Aasimar paladin and any race druid. The druid turns into a war horse or riding horse, paladin gets a lance and rides him into combat.
Wouldn't that combo also work with any martial weapon user? Fighter's have a full subclass dedicate to mounted combat
Yes, but that subclass sucks. Paladins are much more like the knight in shining armor riding on a horse in armor, and they are much better at nova attacks, which is good for protector characters.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Aasimar paladin and any race druid. The druid turns into a war horse or riding horse, paladin gets a lance and rides him into combat.
Wouldn't that combo also work with any martial weapon user? Fighter's have a full subclass dedicate to mounted combat
Yes, but that subclass sucks. Paladins are much more like the knight in shining armor riding on a horse in armor, and they are much better at nova attacks, which is good for protector characters.
If you have a Druid horse yes.
if you have a centaur ally, no. The Cavalier is way better.
Aasimar paladin and any race druid. The druid turns into a war horse or riding horse, paladin gets a lance and rides him into combat.
Wouldn't that combo also work with any martial weapon user? Fighter's have a full subclass dedicate to mounted combat
Yes, but that subclass sucks. Paladins are much more like the knight in shining armor riding on a horse in armor, and they are much better at nova attacks, which is good for protector characters.
If you have a Druid horse yes.
if you have a centaur ally, no. The Cavalier is way better.
Exactly my point, druid and paladin is better together, and centaur cavalier is better together.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Aasimar paladin and any race druid. The druid turns into a war horse or riding horse, paladin gets a lance and rides him into combat.
Wouldn't that combo also work with any martial weapon user? Fighter's have a full subclass dedicate to mounted combat
Yes, but that subclass sucks. Paladins are much more like the knight in shining armor riding on a horse in armor, and they are much better at nova attacks, which is good for protector characters.
If you have a Druid horse yes.
if you have a centaur ally, no. The Cavalier is way better.
Exactly my point, druid and paladin is better together, and centaur cavalier is better together.
Insert meme from stepbrothers here about best friends.
I saw a post where two players were twins that embodied aspects of the sun and moon. They were tieflings. The moon tiefling was a pact of the tome warlock and multiclassed into shadow sorcerer. The sun tiefling was a light domain cleric but I feel a sun soul monk would be thematic as well. They were both in a prophecy to save the world.
I think an Artificer who builds gadgets working with a monk who acts like a vigilante would be funny and have a different flavor to a dnd campaign in an urban setting.
In a campaign me and my friend play siblings. They're bard and warlock halfelves. The bard is a really over protective older brother. While the warlock doesn't need that protection but will axept it. She's very independent.
He doesn't know she's a warlock. Cuz he would freak out. This is interesting to play cuz she can't use eldritch blast when he could possibly see it. It has some cool rp opportunities.
You could do a tiefling and aasimar set of siblings, since the way planetouched genetics works would technically allow for that if a line of humans intermingled with both fiends and celestials at different points over the millenia.
1) I played a ranger who was the younger sister of our party's fighter. We had a lot of interactions with him being overprotective and having the flaw. "I'd rather eat my armor, than admit I am wrong." and her always trying to hard to prove herself. Those two butted heads a lot, so it was a good thing, my friend and I could joke about it OOC. In the end, he became a pirate king and she got to sail off on her own ship (with a romantic interest that had taken her brother a verylong time to accept).
2) I was also one of two identical twins. Wood elves, and we used the same starting stats, and wrote our backstory together. One was a Rogue who went on the become an Arcane Trickster and the other was a Warlock with a Celestial patron and Pact of the Tome. The warlock was very quite and usually buried in a book, while the rogue was the out-going one who took initiative and made things happen.
me and a friend are playing twin halfling monks who keep swapping names to confuse people.
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This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco. No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.
It been a few years, your probably not looking for some more ideas but me and another member of my dnd party created a pair of twins to play as backup character after a session ended in very harrowing situation with both our characters. We ended up both really enjoying making and loving these character, to the point we are playing on playing them for a one shot coming up (as both our character ended up surviving the encounter after all).
There are Half-Elven twin monster hunters, one a Samurai Fighter and the other a Way of Mercy Monk. The combination of a dual wielding samurai martial fighter and a healing/damaging giving press point hitting monk worked really well together. As I create the monk, and played around with the idea that the Mercy Monk would fight similar to Ty-Lee (from Avatar), very dexterity and acrobatic focused. Countered/compared really well to the damage dealing fluid performance fighting the double scimitar wielding Samurai used.
Another option for sibling character, came up as an idea during a Murder Mystery holiday one shot is a set of changeling noble siblings, one the heir and the other the spare sibling(though we played it as that is how other view them but they viewed themselves the crown/first and the right hand/second). Though truthfully any fey, fey-like, or other races would work (ours was just set in the feywild at seelie/unseelie court). We ended up coming up with quite a few different combination before settling on one, but the ideas were: mainly a mix of Sorcery, Wizard and Warlock (*Though Inquisitive Rouge could have also worked with these characters comb ideas)
Illusionist Wizard & Archfey Warlock (Illusionist who make you see you being fear and the fear radiating dealing making sibling comb)
Enchantment Wizard & Archfey Warlock (Hypnotic enchantress and their beguiling and fearsome presence controlling sibling)
Enchantment Wizard & Illusionist Wizard (Classic double Wizard sibling, both believe there class is better; the synergy of these classes working together to manipulate situations their way)
Aberrant Sorcerer & Illusionist Wizard (Double mind bending siblings; both love to mess with people's minds/ give a lot of Fey vibes)
Aberrant Sorcerer & Archfey Warlock (Sorcerer able to read your thoughts and their warlock able to charm or fear you)
Inquisitive Rouge & Illusionist Wizard (Sneaky and can tell your lying sibling with there I can mess with your mind fey sibling energy)
Archfey Warlock & *Inquisitive Rouge (The fear dealing sibling and the sibling that read people, together scary combo)
Enchantment Wizard & *Inquisitive Rogue (Enchanting spelling caster with the Eye for Deceit and Detail sibling)
Mastermind Rogue & *Inquisitive Rouge (The double Rouges; one reads people and the other manipulates them)
*Edited posts: Added some character combs for a rogue combination that give off similar energy to how we described the sibling being in the one shot.
A friend and I always make dwarf brothers - one paladin, the other cleric. At one time, long ago, we made an entire party of half-brothers - The Mir Brothers Travelling Company, a theater troupe slash assassins guild. Same father but different mothers. 5 half-elf half-brothers. All multiclass too, so fighter-bard, mage-bard, psion-bard, rogue-bard and ... I wonder what the last one was, we didn't have a cleric. Never mind.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Blanket disclaimer: I only ever state opinion. But I can sound terribly dogmatic - so if you feel I'm trying to tell you what to think, I'm really not, I swear. I'm telling you what I think, that's all.
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Aasimar paladin and any race druid. The druid turns into a war horse or riding horse, paladin gets a lance and rides him into combat.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Wouldn't that combo also work with any martial weapon user? Fighter's have a full subclass dedicate to mounted combat
Yes, but that subclass sucks. Paladins are much more like the knight in shining armor riding on a horse in armor, and they are much better at nova attacks, which is good for protector characters.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
If you have a Druid horse yes.
if you have a centaur ally, no. The Cavalier is way better.
Exactly my point, druid and paladin is better together, and centaur cavalier is better together.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Insert meme from stepbrothers here about best friends.
I saw a post where two players were twins that embodied aspects of the sun and moon. They were tieflings. The moon tiefling was a pact of the tome warlock and multiclassed into shadow sorcerer. The sun tiefling was a light domain cleric but I feel a sun soul monk would be thematic as well. They were both in a prophecy to save the world.
I think an Artificer who builds gadgets working with a monk who acts like a vigilante would be funny and have a different flavor to a dnd campaign in an urban setting.
Your secret is safe with my indifference - Percy
In a campaign me and my friend play siblings. They're bard and warlock halfelves. The bard is a really over protective older brother. While the warlock doesn't need that protection but will axept it. She's very independent.
He doesn't know she's a warlock. Cuz he would freak out. This is interesting to play cuz she can't use eldritch blast when he could possibly see it. It has some cool rp opportunities.
You could do a tiefling and aasimar set of siblings, since the way planetouched genetics works would technically allow for that if a line of humans intermingled with both fiends and celestials at different points over the millenia.
A pair of tieflings that danger follows everywhere, known as Double Trouble.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Hmm... siblings who have been fun to play:
1) I played a ranger who was the younger sister of our party's fighter. We had a lot of interactions with him being overprotective and having the flaw. "I'd rather eat my armor, than admit I am wrong." and her always trying to hard to prove herself. Those two butted heads a lot, so it was a good thing, my friend and I could joke about it OOC. In the end, he became a pirate king and she got to sail off on her own ship (with a romantic interest that had taken her brother a very long time to accept).
2) I was also one of two identical twins. Wood elves, and we used the same starting stats, and wrote our backstory together. One was a Rogue who went on the become an Arcane Trickster and the other was a Warlock with a Celestial patron and Pact of the Tome. The warlock was very quite and usually buried in a book, while the rogue was the out-going one who took initiative and made things happen.
I came on here to say this.
The incredibly intimidating (but slightly underpowered) paladin and the quiet (but immeasurably powerful) bard
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco.
No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.
It been a few years, your probably not looking for some more ideas but me and another member of my dnd party created a pair of twins to play as backup character after a session ended in very harrowing situation with both our characters. We ended up both really enjoying making and loving these character, to the point we are playing on playing them for a one shot coming up (as both our character ended up surviving the encounter after all).
There are Half-Elven twin monster hunters, one a Samurai Fighter and the other a Way of Mercy Monk. The combination of a dual wielding samurai martial fighter and a healing/damaging giving press point hitting monk worked really well together. As I create the monk, and played around with the idea that the Mercy Monk would fight similar to Ty-Lee (from Avatar), very dexterity and acrobatic focused. Countered/compared really well to the damage dealing fluid performance fighting the double scimitar wielding Samurai used.
Another option for sibling character, came up as an idea during a Murder Mystery holiday one shot is a set of changeling noble siblings, one the heir and the other the spare sibling(though we played it as that is how other view them but they viewed themselves the crown/first and the right hand/second). Though truthfully any fey, fey-like, or other races would work (ours was just set in the feywild at seelie/unseelie court). We ended up coming up with quite a few different combination before settling on one, but the ideas were: mainly a mix of Sorcery, Wizard and Warlock (*Though Inquisitive Rouge could have also worked with these characters comb ideas)
Illusionist Wizard & Archfey Warlock (Illusionist who make you see you being fear and the fear radiating dealing making sibling comb)
Enchantment Wizard & Archfey Warlock (Hypnotic enchantress and their beguiling and fearsome presence controlling sibling)
Enchantment Wizard & Illusionist Wizard (Classic double Wizard sibling, both believe there class is better; the synergy of these classes working together to manipulate situations their way)
Aberrant Sorcerer & Illusionist Wizard (Double mind bending siblings; both love to mess with people's minds/ give a lot of Fey vibes)
Aberrant Sorcerer & Archfey Warlock (Sorcerer able to read your thoughts and their warlock able to charm or fear you)
Inquisitive Rouge & Illusionist Wizard (Sneaky and can tell your lying sibling with there I can mess with your mind fey sibling energy)
Archfey Warlock & *Inquisitive Rouge (The fear dealing sibling and the sibling that read people, together scary combo)
Enchantment Wizard & *Inquisitive Rogue (Enchanting spelling caster with the Eye for Deceit and Detail sibling)
Mastermind Rogue & *Inquisitive Rouge (The double Rouges; one reads people and the other manipulates them)
*Edited posts: Added some character combs for a rogue combination that give off similar energy to how we described the sibling being in the one shot.
A friend and I always make dwarf brothers - one paladin, the other cleric. At one time, long ago, we made an entire party of half-brothers - The Mir Brothers Travelling Company, a theater troupe slash assassins guild. Same father but different mothers. 5 half-elf half-brothers. All multiclass too, so fighter-bard, mage-bard, psion-bard, rogue-bard and ... I wonder what the last one was, we didn't have a cleric. Never mind.
Blanket disclaimer: I only ever state opinion. But I can sound terribly dogmatic - so if you feel I'm trying to tell you what to think, I'm really not, I swear. I'm telling you what I think, that's all.