Dungeon Masters Only

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Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Modifying The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan for Higher-Level Players (Tales From the Yawning Portal) >>
by MNBlockHead
8 4,480
enforcing nitpicky stuff >>
by Nayt88
15 3,062
Situation Advice >>
by wadojeff
14 2,038
Names for Market Stalls >>
by LordEvan
6 2,750
Practical Adventure Running Advice >>
by Dreadweasel
6 2,758
Running Tomb of Horrors this weekend! >>
by abbythecleric
2 872
How to handle players and DDB >>
by Nayt88
9 1,076
Is there a campaign to do after Storm King's thunder? >>
by Crazedchicken
14 22,399
Trying to decide on a "rival" NPC and story stuff. >>
by Metamongoose
4 2,543
Damage Resistance v. Ability Drain >>
by Windrunner
2 1,177
Illusion Dungeon >>
by user-100005249
6 14,180
Looking for REALLY open minded DM for advice on crazy concepts. >>
by EntityDJI
7 1,174
Spell area effects on grid >>
by Dos246
9 20,784
Reccomendation for Drow player wanting to reunite with his heritage but on the Shadow Plane in Curse of Strahd >>
by Deleted
5 1,061
Storytelling help >>
by StoryScot
6 2,314
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