, this does NOT subtract from the damage bonus, the number of damage dice, or even subtract the amount rolled on each damage die. Only the total amount ROLLED by the dice for attack rolls and damage rolls. If this reduces the total of damage dice to 0 before the weapon breaks, the weapon is disintegrated. If this penalty is applied to armour, the AC provided by the armour (not including Dexterity) is decreased by the penalty. If this penalty reduces the AC provided to 0 before the armour breaks, the armour is disintegrated. The penalties and damage can be removed upon repairing the equipment with the necessary time and money.
At 16th level,Dematerializing:This acid is a substance to end all substances. Any material or surface that touches this acid takes (7d6) acid damage. If the material is a piece of armour or weapon, it also receives a permanent and cumulative -5 penalty. When this penalty is applied to weapons, it reduces the attack and damage dices totals by the penalty. To clarify, this does NOT subtract from the damage bonus, the number of damage dice, or even subtract the amount rolled on each damage die. Only the total amount ROLLED by the dice for attack rolls and damage rolls. If this reduces the total of damage dice to 0 before the weapon breaks, the weapon is disintegrated. If this penalty is applied to armour, the AC provided by the armour (not including Dexterity) is decreased by the penalty. If this penalty reduces the AC provided to 0 before the armour breaks, the armour is disintegrated. When you have disintegrated a material with this acid, it is completely removed from existence and only a Wish spell can restore it. The penalties and damage can be removed upon repairing the equipment with the necessary time and money.
• Move Acid:As an Action, you can move a volume of acid from one place another. Choose points within 120ft that you can see. From those points all acid in an area equal to up to the total area 20ft×20ft. The acid can be moved to any place within range. Any thing this touches must make the Constitution saving throw from Form Acid. When you release the acid to a spot, it falls and settles like a viscous liquid, layering the ground it falls on as a 1 inch thick puddle. The area you can move is increased at 6th, 11th, and 16th level.
At 6th level: Choose points within 240ft that you can see. Area increases to 40ftx40ft.
At 11th level:Choose points within 360ft that you can see. Area increases to 80ftx80ft.
At 16th level:Choose points within 480ft that you can see. Area increases to 160ftx160ft.
• Cast an Acid Spell:Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of acid spells from the acid list equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the acid cantrips listed below in your prepared acid spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells are Constitution. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the acid spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
PHB$: This is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 and 2024 Player's Handbooks. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing this error (see spoiler):
This Feat cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Feat has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Feat.
2024$: The 2024 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2024 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2024 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
2014$: The 2014 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2014 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
T$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LT$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
X$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LX$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
Spell slots you have at Acid Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future.The accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.]
EDIT: I have changed some content rules but playtesting is still required for me to feel satisfied with it. Also, I have employed a new categorizing system for the spells this Chosen grants access to. It will allow me to easily remove spells from the data when I want to publish it on Hombrew.
What is a Metal Chosen?
A Metal Chosen is a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control the ores and metals. This allows them to forge the greatest of weapons with ease, as well as .manipulate enemy tools and equipment. Metal Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural mean. Usually by by magic or curses and blessings are other races capable of this power.
If you want to go back to the following places, click:
When you gain Metal Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of feats. When you use Metal Chosen, it can be as simple as bending prison bars, to animating and armory to your will. Metal Chosen's uses are many but do require metal, or raw ore of somekind to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Metal Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of Metal feats active equal to your proficiency bonus, (If you activate a Metal skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Metal Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
•Move Metal:As an Action, you can make a volume of metal move from one place to another. Choose points within 120ft that you can see. From those points, all metal in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 27,000ft³ (30ft×30ft×30ft), can be moved to any other place within range. If you move it a place where it would be subject to moving after you place it, you can choose to hold onto it, but this will take up 1 of the number of active Metal skills you can have at a time. Examples can be breaking down a metal door, or throwing a loose sword at an enemy. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16.
At 6th Level:Choose points within 240ft that you can see. Volume 216,000ft³ (60ftx60ftx60ft),
At 11th Level:Choose points within 360ft that you can see. Volume 729,000ft³ (90ftx90ftx90ft),
At 16th Level:Choose points within 480ft that you can see. Volume 1,728,000ft³ (120ftx120ftx120ft),
• Change Metal:As an Action, you can make a volume of metal change from one kind into another. Choose points within 60ft that you can see. From those points, all metal in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 3,375ft³ (15ft×15ft×15ft), can be changed into another metal. The metals you can target and change them into belong to this list: Brass, Copper, Bronze, Iron, and Steel. Note that these are not the elemental forms that give you buffs. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16, as does the kinds of metals.
At 6th Level:Choose points within 120ft that you can see. Volume 27,000ft³ (30ftx30ftx30ft). You can now effect the following metals: Brass, Brass Elemental, Copper, Copper Elemental, Bronze, Bronze Elemental, Iron, and Steel.
At 11th Level:Choose points within 240ft that you can see. Volume 216,000ft³ (60ftx60ftx60ft). You can now effect the following metals: Brass, Brass Elemental, Copper, Copper Elemental, Bronze, Bronze Elemental, Iron, and Steel, Silver, Silver Elemental, Gold, Gold Elemental.
At 16th Level:Choose points within 360ft that you can see. Volume 729,000ft³ (90ftx90ftx90ft). You can now effect the following metals: Brass, Brass Elemental, Copper, Copper Elemental, Bronze, Bronze Elemental, Iron, and Steel, Silver, Silver Elemental, Gold, Gold Elemental, Platinum, Platinum Elemental, Adamantine, Adamantine Elemental, Chardalyn, Chardalyn Elemental.
• Form Weapon:As a Bonus Action, you create a weapon out any ample amount of metal. The weapon has the statistics of its normal kind, and deals the appropriate amount of damage (PHB: Equipment, Weapons). You also have proficiency with the weapon and it uses Constitution as its attack and damage ability. Also on this Bonus Action, you can tailor it to your liking, adding and removing traits from it like (Heavy, Two-handed, Light, Versatile, Thrown). It can have up to 3 of any traits you desire on the weapon. You can even add range to your ranged weapons, equal to 30ft per application. Also, you can change its damage type from one of the following into another from the following: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. These traits and damage types can be changed and switched at will and are permanent until it is otherwise reshaped. There is no limit to the number of same traits you can apply to the weapon. The damage of these weapons and the number of traits you can add to these weapons increases at the following levels.
At 6th level:You can have up to 4 traits you desire on the weapon, and it deals an extra damage dice. Also you have the following extra traits you can choose from to add to you weapons trait list.
Finely Crafted:The weapon has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and the weapon can make critical attacks on natural attack rolls of 19-20s.
"Bleeding Edge" Technology:When you strike a target with this weapon, it must suffer a bleed. While a target has a bleed it loses 1 hp at the beginning of each of its turns. The target can suffer multiple bleeds, and will lose hp per bleed. The bleeds last until the creature regains hp, on which 1 bleed is removed for ever 1 hp healed. This bleed also then steals that hp regained as the healing goes to mending the bleed.
Magically Imbued:You weapon is now magical and deals the magical version of the chosen damage type. This allows it to overcome resistances.
Weapon Mastery:You can choose and add aWeapon Mastery Skillto you while you wield this weapon. See the link for options.
At 11th level:You can have up to 5 traits you desire on the weapon, and it deals an extra 2 damage dice. Also the following extra traits you can choose from to add to you weapons trait list, are buffed now.
Finely Crafted: The weapon has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and the weapon can make critical attacks on natural attack rolls of 18-20s.
"Bleeding Edge" Technology:When you strike a target with this weapon, it must suffer a bleed. While a target has a bleed it loses 3 hp at the beginning of each of its turns. The target can suffer multiple bleeds, and will lose hp per bleed. The bleeds last until the creature regains hp, on which 1 bleed is removed for ever 3 hp healed. This bleed also then steals that hp regained as the healing goes to mending the bleed.
Magically Imbued:Your weapon is still magical and deals the magical version of the chosen damage type. This allows it to overcome resistances. Also, the weapon is now capable of becoming a separate attacker. If has a flying speed of 30ft and floats besides you. You can mentally command the weapon to move and make attacks (the number of which you could normally do with one Attack Action) without using an action. Upon gaining this trait, the weapon now takes up one use of your Metal skills until it is deanimated.
Weapon Mastery: You can choose and add aWeapon Mastery Skill to you while you wield this weapon. See the link for options. This trait has not been buffed at this level.
At 16th level:You can have up to 7 traits you desire on the weapon, and it deals an extra 3 damage dice. Also the following extra traits you can choose from to add to you weapons trait list, are buffed now even more.
Finely Crafted:The weapon has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and the weapon can make critical attacks on natural attack rolls of 17-20s.
"Bleeding Edge" Technology:When you strike a target with this weapon, it must suffer a bleed. While a target has a bleed it loses 5 hp at the beginning of each of its turns. The target can suffer multiple bleeds, and will lose hp per bleed. The bleeds last until the creature regains hp, on which 1 bleed is removed for ever 5 hp healed. This bleed also then steals that hp regained as the healing goes to mending the bleed.
Magically Imbued:Your weapon is still magical and deals the magical version of the chosen damage type. This allows it to overcome resistances. Also, the weapon is still capable of becoming a separate attacker, but it is even more powerful. It has a flying speed of 60ft and floats besides you. You can mentally command the weapon to move and make attacks (the number of which you could normally do with one Attack Action) without using an action. Then it has a reaction to pause a creatures turn and move again and attack again! Then the creatures turn resumes. Upon gaining this trait, the weapon now takes up one use of your Metal skills until it is deanimated.
Weapon Mastery:You can choose and add twoWeapon Mastery Skills to you while you wield this weapon. See the link for options.
• Form Armour:As a Bonus Action, you create armour out any ample amount of metal. The armour has the statistics of its normal kind, and provides the same amount of AC. (PHB: Equipment, Armour and Shields). You also have proficiency with the Armour. Note this only allows you to create armour that can be made out of metal. Also on this Bonus Action, you can improve and tailor the armour, adding 2 of the following traits to it.
Sure Build: This armour gives a +1 bonus to all save throws.
Dexterous Metal:You ignore the Dexterity Maximum on this armour if there is one, and you can add you full Dexterity modifier to this armour.
Metal Thorns:If a target touches you or hits you with a melee attack while you are wearing this armour, you deal 1 piercing damage to that creature.
Resistant Armour:While you wear this armour, you gain resistance to 1 damage type of your choice.
Steel Heart:While you wear this armour, your hp maximum increases by 5.
Magically Forged:While you wear this armour, you treat magical attacks like normal attacks, and you have advantage on saving throws to avoid spells.
At levels 6th, 11th, and 16th, you can add more traits and the traits become buffed.
At 6th level:You can have up to 3 of the following traits you desire on the armour, and its AC increases by 1. Also the traits are now buffed.
Sure Build:This armour gives a +2 bonus to all save throws.
Dexterous Metal:You ignore the Dexterity Maximum on this armour if there is one, and you can add you full Dexterity modifier to this armour. (This trait is not buffed.)
Metal Thorns:If a target touches you or hits you with a melee attack while you are wearing this armour, you deal 2 piercing damage to that creature.
Resistant Armour:While you wear this armour, you gain resistance to 2 damage types of your choice.
Steel Heart:While you wear this armour, your hp maximum increases by 10.
Magically Forged:While you wear this armour, you treat magical attacks like normal attacks, and you have advantage on saving throws to avoid spells. (This trait is not buffed.)
At 11th level:You can have up to 4 of the following traits you desire on the armour, and its AC increases by 2. Also the traits are now buffed.
Sure Build:This armour gives a +3 bonus to all save throws.
Dexterous Metal:You ignore the Dexterity Maximum on this armour if there is one, and you can add you full Dexterity modifier to this armour. (This trait is not buffed.)
Metal Thorns:If a target touches you or hits you with a melee attack while you are wearing this armour, you deal 3 piercing damage to that creature.
Resistant Armour:While you wear this armour, you gain resistance to 3 damage types of your choice.
Steel Heart:While you wear this armour, your hp maximum increases by 15.
Magically Forged:While you wear this armour, you treat magical attacks like normal attacks, and you have advantage on saving throws to avoid spells. (This trait is not buffed.)
At 16th level:You can have up to 5 of the following traits you desire on the armour, and its AC increases by 3. Also the traits are now buffed.
Sure Build:This armour gives a +3 bonus to all save throws. (This trait is not buffed at this level.)
Dexterous Metal:You ignore the Dexterity Maximum on this armour if there is one, and you can add you full Dexterity modifier to this armour. (This trait is not buffed.)
Metal Thorns:If a target touches you or hits you with a melee attack while you are wearing this armour, you deal 5 piercing damage to that creature.
Resistant Armour:While you wear this armour, you gain resistance to 5 damage types of your choice.
Steel Heart:While you wear this armour, your hp maximum increases by 15.
Magically Forged:While you wear this armour, you treat magical attacks like normal attacks, and you have advantage on saving throws to avoid spells. (This trait is not buffed.)
• Cast a Metal Spell:Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of metal spells from the metal list equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the metal cantrips listed below in your prepared metal spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells are Constitution. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the metal spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
PHB$: This is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 and 2024 Player's Handbooks. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing this error (see spoiler):
This Feat cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Feat has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Feat.
2024$: The 2024 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2024 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2024 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
2014$: The 2014 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2014 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
T$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LT$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
X$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LX$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
Spell slots you have at Metal Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
These Chosens belong to masters of water and ice, and those masters are usually the Manctopi of Zionderia. Aqua Chosens contains 2 Chosen kinds, Water Chosen and Ice Chosen. Now, unlike other chosen categories, Aqua Chosens kinds are very intertwined and having one of the Aqua Chosens will result in having the other at some point. Mechanicly, each level in a specific Aqua Chosen takes up only half a Chosen level, and therefor you can have both Aqua Chosens when you reach Chosen level 20. I am going to include the Water Chosen abilities here in this note, but the other one will be supplied below in a link further in this thread.
If you want to go back to the following places, click:
A Water Chosen is a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control water and liquid in many forms. Water Chosen are timid, usually keeping to themselves but are also very friendly. Water Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural means. Usually by by magic or curses and blessings are other races capable of this power.
General Water Chosen Skills
When you gain Water Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of abilities. When you use Water Chosen, it can be as simple as filling a cup with water from the humidity in the air, to parting a sea so one can walk through. Water Chosen's uses are many but do require water to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Water Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of water skills active equal to your proficiency bonus, (Whips only count as active when they are used and then are considered inactive after they end. If you activate a water skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Water Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
• Move Water:As an Action, you can make a volume of water move from one place to another. Choose points within 120ft that you can see. From those points, all liquids in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 27,000ft³ (30ft×30ft×30ft), can be moved to any other place within range. Examples can be moving soup from a cauldron to several bowls, or extracting moisture from a plant or the air and putting it in a cup. If you move the water in a place where it would be subject to moving after you release your grip on it, you can choose to hold it there, but it will take up 1 of the number of water skills you can have active. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16.
At 6th Level:Choose points within 240ft that you can see. Volume 216,000ft³ (60ftx60ftx60ft),
At 11th Level:Choose points within 360ft that you can see. Volume 729,000ft³ (90ftx90ftx90ft),
At 16th Level:Choose points within 480ft that you can see. Volume 1,728,000ft³ (120ftx120ftx120ft),
• Water Whips:When you make the Attack Action, you can make a deliberate weapon attack with water in the form of 2 whips per hand. Using empty hands, your water whips can have a reach of up to 30ft as melee. You can can use two weapon fighting with it as long as you have two empty hands (equaling 4 whips total, 2 whips per hand). They appear in your hand till the end of the attack and use Dexterity as their main ability. Making separate attack rolls for each whip, on a hit, the weapon deals a base damage of 1d4 bludgeoning damage. At level 11 this becomes a d6. These attacks can be subject to Extra Attack, as they count as an Attack Action. At later levels the reach increases as does the number of whips per hand.
At 6th level:Reach 60ft, 3 whips per hand
At 11th level:Reach 90ft, 4 whips per hand, 1d6 per whip
At 16th level:Reach 120ft, 5 whips per hand
• H²O State Transposition:As a Bonus Action, you can make a volume of water change to its gas, liquid or solid phase. Choose points within 120ft that you can see. From that point all water in an area equal to up to the volume of 27,000ft³ (30ft×30ft×30ft) can be changed into another phase, like water to ice or to steam and vice-versa. It should be noted that Water Chosen can't manipulate any other form of water unless it is in liquid form. You can use this ability here to take a glacier and reduce it to water, only then can you use Move Water or Water Whips. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16.
At 6th level:Choose points within 240ft that you can see. Volume 216,000ft³ (60ftx60ftx60ft),
At 11th level:Choose points within 360ft that you can see. Volume 729,000ft³ (90ftx90ftx90ft)
At 16th level:Choose points within 480ft that you can see. Volume1,728,000ft³ (120ftx120ftx120ft),
• Cast a Water Spell:Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of water spells from the water list equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the water cantrips listed below in your prepared water spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Dexterity. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the water spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
PHB$: This is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 and 2024 Player's Handbooks. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing this error (see spoiler):
This Feat cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Feat has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Feat
2024$: The 2024 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2024 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2024 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
2014$: The 2014 version of this spell is Licensed Content as core rules under the 2014 Player's Handbook. Therefore, the 2014 version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
T$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LT$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
X$: This is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, it is not a spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
LX$: The Legacy version of this spell is Licensed Content as expanded rules under Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Therefore, the Legacy version of this is not spell added to the mechanical list, so that I may publish this Chosen as viable homebrew without experiencing the error see above.
Spell slots you have at Water Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
This looks super cool don't give up on this! I would love to see how all the chosen abilities work when you "combine them" such as if you do a fire wall then your friend makes a water wall in the same place it could do like a fog cloud spell kinda. (you don't need to take my advice with the combine thing. this overall though is awsome and I would love to see how this plays out.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
You don't need to take my advice or listen to me but if you did I would be honored.
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Table of Contents
Pardon all the deleted posts, they were deleted and reposted to establish an accurate list here.
P.S. This whole thing is a work in progress, so expect rearranging and new links being made.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
Here are rough maps of Zionderia's layers in the 3rd Era...needs serious editing...
I will work on a Timeline but until then I will send Race Stats, new monsters, the buffing fomula for the old Monsters, the rules of Chosens, spells, crafting rules and many other things i am working on. Pardon me for my bad spelling and lack of convincing storywriting. If you all have questions or comments PLEASE PLEASE share them. This has been something I want opinions on for quite some time. Also, if you can tell me more effective ways to share my work, (anything from: "This is not the write forum to post this in", TO: Teaching me how to post in a thread in a more navigate-able way).
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
My Background
"Hello everyone here at D&D! First I want to say a huuuuge thanks to this company, and the people involved here. You all have created a platform (though still in progress) and content that I have taken and used to train myself into what I hope can become my future career (Yahweh willing!). I am a young man aspiring to publish a story that I have had in my head and been developing ever since I was 5 years old. When I was given the Starter Set by my Grandmama 10 or so years ago, little did I know that it was the beginning tool for making my stories come alive! It sat on the shelf for a year, I not seeing it as such, and was mostly unused till the next year when she gave me the Essentials Kit! That was when I began to use D&D, but never did it enter my mind to use my stories in the manner D&D endorses. I studied D&D for a few years after that, reading over and over the starter books, and later the PHb, MM, and DmG; becoming as familiar with its mechanics as I could just for the fun of it! I hadn't played a single campaign in all that time, neither as DM or player, but only fantasized what it would be like. Eventually, that changed when I began the Essentials Kit campaign, (Icespire Peak) and combined its content with that of the Starter Set's (Lost Mine of Phandelver), adding the locations and combining the stories. I began this combination several times, making characters with my family, but rarely ever did we actually play! The characters sat in the boxes, waiting to be used by the ones who envisioned them. With as rare of a time as we played, I was still fascinated with the game, and spent much of my free time homebrewing expansions to those two adventures, building my own Sword Coast. We moved a couple times during then, and we didn't make a lot of time for D&D, but I never stopped making content in my head. Eventually, we moved to a new place, just before Covid hit. About a year after that, my cousins who lived very close to my Grandmama, moved down as well from another state. They were the only other D&D players i knew, and me and my best friend (one of my cousins) began to finally play those expansions I had worked out. I finally got an understanding of what it was like to play D&D. Then, it happened. My cousin, my closest friend in the world, caught wind that I had this story in my head ever since I was 5! He said to me "DUDE! Why have you not made a D&D setting of your stories. Come on man, make some of that personal and special content! I will help you, bro."
Ever since that day, I have been trying to fashion content from my stories, and write the stories down for the first time. All stories and content were written in a notes app on my phone, and my cousin and I worked to make fun and meaningful content. We had a major hiccup when my Grandmama sought to bless me with a new and better, second phone (she had also given me my first phone). In the process of moving data from the Iphone to the Samsung, we lost all of the content!!! I am not kidding, we lost everything. I was distraught to say the least, angry at Yahweh for letting that happen. I thought he had given it to me as a gift! I began to lose all hope in my perceived future, and my faith in Yahweh! But then he spoke to me. And not in like a loud booming voice only I could hear, or even a small whisper. No, his words came to me in a thought, "What is stopping you, from recreating the content, and making it better than it was. The stories are still in you, and you remember them everyday. Maybe I let this happen so you can fix all the errors you saw in your work and were too lazy to change (for that was true), or maybe it was to teach how little you can accomplish without my help, after all, I gave you the stories in the first place. But regardless of why, what will you do now?"
I knew then, I would not give up. I worked hard to recreate the things i had once made, and fix the problems within them (most such errors were that the story wasn't as original as it had been, to many of MY changes, and not enough of Yahweh's content. Most of what I had made is now restored, and much more I have made as well. I am now working on it becoming homebrew entried here on D&D Beyond. And you know what, I truly, love Yahweh's and my content, better than just my content. My stories stem from my life experiences and beliefs, they are what Yahweh put in me too write and to make. And thanks to my Grandmama, my cousin, my family, and Dungeons and Dragons, I believe I have found a platform to share what I was given and love, with the rest of the world. May this content bless you, and my it bring fun and meaningful times to all you amazing and imaginatively creative people. I love and thank you all so much."
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
Introduction to Zionderia
"As I have gone through my life, I have been inspired and motivated by several stories that I have watched in a movie or read in a book. As a younger boy, these stories made a direct impact on my imagination and story, all through the lens of my creativity Yahweh gave me. These stories include Lord of the Rings and all Tolkein's works (go figure lol), Narnia, Avatar the Last Airbender, Trollhunters, Wings of Fire, Dragons vs. Drones, the Dragon's Egg, Eragon, the movie Inception, a few differnt japanese animes like Moribito The Guardian of the Spirit and Twelve Kingdoms, and many others whose names I may add to the list later when I remember them. (There was a book whose name I can't remember that I read 8 or so years ago, about a girl who is caught in a sudden flood in a parking lot and transported to a magical world. She is taken aboard a ship with a good wizard and goes on an adventure in a 2 book series. She also meets the other protagonist in the first book, Finn, who has a face no one can remember if they lose visual contact of him. I have looked for this book ever since and all I have found are other people who also can't find it.) With all those stories and tales in my head, you will see elements of their tales throughout mine I am sure."
"The history of the world is long and incomplete, and I will post it here soon, but for now I will detail the setting. Ahem, the cosmos itself holds our world, the Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Greyhawk, and many of the others, which if one could travel far enough in space and time, they would find from our world, and so are all connected in the cosmos. Amidst this spectacular array of worlds, a new one has been borne, and its tales and lore are still come. The first Era of the world is called Era 0, the Era of Creation, and it details the history of the world I mentioned earlier. In summary, divine beings known as the True Elohim, are created by Yahweh, and they create and inhabit this world Zionderia. They go on to make creatures and other things that create this setting. As with any story, a villain comes on the scene and wreaks havoc throughout this worlds timline, in the form of different entities. The following Eras detail events like the time before the first Yoshua, and then the tale OF the first Yoshua, who is, my often mentioned, Arronlion. Then tales of several Dragon Wars and soon the attempts of many races trying to rule this world. As I said, I will give a creation history note, and then I have yet to create ample content detailing things past the tale of the first Yoshua. Overall, there will be close to 7 or 8 Eras (this may change), and depending on which Era your adventure takes lace, that will detail the more specific aspects of your setting."
"Now, it is time for the biggest news of this content. It is OP for normal D&D settings. Monsters from D&D have been buffed to match player strengths, and players are provided many many options and powers. The biggest changes and additions to D&D base rules for my world include the following:
I will now post this, and work on adding my stuff here in this thread...assuming that is how this works
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
Short Version of Zionderia's Creation Story
(As told by Jestaric Lionguard to the Seekers of Truth when he goes to recruit them).
In the beginning of all, their was the One. He was the only thing at the time, because He was everything, (and not just the other way around mind you). He is called, Yahweh. This One, is a selfless, loving and powerful being. He demonstrates this with He first act, we know of, Creation. He became a Creator when He was everything! He was so selfless, so humble, that He went about creating, to make more things beside Himself, things that could be! To enjoy the everything He was and to act as his partner in existence.
He started with the Heavens they say, making the most glorious of places for him to call home. He created for himself a place to abide, and filled it with many magnificent creatures. Cherubim, and Seraphim, Angels and Principalities, they all filled this realm of Light and Holiness. They are beautiful and magnificent, powerful and demonstrations of his glory. We have come to think of them as perfect, and the greatest amongst the kinds of the world.
Alas, I think not, for Yahweh didn't. He saw them and was saddened, as He knew they could not truly love, and without that, they weren't perfect, for perfection is defined by the Creator's identity, and He is love as He shows by Creations itself, and so to not be able to love as He does, means they are not perfect as He is.
So, he made us, beings of freedom of choic, of independence of action, of mind of beauty. In order to truly love, one must choose to do so, and that is a very hard thing. He made many creatures in many worlds, all worlds a story telling the same tale, one of us free beings given the choice, and we choose wrong, plunging ourselves into a dream, a shade of reality that is Him who made us, and stuck here until we learn from our mistake.
I will tell you now one story, a powerful one of another world, as an example to what I mean, are you interested to hear it?
If so, I shall begin when best suits you.
The Story Begins
"Ahem, Yahweh began this world, with the creation of its first independent creature. She was Zionel, an Elohim of Heaven. She was given the gift of Power with her life, and she is known to many as the Lady of Power. Yahweh and her became partners, husband and wife, Lady and Lord of the world to come. Yahweh new the love Zionel had for Him, the Lord of Light was young, and had yet to be challenged to prove it's reality. But this had yet to come for a while.
Yahweh had made Zionel in His likeness, giving her powers much like His own. And so with this, She desired to create, to make beings to care for and love, like a mother to her child. So Yahweh showed her his Heaven, his home and his world, his creatures and his ways. She drew upon the creatures as inspiration, and made creatures in her image! They were like her in heart, free of choice and independent of mind, and they two had young passionate love for Zionel and Yahweh. Zionel made them her representatives her Men, and she called them Humans. They were given her powers of Power, and she blessed them with what came to be called Power Chosen. 12 different kinds she made, and they each held a type of her power. She made to rule them under her 15 Humans, 7 of them Wizards, powerful and versed in knowledge, and 8 Knights, strong and mighty in spirit and body. She stepped back from her work, and she with Yahweh looked at them, the first of the race of Men, Humans, and they said they were "good". Yahweh said this, knowing they had yet to become perfect, just as Zionel had yet to do. But for now, all was good.
After a time, Zionel began to grow a little restless, the desire for more probing her mind every moment. She couldn't wait any longer and presented her wish to Yahweh, saying "My Lord, you have told that you love me. You say you care for me with greatest kind of love there is, with perfect love. But see now, my heart aches, by body is weak and my mind troubled. I want children my husband, beings in the image of you and me, of us to rule as we do, to be us in Heaven. Why then have you not done so already? Wouldn't your perfect love have already done this for me, keeping my heart from the pain that empty time has caused? If you love me as you say, make for me children, creatures of my kind, my blood and bone, of my flesh and soul. Will you not do this for me?"
Yahweh felt pain in his heart, knowing the day she would fall was drawing closer. For in this, she showed how she had become less attached to Him, and was nearing the moment she must make the choice. But, his love is indeed great, boundless and mighty and he only smiled saying "My dear wife, forgive me, I shall make you wait no longer."
Together, they conceived a child, and she was graceful and slender, her beauty matching that of her mother's. They named her Ephonel, Lady of Air, as her breathe was unique in the heavens, bringing song and life. She carried with her the desire to appease her parents, for her take pride in their joy as she gave it to them.
Then they bore a second child, a son, and his name was Grodnel, the Duke of Earth. He was broad shouldered and firm, sturdy like rock in both spirit and body. He had the innate desire to protect, to be a guardian of his older sister, and then his younger her sister.
Yes another daughter was born after him, a third child, and her emotions were as powerful as the heavens. She was named Oqualnel, Mistress of Water. Her emotions drove her actions, empowering her every step and inspiring her siblings.
These three Elohim were born, and they brought such joy to Zionel and Yahweh, and they ruled high in Heaven.
As the time came for Zionel to create, so did the time for the children came as well. Yahweh showed Ephonel, Grodnel and Oqualnel his Heaven, and his creatures, and well as Zionel's Men, the Humans. He then said to them "Go, and make what you desire! You are free to do as you will." The children wandered the heavens after this for sometime trying to decided what they would make.
The Creation of Zionderia
Zionel watched them in eager glee, excitement bubbling up within her like a spring. The children then came together and whispered to one another, and Zionel became puzzled. Suddenly they all fled away, and went beyond the boarders of heaven out into the Void between worlds, you may know it as Space. The thoughts in Zionel's head rammed her now, and she felt devastated at losing her children! For she knew to leave Heaven was to leave it forever! Yahweh too looked on in dismay, but he knew what this was. As he had made Zionel, they made the children, given powers of freedom and independence of thought, and here was the moment where they distanced themselves from their parents, and made their first mistake that would begin the process for them to learn how to truly love Yahweh, no matter what came into their hearts.
They left into the Void, but not out of sight, and Zionel began to see their work as Yahweh showed her it from afar in Heaven. Suddenly colors of blue, brown and white exploded in the Void where the children stood and they saw a world appear, a planet in the shape of rhombus diamond. It was not flat, but it lay on its side. The diamond was in three layers. The top layer, where it traveled from widest in the center to a point at the top, was a layer of sky. Filled with clouds and winds, and breeze that sung a song that could make ones heart swoon, it's simple and beautiful appearance made by Ephonel. She was stood in its center, making all there was in the realm. She was creating Air, the sky and she said "I have made Oculis, the Realm of Air, the Realm of Insight." Zionel marveled at her work, but soon her eyes were brought down. She noticed that at the very bottom layer, from the center where the planet was widest, down to the bottom where it came to a point, the area was filled with earth. A giant rock, creating the foundation of the world. It's earthen body sprung up, making mountains in the center layer, as well as valleys and craters.
Zionel marveled now at its design, and Grodnel it's designer. Grodnel traveled about, and with his giant strong hands, he morphed the lands, and sculpted this structure. And just as Zionel began to take a step back and marvel at the combined work of Ephonel and Grodnel, a blue pieced the white and brown world. Water flooded from Oqualnel, and she danced atop the waves, spreading her oceans and seas in the valleys, and she filled up the deepest craters of the land, leaving the mountains and large plateaus to stand above them. These left islands and continents, areas above the sea level to be walked upon and seen.
This world was beautiful, but still simple, and Yahweh knew this was all his children could make without him. So in his graciousness, he made them partners too like he did Zionel for himself, and sent them down to his children. For Oqualnel, He gave her Iscornel, and he traveled her ocean blue and took the northern seas, covering them with ice and snow, building glaciers atop the waves that stood like white spires. Oqualnel and Iscornel had finished their work, Oqualnel called the 5 southern seas Aquetieol, Realm of Water; and Iscornel called the 2 northern seas Iscacar, Realm of Ice.
For Grodnel, Yahweh gave Acionel, and she came to her husband began to hollow and softened the hard earth Grodnel had made. She too softened his heart, and Grodnel and her had a son. His name was Metonel, another Elohim, who went and filled the caverns with valuable metals and gems, and treasures of all kinds.
The family called this realm under the surface Gadol Cavernus, the Realm of Earth.
Finally, Ephonel, Lady of Air, was going to be given her spouse. However, she did not want one! In fact she pleaded with Yahweh for him to come down and speak with her. Yahweh recognized this moment, and similarities to Zionel. He came down and Ephonel fell at his feet saying with tears on her cheeks "Yahweh, my father please, do not require of me to be married. I do not want him to distract me from you, I want my sharp eyes to always be fixed upon you." Ephonels tears fell on Yahweh's feet, and her plea continued forth "My king, have my works displeased you so? Is not Oculis a jewel amongst the void? Why must you feel the need for it to be changed? Please leave it as it is, and accept my handiwork for what I have made it to be."
Yahweh's face too became covered in tears, and they fell down to join his daughters on his feet. Yahweh then fell with his tears, and knelt down to comfort his daughter. "Ephonel, I am grateful for your devotion. I will surely grant you, my firstborn, your request. Instead of a spouse, you will be given servants. 5 servants their will be, and they will watch your realm and you will be their Queen." Ephonel embraced her Father and her tears turned into those of joy. And so five tall men appeared, and they went back with Ephonel and spread out amongst Oculis. Four to 4 directions, and 1 in the center of Oculis.
Yahweh looked longingly after his daughter as she left, and his tears that fell were those of sorrow. He knew her devotion was tainted in selfish pride, and he was saddened again, knowing this flower he awaited to bloom, must first suffer the harsh sun and pouring rains, and then the flower would thay much sweeter.
Now as the Children finished making the worlds form, they now had to fill it with creatures. At first they began with simple creatures, similar in mind to the celestial beings Yahweh had made in heaven. Birds, fish, tunnelers, and every beast and monstrosity they made.
But finally came the day they most waited for, the creation of their Men. Ephonel was the first to do so, and she created the Elves. They were blessed with her powers of air and magic, as Humans were to Zionel. The Elves were then given to her 5 servants, and they watched over each Elf kind in Oculis. Grodnel and his family made the Dwarves, and the spread through Gadol Cavernus carving homes into the underground landscape. Finally, Oqualnel and Iscornel worked to make Manctopi. This is a race you likely have never heard of. They are, average sized folk, designed in form to live in water. Their legs and arms have fins to help them swim, and all have 4 arms! They have the ability to camouflage and change the color of their skin to match their surroundings. Some two possess luminescent patches that they can illuminate to blind creatures. Their skin colors are usually a bluish color, anywhere form bluish purple to aqua green, to pure sapphire, they are magnificent to behold. The are a race of Men, like the Dwarves, the Elves, and the Humans.
The Fall
Finally, the world's creation days were coming to an end, and story was beginning to unfold. For in heaven, Zionel began to become restless once again. She begged Yahweh to let her go down and live with them, to live with her children and leave Heaven behind. Yahweh shook his head saying "My wife, I know how much you are desperate for your children, but they have grown, and made their choices, you are not meant to go down and live with them. If you do, you will stop your children, and take over there creation. You will forget me, and death will creep at your doorstep, is this truly what you want?" She weeded in agony and clawed at her husband's robes "What then do I do? How can this empty heart of mine be filled if not with my children? When did love become such a painful thing?" Yahweh embraced his wife letting her cry for a moment. He too felt sorrow, but not just for His children leaving. He saw that she was beginning to leave him as well, and his heart was pained to know she did not love as passionately as before in her youth. He knew she would soom leave him, and she too would be put through the pains of making mistakes before learning how to truly love, and that was how it must be. So, Yahweh embraced Zionel, and said to her "My wife, let us make you more children, and maybe they shall live with you here in heaven, and bring joy to heavy heart."
Soon, two children were born to her, twins, a son and a daughter. The son was named Srreshnel, Lord of Fire, and he was strong, powerful, lacking only some sense to cope with his firey heart. He was given a wife, a cunning woman of great skill and intelligence, and she was called Lectricel.
The daughter was Tithnel, Lady of the Forest, and she was wise and shrewd, pride also coating her every action like poison oil on a leaf. She was given a husband, Tarthnel, and his strong rooted nature helped to hold his wife low, and keep her humble.
Both children were born in Zionel's heart of dissatisfaction, and thus chaos reigned in each of their hearts as well. The was coming near.
Yes, the two children became enemies, hating one another and claiming a right to their mothers heart. They argued and fought about all their was, but mostly for you deserved to be their mothers comfort, since they did not believe both could. Zionel was unaware of this however, do happy she was to have children again.
Yahweh looked at what was coming, and he went away, weeping and letting the events unfold, as he knew they were too painful for him to watch. He even felt as though he may try to stop it.
One day, not to long after Yahweh left for a little while, Srreshnel and Tithnel arranged a date in secret where they would decide their argument once and for all, through a battle to the death. However, it was not a secret to all. A spirit of Heaven, the most powerful Celestial their, Beuartonel the Magnificent, who had been given two a sense of reason and freedom of choice, had watched them for quite some time. He was intrigued by their fighting and had begun a plan in his dark heart. Beuartonel was a close friend of Yahweh, or so he believed, but Yahweh knew his dark heart and his plans of treachery. Beuartonel had always wanted the throne of heaven, and decided the best way to secure it, would be to destroy its heirs, and bring devastation to Yahweh's heart.
So the creature, who often took the form of a Seraphim, followed them to their secret meeting, and began to talk with them saying. "Children of Yahweh, great and powerful Elohim, I have heard that war has brought you here this day. You are right, to want your mother's heart, and she can to one being, yes...but who, we may never know, unless this battle is finished through." This pleased the twins, and he continued saying "But it has come to attention, that here in heaven is not the place for this battle. I have seen spies watching you, and I fear Yahweh and the creatures of Heaven will try to stop you. I suggest the world below, the one that your older siblings have made. Their, you cannot be reached, and war can continue, uninterrupted. I can show you the way down, but you must take with you these birds." Beuartonel handed both children a bird, a Nightingale for Srreshnel, and a Songbird for Tithnel.
"Follow these birds, and they will take you to that world. Establish then your armies, and gather your forces, so that you will find who is loyal to you and who belongs in your world. Your mother will see the victor and bring you home to be with her forever."
The two children believed him, throwing away every thought, every warning that opposed the idea.
Soon, the two children set off, and when they reached the world below, and they saw the 3 empty continents on the surface, they went to eastern and western most continents, leaving behind the birds of Beuartonel to roam Oculis. Much happened in that moment that is difficult to reiterate, but... Srreshnel went to the west, the largest continent and made an army our Seraphim who he convinced to join him in heaven, and they became known as Dragons. He two won the favor of the Dwarves, and they made an army of metal, and fire! His Nightingale, seeing that it longer owed anymore to Srreshnel, went about her real work assigned to her by Beuartonel. She went west in Oculis, and took over. She cursed and tricked the elves there, and made them her own. The servant in charge of them disappeared and know one is sure where he has gone. She became the Nightingale Queen, and her elves were known as the Shadar Kai, or Barrenightmar Elves. It was a dark day in history.
Same to happen to the east. Tithnel grew her forests and armies of plants. She enchanted many beasts and summoned them to her woods, she created the great Syltrees, tree folk as large as mountain and powerful and magic. She won the alliance of much of the Elves, and the Manctopi. Thus her army was formed, and she was ready for war. And as the Nightingale Queen had, so two was the Songbird's intentions she flew east in Oculis, and took over the Elves there, charming them into her servants. The Elves there changed and became known as the Eladrin, the Dreamwild Elves.
Much destruction was wrought on the world that day, but then two it was given a name, by the name of the war. War was called "The War for Zionderia", and Zionderia became the name of that world. And as if this war had bot wrought enough destruction, and Beuartonel had not already encouraged enough falleness in all there was, he went next, to Zionel.
She was looking in the garden Yahweh had made for her, for her children, when Beuartonel slithered out from a bush, in his Seraphim form. His purple eyes stared in Zionel's and he said "My Queen, great Lady of Power and of Heaven, your children are nowhere here to be found. I have seen them though, flying away, to start a war in the world below, made by your older children. They fight this war, in the hopes of making proud your heart one of the children who is the victor." Zionel felt her mind and heart fill with sorrow and anger, for she had been left a second time. Zionel asked him saying "What should I do? I do want them to start a war for me, I just want to be with them, to rule over them and keep them safe, how do I do that from here?" Beuartonel's eyes narrowed into an evil smile, "Zionel, why don't you just go down there and stop this war yourself? You can still do all you desire for your children, what keeps you from going?" Zionel wiped her tears and looked into his face "My husband! He has said that those who leave Heaven, the leave Him. He says that if I go down there, I will be met with death, and never be able to return to Heaven." Beuartonel sighed, shaking his head "I never thought this would happen, for Yahweh to lie to you for selfish reasons. He knows that if you leave your eyes will be opened, you will see what is real, and be able to make a choice, a choice of weather to choose him and be forever enslaved, or to be free with your powers! Don't listen to his lies Zionel, go down and do the righteous thing, save your children and rule over them as you should." Zionel had been awaiting any excuse to do so, and left without second thought. Beuartonel's words had truth in them, but lies coated and twisted every thought.
Zionel needed army and Beuartonel gave her Nephalim through conception. Giant powerful men they were, and with Humans and Zionel, they all descended down to Zionderia. They took the center continent, and pushed back against both sides of the war. They had a mighty hand, and began to quench the fire and cutt the shoots, of this war.
Not long after she left, Yahweh returned to the scene. He knew what had happened and confronted Beuartonel. He took him by the throat and beat him, rendering scales marveled with black and purple from the brushes. He cursed the traitor and sent him out of Heaven and into the Void. Yahweh then looked down at his family and spoke to them a promise. All the Elohim heard his voice as he gave a Promise to his family.
"Elohim! My dear wife and children, what in your hearts has caused you to leave me? My heart aches hear in Heaven, alone again with no one you can truly love me they way you all can. My sorrow is great, and but I know this must pass. You see I made you different from all the creations of Heaven. You were given a freedom of will, an independent nature. By this, you are more magnificent and beautiful than any of my Heavenly beings. Alas, I know this phase must come, when you all turn from me to try and be your own.
But you must come back, for I am the Life, the Creator, the reality, and without me, you will all die in your dreams together.
See the world before you, this world that you have removed me from? See it's pain and death, it's war and suffering. Life their will be full of sorrow and much torture.
See now you are in a dream, you have removed Me, the reality, from your world, leaving only shades of what is Real. You have fallen into a slumber, and deadly dream that of which you must wake! For this dream, if one should remain in it forever, will suffer it's Hell and torture.
My family, I am distraught, for to wake is not an easy task. You must sacrifice your lives, you must head my words and listen to my directions closely. Laws I shall give you, Torah they are called. You must follow each one perfectly your whole lives, to renter Heaven. This is a difficult task, and possibly impossible, but this is what you must do until I send you a gift.
The Messenger will come, and he will show you the way to heaven, a way that has been reinforced by the Torah.
Before the Messenger can come, you must head the words of this Prophesy and wait for it to pass.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
The Prophecy of the Yoshua
"Clouds of smoke, they fill the sky,
it's haughty haze blinds the eye.
Only when eyes are brought to sight,
with the Yoshua come, wreathed in light.
The Waters, they churn and gush and boil,
like chaos to the land it's ready to moil.
Still, the Chaos Waters, they must be,
Then the Yoshua will come to thee,
The Earth with great greed it shakes,
ready to swallow souls once it breaks,
Only gratefulness can patch the cracks,
Then Yoshua can cover your backs.
Forest and Fire, with hate the battle rages
it's a war that will last through all ages,
Forests of life will burn unqueched,
So too, Fires of passion will be drenched,
Both in hate, both in blood,
both rage on like a coming flood
Yoshua alone can bring them peace,
But first the must be taught to release,
their pride and power must fall away,
for Yoshua to teach them a new way.
Keepers of Power have fallen far,
representers of Zionel they are,
but they have been thus corrupted,
and much betrayal has greatly erupted,
within their ranks evil spreads
like a disease of the mind in their heads
This corruption must be weeded out
If Yoshua is to bring salvation about.
All nations must be saved in this way,
for Yohsua to come down here one day,
to save the souls of this world and around,
and bring all the worlds homeward bound."
My children, Seekers of Truth will come to fulfill this prophesy, and the Yoshua will come. End this war, and bring peace to your world, so you will have open ears and war not distracting your thoughts.
Remember always my love for you, and one day I will bring you home when you are ready. Elohim Selah."
The world is still in great war, and it lays bound by it, till this very day."
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
Zionderia's Elemental Base and Balance
The prologue of Zionderia is complicated but in it lies the foundation of the world that of which can be seen. As most Elves and Scholors will dumb it down, this is the simplified version of the history.
(It isn't strictly accurate, and is told from the perspective of those who belive the True Elohim, (Zionel; Ephonel; Grodnel, Acionel, and Metonel; Oqualnel and Iscornel; Tithnel and Tarthnel; and Srreshnel and Lectricel.) never existed. They did in fact, and by removing this simple but vital fact, the world story is changed. Several arguments were made against the elves and their overly logical and inaccurate rendition of the world history. Eventually this verison was discarded.)
The True Meaning of Elemental Power
When Yahweh created the world, he first created Men to live with him high in heaven. He then made a World, creating the Earth, the Water, and the Sky. The foundation of Zionderia set, he sent a few Men down to develop and enjoy the world. He promised them that if they remained faithful, they would return soon. He wanted them to be allowed to be free and show him what they could do, even though he already knew all. They went down first hesitantly, but soon began going about and establishing kingdoms, and creating the nation's of Manctopi, Dwarves, and Elves. They were given the power of the Realms they lived in, and these powers were known as the Chosens. As the world became more beautiful, the Men who had remained with Yahweh became captivated by its beauty and Yahweh's treacherous pet convinced them to sneak away from their home, their king, and the truth and claim rulership over it, making their own home, becoming their own Rulers, and defining truth for themselves apart from Yahweh. So they did, and Yahweh became very disheartened. But he took it out on the treacherous Seraphim, and sent him to darkness, knowing the creature had no love or desire in his heart for anything of Yahweh. The people understood their fault and repented. But IT wasn't so easy, they had to now defend their world, and await its end as they had bound themselves to it. Later Drakes and Dryads were made, and more Chosens arose, such as Ice, Lightning, Metal, and Acid. These nations were each given a Gemsalem, a Powerful Stone said to contain the essence of their elements. But Yahweh then hid them saying they no longer deserved them and he would return them when a messenger was sent. The Men lost much of their abilities and were weakened and not able to establish their nations completly, thus leaving holes for dark things to aim for. When the first messenger came, Arronlion, he failed breaking dowm a defensive force that kept Lucifonel from entering. But not all hope was lost, as Yahweh made the messenger a savior, sent to undo his mistake. This battle between Yoshua and Shadow would continue until Yahweh came and defeated it once and for all. Then he would return all his people home to a new world, known as Heaven.
The end.
The Elemental Balance
So...while the stones existed in Zionderia (they are indeed real), they created pools of energy in the world's "secret places". These pools poured our their energy into the world and this is the Elemental magic that courses through everything. But as time goes on, the magic is decreasing leaking out into the void and disappearing. The prophecy states that Yahweh will defeat the evil when the magic has fully run out. Then it will only be a matter of years before Yahweh takes his people home forever.
Now these pools are in a balance and impact each other in interesting ways. But the most practical application is when Men or creatures use it in their Chosens. This section describes how each element fairs against one another in a matter of win, lose or are neutral.
Winner: When an element is listed Winner under the main element entry, it describes that the main entry would have advantage against any checks, saves, or attack rolls, against the listed element. Consequently, the listed element has disadvantage against those same rolls, against the main element entry.
Loser: When an element is listed Loser under the main element entry, it describes that the main entry would have disadvantage against any checks, saves, or attack rolls, against the listed element. Consequently, the listed element has advantage against those same rolls, against the main element entry.
Neutral: When an element is listed Neutral under the main element entry, it describes that their is no notable advantage or disadvantage that either element gains upon interaction.
Examples: If a Fire Elemental attempts to dodge the water spell Tsunami, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. Alternatively, the spell Fire Bolt, has advantage on its attack roll against a plant creature like a Vine Blight.
🔥Fire🔥: VS...
⚡️Lightning⚡️: VS...
💧Water💧: VS...
❄️Ice❄️: VS...
☄️Earth☄️: VS...
⛓️Metal⛓️: VS...
🧫Acid🧫: VS...
🌪Air🌪: VS...
🌳Sylvan Forest🌳: VS...
🌠Power🌠: VS...
🌟Light🌟: VS...
🌌Darkness🌌: VS...
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future. I am doing a lot of this on a mobile phone and therefore can't do anything to the text font or size. I can't add links, or any other extra tool normally possible. Also, the accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.
EDIT: I have only updated the fonts and added some links, let me know if their is any changes to content you think i should employ]
Chosens are the manifestation of the dominion that your character has over creation. It usually consists of sample actions and skills, as well as related spells that can be learned like a new spellcasting style with versatile spell slots that can be used for any other spells in your lists. Ultimately the DM and players come up with what one can do with its powers as long it is sensible to then. A Water Chosen can part a sea or freeze a puddle, or maybe summon a tsunami with the Tsunami spell. A Earth Chosen can burrow or create walls of earth, even structures to provide shelter and protection.
A creature is usually born with a Chosen determined by their race, and it grows in power along with them. When a player first gains a Chosen, they are 1st level in that Chosen. When that player then levels up, they are then considered 2nd level Chosen. This continues all the way up to 20th Chosen level. Note that your chosens level is not nessacarily equal to your player level, but both such levels increase at the same time. (Example: A Level 5 player suddenly has 1st level Fire Chosen. When that player hits level 6, the Chosens level will increase to 2).
Normally a creature only has one Chosen. However, their are cases where multichosening(lol) is done. The most common example of this is the race of Humans usually gain 2-3 different power Chosens. But other cases of an Aqua Chosen taking on levels in both Water, and then Ice Chosen is also common, (and is in fact almost mandatoryonce you have reached level 20 in your chosen and total level, and you have 20 levels left). Records have even said that their have Fire Chosen who have also had Water Chosens! This is extremely rare is is not usually given by birth. If this is something you are considering, talk about it with your DM.
Chosens have been seperated into 3 Major Groups.
1. Physical Elements. These include the bulk of the Chosen categories. Desert, Sylvan, Aqua, Terra, and Sky Chosens.
2. Magical Elements. This group only contains Power Chosens, the most extensive category of Chosens their is.
3. Spiritual Elements. This group contains the ultimate chosens of light and darkness. No categories have been placed here save that of the 2 raw chosens that exist within. Light Chosen and Shadow Chosen.
All of these are Groups are simply groupings of groups. For example, Desert Chosens are Fire Chosen and Lightning Chosen, Aqua is Water and Ice, and so on... each will be posted seperatly and I will establish links to each for easy navigation. For now here is my table of contents of Chosens.
Sky Chosens: Air Chosen (Used by Elves of all kinds)
Terra Chosens: Earth Chosen (Used by Mountain Dwarves), Acid Chosen (Used by Cavern Dwarves), and Metal Chosen (Used by Hill Dwarves)
Aqua Chosens: Water Chosen (Used by Deep Manctopi) and Ice Chosen (Used by Shallow Manctopi)
Sylvan Chosen: Forest Chosen (Used by Dryads of all kinds)
Desert Chosen: Fire Chosen (Used by Fire Drakes) and Lightning Chosen (Used by Fire or Lightning Drakes)
Power Chosen (Used by Humans): Velocity Chosen, Force Chosen, Shields Chosen, Absorbtion Chosen, Sonic Chosen, Luminate Chosen, Transmutation Chosen, Psychie Chosen, Mortality Chosen, Creation Chosen, Portal Chosen (Exclusive to the Yoshua), and Time Chosen (Exclusive to the Yoshua)
Spiritual Chosens: Light Chosen (Exclusive to Celestials and DM chosen creatures) and Shadow Chosen (Exclusive to Fiends and DM chosen creatures)
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future. I am doing this on a mobile phone and therefore can't do anything to the text font or size. I can't add links, or any other extra tool normally possible. Also, the accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.
These chosens belong to masters of the air, whether they be flyers and gliders, to archers and quick swordsmen. These are usually the Elves of Zionderia. I say chosens, but really Sky Chosens only contains one Chosen kind, Air Chosen. Here is what it is and what it can do!
If you want to go back to the following places, click:
What is an Air Chosen?
An Air Chosen is a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control air and gases. Air Chosen are capable of moving things in the blink of an eye with powerful gusts of air. Elves are the main users of this skill. Air Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural means. Usually by magic or curses and blessings, are other races capable of this power.
General Air Chosen Skills
When you gain Air Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of feats. When you use Air Chosen, it can be as simple as blowing out a candel far off, to shoving a Giant to the ground. Air Chosen's uses are many but do require air to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Air Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of Air feats active equal to your proficiency bonus, (Moved Targets and Air Vortexs only count as active when they are used and then are considered inactive after they end. If you activate an Air skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Air Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
• Move Targets (via Air): As a Bonus Action, Reaction, and/or Action (letting you do this on each one), you can move a volume of air and consequently anything loose within it. Choose points within 60ft that you can see. From those points, all gases in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 3,375ft³ (15ft×15ft×15ft), can be moved to any other place you can see within range. Then, creatures, loose objects, or any other unachored target in the area of this gas, can be moved. You can only move targets of size Medium and smaller with this. You can move each target in any direction you want, but the distance you can move each target is based on their size and whether they resist or not. In the event you want to move an unwilling target, they must succeed a Strength saving throw (DC=8+your Dexterity modifier+proficiency bonus). On a success by 5 or less, they are pushed half as far. If they succeed by any higher, they aren't pushed at all. If your Air Chosen happens to cause a target to smash into something, the thing takes or deals 1d4 damage per 10ft traveled to a max of 20d4. The volume, strength, and frequency of your air gusts increase at levels 6, 11, and 16.
At 1st Level: The range is 60ft and the total volume is 3,375ft³ (15ftx15ftx15ft), you can only use this effect once per Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction, and can affect targets of size Medium and smaller.
Tiny Targets: Can be moved 30ft
Small Targets: Can be moved 20ft.
Medium Targets: Can be moved 10ft.
At 6th Level: The range is 120ft and the total volume increases to 27,000ft³ (30ftx30ftx30ft), you can use this effect 2 times per Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction, and can now affect targets of size Large and smaller.
Tiny Targets: Can be moved 60ft
Small Targets: Can be moved 40ft.
Medium Targets: Can be moved 20ft.
Large Targets: Can be moved 10ft.
At 11th Level: The range is 240ft and the total volume increases to 216,000ft³ (60ftx60ftx60ft), you can use this effect 3 times per Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction, and can now affect targets of size Huge and smaller.
Tiny Targets: Can be moved 120ft
Small Targets: Can be moved 80ft
Medium Targets: Can be moved 40ft
Large Targets: Can be moved 20ft.
Huge Targets: Can be moved 10ft.
At 16th Level: The range is 360ft and the total volume increases to 729,000ft³ (90ftx90ftx90ft), you can use this effect 5 times per Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction, and can now affect targets of size Gargantuan and smaller.
Tiny Targets: Can be moved 240ft
Small Targets: Can be moved 160ft.
Medium Targets: Can be moved 80ft.
Large Targets: Can be moved 40ft.
Huge Targets: Can be moved 20ft.
Gargantuan Targets: Can be moved 10ft
How you move your targets is entirely up to you. This skill offers a wide range of options, and because of this, I will offer in depth examples.
Example 1: An orc (medium sized) rushes at you ready to strike with his melee weapon next turn. It is now your turn, and you decide to use your Bonus Action to move him with your Air Chosen, and the max you can go is 10ft. He makes the save and fails. You throw him into the air 10ft, and let him crash to the ground, taking 1d4 bludeoning damage. Then, you move back, dodging his lame opportunity attack, and then with your longow, you use your Action to unleash the following strike! (See next example).
Example 2: You shoot an arrow (size Tiny) from your longbow as an action, and as part of it, you decide to boost its distance and power. Your longbow has a range of (150ft/600ft) and your target is 180ft away (perfect!). You use your Air Chosen, and it's range increases by 30ft, and the damage therefore increases by 3d4. You don't need to make the attack roll with disadvantage, and it is a hit. The target is struck, and the arrow blows right through that enemy, killing him.
Example 3: Three size small bolts are shot at you from a ballista, and your send a gust of air out to meet them as a reaction. Right as they near you, you control the air in a 15ft cube, right as they all enter that range. You can move small things up to 20ft, and send them each in 3 different directions. You send one down into the ground in front of you, and the other 2 are diverted and thrown 20ft from their current positions, to either side of you, striking two melee attacking enemies right beside you, each dealing an extra 2d4 damage.
• Air Vortex: As an Action, you create a Vortex, much like a tornado. This Vortex appears in a spot you can see within 60ft of you, and is a cylinder with a 5ft radius, and a height of 20ft . Any creature within 30ft of the vortex when it is created, or begins their turn, must make a Strength saving throw (DC=8+Dexterity modifier+proficiency bonus)or be pulled 10ft closer. Flying creatures have disadvantage on this save. Any movement in that range to move in a direction away from it is halved. Any creature that enters the Vortex's main body is grappled (DC=8+Dexterity modifier+proficiency bonus) and incapacitated. The creature is held by the Vortex for 3 rounds (after it is grappled and incapacitated) before the creatures is thrown 60ft out and takes the appropriate damage for falling that far. The creature can try to escape early and take no damage by making the check to escape the grapple. On a success the creature is flung harmlessly just out of range of the tornado and to a spot the creature chooses. In either case the target is left prone. This Vortex can be moved as a BA up to 30ft in any direction. The Vortex lasts for 1 minute. The volume and strength of your Vortex increase at levels 6, 11, and 16.
At 6th level: The Vortex is now up to 120ft away, a size of 12.5ft radius, and a height of 50ft, the range it can suck is made 60ft, creatures are pulled 20ft closer on fails, and are thrown 120ft away at the end. The vortex can now be out for 10 minutes. It can be moved up to 60ft at a time.
At 11th level: The Vortex is now up to 240ft away, a size of 25ft radius, and a height of 100ft, the range it can suck is made 90ft, creatures are pulled 30ft closer on fails, and are thrown 180ft away at the end. The vortex can now be out for 1 hour. It can be moved up to 90ft at a time.
At 16th level: The Vortex is now up to 360ft away, a size of 50ft radius, and a height of 200ft, the range it can suck is made 150ft, creatures are pulled 60ft closer on fails, and are thrown 300ft away at the end. The vortex can now be out for 1 day. It can be moved up to 150ft at a time.
• Cast an Air Spell: Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of air spells from the air list equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the air cantrips listed below in your prepared fire spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells are Dexterity. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the air spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
Air Spells of level...
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
Spell slots you have at Air Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
See them HERE ON THIS post.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future. The accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.]
These Chosens belong to masters of the earth, whether they be miners and crafters, to acid warriors and bodyguards. These are usually the Dwarves of Zionderia. Terra Chosens contains 3 Chosen kinds, Earth Chosen, Acid Chosen, and Metal Chosen. I am going to include the Earth Chosen Abilites here in this note, but the other two will be supplied below in links further in this thread.
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What is an Earth Chosen?
An Earth Chosen is a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control land and minerals. This allows them to work from a to tunnel expertly, or build structures in seconds. Earth Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural means. Usually by by magic or curses and blessings are other races capable of this power.
General Earth Chosen Skills
When you gain Earth Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of feats. When you use Earth Chosen, it can be as simple as throwing a rock, to building a castle of stone. Earth Chosen's uses are many but do require rock, or stone of somekind to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Earth Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of Earth feats active equal to your proficiency bonus, (Boulders only count as active when they are used and then are considered inactive after they end. If you activate a Earth skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Earth Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
• Move Earth: As an Action, you can make a volume of earth or stone move from one place to another. Choose points within 120ft you can see. From those points, all rock in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 27,000ft³ (30ft×30ft×30ft), can be moved to any other place within range. If you move it a place where it would be subject to moving after you place it, you can choose to hold onto it, but this will take up 1 of the number of active Earth skills you can have at a time. Examples can be moving a boulder out of the way, or tunneling. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16.
• Boulder Throwing: As an Action, you can summon rocks to your hand that can be different sizes. You can use a rock as a weapon, and it uses Constitution as it's main ability. It counts as a thrown weapon with a range based on the weapons size. Lesser Rocks count as one handed and light to you (so they can be dual wielded), while Average Rocks are only one-handed (so they can only be dual wielded with a shield or light weapon). Greater Rocks count as two handed to you. All rocks you throw deal an extra d6 bludgeoning for every 20ft they travel over an initial 20ft. These rocks base damage dice is dependent on the size. The size of rocks you can throw, the distance they go, and how they feel to you, increases with level. Here are the basic stats of your rocks at level 1.
• Earthen Armour: As a BA on your turn, you can create a single layer of rock around you that increases you armour and resistance the more layers you put on. While you have a layer of earth on you, you have resistance to all damage except psychic. When you create a layer of rock on your self you gain a +1 bonus to your Armour Class, melee damage rolls, and your Strength saving throws and Constitution saving throws. At the same time you give yourself a -1 penalty to Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls, and your speed is reduced by 10ft. You can have up to 3 layers applied to you at once. If you move or attack on you turn, one layer breaks off. The number of layers, and the effectiveness of each increase at 6th, 11th, and 16th level.
• Cast an Earth Spell: Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of earth spells from the earth list equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the earth cantrips listed below in your prepared earth spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Constitution. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the earth spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
Earth Spells of level...
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
Spell slots you have at Earth Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
See them HERE ON THIS post.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
Here are the spell slots each Physical Element gives you at their various Chosen Levels.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future.The accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.]
What is an Acid Chosen?
An Acid Chosen is a special type of Terra Chosen, and are a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control the corrosive substance known as Acid. Said to be the antiearth of liquids, Acid is different from water in that is more of a goo. This makes Water Chosen unable to bend this type of matter. Acid Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural mean. Usually by by magic or curses and blessings are other races capable of this power.
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General Acid Chosen Skills
When you gain Acid Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of feats. When you use Acid Chosen, it can be as simple as corroding a rock to make a tunnel, to disintegrating a fortress filled with creatures. Acid Chosen's uses are many but do require acid to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. Acid chosen however, can create acid from nothing. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Acid Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of acid feats active equal to your proficiency bonus, (Blobs, and summoned acid only count as active when they are used and then are considered inactive after they end. If you activate an acid skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Acid Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
• Form Acid: As an Action, you can make a volume of Acid appear. Choose a point within 40ft of you. The point can be up to 80ft away at level 6, up to 160ft away at 11th Level, and up to 320ft away at 16th Level. From that point enough acid can be created to equal to up to the area of a 10ft×10ft space . This increases to 20ftx20ft at 6th level, 40ftx40ft at 11th level, and 80ftx80ft at 16th level. The acid created settles as a viscous liquid, layering the ground it falls on as a 1 inch thick puddle. The acid you create can be of different potentcies, that of which determine how much damage and melting it can do. Anything that would touch acid will suffer the damage and effects of the acid, by failing a Constitution saving throw (DC=8+your Constitution modifier+your proficiency bonus). On a success, they take half damage and no effects are dealt to them. At 1st level the only potency you can produce is Bubbling. You gain more at levels 6, 11, and 16.
• Move Acid: As an Action, you can move a volume of acid from one place another. Choose points within 120ft that you can see. From those points all acid in an area equal to up to the total area 20ft×20ft. The acid can be moved to any place within range. Any thing this touches must make the Constitution saving throw from Form Acid. When you release the acid to a spot, it falls and settles like a viscous liquid, layering the ground it falls on as a 1 inch thick puddle. The area you can move is increased at 6th, 11th, and 16th level.
• Cast an Acid Spell: Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of acid spells from the acid list equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the acid cantrips listed below in your prepared acid spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells are Constitution. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the acid spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
Acid Spells of level...
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
Spell slots you have at Acid Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
See them HERE ON THIS post.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
[NOTE: This post is subject to extreme editing in the future.The accuracy of this post's content is subject to editing as it is an untested unedited version.]
What is a Metal Chosen?
A Metal Chosen is a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control the ores and metals. This allows them to forge the greatest of weapons with ease, as well as .manipulate enemy tools and equipment. Metal Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural mean. Usually by by magic or curses and blessings are other races capable of this power.
If you want to go back to the following places, click:
General Metal Chosen Skills
When you gain Metal Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of feats. When you use Metal Chosen, it can be as simple as bending prison bars, to animating and armory to your will. Metal Chosen's uses are many but do require metal, or raw ore of somekind to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Metal Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of Metal feats active equal to your proficiency bonus, (If you activate a Metal skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Metal Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
•Move Metal: As an Action, you can make a volume of metal move from one place to another. Choose points within 120ft that you can see. From those points, all metal in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 27,000ft³ (30ft×30ft×30ft), can be moved to any other place within range. If you move it a place where it would be subject to moving after you place it, you can choose to hold onto it, but this will take up 1 of the number of active Metal skills you can have at a time. Examples can be breaking down a metal door, or throwing a loose sword at an enemy. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16.
• Change Metal: As an Action, you can make a volume of metal change from one kind into another. Choose points within 60ft that you can see. From those points, all metal in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 3,375ft³ (15ft×15ft×15ft), can be changed into another metal. The metals you can target and change them into belong to this list: Brass, Copper, Bronze, Iron, and Steel. Note that these are not the elemental forms that give you buffs. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16, as does the kinds of metals.
• Form Weapon: As a Bonus Action, you create a weapon out any ample amount of metal. The weapon has the statistics of its normal kind, and deals the appropriate amount of damage (PHB: Equipment, Weapons). You also have proficiency with the weapon and it uses Constitution as its attack and damage ability. Also on this Bonus Action, you can tailor it to your liking, adding and removing traits from it like (Heavy, Two-handed, Light, Versatile, Thrown). It can have up to 3 of any traits you desire on the weapon. You can even add range to your ranged weapons, equal to 30ft per application. Also, you can change its damage type from one of the following into another from the following: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. These traits and damage types can be changed and switched at will and are permanent until it is otherwise reshaped. There is no limit to the number of same traits you can apply to the weapon. The damage of these weapons and the number of traits you can add to these weapons increases at the following levels.
• Form Armour: As a Bonus Action, you create armour out any ample amount of metal. The armour has the statistics of its normal kind, and provides the same amount of AC. (PHB: Equipment, Armour and Shields). You also have proficiency with the Armour. Note this only allows you to create armour that can be made out of metal. Also on this Bonus Action, you can improve and tailor the armour, adding 2 of the following traits to it.
At levels 6th, 11th, and 16th, you can add more traits and the traits become buffed.
• Cast a Metal Spell: Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of metal spells from the metal list equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the metal cantrips listed below in your prepared metal spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells are Constitution. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the metal spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
Metal Spells of level...
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
Spell slots you have at Metal Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
See them HERE ON THIS post.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
These Chosens belong to masters of water and ice, and those masters are usually the Manctopi of Zionderia. Aqua Chosens contains 2 Chosen kinds, Water Chosen and Ice Chosen. Now, unlike other chosen categories, Aqua Chosens kinds are very intertwined and having one of the Aqua Chosens will result in having the other at some point. Mechanicly, each level in a specific Aqua Chosen takes up only half a Chosen level, and therefor you can have both Aqua Chosens when you reach Chosen level 20. I am going to include the Water Chosen abilities here in this note, but the other one will be supplied below in a link further in this thread.
If you want to go back to the following places, click:
What is a Water Chosen?
A Water Chosen is a being or creature that Yahweh has chosen to care for and control water and liquid in many forms. Water Chosen are timid, usually keeping to themselves but are also very friendly. Water Chosen can be found in other races, but rarely by natural means. Usually by by magic or curses and blessings are other races capable of this power.
General Water Chosen Skills
When you gain Water Chosen, you can perform many different kinds of abilities. When you use Water Chosen, it can be as simple as filling a cup with water from the humidity in the air, to parting a sea so one can walk through. Water Chosen's uses are many but do require water to be present to work, so ask your DM about every use you can think of. For the DM's reference, here is list of the main ways it is used. Almost any action chosen to use for Water Chosen, can be related to these main types. You can have a number of water skills active equal to your proficiency bonus, (Whips only count as active when they are used and then are considered inactive after they end. If you activate a water skill when you are maxed out already, then the earliest activated one is deactivated so your new one can become active). Keep track using the Water Chosen Skill Slots tracker.
• Move Water: As an Action, you can make a volume of water move from one place to another. Choose points within 120ft that you can see. From those points, all liquids in areas around them that add up to a total volume of 27,000ft³ (30ft×30ft×30ft), can be moved to any other place within range. Examples can be moving soup from a cauldron to several bowls, or extracting moisture from a plant or the air and putting it in a cup. If you move the water in a place where it would be subject to moving after you release your grip on it, you can choose to hold it there, but it will take up 1 of the number of water skills you can have active. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16.
• Water Whips: When you make the Attack Action, you can make a deliberate weapon attack with water in the form of 2 whips per hand. Using empty hands, your water whips can have a reach of up to 30ft as melee. You can can use two weapon fighting with it as long as you have two empty hands (equaling 4 whips total, 2 whips per hand). They appear in your hand till the end of the attack and use Dexterity as their main ability. Making separate attack rolls for each whip, on a hit, the weapon deals a base damage of 1d4 bludgeoning damage. At level 11 this becomes a d6. These attacks can be subject to Extra Attack, as they count as an Attack Action. At later levels the reach increases as does the number of whips per hand.
• H²O State Transposition: As a Bonus Action, you can make a volume of water change to its gas, liquid or solid phase. Choose points within 120ft that you can see. From that point all water in an area equal to up to the volume of 27,000ft³ (30ft×30ft×30ft) can be changed into another phase, like water to ice or to steam and vice-versa. It should be noted that Water Chosen can't manipulate any other form of water unless it is in liquid form. You can use this ability here to take a glacier and reduce it to water, only then can you use Move Water or Water Whips. The volume of this amount increases at levels 6, 11, and 16.
• Cast a Water Spell: Essentially, this is another spell casting, with its own spell list, and spell slots. As with multiclassing, the slots are interchangeable with other slots from other spellcastings. You prepare a number of water spells from the water list equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1 spell) +1 for every odd level you obtain above first. [As a homebrew feat, after you add it to your character, it will let you choose more spells to prepare than this description says you can. It will be up to you to make sure you prepare the right amount of spells and be sure they are of a level you have slots to cast] You will have access to all the water cantrips listed below in your prepared water spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Dexterity. The number of spell slots for this spellcasting is the same as a Wizards, but they are included here for easy reference. Here is the water spell list, then the spell slots for each spell level at their various levels.
Water Spells of level...
The following marks you will see above behind certain spells represent the following:
Spell slots you have at Water Chosen Level...
NOTE: Spell slots in the description above say these spell slots are compatible with any you have, and therefore add to your spell slot total. Currently, there is no way to increase your spell slots, so I have created General Actions below that tracks the number of extra spell slots you gain. Their is a tracker for each spell slot level.
See them HERE ON THIS post.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
This looks super cool don't give up on this! I would love to see how all the chosen abilities work when you "combine them" such as if you do a fire wall then your friend makes a water wall in the same place it could do like a fog cloud spell kinda. (you don't need to take my advice with the combine thing. this overall though is awsome and I would love to see how this plays out.)
You don't need to take my advice or listen to me but if you did I would be honored.