Dungeon Masters Only

Discuss Dungeon Mastering with your fellow DMs here!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Ship vs. Ship battle >>
by AngliNex
9 44,019
Dragon eggs??? >>
by Spider69
22 41,737
DM Campaign Tools | Onenote >>
by Skyrunner
65 41,536
Paid DMing... Yes, No, Maybe? >>
by OctoberGeek
139 41,048
Spelljammer 5E >>
by SquigsTheTruth
20 40,943
Scaling up monsters >>
by Falibrand
20 40,906
Purchase a scroll >>
by Gigaflop
7 40,611
Merchants and Marketplaces: How do you handle shopping trips? >>
by ElvishImpersonator
32 39,499
Combat underwater and drowning. >>
by BolivartheGreat
22 39,030
Need some Humorous Side Quest Ideas >>
by Kbburg
28 39,018
Tips for a first time DM? >>
by EricisErickson22
12 38,543
Help, please! How do you create a new campaign via D&D Beyond? >>
by Raenheld
28 37,956
Single-Room Dungeon Puzzles >>
by Bajah
21 37,866
Better Describing Dungeon's and Rooms >>
by TheOutherGuy
26 37,686
Ship Names >>
by DMFlowers
24 37,675
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