Homebrew & House Rules

Discuss and share homebrew creations and house rules
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Playable Race - Slimes >>
by BiaTDias
11 29,958
Homebrew deck of many things >>
by ak318
9 29,770
Home brew classes that are balanced >>
by tylerciler
6 29,116
The Wilder Wild Magic Table >> (2 Viewing)
by minkberry
4 29,089
Homebrew Vestiges of Divergence >>
by Fatso101
18 28,829
Languages - A Primer >> (1 Viewing)
by TwisTurtle
5 27,768
How to create a simple +1 weapon >>
by ReverendPirateDan
23 27,571
Bard Subclass: College of Dance (please give feedback) >>
by The_Leviathan_of_Levistus
14 27,490
What additional modifiers would you like to see available in homebrew? >>
by Stormknight
775 26,948
Dragon as a Playable Race? >>
by ChampionStephen
7 26,822
Here, have 20 magic bows and crossbows. >>
by ChoirOfFire
2 26,570
Heroic Array >>
by AaronWho
9 24,940
[Archetype] College of Metal >>
by DMZanos
13 24,403
Is there a system for players building a settlement/ city >>
by novadragon07
6 24,351
D&Z - A Homebrew, Post-Apocalyptic RPG Game based off D&D 5e >>
by jayg3031
47 23,521
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