Here is my submission for Player Options: Grab Your Sword
Sorcerous Origin: Forged Soul
Since humans have walked on the material plane, war has followed them, with the victor being determined by superior weapons and ability. In eons past, mages conducted rituals to bind mortals and weapons together to act as soldiers for wars and conflicts. Forged Soul Sorcerers are those who are descendents of these living weapons or those who have been bound to weapons through some dark ritual of their own.
Armament Spells
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, shown in the Armament Spells table. Each of these spells count as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an abjuration or evocation spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
At 1st level, you gain the ability to shapechange into a sentient weapon. You can use your action to assume the form of a weapon of your choice that you have seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Your level determines the weapons you can transform into, as shown in the Weapon Form table.
Weapon Type
No Ranged weapons
Club, Dagger
Simple or Martial
No weapons with the Special property
Maul, Shortbow
Simple or Martial
You can stay in the shape a number of hours equal to half of your sorcerer level (rounded down). You then revert to your normal form unless you expend another use of this feature. You can revert to your normal form earlier using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically revert if you are incapacitated.
While transformed, the following rules apply:
Your game statistics are replaced with that of your Weapon Form (statistics outlined at the end of this subclass). Any equipment you are wearing/carrying merges into your new form.
When taking the form of a weapon with the versatile weapon property, you always use the higher of the two damage dice when you make an attack.
You ignore the loading property of ranged weapons, as you are able to magically load ammunition you were carrying into the weapon form.
Beyond the options presented in this subclass, you cannot cast spells and lose the ability to speak. Transforming doesn’t break your concentration on a spell you’ve already cast, however, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell that you’ve already cast.
You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the Weapon Form is capable of doing so.
While you are in your Weapon Form, another creature who is friendly to you can hold you in its hand(s) (using a free object interaction) and utilize you as a weapon of the type that you transformed into. The creature can use you to make weapon attacks as normal, and the following conditions are applied:
You are treated as having all of that weapon’s normal properties for your wielder, who adds their appropriate modifier for the attack and damage rolls as normal.
Your wielder can ignore the loading property of a ranged weapon you are transformed into if the ammunition is taken from what you were carrying before you transformed.
You and your wielder are treated as occupying the same space. You cannot utilize your flying speed while another creature is holding you.
You and your wielder can communicate telepathically.
Spell Slinging Weapon
Also at 1st level, while transformed into your Weapon Form, you have a limited access to your spellcasting:
You can cast any spell belonging to the Abjuration school of magic provided it has a single target which is either you or a creature holding you. You are able to maintain concentration on a spell cast this way while transformed.
You can cast any spell which would target a weapon, targeting yourself instead.
You can spend 1 sorcery point to cast a spell from the Evocation school of magic, provided it has a duration of instantaneous.
Any spell of 1st level or higher cast this way requires expending a spell slot as normal. When casting a spell using this feature, you ignore any verbal or somatic components the spell has. If the spell has a material component, you can spend 1 sorcery point to ignore that component as well, provided it does not have a cost associated with it or is consumed when casting the spell. Otherwise, you are able to supply any required material component so long as you were carrying it before you transformed.
Enhanced Weapon Form
At 6th level, while transformed using your Weapon Form feature, you can replace one attack you would make using the Multiattack feature with casting a cantrip provided it has a casting time of one action and belongs to the Abjuration or Evocation schools of magic.
Additionally any attack made by you (or a creature holding you) in your Weapon Form counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances or immunities to nonmagical attacks.
Magical Tempering
Starting at 14th level, while transformed into a weapon, using your action you can expend sorcery points to magically empower yourself. This empowerment lasts until the end of your next turn and you must maintain concentration on the effect as if concentrating on a spell. While the empowerment remains, attacks made by you in this form (or by a creature holding you) gain an additional benefits based on the type of damage your current form deals:
Bludgeoning:You become reinforced and empowered. On a hit, the attack deals an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each sorcery point expended.
Piercing:Your weapon form (or ammunition fired from it) becomes sharpened and barbed. On a successful attack, the target of the attack begins to bleed and cannot benefit from any effects which restore hit points while bleeding. The target takes additional necrotic damage at the start of its next turn equal to your Charisma modifier and the bleeding ends. For each sorcery point expended, the target continues to bleed for an additional round, taking necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. This does not affect undead, constructs, plants, or oozes.
Slashing:A blade of energy extends your reach, allowing you to cleave through groups of enemies. You or your wielder compares the value from an attack roll made to the AC of every creature in a 5ft cone in front of you. Each creature that would be hit suffers the attack’s damage and other effects. For every two sorcery points expended, the range of the cone increases by 5ft.
The empowerment ends early if you break concentration, are incapacitated, or lose your weapon form. The maximum number of sorcery points you can expend each time you use this feature is equal to your proficiency bonus.
True Semblance
At 18th level, you discover the truest weapon form tied to your soul. Choose a magic item from the Dungeon Master’s Guide that is a weapon and is not legendary in rarity, a sentient magic item, or a relic. When you use your Weapon Form feature, you can transform into the chosen magic weapon, and both you and any creature that is holding you gain the effects of that item for the duration. You both ignore any attunement requirements or curses associated with the chosen form. Once your Weapon Form ends or you change your form, you must complete a long rest before you can transform into your true semblance again.
If the chosen weapon deals a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, you can use your Magical Tempering feature for the chosen magic weapon based on the type of damage dealt by its mundane counterpart. For example, a Sun Blade could be magically tempered as if it dealt slashing damage. At the DM’s discretion, the magic weapon chosen can be altered (for example a Sun Blade could instead be a Sun Axe) or can be chosen from a different source outside of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Weapon Form (stat block)
Tiny Construct, your alignment
Armor Class: 12 + your Charisma modifier
Hit Points: 5 x your sorcerer level
Speed: 0 ft., Fly 30ft
Str: 10 (+0)Dex: 10 (+0)Con: 10 (+0)Int: Your Int Modifier Wis: Your Wis Modifier Cha: Your Cha Modifier
Saving Throws: You retain your saving throw proficiencies, but must use the modifiers of the Weapon Form.
Skill Proficiencies: You retain your skill proficiencies, but must use the modifiers of the Weapon Form.
Senses: Any special senses you had prior to transforming
Languages: Your known languages. Cannot speak (except telepathically when held by another creature)
Damage Threshold: You have a Damage Threshold equal to twice your Proficiency Bonus. Any damage from a single attack or effect that fails to meet or exceed your Damage Threshold is considered superficial and doesn’t reduce your hit points.
Weapon Appearance: You can take the Hide action against creatures that can see you. For this trait, the creatures’ Wisdom (Perception) is contested by your Charisma (Deception). You appear like a normal weapon to the creature(s) you are successfully hiding from.
Multiattack: You make a single weapon attack against a creature within the weapon’s range. Starting at 6th level you can make two weapon attacks with this action.
Weapon Attack: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack +your spell attack bonus to hit , reach/range according to weapon properties, Hit: Weapon’s damage die + your charisma modifier
Bonus Actions
Change Form: By expending 1 sorcery point, you can change into another weapon form. This counts as the same use of your Weapon Form feature, and you retain your current health point total.
Hi Kaboom, I'm going to try and leave some feedback on this one as well. I may come back and edit this comment repeatedly as I think it through. The top-line is that this is an awesome idea, but I'm finding it hard to understand all the features and how they work together. Here goes (for now):
I don't see how the additional spells enhance the archetype. I would consider adding some smite spells or on-attack spells that would synergize with the weapon form.
Tried to pick thematically appropriate spells that fit the Evocation and Abjuration schools of magic restriction of Spell Slinging Weapon. I feel that smite spells on a full caster would be too powerful since they would be able to outpace their Paladin counterparts in progression.
For the base weapon form, I'd do away with most of the special rules. Let the character turn into any mundane weapon they can imagine, and let the damage die evolve on a standard progression. Let the player choose the (again mundane) damage type when they transform to fit the flavor, and maybe from among a small set of properties (although these don't seem super important).
I feel like that would be confusing. Like, a character can transform into a "lance" or "halberd" but can only deal a d4 damage?
I don't see the benefit of another character using the weapon-character. Do you keep your actions, or are you just a object? I also wouldn't worry about some of the bullets in that section. A character would obviously need to be in the same space as the wielder, and the wielder would obviously not be able to use the weapon-character as a weapon if the weapon-character were to fly away.
I think it is safe to spell certain things out rather than assume they are "obvious," as those sorts of things frequently lead to RAW vs RAI arguments and wonky interactions. I still try to trim it down as much as possible. The transformation works similar to Wild Shape, where your statistics are replaced and you can only take the actions your new form is capable of taking. The benefits are also similar, namely that you get another pool of hit points while in the new form, more defensive ability with the Damage Threshold, roleplay opportunity with Weapon Appearance, and a fly speed as early as level 1.
Some of the synergy of being wielded by another player comes from a few places. Firstly, because you both occupy the same space, you can effectively double the attacks of opportunity against a single creature without needing to worry about positioning (one by the sorc and one by its wielder). Secondly, the power of Magical Tempering goes up exponentially when wielded by a class like Fighter who can make 3+ attacks. Similarly, being wielded by someone like a Paladin allows them to target you with their own spellcasting (applying Smites) on top of your own abilities. For example, a paladin could divine smite multiple creatures when you are Magically Tempered as a slashing weapon. Third, this will comedown somewhat to DM judgement, but due to your Weapon Appearance trait, while you are wielded by another creature you likely wont be targeted by spells or attacks since, as far as enemies know, you are just a weapon.
I would dramatically simplify "Spell-Slinging Weapon". Just let the sorcerer cast spells of any school, but maybe restrict the level.
I prefer restricting the schools of magic rather than the level. Evocation and Abjuration make sense to me because one is basically the weapon "shooting out" some magical effect and the other is magically reinforcing themself or their friend who is holding them. Either way, a huge restriction on spellcasting is necessary as Druids dont get to cast any spells from their Wildshape until much later.
"Enhanced Weapon Form" is a bit powerful, but I can't say for sure. I still wouldn't restrict the spell school.
Its not terribly powerful. It is comparable to a Bladesinger's Extra Attack, but with the added school restriction to keep it in line with Spell Slinging Weapon as well as ensure its somewhat debuffed by comaprison (since the transformed sorcerer has the benefit of an extra pool of HP, a Damage Thershold, and potentially avoiding being targeted as extra defensive buffs)
"Magical Tempering" is a bit inconsistant in its power level. The piercing benefit is a bit convoluted, and the slashing benefit is much stronger than the others. I would consider a table of potential benefits that is simpler.
The piercing damage effect is a bit of a longer read, but I dont think its convoluted. The only detail that may be a bit weird is the extended duration that can occur, but I can play with that wording. The slashing benefit is strong, but requires more sorcery points expenditure to improve its effect, as it requires an extra 2 points for every additional 5 feet (and due to this cant be upscaled as much due to the cap on number of points you can expend per use). It is powerful overall, but also locked behind 14th level. I could see increasing the extra damage of the bludgeoning option to try to bring it up to pace with the others.
True Semblance is also a bit messy. I agree that the number of magic weapon needs to be limited, but why just to the DMG weapons? It also makes sense to create a table of magical effects for this feature to limit the potential for munchkinism.
Because most tables will only have access to the DMG and not necessarily the wide array of magic weapons listed in all of the other books. This also give the DM some ability to restrict weapons from sources they are not particularly fond of while guaranteeing to the player that the array of "classic" magic weapons will be available to choose from.
I think the idea of becoming a famous magic weapon type as your capstone is much more fun and engaging than just a table of magical effects. Since its an 18th level ability for a class that already gets access to spells like Wish, at that point youre already within the realm of munchkinism and you may as well invite the player to have some fun.
I may very well add to this list. It's a bit long yeah, but remember that I think the idea here is solid. I just think there are a bit too many convoluted bits that come from a character acting as a weapon.
The theme's creator indicated it fit within the category, so I figured it would be added to the list anyway. I dont think perceived issues with the subclass should invalidate it for participation, as those are the sort of things people will weigh when voting anyway.
Thank you for your feedback, it gives me much to think on in improving the subclass. I agree its a long subclass with many interweaving parts, but I think its unavoidable when trying to add something akin to Wildshape (which is already a lengthy ability) to a class that doesnt usually get that ability. There are many ways to simplify and streamline, but I am hesitant to do so in every way you suggested, as I fear it will make the final product more bland and less exciting.
Feat : Massive Weapon User Requires: Proficiency in Martial weapons, Level 8+
As a bonus action you can magically enlarge your weapon to 3x larger than normal or return it to its normal size. While enlarged you weapon gains the following features:
The weapon deals triple it's normal damage dice, but can only be used to make one attack per turn.
A 19 or higher on the d20 for the attack is a critical hit.
When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to try to block the strike with your weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC for that attack.
In addition, when you make an attack with this weapon you can choose one of the abilities below to add to that attack:
Sweep When you make an attack against a creature and miss, you can immediately make a new attack against a different creature that is also within your reach.
Fling When you hit a Huge or smaller creature with an attack, you can move that creature 10 ft in a direction of your choice (including vertically).
Stagger When you hit a creature with an attack, they cannot use a reaction until the start of their next turn, and have disadvantage on the next attack roll they make.
If your Strength score is less than 20, you make attacks with your enlarged weapon with disadvantage.
Neato. The latter part of the feat feels like it should interact with the new weapon masteries. A couple of comments:
Should not the reach of the weapon increase?
It feels like this feat should have a limited number of uses and a limited duration. Otherwise it's a bit OP.
I'm curious why you think it is OP? In terms of pure damage, you're trading : 2x(normal damage dice + 5), for 1x( triple the damage dice +5) - and that's assuming you don't have PAM or some other way of getting a 3rd attack as a bonus action. I was actually worried it was a little underpowered compared to PAM or GWM.
I got a question for the group. I started working on a subclass for the PC Options category, but before I go too far with it I want to make sure my idea will qualify for the contest. It’s a fighter subclass with spell slots, but instead of casting spells you spend the spell slots to augment your character’s martial prowess in various ways. Wadaya think?
I got a question for the group. I started working on a subclass for the PC Options category, but before I go too far with it I want to make sure my idea will qualify for the contest. It’s a fighter subclass with spell slots, but instead of casting spells you spend the spell slots to augment your character’s martial prowess in various ways. Wadaya think?
I had a similar thought the other day, although it was moreso pondering changing the way that 1/3 casters work in general. Instead of giving them spell slots, they'd get Spell Points (as outlined in the optional rules in the DMG), and could use those points to cast spells as normal, but their subclass would also have features that draw on spell points (to a lesser amount than spells) for augmenting their martial abilities. I know....I know, thats just Monk/Sorcerer with extra steps, but I feel like theres a workable concept there.
In any case, Sposta, I think its a good idea although, unless theres going to be some renaming, I am not sure "Spell Slots" will make much sense if theres isnt at least a limited/alternative option to use them for spells.
I got a question for the group. I started working on a subclass for the PC Options category, but before I go too far with it I want to make sure my idea will qualify for the contest. It’s a fighter subclass with spell slots, but instead of casting spells you spend the spell slots to augment your character’s martial prowess in various ways. Wadaya think?
I find that very interesting. You should go with that, it have great potential.
Jesters are performers who pretend to be fools for entertainment, often in the courts of nobles or kings. Because of their proximity to such important figures, a Jester could be the ideal assassin if given martial training.
Bonus Proficiency 3rd-level Jester feature
You are proficient with the Disguise Kit. You gain proficiency in acrobatics, performance, or sleight of hand.
Combat Stunts 3rd-level Jester feature
You perform tricks in combat that put your enemies off balance. You learn two combat stunts when you take this subclass. You learn an additional stunt of your choice at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.
Flourish. As a bonus action, you can draw and make a melee attack with a weapon with the finesse property. If the attack hits, you can use your Sneak Attack against the target, provided you haven’t already used Sneak Attack this turn.
Juggle. As an action, you can make a number of attacks equal to your proficiency bonus. Each attack must be a ranged attack using a weapon with the Thrown property. You cannot use your Sneak Attack on any of these attacks.
Mock. As an action, you can mock a creature within 60 feet of you that can hear you. Until the end of its next turn, that creature has disadvantage on attacks against creatures other than you.
Pilfer. When a creature misses you with a melee attack with a weapon with the light property, you can use your reaction to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by their Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, you steal the weapon used in the attack.
Gymnastics. When you take the Disengage action on your turn, you can move through the space of any hostile creature that does not fill that space completely, such as a gelatinous cube.
Feint. When you make a melee weapon attack against a creature, you can trick them into thinking you missed, before suddenly striking them again. Make a Charisma (Performance) check contested by their Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, you gain advantage on your attack roll against that creature.
You can use combat stunts a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier. No more than one stunt can be used on each turn in combat. You regain the use of your stunts when you finish a long rest. At 9th level, you regain the use of your stunts when you finish a short or long rest.
Master of Disguise 9th-level Jester feature
You can quickly make believable disguises. Given an hour and the use of your disguise kit, you can nonmagically replicate the effects of the disguise self spell. Creatures have disadvantage on any ability check to recognize your disguises.
Quick Footwork 13th-level Jester feature
Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. When you use your Uncanny Dodge, you can move up to your speed without provoking opportunity attacks as part of the same reaction.
Master of Stunts 17th-level Jester feature
The first time you use each of your known stunts after taking a short or long rest, it does not count against the number of stunts you can make.
This 6-inch tall lead figure has a normal body but multiple faces around its head. When viewed from the corner of your eye, its faces seem to smile, eyes gleaming even in the absence of light.
Each many-faced idol has at least three faces, and almost never more than 8. The number of faces an idol has determines its rarity.
3 - 4
5 - 6
Very Rare
Depending on a variety of possible factors, one or more of the faces can animate at a time. Each face has a different personality and abilities. Once a face has animated, it stays animated for 1 hour, after which it cannot animate again for 1d4 days. Four possible faces are detailed below, which you can use as inspiration to design your own faces.
Tiefling. This face has the appearance of a female tiefling. It is Neutral Evil and has an Intelligence of 11, Wisdom of 10, and Charisma of 14. It can speak, read, and understand Common, Halfling, and Infernal, but only responds when spoken to in Infernal. It has hearing and darkvision out to 60 feet, and within its darkvision can see in magical darkness.
The tiefling animates all of the following conditions are met:
The time is between midday and sunset
The idol is touching stone or a similar substance
A creature speaks in Infernal within 60 feet of the idol
The tiefling tries to persuade its holder to act selfishly, such as taking a greater share of magic items or encouraging acquiring wealth through unscrupulous means. It feels a kinship towards tieflings and halflings, and is biased towards thinking these creatures are more trustworthy than others.
While the tiefling face is animated, any creature holding the idol can cast the thaumaturgy or hellish rebukespells at will (spell save DC 12).
The tiefling has an intense fear of heights. It will not animate within 10 feet of a vertical drop greater than 30 feet. If brought near such a ledge while animated, the tiefling immediately de-animates.
Old Man. This face has the appearance of a wizened human male. It is Lawful Neutral and has an Intelligence of 15, Wisdom of 16, and Charisma of 8. It can speak, read, and understand Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, and Draconic. It has hearing and vision similar to that of the average human, but its sight is limited to the direction it is facing.
The old man animates all of the following conditions are met:
It is held by a creature with an intelligence above 3 that can speak at least one language the old man can understand.
It has not rained for at least one hour
There is a creature that can cast spells within 300 feet of the idol, but not within 30 feet.
The old man encourages the pursuit of knowledge and patronage of art and science, even at great monetary cost. It is friendlier toward creatures with high intelligence or wisdom (above 13) and ignores characters with low intelligence or wisdom (below 8).
When the old man animates, any creature touching it gains proficiency in one skill, tool, or language of the DM’s choice until it de-animates. While animated, any creature holding the idol can use it to cast the legend lore spell. The response takes the form of a verbose reminiscence by the old man, de-animating after the monologue is over.
The old man dislikes the rain. It will not animate during a storm and for an hour after one has passed, or if it is submerged in liquid. If the idol gets wet, the old man will become cranky and hostile until dried off. If not dried off within 5 minutes of getting wet, the old man will de-animate.
Knight. This idol’s face is a carving of a knightly helm. It is Lawful Good and has an Intelligence of 11, Wisdom of 11, and Charisma of 18. It can speak, read, and understand Common. It has hearing and vision out to 120 feet. It can magically detect any lies it hears spoken.
The knight animates if all of the following conditions are met:
One creature has challenged another creature to a duel within the past week, the duel has not yet taken place, and one of the creatures involved is holding the idol.
It is not a new moon
The knight has a strong sense of duty, justice, and chivalry. It encourages honorable behavior and self sacrifice even in the face of great personal danger. It distrusts anyone who uses arcane magic, preferring good old fashioned sword and board in a fight.
While the knight is animated, the creature holding it can add their charisma modifier to the attack and damage rolls of their weapons when in single combat with a foe. If a creature dies in single combat while the knight is animated, the knight de-animates and restores that creature to life after 1d4 minutes. After being resurrected, a creature gains three levels of exhaustion and its hit point maximum is halved until it finishes a long rest.
The knight abhors dishonesty. If its holder lies while the knight is animate, it refuses to grant any benefits to that creature until it de-animates. If a creature breaks a sworn oath while holding the idol and the knight is animated, that creature takes 2d12 psychic damage and the knight will never grant them any benefit ever again.
Mystery. This face seems unfinished, carved only with vague impressions of a nose, mouth, and eyes but no other features. It is Chaotic Neutral and has an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma of 13. It cannot speak nor see on its own, but can communicate telepathically with any creature holding the idol and use that creature’s senses.
The mystery animates if the following conditions are met:
The creature holding it is any Non-Lawful alignment.
The idol is not in direct sunlight or in magical light that reveals illusions.
No other faces are animated.
The mystery does not communicate its feelings, desires, or emotions to the user. Its ultimate goal is always antithetical to its wielders, and will omit or subtly change information and suggestions to further that goal.
While the mystery is animated, the creature holding it has advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks and can cast invisibilityat will, targeting only themself. Each time the spell is cast, there is a 10% chance that the spell fails and the mystery de-animates.
The mystery is secretive, acting alone and intolerable of scrutiny. If another face of the idol animates or a spell is cast to divine the properties of the idol, the mystery de-animates.
Multiple Animated Faces If more than one face is animated at a time, a creature holding the idol gains the benefits of all animated faces, but in order to use one as an action, bonus action, or reaction must succeed on a Charisma check to get the attention of the idol (DC = 8 + the Charisma modifier of each animated face). If two animated faces have personalities or goals that are at odds, this roll is made with disadvantage, as a creature has to content with the idol arguing with itself.
I got a question for the group. I started working on a subclass for the PC Options category, but before I go too far with it I want to make sure my idea will qualify for the contest. It’s a fighter subclass with spell slots, but instead of casting spells you spend the spell slots to augment your character’s martial prowess in various ways. Wadaya think?
That's more or less the approach of maneuvers and stances from the 3.5e Book of Nine Swords, which is a great supplement. I don't see why it wouldn't fit. If I weren't lazy, I'd have tried to adapt the combat focus idea with the 3.5 maneuvers into a subclass, so I'm curious to see what you'll come up with.
The theme's creator indicated it fit within the category, so I figured it would be added to the list anyway. I dont think perceived issues with the subclass should invalidate it for participation, as those are the sort of things people will weigh when voting anyway.
For sure, please don't mistake me as trying to imply that it isn't valid--it's thematically very appropriate. I'd just be hesitant to use it at a table despite how cool it is.
Some of the synergy of being wielded by another player comes from a few places. Firstly, because you both occupy the same space, you can effectively double the attacks of opportunity against a single creature without needing to worry about positioning (one by the sorc and one by its wielder). Secondly, the power of Magical Tempering goes up exponentially when wielded by a class like Fighter who can make 3+ attacks. Similarly, being wielded by someone like a Paladin allows them to target you with their own spellcasting (applying Smites) on top of your own abilities. For example, a paladin could divine smite multiple creatures when you are Magically Tempered as a slashing weapon. Third, this will comedown somewhat to DM judgement, but due to your Weapon Appearance trait, while you are wielded by another creature you likely wont be targeted by spells or attacks since, as far as enemies know, you are just a weapon.
That makes sense by and large. So you're still considered a creature in weapon form, and can be targeted by attacks and the like, but at the same time you're considered a melee weapon for the purposes of being held and for the purpose of others using class abilities. Just a few clarifying questions. Can the wielder be disarmed of the sorcerer? Can an enemy take up your weapon form if so? If the sorcerer doesn't like that, I assume they can revert to their natural form and be shunted into an adjacent space?
I prefer restricting the schools of magic rather than the level. Evocation and Abjuration make sense to me because one is basically the weapon "shooting out" some magical effect and the other is magically reinforcing themself or their friend who is holding them. Either way, a huge restriction on spellcasting is necessary as Druids dont get to cast any spells from their Wildshape until much later.
I agree with you in most cases, but there are certainly spells of other schools that would be appropriate. The point about druids was exactly what I was going to raise in advocating for a level limit, because limiting the school isn't as huge a limit as a level limit would be, in my opinion. Nonetheless, I don't necessarily think that's a critical point.
Its not terribly powerful. It is comparable to a Bladesinger's Extra Attack, but with the added school restriction to keep it in line with Spell Slinging Weapon as well as ensure its somewhat debuffed by comaprison (since the transformed sorcerer has the benefit of an extra pool of HP, a Damage Thershold, and potentially avoiding being targeted as extra defensive buffs)
When I say powerful, I don't mean OP. I agree on the need for limits again, but at this point I suspect we just won't agree on what sort of limit is appropriate--and that's fine.
I could see increasing the extra damage of the bludgeoning option to try to bring it up to pace with the others.
I think that'd be appropriate. By the way, I also think that the concept of tempering would synergize well with the new weapon masteries. Consider that a sorcerer in hammer form could be given access to the topple mastery, for example, which would allow the sorcerer to dip into that new feature. What do you think?
Because most tables will only have access to the DMG and not necessarily the wide array of magic weapons listed in all of the other books. This also give the DM some ability to restrict weapons from sources they are not particularly fond of while guaranteeing to the player that the array of "classic" magic weapons will be available to choose from.
I think this argument would hold more weight if the sorcerer could switch the form they take, but it seems reasonable to allow other sources as long as the choice is fixed (a fact that I missed in my original feedback, so mea culpa there). But nonetheless, you've explicitly mentioned that DM discretion is in play, so we really don't disagree here.
I'm curious why you think it is OP? In terms of pure damage, you're trading : 2x(normal damage dice + 5), for 1x( triple the damage dice +5) - and that's assuming you don't have PAM or some other way of getting a 3rd attack as a bonus action. I was actually worried it was a little underpowered compared to PAM or GWM.
I missed the part about one attack per round. I've dishonored my family and my nation.
I got a question for the group. I started working on a subclass for the PC Options category, but before I go too far with it I want to make sure my idea will qualify for the contest. It’s a fighter subclass with spell slots, but instead of casting spells you spend the spell slots to augment your character’s martial prowess in various ways. Wadaya think?
This was MilestoGo_24's category, so I'll defer to their judgement, but to my mind it's absolutely appropriate.
Having not seen the subclass, my initial thought is that this is a really cool concept that would work really well with Paladins too.
Since I have a lot of work to do for my Player submission, and don't have a lot of free time, I have decided to submit a real microbrew for DM options, mostly just because I think the item is funny, and one of my players absolutely loves messing with it. I don't expect a lot of points for it, but whatever, it's all for good fun.
DM Options: There's a Time and a Place for That
Clown shoes of Squeeking
Wondrous Item (footwear), uncommon
These shoes squeek mirthfully with every step. You gain advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks while wearing these shoes, but automatically fail all Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Since I have a lot of work to do for my Player submission, and don't have a lot of free time, I have decided to submit a real microbrew for DM options, mostly just because I think the item is funny, and one of my players absolutely loves messing with it. I don't expect a lot of points for it, but whatever, it's all for good fun.
DM Options: There's a Time and a Place for That
Clown shoes of Squeeking
Wondrous Item (footwear), uncommon
These shoes squeek mirthfully with every step. You gain advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks while wearing these shoes, but automatically fail all Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Ha! Reminds me of these boots I made in 2021:
Boots of Dancing
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)
While you wear these boots, you can use a bonus action and click the boots' heels together. If you do, the boots double your walking speed, and any creature that makes an opportunity attack against you has disadvantage on the attack roll. If you click your heels together again, you end the effect.
When the boots' property has been used for a total of 10 minutes, the magic ceases to function until you finish a long rest.
Curse. This weapon is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. Until the curse is broken with remove curse or similar magic, you are unwilling to part with the boots, keeping them within reach at all times. Whenever you take the Dash or Disengage actions, you must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you are compelled to dance for 1 minute, as if by the Otto’s irresistible dance spell.
Some of the synergy of being wielded by another player comes from a few places. Firstly, because you both occupy the same space, you can effectively double the attacks of opportunity against a single creature without needing to worry about positioning (one by the sorc and one by its wielder). Secondly, the power of Magical Tempering goes up exponentially when wielded by a class like Fighter who can make 3+ attacks. Similarly, being wielded by someone like a Paladin allows them to target you with their own spellcasting (applying Smites) on top of your own abilities. For example, a paladin could divine smite multiple creatures when you are Magically Tempered as a slashing weapon. Third, this will comedown somewhat to DM judgement, but due to your Weapon Appearance trait, while you are wielded by another creature you likely wont be targeted by spells or attacks since, as far as enemies know, you are just a weapon.
That makes sense by and large. So you're still considered a creature in weapon form, and can be targeted by attacks and the like, but at the same time you're considered a melee weapon for the purposes of being held and for the purpose of others using class abilities. Just a few clarifying questions. Can the wielder be disarmed of the sorcerer? Can an enemy take up your weapon form if so? If the sorcerer doesn't like that, I assume they can revert to their natural form and be shunted into an adjacent space?
This is one of those oddities for trying to get the language right for me. They are technically a creature, but my intention is that when being held by an ally they are treated as a weapon for that creature (I tried to summarize this by stating things along the lines of you having the weapons normal properties for that creature, but that may not be sufficient).
I agree with alot of your other feedback, although I am not going to respond to each one piece by piece here. I do like the idea of applying weapon masteries, and the possible synergies there, but for now I am leaving this as applicable to strictly 5e mechanics and will likely update it for my own collection when the new rules formally release
Thank you for the thoughtful and constructive input
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews!Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
I got a question for the group. I started working on a subclass for the PC Options category, but before I go too far with it I want to make sure my idea will qualify for the contest. It’s a fighter subclass with spell slots, but instead of casting spells you spend the spell slots to augment your character’s martial prowess in various ways. Wadaya think?
This was MilestoGo_24's category, so I'll defer to their judgement, but to my mind it's absolutely appropriate.
Having not seen the subclass, my initial thought is that this is a really cool concept that would work really well with Paladins too.
I’ll wait to see what Miles and a few of the others like Zombles and Agile have to say then. If the consensus is that it fits, and Miles concurs then I’l go with it. Otherwise I’ll think of something else.
I got a question for the group. I started working on a subclass for the PC Options category, but before I go too far with it I want to make sure my idea will qualify for the contest. It’s a fighter subclass with spell slots, but instead of casting spells you spend the spell slots to augment your character’s martial prowess in various ways. Wadaya think?
This was MilestoGo_24's category, so I'll defer to their judgement, but to my mind it's absolutely appropriate.
Having not seen the subclass, my initial thought is that this is a really cool concept that would work really well with Paladins too.
I’ll wait to see what Miles and a few of the others like Zombles and Agile have to say then. If the consensus is that it fits, and Miles concurs then I’l go with it. Otherwise I’ll think of something else.
All good, but I should say that the judge is the final word, so if they said it’s fine, it’s fine
I got a question for the group. I started working on a subclass for the PC Options category, but before I go too far with it I want to make sure my idea will qualify for the contest. It’s a fighter subclass with spell slots, but instead of casting spells you spend the spell slots to augment your character’s martial prowess in various ways. Wadaya think?
This was MilestoGo_24's category, so I'll defer to their judgement, but to my mind it's absolutely appropriate.
Having not seen the subclass, my initial thought is that this is a really cool concept that would work really well with Paladins too.
I’ll wait to see what Miles and a few of the others like Zombles and Agile have to say then. If the consensus is that it fits, and Miles concurs then I’l go with it. Otherwise I’ll think of something else.
All good, but I should say that the judge is the final word, so if they said it’s fine, it’s fine
It’s one thing to technically qualify according to the judge. It’s another thing to have everyone who votes shoot it down for “not really fitting” the theme. Just makin’ sure that nobody will tank my subclass on that point is all. That’s why it’s nice if at least most of the big names in the competition accept it.
Tried to pick thematically appropriate spells that fit the Evocation and Abjuration schools of magic restriction of Spell Slinging Weapon. I feel that smite spells on a full caster would be too powerful since they would be able to outpace their Paladin counterparts in progression.
I feel like that would be confusing. Like, a character can transform into a "lance" or "halberd" but can only deal a d4 damage?
I think it is safe to spell certain things out rather than assume they are "obvious," as those sorts of things frequently lead to RAW vs RAI arguments and wonky interactions. I still try to trim it down as much as possible. The transformation works similar to Wild Shape, where your statistics are replaced and you can only take the actions your new form is capable of taking. The benefits are also similar, namely that you get another pool of hit points while in the new form, more defensive ability with the Damage Threshold, roleplay opportunity with Weapon Appearance, and a fly speed as early as level 1.
Some of the synergy of being wielded by another player comes from a few places. Firstly, because you both occupy the same space, you can effectively double the attacks of opportunity against a single creature without needing to worry about positioning (one by the sorc and one by its wielder). Secondly, the power of Magical Tempering goes up exponentially when wielded by a class like Fighter who can make 3+ attacks. Similarly, being wielded by someone like a Paladin allows them to target you with their own spellcasting (applying Smites) on top of your own abilities. For example, a paladin could divine smite multiple creatures when you are Magically Tempered as a slashing weapon. Third, this will comedown somewhat to DM judgement, but due to your Weapon Appearance trait, while you are wielded by another creature you likely wont be targeted by spells or attacks since, as far as enemies know, you are just a weapon.
I prefer restricting the schools of magic rather than the level. Evocation and Abjuration make sense to me because one is basically the weapon "shooting out" some magical effect and the other is magically reinforcing themself or their friend who is holding them. Either way, a huge restriction on spellcasting is necessary as Druids dont get to cast any spells from their Wildshape until much later.
Its not terribly powerful. It is comparable to a Bladesinger's Extra Attack, but with the added school restriction to keep it in line with Spell Slinging Weapon as well as ensure its somewhat debuffed by comaprison (since the transformed sorcerer has the benefit of an extra pool of HP, a Damage Thershold, and potentially avoiding being targeted as extra defensive buffs)
The piercing damage effect is a bit of a longer read, but I dont think its convoluted. The only detail that may be a bit weird is the extended duration that can occur, but I can play with that wording. The slashing benefit is strong, but requires more sorcery points expenditure to improve its effect, as it requires an extra 2 points for every additional 5 feet (and due to this cant be upscaled as much due to the cap on number of points you can expend per use). It is powerful overall, but also locked behind 14th level. I could see increasing the extra damage of the bludgeoning option to try to bring it up to pace with the others.
Because most tables will only have access to the DMG and not necessarily the wide array of magic weapons listed in all of the other books. This also give the DM some ability to restrict weapons from sources they are not particularly fond of while guaranteeing to the player that the array of "classic" magic weapons will be available to choose from.
I think the idea of becoming a famous magic weapon type as your capstone is much more fun and engaging than just a table of magical effects. Since its an 18th level ability for a class that already gets access to spells like Wish, at that point youre already within the realm of munchkinism and you may as well invite the player to have some fun.
The theme's creator indicated it fit within the category, so I figured it would be added to the list anyway. I dont think perceived issues with the subclass should invalidate it for participation, as those are the sort of things people will weigh when voting anyway.
Thank you for your feedback, it gives me much to think on in improving the subclass. I agree its a long subclass with many interweaving parts, but I think its unavoidable when trying to add something akin to Wildshape (which is already a lengthy ability) to a class that doesnt usually get that ability. There are many ways to simplify and streamline, but I am hesitant to do so in every way you suggested, as I fear it will make the final product more bland and less exciting.
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
I'm curious why you think it is OP? In terms of pure damage, you're trading : 2x(normal damage dice + 5), for 1x( triple the damage dice +5) - and that's assuming you don't have PAM or some other way of getting a 3rd attack as a bonus action. I was actually worried it was a little underpowered compared to PAM or GWM.
I got a question for the group. I started working on a subclass for the PC Options category, but before I go too far with it I want to make sure my idea will qualify for the contest. It’s a fighter subclass with spell slots, but instead of casting spells you spend the spell slots to augment your character’s martial prowess in various ways. Wadaya think?
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I had a similar thought the other day, although it was moreso pondering changing the way that 1/3 casters work in general. Instead of giving them spell slots, they'd get Spell Points (as outlined in the optional rules in the DMG), and could use those points to cast spells as normal, but their subclass would also have features that draw on spell points (to a lesser amount than spells) for augmenting their martial abilities. I know....I know, thats just Monk/Sorcerer with extra steps, but I feel like theres a workable concept there.
In any case, Sposta, I think its a good idea although, unless theres going to be some renaming, I am not sure "Spell Slots" will make much sense if theres isnt at least a limited/alternative option to use them for spells.
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
I find that very interesting. You should go with that, it have great potential.
My Homebrew: Spells Subclasses
Gnomarchy>> if I made ajustments to my subclass, should I do a new post or just edit the existing one ?
My Homebrew: Spells Subclasses
Normally it’s customary to edit the existing one so the judge (Dragon_Shark in this case) doesn’t have to update any links.
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PC Option:
Roguish Archetype: Jester
Jesters are performers who pretend to be fools for entertainment, often in the courts of nobles or kings. Because of their proximity to such important figures, a Jester could be the ideal assassin if given martial training.
Bonus Proficiency
3rd-level Jester feature
You are proficient with the Disguise Kit. You gain proficiency in acrobatics, performance, or sleight of hand.
Combat Stunts
3rd-level Jester feature
You perform tricks in combat that put your enemies off balance. You learn two combat stunts when you take this subclass. You learn an additional stunt of your choice at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.
You can use combat stunts a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier. No more than one stunt can be used on each turn in combat. You regain the use of your stunts when you finish a long rest. At 9th level, you regain the use of your stunts when you finish a short or long rest.
Master of Disguise
9th-level Jester feature
You can quickly make believable disguises. Given an hour and the use of your disguise kit, you can nonmagically replicate the effects of the disguise self spell. Creatures have disadvantage on any ability check to recognize your disguises.
Quick Footwork
13th-level Jester feature
Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. When you use your Uncanny Dodge, you can move up to your speed without provoking opportunity attacks as part of the same reaction.
Master of Stunts
17th-level Jester feature
The first time you use each of your known stunts after taking a short or long rest, it does not count against the number of stunts you can make.
DM Option:
Many-Faced Idol
wondrous item, rarity varies
Each many-faced idol has at least three faces, and almost never more than 8. The number of faces an idol has determines its rarity.
Depending on a variety of possible factors, one or more of the faces can animate at a time. Each face has a different personality and abilities. Once a face has animated, it stays animated for 1 hour, after which it cannot animate again for 1d4 days. Four possible faces are detailed below, which you can use as inspiration to design your own faces.
Tiefling. This face has the appearance of a female tiefling. It is Neutral Evil and has an Intelligence of 11, Wisdom of 10, and Charisma of 14. It can speak, read, and understand Common, Halfling, and Infernal, but only responds when spoken to in Infernal. It has hearing and darkvision out to 60 feet, and within its darkvision can see in magical darkness.
The tiefling animates all of the following conditions are met:
The tiefling tries to persuade its holder to act selfishly, such as taking a greater share of magic items or encouraging acquiring wealth through unscrupulous means. It feels a kinship towards tieflings and halflings, and is biased towards thinking these creatures are more trustworthy than others.
While the tiefling face is animated, any creature holding the idol can cast the thaumaturgy or hellish rebuke spells at will (spell save DC 12).
The tiefling has an intense fear of heights. It will not animate within 10 feet of a vertical drop greater than 30 feet. If brought near such a ledge while animated, the tiefling immediately de-animates.
Old Man. This face has the appearance of a wizened human male. It is Lawful Neutral and has an Intelligence of 15, Wisdom of 16, and Charisma of 8. It can speak, read, and understand Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, and Draconic. It has hearing and vision similar to that of the average human, but its sight is limited to the direction it is facing.
The old man animates all of the following conditions are met:
The old man encourages the pursuit of knowledge and patronage of art and science, even at great monetary cost. It is friendlier toward creatures with high intelligence or wisdom (above 13) and ignores characters with low intelligence or wisdom (below 8).
When the old man animates, any creature touching it gains proficiency in one skill, tool, or language of the DM’s choice until it de-animates. While animated, any creature holding the idol can use it to cast the legend lore spell. The response takes the form of a verbose reminiscence by the old man, de-animating after the monologue is over.
The old man dislikes the rain. It will not animate during a storm and for an hour after one has passed, or if it is submerged in liquid. If the idol gets wet, the old man will become cranky and hostile until dried off. If not dried off within 5 minutes of getting wet, the old man will de-animate.
Knight. This idol’s face is a carving of a knightly helm. It is Lawful Good and has an Intelligence of 11, Wisdom of 11, and Charisma of 18. It can speak, read, and understand Common. It has hearing and vision out to 120 feet. It can magically detect any lies it hears spoken.
The knight animates if all of the following conditions are met:
The knight has a strong sense of duty, justice, and chivalry. It encourages honorable behavior and self sacrifice even in the face of great personal danger. It distrusts anyone who uses arcane magic, preferring good old fashioned sword and board in a fight.
While the knight is animated, the creature holding it can add their charisma modifier to the attack and damage rolls of their weapons when in single combat with a foe. If a creature dies in single combat while the knight is animated, the knight de-animates and restores that creature to life after 1d4 minutes. After being resurrected, a creature gains three levels of exhaustion and its hit point maximum is halved until it finishes a long rest.
The knight abhors dishonesty. If its holder lies while the knight is animate, it refuses to grant any benefits to that creature until it de-animates. If a creature breaks a sworn oath while holding the idol and the knight is animated, that creature takes 2d12 psychic damage and the knight will never grant them any benefit ever again.
Mystery. This face seems unfinished, carved only with vague impressions of a nose, mouth, and eyes but no other features. It is Chaotic Neutral and has an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma of 13. It cannot speak nor see on its own, but can communicate telepathically with any creature holding the idol and use that creature’s senses.
The mystery animates if the following conditions are met:
The mystery does not communicate its feelings, desires, or emotions to the user. Its ultimate goal is always antithetical to its wielders, and will omit or subtly change information and suggestions to further that goal.
While the mystery is animated, the creature holding it has advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks and can cast invisibility at will, targeting only themself. Each time the spell is cast, there is a 10% chance that the spell fails and the mystery de-animates.
The mystery is secretive, acting alone and intolerable of scrutiny. If another face of the idol animates or a spell is cast to divine the properties of the idol, the mystery de-animates.
Multiple Animated Faces
If more than one face is animated at a time, a creature holding the idol gains the benefits of all animated faces, but in order to use one as an action, bonus action, or reaction must succeed on a Charisma check to get the attention of the idol (DC = 8 + the Charisma modifier of each animated face). If two animated faces have personalities or goals that are at odds, this roll is made with disadvantage, as a creature has to content with the idol arguing with itself.
That's more or less the approach of maneuvers and stances from the 3.5e Book of Nine Swords, which is a great supplement. I don't see why it wouldn't fit. If I weren't lazy, I'd have tried to adapt the combat focus idea with the 3.5 maneuvers into a subclass, so I'm curious to see what you'll come up with.
For sure, please don't mistake me as trying to imply that it isn't valid--it's thematically very appropriate. I'd just be hesitant to use it at a table despite how cool it is.
That makes sense by and large. So you're still considered a creature in weapon form, and can be targeted by attacks and the like, but at the same time you're considered a melee weapon for the purposes of being held and for the purpose of others using class abilities. Just a few clarifying questions. Can the wielder be disarmed of the sorcerer? Can an enemy take up your weapon form if so? If the sorcerer doesn't like that, I assume they can revert to their natural form and be shunted into an adjacent space?
I agree with you in most cases, but there are certainly spells of other schools that would be appropriate. The point about druids was exactly what I was going to raise in advocating for a level limit, because limiting the school isn't as huge a limit as a level limit would be, in my opinion. Nonetheless, I don't necessarily think that's a critical point.
When I say powerful, I don't mean OP. I agree on the need for limits again, but at this point I suspect we just won't agree on what sort of limit is appropriate--and that's fine.
I think that'd be appropriate. By the way, I also think that the concept of tempering would synergize well with the new weapon masteries. Consider that a sorcerer in hammer form could be given access to the topple mastery, for example, which would allow the sorcerer to dip into that new feature. What do you think?
I think this argument would hold more weight if the sorcerer could switch the form they take, but it seems reasonable to allow other sources as long as the choice is fixed (a fact that I missed in my original feedback, so mea culpa there). But nonetheless, you've explicitly mentioned that DM discretion is in play, so we really don't disagree here.
I missed the part about one attack per round. I've dishonored my family and my nation.
This was MilestoGo_24's category, so I'll defer to their judgement, but to my mind it's absolutely appropriate.
Having not seen the subclass, my initial thought is that this is a really cool concept that would work really well with Paladins too.
Since I have a lot of work to do for my Player submission, and don't have a lot of free time, I have decided to submit a real microbrew for DM options, mostly just because I think the item is funny, and one of my players absolutely loves messing with it. I don't expect a lot of points for it, but whatever, it's all for good fun.
DM Options: There's a Time and a Place for That
Clown shoes of Squeeking
These shoes squeek mirthfully with every step. You gain advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks while wearing these shoes, but automatically fail all Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
I am also here.
Am snek.
Thanks !
My Homebrew: Spells Subclasses
Ha! Reminds me of these boots I made in 2021:
Boots of Dancing
While you wear these boots, you can use a bonus action and click the boots' heels together. If you do, the boots double your walking speed, and any creature that makes an opportunity attack against you has disadvantage on the attack roll. If you click your heels together again, you end the effect.
When the boots' property has been used for a total of 10 minutes, the magic ceases to function until you finish a long rest.
Curse. This weapon is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. Until the curse is broken with remove curse or similar magic, you are unwilling to part with the boots, keeping them within reach at all times. Whenever you take the Dash or Disengage actions, you must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you are compelled to dance for 1 minute, as if by the Otto’s irresistible dance spell.
This is one of those oddities for trying to get the language right for me. They are technically a creature, but my intention is that when being held by an ally they are treated as a weapon for that creature (I tried to summarize this by stating things along the lines of you having the weapons normal properties for that creature, but that may not be sufficient).
I agree with alot of your other feedback, although I am not going to respond to each one piece by piece here. I do like the idea of applying weapon masteries, and the possible synergies there, but for now I am leaving this as applicable to strictly 5e mechanics and will likely update it for my own collection when the new rules formally release
Thank you for the thoughtful and constructive input
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Hope it helps. I'll reiterate that I wouldn't bother if I didn't think it were a really neat idea.
I’ll wait to see what Miles and a few of the others like Zombles and Agile have to say then. If the consensus is that it fits, and Miles concurs then I’l go with it. Otherwise I’ll think of something else.
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Content Troubleshooting
All good, but I should say that the judge is the final word, so if they said it’s fine, it’s fine
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Fact is, Sposta, I'd like to see how you'd build up this idea, regardless.
It’s one thing to technically qualify according to the judge. It’s another thing to have everyone who votes shoot it down for “not really fitting” the theme. Just makin’ sure that nobody will tank my subclass on that point is all. That’s why it’s nice if at least most of the big names in the competition accept it.
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