Dungeon Masters Only

Discuss Dungeon Mastering with your fellow DMs here!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Keys from the Golden Vault Maps? >>
by PandaShadowfist
2 25
As a DM, how would you run a blind PC? (2014 rules) >>
by Fenixbourne
11 73
Wonderland Adventure Ideas? >>
by Capatin_Crunch
3 19
help balancing a lycanthrope pc >> 8 46
Advice for a more efficient game? >>
by MiscMiniMan
10 115
Nat 1 attack chart. >>
by Elgoblino10986
30 252
MAPS Beta Question >>
by aaronmwolford
0 8
Lich Phylacteries >>
by Squidboy84
21 6,438
How do you deal with nat ones in combat? >>
by GracefulLion
68 15,174
Riddle/Puzzle Help >>
by loltanner1
1 46
looking for good slumber curses & associated quests/cures >>
by ThorukDuckSlayer
6 29
What would an ancient Drow house need from Zhentarim? >>
by Shreddingmaterial
3 50
Winter/snowy/frosty campaign monsters >>
by DuncanAnimations
14 4,963
Seeking ideas for nonlethal options for a giant prison >>
by ThorukDuckSlayer
5 39
Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk Chapter 6 blessed dead >> (1 Viewing)
by Metalmaniac
0 14
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