"Greetings, foundlings, and salutations! You have decided to enter the mystical halls of the ’Brews, where you might learn some most astonishing mysteries and solve the most tangled of puzzles. Your task is to present us with something we haven't seen before, and have it make us look upon it with delight. You have but a few tendays to create your product and show it to us, so we suggest you get to work!"
- Meyonmon Merridith, Ex-Candlekeep Scholar
If this is your first time joining us, welcome. The purpose of this thread is to spread a little bit of fun in the form of a friendly competition! Your task: Create an item of homebrew (see below) that is totally original and makes us go “wow!” The end products will be rated by members of the community, and the victor of each category will help create the next Finest ‘Brew contest! The previous contests are linked below.
Entries must be submitted before 23:59 GMT on Friday, 12 Jan 2024to be considered part of the competition.
Contest Categories
In each Finest Brew contest, there are three categories. Each category is judged separately. There can only be one entry per category per person. The category types are as follows:
DM Options: Things that provide tools for DMs to make encounters more interesting and rewards more enticing - such as dungeons/encounters, magic items, monsters, random tables, or even optional rules/mechanics.
PC Options: Things that help a player will build and develop their character - such as homebrew classes, subclasses, spells, feats, backgrounds or race/lineage/species options.
Interactive Options: Things that affect how characters interact with the world, exploring both its social structure and environment - such as NPCs, puzzles, stories/lore, terrain, traps/hazards or even institutions like shops or taverns.
This time, our category themes are:
DM Options: There's a Time and a Place for That
You are challenged to craft the intricately nuanced, defy the generic, and focus instead on the uniquely specific. Picture a sentient blade that demands to be unsheathed only in shade, dropping its attunement if drawn in sunlight, or an ancient library accessible solely during the fleeting hours of twilight. Delve into the eccentricity of encounters that require acts of poetic valour or dungeons that reveal their secrets only when explored on specific days of the week. Envision monsters with idiosyncratic vulnerabilities or elusive strengths tied to celestial alignments or the weather. This category invites the creation of homebrew that adds a layer of weird specificity and unexpected correlations.
Player Options: Grab Your Sword
A knight in gleaming armor parries attack after attack, throwing his enemies off-balance with his greatsword. A young lord grows up, his parents insisting he be trained with the symbol of his family: a simple spear. A bounty hunter ensures none of the many knives hidden throughout his armor go to waste, using each one with surgical precision and deadly poise. Throughout D&D, it seems to be a common theme that weapons are simply less interesting than bending the laws of reality to your will with magic. It becomes your task to prove this viewpoint wrong by crafting homebrew about martial prowess and mastery of weapons.
Interactive Options: Once Upon a Time
Seven dwarves, the big bad wolf, an ugly duckling. The legends and tales that people tell their children. Does your world have fairy tales of their own? Do ours seep into another world and become real? Where are the realms of old stories? What will you do when you're living in wonderland? or climbing up the beanstalk yourself? Children's tales come to life, or our world being reduced to a storybook. Is it all happily ever after? Or do darker endings prevail?
Voting will start on Monday, 15 Jan 2024(or thereabouts, once the survey is made) and will end at 23:59 GMT on Sunday, 21 Jan 2024.A Google Forms poll for each category will be posted on this thread, and all may vote on it - including and especially contestants. Contestants are encouraged to vote 5 and 5 on their own submissions; all scores will have 5 subtracted from both voting categories. Scores are assigned using a numerical value from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Balance/Playability - This score is about how well the entry would run in game. If this entry is overpowered or underpowered, consider subtracting points. Also, consider subtracting points if it is poorly written or unclear, since that would make it a lot harder to understand and use in game.
Idea/Creativity- This score is about cool, interesting and unique the entry is. If someone's idea does not fit well into the contest category it is submitted for, consider subtracting points. If someone has put alot of extra work into the submission reflected by its length or artistic pieces, consider adding points
Written Feedback - You have the option to give written feedback, should you choose, for any entries on the forms. Written feedback does not factor into a contestants score.
We are hoping that by giving everyone more criteria to vote on for each entry, you will think about each aspect and not feel the need to cram all of your thoughts into a single number. We are also hoping that having multiple scores contribute to the total will make ties less likely to occur.
Please try to take the time to review and vote for every entry, except for your own, in the categories you vote in, as even one vote can easily sway a competition like this. If there's anything you feel very strongly about, also feel free to review it in the thread! Reviews won't count for anything, but it's nice to get feedback!
Determining Winners
Category Winners: Each of the two final scores will be added together to constitute the entry's total score, with the highest score determining the winner of each category.
The winner of each individual category will pick the theme for that category in the next competition. If there is a tie, then they can work together to come up with a theme. If you pick the theme for a category, then you cannot compete in it in the next competition.
Contest Winner: The entry with the highest individual score across the three categories will then be coronated as the contest winner and become the judge of the next competition. To clarify, this means that the highest of the 3 high scores is the winner.
If one person wins two or more categories, they win, regardless of if any of their individual scores are the highest.
If two or more entries are tied for highest score, the contestant with the highest total score for all of their entries will take the crown - so be sure to try and put something forward for every category to win a tiebreaker!
Guides & Mini-FAQ* & Changelog
WAIT! Before you see the 5th level Wall of Text in this FAQ’s* & Guides section, and decide not to submit to the competition because you don’t want to read it, remember that reading this section is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not need to read any of this to submit something for the competition, to pick a category, or to become the next judge. This is merely a helpful tool if you’re confused. You have no obligation to read or use it!
Guide for Competition & Category Winners
Competition Winner The competition winner becomes the next judge, they are responsible for doing the following:
They must start a private message thread between all the other category winners to figure out what themes the next categories will have. The judge must also pick the themes for all the categories they won. When possible, it is best to avoid reusing the same theme for the same category multiple times, though repeating themes for the same categories will be unavoidable eventually.
The judge must start the next competition thread. They can copy & paste most information from the previous competition thread, but must change the relevant information, such as dates and category themes. If you are the next judge and don’t know how long a given part of the competition, such as voting, should last, then just look at how long it lasted in the last competition, and have it be the same length for your competition. The judge should also update the “Contestants” section of their competition with links to each entry, and the name of the user who submitted it.
Once the time to submit entries ends, the judge is responsible for starting the google form for voting. If a judge doesn’t know how to do this, there will most likely be someone from the previous competition who would be willing to help if asked.
The judge should remove troll votes if there are any, and announce the scores and winners of the previous competition, after voting ends. It’s alright not to be able to do this immediately after voting ends, but the judge should try to do it as quickly as they can.
The judge, just like any other category winner, cannot submit anything to a category they created, or significantly impacted the creation of.
Category Winners A category winner must do the following:
They must pick the next competition's theme for the category they won. Other category winners can help advise you or give you ideas for the theme, but ultimately, it’s up to you to pick it. The judge should start a private message thread with you and the other category winners, and that’s where you tell them your next category idea.
If you pick a category's theme, you cannot participate in it in the next competition. In addition, if you played a very, very significant role in picking another category’s theme, it is best for you not to participate in it. For example, if another contestant gives a list of their five ideas for the next competition and lets you pick it, then you probably shouldn’t participate in that category for when that theme comes up. However, if you just say something like, “Ooh, that sounds like a cool category idea,” or, “I like that idea but it is a little confusing, maybe you could word it differently?” Then you didn’t play that significant of a role in choosing that category, so you can still participate in it.
Mini FAQ*
Q. Wait, how do I submit?
A. You just make a post in the competition thread with either a link to your entry, or your entry typed out in it. It helps to add what category you’re submitting to, but it is not strictly necessary since it’s pretty easy to figure out what type of category the entry is for.
Q. Can you vote on your own submission?
A. Yes. Contestants are encouraged strongly to vote, and to vote 5 & 5 on their own submissions, as 5 will be subtracted from each score while being calculated. This is to maintain fair voting while encouraging votes.
Q. Where can I find the forms for voting?
A. When the competition submission time ends, voting will start soon. You vote on a google form. The judge should link the forms near the voting section when they’re up, and they will probably also make a post on the thread announcing that voting’s started with the link.
Q. Can I have multiple submissions in the same competition?
A. Yes, you can have multiple submissions for the same competition. HOWEVER, as described in the “Contest Categories” section of this competition, you can only have one entry per category. For example, you can make something for the DM’s Options, PC Options, and Inspirational Options, but you can't make two things for PC Options and one for DM’s.
Q. I’ve already submitted something for X category, can I change my submission for it?
A. Yes, you can change your submission for a specific category as long as the deadline for submissions has not yet been reached. Do remember that if you’re changing your submission, it is best to edit your original post with your first submission to say that it is obsolete, and necessary to make a new one to announce & link your new submission. Also, do keep in mind that it does create a bit more work for the judges when you edit your submission, because they have to update the links. However, it is alright to do so.
Q. Is written feedback optional and does it effect an entries score?
A. Yes, written feedback is optional. No, it does not effect an entries score.
Q. Is the scoring by total score, or by average score?
A. The scoring is done by both average scores (Balance/Playability, Idea/Creativity) being added together for a final score. All scores have -5 when being calculated for reasons stated elsewhere.
Q. How do I know if my submission is more appropriate for the DM category or the Interactive category?
A. If it is not obvious which of the two categories your submission would make sense for, then it really comes down to which pillar of the game you seek to explore. DM Options are more closely tied to combat whereas Interactive Options are more closely tied to exploration and social encounters.
As an example, if you have an NPC with a stat block and you are not sure where to submit, consider whether the goal of incorporating the NPC into a game would be to fight the PCs or for the PCs to gather information from it. Its possible to write a strong, social-focused NPC who still has a stat block just in case things turn towards combat, but if your desire for the NPC is to interact with the PCs through roleplay, then it likely is more fitting for the Interactive Category. If your desire is for the NPC to maybe roleplay a little, but ultimately engage the party in combat, then it would be closer to a "monster" and fit in the DM category.
Weaveblade artificers have discovered their ability to use the weave to interact with the world around them. Using their mind to manipulate the objects and creatures around them, weaveblade artificers hone their mystical powers over years of dedication and training. These artificers have unlocked a connection to the weave and have constructed a blade of energy to as their primary tool. For good or ill, a weaveblade artificer's power and ability should never be underestimated.
Feats at 1st level
Some of the features of a weaveblade artificer are very similar to, if not duplications of parts of some feats. If you take the Telekinetic feat or the Telepathic feat at level 1 with a variant human, custom lineage, or homebrew rule allowing a starting feat, ask your GM if you can swap that feat out when these features are provided by the weaveblade’s progression (levels 3 and 5). Keep in mind these feats do give a +1 to an ability score and this specialist's features do not. You'll need to take that into account when choosing a replacement feat.
Weaveblade Spells
You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Weaveblade Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
The weaveblade artificer is inspired by a particular archetype made famous by modern day cinema. Known skills of this archetype include exceptional jumping and speed as well as the ability to control objects or creatures using their mind and connection to the universe. These skills can be recreated using several artificer spells that are not included in the weaveblade's current spells list but are available for any artificer to prepare.
When you choose this specialist at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation or Persuasion skills. You also gain proficiency with martial weapons.
At 3rd level, you learn the mage hand cantrip and your mage hand range is 30 feet. You can cast it without verbal or somatic components, and you can make the spectral hand invisible. If you already know this spell from another source, your mage hand range increases to 60 feet. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence.
As a bonus action, you can try to telekinetically shove one creature you can see within your mage hand range. When you do so, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + Intelligence) or be moved a number of feet equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus in any direction. A creature can willingly fail this save.
At 3rd level, you learn an attunement ritual that transforms a one-handed melee weapon into a weaveblade. You perform the ritual over 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual. If the weaveblade was made from a weapon with magical properties, those properties persist.
The weaveblade is a martial melee weapon with the Finesse and Light properties and sheds dim light in a 15-foot radius. The weapon is composed of a hilt that, while held in your hand, can emit a blade of pure radiant energy without requiring an action. When you attack with a weaveblade, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls. The blade deals radiant damage and its damage die is a d6. The damage die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a d10 at 9th level, and a d12 at 15th level.
You can use the weaveblade as your spell casting focus. You can have up to two weaveblades created this way. If you attempt to create a third weaveblade, you must break your attunement with one of the other two weaveblades, which reverts the transformation back into the weapon it was previously.
Weavepull As a bonus action, you can attempt to recall a weaveblade to your hand. You must succeed on an Intelligence(Arcana) check (DC 20 - your proficiency bonus). If you succeed, you can recall a weaveblade that is 30 or 60 feet away, depending on your mage hand range. If the weaveblade you are attempting to recall to your hand is being held by another creature, you and the creature would both make contested Intelligence(Arcana) checks. You can only recall one weaveblade, a single time as bonus action.
Weavedeflect Also while wielding a weaveblade, you can attempt to use your reaction to deflect an incoming hit by a ranged weapon attack. You must succeed on an Intelligence(Arcana) check (DC 20 - your proficiency bonus). If you succeed, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can deflect the missile. You can make a ranged attack with the piece of ammunition you just deflected, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with your spell attack modifier and has a normal range of 30 or 60 feet away, depending on your mage hand range. The damage is whatever was originally rolled as damage for the attack.
Dual Wielding on Dndbeyond
It is currently not possible to add a bonus action off hand weaveblade attack through this subclass. I have created homebrew weapons that can be used instead. Using these homebrew weapons utilizes your attunement slots correctly. Search for weaveblade in the homebrew magic items section and add the appropriate damage die versions to your collection. You should add two copies of the appropriate weaveblade, one regular, one for your offhand bonus action attack.
Unarmored Defense
Beginning at 3rd level, while you are wearing no armor, wielding at least one weaveblade, and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
At 5th level, you can speak telepathically to any creature you can see within double your mage hand range, either 60 or 120, feet from you. Your telepathic utterances are in a language you know, and the creature understands you only if it knows that language. Your communication doesn't give the creature the ability to respond to you telepathically.
You can cast the detect thoughts spell, it's range is determined by your mage hand range, and requires no spell slot or components, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it this way again. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. If you have spell slots of 2nd level or higher, you can cast this spell with them.
At 9th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Improved Weaveblade
At 15th level, you have learned the weaveblade to be a valuable weapon and that this weapon is your life. You have mastered techniques of the weaveblade only known to a few. Some of the features below rely on your mage hand range. If you learned the mage hand cantrip from something other than the Weaveblade feature you gain at 3rd level, your mage hand range will be 60 feet. Otherwise your mage hand range is 30 feet:
Thrown Weapon Your weaveblade gains the Thrown property. Your range when throwing the weaveblade is 30/60 or 60/120, depending on your mage hand range.
Weavepull You do not need to make an Intelligence(Arcana) check to recall a weaveblade to your hand. You can now recall two weaveblades with a single bonus action. If the weaveblade is being held by another creature, you would still have to win the contested Intelligence(Arcana) check.
Weavecatch When you take lightning damage from a source you can see and are not surprised or incapacitated while wielding at least 1 weaveblade, you can use your reaction to become immune to lightning damage until the start of your next turn as the weaveblade absorbs and disperses this energy.
Weavedeflect You do not need to make an Intelligence(Arcana) check to use your reaction to deflect incoming ranged attacks. The damage is now reduced by 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier.
Weaveshield If you take the Dodge action while wielding at least one weaveblade, you and any creature of your choice within 5 feet of you is protected with three-quarters cover until the start of your next turn. If any creature you select is targeted for an attack, you expend your reaction for this round. If any creature you have selected to benefit from this moves further than 5 feet away from you, they lose this benefit. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
Here's my tentative and incomplete entry for the PC category. I've rebuilt the "combat focus" feats from 3.5e into a fighter subclass. Basic idea is that spellcasters have a concentration mechanic, so why shouldn't martials also have some sort of focus?
I'm not convinced that it's balanced yet, but it's along the lines of what I would do to make martials a bit more interesting. I'd be thrilled if you'd like to offer some feedback.
Talaric Battlemind
Battlemind Focus
3rd-level Talaric Battlemind feature
When you make a successful weapon attack, you can use a bonus action to enter a state of intense focus for one minute, until you expend it, or until you lose your concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). You can enter battlemind focus a number of times equal to twice your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While in a state of battlemind focus, you gain the following benefits.
Chain of Combat Awareness. As a bonus action, choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of you that you can see. You know whether each creature has fewer than half of their hit point maximum.
Chain of Personal Superiority. You can add your Wisdom modifier to all opposed ability checks, and all saving throws you make to avoid being moved or knocked prone.
Chain of Overwhelming Force
3rd-level Talaric Battlemind feature
On your turn, you can expend your combat focus to gain a bonus on your next attack roll made before the end of your turn equal to your Wisdom modifier. If you hit, roll a number of d8s equal to your Wisdom modifier and add the total to the damage roll.
Improved Battlemind Focus
7th-level Talaric Battlemind feature
While in a state of battlemind focus, you gain the following benefits.
Chain of Instinctual Awareness. You have blindsight out to a range in feet equal to five times your Wisdom bonus.
Chain of Enduring Body. You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your Wisdom bonus at the beginning of each of your turns.
Chain of Superior Reflexes
10th-level Talaric Battlemind feature
While in a state of battlemind focus, you get a number of special reactions equal to your Wisdom modifier that you can take once on every creature’s turn, except your turn. You can use this special reaction only to make an opportunity attack, and you can’t use it on the same turn that you take your normal reaction.
Chain of Surging Violence
15th-level Talaric Battlemind feature
As an action, you can expend your combat focus to move up to your speed. During this movement, you can make a weapon attack against a number of creatures within five feet of you equal to your Wisdom bonus.
Chain of Total Concentration
18th-level Talaric Battlemind feature
When you roll for initiative, you immediately enter a state of battlemind focus.
This impossibly thin blade can cut through anything if the wielder can convince it to do so.
Magic Weapon. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Unlocked Potential. As an action you can attempt to convince the blade to unlock it's true potential. Make a Charisma (Persuasion) check and consult the following table to determine the unlocked characteristics of the Reluctant Blade. The blade retains its unlocked characteristics for 1 minute. Once you make an attempt to persuade the blade, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Unlocked Potential
Cha. Check Total
4 or lower
The Reluctant Blade becomes a nonmagical longsword, and you can't add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls made using the blade.
The Reluctant Blade becomes a nonmagical longsword.
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the Reluctant Blade.
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the Reluctant Blade.
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the Reluctant Blade.
As 20-24 and the Reluctant Blade also functions as a dancing sword.
30 or higher
As 25-29, and the Reluctant Blade also functions as a vorpal sword.
Sentience. The Reluctant Blade is a sentient, neutral longsword with an Intelligence of 10, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 10. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. It can speak, read, and understand Common, and its voice sounds neutral and disinterested. The Reluctant Blade generally disdains violence, preferring long walks in the park, relaxing at the beach, and romantic poetry.
Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
Appreciator of all things Weird, Wondrous, and/or Yummy
In the Autumn Country, days end quickly, the gloaming hours linger, and the midnights pile one upon the other till the air is thick and flows like twilight syrup.
Feat : Massive Weapon User Requires: Proficiency in Martial weapons, Level 8+
As a bonus action you can magically enlarge your weapon to 3x larger than normal or return it to its normal size. While enlarged your weapon gains the following features:
The weapon deals triple it's normal damage dice, but can only be used to make one attack per turn.
A 19 or higher on the d20 for the attack is a critical hit.
Your reach with the weapon increases by 5 ft.
When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to try to block the strike with your weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC for that attack.
In addition, when you make an attack with this weapon you can choose one of the abilities below to add to that attack:
Sweep When you make an attack against a creature and miss, you can immediately make a new attack against a different creature that is also within your reach.
Fling When you hit a Huge or smaller creature with an attack, you can move that creature 10 ft in a direction of your choice (including vertically).
Stagger When you hit a creature with an attack, they cannot use a reaction until the start of their next turn, and have disadvantage on the next attack roll they make.
If your Strength score is less than 20, you make attacks with your enlarged weapon with disadvantage.
The Lunar Blade (any sword) This sword is magically tied to the lunar cycles, changing form depending on the position and phase of the moon. If the moon is not current in the sky then the sword is only it's platinum hilt with a large moonstone pommel gem and it cannot be used to make attacks. While the moon overhead the blade manifests according to the phase of the moon:
New Moon. The blade is invisible but still feels solid if touched. The sword deals force damage rather than it's normal damage type.
Half Moon. The blade glows with faint moon light, it creates 20 ft of dim light around it. The sword deals radiant damage rather than it's normal damage type.
Full Moon The blade glows brightly with reflected sunlight, it creates 30 ft of bright light (which counts as sunlight) around it and 30 ft of dim light beyond that. The sword deals radiant damage rather than it's normal damage type plus an extra 2d6 radiant damage on each hit.
The Alteration Adept is a fighter who has learned to harness the power of alteration magic to enhance their physical abilities and combat prowess.
Mystic Arms
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon with magical energy. As a bonus action, a weapon you are wielding become imbue with a mystical power from a table of magical armor features. For the next minute, that weapon becomes a magic weapon and gain the chosen property. If the weapon is already magic new property stack over the over the existing ones. You can only use one power at the time per weapon. As you advance in levels, you can choose increasingly powerful weapon characteristics.
This feature can be used a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You gain additional uses of this feature at certain levels. At 10th level, you gain an additional use. At 15th level, you gain two additional uses. At 18th level, you gain three additional uses. At 20th level, you gain four additional uses.
You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Table of magical weapon features:
Level 3
Weapon, +1
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Level 3
Flaming Weapon
Your weapon is sheathed in fire. It deals an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit. These flames shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
Level 3
Shocking Weapon
Your weapon is covered in lightning. It deals an extra 1d6 lightning damage on a hit, and it can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.
Level 5
Venom Weapon
Your weapon is coated of a thick, black poison. The poison remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature. That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute
Level 5
Vicious Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. It deals an extra 7 damage of the weapon’s type when you roll a 20 on your attack roll.
Level 7
Wounding Weapon
Hit points lost to this weapon’s damage can be regained only through a short or long rest, rather than by regeneration, magic, or any other means.
Level 7
Vampiric Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When you attack a creature and roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 10 necrotic damage if it isn't a construct or an undead. You also gain 10 temporary hit points.
Level 8
Keen Weapon
Your weapon’s critical hit range is increased by 1.
Level 9
Disruption Weapon
When you hit a fiend or an undead with this magic weapon, that creature takes an extra 2d6 radiant damage. If the target has 25 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be destroyed. On a successful save, the creature becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn.While you hold this weapon, it sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
Level 9
Radiant Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which deals radiant damage instead of its normal damage. When you hit an undead with it, that target takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
Level 11
Weapon, +2
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Level 11
Defending Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while wielding this weapon.
Level 13
Speed Weapon
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, you can make one attack with it as a bonus action on each of your turns.
Level 13
Thundering Weapon
When you hit with this weapon, it creates a thunderous boom audible out to 300 feet. The target and each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
Level 15
Sharp Weapon.
This feature only available if you're wielding a slashing weapon. When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 14 slashing damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20, you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb to sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead.
Level 15
Frost Weapon
When you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 cold damage. In addition, while you hold it, you have resistance to fire damage. In freezing temperatures, the blade sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. When you draw this weapon, you can extinguish all non-magical flames within 30 feet of you. This property can be used no more than once per duration of this feature.
Level 17
Throwing Weapon
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. When you hit with a ranged attack using this weapon, it deals an extra 1d8 damage
Level 17
Weapon, +3
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Level 18
Elemental Weapon
You choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. For the duration of the spell, the weapon has a +3 bonus to attack rolls and deals an extra 3d4 damage of the chosen type when it hits.
Level 19
Defender Weapon
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The first time you attack with the weapon on each of your turns, you can transfer some or all of the sword’s bonus to your Armor Class, instead of using the bonus on any attacks that turn. For example, you could reduce the bonus to your attack and damage rolls to +1 and gain a +2 bonus to AC. The adjusted bonuses remain in effect until the start of your next turn, although you must hold the sword to gain a bonus to AC from it.
Level 20
Vorpal Weapon
This feature only available if you're wielding a slashing weapon. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, the weapon ignores resistance to slashing damage.When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature's heads. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.
Mystic Armor
At 7th level, you learn to extend your alteration magic to your armor. As a bonus action, the armor you are wearing become imbue with a mystical power from a table of magical armor features. For the next minute, that armor gains the chosen property. If the armor is already magic new property stack over the over the existing ones. You can only use one power at the time . As you advance in levels, you can choose increasingly powerful armor characteristics.
This feature can be used a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You gain additional uses of this feature at certain levels. At 10th level, you gain an additional use. At 15th level, you gain two additional uses. At 18th level, you gain three additional uses. At 20th level, you gain four additional uses.
You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Table of magical armor features:
Level 7
Armor, +1
You gain an additional +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 7
Feather Falling Armor
When you fall while wearing this armor, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling.
Level 9
Resistance Armor
You gain resistance to one type of damage while you wear this armor. You could choose between Acid, Cold, Fire, Force or Lightning.
Level 9
Free Action Armor
While wearing this armor, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement. In addition, magic can neither reduce your speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or restrained.
Level 11
Armor, +2
You gain an additional +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 13
Jumping Armor
While wearing this armor, your jump distance is tripled. You also gain an additional +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 15
Levitation Armor
While wearing this armor, you can rise vertically, up to 20 feet, and remain suspended there for the duration. You can only move by pushing or pulling against a stationary object or surface within reach (such as a wall or ceiling), allowing you to move as if you were climbing. You can move up or down as part of your move. When the effect ends, you gently float back to the ground if still in the air. You also gain an additional +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 16
Invisibility Armor
While wearing this armor, you turn invisible as an action. Anything you are wearing or carrying is invisible with you. You remain invisible until the next minute, until you attack or until you use a bonus action to become visible again.
Level 17
Armor, +3
You gain an additional +3 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 18
Spellguard Armor
While wearing this armor, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, and spell attacks have disadvantage against you. You also gain an additional +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 19
Flying Armor
While wearing this armor, you gain a flying speed of 60 feet for the duration. When the effect ends, you fall if still aloft, unless you can stop the fall. You also gain an additional +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 20
Spell Turning Armor
While wearing this armor, you have advantage on saving throws against any spell that targets only you (not in an area of effect). In addition, if you roll a 20 for the save and the spell is 7th level or lower, the spell has no effect on you and instead targets the caster, using the slot level, spell save DC, attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the caster.
Mystic Speed
At 10th level, you gain the ability to alter your perception of time, moving with incredible speed. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can activate Mystic Speed. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:
You gain an additional action on each of your turns. This action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.
Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
You gain a +1 bonus to AC.
You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
At 15th level, your Energized Surge becomes more potent. The benefits now include:
Your movement speed increases by an additional 10 feet (total of 20 feet).
You gain a +2 bonus to AC.
You can now make two weapon attacks instead of one when you take the Attack action.
At 20th level, your Energized Surge reaches its peak. The benefits now include:
Your movement speed increases by an additional 10 feet (total of 30 feet).
You gain a +3 bonus to AC.
You can now make three weapon attacks instead of two when you take the Attack action.
You gain advantage on all saving throws.
When the effect ends, you can’t move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it.
Weapon Animation
At 15th level, you gain the ability to animate a weapon, making it fight alongside you. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can touch a weapon and imbue it with life. For the next hour, the weapon hovers in the air and fights for you, making attacks using your attack bonus. It can move up to 30 feet each turn to a target you command it to attack. If the weapon is ever more than 60 feet away from you, it falls to the ground and becomes inanimate. It has blindsight with a radius of 30 feet and is blind beyond that distance. When the animated weapon drops to 0 hit points, it reverts to its original object form, and any remaining damage carries over to its original weapon form. An animated weapon is a construct with AC, hit points, attacks, Strength, and Dexterity determined by its weight. Its Constitution is 10 and its Intelligence and Wisdom are 3, and its Charisma is 1.
Lightweight (dagger, handaxe, etc):
Hit Points: 25
Armor Class: 18
Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Damage: weapon damage plus a +4 bonus due to magical animation
Medium Weight (longsword, warhammer, etc):
Hit Points: 45
Armor Class: 16
Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Damage: weapon damage plus a +4 bonus due to magical animation
Heavyweight (greatsword, maul, etc):
Hit Points: 60
Armor Class: 14
Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Damage: weapon damage plus a +4 bonus due to magical animation
Ethereal Warrior
At 18th level, your mastery of alteration magic allows you to shift partially into the Ethereal Plane. As a bonus action, you can activate Ethereal Warrior. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:
You become partially ethereal, your form appearing ghostly and translucent. This gives you resistance to all nonmagical damage.
Your attacks deal an extra 2d6 force damage as they pass through defenses on their ethereal path.
As a reaction when you are hit by an attack, you can choose to let the attack pass through you harmlessly.
You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but you take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside a creature or an object. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Dragon Shark, I had a quick question about a potential submission for the PC option category. I have a Sorcerer subclass that I have been working on that basically allows the player to "wildshape" into a sentient weapon, which can either be self sufficient or wielded by another creature for working together. It has several abilities that focus on increasing the power of their weapon form, but also some which focus on allowing the Sorcerer to also benefit from their spellcasting while transformed.
In this way, the subclass I was thinking of submitting does have a "weapon" theme and could be used to boost a martial party member's power, but it is ultimately a full caster subclass and still has some magic abilities. Would this still fit the theme, or no?
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Dragon Shark, I had a quick question about a potential submission for the PC option category. I have a Sorcerer subclass that I have been working on that basically allows the player to "wildshape" into a sentient weapon, which can either be self sufficient or wielded by another creature for working together. It has several abilities that focus on increasing the power of their weapon form, but also some which focus on allowing the Sorcerer to also benefit from their spellcasting while transformed.
In this way, the subclass I was thinking of submitting does have a "weapon" theme and could be used to boost a martial party member's power, but it is ultimately a full caster subclass and still has some magic abilities. Would this still fit the theme, or no?
Weaveblade artificers have discovered their ability to use the weave to interact with the world around them. Using their mind to manipulate the objects and creatures around them, weaveblade artificers hone their mystical powers over years of dedication and training. These artificers have unlocked a connection to the weave and have constructed a blade of energy to as their primary tool. For good or ill, a weaveblade artificer's power and ability should never be underestimated.
Feats at 1st level
Some of the features of a weaveblade artificer are very similar to, if not duplications of parts of some feats. If you take the Telekinetic feat or the Telepathic feat at level 1 with a variant human, custom lineage, or homebrew rule allowing a starting feat, ask your GM if you can swap that feat out when these features are provided by the weaveblade’s progression (levels 3 and 5). Keep in mind these feats do give a +1 to an ability score and this specialist's features do not. You'll need to take that into account when choosing a replacement feat.
Weaveblade Spells
You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Weaveblade Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
The weaveblade artificer is inspired by a particular archetype made famous by modern day cinema. Known skills of this archetype include exceptional jumping and speed as well as the ability to control objects or creatures using their mind and connection to the universe. These skills can be recreated using several artificer spells that are not included in the weaveblade's current spells list but are available for any artificer to prepare.
When you choose this specialist at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation or Persuasion skills. You also gain proficiency with martial weapons.
At 3rd level, you learn an attunement ritual that transforms a one-handed melee weapon into a weaveblade. You perform the ritual over 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual. If the weaveblade was made from a weapon with magical properties, those properties persist.
The weaveblade is a martial melee weapon with the Finesse and Light properties and sheds dim light in a 15-foot radius. The weapon is composed of a hilt that, while held in your hand, can emit a blade of pure radiant energy without requiring an action. When you attack with a weaveblade, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls. The blade deals radiant damage and its damage die is a d6. The damage die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a d10 at 9th level, and a d12 at 15th level. You can use the weaveblade as your spell casting focus.
You can have up to two weaveblades created this way. If you attempt to create a third weaveblade, you must break your attunement with one of the other two weaveblades, which reverts the transformation back into the weapon it was previously.
Dual Wielding on Dndbeyond
It is currently not possible to add a bonus action weaveblade attack through this subclass. I have created homebrew weapons that can be used instead. Using these homebrew weapons utilizes your attunement slots correctly. Search for weaveblade in Add Items on your inventory tab. You should add two copies of the appropriate weaveblade, one regular, one for your offhand bonus action attack.
Unarmored Defense
Beginning at 3rd level, while you are wearing no armor, wielding at least one weaveblade, and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
At 3rd level, you learn the mage hand cantrip and your mage hand range is 30 feet. You can cast it without verbal or somatic components, and you can make the spectral hand invisible. If you already know this spell from another source, your mage hand range increases to 60 feet. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence.
As a bonus action, you can try to telekinetically shove one creature you can see within your mage hand range. When you do so, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + Intelligence) or be moved 5 feet in any direction. A creature can willingly fail this save. At 5th level this movement increases to 10 feet, at 9th level it increases to 15 feet, and at 15th level it increases to 20 feet.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
At 5th level, you can speak telepathically to any creature you can see within double your mage hand range, either 60 or 120, feet from you. Your telepathic utterances are in a language you know, and the creature understands you only if it knows that language. Your communication doesn't give the creature the ability to respond to you telepathically.
You can cast the detect thoughts spell, it's range is determined by your mage hand range, and requires no spell slot or components, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it this way again. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. If you have spell slots of 2nd level or higher, you can cast this spell with them.
At 9th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Improved Weaveblade
At 15th level, you have learned the weaveblade to be a valuable weapon and that this weapon is your life. You have mastered techniques of the weaveblade only known to a few. Some of the features below rely on your mage hand range. If you learned the mage hand cantrip from something other than the Weavehand feature you gain at 3rd level, your mage hand range will be 60 feet. Otherwise your mage hand range is 30 feet:
Thrown Weapon Your weaveblade gains the Thrown property. Your range when throwing the weaveblade is 30/60 or 60/120, depending on your mage hand range.
Weavepull As a bonus action, you can recall a thrown weaveblade to your hand. You can recall a weaveblade that is 30 or 60 feet away, depending on your mage hand range. You can only recall one weaveblade, a single time as bonus action.
Weavecatch While wielding at least 1 weaveblade, you can use your reaction to become immune to lightning damage until the start of your next turn as the weaveblade absorbs and disperses this energy.
Weavedeflect Also while wielding a weaveblade, you can use your reaction to deflect an incoming hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can deflect the missile. You can make a ranged attack with the piece of ammunition you just deflected, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with your spell attack modifier and has a normal range of 30 or 60 feet away, depending on your mage hand range. The damage is whatever was originally rolled as damage for the attack.
Weaveshield If you take the Dodge action while wielding at least one weaveblade, you and any creature of your choice within 5 feet of you is protected with three-quarters cover until the start of your next turn. If any creature you select is targeted for an attack, you expend your reaction for this round. If any creature you have selected to benefit from this moves further than 5 feet away from you, they lose this benefit. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
I'm a little surprised the capstone isn't called Weave Lord or Weave Knight depending on your alignment. Just a few comments:
I'm not sure why this is an artificer subclass. It feels like a variation on EK fighter or BS wizard. It would make more sense as an articier archetype if the abilities interacted with the core artificer features.
Weavehand could just index the distance pushed to a number of feet equal to five times your proficiency bonus for natural scaling.
Weavecatch uses a reaction, and thus needs a condition. Preface that ability by saying something like "when you take lightning damage from a source you can see and are not surprised or incapacitated" or some such.
Weavepull and Weavedeflect feel like they come very late in the progression. Here's an idea: make these weaveblade abilities available earlier and allow the character to sacrifice infusion slots for weaveblade abilities. This would address my first point.
Feat : Massive Weapon User Requires: Proficiency in Martial weapons, Level 8+
As a bonus action you can magically enlarge your weapon to 3x larger than normal or return it to its normal size. While enlarged you weapon gains the following features:
The weapon deals triple it's normal damage dice, but can only be used to make one attack per turn.
A 19 or higher on the d20 for the attack is a critical hit.
When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to try to block the strike with your weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC for that attack.
In addition, when you make an attack with this weapon you can choose one of the abilities below to add to that attack:
Sweep When you make an attack against a creature and miss, you can immediately make a new attack against a different creature that is also within your reach.
Fling When you hit a Huge or smaller creature with an attack, you can move that creature 10 ft in a direction of your choice (including vertically).
Stagger When you hit a creature with an attack, they cannot use a reaction until the start of their next turn, and have disadvantage on the next attack roll they make.
If your Strength score is less than 20, you make attacks with your enlarged weapon with disadvantage.
Neato. The latter part of the feat feels like it should interact with the new weapon masteries. A couple of comments:
Should not the reach of the weapon increase?
It feels like this feat should have a limited number of uses and a limited duration. Otherwise it's a bit OP.
The Lunar Blade (any sword) This sword is magically tied to the lunar cycles, changing form depending on the position and phase of the moon. If the moon is not current in the sky then the sword is only it's platinum hilt with a large moonstone pommel gem and it cannot be used to make attacks. While the moon overhead the blade manifests according to the phase of the moon:
New Moon. The blade is invisible but still feels solid if touched. The sword deals force damage rather than it's normal damage type.
Half Moon. The blade glows with faint moon light, it creates 20 ft of dim light around it. The sword deals radiant damage rather than it's normal damage type.
Full Moon The blade glows brightly with reflected sunlight, it creates 30 ft of bright light (which counts as sunlight) around it and 30 ft of dim light beyond that. The sword deals radiant damage rather than it's normal damage type plus an extra 2d6 radiant damage on each hit.
A tiny comment:
Moonlight in D&D is also a bane of shapechangers. I'd lean into that.
To make the weapon more generally useful, have the weapon serve as a dagger under normal circumstances, with a small blade that exists even out of moonlight.
The Alteration Adept is a fighter who has learned to harness the power of alteration magic to enhance their physical abilities and combat prowess.
Mystic Arms(Level 3):
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon with magical energy. As a bonus action, you can touch a nonmagical weapon and imbue it with mystical power. For the next minute, that weapon becomes a magic weapon, granting a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls. This feature can be used a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
At 7th level, the bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2 and at 10th level, the bonus increases to +3.
Enhanced Physique (Level 7):
At 7th level, You gain the ability to enhance your physical abilities. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can choose one of the following benefits, which lasts for 1 hour:
Endurance: You have advantage on Constitution checks and also gain 2d6 temporary hit points, which are lost when the effect ends.
Strength: You have advantage on Strength checks, and your carrying capacity doubles.
Grace: You have advantage on Dexterity checks, and you don’t take damage from falling 20 feet or less if you aren’t incapacitated.
Darkvision: You gain the ability to see in the dark, For the duration, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
At 10th level, you gain access to those additional benefits to enhance your physical abilities, which also lasts for 1 hour:
Aquatic Adaptation: You adapt your body to an aquatic environment, sprouting gills and growing webbing between your fingers. You can breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Natural Weapons: You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns, or a different natural weapon of your choice. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, as appropriate to the natural weapon you chose, and you are proficient with your unarmed strikes. Finally, the natural weapon is magic and you have a +1 bonus to the attack and damage rolls you make using it.
At 15th level, you can use this ability twice per long rest and at 18th level, you can use this ability thrice per long rest.
Energized Surge(Level 10):
At 10th level, you gain the ability to tap into a wellspring of energy that enhances your physical capabilities and quickens your actions. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can activate an Energized Surge. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:
You gain an additional action on each of your turns. This action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.
Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
You gain a +1 bonus to AC.
You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
When the effect ends, the target can't move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it.
Solid Form (Level 15):
At 15th level, you gain the ability to alter your skin to mimic the toughness of bark. Once per long rest, as an action, you can activate this feature to gain the following benefits for up to 1 hour:
Your skin takes on a rough, bark-like appearance.
Your AC can’t be less than 17, regardless of what kind of armor you are wearing.
You gain resistance to one type of nonmagical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) of your choice when being activated.
However, maintaining this form requires energy. If you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. While this feature is active, any healing you receive is halved. This represents the energy your body is using to maintain the form.
Alteration Savant (Level 18):
At 18th level, you gain the ability to alter your physical form to mimic the toughness and resilience of a legendary warrior. Once per long rest, you can gain temporary hit points equal to half your fighter level, and have advantage on the first attack roll each turn. This effect lasts for 10 minutes.
A few comments:
You know what I think would be a bit more fun than the current 3rd-level ability? A table of magical weapon features among which the player can choose. As the character advances, allow them to choose increasingly awesome weapon characteristics. I feel that would fit the alteration theme a bit more.
The 7th-level feature feels a bit weak. Constitution checks barely exist, and 2d6 thp will evaporate in a round. So on. At 5th, I'd give the character access to the enhance ability and alter self spells rather than just duplicating its effects, prof bonus times/LR.
The level-15 ability shouldn't restrict the damage reduction to nonmagical sources. At that level, you're not getting any mileage out of it.
The 18th-level ability annoys me a little. 9-10 thp is trifling. I'm also not a huge fan of thp in general.
Generally speaking, the last three features have the same flavor. You use your (non-magical?) energy to change your form into something better at combat, once per LR. I feel there could be more done here.
You know what I think would be a bit more fun than the current 3rd-level ability? A table of magical weapon features among which the player can choose. As the character advances, allow them to choose increasingly awesome weapon characteristics. I feel that would fit the alteration theme a bit more.
The 7th-level feature feels a bit weak. Constitution checks barely exist, and 2d6 thp will evaporate in a round. So on. At 5th, I'd give the character access to the enhance ability and alter self spells rather than just duplicating its effects, prof bonus times/LR.
The level-15 ability shouldn't restrict the damage reduction to nonmagical sources. At that level, you're not getting any mileage out of it.
The 18th-level ability annoys me a little. 9-10 thp is trifling. I'm also not a huge fan of thp in general.
Generally speaking, the last three features have the same flavor. You use your (non-magical?) energy to change your form into something better at combat, once per LR. I feel there could be more done here.
Here is my submission for Player Options: Grab Your Sword
Sorcerous Origin: Forged Soul
Since humans have walked on the material plane, war has followed them, with the victor being determined by superior weapons and ability. In eons past, mages conducted rituals to bind mortals and weapons together to act as soldiers for wars and conflicts. Forged Soul Sorcerers are those who are descendents of these living weapons or those who have been bound to weapons through some dark ritual of their own.
Armament Spells
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, shown in the Armament Spells table. Each of these spells count as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an abjuration or evocation spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
At 1st level, you gain the ability to shapechange into a sentient weapon. You can use your action to assume the form of a weapon of your choice that you have seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Your level determines the weapons you can transform into, as shown in the Weapon Form table.
Weapon Type
No Ranged weapons
Club, Dagger
Simple or Martial
No weapons with the Special property
Maul, Shortbow
Simple or Martial
You can stay in the shape a number of hours equal to half of your sorcerer level (rounded down). You then revert to your normal form unless you expend another use of this feature. You can revert to your normal form earlier using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically revert if you are incapacitated.
While transformed, the following rules apply:
Your game statistics are replaced with that of your Weapon Form (statistics outlined at the end of this subclass). Any equipment you are wearing/carrying merges into your new form.
When taking the form of a weapon with the versatile weapon property, you always use the higher of the two damage dice when you make an attack.
You ignore the loading property of ranged weapons, as you are able to magically load ammunition you were carrying into the weapon form.
Beyond the options presented in this subclass, you cannot cast spells and lose the ability to speak. Transforming doesn’t break your concentration on a spell you’ve already cast, however, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell that you’ve already cast.
You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the Weapon Form is capable of doing so.
While you are in your Weapon Form, another creature who is friendly to you can hold you in its hand(s) (using a free object interaction) and utilize you as a weapon of the type that you transformed into. The creature can use you to make weapon attacks as normal, and the following conditions are applied:
You are treated as having all of that weapon’s normal properties for your wielder, who adds their appropriate modifier for the attack and damage rolls as normal.
Your wielder can ignore the loading property of a ranged weapon you are transformed into if the ammunition is taken from what you were carrying before you transformed.
You and your wielder are treated as occupying the same space. You cannot utilize your flying speed while another creature is holding you.
You and your wielder can communicate telepathically.
Spell Slinging Weapon
Also at 1st level, while transformed into your Weapon Form, you have a limited access to your spellcasting:
You can cast any spell belonging to the Abjuration school of magic provided it has a single target which is either you or a creature holding you. You are able to maintain concentration on a spell cast this way while transformed.
You can cast any spell which would target a weapon, targeting yourself instead.
You can spend 1 sorcery point to cast a spell from the Evocation school of magic, provided it has a duration of instantaneous.
Any spell of 1st level or higher cast this way requires expending a spell slot as normal. When casting a spell using this feature, you ignore any verbal or somatic components the spell has. If the spell has a material component, you can spend 1 sorcery point to ignore that component as well, provided it does not have a cost associated with it or is consumed when casting the spell. Otherwise, you are able to supply any required material component so long as you were carrying it before you transformed.
Enhanced Weapon Form
At 6th level, while transformed using your Weapon Form feature, you can replace one attack you would make using the Multiattack feature with casting a cantrip provided it has a casting time of one action and belongs to the Abjuration or Evocation schools of magic.
Additionally any attack made by you (or a creature holding you) in your Weapon Form counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances or immunities to nonmagical attacks.
Magical Tempering
Starting at 14th level, while transformed into a weapon, using your action you can expend sorcery points to magically empower yourself. This empowerment lasts until the end of your next turn and you must maintain concentration on the effect as if concentrating on a spell. While the empowerment remains, attacks made by you in this form (or by a creature holding you) gain an additional benefits based on the type of damage your current form deals:
Bludgeoning:You become reinforced and empowered. On a hit, the attack deals an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each sorcery point expended.
Piercing:Your weapon form (or ammunition fired from it) becomes sharpened and barbed. On a successful attack, the target of the attack begins to bleed and cannot benefit from any effects which restore hit points while bleeding. The target takes additional necrotic damage at the start of its next turn equal to your Charisma modifier and the bleeding ends. For each sorcery point expended, the target continues to bleed for an additional round, taking necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. This does not affect undead, constructs, plants, or oozes.
Slashing:A blade of energy extends your reach, allowing you to cleave through groups of enemies. You or your wielder compares the value from an attack roll made to the AC of every creature in a 5ft cone in front of you. Each creature that would be hit suffers the attack’s damage and other effects. For every two sorcery points expended, the range of the cone increases by 5ft.
The empowerment ends early if you break concentration, are incapacitated, or lose your weapon form. The maximum number of sorcery points you can expend each time you use this feature is equal to your proficiency bonus.
True Semblance
At 18th level, you discover the truest weapon form tied to your soul. Choose a magic item from the Dungeon Master’s Guide that is a weapon and is not legendary in rarity, a sentient magic item, or a relic. When you use your Weapon Form feature, you can transform into the chosen magic weapon, and both you and any creature that is holding you gain the effects of that item for the duration. You both ignore any attunement requirements or curses associated with the chosen form. Once your Weapon Form ends or you change your form, you must complete a long rest before you can transform into your true semblance again.
If the chosen weapon deals a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, you can use your Magical Tempering feature for the chosen magic weapon based on the type of damage dealt by its mundane counterpart. For example, a Sun Blade could be magically tempered as if it dealt slashing damage. At the DM’s discretion, the magic weapon chosen can be altered (for example a Sun Blade could instead be a Sun Axe) or can be chosen from a different source outside of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Weapon Form (stat block)
Tiny Construct, your alignment
Armor Class: 12 + your Charisma modifier
Hit Points: 5 x your sorcerer level
Speed: 0 ft., Fly 30ft
Str: 10 (+0)Dex: 10 (+0)Con: 10 (+0)Int: Your Int Modifier Wis: Your Wis Modifier Cha: Your Cha Modifier
Saving Throws: You retain your saving throw proficiencies, but must use the modifiers of the Weapon Form.
Skill Proficiencies: You retain your skill proficiencies, but must use the modifiers of the Weapon Form.
Senses: Any special senses you had prior to transforming
Languages: Your known languages. Cannot speak (except telepathically when held by another creature)
Damage Threshold: You have a Damage Threshold equal to twice your Proficiency Bonus. Any damage from a single attack or effect that fails to meet or exceed your Damage Threshold is considered superficial and doesn’t reduce your hit points.
Weapon Appearance: You can take the Hide action against creatures that can see you. For this trait, the creatures’ Wisdom (Perception) is contested by your Charisma (Deception). You appear like a normal weapon to the creature(s) you are successfully hiding from.
Multiattack: You make a single weapon attack against a creature within the weapon’s range. Starting at 6th level you can make two weapon attacks with this action.
Weapon Attack: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack +your spell attack bonus to hit , reach/range according to weapon properties, Hit: Weapon’s damage die + your charisma modifier
Bonus Actions
Change Form: By expending 1 sorcery point, you can change into another weapon form. This counts as the same use of your Weapon Form feature, and you retain your current health point total.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews!Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Here is my submission for Player Options: Grab Your Sword
Sorcerous Origin: Forged Soul
Since humans have walked on the material plane, war has followed them, with the victor being determined by superior weapons and ability. In eons past, mages conducted rituals to bind mortals and weapons together to act as soldiers for wars and conflicts. Forged Soul Sorcerers are those who are descendents of these living weapons or those who have been bound to weapons through some dark ritual of their own.
Armament Spells
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, shown in the Armament Spells table. Each of these spells count as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an abjuration or evocation spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
At 1st level, you gain the ability to shapechange into a sentient weapon. You can use your action to assume the form of a weapon of your choice that you have seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Your level determines the weapons you can transform into, as shown in the Weapon Form table.
Weapon Type
No Ranged weapons
Club, Dagger
Simple or Martial
No weapons with the Special property
Maul, Shortbow
Simple or Martial
You can stay in the shape a number of hours equal to half of your sorcerer level (rounded down). You then revert to your normal form unless you expend another use of this feature. You can revert to your normal form earlier using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically revert if you are incapacitated.
While transformed, the following rules apply:
Your game statistics are replaced with that of your Weapon Form (statistics outlined at the end of this subclass). Any equipment you are wearing/carrying merges into your new form.
When taking the form of a weapon with the versatile weapon property, you always use the higher of the two damage dice when you make an attack.
You ignore the loading property of ranged weapons, as you are able to magically load ammunition you were carrying into the weapon form.
Beyond the options presented in this subclass, you cannot cast spells and lose the ability to speak. Transforming doesn’t break your concentration on a spell you’ve already cast, however, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell that you’ve already cast.
You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the Weapon Form is capable of doing so.
While you are in your Weapon Form, another creature who is friendly to you can hold you in its hand(s) (using a free object interaction) and utilize you as a weapon of the type that you transformed into. The creature can use you to make weapon attacks as normal, and the following conditions are applied:
You are treated as having all of that weapon’s normal properties for your wielder, who adds their appropriate modifier for the attack and damage rolls as normal.
Your wielder can ignore the loading property of a ranged weapon you are transformed into if the ammunition is taken from what you were carrying before you transformed.
You and your wielder are treated as occupying the same space. You cannot utilize your flying speed while another creature is holding you.
You and your wielder can communicate telepathically.
Spell Slinging Weapon
Also at 1st level, while transformed into your Weapon Form, you have a limited access to your spellcasting:
You can cast any spell belonging to the Abjuration school of magic provided it has a single target which is either you or a creature holding you. You are able to maintain concentration on a spell cast this way while transformed.
You can cast any spell which would target a weapon, targeting yourself instead.
You can spend 1 sorcery point to cast a spell from the Evocation school of magic, provided it has a duration of instantaneous.
Any spell of 1st level or higher cast this way requires expending a spell slot as normal. When casting a spell using this feature, you ignore any verbal or somatic components the spell has. If the spell has a material component, you can spend 1 sorcery point to ignore that component as well, provided it does not have a cost associated with it or is consumed when casting the spell. Otherwise, you are able to supply any required material component so long as you were carrying it before you transformed.
Enhanced Weapon Form
At 6th level, while transformed using your Weapon Form feature, you can replace one attack you would make using the Multiattack feature with casting a cantrip provided it has a casting time of one action and belongs to the Abjuration or Evocation schools of magic.
Additionally any attack made by you (or a creature holding you) in your Weapon Form counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances or immunities to nonmagical attacks.
Magical Tempering
Starting at 14th level, while transformed into a weapon, using your action you can expend sorcery points to magically empower yourself. This empowerment lasts until the end of your next turn and you must maintain concentration on the effect as if concentrating on a spell. While the empowerment remains, attacks made by you in this form (or by a creature holding you) gain an additional benefits based on the type of damage your current form deals:
Bludgeoning:You become reinforced and empowered. On a hit, the attack deals an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each sorcery point expended.
Piercing:Your weapon form (or ammunition fired from it) becomes sharpened and barbed. On a successful attack, the target of the attack begins to bleed and cannot benefit from any effects which restore hit points while bleeding. The target takes additional necrotic damage at the start of its next turn equal to your Charisma modifier and the bleeding ends. For each sorcery point expended, the target continues to bleed for an additional round, taking necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. This does not affect undead, constructs, plants, or oozes.
Slashing:A blade of energy extends your reach, allowing you to cleave through groups of enemies. You or your wielder compares the value from an attack roll made to the AC of every creature in a 5ft cone in front of you. Each creature that would be hit suffers the attack’s damage and other effects. For every two sorcery points expended, the range of the cone increases by 5ft.
The empowerment ends early if you break concentration, are incapacitated, or lose your weapon form. The maximum number of sorcery points you can expend each time you use this feature is equal to your proficiency bonus.
True Semblance
At 18th level, you discover the truest weapon form tied to your soul. Choose a magic item from the Dungeon Master’s Guide that is a weapon and is not legendary in rarity, a sentient magic item, or a relic. When you use your Weapon Form feature, you can transform into the chosen magic weapon, and both you and any creature that is holding you gain the effects of that item for the duration. You both ignore any attunement requirements or curses associated with the chosen form. Once your Weapon Form ends or you change your form, you must complete a long rest before you can transform into your true semblance again.
If the chosen weapon deals a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, you can use your Magical Tempering feature for the chosen magic weapon based on the type of damage dealt by its mundane counterpart. For example, a Sun Blade could be magically tempered as if it dealt slashing damage. At the DM’s discretion, the magic weapon chosen can be altered (for example a Sun Blade could instead be a Sun Axe) or can be chosen from a different source outside of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Weapon Form (stat block)
Tiny Construct, your alignment
Armor Class: 12 + your Charisma modifier
Hit Points: 5 x your sorcerer level
Speed: 0 ft., Fly 30ft
Str: 10 (+0)Dex: 10 (+0)Con: 10 (+0)Int: Your Int Modifier Wis: Your Wis Modifier Cha: Your Cha Modifier
Saving Throws: You retain your saving throw proficiencies, but must use the modifiers of the Weapon Form.
Skill Proficiencies: You retain your skill proficiencies, but must use the modifiers of the Weapon Form.
Senses: Any special senses you had prior to transforming
Languages: Your known languages. Cannot speak (except telepathically when held by another creature)
Damage Threshold: You have a Damage Threshold equal to twice your Proficiency Bonus. Any damage from a single attack or effect that fails to meet or exceed your Damage Threshold is considered superficial and doesn’t reduce your hit points.
Weapon Appearance: You can take the Hide action against creatures that can see you. For this trait, the creatures’ Wisdom (Perception) is contested by your Charisma (Deception). You appear like a normal weapon to the creature(s) you are successfully hiding from.
Multiattack: You make a single weapon attack against a creature within the weapon’s range. Starting at 6th level you can make two weapon attacks with this action.
Weapon Attack: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack +your spell attack bonus to hit , reach/range according to weapon properties, Hit: Weapon’s damage die + your charisma modifier
Bonus Actions
Change Form: By expending 1 sorcery point, you can change into another weapon form. This counts as the same use of your Weapon Form feature, and you retain your current health point total.
Hi Kaboom, I'm going to try and leave some feedback on this one as well. I may come back and edit this comment repeatedly as I think it through. The top-line is that this is an awesome idea, but I'm finding it hard to understand all the features and how they work together. Here goes (for now):
I don't see how the additional spells enhance the archetype. I would consider adding some smite spells or on-attack spells that would synergize with the weapon form.
For the base weapon form, I'd do away with most of the special rules. Let the character turn into any mundane weapon they can imagine, and let the damage die evolve on a standard progression. Let the player choose the (again mundane) damage type when they transform to fit the flavor, and maybe from among a small set of properties (although these don't seem super important).
I don't see the benefit of another character using the weapon-character. Do you keep your actions, or are you just a object? I also wouldn't worry about some of the bullets in that section. A character would obviously need to be in the same space as the wielder, and the wielder would obviously not be able to use the weapon-character as a weapon if the weapon-character were to fly away.
I would dramatically simplify "Spell-Slinging Weapon". Just let the sorcerer cast spells of any school, but maybe restrict the level.
"Enhanced Weapon Form" is a bit powerful, but I can't say for sure. I still wouldn't restrict the spell school.
"Magical Tempering" is a bit inconsistant in its power level. The piercing benefit is a bit convoluted, and the slashing benefit is much stronger than the others. I would consider a table of potential benefits that is simpler.
True Semblance is also a bit messy. I agree that the number of magic weapon needs to be limited, but why just to the DMG weapons? It also makes sense to create a table of magical effects for this feature to limit the potential for munchkinism.
I may very well add to this list. It's a bit long yeah, but remember that I think the idea here is solid. I just think there are a bit too many convoluted bits that come from a character acting as a weapon.
Entries must be submitted before 23:59 GMT on Friday, 12 Jan 2024 to be considered part of the competition.
Contest Categories
In each Finest Brew contest, there are three categories. Each category is judged separately. There can only be one entry per category per person. The category types are as follows:
This time, our category themes are:
DM Options: There's a Time and a Place for That
You are challenged to craft the intricately nuanced, defy the generic, and focus instead on the uniquely specific. Picture a sentient blade that demands to be unsheathed only in shade, dropping its attunement if drawn in sunlight, or an ancient library accessible solely during the fleeting hours of twilight. Delve into the eccentricity of encounters that require acts of poetic valour or dungeons that reveal their secrets only when explored on specific days of the week. Envision monsters with idiosyncratic vulnerabilities or elusive strengths tied to celestial alignments or the weather. This category invites the creation of homebrew that adds a layer of weird specificity and unexpected correlations.
Player Options: Grab Your Sword
A knight in gleaming armor parries attack after attack, throwing his enemies off-balance with his greatsword. A young lord grows up, his parents insisting he be trained with the symbol of his family: a simple spear. A bounty hunter ensures none of the many knives hidden throughout his armor go to waste, using each one with surgical precision and deadly poise. Throughout D&D, it seems to be a common theme that weapons are simply less interesting than bending the laws of reality to your will with magic. It becomes your task to prove this viewpoint wrong by crafting homebrew about martial prowess and mastery of weapons.
Interactive Options: Once Upon a Time
Seven dwarves, the big bad wolf, an ugly duckling. The legends and tales that people tell their children. Does your world have fairy tales of their own? Do ours seep into another world and become real? Where are the realms of old stories? What will you do when you're living in wonderland? or climbing up the beanstalk yourself? Children's tales come to life, or our world being reduced to a storybook. Is it all happily ever after? Or do darker endings prevail?
Voting will start on Monday, 15 Jan 2024 (or thereabouts, once the survey is made) and will end at 23:59 GMT on Sunday, 21 Jan 2024. A Google Forms poll for each category will be posted on this thread, and all may vote on it - including and especially contestants. Contestants are encouraged to vote 5 and 5 on their own submissions; all scores will have 5 subtracted from both voting categories. Scores are assigned using a numerical value from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Written Feedback - You have the option to give written feedback, should you choose, for any entries on the forms. Written feedback does not factor into a contestants score.
We are hoping that by giving everyone more criteria to vote on for each entry, you will think about each aspect and not feel the need to cram all of your thoughts into a single number. We are also hoping that having multiple scores contribute to the total will make ties less likely to occur.
Please try to take the time to review and vote for every entry, except for your own, in the categories you vote in, as even one vote can easily sway a competition like this. If there's anything you feel very strongly about, also feel free to review it in the thread! Reviews won't count for anything, but it's nice to get feedback!
Determining Winners
Guides & Mini-FAQ* & Changelog
WAIT! Before you see the 5th level Wall of Text in this FAQ’s* & Guides section, and decide not to submit to the competition because you don’t want to read it, remember that reading this section is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not need to read any of this to submit something for the competition, to pick a category, or to become the next judge. This is merely a helpful tool if you’re confused. You have no obligation to read or use it!
Guide for Competition & Category Winners
Competition Winner
The competition winner becomes the next judge, they are responsible for doing the following:
Category Winners
A category winner must do the following:
Mini FAQ*
Q. Wait, how do I submit?
A. You just make a post in the competition thread with either a link to your entry, or your entry typed out in it. It helps to add what category you’re submitting to, but it is not strictly necessary since it’s pretty easy to figure out what type of category the entry is for.
Q. Can you vote on your own submission?
A. Yes. Contestants are encouraged strongly to vote, and to vote 5 & 5 on their own submissions, as 5 will be subtracted from each score while being calculated. This is to maintain fair voting while encouraging votes.
Q. Where can I find the forms for voting?
A. When the competition submission time ends, voting will start soon. You vote on a google form. The judge should link the forms near the voting section when they’re up, and they will probably also make a post on the thread announcing that voting’s started with the link.
Q. Can I have multiple submissions in the same competition?
A. Yes, you can have multiple submissions for the same competition. HOWEVER, as described in the “Contest Categories” section of this competition, you can only have one entry per category. For example, you can make something for the DM’s Options, PC Options, and Inspirational Options, but you can't make two things for PC Options and one for DM’s.
Q. I’ve already submitted something for X category, can I change my submission for it?
A. Yes, you can change your submission for a specific category as long as the deadline for submissions has not yet been reached. Do remember that if you’re changing your submission, it is best to edit your original post with your first submission to say that it is obsolete, and necessary to make a new one to announce & link your new submission. Also, do keep in mind that it does create a bit more work for the judges when you edit your submission, because they have to update the links. However, it is alright to do so.
Q. Is written feedback optional and does it effect an entries score?
A. Yes, written feedback is optional. No, it does not effect an entries score.
Q. Is the scoring by total score, or by average score?
A. The scoring is done by both average scores (Balance/Playability, Idea/Creativity) being added together for a final score. All scores have -5 when being calculated for reasons stated elsewhere.
Q. How do I know if my submission is more appropriate for the DM category or the Interactive category?
A. If it is not obvious which of the two categories your submission would make sense for, then it really comes down to which pillar of the game you seek to explore. DM Options are more closely tied to combat whereas Interactive Options are more closely tied to exploration and social encounters.
As an example, if you have an NPC with a stat block and you are not sure where to submit, consider whether the goal of incorporating the NPC into a game would be to fight the PCs or for the PCs to gather information from it. Its possible to write a strong, social-focused NPC who still has a stat block just in case things turn towards combat, but if your desire for the NPC is to interact with the PCs through roleplay, then it likely is more fitting for the Interactive Category. If your desire is for the NPC to maybe roleplay a little, but ultimately engage the party in combat, then it would be closer to a "monster" and fit in the DM category.
DM Options: There's a Time and a Place for That
The Reluctant Blade - Gnomarchy
The Lunar Blade - Agilemind
Many-Faced Idol - The_Lost_Leg
Clown shoes of Squeeking - ZomblesKlein
Horoscopy Ritual - Kaboom979
Azure Glue - MilestoGo_24
Sculkfish - DrakenBrine
Player Options: Grab Your Sword
Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade - Mairondil
Talaric Battlemind - Gnomarchy
Feat: Massive Weapon User - Agilemind
Subclass: Alteration Adept - Emblic
Sorcerous Origin: Forged Soul - Kaboom979
Roguish Archetype: Jester - The_Lost_Leg
Metal Domain Cleric - Semako
Arms Trader (Background) - ZomblesKlein
Mage Martial - IamSposta
Interactive Options: Once Upon a Time
'The 6 Giants' - DrakenBrine
The Stag’s Liver Trading Post - MilestoGo_24
Previous Competitions
Judged by Yamana_Eajii. (Thread accidentally deleted)
The Competition of the Finest Brews II - Judged by Thauraeln_The_Bold.
The Competition of the Finest Brews III - Judged by TabaxiRogueFighterClericWarlock
The Competition of the Finest Brews IV - Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews V - Judged by ThorukDuckSlayer
The Competition of the Finest Brews VI - Judged by Semako
The Competition of the Finest Brews VII - Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest Brews VIII — Judged by Heartofjuyomk2
The Competition of the Finest Brews IX— Judged by IamSposta
The Competition of the Finest Brews X — Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews XI - Judged by BoringBard
The Competition of the Finest Brews XII- Judged by ThorukDuckSlayer
The Competition of the Finest Brews XIII - Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews XIV- Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XV - Judged by IamSposta
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XVI - Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XVII - Judged by ZomblesKlein
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XVIII - Judged by Gnomarchy
Thanks for hosting, Dragon_Shark!
I shall of course not participate in my own category, but I'll start work on Player and Dm options! Looking forward to this!
I am also here.
Am snek.
Participation is free to everyone as long as you follow the rules, everybody can submit one piece of homebrew per category.
I am also here.
Am snek.
Cool !
My Homebrew: Spells Subclasses
Hm. Cool categories! I look forward to seeing what everyone enters, and I may just write something up myself.
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
I'm excited to participate! I do wish the DM category had more definition than "something specific" though.
MilestoGo_24's alt.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXI, and share your work!
Be not afraid.
Wait. Actually, be very afraid.
Finally a prompt that fits something I made.
PC Options: Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade
Weaveblade artificers have discovered their ability to use the weave to interact with the world around them. Using their mind to manipulate the objects and creatures around them, weaveblade artificers hone their mystical powers over years of dedication and training. These artificers have unlocked a connection to the weave and have constructed a blade of energy to as their primary tool. For good or ill, a weaveblade artificer's power and ability should never be underestimated.
Weaveblade Spells
You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Weaveblade Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
Weaveblade Spells
charm person, thunderwave
hold person, suggestion
beacon of hope, sending
confusion, dominate beast
hold monster, telekinesis
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this specialist at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation or Persuasion skills. You also gain proficiency with martial weapons.
At 3rd level, you learn the mage hand cantrip and your mage hand range is 30 feet. You can cast it without verbal or somatic components, and you can make the spectral hand invisible. If you already know this spell from another source, your mage hand range increases to 60 feet. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence.
As a bonus action, you can try to telekinetically shove one creature you can see within your mage hand range. When you do so, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + Intelligence) or be moved a number of feet equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus in any direction. A creature can willingly fail this save.
At 3rd level, you learn an attunement ritual that transforms a one-handed melee weapon into a weaveblade. You perform the ritual over 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual. If the weaveblade was made from a weapon with magical properties, those properties persist.
The weaveblade is a martial melee weapon with the Finesse and Light properties and sheds dim light in a 15-foot radius. The weapon is composed of a hilt that, while held in your hand, can emit a blade of pure radiant energy without requiring an action. When you attack with a weaveblade, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls. The blade deals radiant damage and its damage die is a d6. The damage die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a d10 at 9th level, and a d12 at 15th level.
You can use the weaveblade as your spell casting focus. You can have up to two weaveblades created this way. If you attempt to create a third weaveblade, you must break your attunement with one of the other two weaveblades, which reverts the transformation back into the weapon it was previously.
Weavepull As a bonus action, you can attempt to recall a weaveblade to your hand. You must succeed on an Intelligence(Arcana) check (DC 20 - your proficiency bonus). If you succeed, you can recall a weaveblade that is 30 or 60 feet away, depending on your mage hand range. If the weaveblade you are attempting to recall to your hand is being held by another creature, you and the creature would both make contested Intelligence(Arcana) checks. You can only recall one weaveblade, a single time as bonus action.
Weavedeflect Also while wielding a weaveblade, you can attempt to use your reaction to deflect an incoming hit by a ranged weapon attack. You must succeed on an Intelligence(Arcana) check (DC 20 - your proficiency bonus). If you succeed, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can deflect the missile. You can make a ranged attack with the piece of ammunition you just deflected, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with your spell attack modifier and has a normal range of 30 or 60 feet away, depending on your mage hand range. The damage is whatever was originally rolled as damage for the attack.
Unarmored Defense
Beginning at 3rd level, while you are wearing no armor, wielding at least one weaveblade, and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
At 5th level, you can speak telepathically to any creature you can see within double your mage hand range, either 60 or 120, feet from you. Your telepathic utterances are in a language you know, and the creature understands you only if it knows that language. Your communication doesn't give the creature the ability to respond to you telepathically.
You can cast the detect thoughts spell, it's range is determined by your mage hand range, and requires no spell slot or components, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it this way again. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. If you have spell slots of 2nd level or higher, you can cast this spell with them.
At 9th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Improved Weaveblade
At 15th level, you have learned the weaveblade to be a valuable weapon and that this weapon is your life. You have mastered techniques of the weaveblade only known to a few. Some of the features below rely on your mage hand range. If you learned the mage hand cantrip from something other than the Weaveblade feature you gain at 3rd level, your mage hand range will be 60 feet. Otherwise your mage hand range is 30 feet:
Thrown Weapon Your weaveblade gains the Thrown property. Your range when throwing the weaveblade is 30/60 or 60/120, depending on your mage hand range.
Weavepull You do not need to make an Intelligence(Arcana) check to recall a weaveblade to your hand. You can now recall two weaveblades with a single bonus action. If the weaveblade is being held by another creature, you would still have to win the contested Intelligence(Arcana) check.
Weavecatch When you take lightning damage from a source you can see and are not surprised or incapacitated while wielding at least 1 weaveblade, you can use your reaction to become immune to lightning damage until the start of your next turn as the weaveblade absorbs and disperses this energy.
Weavedeflect You do not need to make an Intelligence(Arcana) check to use your reaction to deflect incoming ranged attacks. The damage is now reduced by 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier.
Weaveshield If you take the Dodge action while wielding at least one weaveblade, you and any creature of your choice within 5 feet of you is protected with three-quarters cover until the start of your next turn. If any creature you select is targeted for an attack, you expend your reaction for this round. If any creature you have selected to benefit from this moves further than 5 feet away from you, they lose this benefit. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
Revised with some suggestions from Gnomarchy.
How to: Replace DEX in your AC | Jump & Suffocation stats | Build a (Spell & class effect buff system | Wild Shape effect system) | Tool Proficiencies as Custom Skills | Spells at higher levels explained | Superior Fighting/Martial Adept Fix | Snippet Codes Explored - Subclasses | Snippet Math Theory | Homebrew Weapons Explained
Check out my: FEATS | MAGIC ITEMS | MONSTERS | SUBCLASSES Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade
Dndbeyond images not loading A PERMANENT WORKAROUND!!! (thank you Jay_Lane)
Here's my tentative and incomplete entry for the PC category. I've rebuilt the "combat focus" feats from 3.5e into a fighter subclass. Basic idea is that spellcasters have a concentration mechanic, so why shouldn't martials also have some sort of focus?
I'm not convinced that it's balanced yet, but it's along the lines of what I would do to make martials a bit more interesting. I'd be thrilled if you'd like to offer some feedback.
Talaric Battlemind
Battlemind Focus
3rd-level Talaric Battlemind feature
When you make a successful weapon attack, you can use a bonus action to enter a state of intense focus for one minute, until you expend it, or until you lose your concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). You can enter battlemind focus a number of times equal to twice your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While in a state of battlemind focus, you gain the following benefits.
Chain of Combat Awareness. As a bonus action, choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of you that you can see. You know whether each creature has fewer than half of their hit point maximum.
Chain of Personal Superiority. You can add your Wisdom modifier to all opposed ability checks, and all saving throws you make to avoid being moved or knocked prone.
Chain of Overwhelming Force
3rd-level Talaric Battlemind feature
On your turn, you can expend your combat focus to gain a bonus on your next attack roll made before the end of your turn equal to your Wisdom modifier. If you hit, roll a number of d8s equal to your Wisdom modifier and add the total to the damage roll.
Improved Battlemind Focus
7th-level Talaric Battlemind feature
While in a state of battlemind focus, you gain the following benefits.
Chain of Instinctual Awareness. You have blindsight out to a range in feet equal to five times your Wisdom bonus.
Chain of Enduring Body. You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your Wisdom bonus at the beginning of each of your turns.
Chain of Superior Reflexes
10th-level Talaric Battlemind feature
While in a state of battlemind focus, you get a number of special reactions equal to your Wisdom modifier that you can take once on every creature’s turn, except your turn. You can use this special reaction only to make an opportunity attack, and you can’t use it on the same turn that you take your normal reaction.
Chain of Surging Violence
15th-level Talaric Battlemind feature
As an action, you can expend your combat focus to move up to your speed. During this movement, you can make a weapon attack against a number of creatures within five feet of you equal to your Wisdom bonus.
Chain of Total Concentration
18th-level Talaric Battlemind feature
When you roll for initiative, you immediately enter a state of battlemind focus.
This post will be for my DM option, the reluctant blade.
The Reluctant Blade
This impossibly thin blade can cut through anything if the wielder can convince it to do so.
Magic Weapon. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Unlocked Potential. As an action you can attempt to convince the blade to unlock it's true potential. Make a Charisma (Persuasion) check and consult the following table to determine the unlocked characteristics of the Reluctant Blade. The blade retains its unlocked characteristics for 1 minute. Once you make an attempt to persuade the blade, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Unlocked Potential
Sentience. The Reluctant Blade is a sentient, neutral longsword with an Intelligence of 10, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 10. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. It can speak, read, and understand Common, and its voice sounds neutral and disinterested. The Reluctant Blade generally disdains violence, preferring long walks in the park, relaxing at the beach, and romantic poetry.
Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
This looks great. I’ll definitely try to get in a few submissions.
PC Option:
Feat : Massive Weapon User
Requires: Proficiency in Martial weapons, Level 8+
As a bonus action you can magically enlarge your weapon to 3x larger than normal or return it to its normal size. While enlarged your weapon gains the following features:
In addition, when you make an attack with this weapon you can choose one of the abilities below to add to that attack:
If your Strength score is less than 20, you make attacks with your enlarged weapon with disadvantage.
DM Option:
The Lunar Blade
(any sword)
This sword is magically tied to the lunar cycles, changing form depending on the position and phase of the moon. If the moon is not current in the sky then the sword is only it's platinum hilt with a large moonstone pommel gem and it cannot be used to make attacks. While the moon overhead the blade manifests according to the phase of the moon:
PC Option :
Subclass: Alteration Adept
Class: Fighter
The Alteration Adept is a fighter who has learned to harness the power of alteration magic to enhance their physical abilities and combat prowess.
Mystic Arms
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon with magical energy. As a bonus action, a weapon you are wielding become imbue with a mystical power from a table of magical armor features. For the next minute, that weapon becomes a magic weapon and gain the chosen property. If the weapon is already magic new property stack over the over the existing ones. You can only use one power at the time per weapon. As you advance in levels, you can choose increasingly powerful weapon characteristics.
This feature can be used a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You gain additional uses of this feature at certain levels. At 10th level, you gain an additional use. At 15th level, you gain two additional uses. At 18th level, you gain three additional uses. At 20th level, you gain four additional uses.
You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Table of magical weapon features:
Level 3
Weapon, +1
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Level 3
Flaming Weapon
Your weapon is sheathed in fire. It deals an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit. These flames shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
Level 3
Shocking Weapon
Your weapon is covered in lightning. It deals an extra 1d6 lightning damage on a hit, and it can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.
Level 5
Venom Weapon
Your weapon is coated of a thick, black poison. The poison remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature. That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute
Level 5
Vicious Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. It deals an extra 7 damage of the weapon’s type when you roll a 20 on your attack roll.
Level 7
Wounding Weapon
Hit points lost to this weapon’s damage can be regained only through a short or long rest, rather than by regeneration, magic, or any other means.
Level 7
Vampiric Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When you attack a creature and roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 10 necrotic damage if it isn't a construct or an undead. You also gain 10 temporary hit points.
Level 8
Keen Weapon
Your weapon’s critical hit range is increased by 1.
Level 9
Disruption Weapon
When you hit a fiend or an undead with this magic weapon, that creature takes an extra 2d6 radiant damage. If the target has 25 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be destroyed. On a successful save, the creature becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn.While you hold this weapon, it sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
Level 9
Radiant Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which deals radiant damage instead of its normal damage. When you hit an undead with it, that target takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
Level 11
Weapon, +2
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Level 11
Defending Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while wielding this weapon.
Level 13
Speed Weapon
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, you can make one attack with it as a bonus action on each of your turns.
Level 13
Thundering Weapon
When you hit with this weapon, it creates a thunderous boom audible out to 300 feet. The target and each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
Level 15
Sharp Weapon.
This feature only available if you're wielding a slashing weapon. When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 14 slashing damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20, you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb to sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead.
Level 15
Frost Weapon
When you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 cold damage. In addition, while you hold it, you have resistance to fire damage. In freezing temperatures, the blade sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. When you draw this weapon, you can extinguish all non-magical flames within 30 feet of you. This property can be used no more than once per duration of this feature.
Level 17
Throwing Weapon
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. When you hit with a ranged attack using this weapon, it deals an extra 1d8 damage
Level 17
Weapon, +3
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Level 18
Elemental Weapon
You choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. For the duration of the spell, the weapon has a +3 bonus to attack rolls and deals an extra 3d4 damage of the chosen type when it hits.
Level 19
Defender Weapon
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The first time you attack with the weapon on each of your turns, you can transfer some or all of the sword’s bonus to your Armor Class, instead of using the bonus on any attacks that turn. For example, you could reduce the bonus to your attack and damage rolls to +1 and gain a +2 bonus to AC. The adjusted bonuses remain in effect until the start of your next turn, although you must hold the sword to gain a bonus to AC from it.
Level 20
Vorpal Weapon
This feature only available if you're wielding a slashing weapon. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, the weapon ignores resistance to slashing damage.When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature's heads. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.
Mystic Armor
At 7th level, you learn to extend your alteration magic to your armor. As a bonus action, the armor you are wearing become imbue with a mystical power from a table of magical armor features. For the next minute, that armor gains the chosen property. If the armor is already magic new property stack over the over the existing ones. You can only use one power at the time . As you advance in levels, you can choose increasingly powerful armor characteristics.
This feature can be used a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You gain additional uses of this feature at certain levels. At 10th level, you gain an additional use. At 15th level, you gain two additional uses. At 18th level, you gain three additional uses. At 20th level, you gain four additional uses.
You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Table of magical armor features:
Level 7
Armor, +1
You gain an additional +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 7
Feather Falling Armor
When you fall while wearing this armor, you descend 60 feet per round and take no damage from falling.
Level 9
Resistance Armor
You gain resistance to one type of damage while you wear this armor. You could choose between Acid, Cold, Fire, Force or Lightning.
Level 9
Free Action Armor
While wearing this armor, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement. In addition, magic can neither reduce your speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or restrained.
Level 11
Armor, +2
You gain an additional +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 13
Jumping Armor
While wearing this armor, your jump distance is tripled. You also gain an additional +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 15
Levitation Armor
While wearing this armor, you can rise vertically, up to 20 feet, and remain suspended there for the duration. You can only move by pushing or pulling against a stationary object or surface within reach (such as a wall or ceiling), allowing you to move as if you were climbing. You can move up or down as part of your move. When the effect ends, you gently float back to the ground if still in the air. You also gain an additional +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 16
Invisibility Armor
While wearing this armor, you turn invisible as an action. Anything you are wearing or carrying is invisible with you. You remain invisible until the next minute, until you attack or until you use a bonus action to become visible again.
Level 17
Armor, +3
You gain an additional +3 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 18
Spellguard Armor
While wearing this armor, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, and spell attacks have disadvantage against you. You also gain an additional +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 19
Flying Armor
While wearing this armor, you gain a flying speed of 60 feet for the duration. When the effect ends, you fall if still aloft, unless you can stop the fall. You also gain an additional +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
Level 20
Spell Turning Armor
While wearing this armor, you have advantage on saving throws against any spell that targets only you (not in an area of effect). In addition, if you roll a 20 for the save and the spell is 7th level or lower, the spell has no effect on you and instead targets the caster, using the slot level, spell save DC, attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the caster.
Mystic Speed
At 10th level, you gain the ability to alter your perception of time, moving with incredible speed. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can activate Mystic Speed. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:
At 15th level, your Energized Surge becomes more potent. The benefits now include:
At 20th level, your Energized Surge reaches its peak. The benefits now include:
When the effect ends, you can’t move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it.
Weapon Animation
At 15th level, you gain the ability to animate a weapon, making it fight alongside you. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can touch a weapon and imbue it with life. For the next hour, the weapon hovers in the air and fights for you, making attacks using your attack bonus. It can move up to 30 feet each turn to a target you command it to attack. If the weapon is ever more than 60 feet away from you, it falls to the ground and becomes inanimate. It has blindsight with a radius of 30 feet and is blind beyond that distance. When the animated weapon drops to 0 hit points, it reverts to its original object form, and any remaining damage carries over to its original weapon form. An animated weapon is a construct with AC, hit points, attacks, Strength, and Dexterity determined by its weight. Its Constitution is 10 and its Intelligence and Wisdom are 3, and its Charisma is 1.
Lightweight (dagger, handaxe, etc):
Medium Weight (longsword, warhammer, etc):
Heavyweight (greatsword, maul, etc):
Ethereal Warrior
At 18th level, your mastery of alteration magic allows you to shift partially into the Ethereal Plane. As a bonus action, you can activate Ethereal Warrior. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:
My Homebrew: Spells Subclasses
Dragon Shark, I had a quick question about a potential submission for the PC option category. I have a Sorcerer subclass that I have been working on that basically allows the player to "wildshape" into a sentient weapon, which can either be self sufficient or wielded by another creature for working together. It has several abilities that focus on increasing the power of their weapon form, but also some which focus on allowing the Sorcerer to also benefit from their spellcasting while transformed.
In this way, the subclass I was thinking of submitting does have a "weapon" theme and could be used to boost a martial party member's power, but it is ultimately a full caster subclass and still has some magic abilities. Would this still fit the theme, or no?
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
As this theme's creator, I would approve.
MilestoGo_24's alt.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXI, and share your work!
Be not afraid.
Wait. Actually, be very afraid.
I feel bad about being too busy for feedback in the previous few rounds. So here's my first tranche.
I'm a little surprised the capstone isn't called Weave Lord or Weave Knight depending on your alignment. Just a few comments:
Neato. The latter part of the feat feels like it should interact with the new weapon masteries. A couple of comments:
A tiny comment:
A few comments:
Thanks for your comments, I'll try to fix that !
My Homebrew: Spells Subclasses
Here is my submission for Player Options: Grab Your Sword
Sorcerous Origin: Forged Soul
Since humans have walked on the material plane, war has followed them, with the victor being determined by superior weapons and ability. In eons past, mages conducted rituals to bind mortals and weapons together to act as soldiers for wars and conflicts. Forged Soul Sorcerers are those who are descendents of these living weapons or those who have been bound to weapons through some dark ritual of their own.
Armament Spells
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, shown in the Armament Spells table. Each of these spells count as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an abjuration or evocation spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
Armament Spells
Sorcerer Level
Mage Armor, Chromatic Orb
Warding Bond, Shatter
Protection from Energy, Lightning Bolt
Death Ward, Ice Storm
Antilife Shell, Flame Strike
Weapon Form
At 1st level, you gain the ability to shapechange into a sentient weapon. You can use your action to assume the form of a weapon of your choice that you have seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Your level determines the weapons you can transform into, as shown in the Weapon Form table.
Weapon Type
No Ranged weapons
Club, Dagger
Simple or Martial
No weapons with the Special property
Maul, Shortbow
Simple or Martial
You can stay in the shape a number of hours equal to half of your sorcerer level (rounded down). You then revert to your normal form unless you expend another use of this feature. You can revert to your normal form earlier using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically revert if you are incapacitated.
While transformed, the following rules apply:
While you are in your Weapon Form, another creature who is friendly to you can hold you in its hand(s) (using a free object interaction) and utilize you as a weapon of the type that you transformed into. The creature can use you to make weapon attacks as normal, and the following conditions are applied:
Spell Slinging Weapon
Also at 1st level, while transformed into your Weapon Form, you have a limited access to your spellcasting:
Any spell of 1st level or higher cast this way requires expending a spell slot as normal. When casting a spell using this feature, you ignore any verbal or somatic components the spell has. If the spell has a material component, you can spend 1 sorcery point to ignore that component as well, provided it does not have a cost associated with it or is consumed when casting the spell. Otherwise, you are able to supply any required material component so long as you were carrying it before you transformed.
Enhanced Weapon Form
At 6th level, while transformed using your Weapon Form feature, you can replace one attack you would make using the Multiattack feature with casting a cantrip provided it has a casting time of one action and belongs to the Abjuration or Evocation schools of magic.
Additionally any attack made by you (or a creature holding you) in your Weapon Form counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances or immunities to nonmagical attacks.
Magical Tempering
Starting at 14th level, while transformed into a weapon, using your action you can expend sorcery points to magically empower yourself. This empowerment lasts until the end of your next turn and you must maintain concentration on the effect as if concentrating on a spell. While the empowerment remains, attacks made by you in this form (or by a creature holding you) gain an additional benefits based on the type of damage your current form deals:
The empowerment ends early if you break concentration, are incapacitated, or lose your weapon form. The maximum number of sorcery points you can expend each time you use this feature is equal to your proficiency bonus.
True Semblance
At 18th level, you discover the truest weapon form tied to your soul. Choose a magic item from the Dungeon Master’s Guide that is a weapon and is not legendary in rarity, a sentient magic item, or a relic. When you use your Weapon Form feature, you can transform into the chosen magic weapon, and both you and any creature that is holding you gain the effects of that item for the duration. You both ignore any attunement requirements or curses associated with the chosen form. Once your Weapon Form ends or you change your form, you must complete a long rest before you can transform into your true semblance again.
If the chosen weapon deals a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, you can use your Magical Tempering feature for the chosen magic weapon based on the type of damage dealt by its mundane counterpart. For example, a Sun Blade could be magically tempered as if it dealt slashing damage.
At the DM’s discretion, the magic weapon chosen can be altered (for example a Sun Blade could instead be a Sun Axe) or can be chosen from a different source outside of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Weapon Form (stat block)
Tiny Construct, your alignment
Armor Class: 12 + your Charisma modifier
Hit Points: 5 x your sorcerer level
Speed: 0 ft., Fly 30ft
Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 10 (+0) Con: 10 (+0) Int: Your Int Modifier Wis: Your Wis Modifier Cha: Your Cha Modifier
Saving Throws: You retain your saving throw proficiencies, but must use the modifiers of the Weapon Form.
Skill Proficiencies: You retain your skill proficiencies, but must use the modifiers of the Weapon Form.
Damage Immunities: poison
Condition Immunities: paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses: Any special senses you had prior to transforming
Languages: Your known languages. Cannot speak (except telepathically when held by another creature)
Damage Threshold: You have a Damage Threshold equal to twice your Proficiency Bonus. Any damage from a single attack or effect that fails to meet or exceed your Damage Threshold is considered superficial and doesn’t reduce your hit points.
Weapon Appearance: You can take the Hide action against creatures that can see you. For this trait, the creatures’ Wisdom (Perception) is contested by your Charisma (Deception). You appear like a normal weapon to the creature(s) you are successfully hiding from.
Multiattack: You make a single weapon attack against a creature within the weapon’s range. Starting at 6th level you can make two weapon attacks with this action.
Weapon Attack: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack +your spell attack bonus to hit , reach/range according to weapon properties, Hit: Weapon’s damage die + your charisma modifier
Bonus Actions
Change Form: By expending 1 sorcery point, you can change into another weapon form. This counts as the same use of your Weapon Form feature, and you retain your current health point total.Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Hi Kaboom, I'm going to try and leave some feedback on this one as well. I may come back and edit this comment repeatedly as I think it through. The top-line is that this is an awesome idea, but I'm finding it hard to understand all the features and how they work together. Here goes (for now):
I may very well add to this list. It's a bit long yeah, but remember that I think the idea here is solid. I just think there are a bit too many convoluted bits that come from a character acting as a weapon.