OK, so, the real trick to it is that the plushie monsters are real monsters that have been turned into plushies. All they can do is physical attacks, and because they are plushies they can only do improvised weapon damage -- just like the PCs. But they can still talk, and they are not at all happy about this.
especially the Beholders.
THe whole thing takes place under the eyes of a Fae Lord, of course. Who just wants everybody to have fun while they are playing. And everybody should play.
OF course, to overcome the whole thing, you have to not play -- but who's going to do that in a game?
.-= as threatend =-.
So, Wyrlde now has an entire set up in space, where the idea of doing the kessel run in fewer than 12 parsecs is an actual thing, and the ships use sails and thee is air and there's more involved. If a person on the surface of the planet flies high enough, they enter space. And it won't be a lack of air that kills them. It will be the extreme cold (not absolute zero, though).
It also has a second continent, where the basis for it is literally the disney films. Everything is a Principality.
Then there is a third continent, that I will figure out when I set up to do an open game on Wyrlde.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Hey quick question does anyone know how to apply for disability benefits? It's only a matter of time before I graduate high school and I have to fend for myself, so I was wondering if anyone knows the process.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm fry, and I make doodles. That's why they call me FRY DOODLES. Also no pressure but check out my YouTube channel (Fry Doodles) I'm a disabled, neurodivergent, artsy dumpster fire who's always open to chat or share a fun fact or two. I’m ace I'm a sensitive little sad bean. But, I'm also god's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world. Crafter of Constellations, vocaloid enjoyer, waluigi’s #1 fan, space alien, and certified silly goose
I will tell you something most people do not believe, or,,really, are prepared for. It can take up to three years to get onto SSI, and 90% of the time, that is through the appeals process, because almost everyone is rejected.
in some cases, it can take seven to ten years.
in short, it is the worst possible experience for people who need the best possible experience, because for decades and decades, some people have been worried about folks who are not disabled gaming the system more than they are the people who need it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Question: If you were a Jujutsu Sorcerer in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, what would be your Domain Expansion?
Mine would be called ‘Chained Spirits’. It’s basically an endless expanse of incredibly durable chains that as long as I am in contact with one, I control them all. I can use them to block and dodge attacks, move incredibly fast and teleport somewhat (by going underneath them all and rising elsewhere), restrain opponents, and perform whip like attacks.
Mine would be called 'Infinite Platypodes/Platypuses/Platypi.' It would essentially be me and the other person(s) as platypuses/platypi/platypodes swarm around us, which sounds awesome.
BUT. They would be male platypi/platypodes/platypuses so you would keep getting spurred by them, causing crippling pain, causing you to double over, getting spurred more, going through more excruciating pain, until you are eventually pulled by the horde of platypodes/platypuses/platypi and then a giant platypus would surge out of the horde and eat their corpse/half-dead body and turn them into more platypuses/platypi/platypodes/. They are immortal, and if you try attacking me, then they will come to my aid.
…in short, it is the worst possible experience for people who need the best possible experience, because for decades and decades, some people have been worried about folks who are not disabled gaming the system more than they are the people who need it.
Because, God forbid, a handful of people who don’t really need it might get it, so better to deny people who really need it benefits they should get because they are entitled to it. (That’s why they’re called “entitlements,” because simply for being citizens of this country we are entitled to them.) Unemployment insurance is something we pay into every time we get paid, just like paying premiums on any other type of insurance. Collecting from that insurance when we are unemployed is not “asking for a hand out,” it’s just like collecting on any other type of insurance. Social Security is also something we pay into out of each and every paycheck we get. Receiving SSI is just like collecting on any other type of investment. And it doesn’t matter if collecting that money is part of one’s retirement income, or just because one cannot work for health reasons, it shouldn’t matter. The contract every government agrees to with the citizenry is that we will support the government, and the government will see to the needs of the citizenry. It disgusts me that the party of the second part in the social contract (the govt.) is openly failing to live up to its side of the deal.
As my rather snarky insertions may have noted, I agree.
So, I watched the cool new video about the new DMG that told me all the same stuff I already learned from the last video, the one they used parts of this one in.
So, now I am waiting with bated breath to see what the bastions one is, lol.
as longer term folks here can likely guess, a lot of the PHB isn't exactly useful to me, what with my being so damned salty about the changeover from Original Edition and all (*giggle*) and not using any of the default classes or races. I know, I know, gasp, Omg, the sky is falling and I am no longer playing D&D except for the whole still playing D&D thing.
I did like the new organization, and a lot of the way they set it up (it was obviously influenced by this site), and so far I haven't come across anything that bugs me in it after finally getting through the whole thing. But, in fairness, that's due to my having already done my minor adjustments in some ways. It does mean a lot of little changes that I have to make to existing stuff on my end, but I don't disagree witht hem, so, meh, cool.
The thing that I am going to be as all in on as the other folks were about the PHB is going to be the DMG. Which, i suppose, makes sense, as I am only ever a DM.
It will be a long and bitter wait, lol.
In general Wyrlde news, I am back to three books, and editing has gotten them down to under 600 pages each. Rules, Lore, and Character is the breakdown, with magic going into rules.
I will be doing a fourth book next year on the other two continents and space.
My current games are 4 monthly ones (9, 9, 7, and 6 players each week, respectively), plus an open game that is averaging about 6 people in it that I started up after the teaching game ended.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Well, I want to know what you would have cooked up if given the chance to make something for your category in the current Comp of Finest Brews.
Sorry I missed this!
I actually envisioned a sorcerer subclass, with a 3rd-level ability that tied the theme of misfortune to the innate sorcery feature from 5e24. I realize now that subclasses have more or less vanished from the competition because they take a lot of work and they are hard to balance, and so get penalized in the voting. But funny enough, it looks like none of the official 2024 sorcerer subclasses tie an ability to innate sorcery even though it would make mechanical sense.
Ok, for the worldbuilders in the group, I was turned onto something that is proving hilariously fun to play with.
It is an AI that uses and is focused on the material you upload to it. So, a kind of "personal AI" set up that you can turn to. Doesn't have the image making, doesn't do the whole "i will create this for you" kind of stuff.
So, thee reason I am having fun with it is that one of the secondary tools for it is a little "conversation" styled like a podcast. I am laughing because listening to AI create people talking about Wyrlde is hilarious, since it doesn't quite get what Wyrlde is about just enough of the time that it makes the stuff it does get stand out. It's like hearing two people you have never met do a review of your work.
Naturally, I have a sample: "A Deep Dive Into Wyrlde". This is a wav file because I am too lazy to convert it to an mp3.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
I did a small deal a few years back with something like this, but I decided to take another go at it. I will note that the list technically includes Treasure Planet like stuff, but that's separate for now for reasons.
I was wondering if any of you have thoughts or ideas?
Here's what I kinda have right now:
Jungle Book
Raya & Last Dragon
SE Asian
Emperor New Groove
Hunchback Notre Dame
Big City 6
Beauty & Beast
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Closer to WAT
Peter Pan
Single Island
Closer to NEU
Princess & Frog
Atlantis: Lost Empire
Little Mermaid
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
QOTD: What creature, which book, and what edition is this image from?
Bonus points if you can name the artist.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
QOTD: What creature, which book, and what edition is this image from?
Bonus points if you can name the artist.
My best guess would be a 2e Vrock from possibly the Monstrous Compendium 8 or 14 if I'm right for the creature.
I've only ever played 5e, but I know that most 1e art was traced from comic books, while they got actual artists for 2e and the dragon magazines.
Sorry, that is not the creature, the book, or the artist.
The artist was hired as the original box set was being created, and he joined the original stable of artists that had been with the game since the earliest moments, such as Trampier. these original artists did not trace a lot of stuff because there wasn't anything to trace -- no one had ever drawn a lot of the stuff. This was especially true by 1975, when all art had to be original. by the time of 1e, in 1978/79, it would have killed the game to use traced art, bu also, they essentially created the modern visual depictions of most fantasy creatures.
I do find it interesting that you say "traced from comic books", given the particular artist involved, though. He didn't trace anything -- he drew it.
And, as a reward for guessing, an extra hint: this creature was one of the earliest entries in the first major book to emerge from the failed effort to merge with another company to handle overseas sales.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
QOTD: What creature, which book, and what edition is this image from?
Bonus points if you can name the artist.
I want to say this is the 2e version of the Aarakocra from the Monstrous Compendium? I'm not sure of the author though. (I might also be thinking of the colored version of this art so that might be throwing me off)
QOTD: What creature, which book, and what edition is this image from?
Bonus points if you can name the artist.
I want to say this is the 2e version of the Aarakocra from the Monstrous Compendium? I'm not sure of the author though. (I might also be thinking of the colored version of this art so that might be throwing me off)
You are super close!
The answer is that it is the 1e version of the Aaracockra from the Fiend Folio, and the artist is Jeff Dee -- the youngest artist working in gaming at the time. He went on to co-create the superhero game Villains & Vigilantes while working for TSR, and left around 1981 as a result of the success of V&V.
V&V itself was more or less knocked out by Champions as the top Superhero genre game of the day, and was described often as "too D&D-like" in its resolution mechanics.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
QOTD: What creature, which book, and what edition is this image from?
Bonus points if you can name the artist.
I want to say this is the 2e version of the Aarakocra from the Monstrous Compendium? I'm not sure of the author though. (I might also be thinking of the colored version of this art so that might be throwing me off)
You are super close!
The answer is that it is the 1e version of the Aaracockra from the Fiend Folio, and the artist is Jeff Dee -- the youngest artist working in gaming at the time. He went on to co-create the superhero game Villains & Vigilantes while working for TSR, and left around 1981 as a result of the success of V&V.
V&V itself was more or less knocked out by Champions as the top Superhero genre game of the day, and was described often as "too D&D-like" in its resolution mechanics.
Damn, I actually knew the answer, though not the extra credit answer, but missed posting it be 24 gorram minutes! 😂😂
it is the 2020's, and the internet is vast and broad.
wink, wink, nudge, nudge
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Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities .-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-. An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more. Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
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OK, so, the real trick to it is that the plushie monsters are real monsters that have been turned into plushies. All they can do is physical attacks, and because they are plushies they can only do improvised weapon damage -- just like the PCs. But they can still talk, and they are not at all happy about this.
especially the Beholders.
THe whole thing takes place under the eyes of a Fae Lord, of course. Who just wants everybody to have fun while they are playing. And everybody should play.
OF course, to overcome the whole thing, you have to not play -- but who's going to do that in a game?
.-= as threatend =-.
So, Wyrlde now has an entire set up in space, where the idea of doing the kessel run in fewer than 12 parsecs is an actual thing, and the ships use sails and thee is air and there's more involved. If a person on the surface of the planet flies high enough, they enter space. And it won't be a lack of air that kills them. It will be the extreme cold (not absolute zero, though).
It also has a second continent, where the basis for it is literally the disney films. Everything is a Principality.
Then there is a third continent, that I will figure out when I set up to do an open game on Wyrlde.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Hey quick question does anyone know how to apply for disability benefits? It's only a matter of time before I graduate high school and I have to fend for myself, so I was wondering if anyone knows the process.
I'm fry, and I make doodles. That's why they call me FRY DOODLES. Also no pressure but check out my YouTube channel (Fry Doodles)
I'm a disabled, neurodivergent, artsy dumpster fire who's always open to chat or share a fun fact or two. I’m ace
I'm a sensitive little sad bean. But, I'm also god's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world.
Crafter of Constellations, vocaloid enjoyer, waluigi’s #1 fan, space alien, and certified silly goose
I do.
I will tell you something most people do not believe, or,,really, are prepared for. It can take up to three years to get onto SSI, and 90% of the time, that is through the appeals process, because almost everyone is rejected.
in some cases, it can take seven to ten years.
in short, it is the worst possible experience for people who need the best possible experience, because for decades and decades, some people have been worried about folks who are not disabled gaming the system more than they are the people who need it.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Question: If you were a Jujutsu Sorcerer in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, what would be your Domain Expansion?
Mine would be called ‘Chained Spirits’. It’s basically an endless expanse of incredibly durable chains that as long as I am in contact with one, I control them all. I can use them to block and dodge attacks, move incredibly fast and teleport somewhat (by going underneath them all and rising elsewhere), restrain opponents, and perform whip like attacks.
Hi, I’m DrakenBrine, here’s my Sig and characters
I am The Grand Envisioner!
Mine would be called 'Infinite Platypodes/Platypuses/Platypi.' It would essentially be me and the other person(s) as platypuses/platypi/platypodes swarm around us, which sounds awesome.
BUT. They would be male platypi/platypodes/platypuses so you would keep getting spurred by them, causing crippling pain, causing you to double over, getting spurred more, going through more excruciating pain, until you are eventually pulled by the horde of platypodes/platypuses/platypi and then a giant platypus would surge out of the horde and eat their corpse/half-dead body and turn them into more platypuses/platypi/platypodes/. They are immortal, and if you try attacking me, then they will come to my aid.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
Because, God forbid, a handful of people who don’t really need it might get it, so better to deny people who really need it benefits they should get because they are entitled to it. (That’s why they’re called “entitlements,” because simply for being citizens of this country we are entitled to them.) Unemployment insurance is something we pay into every time we get paid, just like paying premiums on any other type of insurance. Collecting from that insurance when we are unemployed is not “asking for a hand out,” it’s just like collecting on any other type of insurance. Social Security is also something we pay into out of each and every paycheck we get. Receiving SSI is just like collecting on any other type of investment. And it doesn’t matter if collecting that money is part of one’s retirement income, or just because one cannot work for health reasons, it shouldn’t matter. The contract every government agrees to with the citizenry is that we will support the government, and the government will see to the needs of the citizenry. It disgusts me that the party of the second part in the social contract (the govt.) is openly failing to live up to its side of the deal.
—Rant over
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As my rather snarky insertions may have noted, I agree.
So, I watched the cool new video about the new DMG that told me all the same stuff I already learned from the last video, the one they used parts of this one in.
So, now I am waiting with bated breath to see what the bastions one is, lol.
as longer term folks here can likely guess, a lot of the PHB isn't exactly useful to me, what with my being so damned salty about the changeover from Original Edition and all (*giggle*) and not using any of the default classes or races. I know, I know, gasp, Omg, the sky is falling and I am no longer playing D&D except for the whole still playing D&D thing.
I did like the new organization, and a lot of the way they set it up (it was obviously influenced by this site), and so far I haven't come across anything that bugs me in it after finally getting through the whole thing. But, in fairness, that's due to my having already done my minor adjustments in some ways. It does mean a lot of little changes that I have to make to existing stuff on my end, but I don't disagree witht hem, so, meh, cool.
The thing that I am going to be as all in on as the other folks were about the PHB is going to be the DMG. Which, i suppose, makes sense, as I am only ever a DM.
It will be a long and bitter wait, lol.
In general Wyrlde news, I am back to three books, and editing has gotten them down to under 600 pages each. Rules, Lore, and Character is the breakdown, with magic going into rules.
I will be doing a fourth book next year on the other two continents and space.
My current games are 4 monthly ones (9, 9, 7, and 6 players each week, respectively), plus an open game that is averaging about 6 people in it that I started up after the teaching game ended.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Sorry I missed this!
I actually envisioned a sorcerer subclass, with a 3rd-level ability that tied the theme of misfortune to the innate sorcery feature from 5e24. I realize now that subclasses have more or less vanished from the competition because they take a lot of work and they are hard to balance, and so get penalized in the voting. But funny enough, it looks like none of the official 2024 sorcerer subclasses tie an ability to innate sorcery even though it would make mechanical sense.
Ok, for the worldbuilders in the group, I was turned onto something that is proving hilariously fun to play with.
It is an AI that uses and is focused on the material you upload to it. So, a kind of "personal AI" set up that you can turn to. Doesn't have the image making, doesn't do the whole "i will create this for you" kind of stuff.
it is from Google, and is called NotebookLM.
So, thee reason I am having fun with it is that one of the secondary tools for it is a little "conversation" styled like a podcast. I am laughing because listening to AI create people talking about Wyrlde is hilarious, since it doesn't quite get what Wyrlde is about just enough of the time that it makes the stuff it does get stand out. It's like hearing two people you have never met do a review of your work.
Naturally, I have a sample: "A Deep Dive Into Wyrlde". This is a wav file because I am too lazy to convert it to an mp3.
Now, the reason I am having a blast with it
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
So, "Disney Princess" Land.
I did a small deal a few years back with something like this, but I decided to take another go at it. I will note that the list technically includes Treasure Planet like stuff, but that's separate for now for reasons.
I was wondering if any of you have thoughts or ideas?
Here's what I kinda have right now:
Jungle Book
Raya & Last Dragon
SE Asian
Emperor New Groove
Hunchback Notre Dame
Big City 6
Beauty & Beast
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Closer to WAT
Peter Pan
Single Island
Closer to NEU
Princess & Frog
Atlantis: Lost Empire
Little Mermaid
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
QOTD: What creature, which book, and what edition is this image from?
Bonus points if you can name the artist.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
I’m not going to even try to guess. All I want to say is this looks like Gollum if he was a bird.
Hi, I’m DrakenBrine, here’s my Sig and characters
I am The Grand Envisioner!
My best guess would be a 2e Vrock from possibly the Monstrous Compendium 8 or 14 if I'm right for the creature.
I've only ever played 5e, but I know that most 1e art was traced from comic books, while they got actual artists for 2e and the dragon magazines.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Sorry, that is not the creature, the book, or the artist.
The artist was hired as the original box set was being created, and he joined the original stable of artists that had been with the game since the earliest moments, such as Trampier. these original artists did not trace a lot of stuff because there wasn't anything to trace -- no one had ever drawn a lot of the stuff. This was especially true by 1975, when all art had to be original. by the time of 1e, in 1978/79, it would have killed the game to use traced art, bu also, they essentially created the modern visual depictions of most fantasy creatures.
I do find it interesting that you say "traced from comic books", given the particular artist involved, though. He didn't trace anything -- he drew it.
And, as a reward for guessing, an extra hint: this creature was one of the earliest entries in the first major book to emerge from the failed effort to merge with another company to handle overseas sales.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
One more guess and I'll reveal the answer.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
I want to say this is the 2e version of the Aarakocra from the Monstrous Compendium? I'm not sure of the author though. (I might also be thinking of the colored version of this art so that might be throwing me off)
You are super close!
The answer is that it is the 1e version of the Aaracockra from the Fiend Folio, and the artist is Jeff Dee -- the youngest artist working in gaming at the time. He went on to co-create the superhero game Villains & Vigilantes while working for TSR, and left around 1981 as a result of the success of V&V.
V&V itself was more or less knocked out by Champions as the top Superhero genre game of the day, and was described often as "too D&D-like" in its resolution mechanics.
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
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An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds
Damn, I actually knew the answer, though not the extra credit answer, but missed posting it be 24 gorram minutes! 😂😂
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V&V was a lot of fun. I wish I could find my rules.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
it is the 2020's, and the internet is vast and broad.
wink, wink, nudge, nudge
Only a DM since 1980 (3000+ Sessions) / PhD, MS, MA / Mixed, Bi, Trans, Woman / No longer welcome in the US, apparently
Wyrlde: Adventures in the Seven Cities
.-=] Lore Book | Patreon | Wyrlde YT [=-.
An original Setting for 5e, a whole solar system of adventure. Ongoing updates, exclusies, more.
Not Talking About It / Dubbed The Oracle in the Cult of Mythology Nerds