So. . .Our druid turned into a Sperm Whale, used a fiery to fly and dropped on a humanoid boss. The boss has freedom of movement cast on him and so the problem. Can he escape? Does he take damage ever round he's under the whale? Thanks for any replys
So. . .Our druid turned into a Sperm Whale, used a fiery to fly and dropped on a humanoid boss. The boss has freedom of movement cast on him and so the problem. Can he escape? Does he take damage ever round he's under the whale? Thanks for any replys
So. . .Our druid turned into a Sperm Whale, used a fiery to fly and dropped on a humanoid boss. The boss has freedom of movement cast on him and so the problem. Can he escape? Does he take damage ever round he's under the whale? Thanks for any replys
OOC here I'm guessing some sort of home brew or maybe Polymorph? The Druid should not be able to wildshape into a CR8 creature.
So. . .Our druid turned into a Sperm Whale, used a fiery to fly and dropped on a humanoid boss. The boss has freedom of movement cast on him and so the problem. Can he escape? Does he take damage ever round he's under the whale? Thanks for any replys
Technically, the PC and the monster cannot occupy the same space. So the GM will have to move the bad guy to someplace adjacent to the PC.
Your GM may come up with some bludgeoning damage initially, but then he is squirted out to the side.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
If a creature falls into the space of a second creature and neither of them is Tiny, the second creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be impacted by the falling creature, and any damage resulting from the fall is divided evenly between them. The impacted creature is also knocked prone, unless it is two or more sizes larger than the falling creature.
OOC here I'm guessing some sort of home brew or maybe Polymorph? The Druid should not be able to wildshape into a CR8 creature.
Shapechange a druid can turn into something where their level is the CR limit to the spell