Homebrew & House Rules

Discuss and share homebrew creations and house rules
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
A cardcaster class >>
by Prof_Landon
1 13,184
One shot adventure: feedback welcome >>
by user-100077484
4 1,384
Gray Dragon? >>
by Apocalexx
2 1,873
MTG Plane Shift Homebrew mechanics >>
by Planeswalker
0 1,335
Homebrew from Spain >>
by MarioJPC
1 674
The Intro to the ZERO LEVEL CHARACTER section of my 5e house rules: >>
by Mihale_Stormwarden
2 1,461
Homebrew Magic Item: Spell Pots >>
by Auberginian
4 1,102
d20 Modern Homebrew >>
by RaygunGoth
8 3,548
Trying to convert Elder Scrolls to 5e >>
by Apocalexx
3 2,754
traditional creatures with a twist >>
by Mordai_Quest
3 837
Need some assitance making a new 7th lvl spell >>
by Emperor_Vader
4 865
Need some help with creating a Paladin Oath for a follower of Eilistraee >> (1 Viewing)
by d34dj3d1
1 1,300
Gelatinous Ooze Race Homebrew >>
by Phillip_Roy
0 768
Dumb Items Thread >>
by McRad
2 1,017
Eberron Conversions - Character Options for Thrane & Silver Flame >>
by makisklaoudatos
0 1,274
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