Homebrew & House Rules

Discuss and share homebrew creations and house rules
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Vest Of Last Resort >>
by A_Crimson_Cowboy
1 15
Everything you need to know about Homebrew (Tutorials & FAQ) >>
by Stormknight
867 109,604
The modern day! >>
by Yeetlord300
14 12,998
I created a new item, would like feedback. >>
by tan_is_garcia
2 29
I need to add spells to my ranger subclass >>
by EMTurner13
6 557
Question re: Spell Modifiers at Higher Levels >>
by Spitsnaz
4 40
Can be considered a Katana/Longsword finesse or Rapier finesse? >>
by sahvoz03
48 18,247
[Question] Adding Spells to Subclasses >>
by OptionalRealities
17 7,358
Attempting to Tool Tip Homebrew Items for a Campaign for easy access; fail; RESOLVED >>
by Fimvul
22 779
The Piety System with other gods. >>
by Metamongoose
12 11,530
Adding a natural weapon for a homebrew race? >>
by EnigmaDragonkin
13 3,314
Homebrew Fighter Subclass: The Dragon Rider (Inspired by the Inheritance Cycle) >>
by The_Leviathan_of_Levistus
53 14,551
HB Sorcerer Subclass "Prismatic Blade" Feedback Requested >>
by TEB1881
4 38
Increasing Spell DC >>
by Justen_Wildwing
9 587
What is Replace Weapon Ability in the modify tabs of homebrew? >>
by ShadoUrufu
5 73
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