Interactive Options: Bandits, Outlaws and Scallywags
Vanyo “Friesen” D’hallis
Appearance:A tall, lean young male elf. His skin is tanned from being outdoors, but his hands are smooth, unused to physical work. He wears expensive leather armour decorated with a leaf and flower motif, and carries an elven-style bow across his back. When attending social events he wears a set of green and gold fine robes of the most modern fashion.
Personality: Arrogant, ambitious, opportunistic and ruthless. Friesen is intelligent but narcissistic and a tendency to react violently to any criticism. He holds a deep-seated resentment of his mother and former family for their failure to appreciate his genius. He will ally with anyone if it furthers his goals and just as quickly betray them should they cease to be an asset.
Backstory:The D’hallis family were a long established noble family known as the "Lords of the Green" because of their ties to agriculture. However, over-cultivation degraded the soil of their lands, causing them to fall deep into debt. Vanyo, the youngest son, left to seek a his own fortune but a few misplaced investments left him near-destitute, until he turned his agricultural skills to the growing of the addictive (and illegal) plant dreamweed, adopting the moniker Friesen for his illegal dealings. When he suggested the family join him in this venture his mother was outraged and banished him. But when his elder brothers died in mysterious accidents, and his mother died of grief, the family manor and title were passed down to Vanyo prompting him to return to his ancestral home.
Expand his dreamweed operations - Vanyo leads a group of thugs, thieves and alchemists producing a purified drug from dreamweed.
Reclaim his inheritance - Vanyo's mother locked the family's moonblade and deeds to their land in a near-impregnable lead safe with a combination lock (DC 30, the correct combination is the year the family was first granted the title "Lords of the Green".
Gain power & status as the new Lord of the Green.
AC: 17 (studded leather) HP: 120 (20d8+20) Medium Humanoid, Movement: 30 ft STR 14 (+2) DEX 20 (+5) CON 12 (+1) INT 15 (+2) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 19 (+4) Skills: Deception (+8), Sleight of Hand (+7), Stealth (+7), Acrobatics (+9) Saves: Dexterity (+7), Intelligence (+4), Wisdom (+2)
Sneak Attack (3d6) Fey Ancestry: Adv vs charm, immune to sleep
Actions Multiattack : Vanyo makes two attack with Liuva, or three attacks with his daggers. Liuva (+2 longbow) : +9th, 150/300 ft, 1d8+7 piercing damage + 3d6 poison damage Dagger : +9th, 1d4+7 + 2d6 poison damage Dreamweed Dust(recharge 5-6) : creatures in a 30 ft cone must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16) or become poisoned and fall asleep for 1 hour. Sleeping targets wake up if shaken awake or if they take damage but remain poisoned. While asleep they experience wonderful, euphoric dreams.
Rivaling Vanyo D'hallis is Mr. Black, leader of the Dougle crime family, who currently controls the black-market trade and criminal enterprises in the city.
Appearance: Stocky and well muscled, even by dwarf standards, Mr. Black is a middle-aged male dwarf with a thick well groomed beard and long black hair. He wears an old, but well-cared for leather coat over a simple black shirt, and dark coloured trousers. His heavy steel tipped boots are only cleaned if there is a “misunderstanding” and blood gets onto them.
Personality: Mr. Black is street smart, and cool-headed. He enjoys his work because he is good at it, and believes he does it fairly and honourably according to his own moral code: "it's just business". He is ruthless in punishing those that cross him, but fair and reasonable to those who show him his due respect. More intelligent than your average thug, it is Mr. Black's wits and tact that enabled him to rise to the head of the family.
Backstory: The Dougles are a multi-generational professional crime family. Well connected throughout the poor and working class neighbourhoods, they are often well-regarded members of the community by their neighbours. Mr. Black is the current head of the family with his younger brothers (Declan, Liam), as well as uncles (Finnian, Tyrone, Kellen) forming the inner circle. The family makes its money primarily off providing "protection" to various businesses and trading in stolen goods that just happen to fall into their possession. Seamus has a wife (Claire) and children (Aisling and Casey).
Maintain control over the city's criminal trade.
Provide a comfortable life for his wife & children.
AC: 14 (studded leather) HP: 180 (20d8+60) Medium Humanoid, Movement: 30 ft STR 20(+5) DEX 14 (+5) CON 16 (+3) INT 13 (+1) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 19 (+4) Skills: Intimidation (+8), Deception (+6), Athletics (+9), Insight (+5) Saves: Dexterity (+7), Constitution (+5), Charisma (+6), Wisdom (+5)
Dwarven Resilience: Adv vs poison & resistance to poison damage. Spellcasting (+8th, DC 16) At will: Vicious Mockery (4d4 damage), Dissonant Whispers (2nd level), Firebolt (4d10 damage) 3/Day: Invisibility, Detect Thoughts, Shatter 1/Day: Fear, Maximillian's Earthen Hand
Actions Multiattack : Mr. Black makes 3 attacks with his warhammer or 1 attack with his warhammer & casts a spell. +1 Warhammer: +9th, 1d10+6 bludgeoning damage + 2d6 psychic damage and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Whirling Strike: Mr Black swings his warhammer in a wide circle around himself. Each creature within 10 ft of Mr. Black must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 16). On a failure the target take 5d10 bludgeoning damage and is pushed 15 ft away from Mr. Black. On a success a target takes half damage.
Bonus Actions: Command Family - one member of the Dougle family can use their Reaction to Move, Attack, Dodge or Hide.
I am submitting the following magic item for DM Options: The Red Prison
Reverse Skeleton Key
Wondrous Item, Rare
This magical key is ordained with a skull on one end, which has a somewhat wry smile - as if mocking the one holding it. This key can be inserted into any lock; however, when turned, it only acts to lock rather than unlock. When locked for the first time using this key, the DC for any ability check made to pick the lock increases by 5.
This magic item also has 3 charges, and regains 1d4-1 expended charges each dawn. While holding the key, as a Magic action you can expend one charge to cast Arcane Lock without expending a spell slot or providing spell components. When cast this way, you cannot set a password to unlock the object, and the only creature that can open and close the object for the duration is one which is holding this key.
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Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews!Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
You have spent your life marked out as special by the sages or seers of your community. You receive flashes of visions or hear voices of memories of a life that is not your own, but that of a great hero who died years before you were born. You bear an uncanny like-ness to the paintings and statues of the past hero, though you do not necessarily have the same skills or abilities of them.
Decides on a name, and general abilities of your past life and work with your DM to detail the nature of their feats and current myths of stories surrounding them. You may want to choose a named NPC from an adventure module or Campaign Setting lore, or invent your own. Was the hero a defender of the common folk? or a famous general or mage? Were they instead a villain, considered only to be a hero among a select cult? Consider how your character feels about other people's expectations for them. Do they see it as a destiny they must fulfill or a burden they would rather forget?
Skill Proficiencies: History, Performance
Languages: One of your choice Tools: Calligrapher's supplies
Equipment: An amulet (with the symbol of your famous ancestor), a book, ink and pen, a small knife, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 25 gp.
Feature: Do I know you?
As a reborn hero, you bear an uncanny resemblance to your famous ancestor. Common folk in the area your ancestor was famous and educated people elsewhere will recognize you and will be more likely to lend you help and trust your intentions. People who recognize you start out with a friendly disposition towards you and your party rather than a neutral one. Common folk who's family were saved by your previous self and powerful people who were allied to them will provide you (but only you) free room and board.
Suggested Characteristics
Reborn Heroes are shaped by the expectations other place upon them to live up to the legacy of the hero they resemble. The stories and virtues they are told of their last life often shapes their own ideals. Many reborn heroes take on the mannerisms and bonds of their previous selves as a result of the memories they share. However, this leads many to overconfidence and zealous self-righteousness that can become a fetal flaw.
Personality Trait
I love the attention I get, showing off my abilities inspires the dreams of others.
I try to be responsible and do good with knowledge and influence I have been granted.
I see my past life as a destiny to look forward to, and try to recreate it as best I can.
I have memorized every myth, history, and quote relating to by past life and repeat them whenever I can.
I use my famous legacy to get the best food, wine, and entertainment fame can buy.
I see the whole world as heroes and villains, and it is my job to defeat the villains.
I take every slight or criticism as a travesty and disrespect to my past-self.
I refuse to believe I am anything but ordinary, and no amount of proof can convince me otherwise.
Legacy. When I'm gone people will make statues and tell tales of my heroics just like my ancestor. (Neutral)
Responsibility. I always try to help those in need, is it my duty. (Good)
Honor. We must respect the past, and honor our ancestors and our traditions. (Lawful)
Freedom. I will live my own life and be my own person. (Chaotic)
Fame. Everyone should know great deeds I have done. (Any)
Humility. All I have is because of good luck, I'm no better than anybody else. (Good)
I will discover the reason I have been reborn and will fulfill my destiny.
I will recover the memories of my past self and learn from their wisdom.
I owe a responsibility to those who put their faith in me.
I will earn the legacy of my ancestor by performing my own heroic feat.
I need to know the truth about my past self, were they really the hero people think they were?
I seek to reunite the descendants of my ancestor and their closest allies.
I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.
I'm too eager to believe a good story is true.
I'm overconfident and reckless with my life and the lives of those around to me.
I am unable to admit when I make a mistake.
I feel entitled to special treatment just because of who I am.
I'm insecure in my own identity, and try to please everyone.
For Interactive Options: Bandits, Outlaws and Scallywags I am submitting the following trap option
Deadlock Passage
Trap (level 5-10, Moderate Threat)
You are met by the silhouette of dozens of creatures dressed in battered and battle-worn clothing. The roguish figures each have a hand crossbow drawn and pointed at one another - some at their immediate neighbor, and some taking aim fully across the room. Upon closer inspection, these bandits and outlaws appear to be statues, constructed from both stone and metal. Despite their nonliving nature, the room is filled with an air of tension and anticipation.
Each of the statues features one or two magical stones embedded where the eyes would be, capable of sensing minute amounts of motion. Once any motion is observed, the statues’ triggers loose their arrows, filling the room with a deadly volley. Each statue contains intricate mechanisms allowing them to reload their crossbows automatically and continue firing for extended periods of time. The firing intervals are seemingly random from statue to statue, keeping a constant wave of arrows soaring through the air. Although none of these stone outlaws take aim at members of the party, traversing the room while the shoot-out occurs is undoubtedly perilous.
This trap can be applied to any enclosed space, with the threat increasing with the size of the passage or room. A larger space means more distance to transverse, potentially triggering the trap, and likely more statues present. The number of potential exits and sources of cover will also vary depending on how you want to fill the room. The suggested room is a 10 foot wide hallway that is 80 feet long.
Setup: Place any number of statues within the room, with each occupying a 5-foot square (or hex). The recommended number is 2 statues for every 100 sq feet of space within the room (for the hallway suggested above, this would be 16 statues total). For each pair of statues, any creature which passes in any space between them risks triggering the trap. Also make note of any furniture, walls, or other objects which would usually provide Half or Three-Quarters cover.
Trigger: The magical stones within each statue’s eyes react to visible movement. Any creature or object that moves in front of one of the statues triggers the trap. Once triggered, everyone within the room must roll for Initiative. The trap does not trigger under the following circumstances: a creature moves stealthily succeeding on a (DC 20) Dexterity (Stealth) check, it is Invisible, or it crawls along the ground (moves with the Prone condition).
Initiative: The statues act on initiative count 20 and initiative count 10 (losing ties).
Effect: On each of the trap’s turns in initiative, each creature within the room must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13), taking 2d6 piercing damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage increases by 1d6 for every additional statue within the room beyond the first pair.
A creature that has the Prone condition makes this saving throw with advantage. A creature that is positioned behind any source of cover within the room can also add the appropriate modifier to their saving throw, as normal.
Countermeasures:There are several actions that the party can take to avoid triggering the trap or to disarm it once triggered.
Bring the Law: Hidden within the room is a badge or amulet belonging to the trap’s creator, one which bears a striking similarity to that worn by a sheriff or constable. Finding this amulet requires a creature to take the Search action and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. While worn or carried, a creature which passes between a pair of statues disarms both, reducing the damage dealt by 2d6 until each pair is disarmed this way.
Destroy the Statues: Each statue has an AC of 13 and 20 Hit Points. The statues are immune to Piercing, Psychic, and Poison damage and immune to all conditions except Blinded. The statues are vulnerable to Bludgeoning and Thunder damage. The damage dealt each time the trap sets off reduces by 1d8 until only one pair of statue’s remain. When only one statue remains, the trap ceases to fire more arrows.
Escape: Leaving the room by any of its available exits provides Total Cover against this effect.
Reduce Visibility: Any spell or effect which would Heavily Obscure an area imposes the blinded condition on the statues, allowing creatures to move through that area without triggering the trap. Obscuring an area this way has no effect once the trap is triggered.
Wait it Out: The trap continues to fire off arrows for 1 minute, after which point each statue runs out of ammunition.
Variant Trap Versions:
Consider using any of the following variations of this trap, or a combination of them, which will increase the potential threat:
Assassin’s Standoff. The arrows are coated with poison. Any creature that fails its Dexterity saving throw against the trap’s effect takes an additional 3d6 poison damage. A creature which fails its saving throw by 5 or more also gains the Poisoned condition for 1 minute.
Black Powder. Each statue is armed with a Pistol rather than a Hand Crossbow. The trap uses d10s for determining damage rather than d6s.
Dead Eye. On each initiative count for the trap, roll a d20. On a roll of 19 or 20, double the number of dice rolled for the damage dealt that turn.
Fiery End. On each initiative count for the trap, roll a d20. On a roll of 1 or 2, one of the statues (determined at random) sets off an explosive, destroying itself. Each creature within 10 feet of the statue must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 15), taking 6d4 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. A creature that fails its save by 5 or more also gains the Burning condition. When the trap runs out of ammunition after 1 minute, each remaining statue sets off an explosive in this way.
No Escape. Once the trap is triggered, every door and window leading out of the room immediately shuts and becomes locked. Unlocking such a passage from either side requires a DC 15 Dexterity check. A creature holding Thieves’ Tools can add their proficiency bonus to this check if they are proficient with Thieves’ Tools.
A legend can be even more powerful than the greatest magic
Unlike most sorcerers, whose power comes from mythical creatures or arcane forces, the Blood of Heroes sorcerer draws their magic from ancient heroes. While their lineage contains no magical power, the legends of their deeds created a magic of its own. These sorcerers blend spellcasting with martial might, combining the grace of a seasoned fighter with the destructive force of magic. They can infuse their weapons with spells, alternating between cutting down enemies with enchanted strikes and blasting them into oblivion. Blood of Heroes sorcerers harness the spirits of their ancestors to control the battlefield and enhance their bodies beyond their limits. As they grow in power, they can summon spectral echoes of their heroic lineage to fight by their side or guide their hand in battle, embodying the feats of the heroes from which they descend.
Sorcerers of the Blood of Heroes are often driven by a sense of duty, honor, or a desire to live up to the incredible legacy that runs through their veins. They often lack classical training and may have been raised as a warrior before their powers manifested. Many are natural leaders, destined for greatness, who can inspire others through their actions and bravery, while some feel the weight of their ancestry as a burden, struggling to meet the expectations placed upon them. Regardless, they carry themselves with the discipline of a warrior and the presence of someone who knows their name will be remembered long after they’re gone.
When you reach a Sorcerer level specified in the Heroic Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.
You are well-versed in both martial and magical combat. You gain proficiency with Martial weapons and training with Light armor and Shields. In addition, you learn one Fighting Style of your choice.
Ancestral Weapon (Level 3)
Blood of Heroes sorcerers often carry a family weapon that belonged to a legendary ancestor. While it may not be in fighting shape anymore, it is a perfect conduit for your unique brand of magic. You learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and one weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a Short Rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual, at the conclusion of which you touch the weapon and forge the bond. The bond fails if another creature is bonded to the weapon or if the weapon is a magic item to which someone else is attuned.
You can infuse the weapon with a Sorcerer cantrip with a casting time of 1 action. You can change the selected cantrip by performing the ritual again. When you would make a weapon attack, you can choose to cast that cantrip instead. In addition, you can use the weapon as a Spellcasting Focus to cast spells from your Sorcerer spell list.
Blade and Bolt (Level 6)
The advantage of casting spells through a weapon is that it's easy to smack your nearby foes with it. After you cast a spell that has a casting time of an action, you can make one attack with your Ancestral Weapon as a Bonus Action.
Weapon Mastery (Level 6)
Your training with your Ancestral Weapon allows you to use its mastery property. Whenever you perform the ritual to bond with an Ancestral Weapon, you can replace this mastery.
Heroic Spirits (Level 14)
You have learned to draw forth the souls of your ancestors and release their spirits onto the battlefield. When you activate your Innate Sorcery, the heroic spirits of your ancestors extend from you in a 30 foot radius sphere that moves with you. While it is active, you can attack as if you were standing at any point in the sphere. At the end of your turn, you can choose to swap places with one of your ancestors, teleporting to any point within the sphere.
Legacy (Level 14)
Your training with your Ancestral Weapon has manifested a skill befitting your pedigree. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Vault of Heroes (Level 18)
You can summon armor and weapons from the legends of old to make a final stand. As a Bonus Action, you can open the Vault of Heroes for 1 minute, granting you several benefits. While the vault is open, you are under the effects of the shield, mage armor, and haste (no concentration required) spells. You can end the effect early as a Bonus Action. When the effect ends, you are Incapacitated and have a Speed of 0 until the end of your next turn.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a Long Rest unless you spend 7 Sorcery Points (no action required) to restore your use of it.
I really like this and love the concept! I think you could increase the range of the Living Legacy and Protect the Bloodline abilities for all three types or give the Warrior another ability as it'll likely never be within range of the caster to use those abilities. The Arcanist would thus need a new ability (maybe a cantrip or Level 1 spell that it can cast in place of one of its attacks?), but I think the constant Temp HP from the Saint overshadows it already. You could also let the Protect the Bloodline buff last until the start of your next turn ala Shield or remove the 3/day limiter on it.
I really like this and love the concept! I think you could increase the range of the Living Legacy and Protect the Bloodline abilities for all three types or give the Warrior another ability as it'll likely never be within range of the caster to use those abilities. The Arcanist would thus need a new ability (maybe a cantrip or Level 1 spell that it can cast in place of one of its attacks?), but I think the constant Temp HP from the Saint overshadows it already. You could also let the Protect the Bloodline buff last until the start of your next turn ala Shield or remove the 3/day limiter on it.
Interactive Options: Bandits, Outlaws and Scallywags
Spirit Cage
Stupid Stallworth walked by me while I was inspecting the runes. Next second he's trying to kill us all and leave.
-Bartholomew the Wise's retelling of his latest dungeon delve
Typically surrounded by wards or runes meant to trap the ghost, entrances to a Spirit Cage (Which can be identified by a successful DC 12 Arcana Check) can be described as the bars of a cell, only the living can pass through while the deceased cannot. The shape and contents of the room tend to vary, some being abandoned studies, others being a simple stone circle in the woods. The reason for the spirits trapping too varies, however over time they all eventually become deranged freedom seekers, willing to harm anything and everything to get its way out.
When a living creature enters a Spirit Cage, the ghost will attempt to posses their bodies, forcing them to make a DC 13 Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failure, the ghost successfully possesses the subject and controls their actions. It however cannot cast spells the subject would typically know nor can access their memories. They may repeat this saving throw at the end of their turns until they succeed, which in turn ends the possession. On a success, the creature becomes aware of the spirits presence and is not possessed. The ghost can possess up to three creatures at once.
The spirits goal is to use the mortal body to destroy the runes surrounding the entrance, as that is the only way they may escape, even if they are possessing a creature. There are three prominent symbols in a Spirit Cage entrance, each with a 14 AC and 20 HP. Once all three are destroyed, the magic in the Spirit Cage dies and the ghost may leave. Whether it decides to try and keep the mortal's bodies or simply leave it is the Dungeon Masters choice.
Interactive Options: Bandits, Outlaws and Scallywags
Vanyo “Friesen” D’hallis
Appearance: A tall, lean young male elf. His skin is tanned from being outdoors, but his hands are smooth, unused to physical work. He wears expensive leather armour decorated with a leaf and flower motif, and carries an elven-style bow across his back. When attending social events he wears a set of green and gold fine robes of the most modern fashion.
Personality: Arrogant, ambitious, opportunistic and ruthless. Friesen is intelligent but narcissistic and a tendency to react violently to any criticism. He holds a deep-seated resentment of his mother and former family for their failure to appreciate his genius. He will ally with anyone if it furthers his goals and just as quickly betray them should they cease to be an asset.
Backstory: The D’hallis family were a long established noble family known as the "Lords of the Green" because of their ties to agriculture. However, over-cultivation degraded the soil of their lands, causing them to fall deep into debt. Vanyo, the youngest son, left to seek a his own fortune but a few misplaced investments left him near-destitute, until he turned his agricultural skills to the growing of the addictive (and illegal) plant dreamweed, adopting the moniker Friesen for his illegal dealings. When he suggested the family join him in this venture his mother was outraged and banished him. But when his elder brothers died in mysterious accidents, and his mother died of grief, the family manor and title were passed down to Vanyo prompting him to return to his ancestral home.
AC: 17 (studded leather) HP: 120 (20d8+20)
Medium Humanoid, Movement: 30 ft
STR 14 (+2) DEX 20 (+5) CON 12 (+1) INT 15 (+2) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 19 (+4)
Skills: Deception (+8), Sleight of Hand (+7), Stealth (+7), Acrobatics (+9)
Saves: Dexterity (+7), Intelligence (+4), Wisdom (+2)
Sneak Attack (3d6)
Fey Ancestry: Adv vs charm, immune to sleep
Multiattack : Vanyo makes two attack with Liuva, or three attacks with his daggers.
Liuva (+2 longbow) : +9th, 150/300 ft, 1d8+7 piercing damage + 3d6 poison damage
Dagger : +9th, 1d4+7 + 2d6 poison damage
Dreamweed Dust(recharge 5-6) : creatures in a 30 ft cone must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16) or become poisoned and fall asleep for 1 hour. Sleeping targets wake up if shaken awake or if they take damage but remain poisoned. While asleep they experience wonderful, euphoric dreams.
Bonus Actions: Hide, Dash, Disengage, Jump (20 ft), 1x Dagger attack
Seamus “Mr. Black” Dougle
Rivaling Vanyo D'hallis is Mr. Black, leader of the Dougle crime family, who currently controls the black-market trade and criminal enterprises in the city.
Appearance: Stocky and well muscled, even by dwarf standards, Mr. Black is a middle-aged male dwarf with a thick well groomed beard and long black hair. He wears an old, but well-cared for leather coat over a simple black shirt, and dark coloured trousers. His heavy steel tipped boots are only cleaned if there is a “misunderstanding” and blood gets onto them.
Personality: Mr. Black is street smart, and cool-headed. He enjoys his work because he is good at it, and believes he does it fairly and honourably according to his own moral code: "it's just business". He is ruthless in punishing those that cross him, but fair and reasonable to those who show him his due respect. More intelligent than your average thug, it is Mr. Black's wits and tact that enabled him to rise to the head of the family.
Backstory: The Dougles are a multi-generational professional crime family. Well connected throughout the poor and working class neighbourhoods, they are often well-regarded members of the community by their neighbours. Mr. Black is the current head of the family with his younger brothers (Declan, Liam), as well as uncles (Finnian, Tyrone, Kellen) forming the inner circle. The family makes its money primarily off providing "protection" to various businesses and trading in stolen goods that just happen to fall into their possession. Seamus has a wife (Claire) and children (Aisling and Casey).
AC: 14 (studded leather) HP: 180 (20d8+60)
Medium Humanoid, Movement: 30 ft
STR 20(+5) DEX 14 (+5) CON 16 (+3) INT 13 (+1) WIS 17 (+3) CHA 19 (+4)
Skills: Intimidation (+8), Deception (+6), Athletics (+9), Insight (+5)
Saves: Dexterity (+7), Constitution (+5), Charisma (+6), Wisdom (+5)
Dwarven Resilience: Adv vs poison & resistance to poison damage.
Spellcasting (+8th, DC 16)
At will: Vicious Mockery (4d4 damage), Dissonant Whispers (2nd level), Firebolt (4d10 damage)
3/Day: Invisibility, Detect Thoughts, Shatter
1/Day: Fear, Maximillian's Earthen Hand
Multiattack : Mr. Black makes 3 attacks with his warhammer or 1 attack with his warhammer & casts a spell.
+1 Warhammer: +9th, 1d10+6 bludgeoning damage + 2d6 psychic damage and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Whirling Strike: Mr Black swings his warhammer in a wide circle around himself. Each creature within 10 ft of Mr. Black must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 16). On a failure the target take 5d10 bludgeoning damage and is pushed 15 ft away from Mr. Black. On a success a target takes half damage.
Bonus Actions: Command Family - one member of the Dougle family can use their Reaction to Move, Attack, Dodge or Hide.
I am submitting the following magic item for DM Options: The Red Prison
Reverse Skeleton Key
Wondrous Item, Rare
This magical key is ordained with a skull on one end, which has a somewhat wry smile - as if mocking the one holding it. This key can be inserted into any lock; however, when turned, it only acts to lock rather than unlock. When locked for the first time using this key, the DC for any ability check made to pick the lock increases by 5.
This magic item also has 3 charges, and regains 1d4-1 expended charges each dawn. While holding the key, as a Magic action you can expend one charge to cast Arcane Lock without expending a spell slot or providing spell components. When cast this way, you cannot set a password to unlock the object, and the only creature that can open and close the object for the duration is one which is holding this key.
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Player Options: Blessed be thy Ancestors
Background: Reborn Hero
You have spent your life marked out as special by the sages or seers of your community. You receive flashes of visions or hear voices of memories of a life that is not your own, but that of a great hero who died years before you were born. You bear an uncanny like-ness to the paintings and statues of the past hero, though you do not necessarily have the same skills or abilities of them.
Decides on a name, and general abilities of your past life and work with your DM to detail the nature of their feats and current myths of stories surrounding them. You may want to choose a named NPC from an adventure module or Campaign Setting lore, or invent your own. Was the hero a defender of the common folk? or a famous general or mage? Were they instead a villain, considered only to be a hero among a select cult? Consider how your character feels about other people's expectations for them. Do they see it as a destiny they must fulfill or a burden they would rather forget?
Tools: Calligrapher's supplies
As a reborn hero, you bear an uncanny resemblance to your famous ancestor. Common folk in the area your ancestor was famous and educated people elsewhere will recognize you and will be more likely to lend you help and trust your intentions. People who recognize you start out with a friendly disposition towards you and your party rather than a neutral one. Common folk who's family were saved by your previous self and powerful people who were allied to them will provide you (but only you) free room and board.
Suggested Characteristics
Reborn Heroes are shaped by the expectations other place upon them to live up to the legacy of the hero they resemble. The stories and virtues they are told of their last life often shapes their own ideals. Many reborn heroes take on the mannerisms and bonds of their previous selves as a result of the memories they share. However, this leads many to overconfidence and zealous self-righteousness that can become a fetal flaw.
For Interactive Options: Bandits, Outlaws and Scallywags I am submitting the following trap option
Deadlock Passage
Trap (level 5-10, Moderate Threat)
Each of the statues features one or two magical stones embedded where the eyes would be, capable of sensing minute amounts of motion. Once any motion is observed, the statues’ triggers loose their arrows, filling the room with a deadly volley. Each statue contains intricate mechanisms allowing them to reload their crossbows automatically and continue firing for extended periods of time. The firing intervals are seemingly random from statue to statue, keeping a constant wave of arrows soaring through the air. Although none of these stone outlaws take aim at members of the party, traversing the room while the shoot-out occurs is undoubtedly perilous.
This trap can be applied to any enclosed space, with the threat increasing with the size of the passage or room. A larger space means more distance to transverse, potentially triggering the trap, and likely more statues present. The number of potential exits and sources of cover will also vary depending on how you want to fill the room. The suggested room is a 10 foot wide hallway that is 80 feet long.
Setup: Place any number of statues within the room, with each occupying a 5-foot square (or hex). The recommended number is 2 statues for every 100 sq feet of space within the room (for the hallway suggested above, this would be 16 statues total). For each pair of statues, any creature which passes in any space between them risks triggering the trap. Also make note of any furniture, walls, or other objects which would usually provide Half or Three-Quarters cover.
Trigger: The magical stones within each statue’s eyes react to visible movement. Any creature or object that moves in front of one of the statues triggers the trap. Once triggered, everyone within the room must roll for Initiative. The trap does not trigger under the following circumstances: a creature moves stealthily succeeding on a (DC 20) Dexterity (Stealth) check, it is Invisible, or it crawls along the ground (moves with the Prone condition).
Initiative: The statues act on initiative count 20 and initiative count 10 (losing ties).
Effect: On each of the trap’s turns in initiative, each creature within the room must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13), taking 2d6 piercing damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage increases by 1d6 for every additional statue within the room beyond the first pair.
A creature that has the Prone condition makes this saving throw with advantage. A creature that is positioned behind any source of cover within the room can also add the appropriate modifier to their saving throw, as normal.
Countermeasures: There are several actions that the party can take to avoid triggering the trap or to disarm it once triggered.
Bring the Law: Hidden within the room is a badge or amulet belonging to the trap’s creator, one which bears a striking similarity to that worn by a sheriff or constable. Finding this amulet requires a creature to take the Search action and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. While worn or carried, a creature which passes between a pair of statues disarms both, reducing the damage dealt by 2d6 until each pair is disarmed this way.
Destroy the Statues: Each statue has an AC of 13 and 20 Hit Points. The statues are immune to Piercing, Psychic, and Poison damage and immune to all conditions except Blinded. The statues are vulnerable to Bludgeoning and Thunder damage. The damage dealt each time the trap sets off reduces by 1d8 until only one pair of statue’s remain. When only one statue remains, the trap ceases to fire more arrows.
Escape: Leaving the room by any of its available exits provides Total Cover against this effect.
Reduce Visibility: Any spell or effect which would Heavily Obscure an area imposes the blinded condition on the statues, allowing creatures to move through that area without triggering the trap. Obscuring an area this way has no effect once the trap is triggered.
Wait it Out: The trap continues to fire off arrows for 1 minute, after which point each statue runs out of ammunition.
Variant Trap Versions:
Consider using any of the following variations of this trap, or a combination of them, which will increase the potential threat:
Assassin’s Standoff. The arrows are coated with poison. Any creature that fails its Dexterity saving throw against the trap’s effect takes an additional 3d6 poison damage. A creature which fails its saving throw by 5 or more also gains the Poisoned condition for 1 minute.
Black Powder. Each statue is armed with a Pistol rather than a Hand Crossbow. The trap uses d10s for determining damage rather than d6s.
Dead Eye. On each initiative count for the trap, roll a d20. On a roll of 19 or 20, double the number of dice rolled for the damage dealt that turn.
Fiery End. On each initiative count for the trap, roll a d20. On a roll of 1 or 2, one of the statues (determined at random) sets off an explosive, destroying itself. Each creature within 10 feet of the statue must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 15), taking 6d4 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. A creature that fails its save by 5 or more also gains the Burning condition. When the trap runs out of ammunition after 1 minute, each remaining statue sets off an explosive in this way.
No Escape. Once the trap is triggered, every door and window leading out of the room immediately shuts and becomes locked. Unlocking such a passage from either side requires a DC 15 Dexterity check. A creature holding Thieves’ Tools can add their proficiency bonus to this check if they are proficient with Thieves’ Tools.
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
I am submitting the Blood of Heroes sorcerer, a 2024 subclass for the Player Options: Blessed be thy Ancestors
Blood of Heroes Sorcerer
When you reach a Sorcerer level specified in the Heroic Spells table, you thereafter always have the listed spells prepared.
Heroic Spells
Sorcerer Level
Martial Training (Level 3)
You are well-versed in both martial and magical combat. You gain proficiency with Martial weapons and training with Light armor and Shields. In addition, you learn one Fighting Style of your choice.Ancestral Weapon (Level 3)
Blood of Heroes sorcerers often carry a family weapon that belonged to a legendary ancestor. While it may not be in fighting shape anymore, it is a perfect conduit for your unique brand of magic. You learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and one weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a Short Rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual, at the conclusion of which you touch the weapon and forge the bond. The bond fails if another creature is bonded to the weapon or if the weapon is a magic item to which someone else is attuned.You can infuse the weapon with a Sorcerer cantrip with a casting time of 1 action. You can change the selected cantrip by performing the ritual again. When you would make a weapon attack, you can choose to cast that cantrip instead. In addition, you can use the weapon as a Spellcasting Focus to cast spells from your Sorcerer spell list.
Blade and Bolt (Level 6)
The advantage of casting spells through a weapon is that it's easy to smack your nearby foes with it. After you cast a spell that has a casting time of an action, you can make one attack with your Ancestral Weapon as a Bonus Action.Weapon Mastery (Level 6)
Your training with your Ancestral Weapon allows you to use its mastery property. Whenever you perform the ritual to bond with an Ancestral Weapon, you can replace this mastery.Heroic Spirits (Level 14)
You have learned to draw forth the souls of your ancestors and release their spirits onto the battlefield. When you activate your Innate Sorcery, the heroic spirits of your ancestors extend from you in a 30 foot radius sphere that moves with you. While it is active, you can attack as if you were standing at any point in the sphere. At the end of your turn, you can choose to swap places with one of your ancestors, teleporting to any point within the sphere.Legacy (Level 14)
Your training with your Ancestral Weapon has manifested a skill befitting your pedigree. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.Vault of Heroes (Level 18)
You can summon armor and weapons from the legends of old to make a final stand. As a Bonus Action, you can open the Vault of Heroes for 1 minute, granting you several benefits. While the vault is open, you are under the effects of the shield, mage armor, and haste (no concentration required) spells. You can end the effect early as a Bonus Action. When the effect ends, you are Incapacitated and have a Speed of 0 until the end of your next turn.Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a Long Rest unless you spend 7 Sorcery Points (no action required) to restore your use of it.
Edit: Formatting
My Homebrew: Subclasses, Monsters, Feats, Backgrounds, Magic Items
Migrating to 2024 and releasing new Homebrew regularly.
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Here's my submission to the player category, the Summon Ancestral Spirit spell!
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Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
I really like this and love the concept! I think you could increase the range of the Living Legacy and Protect the Bloodline abilities for all three types or give the Warrior another ability as it'll likely never be within range of the caster to use those abilities. The Arcanist would thus need a new ability (maybe a cantrip or Level 1 spell that it can cast in place of one of its attacks?), but I think the constant Temp HP from the Saint overshadows it already. You could also let the Protect the Bloodline buff last until the start of your next turn ala Shield or remove the 3/day limiter on it.
My Homebrew: Subclasses, Monsters, Feats, Backgrounds, Magic Items
Migrating to 2024 and releasing new Homebrew regularly.
Feedback and play-testing appreciated!
Thanks for the feedback!
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
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Everyone is posting really nice submissions btw! I am reading all of em, even though I haven't said a lot haha
I am also here.
Am snek.
Will there be any halloween submissions I wonder
I am also here.
Am snek.
Ooh good idea!
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
If only we had the foresight to make halloween a category! I would've enjoyed brewing a Michael Jackson zombie horde.
Actually, the Halloween submission thing gave me a really good idea for the last category.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
We could do a Holiday theme for one of the categories in the next one, so people could do Halloween, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, etc. submissions.
My Homebrew: Subclasses, Monsters, Feats, Backgrounds, Magic Items
Migrating to 2024 and releasing new Homebrew regularly.
Feedback and play-testing appreciated!
Looking forward to seeing it
I am also here.
Am snek.
Interactive Options: Bandits, Outlaws and Scallywags
Spirit Cage
Stupid Stallworth walked by me while I was inspecting the runes. Next second he's trying to kill us all and leave.
-Bartholomew the Wise's retelling of his latest dungeon delve
Typically surrounded by wards or runes meant to trap the ghost, entrances to a Spirit Cage (Which can be identified by a successful DC 12 Arcana Check) can be described as the bars of a cell, only the living can pass through while the deceased cannot. The shape and contents of the room tend to vary, some being abandoned studies, others being a simple stone circle in the woods. The reason for the spirits trapping too varies, however over time they all eventually become deranged freedom seekers, willing to harm anything and everything to get its way out.
When a living creature enters a Spirit Cage, the ghost will attempt to posses their bodies, forcing them to make a DC 13 Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failure, the ghost successfully possesses the subject and controls their actions. It however cannot cast spells the subject would typically know nor can access their memories. They may repeat this saving throw at the end of their turns until they succeed, which in turn ends the possession. On a success, the creature becomes aware of the spirits presence and is not possessed. The ghost can possess up to three creatures at once.
The spirits goal is to use the mortal body to destroy the runes surrounding the entrance, as that is the only way they may escape, even if they are possessing a creature. There are three prominent symbols in a Spirit Cage entrance, each with a 14 AC and 20 HP. Once all three are destroyed, the magic in the Spirit Cage dies and the ghost may leave. Whether it decides to try and keep the mortal's bodies or simply leave it is the Dungeon Masters choice.
*I felt this fit as the ghost is a body thief*
Hi, I’m DrakenBrine, here’s my Sig and characters
I am The Grand Envisioner!
Revised Summon Ancestral Spirit with relatively minor changes (will edit original post)
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Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
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This might be the first time where the interactive category seems the most popular hahaha
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Am snek.
My submission to the DM category: Prisoner's Revenge.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
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Only 11 more days :D
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Am snek.