So I want to make something like a persona but as a feature for my players. They way it would work is that for one minute they can summon their, what I'm calling, a Guardian Force. For that minute they have access to certain spells, and abilities. Yes these forces are going to be based off tarot cards that my players are going to draw.
Right now I have a wizard, monk, barbarian, and a bard. So my question is what are a few abilities from the feat list that would benefit each the most in combat? Heck toss in a few spell suggestions if you want. Thanks!
For monk, allow high levels to do a "chain strike" which is basically you make an attack, then if you hit make another attack, then if you hit make another attack, etc. to a maximum amount of strikes equal to half of their level. Also, for wizard, give it a crap ton of 1st and 2nd level evocation spells at will, because chaos is fun. Maybe bard could possess people like a "super charm"?
Make an attack of opportunity if creature within 5ft casts a spell or makes a ranged attack.
Gain proficiency bonus additional Ki points
Enemies hit by your unarmed strikes have disadvantage on melee attacks until the start of your next turn.
Cast Divine Favour on your unarmed strikes
Spirit Guardians that doesn't require concentration
Reaction to taunt a creature they can see to impose disadvantage on it's attack roll.
When they use their Bardic Inspiration as a Bonus Action the recipient can immediately use their reaction to make 1 Attack, Dash, or Dodge.
cast Sanctuary and Suggestion at will.
Allies within 30 ft of them gain the benefits of having Heroism cast on them.
When an ally uses their Bardic Inspiration, the bard regains 1 use of their Bardic Inspiration.
They can cast any spell in their spellbook even if it isn't prepared.
If they are a "School of X" subclass they choose one spell of that school of 3rd level or lower that they can cast at will as a 3rd level spell when this is active.
They can see and recognize any spell that they see cast or that is active on a creature/object they can see.
They can choose to automatically succeed on a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell, a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus.
When they cast a spell with a spell slot as an Action, they can teleport up to 15 ft to a location they can see.
Hey y'all,
So I want to make something like a persona but as a feature for my players. They way it would work is that for one minute they can summon their, what I'm calling, a Guardian Force. For that minute they have access to certain spells, and abilities. Yes these forces are going to be based off tarot cards that my players are going to draw.
Right now I have a wizard, monk, barbarian, and a bard. So my question is what are a few abilities from the feat list that would benefit each the most in combat? Heck toss in a few spell suggestions if you want. Thanks!
This rocks! Thank you so much!
For monk, allow high levels to do a "chain strike" which is basically you make an attack, then if you hit make another attack, then if you hit make another attack, etc. to a maximum amount of strikes equal to half of their level. Also, for wizard, give it a crap ton of 1st and 2nd level evocation spells at will, because chaos is fun. Maybe bard could possess people like a "super charm"?