(Assuming the PC is some sort of "good" alignment ...) As for True Resurrection, I don't believe I would want to come back to life once I have met my god. A player may want his PC back, but would the PC really want to come back to life? There would have to be some sort of revelation by the god to the PC that coming back to life would be a great thing. Maybe the PC could not only avenge their death, but also significantly further the cause of the deity. So as a DM, I think the conversation with the PC in "purgatory" could be a great story element; the ultimate plot hook.
In most campaign worlds, if this conversation happened, the PC wouldn't remember it after resurrection. So the question is, do you have the conversation and have the player pretend not to remember?
Personally, I think I would only worry about it if the player wanted to keep playing the PC, but didn't think their character would be willing. At that point I would ask them if they'd rather play out a scene their character wouldn't remember or just assume that something happened that would make them want to go back.
So way back in 2nd Ed, in the Warriors and Priests of the Realms book, there was a kit (think subclass but not really) for priests of Kelemvor that allowed them to cast bless on a grave so that 1) the grave itself would turn undead as a priest, and 2) the body in the grave could not be raised as undead. This bless lasted for 1 year per level of the priest.
just use a hellfire weapon when it deals the final blow to a humanoid it makes the creature be reborn as a lemure devil and the only way to free the soul from the 9 hells is to go and find that Pasific lemure and a good aliened person with the bless spell has to kill them or sprinkle holy water on the corpse when its dead so there soul is ****ed
Perhaps you could make the fresh corpse into something undeadand then kill that ! I have never seen a restoration or resurrections type spell that can restore the undead, so maybe keep a little necromancy handy !!
"With a touch, you revive a dead creature that has been dead for no more than a century, didn’t die of old age, and wasn’t Undead when it died." -- True Resurrection 2024
I don't think TR would have any effect on the zombie corpse. Also note that the True Resurrection spell in 2024 no longer requires the soul to be willing so a Mass Suggestion hack won't work even if your DM allows its effects to carry on beyond the grave.
Actually, you can just burn the body, then blow the ashes into the sea. The true resurrection spell requires an actual, physical body to work. Without a body, you get no Resurrection.
And... I just read the other paragraph of wording. Shoot. You could always do something to make it so that they die of old age, maybe something that... um... ages you.
I don't know if magical aging prevents resurrection.
Another option is not killing them. Throw them 8,000 years into the past or future with an Ancient Time Dragon's Time Gate. If they are near death and poisoned, the less likely they will be to find a way back.
I don't know if magical aging prevents resurrection.
Another option is not killing them. Throw them 8,000 years into the past or future with an Ancient Time Dragon's Time Gate. If they are near death and poisoned, the less likely they will be to find a way back.
I don't think that would work. The person could still cast True Resurrection, and they would still revive, due to the part of the spell I didn't see:
why go throw the hole hassle when u can buy a uncommon hellfire weapon and kill someone with it that persons soul gets turned into a mindless grunt and if killed will just come bacl to life in hell and there soul can only be freed under persific conduction witch in is a 1 in a million chance that it will happen to u in hell
I don't know if magical aging prevents resurrection.
Another option is not killing them. Throw them 8,000 years into the past or future with an Ancient Time Dragon's Time Gate. If they are near death and poisoned, the less likely they will be to find a way back.
I don't think that would work. The person could still cast True Resurrection, and they would still revive, due to the part of the spell I didn't see:
"The spell can provide a new body..."
That clause doesn't apply if they die ~8,000 years in the past or future, particularly in the future. That is why the Ancient Time Dragon is necessary; it is the only documented method of significant time travel that I know of.
I don't know if magical aging prevents resurrection.
Another option is not killing them. Throw them 8,000 years into the past or future with an Ancient Time Dragon's Time Gate. If they are near death and poisoned, the less likely they will be to find a way back.
I don't think that would work. The person could still cast True Resurrection, and they would still revive, due to the part of the spell I didn't see:
"The spell can provide a new body..."
That clause doesn't apply if they die ~8,000 years in the past or future, particularly in the future. That is why the Ancient Time Dragon is necessary; it is the only documented method of significant time travel that I know of.
me comes along with a hellfire weapon kills you and sends your soul to avernaes be reborn as a lemure devil to endlessly fight and die as a mindless blob of flesh
why go throw the hole hassle when u can buy a uncommon hellfire weapon and kill someone with it that persons soul gets turned into a mindless grunt and if killed will just come bacl to life in hell and there soul can only be freed under persific conduction witch in is a 1 in a million chance that it will happen to u in hell
There are a few issues with that solution.
Hellfire Weapons only affect Humanoids. OP mentioned PC and NPC, but did place and species restrictions. That works for a lot of the player races, but not Fairies (Fey), Plasmoids (Ooze), Autognomes (Construct), or Thri-Kreen (Monstrosity). And that is not counting the options available as purely NPC creature types. For example, if you destroy a Lich with it, nothing special happens because Liches aren't humanoids.
The creature is still alive as a Lemure. They are probably "out of the way", but I think the request is specifically for them to be dead and not coming back.
Lemures can theoretically get promoted up the ranks and this is partially determined by their skillset in life. Killing the Bandit Chief with a Hellfire Weapon only for them to come back as a more powerful devil or undead (see below).
Finally, I don't know if the current edition mentions it, but in prior editions it was possible for the Lemure to be transformed into a Specter or Wraith, failing the preventing them from being turned Undead.
why go throw the hole hassle when u can buy a uncommon hellfire weapon and kill someone with it that persons soul gets turned into a mindless grunt and if killed will just come bacl to life in hell and there soul can only be freed under persific conduction witch in is a 1 in a million chance that it will happen to u in hell
There are a few issues with that solution.
Hellfire Weapons only affect Humanoids. OP mentioned PC and NPC, but did place and species restrictions. That works for a lot of the player races, but not Fairies (Fey), Plasmoids (Ooze), Autognomes (Construct), or Thri-Kreen (Monstrosity). And that is not counting the options available as purely NPC creature types. For example, if you destroy a Lich with it, nothing special happens because Liches aren't humanoids.
The creature is still alive as a Lemure. They are probably "out of the way", but I think the request is specifically for them to be dead and not coming back.
Lemures can theoretically get promoted up the ranks and this is partially determined by their skillset in life. Killing the Bandit Chief with a Hellfire Weapon only for them to come back as a more powerful devil or undead (see below).
Finally, I don't know if the current edition mentions it, but in prior editions it was possible for the Lemure to be transformed into a Specter or Wraith, failing the preventing them from being turned Undead.
ok fair point did not count that and i thoght they where talking about a humanoid my bad
i thoght that they would lose all memory's while in hell when killed with a hellfire weapon
as i said above and if they get promoted then there stuck in hell unless they get demoted
not to my knowledge they can only become better devils
I don't know if magical aging prevents resurrection.
Another option is not killing them. Throw them 8,000 years into the past or future with an Ancient Time Dragon's Time Gate. If they are near death and poisoned, the less likely they will be to find a way back.
I don't think that would work. The person could still cast True Resurrection, and they would still revive, due to the part of the spell I didn't see:
"The spell can provide a new body..."
That clause doesn't apply if they die ~8,000 years in the past or future, particularly in the future. That is why the Ancient Time Dragon is necessary; it is the only documented method of significant time travel that I know of.
me comes along with a hellfire weapon kills you and sends your soul to avernaes be reborn as a lemure devil to endlessly fight and die as a mindless blob of flesh
Except while mechanically a hellfire weapon only rates as uncommon, narratively bringing those to the Material Plane in notable quantities is a great way to get angels, sphinxes, good dragons, etc coming down on you like a ton of bricks. If you review the adventure they appear in, hellfire weapons seem to only appear sparsely. They technically exist as an option, but it’s functionally the same as the DM outright playing the “because I say so” card. Plus it’s technically possible to go into the Hells and resurrect a Lemure, so if we’re operating on the assumption TR is on the table then pulling an Orpheus is as well.
I don't know if magical aging prevents resurrection.
Another option is not killing them. Throw them 8,000 years into the past or future with an Ancient Time Dragon's Time Gate. If they are near death and poisoned, the less likely they will be to find a way back.
I don't think that would work. The person could still cast True Resurrection, and they would still revive, due to the part of the spell I didn't see:
"The spell can provide a new body..."
That clause doesn't apply if they die ~8,000 years in the past or future, particularly in the future. That is why the Ancient Time Dragon is necessary; it is the only documented method of significant time travel that I know of.
me comes along with a hellfire weapon kills you and sends your soul to avernaes be reborn as a lemure devil to endlessly fight and die as a mindless blob of flesh
Except while mechanically a hellfire weapon only rates as uncommon, narratively bringing those to the Material Plane in notable quantities is a great way to get angels, sphinxes, good dragons, etc coming down on you like a ton of bricks. If you review the adventure they appear in, hellfire weapons seem to only appear sparsely. They technically exist as an option, but it’s functionally the same as the DM outright playing the “because I say so” card. Plus it’s technically possible to go into the Hells and resurrect a Lemure, so if we’re operating on the assumption TR is on the table then pulling an Orpheus is as well.
what does TR mean and who is orphes and also good luck finding the exact one your trying to find in that mass of flesh that is also nearly always dyeing
In most campaign worlds, if this conversation happened, the PC wouldn't remember it after resurrection. So the question is, do you have the conversation and have the player pretend not to remember?
Personally, I think I would only worry about it if the player wanted to keep playing the PC, but didn't think their character would be willing. At that point I would ask them if they'd rather play out a scene their character wouldn't remember or just assume that something happened that would make them want to go back.
(apologies for the necro (lol))
So way back in 2nd Ed, in the Warriors and Priests of the Realms book, there was a kit (think subclass but not really) for priests of Kelemvor that allowed them to cast bless on a grave so that 1) the grave itself would turn undead as a priest, and 2) the body in the grave could not be raised as undead. This bless lasted for 1 year per level of the priest.
just use a hellfire weapon when it deals the final blow to a humanoid it makes the creature be reborn as a lemure devil and the only way to free the soul from the 9 hells is to go and find that Pasific lemure and a good aliened person with the bless spell has to kill them or sprinkle holy water on the corpse when its dead so there soul is ****ed
I wonder if a DM would allow a Mass Suggestion spell to carry on its effects beyond death.
Word the suggestion to have the soul be unwilling to return! Depending on how you up cast it, you could prevent resurrection for up to a year.
Furthermore, turning a dead creature into something undead and then killing that seems to prevent all resurrection type spells from working.
All the restoration and resurrection spells that I have seen used cannot restore an undead creature, so keep a little bit of necromancy handy !!
Perhaps you could make the fresh corpse into something undead and then kill that ! I have never seen a restoration or resurrections type spell that can restore the undead, so maybe keep a little necromancy handy !!
"With a touch, you revive a dead creature that has been dead for no more than a century, didn’t die of old age, and wasn’t Undead when it died." -- True Resurrection 2024
I don't think TR would have any effect on the zombie corpse. Also note that the True Resurrection spell in 2024 no longer requires the soul to be willing so a Mass Suggestion hack won't work even if your DM allows its effects to carry on beyond the grave.
Actually, you can just burn the body, then blow the ashes into the sea. The true resurrection spell requires an actual, physical body to work. Without a body, you get no Resurrection.EDIT:
And... I just read the other paragraph of wording. Shoot. You could always do something to make it so that they die of old age, maybe something that... um... ages you.
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I don't know if magical aging prevents resurrection.
Another option is not killing them. Throw them 8,000 years into the past or future with an Ancient Time Dragon's Time Gate. If they are near death and poisoned, the less likely they will be to find a way back.
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all you need is a hellfire weapon
I don't think that would work. The person could still cast True Resurrection, and they would still revive, due to the part of the spell I didn't see:
"The spell can provide a new body..."
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
why go throw the hole hassle when u can buy a uncommon hellfire weapon and kill someone with it that persons soul gets turned into a mindless grunt and if killed will just come bacl to life in hell and there soul can only be freed under persific conduction witch in is a 1 in a million chance that it will happen to u in hell
That clause doesn't apply if they die ~8,000 years in the past or future, particularly in the future. That is why the Ancient Time Dragon is necessary; it is the only documented method of significant time travel that I know of.
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me comes along with a hellfire weapon kills you and sends your soul to avernaes be reborn as a lemure devil to endlessly fight and die as a mindless blob of flesh
There are a few issues with that solution.
How to add Tooltips.
any way to prevent people from just reviving vecna when he's killed as in eve of ruin we killed him but our dm just had cultists bring him back.
Except while mechanically a hellfire weapon only rates as uncommon, narratively bringing those to the Material Plane in notable quantities is a great way to get angels, sphinxes, good dragons, etc coming down on you like a ton of bricks. If you review the adventure they appear in, hellfire weapons seem to only appear sparsely. They technically exist as an option, but it’s functionally the same as the DM outright playing the “because I say so” card. Plus it’s technically possible to go into the Hells and resurrect a Lemure, so if we’re operating on the assumption TR is on the table then pulling an Orpheus is as well.
what does TR mean and who is orphes and also good luck finding the exact one your trying to find in that mass of flesh that is also nearly always dyeing
I'm thinking TR is True Resurrection. Orpheus ... ?
Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt
Orpheus was the Greek hero who went into Hades in an attempt to bring his beloved back to life.
Oh, and regarding finding the right lemure, there ain't exactly a shortage of divination spells once you're up to plane-hopping.