I remember this when I was making one, make sure you don't have granted feature selected on the option.
(Also I figured out why I couldn't publish my homebrew, it was cuz I wasn't using spells from the free 2024 rules)
Oh, ahh, yeah. If you ever need a refresher on how to properly set up options, you can always check the Subclasses & Species FAQ,question #1 in the first post of this thread. As far as I have been able to discern nothing has changed about those. Even I refer back to that walkthrough from time to time, and I wrote the thing.
6. I have created a feat using a subclass or specific class level as a prerequisite. Why isn’t it working properly?
The Class option seems to work with the base classes, but seems to be glitchy when trying to apply to subclasses. Like, the character sheet doesn’t recognize the subclass in the prerequisite. Also, while there seems to be an addressable space for (I presume) a level after the class selection, that is ignored as well.
Been working on a few feats since the addition of 2024 content and this appears to only work with legacy classes currently. There is only one dropdown option for each class (as opposed to when you create a homebrew spell and can add it twice to, for example, the "Warlock" class–2014 Warlock and 2024 Warlock), and when I attempted to add a "Warlock" prerequisite to a new homebrewed feat, it was unavailable for the 2024 warlock I was using to test the feat.
6. I have created a feat using a subclass or specific class level as a prerequisite. Why isn’t it working properly?
The Class option seems to work with the base classes, but seems to be glitchy when trying to apply to subclasses. Like, the character sheet doesn’t recognize the subclass in the prerequisite. Also, while there seems to be an addressable space for (I presume) a level after the class selection, that is ignored as well.
Been working on a few feats since the addition of 2024 content and this appears to only work with legacy classes currently. There is only one dropdown option for each class (as opposed to when you create a homebrew spell and can add it twice to, for example, the "Warlock" class–2014 Warlock and 2024 Warlock), and when I attempted to add a "Warlock" prerequisite to a new homebrewed feat, it was unavailable for the 2024 warlock I was using to test the feat.
No problem! I suspect this is somewhere on their list to fix as it's probably the reason somebody is reporting every 30 minutes that Warcaster is unavailable on 2024 characters, but thought it was still good knowledge to share in the meantime.
I sent an email with this exact question and a response back saying go to the forum for help. Now I'm here hopefully I can get an answer. I've made a home brew subclass and finished it. I made a character for the subclass. When I'm looking over the character sheet in the Actions Tab my "Plus To Hit" isn't populated its blank. So I went back in the homebrew creator to see if I missed it. Funny enough its not there. I tried to do an override in the character sheet, but it will not show if there isn't a value to override. So how do I find out where to enter the Plus To Hit value so it shows up in the character sheet?
I sent an email with this exact question and a response back saying go to the forum for help. Now I'm here hopefully I can get an answer. I've made a home brew subclass and finished it. I made a character for the subclass. When I'm looking over the character sheet in the Actions Tab my "Plus To Hit" isn't populated its blank. So I went back in the homebrew creator to see if I missed it. Funny enough its not there. I tried to do an override in the character sheet, but it will not show if there isn't a value to override. So how do I find out where to enter the Plus To Hit value so it shows up in the character sheet?
Assuming this is for an Action, you need to specify the ability being used to calculate the attack roll (Ability Score Type) as well as whether the character is proficient in that attack (Is Proficient?). Also make sure "Display as Attack" is set to Yes and that your "Activation Type" is correct. If you're missing an "Attack Range" or damage dice information, that may also play a role, though I'm a bit less sure on the necessity of those (though you probably want to have them set anyways for clarity on what the action does).
Edit: Attack Range is necessary for the attack modifier to display.
It worked, I forgot that the + hit to attack is tied into Str or Dex. I have a fighter and tied the attacks to my Dex even thought the weapons are not finesse weapons. I just needed it to say +4 to hit. Thank you you helped alot.
I'm trying to figure out how to add an ability score increase to a subclass I want there to be an option for 1 ability by 2 2 abilities by 1 or a feat just like the normal classes but I don't get the option to choose it shows up and says you can but no choice options
I'm trying to figure out how to add an ability score increase to a subclass I want there to be an option for 1 ability by 2 2 abilities by 1 or a feat just like the normal classes but I don't get the option to choose it shows up and says you can but no choice options
If I’m understanding you correctly, you are essentially trying to add an additional ASI level in your subclass. Is that correct? How exactly did you set it up? Well, that might not matter because I don’t believe that the “feat->choose a feat” Modifier & Subtype work on anything other than species anyway, and I know we can’t add individual feats with that Modifier either, so it might not be possible. You would probably have to recreate each and every feat individually as its own Option, which presents a whole bunch of issues.
Sorry if this has been discussed already, but for Spells FAQ #1.1 I recently learned that when you select the class tag, what edition you choose when tagging affects where it appears. If you're looking at a 2014 edition Paladin character sheet and still don't see your spell, it's likely that you chose the 2024 Paladin tag instead. Adding both editions for the tag allows the spell to appear on both sheets.
Sorry if this has been discussed already, but for Spells FAQ #1.1 I recently learned that when you select the class tag, what edition you choose when tagging affects where it appears. If you're looking at a 2014 edition Paladin character sheet and still don't see your spell, it's likely that you chose the 2024 Paladin tag instead. Adding both editions for the tag allows the spell to appear on both sheets.
Yes, thank you. I am aware. That’s why that question has the 🚧 in front of it, I haven’t finished writing the answer yet. (Real life waits for no FAQ.)
When making a new background, is there a way to add the relevant ability score increase options to keep them in line with the new 2024-style backgrounds? I can add the general ASI feat easily enough but for obvious reasons that's not exactly equivalent.
When making a new background, is there a way to add the relevant ability score increase options to keep them in line with the new 2024-style backgrounds? I can add the general ASI feat easily enough but for obvious reasons that's not exactly equivalent.
Unfortunately not, no. That is handled on the backend and not available to us in the homebrew creator. The best you can do is select a background that has the same ASI selection you want your background to offer and use it as a template. That will make your homebrew background offer the same ASI selection.
When making a new background, is there a way to add the relevant ability score increase options to keep them in line with the new 2024-style backgrounds? I can add the general ASI feat easily enough but for obvious reasons that's not exactly equivalent.
Unfortunately not, no. That is handled on the backend and not available to us in the homebrew creator. The best you can do is select a background that has the same ASI selection you want your background to offer and use it as a template. That will make your homebrew background offer the same ASI selection.
Even that doesn't seem to work. I tested it with a brand new copy of Acolyte and changed absolutely nothing but the name, and it gives no ability score increases at all, not even the default ones for the original background.
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Again, if you tell me what you mean more clearly and in greater detail I can help you out better.
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I remember this when I was making one, make sure you don't have granted feature selected on the option.
(Also I figured out why I couldn't publish my homebrew, it was cuz I wasn't using spells from the free 2024 rules)
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?
Oh, ahh, yeah. If you ever need a refresher on how to properly set up options, you can always check the Subclasses & Species FAQ,question #1 in the first post of this thread. As far as I have been able to discern nothing has changed about those. Even I refer back to that walkthrough from time to time, and I wrote the thing.
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Content Troubleshooting
Been working on a few feats since the addition of 2024 content and this appears to only work with legacy classes currently. There is only one dropdown option for each class (as opposed to when you create a homebrew spell and can add it twice to, for example, the "Warlock" class–2014 Warlock and 2024 Warlock), and when I attempted to add a "Warlock" prerequisite to a new homebrewed feat, it was unavailable for the 2024 warlock I was using to test the feat.
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Thank you very much for this information!!
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
No problem! I suspect this is somewhere on their list to fix as it's probably the reason somebody is reporting every 30 minutes that Warcaster is unavailable on 2024 characters, but thought it was still good knowledge to share in the meantime.
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
I sent an email with this exact question and a response back saying go to the forum for help. Now I'm here hopefully I can get an answer. I've made a home brew subclass and finished it. I made a character for the subclass. When I'm looking over the character sheet in the Actions Tab my "Plus To Hit" isn't populated its blank. So I went back in the homebrew creator to see if I missed it. Funny enough its not there. I tried to do an override in the character sheet, but it will not show if there isn't a value to override. So how do I find out where to enter the Plus To Hit value so it shows up in the character sheet?
Assuming this is for an Action, you need to specify the ability being used to calculate the attack roll (Ability Score Type) as well as whether the character is proficient in that attack (Is Proficient?). Also make sure "Display as Attack" is set to Yes and that your "Activation Type" is correct. If you're missing an "Attack Range" or damage dice information, that may also play a role, though I'm a bit less sure on the necessity of those (though you probably want to have them set anyways for clarity on what the action does).
Edit: Attack Range is necessary for the attack modifier to display.
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Update: The general Homebrew FAQ, questions #5 & Ω-3 have been updated.
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Thank you I will try all of these ideas and get back to you . Once again thank you.
It worked, I forgot that the + hit to attack is tied into Str or Dex. I have a fighter and tied the attacks to my Dex even thought the weapons are not finesse weapons. I just needed it to say +4 to hit. Thank you you helped alot.
I'm trying to figure out how to add an ability score increase to a subclass I want there to be an option for 1 ability by 2 2 abilities by 1 or a feat just like the normal classes but I don't get the option to choose it shows up and says you can but no choice options
If I’m understanding you correctly, you are essentially trying to add an additional ASI level in your subclass. Is that correct? How exactly did you set it up? Well, that might not matter because I don’t believe that the “feat->choose a feat” Modifier & Subtype work on anything other than species anyway, and I know we can’t add individual feats with that Modifier either, so it might not be possible. You would probably have to recreate each and every feat individually as its own Option, which presents a whole bunch of issues.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Sorry if this has been discussed already, but for Spells FAQ #1.1 I recently learned that when you select the class tag, what edition you choose when tagging affects where it appears. If you're looking at a 2014 edition Paladin character sheet and still don't see your spell, it's likely that you chose the 2024 Paladin tag instead. Adding both editions for the tag allows the spell to appear on both sheets.
Yes, thank you. I am aware. That’s why that question has the 🚧 in front of it, I haven’t finished writing the answer yet. (Real life waits for no FAQ.)
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
Update: Introduction and General FAQ #4 have been updated.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
When making a new background, is there a way to add the relevant ability score increase options to keep them in line with the new 2024-style backgrounds? I can add the general ASI feat easily enough but for obvious reasons that's not exactly equivalent.
Unfortunately not, no. That is handled on the backend and not available to us in the homebrew creator. The best you can do is select a background that has the same ASI selection you want your background to offer and use it as a template. That will make your homebrew background offer the same ASI selection.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
Even that doesn't seem to work. I tested it with a brand new copy of Acolyte and changed absolutely nothing but the name, and it gives no ability score increases at all, not even the default ones for the original background.