It’s very convoluted lmao, I tried to constrain the explanations to line per form but if I expanded it it might make a bit more sense. In game time, it was literally millions of years (the big gaps are them on the wastelands of Universe UM as Robolizard, being stuck in the Far Realm, becoming Lizzord and Star Father) As for out of game time, I’d say maybe 6 or 7 years, though it wasn’t a game and more just a big plot I structured in my mind over that time. I could have expanded everything in so much more detail, but you can see how long it is barebones lol.
Hmmmm. I have been working on worldbuilding for a book, and I will send some stuff I have written in here.
The Rune River:A huge natural source of magic. Wells up from an undiscovered spring and flows underneath the surface of all the world. Some of the greater mages have been able to make wells tapping into it. Just a small bit of magical substance from this underground river, called Earthblood, can greatly increase the strength of a spell (maybe like tracing the rune with the liquid?), the spellcasting abilities of a mage (it’s diluted or mixed into a potion that is drinkable, since drinking pure Earthblood won’t make you explode, but kind of… disperse your body. Violently of course, but not explode. Just like a small shock wave or shock wind), and wells of Earthblood are commonly used for power sources for things such as shields, since it never depletes.
Tithfin: A small creature found in the Rune River. It has a sort of bullet shape for its main body and it has 3 trailing tentacles at its end. The tithfins all have glowing markings that appear to be runes, which is how the Rune River gained its name. The hundreds of tithfins leaping through the current with their glowing runes give off the effect of runes leaping into the air. Tithfins feed off of the magical earthblood that the river consists of, and their markings slowly lose their light if the tithfin is unable to absorb earthblood. The lifespans of tithfins are unkown. It is a popular theory that the first peoples learned magic by copying down the runes on the tithfins’ bodies.
I did a bit of worldbuilding. It's not finished, but I wanted to share. It's related to the worldbuilding on Gourmet Faith.
Vital Energy, the essence of life itself, wells up from the ground, emerging from a massive dungeon called the Complex, a surreal and deadly universe originating at the core of the earth where God sits on his Devil Throne. The Throne, and thus the Complex, is the source of all life. From the Complex rises the Pillars, the seemingly infinitely tall origin points of all life on the surface. All beings, in one way or another, trace their origins to the Devil Throne.
New Babylon is a country that claims to be a city. It was founded on the largest continent in the world and covers 35% of it with dense urban structures, boasting a population of 8.8 billion. However, the other 65% remains completely untamed due to the high amount of Vital Energy in those areas causing anything that enters to evolve, heal, and adapt with extreme speed. But New Babylon needs this Vitality.
The continent that New Babylon was built upon had more wellsprings of Vitality than any other. The settlers would surely have died if it were not for their technology that allowed them to use Vitality as a power source. Automatons, weapons, anything can be empowered and animated by Vitality.
Artificial life is common in New Babylon. Constructs are the name of the game in big businesses. But true life is still an equal in the business of Monster Hunting.
Working on writing a book, and, well, this is as much plot as worldbuilding, but I think it's close enough.
So, I'm not sure if I explained this, but Hunters have a Dream, a power that embodies their greatest ambitions. It can be almost anything. But each Hunter also has a Curse, which grows stronger the more they use their Dream. A Curse is anything that prevents from from achieving their ambitions. You can only relieve the power of a curse by learning more about it and why it acts the way it does.
So Ricky Zalistar is an A-hole. He thinks he's like Guts from Berserk, but the thing is he does not have the absurd level of emotional damage required to make such a character make sense. Ricky copies his personality from "super manly" characters in media, and is stubborn as a mule and fights with an enormous chainsaw. His Dream, Unstoppable, gives him massively enhanced strength, speed, and durability, but just about nothing else. But he can wield that giant chainsaw with extreme effectiveness.
Demons in this world are different from regular monsters because they are born from Curses. Okay, not necessarily literally born, but their powers come from Curses, which can act as a sort of version of their own Dream. Demons get way, way stronger around stronger Curses, and Hunter Dreams barely phase them. The more Cursed a Hunter is, the less effective their Dream is at keeping Demons at bay. Demons also have enhanced abilities that vary from Demon to Demon, but invariably get stronger around stronger Curses as well.
So Ricky's curse is his former crush, Simon Holloway. Simon grew up in the same Hunter community as an orphan, and was told all his life that if his parents were alive, he would be a disappointment to them. Simon didn't have enough ambition to use a Dream, but he learned how to use guns and traps very effectively for the sake of being deemed "worthy" ...which never happened. When the community was wiped out by monsters, Ricky blamed himself for not being good enough, while Simon blamed himself for not helping, having been kept away from the fight.
Simon became a Demon, and his Cursestrength (power) is Foresight, which allows him to glean insights into his marks without even seeing them, so he can prepare a proper arsenal. He does not like fighting or killing, but he feels it's the only way he can make it up to Ricky. You may wonder how Simon is Ricky's Curse. The answer is a bit strange: Simon is Ricky's true love, in a sense, but Ricky cannot have a partner with his current lifestyle. Simon would give up being on of the most feared Demons in the country in a heartbeat if it made Ricky happy. To Ricky, Simon isn't just a worthy opponent, but everything he needs deep down where he hides his weaknesses. If he settles down with Simon, then he will never achieve his current ambition of wiping out monsterkind once and for all.
The more Ricky uses his power, the better Simon can track him down. Ricky is terrified of this, and use anything to get away from Simon, including sacrificing his own party members for a quick escape.
Meaning completely rewrote it and accidentally reduced its softness by a lot.
I did this at like, 4:00 AM so be proud it isn't total crap.
Cursemarking is a skill any being can use with enough training and was originally taught by the Spectres themselves.
A Curse can be applied to anything if enough strong emotions are channelled into it by a Cursemarker's touch, which leaves a titular visible Cursemark. A Curse can have literally any effect, but it has to run counter to the Primary Intent of its target but grant it power in some way. A place of healing can become a funhouse for everyone where nothing gets done, for example, or a corporation could be extremely popular but unprofitable. This type of power is called Stigmorta, and cannot directly contradict a Curse.
The more a Cursed target benefits from the curse’s Stigmorta, the stronger a Curse gets. A Curse’s power does not decrease on its own and must be reduced through an intelligent creature meditating with the Curse. This can be performing rituals in a Cursed area (the exact ritual does not matter as long as it calms the mind and emotions), having a therapy session with a Cursed creature, or performing deep maintenance on a Cursed object.
Every Curse has a limit to its power, which triggers something called Causality when it is finally reached. Causality is a powerful effect determined by the Curse’s Stigmorta, but activating it removes the Curse.
Anything with a Curse gains the ability to interact with Spectres, including detecting them and physically touching intangible Ghosts and Wisps.
Spectral Seals.
There is a special kind of Cursemark called a Spectral Seal, which enhances the Primary Intent instead of harming it. However, to create such a Cursemark, one must bind a Spectre into it. If the Seal is ever damaged, the Spectre escapes. A nick with a knife, for example, will destroy the Seal, ending the Stigmorta of the item and releasing the Spectre stored within.
The stronger the Spectre, the stronger the Stigmora, but the Stigmorta will only work in terms related to the Spectre’s own. For example, a Spectre with a fiery Stigmorta would cause a Spectral pen to burn whatever it touches, or make it so that when burned the paper shows what was written as figures in smoke, or even cause whatever you write about to combust.
An object or creature with a Spectral Seal is still Cursed. This Curse, in addition to its normal effects, draws in Spectres as it grows stronger. In addition, the Spectre inside the Seal grows in power as the Curse does, and it will be released immediately if Causality is triggered.
Spectral Seals are very common among Hunters, and many Hunters will spend years looking for a Spectre they want the Stigmorta of. Part of this comes from the fact that the Manifestation Level of the captured Spectre gives additional abilities to the Hunter that uses them.
For example, a Demon Seal might grant the ability to command and amplify weaker Spectres, while a Ghost Seal might grant the ability to pass through objects under specific circumstances..
A Spectre is the spirit of any object or creature that has been destroyed while Cursed or Hexed. They are unique among the dead in that they can enter the material world, at least a little bit.
They have varying levels of power, depending on many factors, but those with strong will or objects used regularly by such people have particularly powerful Spectres. Being afflicted with a stronger Curse can also improve the power of the Spectre.
Spectres always have a Curse of some sort, and it always acts as if the Spectre had a Spectral Seal: they gain a powerful Stigmorta related to their Primary Intent, but it is more related to their manner of destruction. When a Spectre reaches Causality, they are instantly killed, being sent back to the Spirit Realm if they are not captured in a Spectral Seal.
Spectres have several Manifestation Levels. A Spectre can devour other Spectres to be able to increase its own Level, consuming the strong emotions that give the devoured Spectre power.
0: Wisp. A Wisp is a Spectre with no physical presence, being completely unable to affect the material world without being put into a Spectral Seal. This is the default level of power for Spectres that have just entered the material world. Wisps cannot use their Stigmorta. Being surrounded by many Curses for an extended period of time can allow a Wisp to become a Ghost by absorbing the strong emotions that grant a Curse its power.
1: Ghost. A Ghost is a Wisp that, while still invisible and intangible, can manipulate objects and creatures by possessing them. The level of control the Spectre has depends on the relative strengths of both the Spectre and the host. If a Ghost spends a lot of time inside a host, it can eventually become a Ghoul. Ghosts can use Stigmorta, but only if they are outside of a host’s body. If the host is the Ghost’s original body, it can skip the Ghoul and become a Demon instead.
2: Ghoul. A Ghoul is a Ghost that has completely merged with its host, creating an incredibly powerful Spectre with a physical form. Such Spectres can use their powers with much more effectiveness, and can even bolster Wisps of a similar species and power set around them to become Ghosts. Ghouls can use Stigmorta whenever they choose to. If a Ghoul is allowed to live for long enough, it will metamorphose into a Demon.
3: Demon. A Demon is a Ghoul or Ghost that has moved its soul completely to the material world. They have unique forms based on their Stigmorta and original species and can function as a conduit for strong emotions, giving them off instead of absorbing them. This makes them a huge threat, as they can trigger nearby Spectres to evolve.
It is unknown if there are Manifestation Levels beyond what are categorised as Demons. Such a being would be an unspeakably powerful threat. Because of the uncertainty present in the field of Spectrology, Hunters are to kill all Spectres on sight regardless of their apparent power level or intentions.
Advanced Bits and Bobs
Hexes are supernatural ailments. They are distinct from Curses and are closer to diseases or injuries than anything else. Many Hunters and Spectres use these constantly to slow or weaken the other. Curses can overpower Hexes in many cases.
Hexes leave marks, much like Curses, and they are easily mistaken for each other by the untrained eye.
Soul Constructs.
Soul Constructs are monsters and objects created by Stigmorta. They only work for the Stigmorta wielder that created them. Whenever they take damage, so does the Stigmorta wielder, unless they choose to “release” a Construct, meaning that the wielder has no control over them.
A creature can bypass its own curse by Binding itself to a different one, forcing it to act as a function of that curse. This is not a popular choice among humans, but oftentimes, it is the only one that Spectres have to survive. A cursebound entity gets a noticeable boost to its Stigmorta while acting in accordance with its binding. The deeper the bond, the more powerful the boost.
Object Spectres.
Object Spectres are usually brought alongside other, more intelligent entities, as only the strongest of them have wills of their own. Object Spectres otherwise follow the same general rules as regular Spectres.
It's still not done because I need to write up basic powers for Spectres' different Manifestation Levels in a way I can easily reference.
I'll be flabbergasted, dumb founded, and overall Astonished!
Such incredible lore! I thank you all for your valiant attempt to keep this humble thread afloat, in return for such a gift I'll give one to you all!
Lore coming up! The Owner of the Tower of Lore is back in lore-making action all!
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Hello all! TheSunkenSailor Here Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast! I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE! Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again! Goodbye!
I was on anesthesia while making this, and thought it would be funny to share, lmao. Enjoy my batshit insane anesthesia-fueled 10 PM lore-a-thon, people. (THIS IS TAKEN STRAIGHT FROM A WORD DOCUMENT. IF THERE ARE ERRORS, BLAME MY NON SLEEPING.)
It's 2045. The government has attempted to create superhumans, and they now run amok all over the city. You are one of the "superhumans". The government tried valiantly to use any animal DNA possible to try and find the strand that could make skin as strong as bedrock itself, and failed. Mutations were more than common. The world is now divideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee divided into tribes and sections. WHat they are, you dont kno but you plan to discover them.
Everyone is a mix between a human and something else in life. What ******* ever you want. (I'm looking at you, weirdos.) I saw a video about some weird guy ruining a DnD sesh, so I decided to make one that, if put to use, would probably give them their OWN kind of DnD game, so they could leave others to theirs. Ima make more, but I wann slee.
I never finished, so don't expect much else, I guess. Lololol.
I was on anesthesia while making this, and thought it would be funny to share, lmao. Enjoy my batshit insane anesthesia-fueled 10 PM lore-a-thon, people. (THIS IS TAKEN STRAIGHT FROM A WORD DOCUMENT. IF THERE ARE ERRORS, BLAME MY NON SLEEPING.)
It's 2045. The government has attempted to create superhumans, and they now run amok all over the city. You are one of the "superhumans". The government tried valiantly to use any animal DNA possible to try and find the strand that could make skin as strong as bedrock itself, and failed. Mutations were more than common. The world is now divideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee divided into tribes and sections. WHat they are, you dont kno but you plan to discover them.
Everyone is a mix between a human and something else in life. What ******* ever you want. (I'm looking at you, weirdos.) I saw a video about some weird guy ruining a DnD sesh, so I decided to make one that, if put to use, would probably give them their OWN kind of DnD game, so they could leave others to theirs. Ima make more, but I wann slee.
I never finished, so don't expect much else, I guess. Lololol.
This makes me so happy to read. I barely could contain my laughter when reading.
I was on anesthesia while making this, and thought it would be funny to share, lmao. Enjoy my batshit insane anesthesia-fueled 10 PM lore-a-thon, people. (THIS IS TAKEN STRAIGHT FROM A WORD DOCUMENT. IF THERE ARE ERRORS, BLAME MY NON SLEEPING.)
It's 2045. The government has attempted to create superhumans, and they now run amok all over the city. You are one of the "superhumans". The government tried valiantly to use any animal DNA possible to try and find the strand that could make skin as strong as bedrock itself, and failed. Mutations were more than common. The world is now divideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee divided into tribes and sections. WHat they are, you dont kno but you plan to discover them.
Everyone is a mix between a human and something else in life. What ******* ever you want. (I'm looking at you, weirdos.) I saw a video about some weird guy ruining a DnD sesh, so I decided to make one that, if put to use, would probably give them their OWN kind of DnD game, so they could leave others to theirs. Ima make more, but I wann slee.
I never finished, so don't expect much else, I guess. Lololol.
This makes me so happy to read. I barely could contain my laughter when reading.
Glad you had a good laugh. Jokes aside, I wanna get some sleep, but I can't. Too busy thinking of London jokes.
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The one who wants to hug quite literally everyone, for no reason whatsoever. Get him to an Asylum.
Just some guy who likes memes and DND!
Some may know me as a particularly goofy vermin if you play a Sonic game where you commit blasts of robo...2...
In the beginning, there was dragons. One Good (Bahamut) and one Evil (Tiamat). They were called the Metallic and Chromatic dragons, respectively. However, from those dragons, other dragons formed. A Chaotic neutral type of dragon (Gem) and a Lawful type of dragon (Ferrous) appeared. These dragons were at odds with each other, constantly battling. However, the unity of a Chromium Ferrous dragon and a Red chromatic dragon caused a new creature to form: Radioemitter (pronounced Radio Emitter) Dragons, the first being Gerena, the Radium dragon. These dragons had an aura (Why do I keep using this word? It makes so many memeworthy moments) that caused creatures around them to feel sick; some of them control this aura. Others, do not, releasing their aura upon the innocent. There are five types of Radioemitting dragons:
Radium: Often taking on a reddish appearance, these dragons are considered one of the most powerful Radioemitter dragons. Aura status: Powerful aura that they don't try to contain. Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Uranium: A silvery white dragon, these dragons usually help hapless humanoids in trouble by giving them energy. Aura status: Powerful aura that they contain. Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Radon: These are a strange type of dragon, previously unheard of. Some doubt their existence. They are said to be invisible, and have the ability to slip through any crack in the form of gas. Aura status: They are the aura. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Polonium: These dragons appear silvery gray, and often abuse the fact that many people trust them. They sometimes act maliciously, but do anything to increase their horde. (That's not a typo. They really do have a horde of people following them). Aura status: They let it loose when no potential horde-members are around, but otherwise try to contain it. Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Thorium: These dragons look like Uranium dragons while in places with low air content. Otherwise, they appear a dull dark gray. For this reason, they often make their lair in mountain, where they can have a pearlescent sheen almost all the time. They are extremely vain and tolerate no disrespect when it comes to their looks. Aura status: They contain when people are around, but otherwise let it loose. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
A young storyteller who wanders the lands of lore, weaving a tale at every request. Has a lot of Cramorants. Major twenty one pilots fan. Certified Joker. Writer of Very Fishy Diaries and huge Lemony Snicket fan. He/him. A Warrior of Words, Vindicator of Vocabulary, Paladin of Poetry, and a Lancer of Language.
Here's a world that I've been messing around in for about a month. I did use AI for the story about Gaia and her relation to the Swanfolk that Elder Lyia told and the song for the Ramfolk workers:
(warning, its quite long):
Overview and History:
The Great Bog that bubbles over the vast realm of Aeskerllion, simply known as The Bog. The endless vast realm of quagmire. Everything eventually sinks into The Great Bog, never surfacing again, except to the brave Bog-Divers.
Huge islands of floating earth hover over The Bog, creating havens for creatures to live. Pure material and power of the Swanfolk keep the islands afloat, but eventually, everything returns to The Bog.
Deep within the fog, Swanfolk, Ramfolk, Elg, Fenland Tabaxi, and Slough Loxodons roam the depths of The Bog, hidden away from the floating islands by a great Wall of Fog…
A History of The Bog:
The Bog has existed as long as the material plane. In fact, it was originally a huge collection of Raw Material that formed the material plane, and many of the other planes. As the other planes began to be created, they used the Raw Material from this plane to form their vast surfaces.
Even after every plane was crafted, there was still a large amount of Raw Material left unattended. It grew and grew, forming into a gigantic ever-growing plane of Raw Material. When Gaia, Goddess of Earth, found it, it was a huge, sprawling realm of a sea of Raw Material, flexing and weaving, waiting to be used to create the fabric of the world.
So, Gaia did. She used ancient magic, long forgotten, to form the Raw Material into something physical, a huge Bog, that covered the entire realm. Due to its rawness, the Bog still grows and grows, as Raw Material does. She formed creatures from the Bog: Swanfolk, Ramfolk, and Elg.
Soon after Gaia began transforming the plane, adventurers and planar travelers arrived in the realm, searching for new planes. The first to arrive was Enoch Shadowbeast, the first plane-walker. He called the world Aeskerllian. He began to build villages and estates, but they just sank into the Bog over a matter of months or weeks, even days. So, meeting Gaia, a Goddess he greatly revered, Enoch beseeched for Gaia to create floating islands of earth, rising above the Bog whenever it began to swallow the islands up. Gaia agreed, crafting twelve identical isles with cores of Raw Material. Whenever the isles began to sink into the Bog, the Raw Material would lift them back up.
Over time, many races took home to the Bog, residing on these islands. The Swanfolk learned to make the islands, using their own powers of the Bog, native to the realm, to control the islands. The Elg took to the Bog itself, forming into the Bog, using strange ways of travel to arrive halfway across the plane. The Ramfolk build huge peaks of steel and elderwood, trees found in the bog, to float on its surface, but even these structures eventually fall, so many Ramfolk live on the islands.
A huge wall of fog, produced by churning Raw Material, covers most of the Bog, hiding secrets away from the rest of Aeskerllion.
Some races came to the Bog and descended into it, joining with the native races and letting the Bog change them into something like the natives. These races include Tabaxi and Loxodons.
Many creatures come into the Bog, but Planar Travelers cannot leave. The Raw Material is like a magnet to planar energy. Whenever someone attempts to leave the realm, by means of a Gate spell or the like, the energy from that spell is sucked into the Raw Material, changing it into more Bog.
Raw Material:
The Raw Material of The Bog is in the center of each isle, and the Swanfolk have learned how to manipulate it into the center of their creations, causing them to float.
When players come across Raw Material, describe it differently to each character. To the more artistic characters, describe it as a blank canvas or paper, or clay, waiting to be transformed. For more logical characters, describe it as static, or strange pixelated colors, like a glitch in the world. For the in-between characters, describe it as an ever-contorting, dull whitish slime, suspended in the air.
When a creature touches unprepared Raw Material, they take 1d20 psychic damage and are blasted back fifteen feet. During this interaction, read this:
You feel a deep, raw pain in the center of your mind as an infinite amount of feelings burst into you. The Raw Material seeps into your [point where they touched it]. The roaring of a thousand moons nearly burst your ears, as snakes of mud slither over your feet and scents so strong they look like golden coins fill your nose. Suddenly, you are blasted backward. You feel like you touched the Raw Material for hours, instead of barely a second.
Here are the steps to mold Raw Material into something physical and un-alive:
The Preparation. When Raw Material is found, it is too raw to be transformed, or even touched. To prepare the Raw Material, first it must be contained. Make a DC 15 Dexterity(Acrobatics) or Dexterity(Sleight of Hand) check. On a fail of more than 6, you touch the Raw Material. On a success, the Raw Material is successfully contained in an invisible bubble. When the Raw Material is contained for 1 hour, it is prepared. When a creature attempts to touch contained Raw Material, they bump into an unmovable bubble only seen with true-sight or ethereal sight.
The Mental Preparation. The creature attempting to transform the Raw Material must meditate for at least 8 hours. This meditation does not count as a long rest.
The Transformation. The creature must first send a five or more minute long prayer to Gaia before castingLegend of the Bog, or the spell will fail.
If the creature is attempting to transform the Raw Material into a creature, there is one additional step before The Transformation:
2.5. The Soul. The creature must give blood to the Raw Material for it to create a creature. The creature created must be a beast, and within the limits of your mental capacity. Talk with your DM about what creature you wish to make. Here is how much hit points they must give for each size:
To create a sentient creature, you must give your soul, or cast the Awaken spell on the Raw Material. If you die with no soul, the Bog swallows your body and turns you into Raw Material(5% chance) or more Bog(95% chance).
Swanfolk Islands:
These huge sections of earth, towering over The Bog, climb higher and higher, twisting around each other in perfect harmony, their invisible, ethereal roots connecting to the core of the Bog.
These islands have cores of Floating Fabric, a special form of Raw Material, created by Gaia. The Floating Fabric floats upward as the Bog approaches, controlling the islands perfectly. The Swanfolk use Floating Fabric in many ways(see Swanfolk).
The core of the Bog is all Raw Material. Any extra Raw Material formed sinks through the Bog, and into the core.
Huge cities perch on top of these islands, the Ramfolk’s artificial peaks rising high above the rest of the island. Marketplaces bustle with the constant section, held specially just for Floating Fabric and large collections of Swanfolk rituals to maintain the delicate balance between the Bog and the islands.
The rituals mainly consist of deep concentration on controlling and taming the Floating Fabric and prayers to Gaia. They gather in flocks and murmur amongst themselves, silently connected by Gaia. Their concentration links, and the Floating Fabric is contained. They then blast many horns, gifted by the Ramfolk, and thank Gaia. This is a moment of happiness. For about an hour afterwards, a lunch is held for all of Swanfolk, and a few other good friends of all of Swanfolk, with delicious food.
How an Island is Created:
First, the Swanfolk call Raw Material out of the depths of the Bog, from its core, where Raw Material is found, curving them into deep, ethereal roots. These roots are physical, in the ethereal plane, often planar-travelers coming across huge, towering trees. These roots connect the Floating Fabric and the island to the Bog.
Then, the Raw Material is formed into a huge chunk of earth, using the spell Legend of the Bog. Then, Floating Fabric is created out of the Raw Material, and placed inside the island. The ethereal roots are inscribed with glowing runes, tales of the Swanfolk’s past, and the making of the Bog with Gaia. Finally, the roots are individually connected to each life form on the island, and imbued in each structure, so they all will survive the Bog.
The climate of the islands is tempered by the roots, connected to the Bog and controlled by its attitude. This can be adjusted by inscribing different runes on the roots.
The Bog influences the islands greatly, and the roots are carefully placed, so they connect perfectly. When the Bog shifts, the roots shift slightly, and rituals held by the Swanfolk deliver power and energy to the roots, and into the Bog.
The Swanfolk inscribe stories of Mother Gaia, the first Swan, planting trees of light and tranquil ponds, seeping into the Bog. Mother Gaia blessed the land in which the roots are planted, and her spirit resides in them. Their roots call upon these ancient, sacred trees.
Here is the tale told by Elder Lyia:
" Listen. Long ago, before the islands floated high above the Bog, the land was barren and lifeless. The Bog was a place of mystery, its depths holding the secrets of creation. It was in this desolate place that Mother Gaia, the first Swan, descended from the heavens. With her came the light of hope and the promise of life.
Mother Gaia, with her graceful wings and serene presence, walked upon the barren land. She saw the potential hidden within the Bog and decided to bless it with her magic. With a gentle touch, she planted the first tree of light. This tree was unlike any other, its branches glowing with a soft, ethereal light that pierced the darkness.
As the tree took root, its light seeped into the Bog, transforming it. The once murky waters became clear and tranquil ponds, reflecting the light of the tree. The roots of the tree spread deep into the Bog, connecting with the very core of the earth. From these roots, other trees of light began to grow, each one a beacon of hope and life.
Mother Gaia blessed the land where these roots were planted, and her spirit became intertwined with them. The roots called upon the ancient, sacred trees, drawing strength and wisdom from them. It is said that Mother Gaia’s spirit still resides in these roots, guiding and protecting the Swanfolk.
The Swanfolk, in their gratitude, inscribed the stories of Mother Gaia and the sacred trees on the ethereal roots. These runes glow with a soft light, telling the tale of creation and the blessings of Mother Gaia. The Swanfolk believe that as long as these runes remain, the balance between the Bog and the islands will be maintained.
And so, my friends, whenever you see the glowing runes on the roots, remember the tale of Mother Gaia and the sacred trees. For it is her blessing that allows our islands to float high above the Bog, and it is her spirit that guides us still." — Elder Lyia, in the Tavern of Moonlight.
Ramfolk Steel Mountains
How They Do It
The Ramfolk construct artificial steel peaks using a combination of ancient techniques and modern ingenuity. Here’s a step-by-step overview:
Foundation Preparation: They start by driving long, sturdy steel pilings deep into the ground to create a stable foundation that can withstand the bog’s swallowing nature.
Framework Construction: A skeletal framework of steel beams is erected, forming the basic shape of the peak. This framework is designed to be both strong and flexible to adapt to the shifting bog.
Reinforcement: The framework is reinforced with cross beams and additional supports to ensure stability. Special alloys resistant to corrosion and bog acids are used.
Cladding: The structure is clad with steel plates, which are riveted and welded into place. These plates are treated with a protective coating to prevent rust and degradation.
Magical Anchors: The Ramfolk use magical anchors that tether the peaks to the sky. These anchors are invisible, ethereal chains of energy that hold the peaks in place, preventing them from falling, and keeping them afloat the Bog. The anchors could be controlled by a central magical device or a group of skilled Mages. To create a magical anchor, one must first cast Aetherial Chains.
Final Touches: The peaks are topped with decorative elements that reflect Ramfolk culture, such as intricate carvings and symbols of their clans.
The Maker of the Peaks
The first artificial steel peak was constructed by a legendary Ramfolk engineer named Tharok Ironhoof. Tharok was a visionary who saw the potential of using steel to conquer the treacherous bogs. His innovative techniques and leadership inspired many, and his legacy lives on in the towering peaks that now dot the landscape.
Workers’ Song
While working on these monumental structures, the Ramfolk workers sing a song to keep their spirits high and maintain a steady rhythm. Here’s the song they sing:
Verse 1: In the bog where shadows creep, We build our peaks, so tall and steep. With iron strong and hearts so bold, We forge our dreams in steel and gold.
Chorus: Rise, rise, to the sky, Steel peaks where eagles fly. With every strike and every beat, We conquer bogs beneath our feet.
Verse 2: Tharok’s spirit guides our hand, As we shape this mighty land. Through sweat and toil, we make our mark, Turning night into a spark.
Chorus: Rise, rise, to the sky, Steel peaks where eagles fly. With every strike and every beat, We conquer bogs beneath our feet.
Ramfolk Culture:
The Ramfolk have an intricate and strong culture. They are split up into different clans, each clan a different peak. These clans each have a leader, and a mage to control the Magical Anchors.
Ramfolk Clans and Their Peaks:
Clan Stormpeak
Peak Name: Stormpeak
Leader: Thalor Thunderhoof
Mage: Elara Skywhisper
Symbol: A lightning bolt striking a mountain
Description: Known for their strength and resilience, Clan Stormpeak thrives in the harshest conditions. Their peak is often surrounded by storm clouds, reflecting their fierce nature.
Clan Suncrest
Peak Name: Suncrest
Leader: Lyra Dawnstar
Mage: Orion Lightweaver
Symbol: A radiant sun rising over a peak
Description: Clan Suncrest is renowned for their wisdom and enlightenment. Their peak is bathed in sunlight, symbolizing their pursuit of knowledge and harmony.
Clan Moonshadow
Peak Name: Moonshadow
Leader: Selene Nightshade
Mage: Nyx Starcaller
Symbol: A crescent moon with stars
Description: Mysterious and introspective, Clan Moonshadow excels in the arts of stealth and magic. Their peak is often cloaked in twilight, reflecting their connection to the night.
Clan Frostspire
Peak Name: Frostspire
Leader: Boreas Icefang
Mage: Eira Snowbound
Symbol: A snowflake atop a spire
Description: Clan Frostspire is hardy and enduring, thriving in the coldest environments. Their peak is covered in ice and snow, symbolizing their strength and purity.
Clan Embercliff
Peak Name: Embercliff
Leader: Ignis Firemane
Mage: Pyra Flameheart
Symbol: A blazing flame on a cliff
Description: Passionate and fierce, Clan Embercliff is known for their fiery spirit and courage. Their peak is often surrounded by warm, glowing embers, reflecting their vibrant energy.
Clan Verdantpeak
Peak Name: Verdantpeak
Leader: Sylvan Greenleaf
Mage: Thalia Earthshaper
Symbol: A tree growing on a peak
Description: Clan Verdantpeak is deeply connected to nature and the earth. Their peak is lush and green, symbolizing their growth, fertility, and harmony with the natural world.
Clan Skyreach
Peak Name: Skyreach
Leader: Zephyr Windwalker
Mage: Arion Snakerider
Symbol: A soaring eagle above a peak
Description: Clan Skyreach is known for their agility and freedom. Their peak is the highest, often touching the clouds, symbolizing their aspiration and connection to the sky.
The Law of the Apelpisméni Kravgí
The Apelpisméni Kravgí, or “Desperate Cry,” is an ancient and sacred law among the Ramfolk. It dictates that if a Clan is in desperate danger, all other Clans must come to their aid, regardless of past conflicts or differences.
A Recent Use. Fifty years ago, Clan Suncrest invoked the Apelpisméni Kravgí when their Steel Peak began sinking rapidly. The loss of their mage to a Bog Octopus left them vulnerable. The other Clans responded with reinforcements, trained a new mage, and defeated the Bog Octopus, saving Clan Suncrest from disaster.
Cultural Impact. Calling an Apelpisméni Kravgí is seen as a dishonor to the Clan, as it signifies their inability to handle the situation on their own. The Ramfolk’s pride and respect for honor often outweigh their concern for their own lives, making the invocation of this law a rare and significant event.
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A young storyteller who wanders the lands of lore, weaving a tale at every request. Has a lot of Cramorants. Major twenty one pilots fan. Certified Joker. Writer of Very Fishy Diaries and huge Lemony Snicket fan. He/him. A Warrior of Words, Vindicator of Vocabulary, Paladin of Poetry, and a Lancer of Language.
I made the Einsteinium one and people seemed to really like it so here it is!
Einsteinium dragons are dragons that instead of hoarding gold and treasure, hoard knowledge, and the adult and ancient dragons of this type have regional affects that emit curiosity to seek out this knowledge. Towns near the dragon's lair could suddenly become much further advanced then other areas of the country as they discover new things and make scientific breakthroughs, and the older the dragon gets, the more potent secrets it uncovers. By the time it's Ancient, it could unravel the secrets of the multiverse and cause planar wyrmholes (I'll see myself out) to appear as Lair Actions, and for an Einsteinium Greatwyrm, it could literally uncover knowledge so potent that it can shatter a mortal mind, and only a creature of such age and experience such as itself can deal with such knowledge. Literal localised Far Realm knowledge, right there in your local library, hiding out as a polymorphed book keeper trying to learn how to speak Quipper. Like, imagine going to defeat this dragon, and it's so wise and astute that it practically has a permanent detect thoughts active. You walk in the room, it takes one look at your face and recounts the history of your ancestors. It's literally omnipotent, but just through millennia of study. You go to raid its hoard and it's just a fancy abacus, 30,000 page dictionary, and a house sized chalkboard. As for its appearance, it'd be a soft, silvery metal dragon like the actual element, glowing with raw Brain Power, but part of me wants to give it a wacky Vegapunk-style giant brain as well, or maybe something like the Elder Brain Dragon could be implemented.
Thank you! I'm always happy to welcome another storyteller to *dramatic pause* The Towering Tower of Lore!
this is neat, just a few things.
i alredy made a god. their name is shullagnar and they kill everything around them so they sleep under a mountanin or try to commit s***ide.
as for the individual species, we have
you're welcome to suggest the ones you came up with on the thread though! we have two slots to fill. that radon one was pretty neat
I knew about your version of the lore. I wanted to try coming up with different lore. Also, I thought since einsteinium and neptunium were man-made elements, they might not exist in certain DnD worlds.
Thank you! I'm always happy to welcome another storyteller to *dramatic pause* The Towering Tower of Lore!
this is neat, just a few things.
i alredy made a god. their name is shullagnar and they kill everything around them so they sleep under a mountanin or try to commit s***ide.
as for the individual species, we have
you're welcome to suggest the ones you came up with on the thread though! we have two slots to fill. that radon one was pretty neat
I knew about your version of the lore. I wanted to try coming up with different lore. Also, I thought since einsteinium and neptunium were man-made elements, they might not exist in certain DnD worlds.
ah. carry on then! this thread is neat. I'll probably be posting more to *dramatic pause* THE TOWERING TOWER OF LORE!
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Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
A plague has spread across the world, plunging it into chaos for the past 254 years. Different from simple sickness. Spread through bodily fluids such as blood, the disease is almost always results in one’s doom, one way or another. You either die a slow, painful death, feeling as if you’re rotting from the inside as it destroys your metabolic functions and dissolves your organs. Coughing up blood and hardly able to function. Or you suffer a worse fate. You become transformed into an unholy beast, ravaged by sickness and pain, twisted into an eldritch abomination. Know simply as The Damned. The only thing curing your suffering is the flesh and blood of the uninfected. With The Damned roaming, most major cities have fallen, and smaller settlements are destroyed every day. Only one large city remains. Zeilgasht.
What are Damned?
Damned is a wide umbrella term for essentially any non humanoid creature with little to no intellectual or sense of self. Damned can vary from undead zombie like creatures colossal animalistic creatures, to a bird. There are also Artificial Damned, which did not occur naturally due to The Plague, and were created in some way. This is usually some form of experimental gone wrong, such as testing to find a cure for The Plague and accidentally pushing the limits of a life form, turning them into a living weapon (This has happened a depressing amount of times). Finally, you might hear Damned used as an insult, usually referring to someone with an unnatural biology, making them appear similar to Lesser Damned. These people are often times mistreated, and struggle to make a living for themselves, as most employers wouldn’t want to deal with all the negative stigma. Though it’s not necessarily uncommon to see them become Hunters, as more are always needed
Hunters and The Church
The Hunters and The Church are the two main organizations in Zeilgasht.Not a government per se, though considering how much authority they hold, they may as well be. While not at odds, their respective leaders…complicated to say the least past can occasionally cause issues, along with their opposing ideologies.
The Church
The Church is the more socially active member of the two, usually working in relief efforts to help people in the aftermath of a Damned attack or other major disaster. They also help the more impoverished people of Zeilgasht, making sure that they always have enough food. The Church believes that true righteousness and good comes from the heart, in an unplanned act of valor. This comes from their belief in their goddess, often called The One Who Waits Above, or She Who Awaits The Brave, who is a goddess of success, bravery, justice and light. There is no agreed upon version of her apparent or name, as you could ask 1,000 people and get 1,000 different answers, if not more. The Church oftentimes gives lessons about The One Who Waits Above to schoolchildren. These lessons often result in a students motivation to join The Church. The Church sees themselves as saviors of both the common folk, as well as The Damned, as they did not wish for their transformation, therefore killing them is truly an act of mercy. Joining the church is relatively simple, though it requires a test that could happen at any moment. The test goes like this: A random person the examinee has never met and has no relation with has a mishap, possibly slipping and hurting themselves, or dropping good, or otherwise messing up their job. According to their teachings, the examinee should help the person, regardless of how it may inconvenience them. If they choose not to, they will not be allowed to fully join The Church.
Alexander Vailamin is the leader of The Church. A 125 year old elf, he would be considered handsome by traditional standards, if you ignore the fact that his left eye was gouged out, and there is an empty socket and scarred flesh where it should be. He refuses to cover it up as: “I am no better than you. I am but a man of faith. We are all people, with scars, blemishes and imperfections. I simply accept mine, and you should do the same”. A powerful spell caster, he isn’t one to engage in combat without good reason, but when he does, all know it’s important and not to get in his way, lest you be struck down by a searing bolt of flame of column of pure light. How he lost his eye is unknown, though it’s commonly speculated that it has something do do with the leader of The Hunters. Finally, The Churches main base of operations is The Temple of Arcadia, a massive cathedral/tower at the very center of Zeilgasht, tall and impressive, it’s said to be one of the largest structures constructed. The Tower has various rooms for prayer and sermons, as well as a large food and clothing bank for the less fortunate and privileged
The Hunters
The Hunters are the main defense force of Zeilgasht, some working as the police force, while the rest (as their name implies) hunt down The Damned. While The Church sees themselves as holy cleansers and mercifully, The Hunters are not, and see The Damned as an evil that must be purged, by any means necessary. The Hunters follow three main tenets 1. No man left behind. It’s either none of us or it’s all of us. The only exception to this is when a commanding officer tells you to retreat, sacrificing themselves. 2. Show no mercy. Rip and tear, until the work is done. 3. When it comes to a choice of slay the beast or save the people, choose the beast. The lives of the many outweighs those of the few. These tenants are often seen as absurd and extreme but most Hunters follow them to a tee. The process of becoming a Hunter is…grueling to say the least. Most Hunters start their dream in their early teenage years, as all enrolled in school must take the Hunter Academy Eligibility Assessment, which is a sequence of physical exams. Passing this assessment makes you eligible to join The Hunter Academy once you reach the age of 16 (or your race’s equivalent) though you can join at any age below 60 (or your race’s equivalent) After 4 years of study and training, you must finally take the Hunter Suitability Exams, an absolutely brutal 24 hours of physical and written tests. 3 2 hour written exams to start, then 18 hours of physical torture (according to participants). In order to pass, you must score a cumulative 70 percent overall, including all of your scores on the physical and written tests. The highest scorer as of now scored an 81. The average score (of those who pass) is 73%. To put into perspective how impressive it is to pass, around 20,000 people take the exams every year, around 200 pass. Of the 200 or so that pass, less than half survive to retirement. Though failing to pass the exams does not mean the end of your career. Those who fail the exam by less than 5% can join the Civilian Division, which works as a traditional police force for less massive issues. And those who seem to have a knack for the more scientific problems (such as equipment and attempting to find a cure for The plague) can join the Research Department, which works more closely with The Church than your average Hunter, as there are always issues that can be solved with a fusion of magic, science and a little bit of faith.
The Hunters are lead by Elenora Zellengrad, a tiefling in her 60s (going on 70) though she remains quite spry for her age, likely due to all the years spent on hunts. Her left arm is missing, replaced with a magical prosthetic, which supposedly doubles as a weapon. As for how she lost it isn’t clear, but many believe that it’s the same reason Alexander only has one eye, and they did lose them at around the same time…anyways, she’s been described as stern and commanding. Incredibly determined, she has the sole wish of eradicating The Damned, regardless of the means by which they do it. Lastly, while many hunters have their own house or apartment, several stay at their base of operations: The Hunter’s den. Which is actually a massive series of tunnels formed from what used to be the catacombs from the early days of The Plague. This quite useful as it has exits throughout the city, allows Hunters to quickly travel across the city without having to deal with civilians or other obstacles. The main entrance and exit to The Hunters Den is located inside The Tower of Valor, resulting in members of The Church and Hunters intersecting paths quite frequently. Though most don’t hold any ill will or grudging to their counterparts.
The Old Ones
The Old Ones are a strange race(?)of eldritch beings with immense power, usually appearing alien and bizarre, though some appear more human. Many old ones are known. In Zeilgasht, worshiping or having any affiliation with an Old One is considered heresy and will possibly land you in hot water with The Church, or if you’re lucky, just some looks of disdain and not getting services by any follower of The Church that owns a business. Though with The Hunters, it’s the contrary, as it’s a way of getting power, and they need all they can get.
No one knowns exactly what The Old Ones are, but according to ancient manuscript by an unknown author, the Old Ones are “An Ancient, omnipresent, near omnipotent beings of a higher existence. Simply standing near them can mutate the very body and mind, transforming you into what can only be described as an unholy abomination, standing against the natural order of the world. Assuming they don’t drive you mad and rot you from the inside out first that is.” This had led to many a theories about what they are. Some believe they are humans who mastered magic and gained higher knowledge, causing them to mutate into their eldritch forms. Others think that they came from a separate universe where that is the norm. Others, and this is the most heretical and frowned upon reason, they were always like that, just like The One Who Waits Above, because they are one and the same. The One Who Waits Above is an Old One. Of course, The Church shoots down any attempt to boost this statement’s popularity and reputation, but it always pops up again after a time. Imagery related to The Old Ones can be found all over the city, in forms of graffiti of one of their symbols or entire murals depicting and dedicated to an Old One. These are usually either made by some prankster or more commonly with larger images, is the work of an Old One cult, trying to spread their influence. Old One cults are classified as any group of ten or more dedicated to researching The Old Ones, attempting to gain their knowledge and power, some even trying to become Old Ones themselves. This is technically legal, though any act that causes any one harm is highly punishable, usually by imprisonment for life and in extreme cases, execution
Zeilgasht is a large city and high population, though it always feels packed, due to its tight paths and many alley ways. Unlike your average large city of the past, it was built on verticality when expansions were needed, due to the fact that it’s surrounded by walls and taking them down would have been expensive and time consuming. This design causes multiple unrelated buildings being built on top of each other. The city lacks any defined layout, as your house could be located directly underneath a bar, or have a school building right next to a privately owned property made for Plauge research. The city’s architecture and feelcan best be described as dark using black stone and dark wood.
Life in the city
Life in the city is relatively pleasant and quiet, with crime becoming somewhat uncommon as you have no reason to commit any. Though it has a certain gloom to it, likely due to the atmosphere of impending doom from The Plague, Old One cults, or being torn asunder by a Damned. Not many get The Plague, as anyone who contracts it is swiftly quarantined. Though the possibility of being kidnapped by a cult and being used in an “ancient ritual in order to open a portal to the netherworld and release the Great Old Ones” is surprisingly high, along with the chance of being eaten by a Damned. This has lead to an unspoken code of “Keep your head down and your eyes ahead.” This also has created a tendency for people to be untrusting of anything that can be considered eldritch or unnatural. Refusing to serve them, children making jeering and heckling remarks to their more bizarre classmates and people turning a blind eye to blatant hate. This creates a cycle where those discriminated against act aggressively or take revenge, joining cults promoting simply releasing Damned. This then creates more stigmatization, which leads to more violent behavior in retaliation.
I should probably update this at one point or another
I think that one of its phases should be called Gecko Moria. XD
Lizard's story seems so convoluted... what's the timeframe on this? (In-game time)(And out of game time, for that matter)
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
It’s very convoluted lmao, I tried to constrain the explanations to line per form but if I expanded it it might make a bit more sense. In game time, it was literally millions of years (the big gaps are them on the wastelands of Universe UM as Robolizard, being stuck in the Far Realm, becoming Lizzord and Star Father) As for out of game time, I’d say maybe 6 or 7 years, though it wasn’t a game and more just a big plot I structured in my mind over that time. I could have expanded everything in so much more detail, but you can see how long it is barebones lol.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Have working on some lore, I’ll be posting it sooner or later
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
Hmmmm. I have been working on worldbuilding for a book, and I will send some stuff I have written in here.
The Rune River: A huge natural source of magic. Wells up from an undiscovered spring and flows underneath the surface of all the world. Some of the greater mages have been able to make wells tapping into it. Just a small bit of magical substance from this underground river, called Earthblood, can greatly increase the strength of a spell (maybe like tracing the rune with the liquid?), the spellcasting abilities of a mage (it’s diluted or mixed into a potion that is drinkable, since drinking pure Earthblood won’t make you explode, but kind of… disperse your body. Violently of course, but not explode. Just like a small shock wave or shock wind), and wells of Earthblood are commonly used for power sources for things such as shields, since it never depletes.
Tithfin: A small creature found in the Rune River. It has a sort of bullet shape for its main body and it has 3 trailing tentacles at its end. The tithfins all have glowing markings that appear to be runes, which is how the Rune River gained its name. The hundreds of tithfins leaping through the current with their glowing runes give off the effect of runes leaping into the air. Tithfins feed off of the magical earthblood that the river consists of, and their markings slowly lose their light if the tithfin is unable to absorb earthblood. The lifespans of tithfins are unkown. It is a popular theory that the first peoples learned magic by copying down the runes on the tithfins’ bodies.
"We only have today, but tomorrow we may die,
so let's shout out to the starry sky"
I did a bit of worldbuilding. It's not finished, but I wanted to share. It's related to the worldbuilding on Gourmet Faith.
Vital Energy, the essence of life itself, wells up from the ground, emerging from a massive dungeon called the Complex, a surreal and deadly universe originating at the core of the earth where God sits on his Devil Throne. The Throne, and thus the Complex, is the source of all life. From the Complex rises the Pillars, the seemingly infinitely tall origin points of all life on the surface. All beings, in one way or another, trace their origins to the Devil Throne.
New Babylon is a country that claims to be a city. It was founded on the largest continent in the world and covers 35% of it with dense urban structures, boasting a population of 8.8 billion. However, the other 65% remains completely untamed due to the high amount of Vital Energy in those areas causing anything that enters to evolve, heal, and adapt with extreme speed. But New Babylon needs this Vitality.
The continent that New Babylon was built upon had more wellsprings of Vitality than any other. The settlers would surely have died if it were not for their technology that allowed them to use Vitality as a power source. Automatons, weapons, anything can be empowered and animated by Vitality.
Artificial life is common in New Babylon. Constructs are the name of the game in big businesses. But true life is still an equal in the business of Monster Hunting.
Hope you enjoy!
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Working on writing a book, and, well, this is as much plot as worldbuilding, but I think it's close enough.
So, I'm not sure if I explained this, but Hunters have a Dream, a power that embodies their greatest ambitions. It can be almost anything. But each Hunter also has a Curse, which grows stronger the more they use their Dream. A Curse is anything that prevents from from achieving their ambitions. You can only relieve the power of a curse by learning more about it and why it acts the way it does.
So Ricky Zalistar is an A-hole. He thinks he's like Guts from Berserk, but the thing is he does not have the absurd level of emotional damage required to make such a character make sense. Ricky copies his personality from "super manly" characters in media, and is stubborn as a mule and fights with an enormous chainsaw. His Dream, Unstoppable, gives him massively enhanced strength, speed, and durability, but just about nothing else. But he can wield that giant chainsaw with extreme effectiveness.
Demons in this world are different from regular monsters because they are born from Curses. Okay, not necessarily literally born, but their powers come from Curses, which can act as a sort of version of their own Dream. Demons get way, way stronger around stronger Curses, and Hunter Dreams barely phase them. The more Cursed a Hunter is, the less effective their Dream is at keeping Demons at bay. Demons also have enhanced abilities that vary from Demon to Demon, but invariably get stronger around stronger Curses as well.
So Ricky's curse is his former crush, Simon Holloway. Simon grew up in the same Hunter community as an orphan, and was told all his life that if his parents were alive, he would be a disappointment to them. Simon didn't have enough ambition to use a Dream, but he learned how to use guns and traps very effectively for the sake of being deemed "worthy" ...which never happened. When the community was wiped out by monsters, Ricky blamed himself for not being good enough, while Simon blamed himself for not helping, having been kept away from the fight.
Simon became a Demon, and his Cursestrength (power) is Foresight, which allows him to glean insights into his marks without even seeing them, so he can prepare a proper arsenal. He does not like fighting or killing, but he feels it's the only way he can make it up to Ricky. You may wonder how Simon is Ricky's Curse. The answer is a bit strange: Simon is Ricky's true love, in a sense, but Ricky cannot have a partner with his current lifestyle. Simon would give up being on of the most feared Demons in the country in a heartbeat if it made Ricky happy. To Ricky, Simon isn't just a worthy opponent, but everything he needs deep down where he hides his weaknesses. If he settles down with Simon, then he will never achieve his current ambition of wiping out monsterkind once and for all.
The more Ricky uses his power, the better Simon can track him down. Ricky is terrified of this, and use anything to get away from Simon, including sacrificing his own party members for a quick escape.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
I updated my power System.
Meaning completely rewrote it and accidentally reduced its softness by a lot.
I did this at like, 4:00 AM so be proud it isn't total crap.
Cursemarking is a skill any being can use with enough training and was originally taught by the Spectres themselves.
A Curse can be applied to anything if enough strong emotions are channelled into it by a Cursemarker's touch, which leaves a titular visible Cursemark. A Curse can have literally any effect, but it has to run counter to the Primary Intent of its target but grant it power in some way. A place of healing can become a funhouse for everyone where nothing gets done, for example, or a corporation could be extremely popular but unprofitable. This type of power is called Stigmorta, and cannot directly contradict a Curse.
The more a Cursed target benefits from the curse’s Stigmorta, the stronger a Curse gets. A Curse’s power does not decrease on its own and must be reduced through an intelligent creature meditating with the Curse. This can be performing rituals in a Cursed area (the exact ritual does not matter as long as it calms the mind and emotions), having a therapy session with a Cursed creature, or performing deep maintenance on a Cursed object.
Every Curse has a limit to its power, which triggers something called Causality when it is finally reached. Causality is a powerful effect determined by the Curse’s Stigmorta, but activating it removes the Curse.
Anything with a Curse gains the ability to interact with Spectres, including detecting them and physically touching intangible Ghosts and Wisps.
Spectral Seals.
There is a special kind of Cursemark called a Spectral Seal, which enhances the Primary Intent instead of harming it. However, to create such a Cursemark, one must bind a Spectre into it. If the Seal is ever damaged, the Spectre escapes. A nick with a knife, for example, will destroy the Seal, ending the Stigmorta of the item and releasing the Spectre stored within.
The stronger the Spectre, the stronger the Stigmora, but the Stigmorta will only work in terms related to the Spectre’s own. For example, a Spectre with a fiery Stigmorta would cause a Spectral pen to burn whatever it touches, or make it so that when burned the paper shows what was written as figures in smoke, or even cause whatever you write about to combust.
An object or creature with a Spectral Seal is still Cursed. This Curse, in addition to its normal effects, draws in Spectres as it grows stronger. In addition, the Spectre inside the Seal grows in power as the Curse does, and it will be released immediately if Causality is triggered.
Spectral Seals are very common among Hunters, and many Hunters will spend years looking for a Spectre they want the Stigmorta of. Part of this comes from the fact that the Manifestation Level of the captured Spectre gives additional abilities to the Hunter that uses them.
For example, a Demon Seal might grant the ability to command and amplify weaker Spectres, while a Ghost Seal might grant the ability to pass through objects under specific circumstances..
A Spectre is the spirit of any object or creature that has been destroyed while Cursed or Hexed. They are unique among the dead in that they can enter the material world, at least a little bit.
They have varying levels of power, depending on many factors, but those with strong will or objects used regularly by such people have particularly powerful Spectres. Being afflicted with a stronger Curse can also improve the power of the Spectre.
Spectres always have a Curse of some sort, and it always acts as if the Spectre had a Spectral Seal: they gain a powerful Stigmorta related to their Primary Intent, but it is more related to their manner of destruction. When a Spectre reaches Causality, they are instantly killed, being sent back to the Spirit Realm if they are not captured in a Spectral Seal.
Spectres have several Manifestation Levels. A Spectre can devour other Spectres to be able to increase its own Level, consuming the strong emotions that give the devoured Spectre power.
0: Wisp. A Wisp is a Spectre with no physical presence, being completely unable to affect the material world without being put into a Spectral Seal. This is the default level of power for Spectres that have just entered the material world. Wisps cannot use their Stigmorta. Being surrounded by many Curses for an extended period of time can allow a Wisp to become a Ghost by absorbing the strong emotions that grant a Curse its power.
1: Ghost. A Ghost is a Wisp that, while still invisible and intangible, can manipulate objects and creatures by possessing them. The level of control the Spectre has depends on the relative strengths of both the Spectre and the host. If a Ghost spends a lot of time inside a host, it can eventually become a Ghoul. Ghosts can use Stigmorta, but only if they are outside of a host’s body. If the host is the Ghost’s original body, it can skip the Ghoul and become a Demon instead.
2: Ghoul. A Ghoul is a Ghost that has completely merged with its host, creating an incredibly powerful Spectre with a physical form. Such Spectres can use their powers with much more effectiveness, and can even bolster Wisps of a similar species and power set around them to become Ghosts. Ghouls can use Stigmorta whenever they choose to. If a Ghoul is allowed to live for long enough, it will metamorphose into a Demon.
3: Demon. A Demon is a Ghoul or Ghost that has moved its soul completely to the material world. They have unique forms based on their Stigmorta and original species and can function as a conduit for strong emotions, giving them off instead of absorbing them. This makes them a huge threat, as they can trigger nearby Spectres to evolve.
It is unknown if there are Manifestation Levels beyond what are categorised as Demons. Such a being would be an unspeakably powerful threat. Because of the uncertainty present in the field of Spectrology, Hunters are to kill all Spectres on sight regardless of their apparent power level or intentions.
Advanced Bits and Bobs
Hexes are supernatural ailments. They are distinct from Curses and are closer to diseases or injuries than anything else. Many Hunters and Spectres use these constantly to slow or weaken the other. Curses can overpower Hexes in many cases.
Hexes leave marks, much like Curses, and they are easily mistaken for each other by the untrained eye.
Soul Constructs.
Soul Constructs are monsters and objects created by Stigmorta. They only work for the Stigmorta wielder that created them. Whenever they take damage, so does the Stigmorta wielder, unless they choose to “release” a Construct, meaning that the wielder has no control over them.
A creature can bypass its own curse by Binding itself to a different one, forcing it to act as a function of that curse. This is not a popular choice among humans, but oftentimes, it is the only one that Spectres have to survive. A cursebound entity gets a noticeable boost to its Stigmorta while acting in accordance with its binding. The deeper the bond, the more powerful the boost.
Object Spectres.
Object Spectres are usually brought alongside other, more intelligent entities, as only the strongest of them have wills of their own. Object Spectres otherwise follow the same general rules as regular Spectres.
It's still not done because I need to write up basic powers for Spectres' different Manifestation Levels in a way I can easily reference.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
I'll be flabbergasted, dumb founded, and overall Astonished!
Such incredible lore! I thank you all for your valiant attempt to keep this humble thread afloat, in return for such a gift I'll give one to you all!
Lore coming up! The Owner of the Tower of Lore is back in lore-making action all!
Hello all!
TheSunkenSailor Here
Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast!
I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE!
Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again!
I was on anesthesia while making this, and thought it would be funny to share, lmao. Enjoy my batshit insane anesthesia-fueled 10 PM lore-a-thon, people.
It's 2045. The government has attempted to create superhumans, and they now run amok all over the city. You are one of the "superhumans". The government tried valiantly to use any animal DNA possible to try and find the strand that could make skin as strong as bedrock itself, and failed. Mutations were more than common. The world is now divideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
divided into tribes and sections. WHat they are, you dont kno but you plan to discover them.
Everyone is a mix between a human and something else in life. What ******* ever you want. (I'm looking at you, weirdos.) I saw a video about some weird guy ruining a DnD sesh, so I decided to make one that, if put to use, would probably give them their OWN kind of DnD game, so they could leave others to theirs. Ima make more, but I wann slee.
I never finished, so don't expect much else, I guess. Lololol.
The one who wants to hug quite literally everyone, for no reason whatsoever. Get him to an Asylum.
Just some guy who likes memes and DND!
Some may know me as a particularly goofy vermin if you play a Sonic game where you commit blasts of robo...2...
(online Monday-Friday from 8:00 to 3:00) (Most of the time.)
First ACTUAL RP character as a SHEET!!! He's a foxfolk.
Hewwo! ^w^ You wanna see a surprise? :3
This makes me so happy to read. I barely could contain my laughter when reading.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
Glad you had a good laugh. Jokes aside, I wanna get some sleep, but I can't. Too busy thinking of London jokes.
The one who wants to hug quite literally everyone, for no reason whatsoever. Get him to an Asylum.
Just some guy who likes memes and DND!
Some may know me as a particularly goofy vermin if you play a Sonic game where you commit blasts of robo...2...
(online Monday-Friday from 8:00 to 3:00) (Most of the time.)
First ACTUAL RP character as a SHEET!!! He's a foxfolk.
Hewwo! ^w^ You wanna see a surprise? :3
Based off of the ideas in this thread:
In the beginning, there was dragons. One Good (Bahamut) and one Evil (Tiamat). They were called the Metallic and Chromatic dragons, respectively. However, from those dragons, other dragons formed. A Chaotic neutral type of dragon (Gem) and a Lawful type of dragon (Ferrous) appeared. These dragons were at odds with each other, constantly battling. However, the unity of a Chromium Ferrous dragon and a Red chromatic dragon caused a new creature to form: Radioemitter (pronounced Radio Emitter) Dragons, the first being Gerena, the Radium dragon. These dragons had an aura (Why do I keep using this word? It makes so many memeworthy moments) that caused creatures around them to feel sick; some of them control this aura. Others, do not, releasing their aura upon the innocent. There are five types of Radioemitting dragons:
Radium: Often taking on a reddish appearance, these dragons are considered one of the most powerful Radioemitter dragons. Aura status: Powerful aura that they don't try to contain. Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Uranium: A silvery white dragon, these dragons usually help hapless humanoids in trouble by giving them energy. Aura status: Powerful aura that they contain. Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Radon: These are a strange type of dragon, previously unheard of. Some doubt their existence. They are said to be invisible, and have the ability to slip through any crack in the form of gas. Aura status: They are the aura. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Polonium: These dragons appear silvery gray, and often abuse the fact that many people trust them. They sometimes act maliciously, but do anything to increase their horde. (That's not a typo. They really do have a horde of people following them). Aura status: They let it loose when no potential horde-members are around, but otherwise try to contain it. Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Thorium: These dragons look like Uranium dragons while in places with low air content. Otherwise, they appear a dull dark gray. For this reason, they often make their lair in mountain, where they can have a pearlescent sheen almost all the time. They are extremely vain and tolerate no disrespect when it comes to their looks. Aura status: They contain when people are around, but otherwise let it loose. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
Those are really cool! Thanks for making these =)
A young storyteller who wanders the lands of lore, weaving a tale at every request. Has a lot of Cramorants. Major twenty one pilots fan. Certified Joker. Writer of Very Fishy Diaries and huge Lemony Snicket fan. He/him. A Warrior of Words, Vindicator of Vocabulary, Paladin of Poetry, and a Lancer of Language.
The Loom(my first thread)
Here's a world that I've been messing around in for about a month. I did use AI for the story about Gaia and her relation to the Swanfolk that Elder Lyia told and the song for the Ramfolk workers:
(warning, its quite long):
The Great Bog that bubbles over the vast realm of Aeskerllion, simply known as The Bog. The endless vast realm of quagmire. Everything eventually sinks into The Great Bog, never surfacing again, except to the brave Bog-Divers.
Huge islands of floating earth hover over The Bog, creating havens for creatures to live. Pure material and power of the Swanfolk keep the islands afloat, but eventually, everything returns to The Bog.
Deep within the fog, Swanfolk, Ramfolk, Elg, Fenland Tabaxi, and Slough Loxodons roam the depths of The Bog, hidden away from the floating islands by a great Wall of Fog…
A History of The Bog:
The Bog has existed as long as the material plane. In fact, it was originally a huge collection of Raw Material that formed the material plane, and many of the other planes. As the other planes began to be created, they used the Raw Material from this plane to form their vast surfaces.
Even after every plane was crafted, there was still a large amount of Raw Material left unattended. It grew and grew, forming into a gigantic ever-growing plane of Raw Material. When Gaia, Goddess of Earth, found it, it was a huge, sprawling realm of a sea of Raw Material, flexing and weaving, waiting to be used to create the fabric of the world.
So, Gaia did. She used ancient magic, long forgotten, to form the Raw Material into something physical, a huge Bog, that covered the entire realm. Due to its rawness, the Bog still grows and grows, as Raw Material does. She formed creatures from the Bog: Swanfolk, Ramfolk, and Elg.
Soon after Gaia began transforming the plane, adventurers and planar travelers arrived in the realm, searching for new planes. The first to arrive was Enoch Shadowbeast, the first plane-walker. He called the world Aeskerllian. He began to build villages and estates, but they just sank into the Bog over a matter of months or weeks, even days. So, meeting Gaia, a Goddess he greatly revered, Enoch beseeched for Gaia to create floating islands of earth, rising above the Bog whenever it began to swallow the islands up. Gaia agreed, crafting twelve identical isles with cores of Raw Material. Whenever the isles began to sink into the Bog, the Raw Material would lift them back up.
Over time, many races took home to the Bog, residing on these islands. The Swanfolk learned to make the islands, using their own powers of the Bog, native to the realm, to control the islands. The Elg took to the Bog itself, forming into the Bog, using strange ways of travel to arrive halfway across the plane. The Ramfolk build huge peaks of steel and elderwood, trees found in the bog, to float on its surface, but even these structures eventually fall, so many Ramfolk live on the islands.
A huge wall of fog, produced by churning Raw Material, covers most of the Bog, hiding secrets away from the rest of Aeskerllion.
Some races came to the Bog and descended into it, joining with the native races and letting the Bog change them into something like the natives. These races include Tabaxi and Loxodons.
Many creatures come into the Bog, but Planar Travelers cannot leave. The Raw Material is like a magnet to planar energy. Whenever someone attempts to leave the realm, by means of a Gate spell or the like, the energy from that spell is sucked into the Raw Material, changing it into more Bog.
Raw Material:
The Raw Material of The Bog is in the center of each isle, and the Swanfolk have learned how to manipulate it into the center of their creations, causing them to float.
When players come across Raw Material, describe it differently to each character. To the more artistic characters, describe it as a blank canvas or paper, or clay, waiting to be transformed. For more logical characters, describe it as static, or strange pixelated colors, like a glitch in the world. For the in-between characters, describe it as an ever-contorting, dull whitish slime, suspended in the air.
When a creature touches unprepared Raw Material, they take 1d20 psychic damage and are blasted back fifteen feet. During this interaction, read this:
You feel a deep, raw pain in the center of your mind as an infinite amount of feelings burst into you. The Raw Material seeps into your [point where they touched it]. The roaring of a thousand moons nearly burst your ears, as snakes of mud slither over your feet and scents so strong they look like golden coins fill your nose. Suddenly, you are blasted backward. You feel like you touched the Raw Material for hours, instead of barely a second.
Here are the steps to mold Raw Material into something physical and un-alive:
If the creature is attempting to transform the Raw Material into a creature, there is one additional step before The Transformation:
2.5. The Soul. The creature must give blood to the Raw Material for it to create a creature. The creature created must be a beast, and within the limits of your mental capacity. Talk with your DM about what creature you wish to make. Here is how much hit points they must give for each size:
To create a sentient creature, you must give your soul, or cast the Awaken spell on the Raw Material. If you die with no soul, the Bog swallows your body and turns you into Raw Material(5% chance) or more Bog(95% chance).
Swanfolk Islands:
These huge sections of earth, towering over The Bog, climb higher and higher, twisting around each other in perfect harmony, their invisible, ethereal roots connecting to the core of the Bog.
These islands have cores of Floating Fabric, a special form of Raw Material, created by Gaia. The Floating Fabric floats upward as the Bog approaches, controlling the islands perfectly. The Swanfolk use Floating Fabric in many ways(see Swanfolk).
The core of the Bog is all Raw Material. Any extra Raw Material formed sinks through the Bog, and into the core.
Huge cities perch on top of these islands, the Ramfolk’s artificial peaks rising high above the rest of the island. Marketplaces bustle with the constant section, held specially just for Floating Fabric and large collections of Swanfolk rituals to maintain the delicate balance between the Bog and the islands.
The rituals mainly consist of deep concentration on controlling and taming the Floating Fabric and prayers to Gaia. They gather in flocks and murmur amongst themselves, silently connected by Gaia. Their concentration links, and the Floating Fabric is contained. They then blast many horns, gifted by the Ramfolk, and thank Gaia. This is a moment of happiness. For about an hour afterwards, a lunch is held for all of Swanfolk, and a few other good friends of all of Swanfolk, with delicious food.
How an Island is Created:
First, the Swanfolk call Raw Material out of the depths of the Bog, from its core, where Raw Material is found, curving them into deep, ethereal roots. These roots are physical, in the ethereal plane, often planar-travelers coming across huge, towering trees. These roots connect the Floating Fabric and the island to the Bog.
Then, the Raw Material is formed into a huge chunk of earth, using the spell Legend of the Bog. Then, Floating Fabric is created out of the Raw Material, and placed inside the island. The ethereal roots are inscribed with glowing runes, tales of the Swanfolk’s past, and the making of the Bog with Gaia. Finally, the roots are individually connected to each life form on the island, and imbued in each structure, so they all will survive the Bog.
The climate of the islands is tempered by the roots, connected to the Bog and controlled by its attitude. This can be adjusted by inscribing different runes on the roots.
The Bog influences the islands greatly, and the roots are carefully placed, so they connect perfectly. When the Bog shifts, the roots shift slightly, and rituals held by the Swanfolk deliver power and energy to the roots, and into the Bog.
The Swanfolk inscribe stories of Mother Gaia, the first Swan, planting trees of light and tranquil ponds, seeping into the Bog. Mother Gaia blessed the land in which the roots are planted, and her spirit resides in them. Their roots call upon these ancient, sacred trees.
Here is the tale told by Elder Lyia:
" Listen. Long ago, before the islands floated high above the Bog, the land was barren and lifeless. The Bog was a place of mystery, its depths holding the secrets of creation. It was in this desolate place that Mother Gaia, the first Swan, descended from the heavens. With her came the light of hope and the promise of life.
Mother Gaia, with her graceful wings and serene presence, walked upon the barren land. She saw the potential hidden within the Bog and decided to bless it with her magic. With a gentle touch, she planted the first tree of light. This tree was unlike any other, its branches glowing with a soft, ethereal light that pierced the darkness.
As the tree took root, its light seeped into the Bog, transforming it. The once murky waters became clear and tranquil ponds, reflecting the light of the tree. The roots of the tree spread deep into the Bog, connecting with the very core of the earth. From these roots, other trees of light began to grow, each one a beacon of hope and life.
Mother Gaia blessed the land where these roots were planted, and her spirit became intertwined with them. The roots called upon the ancient, sacred trees, drawing strength and wisdom from them. It is said that Mother Gaia’s spirit still resides in these roots, guiding and protecting the Swanfolk.
The Swanfolk, in their gratitude, inscribed the stories of Mother Gaia and the sacred trees on the ethereal roots. These runes glow with a soft light, telling the tale of creation and the blessings of Mother Gaia. The Swanfolk believe that as long as these runes remain, the balance between the Bog and the islands will be maintained.
And so, my friends, whenever you see the glowing runes on the roots, remember the tale of Mother Gaia and the sacred trees. For it is her blessing that allows our islands to float high above the Bog, and it is her spirit that guides us still." — Elder Lyia, in the Tavern of Moonlight.
Ramfolk Steel Mountains
How They Do It
The Ramfolk construct artificial steel peaks using a combination of ancient techniques and modern ingenuity. Here’s a step-by-step overview:
Foundation Preparation: They start by driving long, sturdy steel pilings deep into the ground to create a stable foundation that can withstand the bog’s swallowing nature.
Framework Construction: A skeletal framework of steel beams is erected, forming the basic shape of the peak. This framework is designed to be both strong and flexible to adapt to the shifting bog.
Reinforcement: The framework is reinforced with cross beams and additional supports to ensure stability. Special alloys resistant to corrosion and bog acids are used.
Cladding: The structure is clad with steel plates, which are riveted and welded into place. These plates are treated with a protective coating to prevent rust and degradation.
Magical Anchors: The Ramfolk use magical anchors that tether the peaks to the sky. These anchors are invisible, ethereal chains of energy that hold the peaks in place, preventing them from falling, and keeping them afloat the Bog. The anchors could be controlled by a central magical device or a group of skilled Mages. To create a magical anchor, one must first cast Aetherial Chains.
Final Touches: The peaks are topped with decorative elements that reflect Ramfolk culture, such as intricate carvings and symbols of their clans.
The Maker of the Peaks
The first artificial steel peak was constructed by a legendary Ramfolk engineer named Tharok Ironhoof. Tharok was a visionary who saw the potential of using steel to conquer the treacherous bogs. His innovative techniques and leadership inspired many, and his legacy lives on in the towering peaks that now dot the landscape.
Workers’ Song
While working on these monumental structures, the Ramfolk workers sing a song to keep their spirits high and maintain a steady rhythm. Here’s the song they sing:
Verse 1: In the bog where shadows creep,
We build our peaks, so tall and steep.
With iron strong and hearts so bold,
We forge our dreams in steel and gold.
Chorus: Rise, rise, to the sky,
Steel peaks where eagles fly.
With every strike and every beat,
We conquer bogs beneath our feet.
Verse 2: Tharok’s spirit guides our hand,
As we shape this mighty land.
Through sweat and toil, we make our mark,
Turning night into a spark.
Chorus: Rise, rise, to the sky,
Steel peaks where eagles fly.
With every strike and every beat,
We conquer bogs beneath our feet.
Ramfolk Culture:
The Ramfolk have an intricate and strong culture. They are split up into different clans, each clan a different peak. These clans each have a leader, and a mage to control the Magical Anchors.
Ramfolk Clans and Their Peaks:
Peak Name: Stormpeak
Leader: Thalor Thunderhoof
Mage: Elara Skywhisper
Symbol: A lightning bolt striking a mountain
Description: Known for their strength and resilience, Clan Stormpeak thrives in the harshest conditions. Their peak is often surrounded by storm clouds, reflecting their fierce nature.
Peak Name: Suncrest
Leader: Lyra Dawnstar
Mage: Orion Lightweaver
Symbol: A radiant sun rising over a peak
Description: Clan Suncrest is renowned for their wisdom and enlightenment. Their peak is bathed in sunlight, symbolizing their pursuit of knowledge and harmony.
Peak Name: Moonshadow
Leader: Selene Nightshade
Mage: Nyx Starcaller
Symbol: A crescent moon with stars
Description: Mysterious and introspective, Clan Moonshadow excels in the arts of stealth and magic. Their peak is often cloaked in twilight, reflecting their connection to the night.
Peak Name: Frostspire
Leader: Boreas Icefang
Mage: Eira Snowbound
Symbol: A snowflake atop a spire
Description: Clan Frostspire is hardy and enduring, thriving in the coldest environments. Their peak is covered in ice and snow, symbolizing their strength and purity.
Peak Name: Embercliff
Leader: Ignis Firemane
Mage: Pyra Flameheart
Symbol: A blazing flame on a cliff
Description: Passionate and fierce, Clan Embercliff is known for their fiery spirit and courage. Their peak is often surrounded by warm, glowing embers, reflecting their vibrant energy.
Peak Name: Verdantpeak
Leader: Sylvan Greenleaf
Mage: Thalia Earthshaper
Symbol: A tree growing on a peak
Description: Clan Verdantpeak is deeply connected to nature and the earth. Their peak is lush and green, symbolizing their growth, fertility, and harmony with the natural world.
Peak Name: Skyreach
Leader: Zephyr Windwalker
Mage: Arion Snakerider
Symbol: A soaring eagle above a peak
Description: Clan Skyreach is known for their agility and freedom. Their peak is the highest, often touching the clouds, symbolizing their aspiration and connection to the sky.
The Law of the Apelpisméni Kravgí
The Apelpisméni Kravgí, or “Desperate Cry,” is an ancient and sacred law among the Ramfolk. It dictates that if a Clan is in desperate danger, all other Clans must come to their aid, regardless of past conflicts or differences.
A Recent Use. Fifty years ago, Clan Suncrest invoked the Apelpisméni Kravgí when their Steel Peak began sinking rapidly. The loss of their mage to a Bog Octopus left them vulnerable. The other Clans responded with reinforcements, trained a new mage, and defeated the Bog Octopus, saving Clan Suncrest from disaster.
Cultural Impact. Calling an Apelpisméni Kravgí is seen as a dishonor to the Clan, as it signifies their inability to handle the situation on their own. The Ramfolk’s pride and respect for honor often outweigh their concern for their own lives, making the invocation of this law a rare and significant event.
A young storyteller who wanders the lands of lore, weaving a tale at every request. Has a lot of Cramorants. Major twenty one pilots fan. Certified Joker. Writer of Very Fishy Diaries and huge Lemony Snicket fan. He/him. A Warrior of Words, Vindicator of Vocabulary, Paladin of Poetry, and a Lancer of Language.
The Loom(my first thread)
Thank you! I'm always happy to welcome another storyteller to *dramatic pause* The Towering Tower of Lore!
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
this is neat, just a few things.
i alredy made a god. their name is shullagnar and they kill everything around them so they sleep under a mountanin or try to commit s***ide.
as for the individual species, we have
you're welcome to suggest the ones you came up with on the thread though! we have two slots to fill. that radon one was pretty neat
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...!
I made the Einsteinium one and people seemed to really like it so here it is!
Einsteinium dragons are dragons that instead of hoarding gold and treasure, hoard knowledge, and the adult and ancient dragons of this type have regional affects that emit curiosity to seek out this knowledge. Towns near the dragon's lair could suddenly become much further advanced then other areas of the country as they discover new things and make scientific breakthroughs, and the older the dragon gets, the more potent secrets it uncovers. By the time it's Ancient, it could unravel the secrets of the multiverse and cause planar wyrmholes (I'll see myself out) to appear as Lair Actions, and for an Einsteinium Greatwyrm, it could literally uncover knowledge so potent that it can shatter a mortal mind, and only a creature of such age and experience such as itself can deal with such knowledge. Literal localised Far Realm knowledge, right there in your local library, hiding out as a polymorphed book keeper trying to learn how to speak Quipper. Like, imagine going to defeat this dragon, and it's so wise and astute that it practically has a permanent detect thoughts active. You walk in the room, it takes one look at your face and recounts the history of your ancestors. It's literally omnipotent, but just through millennia of study. You go to raid its hoard and it's just a fancy abacus, 30,000 page dictionary, and a house sized chalkboard. As for its appearance, it'd be a soft, silvery metal dragon like the actual element, glowing with raw Brain Power, but part of me wants to give it a wacky Vegapunk-style giant brain as well, or maybe something like the Elder Brain Dragon could be implemented.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
I knew about your version of the lore. I wanted to try coming up with different lore. Also, I thought since einsteinium and neptunium were man-made elements, they might not exist in certain DnD worlds.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
ah. carry on then! this thread is neat. I'll probably be posting more to *dramatic pause* THE TOWERING TOWER OF LORE!
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...!
Should probably put the Zeilgasht lore on here
A plague has spread across the world, plunging it into chaos for the past 254 years. Different from simple sickness. Spread through bodily fluids such as blood, the disease is almost always results in one’s doom, one way or another. You either die a slow, painful death, feeling as if you’re rotting from the inside as it destroys your metabolic functions and dissolves your organs. Coughing up blood and hardly able to function. Or you suffer a worse fate. You become transformed into an unholy beast, ravaged by sickness and pain, twisted into an eldritch abomination. Know simply as The Damned. The only thing curing your suffering is the flesh and blood of the uninfected. With The Damned roaming, most major cities have fallen, and smaller settlements are destroyed every day. Only one large city remains. Zeilgasht.
What are Damned?
Damned is a wide umbrella term for essentially any non humanoid creature with little to no intellectual or sense of self. Damned can vary from undead zombie like creatures colossal animalistic creatures, to a bird. There are also Artificial Damned, which did not occur naturally due to The Plague, and were created in some way. This is usually some form of experimental gone wrong, such as testing to find a cure for The Plague and accidentally pushing the limits of a life form, turning them into a living weapon (This has happened a depressing amount of times). Finally, you might hear Damned used as an insult, usually referring to someone with an unnatural biology, making them appear similar to Lesser Damned. These people are often times mistreated, and struggle to make a living for themselves, as most employers wouldn’t want to deal with all the negative stigma. Though it’s not necessarily uncommon to see them become Hunters, as more are always needed
Hunters and The Church
The Hunters and The Church are the two main organizations in Zeilgasht. Not a government per se, though considering how much authority they hold, they may as well be. While not at odds, their respective leaders…complicated to say the least past can occasionally cause issues, along with their opposing ideologies.
The Church
The Church is the more socially active member of the two, usually working in relief efforts to help people in the aftermath of a Damned attack or other major disaster. They also help the more impoverished people of Zeilgasht, making sure that they always have enough food. The Church believes that true righteousness and good comes from the heart, in an unplanned act of valor. This comes from their belief in their goddess, often called The One Who Waits Above, or She Who Awaits The Brave, who is a goddess of success, bravery, justice and light. There is no agreed upon version of her apparent or name, as you could ask 1,000 people and get 1,000 different answers, if not more. The Church oftentimes gives lessons about The One Who Waits Above to schoolchildren. These lessons often result in a students motivation to join The Church. The Church sees themselves as saviors of both the common folk, as well as The Damned, as they did not wish for their transformation, therefore killing them is truly an act of mercy. Joining the church is relatively simple, though it requires a test that could happen at any moment. The test goes like this: A random person the examinee has never met and has no relation with has a mishap, possibly slipping and hurting themselves, or dropping good, or otherwise messing up their job. According to their teachings, the examinee should help the person, regardless of how it may inconvenience them. If they choose not to, they will not be allowed to fully join The Church.
Alexander Vailamin is the leader of The Church. A 125 year old elf, he would be considered handsome by traditional standards, if you ignore the fact that his left eye was gouged out, and there is an empty socket and scarred flesh where it should be. He refuses to cover it up as: “I am no better than you. I am but a man of faith. We are all people, with scars, blemishes and imperfections. I simply accept mine, and you should do the same”. A powerful spell caster, he isn’t one to engage in combat without good reason, but when he does, all know it’s important and not to get in his way, lest you be struck down by a searing bolt of flame of column of pure light. How he lost his eye is unknown, though it’s commonly speculated that it has something do do with the leader of The Hunters. Finally, The Churches main base of operations is The Temple of Arcadia, a massive cathedral/tower at the very center of Zeilgasht, tall and impressive, it’s said to be one of the largest structures constructed. The Tower has various rooms for prayer and sermons, as well as a large food and clothing bank for the less fortunate and privileged
The Hunters
The Hunters are the main defense force of Zeilgasht, some working as the police force, while the rest (as their name implies) hunt down The Damned. While The Church sees themselves as holy cleansers and mercifully, The Hunters are not, and see The Damned as an evil that must be purged, by any means necessary. The Hunters follow three main tenets 1. No man left behind. It’s either none of us or it’s all of us. The only exception to this is when a commanding officer tells you to retreat, sacrificing themselves. 2. Show no mercy. Rip and tear, until the work is done. 3. When it comes to a choice of slay the beast or save the people, choose the beast. The lives of the many outweighs those of the few. These tenants are often seen as absurd and extreme but most Hunters follow them to a tee. The process of becoming a Hunter is…grueling to say the least. Most Hunters start their dream in their early teenage years, as all enrolled in school must take the Hunter Academy Eligibility Assessment, which is a sequence of physical exams. Passing this assessment makes you eligible to join The Hunter Academy once you reach the age of 16 (or your race’s equivalent) though you can join at any age below 60 (or your race’s equivalent) After 4 years of study and training, you must finally take the Hunter Suitability Exams, an absolutely brutal 24 hours of physical and written tests. 3 2 hour written exams to start, then 18 hours of physical torture (according to participants). In order to pass, you must score a cumulative 70 percent overall, including all of your scores on the physical and written tests. The highest scorer as of now scored an 81. The average score (of those who pass) is 73%. To put into perspective how impressive it is to pass, around 20,000 people take the exams every year, around 200 pass. Of the 200 or so that pass, less than half survive to retirement. Though failing to pass the exams does not mean the end of your career. Those who fail the exam by less than 5% can join the Civilian Division, which works as a traditional police force for less massive issues. And those who seem to have a knack for the more scientific problems (such as equipment and attempting to find a cure for The plague) can join the Research Department, which works more closely with The Church than your average Hunter, as there are always issues that can be solved with a fusion of magic, science and a little bit of faith.
The Hunters are lead by Elenora Zellengrad, a tiefling in her 60s (going on 70) though she remains quite spry for her age, likely due to all the years spent on hunts. Her left arm is missing, replaced with a magical prosthetic, which supposedly doubles as a weapon. As for how she lost it isn’t clear, but many believe that it’s the same reason Alexander only has one eye, and they did lose them at around the same time…anyways, she’s been described as stern and commanding. Incredibly determined, she has the sole wish of eradicating The Damned, regardless of the means by which they do it. Lastly, while many hunters have their own house or apartment, several stay at their base of operations: The Hunter’s den. Which is actually a massive series of tunnels formed from what used to be the catacombs from the early days of The Plague. This quite useful as it has exits throughout the city, allows Hunters to quickly travel across the city without having to deal with civilians or other obstacles. The main entrance and exit to The Hunters Den is located inside The Tower of Valor, resulting in members of The Church and Hunters intersecting paths quite frequently. Though most don’t hold any ill will or grudging to their counterparts.
The Old Ones
The Old Ones are a strange race(?)of eldritch beings with immense power, usually appearing alien and bizarre, though some appear more human. Many old ones are known. In Zeilgasht, worshiping or having any affiliation with an Old One is considered heresy and will possibly land you in hot water with The Church, or if you’re lucky, just some looks of disdain and not getting services by any follower of The Church that owns a business. Though with The Hunters, it’s the contrary, as it’s a way of getting power, and they need all they can get.
No one knowns exactly what The Old Ones are, but according to ancient manuscript by an unknown author, the Old Ones are “An Ancient, omnipresent, near omnipotent beings of a higher existence. Simply standing near them can mutate the very body and mind, transforming you into what can only be described as an unholy abomination, standing against the natural order of the world. Assuming they don’t drive you mad and rot you from the inside out first that is.” This had led to many a theories about what they are. Some believe they are humans who mastered magic and gained higher knowledge, causing them to mutate into their eldritch forms. Others think that they came from a separate universe where that is the norm. Others, and this is the most heretical and frowned upon reason, they were always like that, just like The One Who Waits Above, because they are one and the same. The One Who Waits Above is an Old One. Of course, The Church shoots down any attempt to boost this statement’s popularity and reputation, but it always pops up again after a time. Imagery related to The Old Ones can be found all over the city, in forms of graffiti of one of their symbols or entire murals depicting and dedicated to an Old One. These are usually either made by some prankster or more commonly with larger images, is the work of an Old One cult, trying to spread their influence. Old One cults are classified as any group of ten or more dedicated to researching The Old Ones, attempting to gain their knowledge and power, some even trying to become Old Ones themselves. This is technically legal, though any act that causes any one harm is highly punishable, usually by imprisonment for life and in extreme cases, execution
Zeilgasht is a large city and high population, though it always feels packed, due to its tight paths and many alley ways. Unlike your average large city of the past, it was built on verticality when expansions were needed, due to the fact that it’s surrounded by walls and taking them down would have been expensive and time consuming. This design causes multiple unrelated buildings being built on top of each other. The city lacks any defined layout, as your house could be located directly underneath a bar, or have a school building right next to a privately owned property made for Plauge research. The city’s architecture and feel can best be described as dark using black stone and dark wood.
Life in the city
Life in the city is relatively pleasant and quiet, with crime becoming somewhat uncommon as you have no reason to commit any. Though it has a certain gloom to it, likely due to the atmosphere of impending doom from The Plague, Old One cults, or being torn asunder by a Damned. Not many get The Plague, as anyone who contracts it is swiftly quarantined. Though the possibility of being kidnapped by a cult and being used in an “ancient ritual in order to open a portal to the netherworld and release the Great Old Ones” is surprisingly high, along with the chance of being eaten by a Damned. This has lead to an unspoken code of “Keep your head down and your eyes ahead.” This also has created a tendency for people to be untrusting of anything that can be considered eldritch or unnatural. Refusing to serve them, children making jeering and heckling remarks to their more bizarre classmates and people turning a blind eye to blatant hate. This creates a cycle where those discriminated against act aggressively or take revenge, joining cults promoting simply releasing Damned. This then creates more stigmatization, which leads to more violent behavior in retaliation.
I should probably update this at one point or another
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones