So I've made my first ever attempt at writing a one shot adventure, either for standalone use or for plugging into an existing campaign. I've tried to make it flexible and have aimed it at a brand new party (level 1).
Feedback would be very welcome.
Into Edderkop’s Lair: an adventure for level 1 characters
A giant spider, known by the locals as Edderkop, has been terrorising the nearby village of Anders’ Point. Coming out of its lair at night, Edderkop has been devouring local livestock and, most recently, the youngest son of the local landowner disappeared. It is thought Edderkop is responsible. The giant spider’s incursions are becoming more and more frequent, and the villagers are desperate for help.
Characters may be able to choose how they confront Edderkop:
In the spider’s lair. Spider has advantage of webbing in the lair to entangle the characters, slowing down their movement and alerting spiders in the lair to their presence. It can also walk on walls and ceilings in its lair to avoid attacks.
Out in the open, using some form of bait. Villagers will suggest a safe location away from the village, but characters will have to come up with the most appropriate bait.
Flow of the adventure:
Getting the quest
Getting to the village
Finding out about the target
Getting to the lair
Getting through the lair
Fighting Edderkop
Setting the bait
Setting a trap (optional)
Fighting Edderkop
Conclusions and rewards
Getting the quest
Possible ways for the party to find out about Anders’ Point:
Their guild/cult/city watch leader has received reports of trouble and sends the party to investigate
The party hears rumours about a bounty with a handsome reward at a tavern in a nearby town
The party is ambushed on the road somewhere else by a group of smaller spiders - one of which runs off, leaving a web trail for them to follow to the village (where they find the body of the child)
Optional ambush: six spider-spawn
2 (-4)
14 (+2)
8 (-1)
1 (-5)
10 (+0)
2 (-4)
AC: 12
HP: 2
Speed: 20ft
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 9 Constitution saving throw or take 2 (1d4) poison damage.
Once the first one or two spiders have been killed, the remainder all flee in the direction of Anders’ Point, leaving small silk/mucus deposits as far as a bend in the road, whereupon Anders’ Point comes into view.
Approaching the village of Anders’ Point
“As you round a bend in the road, you see a village at the crest of the gentle hill before you, encircled by a tall wooden palisade with fields of crops dotted around beyond the village boundary. A rough wooden sign with carved lettering stands on the left hand side of the road and reads, ‘Anders’ Point, ¼ mile’. You notice the main gate of the palisade creak open and can just make out a humanoid figure, carrying a spear, hurrying towards you.”
Watchman Gregor
Overweight and hardly fit to be a village watchman, Gregor is in a wild panic following the disappearance of the Earl’s son yesterday morning. He urges the party to meet with the Earl as soon as possible, as the village is in desperate need of help.
Edderkop’s lair is on the other side of the hill and is not visible from this location. The area to either side of the road is arable land with a few oak trees dotted around, and it’s possible to make out local people labouring in the fields. Smoke is rising from a couple of houses in the village.
Anders’ Point village
“As you approach the palisade, the gate creaks slowly open. The first thing you see is a large, thatched hall with a stone chimney with smoke rising slowly from it. There is a group of smaller hut-like dwellings to the left of the road but no obvious signs of life. Along the right hand side of the road you can make out three larger structures, one of which looks like a tavern, judging by the rickety wooden sign hanging over its door.”
If Bruno is with the party he will point the way to Earl Aarden’s hall and offer to accompany them there.
The tavern is currently closed and the other houses are shut up as the villagers are out working the fields. However, the blacksmith’s and village stores are open as usual.
The blacksmith, Igor, is reticent to talk to the party unless they can tell him they have received instructions from Earl Aarden.
The village storekeeper, Ethel, has a few ingredients which the party might find useful in mixing up a preparation to weaken the giant spider, but only if they have spoken to the local alchemist first to find out what tincture might be effective.
Meeting the Earl
“As you enter the great hall through a pair of enormous wooden doors, studded with iron rivets, your eyes adjust to the gloom and sting slightly with the smoke of the large fire which dominates the centre of the structure. Benches line the walls on both sides and to your right, at the far end of the hall, you notice a figure in the gloom, sitting on a rudimentary throne made from unvarnished wood.”
Earl Aarden is the local landowner and benefits from the feudal labour of the villagers in the surrounding fields. His son, Sigur, was taken by Edderkop the night before last [at this point it is unclear whether Sigur is dead or was taken back to Edderkop’s lair].
If the players choose to approach him:
“As you turn and make towards the dais, a sparrow flits in through a window high up on the western wall. It speeds through the smoke filled air above you before disappearing as quickly as it appeared, following a shaft of light which cuts through the smoky atmosphere and out of the high eastern window.”
The Earl sets out the facts of what has happened. The giant spider known as Edderkop has been a menace to local livestock for many years, only coming out at dead of night and picking on any animals left unattended. But recently it’s thought that Edderkop has become bolder in its attacks on Anders’ Point.
The day before yesterday, the Earl’s son, Sigur, had been playing in the corn fields with the labourers’ children as usual. He had told his companions he would stay behind to collect some wild flowers for his mother, Erith. By the time the alarm had been raised, it was too late: the villagers found no trace of Sigur except a trail of blood leading away to the north.
The Earl offers a reward of 200 gold pieces for either his son’s safe return or a trophy to prove that vengeance has been wrought on Edderkop. He believes the beast’s lair lies to the north, buried in the hills overlooking the village.
The Earl mentions that a few of the villagers have seen Edderkop themselves and had close shaves with the creature in the past - the party might want to consult with them before venturing out.
A plan of attack
If the party decides to consult the villagers about Edderkop, they might discover the following:
If pushed, Earl Aarden might offer advice - if the party is interested in fighting Edderkop in the open there is a large patch of fallow ground, north of the village but south of the lair, which would be a safe location. It is on his territory and he will permit them to make us of it.
Gregor the watchman might inform the party that the watch tends to use flaming torches when patrolling beyond the palisade, which seems to keep Edderkop at bay
Igor the blacksmith might offer a shovel and iron spikes if the party is interested in laying a trap from Edderkop. He doesn’t have any weapons, as he mostly works on shoeing horses and repairing ploughs.
The village alchemist, Eric, might suggest the party try to poison Edderkop with a tincture using wolfsbane and duskblossom - these are harmless to humans but he believes they may have a weakening effect on arachnids. Both ingredients are available at the village store, and can be prepared into the relevant tincture by Eric (if he can be persuaded or paid theright price). But the mixture must be ingested to be effective. The alchemist might also be persuaded to be parted with a potion of minor healing.
The butcher, Bodric, has a few sheep and goat carcasses/leftovers which the party could use as bait for the spider.
Depending on the party’s actions to this point, consider having one or more of the above come into the hall to interrupt the conversation with Aarden and to proffer their advice.
Edderkop’s lair
This is easy to find - up on a hill, a cave-like entrance is visible to the north of the village. Villagers will point the way.
“As you enter through the gaping mouth of the cavern, your eyes slowly adjust to the gloom. You see a steep dirt slope heading further into the cave. Spider’s webbing has accumulated on the ceiling so thickly that those of you of human height need to stoop to avoid being tangled up.”
The entrance is on a west facing slope. A dirt slope leads downwards for 20ft before reaching a 25x25ft chamber. A lone giant wolf spider (see Monster Manual) is guarding the entrance to the chamber, hanging from the ceiling.
Wolf spider ambush: On a DC 15 passive perception check the party will notice evidence of the spider’s presence before entering; otherwise, they will be surprised by the spider.
The central tile contains a web trap, thinly covered over with dirt.
Web trap: characters stepping on this floor tile who are medium size or greater must make a DC15 dexterity save or fall through the thick layer of webbing into a 15ft deep pit trap (1d6 bludegoning damage)
Web obstacles
“At the eastern end of the chamber, an opening leads to another slope, this one even steeper, perhaps a 1 in 3 gradient. The passage is choked with webs from floor to ceiling. You sense a faint breeze wafting up from the lower reaches of the lair, carrying with it an unholy stench of some kind.”
Navigating obstacles:
Characters can try to pick their way through the webs. If they all manage to do so gently (DC15 dexterity check) they can reach the next chamber without incident. Any party member failing will become entrapped (see below). The spiders in the next chamber will also be alerted.
If the party forces its way through, e.g by hacking through the webs (DC10 strength check) they will clear the path but alert all of the spiders.
Using fire will immediately burn up all of the webbing but will alert all of the spiders in the next chamber. However, the one nearest the bottom of the slope will be on fire, and pissed off.
The hatchery
“Finally you reach the bottom of the slope and emerge into a larger chamber. The ceiling is probably 40ft above you, but the density of webbing again makes it hard to tell where the cobwebs end and the stone begins. In the far north eastern corner you notice a huge mound of eggs, each of which is around 2ft tall. You also notice an eerie red glow suffusing the chamber, accompanied by a scuttling sound which echoes around the room.”
This chamber contains 2 giant wolf spiders and 4 giant fire beetles (see Monster Manual).If the party triggered the webbing, they will be joined by 2 more giant wolf spiders scuttling in from the next chamber. In combat, these wolf spiders will use the walls/ceiling to get out of reach of the party.
If the eggs in the corner of the hatchery are disturbed, they will burst open, releasing a swarm of baby spiders. These do no damage, but the character nearest to them is swarmed by them and must take a DC20 wisdom save. If they fail, they develop an uncontrollable itch all over their body and must make attack rolls at disadvantage for the first few rounds of the next combat.
Edderkop’s inner sanctum
“You proceed through a wide passage on level ground into an even larger chamber, probably 60ft high. The webbing is very dense here and there is a strong smell of rotting flesh. You notice corpses of various animals entangled in the webbing, in various states of decay. You can also make out the very faint sound of whimpering, coming from the far end of the chamber.”
Sigur is trapped in webbing 20ft off the ground at the eastern end of the chamber. As soon as the party notices him, he falls unconscious and must make death saves (no modifier) every round unless stabilised/healed by the party. He has 3 HP.
Edderkop, a giant spider (see Monster Manual) occupies the centre of the chamber and will use its first round of combat to scale the wall of the chamber, attempting to web one of the party. If the party chooses to scare him with fire (e.g. flaming torches), they succeed on a DC 15 intimidation check. Failing the check ignites webbing around the character with the torch, who must make a DC 15 dexterity to check or suffer 1d6 burning damage.
[NB - depending on how the party has performed at this point, consider increasing Edderkop’s total HP]
If a party member attempts to climb up to Sigur, either during or after the combat, they must make a DC15 dexterity check to successfully navigate the webbing, or they will become stuck themselves. Usual rules apply to freeing Sigur.
If Sigur is alive by the end of the combat, he faints from terror but retains any HP and can be awoken by the party.
Fighting Edderkop in the open
If the party chooses to lay a trap for Edderkop, they should do so in the location specified by Aarden.
“You approach a wide, fallow field, roughly 60ft square and ringed with rough dry-stone walls. It seems this field has not been tilled for some time. A few crows peck around the margins of the field, though quite what there is to eat in this barren place is unclear.”
The party successfully lays a trap for Edderkop, apply the following:
Time of day: Edderkop will not leave its lair until after sunset. The party will need to lay in wait for it to appear.
Bait: any kind of flesh, rotting or fresh, will attract Edderkop to the field after sunset. If the party is not present, Edderkop will spend half an hour devouring the bait before returning to its lair.
Laced bait (recommended): if the party laces with bait with the tincture recommended by Eric, Edderkop is weakened and makes attack rolls with disadvantage for the first few rounds of the battle.
Laced bait (experimental): if the party tries to come up with another way of poisoning Edderkop, they succeed on coming up with the right compound on a DC 20 nature check. If they fail, the mixture has the opposite effect, enraging Edderkop and giving it advantage on attack rolls for the first few rounds of battle.
Pit trap: as suggested by the blacksmith the party might lay a pit trap for Edderkop. If they succeed in hiding from Edderkop, it falls into the trap and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage (plus extra at DM discretion depending on what is in the trap).
Edderkop will attempt to flee the field back to the lair if its HP drops to a critically low level (DM discretion).
If the party does not reach Sigur in Edderkop’s lair before dawn the next day (i.e. around 24 hours after receiving the quest), Sigur dies.
Conclusion and rewards
If the party successfully rescues Sigur, Aarden grants them a family heirloom in addition to the 200 GP reward (an ornately decorated but non magical weapon of the DM’s choice, granted to whomever struck the killing blow). He will also invite the party to a feast in his hall the following day in their honor. If the DM has other quests lined up for the party in the area, this is a good opportunity for another quest-giver to attend, having heard of the party’s heroic deeds.
If Sigur dies (or remains missing after Edderkop is killed), Aarden will provide the 200 GP reward in return for proof of Edderkop’s demise. If the party has not entered the lair, he may ask them to do so in order to search for his son’s remains.
Good starting run. I would definitely use the spider spawn just to see how the group does in combat early on. Also who's Bruno (that points the way to the Earl)?
Do you have a set idea for what level this quest is? Depending on the party's level there may be too much challenge or very little. additionally, the amount of assistance the party can receive from villagers is staggering. It's amazing how in depth you got, but if a party was able to squeeze out all the help they can they'd be able to kill Edderkop no problem! Really fun quest though, I'd love to run it personally.
That was my main concern, not sure how to ensure the level of challenge is right for the party. I figured DMing it would require some adjustment on the fly, e.g. by having more monsters swarm into the lair or adjusting Edderkop's hit points.
Good point re the assistance from the villagers. I think one way to manage this would be to have all options available to the party but to close them off once they take one. E.g. if they manage to get the tincture ready to poison Edderkop they can no longer lay a trap?
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Hi all
So I've made my first ever attempt at writing a one shot adventure, either for standalone use or for plugging into an existing campaign. I've tried to make it flexible and have aimed it at a brand new party (level 1).
Feedback would be very welcome.
Into Edderkop’s Lair: an adventure for level 1 characters
Characters may be able to choose how they confront Edderkop:
Flow of the adventure:
Getting the quest
Possible ways for the party to find out about Anders’ Point:
Optional ambush: six spider-spawn
2 (-4)
14 (+2)
8 (-1)
1 (-5)
10 (+0)
2 (-4)
AC: 12
HP: 2
Speed: 20ft
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 9 Constitution saving throw or take 2 (1d4) poison damage.
Once the first one or two spiders have been killed, the remainder all flee in the direction of Anders’ Point, leaving small silk/mucus deposits as far as a bend in the road, whereupon Anders’ Point comes into view.
Approaching the village of Anders’ Point
“As you round a bend in the road, you see a village at the crest of the gentle hill before you, encircled by a tall wooden palisade with fields of crops dotted around beyond the village boundary. A rough wooden sign with carved lettering stands on the left hand side of the road and reads, ‘Anders’ Point, ¼ mile’. You notice the main gate of the palisade creak open and can just make out a humanoid figure, carrying a spear, hurrying towards you.”
Watchman Gregor
Overweight and hardly fit to be a village watchman, Gregor is in a wild panic following the disappearance of the Earl’s son yesterday morning. He urges the party to meet with the Earl as soon as possible, as the village is in desperate need of help.
Edderkop’s lair is on the other side of the hill and is not visible from this location. The area to either side of the road is arable land with a few oak trees dotted around, and it’s possible to make out local people labouring in the fields. Smoke is rising from a couple of houses in the village.
Anders’ Point village
“As you approach the palisade, the gate creaks slowly open. The first thing you see is a large, thatched hall with a stone chimney with smoke rising slowly from it. There is a group of smaller hut-like dwellings to the left of the road but no obvious signs of life. Along the right hand side of the road you can make out three larger structures, one of which looks like a tavern, judging by the rickety wooden sign hanging over its door.”
If Bruno is with the party he will point the way to Earl Aarden’s hall and offer to accompany them there.
The tavern is currently closed and the other houses are shut up as the villagers are out working the fields. However, the blacksmith’s and village stores are open as usual.
The blacksmith, Igor, is reticent to talk to the party unless they can tell him they have received instructions from Earl Aarden.
The village storekeeper, Ethel, has a few ingredients which the party might find useful in mixing up a preparation to weaken the giant spider, but only if they have spoken to the local alchemist first to find out what tincture might be effective.
Meeting the Earl
“As you enter the great hall through a pair of enormous wooden doors, studded with iron rivets, your eyes adjust to the gloom and sting slightly with the smoke of the large fire which dominates the centre of the structure. Benches line the walls on both sides and to your right, at the far end of the hall, you notice a figure in the gloom, sitting on a rudimentary throne made from unvarnished wood.”
Earl Aarden is the local landowner and benefits from the feudal labour of the villagers in the surrounding fields. His son, Sigur, was taken by Edderkop the night before last [at this point it is unclear whether Sigur is dead or was taken back to Edderkop’s lair].
If the players choose to approach him:
“As you turn and make towards the dais, a sparrow flits in through a window high up on the western wall. It speeds through the smoke filled air above you before disappearing as quickly as it appeared, following a shaft of light which cuts through the smoky atmosphere and out of the high eastern window.”
The Earl sets out the facts of what has happened. The giant spider known as Edderkop has been a menace to local livestock for many years, only coming out at dead of night and picking on any animals left unattended. But recently it’s thought that Edderkop has become bolder in its attacks on Anders’ Point.
The day before yesterday, the Earl’s son, Sigur, had been playing in the corn fields with the labourers’ children as usual. He had told his companions he would stay behind to collect some wild flowers for his mother, Erith. By the time the alarm had been raised, it was too late: the villagers found no trace of Sigur except a trail of blood leading away to the north.
The Earl offers a reward of 200 gold pieces for either his son’s safe return or a trophy to prove that vengeance has been wrought on Edderkop. He believes the beast’s lair lies to the north, buried in the hills overlooking the village.
The Earl mentions that a few of the villagers have seen Edderkop themselves and had close shaves with the creature in the past - the party might want to consult with them before venturing out.
A plan of attack
If the party decides to consult the villagers about Edderkop, they might discover the following:
Depending on the party’s actions to this point, consider having one or more of the above come into the hall to interrupt the conversation with Aarden and to proffer their advice.
Edderkop’s lair
This is easy to find - up on a hill, a cave-like entrance is visible to the north of the village. Villagers will point the way.
“As you enter through the gaping mouth of the cavern, your eyes slowly adjust to the gloom. You see a steep dirt slope heading further into the cave. Spider’s webbing has accumulated on the ceiling so thickly that those of you of human height need to stoop to avoid being tangled up.”
The entrance is on a west facing slope. A dirt slope leads downwards for 20ft before reaching a 25x25ft chamber. A lone giant wolf spider (see Monster Manual) is guarding the entrance to the chamber, hanging from the ceiling.
Wolf spider ambush: On a DC 15 passive perception check the party will notice evidence of the spider’s presence before entering; otherwise, they will be surprised by the spider.
The central tile contains a web trap, thinly covered over with dirt.
Web trap: characters stepping on this floor tile who are medium size or greater must make a DC15 dexterity save or fall through the thick layer of webbing into a 15ft deep pit trap (1d6 bludegoning damage)
Web obstacles
“At the eastern end of the chamber, an opening leads to another slope, this one even steeper, perhaps a 1 in 3 gradient. The passage is choked with webs from floor to ceiling. You sense a faint breeze wafting up from the lower reaches of the lair, carrying with it an unholy stench of some kind.”
Navigating obstacles:
The hatchery
“Finally you reach the bottom of the slope and emerge into a larger chamber. The ceiling is probably 40ft above you, but the density of webbing again makes it hard to tell where the cobwebs end and the stone begins. In the far north eastern corner you notice a huge mound of eggs, each of which is around 2ft tall. You also notice an eerie red glow suffusing the chamber, accompanied by a scuttling sound which echoes around the room.”
This chamber contains 2 giant wolf spiders and 4 giant fire beetles (see Monster Manual). If the party triggered the webbing, they will be joined by 2 more giant wolf spiders scuttling in from the next chamber. In combat, these wolf spiders will use the walls/ceiling to get out of reach of the party.
If the eggs in the corner of the hatchery are disturbed, they will burst open, releasing a swarm of baby spiders. These do no damage, but the character nearest to them is swarmed by them and must take a DC20 wisdom save. If they fail, they develop an uncontrollable itch all over their body and must make attack rolls at disadvantage for the first few rounds of the next combat.
Edderkop’s inner sanctum
“You proceed through a wide passage on level ground into an even larger chamber, probably 60ft high. The webbing is very dense here and there is a strong smell of rotting flesh. You notice corpses of various animals entangled in the webbing, in various states of decay. You can also make out the very faint sound of whimpering, coming from the far end of the chamber.”
Sigur is trapped in webbing 20ft off the ground at the eastern end of the chamber. As soon as the party notices him, he falls unconscious and must make death saves (no modifier) every round unless stabilised/healed by the party. He has 3 HP.
Edderkop, a giant spider (see Monster Manual) occupies the centre of the chamber and will use its first round of combat to scale the wall of the chamber, attempting to web one of the party. If the party chooses to scare him with fire (e.g. flaming torches), they succeed on a DC 15 intimidation check. Failing the check ignites webbing around the character with the torch, who must make a DC 15 dexterity to check or suffer 1d6 burning damage.
[NB - depending on how the party has performed at this point, consider increasing Edderkop’s total HP]
If a party member attempts to climb up to Sigur, either during or after the combat, they must make a DC15 dexterity check to successfully navigate the webbing, or they will become stuck themselves. Usual rules apply to freeing Sigur.
If Sigur is alive by the end of the combat, he faints from terror but retains any HP and can be awoken by the party.
Fighting Edderkop in the open
If the party chooses to lay a trap for Edderkop, they should do so in the location specified by Aarden.
“You approach a wide, fallow field, roughly 60ft square and ringed with rough dry-stone walls. It seems this field has not been tilled for some time. A few crows peck around the margins of the field, though quite what there is to eat in this barren place is unclear.”
The party successfully lays a trap for Edderkop, apply the following:
Edderkop will attempt to flee the field back to the lair if its HP drops to a critically low level (DM discretion).
If the party does not reach Sigur in Edderkop’s lair before dawn the next day (i.e. around 24 hours after receiving the quest), Sigur dies.
Conclusion and rewards
If the party successfully rescues Sigur, Aarden grants them a family heirloom in addition to the 200 GP reward (an ornately decorated but non magical weapon of the DM’s choice, granted to whomever struck the killing blow). He will also invite the party to a feast in his hall the following day in their honor. If the DM has other quests lined up for the party in the area, this is a good opportunity for another quest-giver to attend, having heard of the party’s heroic deeds.
If Sigur dies (or remains missing after Edderkop is killed), Aarden will provide the 200 GP reward in return for proof of Edderkop’s demise. If the party has not entered the lair, he may ask them to do so in order to search for his son’s remains.
Good starting run. I would definitely use the spider spawn just to see how the group does in combat early on. Also who's Bruno (that points the way to the Earl)?
Oops continuity error! Should be Gregor, the village Watchman.
Do you have a set idea for what level this quest is? Depending on the party's level there may be too much challenge or very little.
additionally, the amount of assistance the party can receive from villagers is staggering. It's amazing how in depth you got, but if a party was able to squeeze out all the help they can they'd be able to kill Edderkop no problem!
Really fun quest though, I'd love to run it personally.
"WHAT" how about that huh?
That was my main concern, not sure how to ensure the level of challenge is right for the party. I figured DMing it would require some adjustment on the fly, e.g. by having more monsters swarm into the lair or adjusting Edderkop's hit points.
Good point re the assistance from the villagers. I think one way to manage this would be to have all options available to the party but to close them off once they take one. E.g. if they manage to get the tincture ready to poison Edderkop they can no longer lay a trap?