Here’s my submission to the player category: the Will of the Horde feat!
Feedback appreciated!
I can see the Blessing in this for sure, but what is the possessed part? Maybe it should not be a random spirit, but one that clings to you, and can communicate with your goblin even when not in use? And you can expel that specific spirit to do the attack, only for it to return and continue nagging you when it dissipates.?
Well, the idea is that you're hosting a bunch of goblin soldier souls, but I can see where you're coming from. If I do add more to the feat, though, it'll probably be too powerful unless I nerf the main feature.
Since it's common, it's great to give to people of reasonable means within a theocratic city/nation.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny. Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny. Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
Here’s my submission to the player category: the Will of the Horde feat!
Feedback appreciated!
I can see the Blessing in this for sure, but what is the possessed part? Maybe it should not be a random spirit, but one that clings to you, and can communicate with your goblin even when not in use? And you can expel that specific spirit to do the attack, only for it to return and continue nagging you when it dissipates.?
Well, the idea is that you're hosting a bunch of goblin soldier souls, but I can see where you're coming from. If I do add more to the feat, though, it'll probably be too powerful unless I nerf the main feature.
That's fair, I just thought more flavor wise, rather then actual mechanical benefits. Like Make it clearer you're possessed by goblins
Interactive Options: It's not a trick Meyonmon... it's an ILLUSION!
Mildor (Deity)
God of the Veil
Mildor is often referred to as the mage beyond the Veil. He is said to have once been a mortal man by some, while others claim him the child of gods. Whatever he is, he is a master of everything the veil hides. He weaves a complex web of illusions and mystic trickery to elude the notice of other gods. And his locations are only known to those who he wishes to know. Few can say to have ever really met him, and even his clerics are uncertain of his actual existence.
Mildor appears rarely, but when he does it is dressed top to bottom in illusive clothing. Thick padded armor, long frivolous robes, long coats and whatever else that can hide his true appearance. Though anything about him is shrouded in mystery, he is considered a male deity by most.
Mildor’s Influence
Mortals do not often feel Mildor’s influence directly, but he is present in every trick, illusion or falsehood. Hypnosis is his invention and the weaving of that which is not is impossible without the veil he provides. Mildor’s influence is meant to be undetected. True worship of Mildor means that a cleric will never reveal themselves as such.
While mostly a god of this veil, Mildor is sometimes invoked as a god of reality too. That which is not, cannot exist without that which is. As such the separation that Mildor provides is seen as equal to a sort of guardian of what is real.
Mildor’s Goals
Mildor’s real goals are unknowable. But those that know of them ascribe to him a personality of mischief and casual bemusement of the antics of other gods and mortals alike. His main goal seems to be to keep the veil in place. But as nobody but him has seen what is truly beyond this veil, it is a mystery as to why this is so important.
Divine Relationships
As this guardian of the veil, Mildor has very few real divine relationships. He seems to get along with such unknowable dieties as Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep, but this is just speculation. His main relationships seem to be with Mystra, Leira and Mask. The three of them being allies in the weaving of illusions and keeping things hidden. In Theros his main ally is Phenox.
Mildor’s main problems seem to have nothing to do with Evil or Good, but with those that would break the veil. Those who shed light on the hidden such as Savras and Selûne, or those who mindlessly tear against the real such as Tiamat and Moander are amongst his enemies. In Theros his main opponent seems to be Heliod, whose bright sun sheds light upon his devices.
Worshiping Mildor
Worship of Mildor is only done in private ceremonies. It is a subtle ritual in which one performs a rite of another god while weaving in slight alterations to grab the attention of Mildor. Those who perform it successfully will not know they did until Mildor deems them worthy. And those that fail can draw the ire of the god whose ritual they mimicked. But it is said that if you’ve worshiped Mildor properly, you’ll be granted a second life in secret.
Mildor has no feasts or holy days. A worshiper of Mildor is required to keep that fact hidden and as such must dutifully observe the holy days of other deities.
Mildor’s legends are few and far between, but they do exist. They have been left as breadcrumbs to a select few that have the potential to become one of his followers.
The Illusion of El-Qygor. El-Qygor is a known city at the end of the world that has many inhabitants and relations with other cities. But there is a legend that this city does not actually exist. The existence of El-Qygor would be one big illusion created by Mildor to hide what is really present in that location. All visits to the city are false memories, and all visitors are false shades.
Mildor’s Appearance to Leira. Leira was not always meant to be a goddess of deception. It is said that she managed to be one of the few gods to draw the eye of Mildor. The mage from beyond the veil appeared before Leira and convinced her that her true domain should be hidden from the world. Leira was intrigued and questioned Mildor. Mildor gave her a glimpse beyond the veil and Leira was convinced, weaving her domain in so many lies that it became deception itself.
The Man Who Could Not See Reality. Once there was a prince with a strange condition. He could not see anything that was real. He could only see illusions and tricks and that which is not. As such the man went through life pretending to be a truly blind man, as his condition scared him. When he heard of Mildor, he thought the god would be his salvation. Eventually after much worship, Mildor appeared before him. But as he could not see the realness that Mildor cloaks himself in,, he saw only the great illusions. The sight the man saw was so shocking that it obliterated him, leaving only an empty husk behind.
Most worshipers of Mildor will never confess themselves as such willingly. They believe in secrecy and deception. Most will claim worship of another deity entirely whose rituals they will also perform.
Mildor’s Favor
As most mortals will never hear of him, Mildor only seeks worship from those that already have potential. When mortal agents are necessary, Mildor often seeks the charlatans and secret keepers of the world. The Mildor’s Favor table offers several suggestions for the nature of your connection to the god.
Mildor’s Favor
You have been a long time liar and fraud who has never been caught.
You were trusted long ago with a secret, and have never told anybody.
In a moment of bravery you stared down authority and lied to their faces.
You have spent your life studying illusions and sleight of hand.
Serving Mildor runs in the family, unbeknownst to you, your parent also served him.
You got a small peak beyond the veil and are forever connected to its guardian.
Devotion to Mildor
Servants of Mildor facilitate the protection of the veil and keep reality intact. As a follower of Mildor, consider the possibilities on the Mildor’s Ideals table as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
Mildor’s Ideals
Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (Any)
Reality. The laws of reality must be protected, the alternative is unspeakable. (Lawful)
Deception. Lying is my nature and I seek to speak falsehood as truth. (Evil or neutral)
Specialness. I want to be in on the universe’s greatest secret, and will do anything to be so special. (Neutral)
Keeper. Once I have been trusted with a secret, I will keep it forever. (Good or neutral)
Prankster. I love tricks and illusions, what harm can it really cause if I meddle in those things. (Chaotic)
Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to Mildor when you honor him or the protection of the veil through acts such as these:
Performing complex illusions that leave people baffled
Obscuring investigations which could lead to forbidden knowledge
Performing the rituals of another god in the secret honor of Mildor
Your piety score to Mildor decreases if you diminish the Veil’s stability, impede his work, or perform forbidden acts such as these:
Gathering too much attention on yourself
Dispelling an illusion or unveiling a magician’s trick
Aiding those who seek to look beyond the veil
Mildor’s Devotee
Piety 3+ Mildor trait
Your life is intertwined with the master of the veil. You can cast Distort Value or Disguise Self with this trait, requiring no vocal components, a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Mildor’s Votary
Piety 10+ Mildor trait
You can cast Major Image with this trait, requiring no vocal components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Mildor’s Disciple
Piety 25+ Mildor trait
When you die, you automatically cast Reincarnate on yourself without components. You can only do this once. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. The casting of this spell takes an hour. If you are revived through other means before this spell’s casting is over, the spell is interrupted and does not count as your one use.
Champion of the Veil
Piety 50+ Mildor trait
You can increase your Intelligence or Dexterity score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.
I have finished version 1.0 of my DM submission, the Champion's Breastplate. Along with it is a feat to replicate some of its limited-use and rollable features in the character sheet.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
Mildor’s legends are few and far between, but they do exist. They have been left as breadcrumbs to a select few that have the potential to become one of his followers.
The Illusion of El-Qygor. El-Qygor is a known city at the end of the world that has many inhabitants and relations with other cities. But there is a legend that this city does not actually exist. The existence of El-Qygor would be one big illusion created by Mildor to hide what is really present in that location. All visits to the city are false memories, and all visitors are false shades.
Mildor’s Appearance to Leira. Leira was not always meant to be a goddess of deception. It is said that she managed to be one of the few gods to draw the eye of Mildor. The mage from beyond the veil appeared before Leira and convinced her that her true domain should be hidden from the world. Leira was intrigued and questioned Mildor. Mildor gave her a glimpse beyond the veil and Leira was convinced, weaving her domain in so many lies that it became deception itself.
The Man Who Could Not See Reality. Once there was a prince with a strange condition. He could not see anything that was real. He could only see illusions and tricks and that which is not. As such the man went through life pretending to be a truly blind man, as his condition scared him. When he heard of Mildor, he thought the god would be his salvation. Eventually after much worship, Mildor appeared before him. But as he could not see the realness that Mildor cloaks himself in,, he saw only the great illusions. The sight the man saw was so shocking that it obliterated him, leaving only an empty husk behind.
First time entering. My players and I really like this item. Hope all of you do too! Feedback is also appreciated.
For the DM Options: Touch the Divine category.
Godly Statuette
Wondrous Item, very rare
A small statuette made of stone that has been bless by the god or goddess that it depicts. A creature can cast one of these statuettes into a fire. Doing so will release the blessing and allow the creature to attempt a Devine Intervention from that deity. The creature will roll a d100 and attempt to role below its level or CR (minimum of 1).
If the intervention is successful, a deity may interpret the words of the request however they may choose depending on the creatures beliefs, morals, and relationship with the deity. Once the intervention is complete the creature can not use this ability again for 7 days.
You can’t tooltip a homebrewed magic item. (You can fake a tooltip for one though if you follow the instructions in the General Homebrew FAQ #9: [].) However, you can also just link it as long as it’s published, or copy/paste it if it isn’t.
First time entering. My players and I really like this item. Hope all of you do too! Feedback is also appreciated.
For the DM Options: Touch the Divine category.
Godly Statuette
Wondrous Item, very rare
A small statuette made of stone that has been bless by the god or goddess that it depicts. A creature can cast one of these statuettes into a fire. Doing so will release the blessing and allow the creature to attempt a Devine Intervention from that deity. The creature will roll a d100 and attempt to role below its level.
If the intervention is successful, a deity may interpret the words of the request however they may choose depending on the creatures beliefs, morals, and relationship with the deity. Once the intervention is complete the creature can not use this ability again for 7 days.
First time entering. My players and I really like this item. Hope all of you do too! Feedback is also appreciated.
For the DM Options: Touch the Divine category.
Godly Statuette
Wondrous Item, very rare
A small statuette made of stone that has been bless by the god or goddess that it depicts. A creature can cast one of these statuettes into a fire. Doing so will release the blessing and allow the creature to attempt a Devine Intervention from that deity. The creature will roll a d100 and attempt to role below its level.
If the intervention is successful, a deity may interpret the words of the request however they may choose depending on the creatures beliefs, morals, and relationship with the deity. Once the intervention is complete the creature can not use this ability again for 7 days.
I'd put "Level or CR (Minimum of one)" for creatures that don't have a level like NPCs and Enemies.
Well, the idea is that you're hosting a bunch of goblin soldier souls, but I can see where you're coming from. If I do add more to the feat, though, it'll probably be too powerful unless I nerf the main feature.
MilestoGo_24's alt.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXI, and share your work!
Be not afraid.
Wait. Actually, be very afraid.
My submission for DM Options: Touch the Divine:
The Shawl of the Gods!
Since it's common, it's great to give to people of reasonable means within a theocratic city/nation.
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny.
Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
I like it, it is funny.
"Which god are you asking for help?"
"Whichever is available!"
Hey, mortals can't be choosers.
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny.
Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
Thank all the available gods for that.
I mean, that's the same idea behind my rings XD
I am also here.
Am snek.
That's fair, I just thought more flavor wise, rather then actual mechanical benefits. Like Make it clearer you're possessed by goblins
I am also here.
Am snek.
Interactive Options: It's not a trick Meyonmon... it's an ILLUSION!
Mildor (Deity)
God of the Veil
Mildor is often referred to as the mage beyond the Veil. He is said to have once been a mortal man by some, while others claim him the child of gods. Whatever he is, he is a master of everything the veil hides. He weaves a complex web of illusions and mystic trickery to elude the notice of other gods. And his locations are only known to those who he wishes to know. Few can say to have ever really met him, and even his clerics are uncertain of his actual existence.
Mildor appears rarely, but when he does it is dressed top to bottom in illusive clothing. Thick padded armor, long frivolous robes, long coats and whatever else that can hide his true appearance. Though anything about him is shrouded in mystery, he is considered a male deity by most.
Mildor’s Influence
Mortals do not often feel Mildor’s influence directly, but he is present in every trick, illusion or falsehood. Hypnosis is his invention and the weaving of that which is not is impossible without the veil he provides. Mildor’s influence is meant to be undetected. True worship of Mildor means that a cleric will never reveal themselves as such.
While mostly a god of this veil, Mildor is sometimes invoked as a god of reality too. That which is not, cannot exist without that which is. As such the separation that Mildor provides is seen as equal to a sort of guardian of what is real.
Mildor’s Goals
Mildor’s real goals are unknowable. But those that know of them ascribe to him a personality of mischief and casual bemusement of the antics of other gods and mortals alike. His main goal seems to be to keep the veil in place. But as nobody but him has seen what is truly beyond this veil, it is a mystery as to why this is so important.
Divine Relationships
As this guardian of the veil, Mildor has very few real divine relationships. He seems to get along with such unknowable dieties as Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep, but this is just speculation. His main relationships seem to be with Mystra, Leira and Mask. The three of them being allies in the weaving of illusions and keeping things hidden. In Theros his main ally is Phenox.
Mildor’s main problems seem to have nothing to do with Evil or Good, but with those that would break the veil. Those who shed light on the hidden such as Savras and Selûne, or those who mindlessly tear against the real such as Tiamat and Moander are amongst his enemies. In Theros his main opponent seems to be Heliod, whose bright sun sheds light upon his devices.
Worshiping Mildor
Worship of Mildor is only done in private ceremonies. It is a subtle ritual in which one performs a rite of another god while weaving in slight alterations to grab the attention of Mildor. Those who perform it successfully will not know they did until Mildor deems them worthy. And those that fail can draw the ire of the god whose ritual they mimicked. But it is said that if you’ve worshiped Mildor properly, you’ll be granted a second life in secret.
Mildor has no feasts or holy days. A worshiper of Mildor is required to keep that fact hidden and as such must dutifully observe the holy days of other deities.
Mildor’s legends are few and far between, but they do exist. They have been left as breadcrumbs to a select few that have the potential to become one of his followers.
The Illusion of El-Qygor. El-Qygor is a known city at the end of the world that has many inhabitants and relations with other cities. But there is a legend that this city does not actually exist. The existence of El-Qygor would be one big illusion created by Mildor to hide what is really present in that location. All visits to the city are false memories, and all visitors are false shades.
Mildor’s Appearance to Leira. Leira was not always meant to be a goddess of deception. It is said that she managed to be one of the few gods to draw the eye of Mildor. The mage from beyond the veil appeared before Leira and convinced her that her true domain should be hidden from the world. Leira was intrigued and questioned Mildor. Mildor gave her a glimpse beyond the veil and Leira was convinced, weaving her domain in so many lies that it became deception itself.
The Man Who Could Not See Reality. Once there was a prince with a strange condition. He could not see anything that was real. He could only see illusions and tricks and that which is not. As such the man went through life pretending to be a truly blind man, as his condition scared him. When he heard of Mildor, he thought the god would be his salvation. Eventually after much worship, Mildor appeared before him. But as he could not see the realness that Mildor cloaks himself in,, he saw only the great illusions. The sight the man saw was so shocking that it obliterated him, leaving only an empty husk behind.
Mildor’s Champions
Alignment: Usually Neutral
Suggested Classes: Rogue, wizard, sorcerer, bard
Suggested Cleric Domains: Trickery, Arcana
Suggested Backgrounds: Hermit, charlatan, haunted one, inheritor
Most worshipers of Mildor will never confess themselves as such willingly. They believe in secrecy and deception. Most will claim worship of another deity entirely whose rituals they will also perform.
Mildor’s Favor
As most mortals will never hear of him, Mildor only seeks worship from those that already have potential. When mortal agents are necessary, Mildor often seeks the charlatans and secret keepers of the world. The Mildor’s Favor table offers several suggestions for the nature of your connection to the god.
Mildor’s Favor
You have been a long time liar and fraud who has never been caught.
You were trusted long ago with a secret, and have never told anybody.
In a moment of bravery you stared down authority and lied to their faces.
You have spent your life studying illusions and sleight of hand.
Serving Mildor runs in the family, unbeknownst to you, your parent also served him.
You got a small peak beyond the veil and are forever connected to its guardian.
Devotion to Mildor
Servants of Mildor facilitate the protection of the veil and keep reality intact. As a follower of Mildor, consider the possibilities on the Mildor’s Ideals table as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
Mildor’s Ideals
Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (Any)
Reality. The laws of reality must be protected, the alternative is unspeakable. (Lawful)
Deception. Lying is my nature and I seek to speak falsehood as truth. (Evil or neutral)
Specialness. I want to be in on the universe’s greatest secret, and will do anything to be so special. (Neutral)
Keeper. Once I have been trusted with a secret, I will keep it forever. (Good or neutral)
Prankster. I love tricks and illusions, what harm can it really cause if I meddle in those things. (Chaotic)
Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to Mildor when you honor him or the protection of the veil through acts such as these:
Your piety score to Mildor decreases if you diminish the Veil’s stability, impede his work, or perform forbidden acts such as these:
Mildor’s Devotee
Piety 3+ Mildor trait
Your life is intertwined with the master of the veil. You can cast Distort Value or Disguise Self with this trait, requiring no vocal components, a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Mildor’s Votary
Piety 10+ Mildor trait
You can cast Major Image with this trait, requiring no vocal components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Mildor’s Disciple
Piety 25+ Mildor trait
When you die, you automatically cast Reincarnate on yourself without components. You can only do this once. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. The casting of this spell takes an hour. If you are revived through other means before this spell’s casting is over, the spell is interrupted and does not count as your one use.
Champion of the Veil
Piety 50+ Mildor trait
You can increase your Intelligence or Dexterity score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.
I am also here.
Am snek.
I have finished version 1.0 of my DM submission, the Champion's Breastplate. Along with it is a feat to replicate some of its limited-use and rollable features in the character sheet.
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
I love these.
Thank you!
I am also here.
Am snek.
When will contestants be added to the list? Or are you only adding them at the end?
I am also here.
Am snek.
Will of the Horde (v1.1), now with more flavor description.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Honestly, I love this so much, guarenteed 5 on idea already :P
I am also here.
Am snek.
Thanks so much!
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
First time entering. My players and I really like this item. Hope all of you do too! Feedback is also appreciated.
For the DM Options: Touch the Divine category.
Godly Statuette
Wondrous Item, very rare
A small statuette made of stone that has been bless by the god or goddess that it depicts. A creature can cast one of these statuettes into a fire. Doing so will release the blessing and allow the creature to attempt a Devine Intervention from that deity. The creature will roll a d100 and attempt to role below its level or CR (minimum of 1).
If the intervention is successful, a deity may interpret the words of the request however they may choose depending on the creatures beliefs, morals, and relationship with the deity. Once the intervention is complete the creature can not use this ability again for 7 days.
You can’t tooltip a homebrewed magic item. (You can fake a tooltip for one though if you follow the instructions in the General Homebrew FAQ #9: [].) However, you can also just link it as long as it’s published, or copy/paste it if it isn’t.Nevermind.
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What if a creature doesn’t have a level?
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
I'd put "Level or CR (Minimum of one)" for creatures that don't have a level like NPCs and Enemies.
I am also here.
Am snek.