I know there is going to be support for homebrew, but I wonder if UA updates will automatically get integrated here? If not, I would recommend a public workshop of sorts for sharing. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
I totally agree! I was a huge fan of The Codex/u/AeronDrake was making over at the Unearthed Arcana Subreddit. I can see why Wizards wanted to take it down, it's their property. But my biggest gripe with UA is that it's not easy to access all the information in one place. Would love to see it integrated here in some way. Perhaps with filters or an account wide setting that will show or display UA content in the compendium, or a separate UA area which people can pull from.
i started using they UA ranger the moment it came out. makes being a beastmaster worth it simply by having your pet have its own turn. its less like having a vanity item now. also started to dual class a couple weeks before the new fighter subclasses came and am excited to report on how the arcane archer works. really exciting stuff.
I suspect WotC may have asked to remove it because they plan to have the unearthed arcana stuff show up here. Or perhaps there's a bunch of it that's about to be released in book form. Pity though, The Codex was pretty sweet.
Or perhaps there's a bunch of it that's about to be released in book form.
This right here. They have been treating UA as a DnD beta for a while now. I think it would make sense for them to put it in beyond simply for the feedback though. Slap a big ole "this is not canon" warning on the box and call it good.
I agree the codex was amazing. I'd be jacked if there is some place I can go to get official and up to date rules for everything. That's one of my biggest gripes about WotC products is that info and errata are spread out all over the place and can be tricky to find. If UA and Volo's and all of those books are filters, that would be awesome. Especially if you could save what materials you are allowing and not have to re-enter it.
I want to say that back in november they hinted that there will be an official UA. maybe they meant in the compendium but i also hope they release a hard copy.
Based off the advanced filters (the Source filter in particular) from the spell list I've got a feeling they will allow at least all released source material to be included in filters. Thats likely to extend to the UA as well. Especially if enough people remark on how annoying it is not having it there haha.
If there is a way to share data sets then no doubt someone will make a homebrew file of UA's and share them, or you'll just be able to make it yourself. I highly doubt they'll go to the effort of making official UA content here though, for free or otherwise, as it's playtest material that has a pretty short shelf life, if it ever even sees the light of day at all.
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"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
I'm deeply hoping that UA gets at least a footnote in the class descriptions; I myself am stoked to test out the new Kensei Monks in the most recent UA after enjoying Sun Souls from SCAG. Something just like, "hey here's some beta options." An online compendium is way easier to edit than a book, at least, so they could do that for cheap instead of publishing a brand new book.
It's been stated that the goal is to integrate all WotC content. Whether or not that applies to UA as published is an interesting question, but one that the team might not yet have figured out, especially if the classes and subclasses and such are set to be published in a book somewhere.
Thats true. Well hopefully they do. Plus I can see it being fairly easy for them to make the changes from unbalanced as heck UA, over to the published book material with little issue. Change the wording and values to suit the finished product, and change the source from UA to (insert published book name here).
It's unlikely that they will add the UA material to this when it is still playtest material.
Mixing this beta with other material still in beta would just confuse things.
And since it looks like the only info on this will be what's in the SRD and covered by the OGL. I assume that the the other books will be available if paid for. So since the UA stuff is in playtest for future books them adding it to this seems unlikely, as the official versions will be only accessible through some digital purchase.
+1 for hoping UA to be included with this without a paywall. One guy part of the team on Reddit hinted that homebrew content integration may become a feature behind a paywall though which was very disappointing to hear. Hopefully that isn't the case.
The recent amount of UA content releasing satisfies my hunger for splat like 3.5, although I do still appreciate it being much more scarce than 3.5
If there's a homebrew ability to Beyond, I see no reason why one of the "show you how it's done" defaults loaded into Beyond couldn't be the UA content, with updates after the new articles go live.
Well, even if they don't include UA by default, once the option to add homebrew stuff goes live, there's nothing to keep someone from adding all the UA material then anyway. One way or another, I see UA material, being added in.
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I know there is going to be support for homebrew, but I wonder if UA updates will automatically get integrated here? If not, I would recommend a public workshop of sorts for sharing. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
I totally agree! I was a huge fan of The Codex /u/AeronDrake was making over at the Unearthed Arcana Subreddit. I can see why Wizards wanted to take it down, it's their property. But my biggest gripe with UA is that it's not easy to access all the information in one place. Would love to see it integrated here in some way. Perhaps with filters or an account wide setting that will show or display UA content in the compendium, or a separate UA area which people can pull from.
i started using they UA ranger the moment it came out. makes being a beastmaster worth it simply by having your pet have its own turn. its less like having a vanity item now. also started to dual class a couple weeks before the new fighter subclasses came and am excited to report on how the arcane archer works. really exciting stuff.
I suspect WotC may have asked to remove it because they plan to have the unearthed arcana stuff show up here. Or perhaps there's a bunch of it that's about to be released in book form. Pity though, The Codex was pretty sweet.
You can most certainly try.
I agree the codex was amazing. I'd be jacked if there is some place I can go to get official and up to date rules for everything. That's one of my biggest gripes about WotC products is that info and errata are spread out all over the place and can be tricky to find. If UA and Volo's and all of those books are filters, that would be awesome. Especially if you could save what materials you are allowing and not have to re-enter it.
I want to say that back in november they hinted that there will be an official UA. maybe they meant in the compendium but i also hope they release a hard copy.
Based off the advanced filters (the Source filter in particular) from the spell list I've got a feeling they will allow at least all released source material to be included in filters. Thats likely to extend to the UA as well. Especially if enough people remark on how annoying it is not having it there haha.
You can most certainly try.
If there is a way to share data sets then no doubt someone will make a homebrew file of UA's and share them, or you'll just be able to make it yourself. I highly doubt they'll go to the effort of making official UA content here though, for free or otherwise, as it's playtest material that has a pretty short shelf life, if it ever even sees the light of day at all.
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
― Oscar Wilde.
UA content should be included on this site and able to be filtered. It's not that much work.
I'm deeply hoping that UA gets at least a footnote in the class descriptions; I myself am stoked to test out the new Kensei Monks in the most recent UA after enjoying Sun Souls from SCAG. Something just like, "hey here's some beta options." An online compendium is way easier to edit than a book, at least, so they could do that for cheap instead of publishing a brand new book.
It's been stated that the goal is to integrate all WotC content. Whether or not that applies to UA as published is an interesting question, but one that the team might not yet have figured out, especially if the classes and subclasses and such are set to be published in a book somewhere.
I'd be so happy if they integrated UA, instead of having a million tabs open on my browser.
Thats true. Well hopefully they do. Plus I can see it being fairly easy for them to make the changes from unbalanced as heck UA, over to the published book material with little issue. Change the wording and values to suit the finished product, and change the source from UA to (insert published book name here).
You can most certainly try.
It's unlikely that they will add the UA material to this when it is still playtest material.
Mixing this beta with other material still in beta would just confuse things.
And since it looks like the only info on this will be what's in the SRD and covered by the OGL. I assume that the the other books will be available if paid for. So since the UA stuff is in playtest for future books them adding it to this seems unlikely, as the official versions will be only accessible through some digital purchase.
i myself think that it should be intigrated into beyond it would make the tool very useful as i know alot of players that enjoy UA
+1 for hoping UA to be included with this without a paywall. One guy part of the team on Reddit hinted that homebrew content integration may become a feature behind a paywall though which was very disappointing to hear. Hopefully that isn't the case.
The recent amount of UA content releasing satisfies my hunger for splat like 3.5, although I do still appreciate it being much more scarce than 3.5
Would love to see UA on here. Going to be making a hexblade, pretty stoked for about it!
If there's a homebrew ability to Beyond, I see no reason why one of the "show you how it's done" defaults loaded into Beyond couldn't be the UA content, with updates after the new articles go live.
Well, even if they don't include UA by default, once the option to add homebrew stuff goes live, there's nothing to keep someone from adding all the UA material then anyway. One way or another, I see UA material, being added in.