I'm working on a Unarmored build for a character. The character i have in mind is Monk/Cleric that deals a lot of damage and can cast find familiar. Any build Ideas?
If I am not mistaken, the Ilmater worshippers are used to be monk as well. So, for your cleric levels, you can pick the Life domain. The monk archtype can be Way of the open end.
As for find familiar, I would suggest taking ritual caster feat (Wizard). This will add to the scholarly feel of the character and grant a huge list of potentially useful abilities to you.
As for the level split, The logical ones would be either 1/monk for just the unarmed defense, you are a pure caster (just a bit behind the curve) or 5/monk as that grants you 2 melee attacks a turn.
If you go Cleric (Arcana) you could grab booming blade/greenflame blade so your damage will scale via the cantrip (and later the class feature to add wis modifier to cantrip) rather than using two attacks. And at very high levels you get a your choice of a handful of the most powerful wizard spells. Because of your monk martial arts you can use a staff versatile and use your dex mod for attack/damage.
If there is another domain you are really interested in, then you can swap ritual caster for magic initiate (wizard) to grab the melee cantrips and find familiar, but the greenflame blade does use your int mod, which wouldn't be as impressive. If going for spell damage, light is powerful as it grants fireball.
Thain's comment is a great one and I can't believe I didn't think of it myself as a solution: Ritual Caster (Wizard) as a feat. Especially since I once played a Monk:Shadow/Warlock:Old Ones:Pact of the Tome, I ended up taking Ritual Caster to give myself more of a scholarly/magic feel, and take the pressure for Ritual spells off of our Bard.
I do think Magic Initiate is a poor choice, as it gives you a level 1 Wizard spell, not a the Wizard spell list, so I don't think it lets you cast Find Familiar on a scroll (I could be wrong please post a correction if I am). If you take the Feat Find Familiar is the ONLY spell you can cast with it, which isn't as versitile as Ritual Caster. Magic Initiate only adds 1 spell to your daily allotment if it's from the same school as your other spells. http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/sageadvice_feats/
I'm going for a balance in melee and spells. My favorite are the fire spells. I almost forgot about Arcana Clerics (Thank you Thain). Firebolt and Green Flame Blade are my favorite cantrips. The only problem is that i want to cast fire spells such as burning hands and fireball. The Way of the Sun soul has radiant/fire based ki abilities.
Monk(Way of the sun Soul) 12/ Cleric (Arcana Domain) 8
I'm working on a Unarmored build for a character. The character i have in mind is Monk/Cleric that deals a lot of damage and can cast find familiar. Any build Ideas?
If I am not mistaken, the Ilmater worshippers are used to be monk as well. So, for your cleric levels, you can pick the Life domain. The monk archtype can be Way of the open end.
Background Hermit.
Of course, best stats in WIS and DEX.
My question is do you want to be:
It's an important decision to make as both Monk and Cleric are very class lvl dependant for thier abilities.
Also Find Familiar is a Wizard only spell. To cast even from a scroll you still need to be able to cast Wizard spells.
That means either 1 lvl of Wizard or 3 lvls of Fighter or Rogue (Eldritch Knight/Arcane Trickster)
My personal preference for Gish characters it's to M.Class as 2 or 5 or 6th lvl.
2nd lvl gets you the feel as soon as possible, but pushes back your other class.
5th lvl you just got your first ASI, so often feels like a good time to diversify
6th lvl if your first class is "martial", because that's your 2nd attack at 5th lvl.
As for find familiar, I would suggest taking ritual caster feat (Wizard). This will add to the scholarly feel of the character and grant a huge list of potentially useful abilities to you.
As for the level split, The logical ones would be either 1/monk for just the unarmed defense, you are a pure caster (just a bit behind the curve) or 5/monk as that grants you 2 melee attacks a turn.
If you go Cleric (Arcana) you could grab booming blade/greenflame blade so your damage will scale via the cantrip (and later the class feature to add wis modifier to cantrip) rather than using two attacks. And at very high levels you get a your choice of a handful of the most powerful wizard spells. Because of your monk martial arts you can use a staff versatile and use your dex mod for attack/damage.
If there is another domain you are really interested in, then you can swap ritual caster for magic initiate (wizard) to grab the melee cantrips and find familiar, but the greenflame blade does use your int mod, which wouldn't be as impressive. If going for spell damage, light is powerful as it grants fireball.
Thain's comment is a great one and I can't believe I didn't think of it myself as a solution: Ritual Caster (Wizard) as a feat.
Especially since I once played a Monk:Shadow/Warlock:Old Ones:Pact of the Tome, I ended up taking Ritual Caster to give myself more of a scholarly/magic feel, and take the pressure for Ritual spells off of our Bard.
I do think Magic Initiate is a poor choice, as it gives you a level 1 Wizard spell, not a the Wizard spell list, so I don't think it lets you cast Find Familiar on a scroll (I could be wrong please post a correction if I am). If you take the Feat Find Familiar is the ONLY spell you can cast with it, which isn't as versitile as Ritual Caster. Magic Initiate only adds 1 spell to your daily allotment if it's from the same school as your other spells. http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/sageadvice_feats/
I'm going for a balance in melee and spells. My favorite are the fire spells. I almost forgot about Arcana Clerics (Thank you Thain). Firebolt and Green Flame Blade are my favorite cantrips. The only problem is that i want to cast fire spells such as burning hands and fireball. The Way of the Sun soul has radiant/fire based ki abilities.