*Are they at the cafe? If they are they see a pretty tall black guy in parachute pants and a basketball jersey, doing the greatest breakdancing performance you'll most likely ever see.*
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What's life without a little war to spice things up? Anyone who worries about the little things should notice the bigger picture.
I am (As drummerboy stated) The master of many faces, The unseen puppeteer, The illumination, & The unnoticed influence.
Favorite games series: Dark Souls. Shirtless Solaire. Best best game series of all time: Paper Mario. Fight me about it.
*Ooh, I wonder how they would handle Aurora's power. Her power is she has an aura of beauty similar to a nymph or dryad (either blinding or charming onlookers as well as just cosmetically looking even hotter than she already is), but she can turn it off. The weakness is, well, she's a single woman living alone in a city full of men with superpowers. And she has memory problems, so she sometimes forgets to turn it off.*
*Anyone on to RP?*
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Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
*Ooh, I wonder how they would handle Aurora's power. Her power is she has an aura of beauty similar to a nymph or dryad (either blinding or charming onlookers as well as just cosmetically looking even hotter than she already is), but she can turn it off. The weakness is, well, she's a single woman living alone in a city full of men with superpowers. And she has memory problems, so she sometimes forgets to turn it off.*
*Anyone on to RP?*
*If she goes to the cafe she sees Henri doing the craziest breakdancing performance anyone has ever seen ever.*
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What's life without a little war to spice things up? Anyone who worries about the little things should notice the bigger picture.
I am (As drummerboy stated) The master of many faces, The unseen puppeteer, The illumination, & The unnoticed influence.
Favorite games series: Dark Souls. Shirtless Solaire. Best best game series of all time: Paper Mario. Fight me about it.
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
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Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
In the middle of a backflip something hits him, causing him to land on the pavement and break his nose. He slowly gets back up, groaning and leaning against the wall.
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
In the middle of a backflip something hits him, causing him to land on the pavement and break his nose. He slowly gets back up, groaning and leaning against the wall.
The boy winces and comes closer “Are you okay? That looked painful.”
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Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
In the middle of a backflip something hits him, causing him to land on the pavement and break his nose. He slowly gets back up, groaning and leaning against the wall.
The boy winces and comes closer “Are you okay? That looked painful.”
He lets go, the blood leaking from his nose, seemingly endless, his voice slightly pained “I’m good, just a broken nose. Don’t worry about it.”
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
In the middle of a backflip something hits him, causing him to land on the pavement and break his nose. He slowly gets back up, groaning and leaning against the wall.
The boy winces and comes closer “Are you okay? That looked painful.”
He lets go, the blood leaking from his nose, seemingly endless, his voice slightly pained “I’m good, just a broken nose. Don’t worry about it.”
“Wait. I came prepared.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of napkins “Here.”
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Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
In the middle of a backflip something hits him, causing him to land on the pavement and break his nose. He slowly gets back up, groaning and leaning against the wall.
The boy winces and comes closer “Are you okay? That looked painful.”
He lets go, the blood leaking from his nose, seemingly endless, his voice slightly pained “I’m good, just a broken nose. Don’t worry about it.”
“Wait. I came prepared.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of napkins “Here.”
He takes two of the napkins, twists them, and stuffs them up his nose “Thanks kid. Here.” He walks over to his tips and gives him five dollars.
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
In the middle of a backflip something hits him, causing him to land on the pavement and break his nose. He slowly gets back up, groaning and leaning against the wall.
The boy winces and comes closer “Are you okay? That looked painful.”
He lets go, the blood leaking from his nose, seemingly endless, his voice slightly pained “I’m good, just a broken nose. Don’t worry about it.”
“Wait. I came prepared.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of napkins “Here.”
He takes two of the napkins, twists them, and stuffs them up his nose “Thanks kid. Here.” He walks over to his tips and gives him five dollars.
“Don’t need it. Keep your cash.”
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Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
In the middle of a backflip something hits him, causing him to land on the pavement and break his nose. He slowly gets back up, groaning and leaning against the wall.
The boy winces and comes closer “Are you okay? That looked painful.”
He lets go, the blood leaking from his nose, seemingly endless, his voice slightly pained “I’m good, just a broken nose. Don’t worry about it.”
“Wait. I came prepared.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of napkins “Here.”
He takes two of the napkins, twists them, and stuffs them up his nose “Thanks kid. Here.” He walks over to his tips and gives him five dollars.
“Don’t need it. Keep your cash.”
“Not giving it to you cause you need it.” He says sticking it in the kid’s pocket before leaning back against the wall “What’s your power kid?”
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
In the middle of a backflip something hits him, causing him to land on the pavement and break his nose. He slowly gets back up, groaning and leaning against the wall.
The boy winces and comes closer “Are you okay? That looked painful.”
He lets go, the blood leaking from his nose, seemingly endless, his voice slightly pained “I’m good, just a broken nose. Don’t worry about it.”
“Wait. I came prepared.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of napkins “Here.”
He takes two of the napkins, twists them, and stuffs them up his nose “Thanks kid. Here.” He walks over to his tips and gives him five dollars.
“Don’t need it. Keep your cash.”
“Not giving it to you cause you need it.” He says sticking it in the kid’s pocket before leaning back against the wall “What’s your power kid?”
He tenses up “Don’t worry about it.”
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Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
*Are they at the cafe? If they are they see a pretty tall black guy in parachute pants and a basketball jersey, doing the greatest breakdancing performance you'll most likely ever see.*
What's life without a little war to spice things up? Anyone who worries about the little things should notice the bigger picture.
I am (As drummerboy stated) The master of many faces, The unseen puppeteer, The illumination, & The unnoticed influence.
Favorite games series: Dark Souls. Shirtless Solaire. Best best game series of all time: Paper Mario. Fight me about it.
Etiam im librum scribo
*Ooh, I wonder how they would handle Aurora's power. Her power is she has an aura of beauty similar to a nymph or dryad (either blinding or charming onlookers as well as just cosmetically looking even hotter than she already is), but she can turn it off. The weakness is, well, she's a single woman living alone in a city full of men with superpowers. And she has memory problems, so she sometimes forgets to turn it off.*
*Anyone on to RP?*
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
*If she goes to the cafe she sees Henri doing the craziest breakdancing performance anyone has ever seen ever.*
What's life without a little war to spice things up? Anyone who worries about the little things should notice the bigger picture.
I am (As drummerboy stated) The master of many faces, The unseen puppeteer, The illumination, & The unnoticed influence.
Favorite games series: Dark Souls. Shirtless Solaire. Best best game series of all time: Paper Mario. Fight me about it.
Etiam im librum scribo
The boy is doing what he does. Which is being surrounded by chaos and mass pandemonium as he walks to the cafe
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
After a while he reaches the cafe, and from a distance sees Henri breakdancing near flawlessly, easily one of the greatest performances they have ever seen, and definitely the best breakdancing performance they’ve seen.
If Henri is within 150 feet of the boy, out of nowhere, he messes up and falls flat on his face, joining the people around him in the chaos
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
In the middle of a backflip something hits him, causing him to land on the pavement and break his nose. He slowly gets back up, groaning and leaning against the wall.
The boy winces and comes closer “Are you okay? That looked painful.”
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
He lets go, the blood leaking from his nose, seemingly endless, his voice slightly pained “I’m good, just a broken nose. Don’t worry about it.”
“Wait. I came prepared.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of napkins “Here.”
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
He takes two of the napkins, twists them, and stuffs them up his nose “Thanks kid. Here.” He walks over to his tips and gives him five dollars.
“Don’t need it. Keep your cash.”
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
“Not giving it to you cause you need it.” He says sticking it in the kid’s pocket before leaning back against the wall “What’s your power kid?”
He tenses up “Don’t worry about it.”
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
“So I guess it has something to do with why you carry napkins with you?” He shrugs “Not my business.”
“At least partly right with the first bit.”
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
“Well what’s ya name kid? I’m Henri, a pleasure.”
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
“Hmm. That’s a good name Cal.”