Pretty new to the new rule set; though after coming across the Tortle race with pulling into the shell being an ability the idea struck.
What if somehow a Tortle character could pull into their shell and be thrown or otherwise into enemies etc like the Mario-esque Koopa Shells?
Are there any game mechanics which such a character could be built around?
Something as early as lvl 3-5 would be great if it is possible; any which way it would be great to hear what mechanics etc can be leveraged towards something like this.
Sounds like an Improvised Weapon, as long as your DM is okay with considering the Tortle an object. With the Tavern Brawler Origin Feat, you can gain proficiency in Improvised Weapons. If that works out for your DM, a thrown Tortle is a 1d4 Bludgeoning weapon with a range of 20/60.
Horizontal movement there is no rules... Vertical movement... led to an interesting thing in Baldur's Gate 3, called Owlbear from the top rope. There is of course no reason a DM couldn't homebrew something if they are fine with it.
An idea came across that a Feather Fall effect may relieve the weight restriction on someone casting the Catapult spell.
Feather Fall is a magical parachute and doesn't actually change anything's weight. Even so, in both the improvised weapons scenario and the catapult spell scenarios, you need to get around the object restriction somehow. You can try saying you are throwing the Tortle's backpack/clothing (objects) and Koopa (creature) is just coming along for the ride. ;)
Pretty new to the new rule set; though after coming across the Tortle race with pulling into the shell being an ability the idea struck.
What if somehow a Tortle character could pull into their shell and be thrown or otherwise into enemies etc like the Mario-esque Koopa Shells?
Are there any game mechanics which such a character could be built around?
Something as early as lvl 3-5 would be great if it is possible; any which way it would be great to hear what mechanics etc can be leveraged towards something like this.
A 10th level path of the giant barbarian can throw small or medium creatures. Though by RAW, there’s nothing about it doing damage on the other end.
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Horizontal movement there is no rules... Vertical movement... led to an interesting thing in Baldur's Gate 3, called Owlbear from the top rope. There is of course no reason a DM couldn't homebrew something if they are fine with it.
Step 1. Get fire immunity.
Step 2. Cover yourself in oil
Step 3. [Tooltip Not Found]
Step 4. Load yourself into a catapult.
Voila! A perfect recipe for a flaming catapult! And, on the plus side, you can pop out and attack some people afterward!
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
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Good ideas with the improvised weapon options.
An idea came across that a Feather Fall effect may relieve the weight restriction on someone casting the Catapult spell.
Feather Fall is a magical parachute and doesn't actually change anything's weight. Even so, in both the improvised weapons scenario and the catapult spell scenarios, you need to get around the object restriction somehow. You can try saying you are throwing the Tortle's backpack/clothing (objects) and Koopa (creature) is just coming along for the ride. ;)
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