Unearthed Arcana

For discussion of UA playtest material
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
What will the next UA contain? >>
by IamSposta
2,392 38,291
So what now, with the Monk? >>
by ThriKreenWarrior
2,173 22,626
Artificer February 2019 UA discussion >>
by Stormknight
1,875 109,708
UA 4/26/23 Warlock: Initial Thoughts >>
by Xukuri
1,474 18,607
New Psi based UA!!! >>
by Lia_Black
815 14,715
One D&D UA 9/29/22 - Expert Classes >>
by Ophidimancer
722 11,363
Backgrounds in the New One D&D Origins Document Don't Work the Way You Think They do >>
by Yurei1453
661 8,516
New UA: Class Feature Variants >>
by ratwhowouldbeking
650 63,224
Cleric and Species UA: 12/1/22 >>
by Ophidimancer
565 6,575
Half-Elves & Half-Orcs as we knew them are gone? >>
by OctoberGeek
523 12,252
For One D&D I want the fighter to be the "complex" martial and for the rest to be simple >>
by _Nano
513 6,180
They need to bring back the flexible casting for the warlock. >>
by ClaymorePope
490 3,555
Nat20/Nat1 Auto Success/Failure in the OneD&D Playtest >>
by MidnightDnD
471 4,713
New UA 2/23/23 - Druids and Paladins >>
by Mephista
452 10,775
Monk took notes from everyone >>
by Ain_Undos
419 4,723
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