On Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 the homebrew content builder was updated to comply with the 2024 update to 5e. Unfortunately as a result, it is no longer possible to create a subclass with a functional Spellcasting feature for the barbarian or monk classes. Subclasses with a functional Spellcasting feature can still be created for the fighter and rogue classes.
Step by Step Instructions:
Add a “Granted” feature named “Spellcasting” to the subclass at 3rd level and save the feature.
Under Basic Information for the whole subclass, fill out the following:
A) Designate a Spellcasting Ability for the subclass.
B) Set “Can Cast Spells” to “Yes.”
C) Add any “Additional Spell Lists” (Wizard, Cleric, etc.), “Additional Specific Spells,” or both to the subclass that you wish. *Note, you will only be able to publish your subclass as long as all of the additional specific spells you add are "free content spells."* *Includes “Legacy” content
Finally, you MUST[SAVE CHANGES]. (There May be a delay of up to 20 minutes while the system updates to your changes. Please be patient.)
This will give your subclass the exact same progression of spell slots and spells known as the Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster. There is unfortunately no way to alter these progressions.
Here is the html code for the Spellcasting table for a ⅓ spellcaster:
Does the default Eldritch Knight progression carry with it the restriction relating to evocation and abjuration spells?
That’s an excellent question. Currently the Eldritch Knight is not restricted, that’s still something players have to pay attention to for themselves. That means there is no restriction to carry over.
PS- Nor is there any restrictions on spell list or spellcasting ability either.
I wish I could use this beautifully presented advice--I want to modify someone else's homebrew rogue subclass to add someone else's homebrew spell, and maybe one day with enough time and energy I'll recreate the whole thing myself--but mostly I am amazed that someone besides me named a DnD character Bas(s)il Wrathbone! Here's my Basil: https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Jinx_Einstein/characters/59273399
This will give your subclass the exact same progression of spell slots and spells known as the Eldritch Knight unless you are a Rogue. If you are a Rogue you will get a progression identical to the Arcane Trickster, the difference being an additional known cantrip at 3rd level. There is unfortunately no way to alter these progressions.
so basically what you are saying is that this is an archetype thing. meaning that the spell amounts are locked. I couldn't for example give a 3rd spell slot to a 3rd level warlock or to keep the same example as you provided, create a magic barbarian with only 2 spell slots; it is 3 or nothing?
Minimum couple words is all. For that Barbarian the whole description is as follows:
Spellcasting. 🪄🤘 Awesome.
You may as well just copy/paste from the Eldritch Knight, the only things that can change mechanically are Spellcasting Ability and the spell school restriction. Everything else is locked-in and indelible.
So you don't have to add any description under the Spellcasting feature?
You need to put something into the feature's Description field since it's required, but it doesn't need much of one just to get Spellcasting to work for the subclass. (You can add a more descriptive Description later.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
I did ALL of this, I waited a WHOLE DAY, and it's still not working................ I think I'm about to just give up on building a rogue subclass >_< Someone please tell me if there is a modifier I'm supposed to add or did something change in the last year?
Edit: Just coming back to say it was a typing error... I had the feature as "Spell casting" two words. For future readers, make sure you have the feature as one word "Spellcasting" don't be me, don't make my mistake lol
Double check everything, especially the name of the Spellcasting class feature and re-save the entire subclass. (Sometimes autocorrect likes to change it from “Spellcasting” to “spell casting” which will cause it to not work.) Remove the subclass from your test character, close that tab, wait 20 minutes for the caches to cycle and then add the subclass back again in a new tab and see if it’s working then.
Double check everything, especially the name of the Spellcasting class feature and re-save the entire subclass. (Sometimes autocorrect likes to change it from “Spellcasting” to “spell casting” which will cause it to not work.) Remove the subclass from your test character, close that tab, wait 20 minutes for the caches to cycle and then add the subclass back again in a new tab and see if it’s working then.
I did everything correctly and it's still not working. I followed your screenshot above, double checked the feature, and nothing is working. EDIT: Never mind, it works for the character. It just doesn't show the table, for some reason. Thank you!
Did you try re-saving like I suggested? Any time you add anything to, change anything on, or remove anything from any homebrew you MUST re-save the entire thing using the main [SAVE CHANGES] button under Basic Information or the system won’t pick up your changes. So re-save it and wait 20 minutes and then test your subclass on a brand new character just in case the current character is stuck on an old system cache.
Did you try re-saving like I suggested? Any time you add anything to, change anything on, or remove anything from any homebrew you MUST re-save the entire thing using the main [SAVE CHANGES] button under Basic Information or the system won’t pick up your changes. So re-save it and wait 20 minutes and then test your subclass on a brand new character just in case the current character is stuck on an old system cache.
I think you missed my edit. It does work, it just doesn't show the table for some reason. Thank you.
Step by Step Instructions:
*Note, you will only be able to publish your subclass as long as all of the additional specific spells you add are "free content spells."*
*Includes “Legacy” content
(There May be a delay of up to 20 minutes while the system updates to your changes. Please be patient.)
A photograph to assist visual learners:
Here is a sample character so you can see it in action: (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/131344502/ydkC39)
I hope this helps.
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Additional notes:
This will give your subclass the exact same progression of spell slots and spells known as the Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster. There is unfortunately no way to alter these progressions.
Here is the html code for the Spellcasting table for a ⅓ spellcaster:
<table class="Table TableOverride-1"><caption>
<h4 id="[SUBCLASS]Spellcasting" style="text-align: left;">[SUBCLASS] Spellcasting</h4>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-3">
<th class="Table Table-Header CellOverride-1" rowspan="2">
<p class="Table-Styles_Header--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3"><strong>[CLASS]</strong></p>
<p class="Table-Styles_Header--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3"><strong>Level</strong></p>
<th class="Table Table-Header CellOverride-1 _idGenCellOverride-1" rowspan="2">
<p class="Table-Styles_Header--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3"><strong>Spells</strong></p>
<p class="Table-Styles_Header--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3"><strong>Prepared</strong></p>
<th class="Table Table-Header CellOverride-1 _idGenCellOverride-1" colspan="4">
<p class="Table-Styles_Header--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3"><strong>— Spell Slots per Spell Level —</strong></p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-3">
<th class="Table Table-Header CellOverride-1 _idGenCellOverride-3">
<p class="Table-Styles_Header--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3"><strong>1st</strong></p>
<th class="Table Table-Header CellOverride-1 _idGenCellOverride-3">
<p class="Table-Styles_Header--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3"><strong>2nd</strong></p>
<th class="Table Table-Header CellOverride-1 _idGenCellOverride-3">
<p class="Table-Styles_Header--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3"><strong>3rd</strong></p>
<th class="Table Table-Header CellOverride-1 _idGenCellOverride-3">
<p class="Table-Styles_Header--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3"><strong>4th</strong></p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-4">
<td class="Table Table-Body _idGenCellOverride-2">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3rd</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body _idGenCellOverride-2">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body _idGenCellOverride-2">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">2</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body _idGenCellOverride-2">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body _idGenCellOverride-2">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body _idGenCellOverride-2">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-5">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-4">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">5th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-5">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">6th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-4">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">7th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">5</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">2</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-5">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">8th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">6</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">2</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-4">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">9th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">6</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">2</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-5">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">10th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">7</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
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<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">11th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">8</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-5">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">12th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">8</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
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<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">13th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">9</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">2</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
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<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">14th</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">10</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">2</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">15th</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">10</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">2</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-5">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">16th</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">11</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
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<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">17th</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">11</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
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<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">18th</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">11</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">—</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">19th</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">12</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">1</p>
<tr class="Table _idGenTableRowColumn-5">
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">20th</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">13</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">4</p>
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<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">3</p>
<td class="Table Table-Body">
<p class="Table-Styles_Table-Body--for-Table-Cell-Style- ParaOverride-3">1</p>
You have to click this button to view the html source code for the Description field for the Spellcasting feature you added to your subclass:
You need to copy/paste the code into there, then hit [OK] and the popup will disappear and you can then see it as a table.
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Does the default Eldritch Knight progression carry with it the restriction relating to evocation and abjuration spells?
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
That’s an excellent question. Currently the Eldritch Knight is not restricted, that’s still something players have to pay attention to for themselves. That means there is no restriction to carry over.
PS- Nor is there any restrictions on spell list or spellcasting ability either.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
I wish I could use this beautifully presented advice--I want to modify someone else's homebrew rogue subclass to add someone else's homebrew spell, and maybe one day with enough time and energy I'll recreate the whole thing myself--but mostly I am amazed that someone besides me named a DnD character Bas(s)il Wrathbone! Here's my Basil: https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/Jinx_Einstein/characters/59273399
Nice. Here’s my Bassil Wrathbone (he got downleveled and this version hasn’t invented that spell yet): https://ddb.ac/characters/21942605/NTopux
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
so basically what you are saying is that this is an archetype thing. meaning that the spell amounts are locked. I couldn't for example give a 3rd spell slot to a 3rd level warlock or to keep the same example as you provided, create a magic barbarian with only 2 spell slots; it is 3 or nothing?
Purty much, yeah. Ain’t no changin’ that stuff so far.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
So you don't have to add any description under the Spellcasting feature?
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
Minimum couple words is all. For that Barbarian the whole description is as follows:
You may as well just copy/paste from the Eldritch Knight, the only things that can change mechanically are Spellcasting Ability and the spell school restriction. Everything else is locked-in and indelible.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
You need to put something into the feature's Description field since it's required, but it doesn't need much of one just to get Spellcasting to work for the subclass. (You can add a more descriptive Description later.)
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
So we can’t make them a prepared spellcaster at all?
Nope. I wish we could, but we can’t.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
I did ALL of this, I waited a WHOLE DAY, and it's still not working................ I think I'm about to just give up on building a rogue subclass >_< Someone please tell me if there is a modifier I'm supposed to add or did something change in the last year?
Edit: Just coming back to say it was a typing error... I had the feature as "Spell casting" two words. For future readers, make sure you have the feature as one word "Spellcasting" don't be me, don't make my mistake lol
Still not working for me, and I followed this guide step by step.
Double check everything, especially the name of the Spellcasting class feature and re-save the entire subclass. (Sometimes autocorrect likes to change it from “Spellcasting” to “spell casting” which will cause it to not work.) Remove the subclass from your test character, close that tab, wait 20 minutes for the caches to cycle and then add the subclass back again in a new tab and see if it’s working then.
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Content Troubleshooting
I did everything correctly and it's still not working. I followed your screenshot above, double checked the feature, and nothing is working. EDIT: Never mind, it works for the character. It just doesn't show the table, for some reason. Thank you!
Did you try re-saving like I suggested? Any time you add anything to, change anything on, or remove anything from any homebrew you MUST re-save the entire thing using the main [SAVE CHANGES] button under Basic Information or the system won’t pick up your changes. So re-save it and wait 20 minutes and then test your subclass on a brand new character just in case the current character is stuck on an old system cache.
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Content Troubleshooting
I think you missed my edit. It does work, it just doesn't show the table for some reason. Thank you.
The table has to be added manually to the feature description, it won’t populate automatically. For that, please follow the instructions I gave in the General FAQ #12: (https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/dungeons-dragons-discussion/homebrew-house-rules/131411-a-homebrewers-how-to-faq). If your subclass is for a Rogue I suggest copying the table from the Arcane Trickster’s description, for a Fighter, Monk or Barbarian use the table from the Eldritch Knight’s deascription. (They are slightly different by 1 cantrip, and that difference is tied to the Rogue base class.
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Content Troubleshooting