You all realise that the bladesinger didn't get an a buff right they lost their light armour proficiency. They could always add their int modifier to ac whilst in blade song
If you don't think being able to use Intelligence for your wpn stat or at low level getting more uses of bladesinging. Levels 1-3 you should have a 16 or 17 INT so 3 uses and by level 4 you should be 18 INT and can do 4 uses of Bladesong. Using mage armor (which is just a level one spell and gives a better AC than studded leather) and getting more uses of Bladesong and being able to keep Dex around 14 and being viable I think is worth one spell slot.
Upgraded proficiency with one one-handed melee weapon to proficiency with all melee martial weapons that do not have the two-handed property.
Proficiency in Performance becomes choice of proficiency in Acrobatics, Athletics, Performance, or Persuasion.
Gained ability to use a melee weapon you are proficient in as a spellcasting focus.
Lost ability to use light armor with Bladesong.
Mage Armor and/or Bracers of Defense still work fine.
Species with natural armor also work.
Proficiency Bonus times per day becomes Intelligence modifiers times per day.
At low levels, will allow for more uses.
Normally the maximum number of uses will be lower at level 17+.
If you can get your Intelligence above 22, you can get more usages than the TCoE version, allowing it to scale with multiple Epic Boons post level 20.
Walk speed is the same
Concentration Bonus lost the minimum +1. If you are playing a Wizard with an 11 or less, Intelligence, this could actually be a penalty! I hope this was in error.
Lost advantage on Acrobatics.
Gained Intelligence modifier to attack and damage rolls instead of Strength or Dexterity on all weapons you are proficient in.
Note: The same restrictions on Bladesong are not repeated here, but Bladesong will end if you attack with two-hands (for example, with a Versatile weapon). It does not end if you throw a one-handed weapon (such as a Trident).
Extra attack now explicitly restricts replacing attacks to Wizard Cantrips (as opposed to "your cantrips", not specifying class).
Song of Defense is unchanged.
Song of Victory
Lost Intelligence modifier to your melee attacks during Bladesong.
Gained one weapon attack as a Bonus action when you cast a spell that has a casting time of an action.
The wording says the spell has to have a casting time of one action, not that you have to cast it with one action, so using an Attack Action to cast a one Action Cantrip would then allow you to make a weapon attack as a Bonus Action.
This is not restricted to using Bladesong!
This does not restrict you to melee attacks. As you get into stabbing range, throw a Trident or fire a Light Crossbow as a Bonus Action after casting Firebolt.
You add your full attribute modifier to damage on this attack.
It's a late game effect that consumes your Bonus Action. If you aren't already using your Bonus Action with the Light Property or the Dual Wielder feat, this gives that option.
I feel that Persuasion is an odd choice to include in Training In War and Song.
I also would like to see the two-handed restriction be removed from Training In War and Song and Bladesong so that followers of Elistrae can smack people with their Bastard Swords using both hands.
I feel like they could use a spell or effect similar to Divine Smite, maybe as a Bonus Action after hitting a creature, expend a spell slot and deal 1d6 or 1d8 Force damage per spell level to a hit creature? Maybe an Arcane version will be added in the same book?
Also, what if Song of Defense gave you Temporary Hit Points until the start of your turn instead of just preventing X damage? Would this be too strong? It would largely act the same as it does now and in the UA, but could protect against multiple attacks in one round.
Song of Defence always felt like such a desperate feature to me, cannibalizing your higher level spell slots to save yourself (or make a concentration check feasible).
What if, instead, it allowed you to use a reaction to halve damage from a source akin to Uncanny Dodge, but against any source? You could use it one per long rest, but regain the use of this feature if you spend a 3rd level spell-slot or higher to do so, a bit like several other subclasses have similar recharge conditions. Maybe also give it a rider feature where once you've used the feature, all attacks against you are at disadvantage until the start of your next turn?
Song of Defence always felt like such a desperate feature to me, cannibalizing your higher level spell slots to save yourself (or make a concentration check feasible).
What if, instead, it allowed you to use a reaction to halve damage from a source akin to Uncanny Dodge, but against any source? You could use it one per long rest, but regain the use of this feature if you spend a 3rd level spell-slot or higher to do so, a bit like several other subclasses have similar recharge conditions. Maybe also give it a rider feature where once you've used the feature, all attacks against you are at disadvantage until the start of your next turn?
I cannot begin to express how upset the Purple Dragon Knight makes me. It is pure change for change's sake. It doesn't match who or what the Purple Dragon Knight has been for years now. It changes the origin of the term Purple Dragon from an old Black Dragon whose scales had started to fade to amethyst dragons. It makes the Purple Dragon Knights Dragonlance style dragon riders as opposed to the officers and leaders of men that the Purple Dragon Knights in FR were. It is so bad, I could see myself banning it from being used at my FR tables for straying too far from established FR lore, which is really weird given that this is supposed to be a FR release. This reads like something written by someone who didn't do any research, didn't do their homework, isn't a fan of the FR, hasn't played in the FR, read the name Purple Dragon Knight, and figured, "must somehow be tied to fighting alongside literal purple dragons!" I am not a fan... I get the need to move the game away from such old racist tropes as Gygax's reification of biological determinism in the shape of genetically evil orcs. When making such changes, however, sticking true to the lore everywhere you can becomes doubly important in order to maintain cohesion or continuity with the past overall. This is just... who accepted this draft?
I cannot begin to express how upset the Purple Dragon Knight makes me. It is pure change for change's sake. It doesn't match who or what the Purple Dragon Knight has been for years now. It changes the origin of the term Purple Dragon from an old Black Dragon whose scales had started to fade to amethyst dragons. It makes the Purple Dragon Knights Dragonlance style dragon riders as opposed to the officers and leaders of men that the Purple Dragon Knights in FR were. It is so bad, I could see myself banning it from being used at my FR tables for straying too far from established FR lore, which is really weird given that this is supposed to be a FR release. This reads like something written by someone who didn't do any research, didn't do their homework, isn't a fan of the FR, hasn't played in the FR, read the name Purple Dragon Knight, and figured, "must somehow be tied to fighting alongside literal purple dragons!" I am not a fan... I get the need to move the game away from such old racist tropes as Gygax's reification of biological determinism in the shape of genetically evil orcs. When making such changes, however, sticking true to the lore everywhere you can becomes doubly important in order to maintain cohesion or continuity with the past overall. This is just... who accepted this draft?
I agree that I don’t care for the dragon pet class. We already have the Drakewarden Ranger for that. And wish it was a class of leadership and valor, like the description. They get one feature that carries that theme but the rest seem focused on the pet. A miss for me, but I’m sure others want the dragon rider theme
I'm not all into Faerun lore, but I always thought the Purple Dragon Knights was just an elite company of Cormyrian knights or something. The whole "Well, I guess we all get a dragon now?" took me really by surprise.
The Purple Dragon subclass too similar to the Drake-warden. It also has very little in common with the purple dragon knights that are from Cormyr in the Forgotten Realms. I read some of the novels from the 2nd edition era (many written by Ed Greenwood, creator of the Forgotten Realms), and the "Purple Dragon" was in reference to the then-king of Cormyr, but not an actual dragon. Purple Dragon knights were elite soldiers in the Cormyrean (sp?) army.
I know the purple dragon knight version presented from the Storm Coast Adventurer's guide didn't do well either. I think if Wizards of the Coast wants to include the Purple Dragon Knights in future products, it should be a faction (such as Lord's Alliance or Harpers) but not a subclass. I feel like that would be much more honorable to the old literature and fit the current game much better.
Many of the novels I read had the Purple Dragon Knights involved in rooting out plots against the royal family of Cormyr, as well as the county's general security. I feel like that would have a lot of room to function as a faction in the current game.
I cannot begin to express how upset the Purple Dragon Knight makes me. It is pure change for change's sake. It doesn't match who or what the Purple Dragon Knight has been for years now. It changes the origin of the term Purple Dragon from an old Black Dragon whose scales had started to fade to amethyst dragons. It makes the Purple Dragon Knights Dragonlance style dragon riders as opposed to the officers and leaders of men that the Purple Dragon Knights in FR were. It is so bad, I could see myself banning it from being used at my FR tables for straying too far from established FR lore, which is really weird given that this is supposed to be a FR release. This reads like something written by someone who didn't do any research, didn't do their homework, isn't a fan of the FR, hasn't played in the FR, read the name Purple Dragon Knight, and figured, "must somehow be tied to fighting alongside literal purple dragons!" I am not a fan... I get the need to move the game away from such old racist tropes as Gygax's reification of biological determinism in the shape of genetically evil orcs. When making such changes, however, sticking true to the lore everywhere you can becomes doubly important in order to maintain cohesion or continuity with the past overall. This is just... who accepted this draft?
It’s more of, I have a pen and paper, tasked to work on the release of this campaign setting, which by the way has rich legion and lore. Go see the countless books written (novels). But I’m going to change all of it because “we don’t care about what was written “, this is our version. 2e was the introduction to DnD and the FR settings. Shadowdale, waterdeep - lol under mts. From Blackstaff, Elminster. Arriving in Cormyr and being greeted by the Knights, having to tie a ribbon around our weapons. Hopefully they don’t mess around with the rest of FR campaign.
See? Simple. What's really changed about Purple Dragon Knights -- arguably the weakest Fighter subclass mechanically -- with the new UA rules, if you don't have the dragon pet?
But what an enrichment of the stories if, for whatever reason, amethyst dragons realize that these Fighters are uniquely useful adornments, like hats or jewelry?
I mean, to an amethyst dragon, a Purple Dragon Knight is like a hat of healing that can make its own independent attacks. And bonus, if you're hungry, you can snack on a leg.
See? Simple. What's really changed about Purple Dragon Knights -- arguably the weakest Fighter subclass mechanically -- with the new UA rules, if you don't have the dragon pet?
I mean, true. In my situation, it was more of a case of "oh what could have been". I felt it would have been nice if the PDK would have been the "bard-esque" subclass of Fighter, where they used their Second Wind and Action surge to provide ally-wide buffs and utility. A bit like the 4E Warlod, which I miss dearly.
Could this be done with a straight Bard? Yes, of course. We also have Eldritch Knight to fill in the gap between sword and sorcery. I feel like there is a niche to explore for a primarily Martial with secondary Support capabilities that leads from the front.
I like the new ranger subclass, but it's still missing ranger flavor. Rangers know their favored terrain. Aragorn scoured the forest to find a plant he knew would help. Please feel free to steal this as an optional, flavorful rule for the Ranger base class:
Wortcunning. You can spend your short rest, or 1 hour of a long rest, foraging for medicinal ingredients. During this time, you can gather sufficient ingredients to form and brew a healing salve which has the same effects as a Lesser Restoration spell, or another potion for which you have the recipe. To form a potion other than the healing salve roll a Wisdom (survival) check. The DC for the survival check is determined by the potion you are attempting to create with this feature (e.g. DC 12 for a potion of Healing).
A +CHA/INT to AC from the Paladin and Wizard subclass is SO easy to abuse for min/maxing purposes. Obvious patch - and others have already pointed it out - is make it an unarmored defense.
I agree, but I would suggest a bit more radical method than having them be 10+D+I/Ch.
Make the Paladin subclass' feature 10+STR+CHA, shield allowable, and make the Bladesinger feature not tied to uses per day, but be straight up unarmored defense 10+DEX+INT, no shield, no 2h weapons. The numbers won't be too altered, but it allows for builds more in line with traditional Paladins - and if someone wants that 10+DEX+CHA the dance bard is right there.
And on the other hand it is a good AC boost for a wizard without being better armor than the dedicated tanky classes.
The Purple Dragon subclass feels like a cheap/weak knock off of the Ranger, and moves away from what the Purple Knight stuff has been in the past.
What they really should do, in my opinion, is make the Purple Knight subclass draw from the Warlord of *4th* edition. Less dragon pet and more give allies more opportunities to shine/attack.
4e Warlord could be put together to be effective as a healer/buffer without *ever* attacking themselves through their abilities to give allies attacks. I've missed that in 5e.
A +CHA/INT to AC from the Paladin and Wizard subclass is SO easy to abuse for min/maxing purposes. Obvious patch - and others have already pointed it out - is make it an unarmored defense.
I agree, but I would suggest a bit more radical method than having them be 10+D+I/Ch.
Make the Paladin subclass' feature 10+STR+CHA, shield allowable, and make the Bladesinger feature not tied to uses per day, but be straight up unarmored defense 10+DEX+INT, no shield, no 2h weapons. The numbers won't be too altered, but it allows for builds more in line with traditional Paladins - and if someone wants that 10+DEX+CHA the dance bard is right there.
And on the other hand it is a good AC boost for a wizard without being better armor than the dedicated tanky classes.
Being tied to intelligence modifier usages makes level dips for the feature less useful.
A +CHA/INT to AC from the Paladin and Wizard subclass is SO easy to abuse for min/maxing purposes. Obvious patch - and others have already pointed it out - is make it an unarmored defense.
I agree, but I would suggest a bit more radical method than having them be 10+D+I/Ch.
Make the Paladin subclass' feature 10+STR+CHA, shield allowable, and make the Bladesinger feature not tied to uses per day, but be straight up unarmored defense 10+DEX+INT, no shield, no 2h weapons. The numbers won't be too altered, but it allows for builds more in line with traditional Paladins - and if someone wants that 10+DEX+CHA the dance bard is right there.
And on the other hand it is a good AC boost for a wizard without being better armor than the dedicated tanky classes.
Being tied to intelligence modifier usages makes level dips for the feature less useful.
Then Dip the other way... 1-level DIP into Barbarian or Monk, then primarily go down the Wizard or Paladin Path. Unarmed AC is available at level 1 for both classes.
You'd get a higher Level 1 HP and CON save with a Barbarian, although rage might be useless if you are casting spells... but it's a nice fall-back.
Monk, never hurts to have a "Free" Bonus Action Martial Art attack, especially if you are a two-weapon fighting with a Paladin. Also if you wanted to start on Monk, Dex Saves are much more common than Charisma Saves.
It's not ideal, but does lead to some interesting builds.
again, I'm fine with it as it is... it's just odd to add this as something stack-able with Unarmored Defense
Bladesingers got the ability to wear armor in the last edition. When you take away a feature, it's best to replace it with something else, and the designers in this case did so by allowing int to be used more, and obviating the need to split attributes across dex and int. Can't speak to the others too well, but since I play bladesingers, this is not a bad change. I miss the leather/light armor mage, but it's ok.
The genie paladin seems a little powerful to me. Or at least open to abuse. I'd change it like so:
Make Dao's Crush limited to targets touching the ground. Give them the grappled condition, and set their speed to 0, but not restrained. A second use could make them restrained.
Marid's Surge can be used to knock a target prone OR push them back 15' but not both. Give the user their choice (sort of directing the water high to push back, or low to sweep their feet away).
Then Dip the other way... 1-level DIP into Barbarian or Monk, then primarily go down the Wizard or Paladin Path. Unarmed AC is available at level 1 for both classes.
You'd get a higher Level 1 HP and CON save with a Barbarian, although rage might be useless if you are casting spells... but it's a nice fall-back.
Monk, never hurts to have a "Free" Bonus Action Martial Art attack, especially if you are a two-weapon fighting with a Paladin. Also if you wanted to start on Monk, Dex Saves are much more common than Charisma Saves.
It's not ideal, but does lead to some interesting builds.
again, I'm fine with it as it is... it's just odd to add this as something stack-able with Unarmored Defense
The combo isn't the issue. A well designed feature should have the most benefit for the single class character.
I don't really like the bonus action to activate but I think intelligence uses helps double down on needing intelligence to be worthwhile.
If it's always on, a 13 intelligence still gives +1 AC. As it is, it gives 1 AC for one encounter.
If you don't think being able to use Intelligence for your wpn stat or at low level getting more uses of bladesinging. Levels 1-3 you should have a 16 or 17 INT so 3 uses and by level 4 you should be 18 INT and can do 4 uses of Bladesong. Using mage armor (which is just a level one spell and gives a better AC than studded leather) and getting more uses of Bladesong and being able to keep Dex around 14 and being viable I think is worth one spell slot.
I feel that Persuasion is an odd choice to include in Training In War and Song.
I also would like to see the two-handed restriction be removed from Training In War and Song and Bladesong so that followers of Elistrae can smack people with their Bastard Swords using both hands.
I feel like they could use a spell or effect similar to Divine Smite, maybe as a Bonus Action after hitting a creature, expend a spell slot and deal 1d6 or 1d8 Force damage per spell level to a hit creature? Maybe an Arcane version will be added in the same book?
Also, what if Song of Defense gave you Temporary Hit Points until the start of your turn instead of just preventing X damage? Would this be too strong? It would largely act the same as it does now and in the UA, but could protect against multiple attacks in one round.
How to add Tooltips.
Song of Defence always felt like such a desperate feature to me, cannibalizing your higher level spell slots to save yourself (or make a concentration check feasible).
What if, instead, it allowed you to use a reaction to halve damage from a source akin to Uncanny Dodge, but against any source? You could use it one per long rest, but regain the use of this feature if you spend a 3rd level spell-slot or higher to do so, a bit like several other subclasses have similar recharge conditions. Maybe also give it a rider feature where once you've used the feature, all attacks against you are at disadvantage until the start of your next turn?
I like this.
I cannot begin to express how upset the Purple Dragon Knight makes me. It is pure change for change's sake. It doesn't match who or what the Purple Dragon Knight has been for years now. It changes the origin of the term Purple Dragon from an old Black Dragon whose scales had started to fade to amethyst dragons. It makes the Purple Dragon Knights Dragonlance style dragon riders as opposed to the officers and leaders of men that the Purple Dragon Knights in FR were. It is so bad, I could see myself banning it from being used at my FR tables for straying too far from established FR lore, which is really weird given that this is supposed to be a FR release. This reads like something written by someone who didn't do any research, didn't do their homework, isn't a fan of the FR, hasn't played in the FR, read the name Purple Dragon Knight, and figured, "must somehow be tied to fighting alongside literal purple dragons!" I am not a fan... I get the need to move the game away from such old racist tropes as Gygax's reification of biological determinism in the shape of genetically evil orcs. When making such changes, however, sticking true to the lore everywhere you can becomes doubly important in order to maintain cohesion or continuity with the past overall. This is just... who accepted this draft?
I agree that I don’t care for the dragon pet class. We already have the Drakewarden Ranger for that. And wish it was a class of leadership and valor, like the description. They get one feature that carries that theme but the rest seem focused on the pet. A miss for me, but I’m sure others want the dragon rider theme
EZD6 by DM Scotty
I'm not all into Faerun lore, but I always thought the Purple Dragon Knights was just an elite company of Cormyrian knights or something. The whole "Well, I guess we all get a dragon now?" took me really by surprise.
Purple dragon knight is a mess. It also has the silly aspect where a medium character is riding around on a medium dragon...
Drakewardens have been doing that for years now. Of course, there are those who might find that silly as well.
The Purple Dragon subclass too similar to the Drake-warden. It also has very little in common with the purple dragon knights that are from Cormyr in the Forgotten Realms. I read some of the novels from the 2nd edition era (many written by Ed Greenwood, creator of the Forgotten Realms), and the "Purple Dragon" was in reference to the then-king of Cormyr, but not an actual dragon. Purple Dragon knights were elite soldiers in the Cormyrean (sp?) army.
I know the purple dragon knight version presented from the Storm Coast Adventurer's guide didn't do well either. I think if Wizards of the Coast wants to include the Purple Dragon Knights in future products, it should be a faction (such as Lord's Alliance or Harpers) but not a subclass. I feel like that would be much more honorable to the old literature and fit the current game much better.
Many of the novels I read had the Purple Dragon Knights involved in rooting out plots against the royal family of Cormyr, as well as the county's general security. I feel like that would have a lot of room to function as a faction in the current game.
It’s more of, I have a pen and paper, tasked to work on the release of this campaign setting, which by the way has rich legion and lore. Go see the countless books written (novels). But I’m going to change all of it because “we don’t care about what was written “, this is our version. 2e was the introduction to DnD and the FR settings. Shadowdale, waterdeep - lol under mts. From Blackstaff, Elminster. Arriving in Cormyr and being greeted by the Knights, having to tie a ribbon around our weapons. Hopefully they don’t mess around with the rest of FR campaign.
So.. don't play with pet dragons.
See? Simple. What's really changed about Purple Dragon Knights -- arguably the weakest Fighter subclass mechanically -- with the new UA rules, if you don't have the dragon pet?
But what an enrichment of the stories if, for whatever reason, amethyst dragons realize that these Fighters are uniquely useful adornments, like hats or jewelry?
I mean, to an amethyst dragon, a Purple Dragon Knight is like a hat of healing that can make its own independent attacks. And bonus, if you're hungry, you can snack on a leg.
I mean, true. In my situation, it was more of a case of "oh what could have been". I felt it would have been nice if the PDK would have been the "bard-esque" subclass of Fighter, where they used their Second Wind and Action surge to provide ally-wide buffs and utility. A bit like the 4E Warlod, which I miss dearly.
Could this be done with a straight Bard? Yes, of course. We also have Eldritch Knight to fill in the gap between sword and sorcery. I feel like there is a niche to explore for a primarily Martial with secondary Support capabilities that leads from the front.
Alas, we can but dream :)
I like the new ranger subclass, but it's still missing ranger flavor. Rangers know their favored terrain. Aragorn scoured the forest to find a plant he knew would help. Please feel free to steal this as an optional, flavorful rule for the Ranger base class:
Wortcunning. You can spend your short rest, or 1 hour of a long rest, foraging for medicinal ingredients. During this time, you can gather sufficient ingredients to form and brew a healing salve which has the same effects as a Lesser Restoration spell, or another potion for which you have the recipe. To form a potion other than the healing salve roll a Wisdom (survival) check. The DC for the survival check is determined by the potion you are attempting to create with this feature (e.g. DC 12 for a potion of Healing).
A +CHA/INT to AC from the Paladin and Wizard subclass is SO easy to abuse for min/maxing purposes. Obvious patch - and others have already pointed it out - is make it an unarmored defense.
I agree, but I would suggest a bit more radical method than having them be 10+D+I/Ch.
Make the Paladin subclass' feature 10+STR+CHA, shield allowable, and make the Bladesinger feature not tied to uses per day, but be straight up unarmored defense 10+DEX+INT, no shield, no 2h weapons. The numbers won't be too altered, but it allows for builds more in line with traditional Paladins - and if someone wants that 10+DEX+CHA the dance bard is right there.
And on the other hand it is a good AC boost for a wizard without being better armor than the dedicated tanky classes.
The Purple Dragon subclass feels like a cheap/weak knock off of the Ranger, and moves away from what the Purple Knight stuff has been in the past.
What they really should do, in my opinion, is make the Purple Knight subclass draw from the Warlord of *4th* edition. Less dragon pet and more give allies more opportunities to shine/attack.
4e Warlord could be put together to be effective as a healer/buffer without *ever* attacking themselves through their abilities to give allies attacks. I've missed that in 5e.
Being tied to intelligence modifier usages makes level dips for the feature less useful.
How to add Tooltips.
Then Dip the other way... 1-level DIP into Barbarian or Monk, then primarily go down the Wizard or Paladin Path. Unarmed AC is available at level 1 for both classes.
You'd get a higher Level 1 HP and CON save with a Barbarian, although rage might be useless if you are casting spells... but it's a nice fall-back.
Monk, never hurts to have a "Free" Bonus Action Martial Art attack, especially if you are a two-weapon fighting with a Paladin. Also if you wanted to start on Monk, Dex Saves are much more common than Charisma Saves.
It's not ideal, but does lead to some interesting builds.
again, I'm fine with it as it is... it's just odd to add this as something stack-able with Unarmored Defense
Bladesingers got the ability to wear armor in the last edition. When you take away a feature, it's best to replace it with something else, and the designers in this case did so by allowing int to be used more, and obviating the need to split attributes across dex and int. Can't speak to the others too well, but since I play bladesingers, this is not a bad change. I miss the leather/light armor mage, but it's ok.
The genie paladin seems a little powerful to me. Or at least open to abuse. I'd change it like so:
Make Dao's Crush limited to targets touching the ground. Give them the grappled condition, and set their speed to 0, but not restrained. A second use could make them restrained.
Marid's Surge can be used to knock a target prone OR push them back 15' but not both. Give the user their choice (sort of directing the water high to push back, or low to sweep their feet away).
The combo isn't the issue. A well designed feature should have the most benefit for the single class character.
I don't really like the bonus action to activate but I think intelligence uses helps double down on needing intelligence to be worthwhile.
If it's always on, a 13 intelligence still gives +1 AC. As it is, it gives 1 AC for one encounter.
How to add Tooltips.