I'm making a species for my campaign that for reasons has natural armor, which I'm defining for these guys as AC = 13 + CON Modifier.
Trouble being, I'm not sure how to get that CON modifier to show up. In Modifiers I see that I can do SET > MINIMUM BASE ARMOR, which seems to be the place to start with the "13" score. But when I do ARMOR CLASS > CON nothing modifies, and when I do UNARMORED ARMOR CLASS > CON nothing modifies.
My NPC has a CON modifier of +3, so my hope is for them to have natural armor of AC16 to start.
I'm making a species for my campaign that for reasons has natural armor, which I'm defining for these guys as AC = 13 + CON Modifier.
Trouble being, I'm not sure how to get that CON modifier to show up. In Modifiers I see that I can do SET > MINIMUM BASE ARMOR, which seems to be the place to start with the "13" score. But when I do ARMOR CLASS > CON nothing modifies, and when I do UNARMORED ARMOR CLASS > CON nothing modifies.
My NPC has a CON modifier of +3, so my hope is for them to have natural armor of AC16 to start.
Please see the Homebrew Subclasses & Species FAQ, question #9: (https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/dungeons-dragons-discussion/homebrew-house-rules/131411-a-homebrewers-how-to-faq#HomebrewSubclasses&SpeciesFAQ). After that, please check the General Homebrew FAQ, question #6 for any troubleshooting you might need: (https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/dungeons-dragons-discussion/homebrew-house-rules/131411-a-homebrewers-how-to-faq#GeneralHomebrewFAQ&BasicTroubleshooting).
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