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Topic Latest Post Replies Views
The Mimic Book of Mimics >>
by Sam_Hain
284 172,287
Level 1-10: 1E was a lifetime; 5e is a 3 week vacation. >>
by Windrunner
221 48,494
Funny D&D Stories >>
by phoenixwithafedora
197 51,603
How do you roll stats? >>
by DylanoDraws
189 188,566
DM Pub -- Have a bunch of stuff planned but can't tell your players? Spill your guts here!(Totally not a Lizardfolk btw) >>
by Yharim
182 4,754
Paid DMing... Yes, No, Maybe? >>
by OctoberGeek
139 41,124
Should nonmagical social skills like Persuasion Intimidation Seduction etc. ever work on PCs? >>
by PenelopeTheWeaver
133 1,429
Stealth and peeking vs. readied attacks - help! >>
by IsThatMothra
128 776
The “Adventuring Day” >>
by FrankReynoldsGaryGygax
125 6,587
to fudge or not to fudge >>
by Kirtchencadet
122 1,167
Booming Blade cantrip with EVERY attack >>
by InfiniteFoxes27
122 89,815
List of free DnD campaigns >> (1 Viewing)
by Terhonator
121 860,292
Tiny Hut Level and Balance >>
by Appellion
112 1,336
The Wanderer's Guide to Borrelia - Feedback Appreciated >>
by Thauraeln_The_Bold
110 996
Shark Week >>
by Sam_Hain
105 31,648
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