First time entering. My players and I really like this item. Hope all of you do too! Feedback is also appreciated.
For the DM Options: Touch the Divine category.
Godly Statuette
Wondrous Item, very rare
A small statuette made of stone that has been bless by the god or goddess that it depicts. A creature can cast one of these statuettes into a fire. Doing so will release the blessing and allow the creature to attempt a Devine Intervention from that deity. The creature will roll a d100 and attempt to role below its level.
If the intervention is successful, a deity may interpret the words of the request however they may choose depending on the creatures beliefs, morals, and relationship with the deity. Once the intervention is complete the creature can not use this ability again for 7 days.
I'd put "Level or CR (Minimum of one)" for creatures that don't have a level like NPCs and Enemies.
Thank you, changes have been made. I'm surprised I didn't catch that sooner. Most of the reoccurring bad guys in my campaigns are leveled so I guess it never came up.
First time entering. My players and I really like this item. Hope all of you do too! Feedback is also appreciated.
For the DM Options: Touch the Divine category.
Godly Statuette
Wondrous Item, very rare
A small statuette made of stone that has been bless by the god or goddess that it depicts. A creature can cast one of these statuettes into a fire. Doing so will release the blessing and allow the creature to attempt a Devine Intervention from that deity. The creature will roll a d100 and attempt to role below its level.
If the intervention is successful, a deity may interpret the words of the request however they may choose depending on the creatures beliefs, morals, and relationship with the deity. Once the intervention is complete the creature can not use this ability again for 7 days.
I'd put "Level or CR (Minimum of one)" for creatures that don't have a level like NPCs and Enemies.
Could also index it to proficiency bonus, as that transcends PC/NPC/monster divides.
This is my entry into the 'DM Options: Touch the Divine' category: "Prayerbook of Divine Service".
A magic item which allows the user to become a contractor / freelancer / mercenary of the gods. Please let me know if any elements require elaborating on or clarifying, feedback is most welcome.
Hmm... been a while since I did stuff on forums. Ill make something for this :). Feel free to start bothering me in PMs or smth if its getting close to the due date and I still havent posted anything, lol. I got a few ideas
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Enethia is running a library, Kalnor is with one of his friends(Likely Mithris), Mali is making an elixir, Asari is sad, Ink is dying in Kalnoia, Nox is dead, Zal is eating cheese fries, Tefeerinn is experiencing fuller life, Shardia is watching the safehouse, Mabij is prepping for a trial, Hrakor is running from prophesy, Viperitahk is locked in a strange battle, Void is watching, Redd is writing all of these. See the EXTENSION for the rest
Snippet: You have been touched by the spirits of the wild, and this connection to nature is anything but subtle. You are tethered to the wild and untamed aspects of nature, feeling a constant pull to return to it.
Apologies in advance because I'm sure this question has been asked in a previous thread. If I were to write something like a one-shot, but it involved an interact element could I submit the individual element under Interactive Options while also including it in the one-shot that I submit as a DM option?
Some examples:
The DM option is a dungeon. One of the rooms is a puzzle room. I submit the puzzle room as an Interactive option.
The DM option is an investigation. I flesh out one of the NPCs and submit it as an Interactive option, while also including the writeup (or maybe a link to the writeup) in the DM option submission.
The DM option is a mystery adventure, and one of the clues is a poem. I make the poem my Interactive option, and include a copy of it in the mystery adventure as part of my DM option.
Apologies in advance because I'm sure this question has been asked in a previous thread. If I were to write something like a one-shot, but it involved an interact element could I submit the individual element under Interactive Options while also including it in the one-shot that I submit as a DM option?
Some examples:
The DM option is a dungeon. One of the rooms is a puzzle room. I submit the puzzle room as an Interactive option.
The DM option is an investigation. I flesh out one of the NPCs and submit it as an Interactive option, while also including the writeup (or maybe a link to the writeup) in the DM option submission.
The DM option is a mystery adventure, and one of the clues is a poem. I make the poem my Interactive option, and include a copy of it in the mystery adventure as part of my DM option.
Historically, I believe homebrew pieces with other homebrew pieces inside (such as IAmSposta’s Arcane Sleuth & its custom spells) have been allowed. Can’t speak for whether one of those pieces can be submitted, though personally I wouldn’t allow it. It’s up to juyo (Gnomarchy).
Apologies in advance because I'm sure this question has been asked in a previous thread. If I were to write something like a one-shot, but it involved an interact element could I submit the individual element under Interactive Options while also including it in the one-shot that I submit as a DM option?
Some examples:
The DM option is a dungeon. One of the rooms is a puzzle room. I submit the puzzle room as an Interactive option.
The DM option is an investigation. I flesh out one of the NPCs and submit it as an Interactive option, while also including the writeup (or maybe a link to the writeup) in the DM option submission.
The DM option is a mystery adventure, and one of the clues is a poem. I make the poem my Interactive option, and include a copy of it in the mystery adventure as part of my DM option.
Historically, I believe homebrew pieces with other homebrew pieces inside (such as IAmSposta’s Arcane Sleuth & its custom spells) have been allowed. Can’t speak for whether one of those pieces can be submitted, though personally I wouldn’t allow it. It’s up to juyo (Gnomarchy).
Yeah, nested homebrews have traditionally been allowed as long as they’re all entered as a single submission. Entering a piece of an entry in a different category would be new though. We’ll have to see how Gnomearch rules on it.
Apologies in advance because I'm sure this question has been asked in a previous thread. If I were to write something like a one-shot, but it involved an interact element could I submit the individual element under Interactive Options while also including it in the one-shot that I submit as a DM option?
Some examples:
The DM option is a dungeon. One of the rooms is a puzzle room. I submit the puzzle room as an Interactive option.
The DM option is an investigation. I flesh out one of the NPCs and submit it as an Interactive option, while also including the writeup (or maybe a link to the writeup) in the DM option submission.
The DM option is a mystery adventure, and one of the clues is a poem. I make the poem my Interactive option, and include a copy of it in the mystery adventure as part of my DM option.
Historically, I believe homebrew pieces with other homebrew pieces inside (such as IAmSposta’s Arcane Sleuth & its custom spells) have been allowed. Can’t speak for whether one of those pieces can be submitted, though personally I wouldn’t allow it. It’s up to juyo (Gnomarchy).
Yeah, nested homebrews have traditionally been allowed as long as they’re all entered as a single submission. Entering a piece of an entry in a different category would be new though. We’ll have to see how Gnomearch rules on it.
Sorry I missed this for so long! I'm inclined to allow this scheme. We can let the voting sort it all out in the end. What do you all think?
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny. Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
Thank you, changes have been made. I'm surprised I didn't catch that sooner. Most of the reoccurring bad guys in my campaigns are leveled so I guess it never came up.
Could also index it to proficiency bonus, as that transcends PC/NPC/monster divides.
I'll update it sometime this weekend. There were a flood of entrants over the past few days, huh!
Good afternoon / evening.
This is my entry into the 'DM Options: Touch the Divine' category: "Prayerbook of Divine Service".
A magic item which allows the user to become a contractor / freelancer / mercenary of the gods. Please let me know if any elements require elaborating on or clarifying, feedback is most welcome.
Please hold. You are currently 973rd in the queue. Your prayer is important to Pelor. ♪♪♪
Goddammit, Fine, I'll go to Loviatar, her queue is usually very short.
I am also here.
Am snek.
Wow, this competition brings back so much nostalgia. I might see if I can find time to participate again.
BoringBard's long and tedious posts somehow manage to enrapture audiences. How? Because he used Charm Person, the #1 bard spell!
He/him pronouns. Call me Bard. PROUD NERD!
Ever wanted to talk about your parties' worst mistakes? Do so HERE. What's your favorite class, why? Share & explain
HERE.Would be great to see a veteran in action :P
I am also here.
Am snek.
Hmm... been a while since I did stuff on forums. Ill make something for this :). Feel free to start bothering me in PMs or smth if its getting close to the due date and I still havent posted anything, lol. I got a few ideas
Enethia is running a library, Kalnor is with one of his friends(Likely Mithris), Mali is making an elixir, Asari is sad, Ink is dying in Kalnoia, Nox is dead, Zal is eating cheese fries, Tefeerinn is experiencing fuller life, Shardia is watching the safehouse, Mabij is prepping for a trial, Hrakor is running from prophesy, Viperitahk is locked in a strange battle, Void is watching, Redd is writing all of these. See the EXTENSION for the rest
My submission for PC Options: Blessed and Possessed
Snippet: You have been touched by the spirits of the wild, and this connection to nature is anything but subtle. You are tethered to the wild and untamed aspects of nature, feeling a constant pull to return to it.
Tools for easy reference
Rollable JOSN Generator for Rollable Tags (Credit to: MidniteOil21)
The Optimists' Guide to D&D 5E Damage by Class DPR (Credit to: MakingLemonade)
Apologies in advance because I'm sure this question has been asked in a previous thread. If I were to write something like a one-shot, but it involved an interact element could I submit the individual element under Interactive Options while also including it in the one-shot that I submit as a DM option?
Some examples:
Historically, I believe homebrew pieces with other homebrew pieces inside (such as IAmSposta’s Arcane Sleuth & its custom spells) have been allowed. Can’t speak for whether one of those pieces can be submitted, though personally I wouldn’t allow it. It’s up to juyo (Gnomarchy).
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Yeah, nested homebrews have traditionally been allowed as long as they’re all entered as a single submission. Entering a piece of an entry in a different category would be new though. We’ll have to see how Gnomearch rules on it.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Sorry I missed this for so long! I'm inclined to allow this scheme. We can let the voting sort it all out in the end. What do you all think?
Honestly, I have no problem with nested homebrew, as long as the nested part also stands as a stand-alone
I am also here.
Am snek.
Sounds cool to me!
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny.
Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
Is the contessants list up2date? I feel like some are missing
I am also here.
Am snek.
I haven’t submitted quite yet for the Players’ Options category, but I will be later this week.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
I’ve got an idea I may try building for the PC category, but we’ll see if I actually get it in in time.
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
Here is my submission for the Players’ Options: (
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