"Greetings, foundlings, and salutations! You have decided to enter the mystical halls of the ’Brews, where you might learn some most astonishing mysteries and solve the most tangled of puzzles. Your task is to present us with something we haven't seen before, and have it make us look upon it with delight. You have but a few tendays to create your product and show it to us, so we suggest you get to work!"
- Meyonmon Merridith, Ex-Candlekeep Scholar
If this is your first time joining us, welcome. The purpose of this thread is to spread a little bit of fun in the form of a friendly competition! Your task: Create an original homebrew that is totally original and makes us go “wow!” The end products will be rated by members of the community, and the victor of each category will help create the next Finest ‘Brew contest!
Entries must be submitted before 11:59 pm EST on Monday, October 30th to be considered part of the competition.
Contest Categories
In each Finest Brew contest, there are three categories. Each category is judged separately. There can only be one entry per category per person. The category types are as follows:
DM Options: Things that provide tools for DMs to make encounters more interesting and rewards more enticing - such as dungeons/encounters, magic items, monsters, random tables, or even optional rules/mechanics.
PC Options: Things that help a player will build and develop their character - such as homebrew classes, subclasses, spells, feats, backgrounds or race/lineage/species options.
Interactive Options: Things that affect how characters interact with the world, exploring both its social structure and environment - such as NPCs, puzzles, stories/lore, terrain, traps/hazards or even institutions like shops or taverns.
This time, our category themes are:
DM Options: Touch the Divine
As the battle rages on, a warrior bathed in rays of gold dives from the heavens and charges the enemy, heralding victory for their allies. A group of adventurers delving into a deep lair utilize a divine artifact that sends demons fleeing like mice from a cat. The party encounters a dying coatl seeking someone to carry its knowledge. All magic from the Upper Planes or the gods is considered “divine”, but beyond a cleric, parties rarely encounter anything closely related to the heavens. What grandeur, what divine blessings — or divine wrath — might a party encounter on their journeys?
PC Options: Blessed and Possessed
You see noone around you, but you know that you are not alone, that you are not yourself. There is something in your brain or in your body. Or in your mind. Something that bestows great power upon you, but also something that will consume you - unless you learn to harness, to dominate it or unless you find a cure for it.
It could be an illithid tadpole that grants you great psionic powers - well, at least until the inevitable ceremorphosis happens. It could be the spirit of an evil necromancer clinging to your body, refusing to die. It could be the essence of an ancient god using your body as a vessel in an attempt to return to the world of the living... whatever it is, it is dangerous. For yourself and for the world.
On the other hand, whatever it is, it could be considered a blessing due to the powers it grants. But... how much are you still yourself, how much control do you have over your own mind?
Interactive Options: It's not a trick Meyonmon... it's an ILLUSION!
The world is false. Strip away one layer of fiction and seek not truth, but only the next layer. Become the storyteller and show us what tales of enthralling illusions, mind-bending trials, and unreal worlds emerge from the conflicting narratives of reality.
Voting will start Tuesday October 31st (or thereabouts, once the survey is made) and will end at 11:59 pm EST on Tuesday November 7th. A Google Forms poll for each category will be posted on this thread, and all may vote on it - including and especially contestants. Contestants are encouraged to vote 5 and 5 on their own submissions; all scores will have 5 subtracted from both voting categories. Scores are assigned using a numerical value from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Balance/Playability - This score is about how well the entry would run in game. If this entry is overpowered or underpowered, consider subtracting points. Also, consider subtracting points if it is poorly written or unclear, since that would make it a lot harder to understand and use in game.
Idea/Creativity- This score is about cool, interesting and unique the entry is. If someone's idea does not fit well into the contest category it is submitted for, consider subtracting points. If someone has put alot of extra work into the submission reflected by its length or artistic pieces, consider adding points
Written Feedback You have the option to give written feedback, should you choose, for any entries on the forms. Written feedback does not factor into a contestants score.
We are hoping that by giving everyone more criteria to vote on for each entry, you will think about each aspect and not feel the need to cram all of your thoughts into a single number. We are also hoping that having multiple scores contribute to the total will make ties less likely to occur.
Please try to take the time to review and vote for every entry, except for your own, in the categories you vote in, as even one vote can easily sway a competition like this. If there's anything you feel very strongly about, also feel free to review it in the thread! Reviews won't count for anything, but it's nice to get feedback!
Category Winners Each of the two final scores will be added together to constitute the entry's total score, with the highest score determining the winner of each category. The winner of each individual category will pick the theme for that category in the next competition. If there is a tie, then they can work together to come up with a theme. If you pick the theme for a category, then you cannot compete in it in the next competition.
Contest Winner The entry with the highest individual score across the three categories will then be coronated as the contest winner and become the judge of the next competition. To clarify, this means that the highest of the 3 high scores is the winner.
If one person wins two or more categories, they win, regardless of if any of their individual scores are the highest.
If two or more entries are tied for highest score, the contestant with the highest total score for all of their entries will take the crown - so be sure to try and put something forward for every category to win a tiebreaker!
Guides & Mini-FAQ* & Changelog
WAIT! Before you see the 5th level Wall of Text in this FAQ’s* & Guides section, and decide not to submit to the competition because you don’t want to read it, remember that reading this section is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not need to read any of this to submit something for the competition, to pick a category, or to become the next judge. This is merely a helpful tool if you’re confused. You have no obligation to read or use it!
Guide for Competition & Category Winners
Competition Winner The competition winner becomes the next judge, they are responsible for doing the following:
They must start a private message thread between all the other category winners to figure out what themes the next categories will have. The judge must also pick the themes for all the categories they won. When possible, it is best to avoid reusing the same theme for the same category multiple times, though repeating themes for the same categories will be unavoidable eventually.
The judge must start the next competition thread. They can copy & paste most information from the previous competition thread, but must change the relevant information, such as dates and category themes. If you are the next judge and don’t know how long a given part of the competition, such as voting, should last, then just look at how long it lasted in the last competition, and have it be the same length for your competition. The judge should also update the “Contestants” section of their competition with links to each entry, and the name of the user who submitted it.
Once the time to submit entries ends, the judge is responsible for starting the google form for voting. If a judge doesn’t know how to do this, there will most likely be someone from the previous competition who would be willing to help if asked.
The judge should remove troll votes if there are any, and announce the scores and winners of the previous competition, after voting ends. It’s alright not to be able to do this immediately after voting ends, but the judge should try to do it as quickly as they can.
The judge, just like any other category winner, cannot submit anything to a category they created, or significantly impacted the creation of.
Category Winners A category winner must do the following:
They must pick the next competition's theme for the category they won. Other category winners can help advise you or give you ideas for the theme, but ultimately, it’s up to you to pick it. The judge should start a private message thread with you and the other category winners, and that’s where you tell them your next category idea.
If you pick a category's theme, you cannot participate in it in the next competition. In addition, if you played a very, very significant role in picking another category’s theme, it is best for you not to participate in it. For example, if another contestant gives a list of their five ideas for the next competition and lets you pick it, then you probably shouldn’t participate in that category for when that theme comes up. However, if you just say something like, “Ooh, that sounds like a cool category idea,” or, “I like that idea but it is a little confusing, maybe you could word it differently?” Then you didn’t play that significant of a role in choosing that category, so you can still participate in it.
Mini FAQ*
Q. Wait, how do I submit?
A. You just make a post in the competition thread with either a link to your entry, or your entry typed out in it. It helps to add what category you’re submitting to, but it is not strictly necessary since it’s pretty easy to figure out what type of category the entry is for.
Q. Can you vote on your own submission?
A. Yes. Contestants are encouraged strongly to vote, and to vote 5 & 5 on their own submissions, as 5 will be subtracted from each score while being calculated. This is to maintain fair voting while encouraging votes.
Q. Where can I find the forms for voting?
A. When the competition submission time ends, voting will start soon. You vote on a google form. The judge should link the forms near the voting section when they’re up, and they will probably also make a post on the thread announcing that voting’s started with the link.
Q. Can I have multiple submissions in the same competition?
A. Yes, you can have multiple submissions for the same competition. HOWEVER, as described in the “Contest Categories” section of this competition, you can only have one entry per category. For example, you can make something for the DM’s Options, PC Options, and Inspirational Options, but you can't make two things for PC Options and one for DM’s.
Q. I’ve already submitted something for X category, can I change my submission for it?
A. Yes, you can change your submission for a specific category as long as the deadline for submissions has not yet been reached. Do remember that if you’re changing your submission, it is best to edit your original post with your first submission to say that it is obsolete, and necessary to make a new one to announce & link your new submission. Also, do keep in mind that it does create a bit more work for the judges when you edit your submission, because they have to update the links. However, it is alright to do so.
Q. Is written feedback optional and does it effect an entries score?
A. Yes, written feedback is optional. No, it does not effect an entries score.
Q. Is the scoring by total score, or by average score?
A. The scoring is done by both average scores (Balance/Playability, Idea/Creativity) being added together for a final score. All scores have -5 when being calculated for reasons stated elsewhere.
Q. How do I know if my submission is more appropriate for the DM category or the Interactive category?
A. If it is not obvious which of the two categories your submission would make sense for, then it really comes down to which pillar of the game you seek to explore. DM Options are more closely tied to combat whereas Interactive Options are more closely tied to exploration and social encounters.
As an example, if you have an NPC with a stat block and you are not sure where to submit, consider whether the goal of incorporating the NPC into a game would be to fight the PCs or for the PCs to gather information from it. Its possible to write a strong, social-focused NPC who still has a stat block just in case things turn towards combat, but if your desire for the NPC is to interact with the PCs through roleplay, then it likely is more fitting for the Interactive Category. If your desire is for the NPC to maybe roleplay a little, but ultimately engage the party in combat, then it would be closer to a "monster" and fit in the DM category.
Yeah, these categories should be fun. I'm thinking of a warlock patron for the PC category, a living plague that inhabits the pact-sworn. I'm not very good at subclasses, though. I really want to re-submit my resplendent coautl for the DM category, but I think it's better to submit something new.
Appreciator of all things Weird, Wondrous, and/or Yummy
In the Autumn Country, days end quickly, the gloaming hours linger, and the midnights pile one upon the other till the air is thick and flows like twilight syrup.
Yeah, these categories should be fun. I'm thinking of a warlock patron for the PC category, a living plague that inhabits the pact-sworn. I'm not very good at subclasses, though. I really want to re-submit my resplendent coautl for the DM category, but I think it's better to submit something new.
By the way, could you elaborate somewhat on the interactive theme? I’m not quite sure I understand what’s being said in it
Yeah, these categories should be fun. I'm thinking of a warlock patron for the PC category, a living plague that inhabits the pact-sworn. I'm not very good at subclasses, though. I really want to re-submit my resplendent coautl for the DM category, but I think it's better to submit something new.
By the way, could you elaborate somewhat on the interactive theme? I’m not quite sure I understand what’s being said in it
Sure. It's meant to be very broad, but anything involving illusions or subverted expectations. I have in mind puzzles and traps that rely on illusions, but also terrain and encounters that are more than they seem. Even a good adventure prompt involving grand illusions would work nicely.
Looking forward to this! I should be able to get something in for the DM options (got a couple of ideas already), and the PC category prompt is interesting… we shall see.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
You have contracted a special string of vampirism through the consuming of a vampire's blood. You are connected to the vampire whose blood you drank, turning you into a pale reflection of this creature. This gives you the following traits:
Sunlight Sensitivity You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Vampiric Boost Your Strength and Charisma scores are increased by 2. Your maximum score for these stats also increases by 2.
Undead Infection You are considered Undead and are vulnerable to radiant damage.
Silver Allergy Damage of attacks with a silvered weapon can not be reduced by you in any way.
Vampiric Bite You can make an unarmed strike against a creature. The Unarmed strike deals 1d4 + Constitution Modifier in Piercing Damage. If this attack hits you can choose to gain temporary HP equal to the damage dealt. Gaining temporary HP this way can be done an equal amount of times to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
Wallcrawler You can cast Spider Climb on yourself at will.
Vampire's Scion You cannot conciously harm the vampire that infected you. If you witness others harm them, you must defend them. The Vampire can also make telepathic contact with you at any time, as long as you are on the same plane as them.
Once per day, recharging at Dawn, if you are attuned to this ring and wearing it, you may call upon a random divine being for intervention. Roll a d100, and consult the table below to see the resulting effect. If a deity answers, they are not required to help you, or may ask for something in return.
The ring loses it's power.
The gods ignore you.
A chaotic evil being answers.
A neutral evil being answers.
A lawful evil being answers.
A chaotic neutral being answers.
A true neutral being answers.
A lawful neutral being answers.
A chaotic good being answers.
A neutral good being answers.
A lawful good being answers.
Your own patron/god answers.
Silver Ring of Divine Intervention
Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
Once every other day, recharging at Dawn of the second day, if you are attuned to this ring and wearing it, you may call upon a random divine being for intervention. Roll a d100, and consult the table below to see the resulting effect. If a deity answers, they are not required to help you, or may ask for something in return.
The ring loses it's power.
The gods ignore you.
A chaotic evil being answers.
A neutral evil being answers.
A lawful evil being answers.
A chaotic neutral being answers.
A true neutral being answers.
A lawful neutral being answers.
A chaotic good being answers.
A neutral good being answers.
A lawful good being answers.
Your own patron/god answers.
Bronze Ring of Divine Intervention
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
Once per week, recharging at Dawn of the first day of the week, if you are attuned to this ring and wearing it, you may call upon a random divine being for intervention. Roll a d100, and consult the table below to see the resulting effect. If a deity answers, they are not required to help you, or may ask for something in return.
I'm a bit busy with preparing a trip to Japan, so instead of brewing something new, I am posting some older homebrew that fits the theme ^^ Will still try to make something new for the Interactive Option when I have some time and muse.
I'm a bit busy with preparing a trip to Japan, so instead of brewing something new, I am posting some older homebrew that fits the theme ^^ Will still try to make something new for the Interactive Option when I have some time and muse.
Enjoy! Maybe the trip will give you inspiration. I thought of a couple of new brews when I visted Mexico last year.
I'm a bit busy with preparing a trip to Japan, so instead of brewing something new, I am posting some older homebrew that fits the theme ^^ Will still try to make something new for the Interactive Option when I have some time and muse.
Enjoy! Maybe the trip will give you inspiration. I thought of a couple of new brews when I visted Mexico last year.
Here’s my submission to the player category: the Will of the Horde feat!
Feedback appreciated!
I can see the Blessing in this for sure, but what is the possessed part? Maybe it should not be a random spirit, but one that clings to you, and can communicate with your goblin even when not in use? And you can expel that specific spirit to do the attack, only for it to return and continue nagging you when it dissipates.?
Potion of the Divine Aspect - Legendary Consumable This potion is made from the essence of a long dead god. It looks like liquid silver, and occasionally shows glimpses of the astral plane. When you drink this potion, you make a religion check using your Wisdom score. This check cannot have advantage or disadvantage from any source. <1: You die in a burst of radiant light. You come back in 1d4 hours, with all of your equipment in tact. 1-5: The sight is too powerful. Gain one level of exhaustion and short term madness. 6-10: You have divine guidance- The next check of your choice before your next long rest may be rerolled, taking the highest roll. 11-15: You have a vision of some future or far off event as chosen by your DM 16-20: Your connection to the divine is enhanced. You learn one cleric cantrip of your choice. 21-25: For a moment, you see as a god does, and may retain 1d12 memories of your DM's choice. 26-30: You brush against divinity, casting augury. You communicate with the god whose essence made this potion. >30: You use Divine Intervention as if you were a level 20 cleric serving the long dead god.
radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical/nonsilver weapons
Damage Immunities
Condition Immunities
blinded, poisoned
darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
Celestial, Common, telepathy 10 ft.
1 (200 XP)
Magic Resistance.
The Seraph has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Variant: Familiar.
The Seraph can serve another creature as a familiar, forming a telepathic bond with its willing master. While the two are bonded, the master can sense what the Seraph senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. While the Seraph is within 10 feet of its master, the master shares the Seraph's Magic Resistance trait. At any time and for any reason, the Seraph can end its service as a familiar, ending the telepathic bond.
The Seraph sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light in an additional 10 ft. The Seraph can end or activate this effect using a bonus action.
Innate Spellcasting.
The Seraph can innately cast the Guidance cantrip, requiring no material components. Its innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom.
The Seraph magically turns invisible until it attacks, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the Seraph wears or carries is invisible with it.
Heavenly Weapon.
Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) force damage. If the target is a fiend, they take take an extra 3(1d6) radiant damage.
Seraphs are tiny, angelic beings who serve the gods and aid in the never ending fight against good and evil. They appear as small, well-muscled, humanoid figures with skin the color of Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Jade, though other variations exist. Feathered wings of light sprout from their backs and they often carry some sort of small weapon that blazes with holy radiance. The head of a Seraph is usually a disconnected, floating, geometrical shape that matches with their alignment. A Lawful Good Seraph’s head would be a cube, Neutral Good is a sphere, and Chaotic Good is a pyramid. An eye looks out from each face of the shape or, in the case of the sphere-headed ones, they dot the surface evenly.
Dutiful Workers These creatures serve the gods, faithfully fulfilling every task they are given to the best of their ability. They are often used as messengers and heralds, but sometimes they are tasked with serving a mortal as their familiar. They take this job very seriously, often perching on their earthly master’s right shoulder and advising them on every situation.
Fallen Angels Most Seraphs are faithful followers of the god they serve. However, it is not unheard of for one of these angels to become deceived by the lure of power and leave heaven to join the ranks of the fiends. A powerful devil can transform a willing Seraph into an imp, completely changing its statblock.
Fragments of Angelic Power It is said that in the early days of creation the angels were mighty creatures of magnificent power, but their numbers were small. Nine of the most mighty angels saw that there was much to be done but they could only be in so many places at once. So they each divided themselves into millions of tiny fragments of their power, creating Seraphs. While Seraphs are small and considerably weaker than the other angels, they are still treated with dignity and respect for the sacrifice their creators made.
Appreciator of all things Weird, Wondrous, and/or Yummy
In the Autumn Country, days end quickly, the gloaming hours linger, and the midnights pile one upon the other till the air is thick and flows like twilight syrup.
Good afternoon all, first time entrant here so hopefully I've got the format correct.
This is my entry into the Interactive Options category. A Trap / Boss Battle "The Hallucinatory Panic Chamber". This is my first time formally writing out an encounter, hopefully I've provided enough detail. Please let me know if anything needs elaborating on, feedback is most welcome.
The Hallucinatory Panic Chamber
As the players enter a seemingly ordinary chamber, they are immediately enveloped in a thick, green fog that obscures their vision. It appears as if poisonous gas is filling the room, and the floor seems to be slowly dissolving into a pool of rising acid. These effects are a trap created by an Adult Oblex (or Elder Oblex depending on player level), and the perceived poisonous gas and rising acid are entirely illusory. The illusion aims to make the players believe they are choking and burning. Panic should set in, causing them to scream, shout, and scramble for safety, all the while failing to identify the larger threat.
The Oblex, hidden somewhere in the chamber, uses its "Eat Memories" action, weakening the distracted players. As they shout and panic, their emotional energy and distressed thoughts feed the Oblex.
Once the Oblex has consumed the memories of a player, the trap progresses to its next stage. The Oblex now uses its "Sulfurous Impersonation" feature to create a simulacrum of that player, obfuscating the original in the illusion. The Oblex will then use this simulacrum to attempt to make the players turn on each other and keep them in the trap, arguing that one of them triggered the trap or is withholding vital information. This will require player buy-in, but it adds to the chaos and fear in the room, reducing the chances of the Oblex's trap being discovered before it's too late.
To escape the illusion and return to a traditional boss fight: A successful Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom (Insight) check can help players realise that they are taking psychic damage instead of acid or poison damage, implying that the effects are illusory. A Wisdom (Perception) check may identify the faint smell of sulfur, a key tell of the Oblex. Or, casting spells like Dispel Magic or Detect Magic can reveal the true nature of the trap.
If this is your first time joining us, welcome. The purpose of this thread is to spread a little bit of fun in the form of a friendly competition! Your task: Create an original homebrew that is totally original and makes us go “wow!” The end products will be rated by members of the community, and the victor of each category will help create the next Finest ‘Brew contest!
Entries must be submitted before 11:59 pm EST on Monday, October 30th to be considered part of the competition.
Contest Categories
In each Finest Brew contest, there are three categories. Each category is judged separately. There can only be one entry per category per person. The category types are as follows:
This time, our category themes are:
DM Options: Touch the Divine
As the battle rages on, a warrior bathed in rays of gold dives from the heavens and charges the enemy, heralding victory for their allies. A group of adventurers delving into a deep lair utilize a divine artifact that sends demons fleeing like mice from a cat. The party encounters a dying coatl seeking someone to carry its knowledge. All magic from the Upper Planes or the gods is considered “divine”, but beyond a cleric, parties rarely encounter anything closely related to the heavens. What grandeur, what divine blessings — or divine wrath — might a party encounter on their journeys?
PC Options: Blessed and Possessed
You see noone around you, but you know that you are not alone, that you are not yourself. There is something in your brain or in your body. Or in your mind. Something that bestows great power upon you, but also something that will consume you - unless you learn to harness, to dominate it or unless you find a cure for it.
It could be an illithid tadpole that grants you great psionic powers - well, at least until the inevitable ceremorphosis happens. It could be the spirit of an evil necromancer clinging to your body, refusing to die. It could be the essence of an ancient god using your body as a vessel in an attempt to return to the world of the living... whatever it is, it is dangerous. For yourself and for the world.
On the other hand, whatever it is, it could be considered a blessing due to the powers it grants. But... how much are you still yourself, how much control do you have over your own mind?
Interactive Options: It's not a trick Meyonmon... it's an ILLUSION!
The world is false. Strip away one layer of fiction and seek not truth, but only the next layer. Become the storyteller and show us what tales of enthralling illusions, mind-bending trials, and unreal worlds emerge from the conflicting narratives of reality.
Voting will start Tuesday October 31st (or thereabouts, once the survey is made) and will end at 11:59 pm EST on Tuesday November 7th. A Google Forms poll for each category will be posted on this thread, and all may vote on it - including and especially contestants. Contestants are encouraged to vote 5 and 5 on their own submissions; all scores will have 5 subtracted from both voting categories. Scores are assigned using a numerical value from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Written Feedback
You have the option to give written feedback, should you choose, for any entries on the forms. Written feedback does not factor into a contestants score.
We are hoping that by giving everyone more criteria to vote on for each entry, you will think about each aspect and not feel the need to cram all of your thoughts into a single number. We are also hoping that having multiple scores contribute to the total will make ties less likely to occur.
Please try to take the time to review and vote for every entry, except for your own, in the categories you vote in, as even one vote can easily sway a competition like this. If there's anything you feel very strongly about, also feel free to review it in the thread! Reviews won't count for anything, but it's nice to get feedback!
Category Winners
Each of the two final scores will be added together to constitute the entry's total score, with the highest score determining the winner of each category. The winner of each individual category will pick the theme for that category in the next competition. If there is a tie, then they can work together to come up with a theme. If you pick the theme for a category, then you cannot compete in it in the next competition.
Contest Winner
The entry with the highest individual score across the three categories will then be coronated as the contest winner and become the judge of the next competition. To clarify, this means that the highest of the 3 high scores is the winner.
Guides & Mini-FAQ* & Changelog
WAIT! Before you see the 5th level Wall of Text in this FAQ’s* & Guides section, and decide not to submit to the competition because you don’t want to read it, remember that reading this section is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not need to read any of this to submit something for the competition, to pick a category, or to become the next judge. This is merely a helpful tool if you’re confused. You have no obligation to read or use it!
Guide for Competition & Category Winners
Competition Winner
The competition winner becomes the next judge, they are responsible for doing the following:
Category Winners
A category winner must do the following:
Mini FAQ*
Q. Wait, how do I submit?
A. You just make a post in the competition thread with either a link to your entry, or your entry typed out in it. It helps to add what category you’re submitting to, but it is not strictly necessary since it’s pretty easy to figure out what type of category the entry is for.
Q. Can you vote on your own submission?
A. Yes. Contestants are encouraged strongly to vote, and to vote 5 & 5 on their own submissions, as 5 will be subtracted from each score while being calculated. This is to maintain fair voting while encouraging votes.
Q. Where can I find the forms for voting?
A. When the competition submission time ends, voting will start soon. You vote on a google form. The judge should link the forms near the voting section when they’re up, and they will probably also make a post on the thread announcing that voting’s started with the link.
Q. Can I have multiple submissions in the same competition?
A. Yes, you can have multiple submissions for the same competition. HOWEVER, as described in the “Contest Categories” section of this competition, you can only have one entry per category. For example, you can make something for the DM’s Options, PC Options, and Inspirational Options, but you can't make two things for PC Options and one for DM’s.
Q. I’ve already submitted something for X category, can I change my submission for it?
A. Yes, you can change your submission for a specific category as long as the deadline for submissions has not yet been reached. Do remember that if you’re changing your submission, it is best to edit your original post with your first submission to say that it is obsolete, and necessary to make a new one to announce & link your new submission. Also, do keep in mind that it does create a bit more work for the judges when you edit your submission, because they have to update the links. However, it is alright to do so.
Q. Is written feedback optional and does it effect an entries score?
A. Yes, written feedback is optional. No, it does not effect an entries score.
Q. Is the scoring by total score, or by average score?
A. The scoring is done by both average scores (Balance/Playability, Idea/Creativity) being added together for a final score. All scores have -5 when being calculated for reasons stated elsewhere.
Q. How do I know if my submission is more appropriate for the DM category or the Interactive category?
A. If it is not obvious which of the two categories your submission would make sense for, then it really comes down to which pillar of the game you seek to explore. DM Options are more closely tied to combat whereas Interactive Options are more closely tied to exploration and social encounters.
As an example, if you have an NPC with a stat block and you are not sure where to submit, consider whether the goal of incorporating the NPC into a game would be to fight the PCs or for the PCs to gather information from it. Its possible to write a strong, social-focused NPC who still has a stat block just in case things turn towards combat, but if your desire for the NPC is to interact with the PCs through roleplay, then it likely is more fitting for the Interactive Category. If your desire is for the NPC to maybe roleplay a little, but ultimately engage the party in combat, then it would be closer to a "monster" and fit in the DM category.
DM Options: Touch the Divine
Rings of Divine Intervention - ZombiesKlein
Potion of the Divine Aspect - HeresJohnny1
Seraph - The_Summoning_Dark
Shawl of the Gods - Quar1on
Champion's Breastplate - Helmut McQuack
Godly Statuette - Jewfro32
Prayerbook of Divine Service - Dragon_Shark
Unstoppable God - god_of_death212
Celestial Shard - IamSposta
Bahamut - Semako
Estival Chains - Yalim
Icon of the Sparkling Wit - Gnomarchy
PC Options: Blessed and Possessed
Mandrakal Vampirism - ZombiesKlein
Will of the Horde - MilesToGo_24
Woodsong - Dark_Jester89
Progeny - IamSposta
Interactive Options: It's not a trick Meyonmon... it's an ILLUSION!
The Hallucinatory Panic Chamber - Dragon_Shark
Mildor - ZombiesKlein
Cognitohazardous Zone - MilesToGo_24
Previous Competitions
The Competition of the Finest Brews I - Judged by Yamana_Eajii. (Thread accidentally deleted)
The Competition of the Finest Brews II - Judged by Thauraeln_The_Bold.
The Competition of the Finest Brews III - Judged by TabaxiRogueFighterClericWarlock
The Competition of the Finest Brews IV - Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews V - Judged by ThorukDuckSlayer
The Competition of the Finest Brews VI - Judged by Semako
The Competition of the Finest Brews VII - Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest Brews VIII — Judged by Heartofjuyomk2
The Competition of the Finest Brews IX— Judged by IamSposta
The Competition of the Finest Brews X — Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews XI - Judged by BoringBard
The Competition of the Finest Brews XII- Judged by ThorukDuckSlayer
The Competition of the Finest Brews XIII - Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews XIV- Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XV - Judged by IamSposta
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XVI - Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XVII - Judged by ZombiesKlein
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Excited to participate!
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Yeah, these categories should be fun. I'm thinking of a warlock patron for the PC category, a living plague that inhabits the pact-sworn. I'm not very good at subclasses, though. I really want to re-submit my resplendent coautl for the DM category, but I think it's better to submit something new.
Oooooooooh... and it ends on my birthday...
I got a few ideas.
Really want to work on the interactive, but the other two as well...
Looks pretty cool. I already have a few ideas so maybe I will be able to participate this time.
By the way, could you elaborate somewhat on the interactive theme? I’m not quite sure I understand what’s being said in it
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Sure. It's meant to be very broad, but anything involving illusions or subverted expectations. I have in mind puzzles and traps that rely on illusions, but also terrain and encounters that are more than they seem. Even a good adventure prompt involving grand illusions would work nicely.
Looking forward to this! I should be able to get something in for the DM options (got a couple of ideas already), and the PC category prompt is interesting… we shall see.
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
PC Options: Blessed and Possessed
Mandrakal Vampirism (Supernatural Gift)
You have contracted a special string of vampirism through the consuming of a vampire's blood. You are connected to the vampire whose blood you drank, turning you into a pale reflection of this creature. This gives you the following traits:
I am also here.
Am snek.
DM Options: Touch the Divine
Rings of Divine Intervention (Magic Items)
Gold Ring of Divine Intervention
Once per day, recharging at Dawn, if you are attuned to this ring and wearing it, you may call upon a random divine being for intervention. Roll a d100, and consult the table below to see the resulting effect. If a deity answers, they are not required to help you, or may ask for something in return.
Silver Ring of Divine Intervention
Once every other day, recharging at Dawn of the second day, if you are attuned to this ring and wearing it, you may call upon a random divine being for intervention. Roll a d100, and consult the table below to see the resulting effect. If a deity answers, they are not required to help you, or may ask for something in return.
Bronze Ring of Divine Intervention
Once per week, recharging at Dawn of the first day of the week, if you are attuned to this ring and wearing it, you may call upon a random divine being for intervention. Roll a d100, and consult the table below to see the resulting effect. If a deity answers, they are not required to help you, or may ask for something in return.
I am also here.
Am snek.
I'm a bit busy with preparing a trip to Japan, so instead of brewing something new, I am posting some older homebrew that fits the theme ^^ Will still try to make something new for the Interactive Option when I have some time and muse.
I am also here.
Am snek.
Here’s my submission to the player category: the Will of the Horde feat!
Feedback appreciated!
EDIT: changed link to v1.1 to avoid confusion
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Enjoy! Maybe the trip will give you inspiration. I thought of a couple of new brews when I visted Mexico last year.
Thanks mate!
I am also here.
Am snek.
I can see the Blessing in this for sure, but what is the possessed part? Maybe it should not be a random spirit, but one that clings to you, and can communicate with your goblin even when not in use? And you can expel that specific spirit to do the attack, only for it to return and continue nagging you when it dissipates.?
I am also here.
Am snek.
Potion of the Divine Aspect - Legendary Consumable
This potion is made from the essence of a long dead god. It looks like liquid silver, and occasionally shows glimpses of the astral plane.
When you drink this potion, you make a religion check using your Wisdom score. This check cannot have advantage or disadvantage from any source.
<1: You die in a burst of radiant light. You come back in 1d4 hours, with all of your equipment in tact.
1-5: The sight is too powerful. Gain one level of exhaustion and short term madness.
6-10: You have divine guidance- The next check of your choice before your next long rest may be rerolled, taking the highest roll.
11-15: You have a vision of some future or far off event as chosen by your DM
16-20: Your connection to the divine is enhanced. You learn one cleric cantrip of your choice.
21-25: For a moment, you see as a god does, and may retain 1d12 memories of your DM's choice.
26-30: You brush against divinity, casting augury. You communicate with the god whose essence made this potion.
>30: You use Divine Intervention as if you were a level 20 cleric serving the long dead god.
>1 means greater than one, I think you mean <1
I am also here.
Am snek.
Tiny celestial (Angel), lawful, neautral, or chaotic good
Armor Class
Hit Points
17 (3d4 + 3)
20 ft., fly 40 ft.
8 (-1)
16 (+3)
13 (+1)
11 (+0)
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
Insight +4, Persuasion +3, Religion +2, Stealth +5
Damage Resistances
radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical/nonsilver weapons
Damage Immunities
Condition Immunities
blinded, poisoned
darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
Celestial, Common, telepathy 10 ft.
1 (200 XP)
Magic Resistance.
The Seraph has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Variant: Familiar.
The Seraph can serve another creature as a familiar, forming a telepathic bond with its willing master. While the two are bonded, the master can sense what the Seraph senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. While the Seraph is within 10 feet of its master, the master shares the Seraph's Magic Resistance trait. At any time and for any reason, the Seraph can end its service as a familiar, ending the telepathic bond.
The Seraph sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light in an additional 10 ft. The Seraph can end or activate this effect using a bonus action.
Innate Spellcasting.
The Seraph can innately cast the Guidance cantrip, requiring no material components. Its innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom.
The Seraph magically turns invisible until it attacks, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the Seraph wears or carries is invisible with it.
Heavenly Weapon.
Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) force damage. If the target is a fiend, they take take an extra 3(1d6) radiant damage.
Seraphs are tiny, angelic beings who serve the gods and aid in the never ending fight against good and evil. They appear as small, well-muscled, humanoid figures with skin the color of Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Jade, though other variations exist. Feathered wings of light sprout from their backs and they often carry some sort of small weapon that blazes with holy radiance. The head of a Seraph is usually a disconnected, floating, geometrical shape that matches with their alignment. A Lawful Good Seraph’s head would be a cube, Neutral Good is a sphere, and Chaotic Good is a pyramid. An eye looks out from each face of the shape or, in the case of the sphere-headed ones, they dot the surface evenly.
Dutiful Workers These creatures serve the gods, faithfully fulfilling every task they are given to the best of their ability. They are often used as messengers and heralds, but sometimes they are tasked with serving a mortal as their familiar. They take this job very seriously, often perching on their earthly master’s right shoulder and advising them on every situation.
Fallen Angels Most Seraphs are faithful followers of the god they serve. However, it is not unheard of for one of these angels to become deceived by the lure of power and leave heaven to join the ranks of the fiends. A powerful devil can transform a willing Seraph into an imp, completely changing its statblock.
Fragments of Angelic Power It is said that in the early days of creation the angels were mighty creatures of magnificent power, but their numbers were small. Nine of the most mighty angels saw that there was much to be done but they could only be in so many places at once. So they each divided themselves into millions of tiny fragments of their power, creating Seraphs. While Seraphs are small and considerably weaker than the other angels, they are still treated with dignity and respect for the sacrifice their creators made.
This is my entry for the DM’s Options category.
Good afternoon all, first time entrant here so hopefully I've got the format correct.
This is my entry into the Interactive Options category. A Trap / Boss Battle "The Hallucinatory Panic Chamber". This is my first time formally writing out an encounter, hopefully I've provided enough detail. Please let me know if anything needs elaborating on, feedback is most welcome.
The Hallucinatory Panic Chamber
As the players enter a seemingly ordinary chamber, they are immediately enveloped in a thick, green fog that obscures their vision. It appears as if poisonous gas is filling the room, and the floor seems to be slowly dissolving into a pool of rising acid. These effects are a trap created by an Adult Oblex (or Elder Oblex depending on player level), and the perceived poisonous gas and rising acid are entirely illusory. The illusion aims to make the players believe they are choking and burning. Panic should set in, causing them to scream, shout, and scramble for safety, all the while failing to identify the larger threat.
The Oblex, hidden somewhere in the chamber, uses its "Eat Memories" action, weakening the distracted players. As they shout and panic, their emotional energy and distressed thoughts feed the Oblex.
Once the Oblex has consumed the memories of a player, the trap progresses to its next stage. The Oblex now uses its "Sulfurous Impersonation" feature to create a simulacrum of that player, obfuscating the original in the illusion. The Oblex will then use this simulacrum to attempt to make the players turn on each other and keep them in the trap, arguing that one of them triggered the trap or is withholding vital information. This will require player buy-in, but it adds to the chaos and fear in the room, reducing the chances of the Oblex's trap being discovered before it's too late.
To escape the illusion and return to a traditional boss fight: A successful Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom (Insight) check can help players realise that they are taking psychic damage instead of acid or poison damage, implying that the effects are illusory. A Wisdom (Perception) check may identify the faint smell of sulfur, a key tell of the Oblex. Or, casting spells like Dispel Magic or Detect Magic can reveal the true nature of the trap.