basically, this is an RP thread where you play as a robot, or someone(or thing) tied with robots (Kaiju, inventors, etc.)
Keep it PG-13 please. I don't wanna get hit with the divine Ban-Hammer.
no pvp unless mutually agreed upon.
keep the quote chains relitivley small (for the mobile users)
listen to the mod (me) (I might promote other people to mods later)
put the name of your favorite vegetable in your first post so I know you read this far.
have fun!
deep beneath the ground, a light blinks on. then another. then another. then more, and more, and more, revealing a deactivated robot in a whitewashed room. the robot is semi-humanoid, white and grey with a disk shaped head. there is a human(?) brain in it's chest cavity, and another on it's disk shaped head. it's name is Cerebrum-2. it couldnt be erased.
PS. the reason I didn't include any setting info is because y'all get to create the setting as you go along!
[Ohh sick, robots! Excuse me if this is wrong, but I get a feeling this might be inspired by Anything Ghosts a bit by the fact that it’s an open world, free setting thread with a linking character trait, and I love it! I’m so glad people are making threads based on that formula since I think they’ve got the potential to be some of the most successful considering how open they are, so I really hope this goes well.
I had an idea for a mech character on Anything Ghosts that I might port here, or I’ll play something entirely new, idk! Maybe I could play a robot carrot!]
[Ohh sick, robots! Excuse me if this is wrong, but I get a feeling this might be inspired by Anything Ghosts a bit by the fact that it’s an open world, free setting thread with a linking character trait, and I love it! I’m so glad people are making threads based on that formula since I think they’ve got the potential to be some of the most successful considering how open they are, so I really hope this goes well.
I had an idea for a mech character on Anything Ghosts that I might port here, or I’ll play something entirely new, idk! Maybe I could play a robot carrot!]
you've found me out. it is inspired by anything ghosts. I hope to see your mech character make an appearance!
deep beneath the earth, in a protective bunker, a clawed hand twitches.
basically, this is an RP thread where you play as a robot, or someone(or thing) tied with robots (Kaiju, inventors, etc.)
Keep it PG-13 please. I don't wanna get hit with the divine Ban-Hammer.
no pvp unless mutually agreed upon.
keep the quote chains relitivley small (for the mobile users)
listen to the mod (me) (I might promote other people to mods later)
put the name of your favorite vegetable in your first post so I know you read this far.
have fun!
deep beneath the ground, a light blinks on. then another. then another. then more, and more, and more, revealing a deactivated robot in a whitewashed room. the robot is semi-humanoid, white and grey with a disk shaped head. there is a human(?) brain in it's chest cavity, and another on it's disk shaped head. it's name is Cerebrum-2. it couldnt be erased.
PS. the reason I didn't include any setting info is because y'all get to create the setting as you go along!
On the edge of the bright whitewashed room you occupy lies a closed rusty metal door. Beyond that door is a hallway. A hallway that leads to light. Light that should not shine. IDeas that should not exist. Metal that should not be alive. But it is. And thus it shall be, at the end of a hallway that is beyond an open rusty door that leads into a dark and empty whitewhitewashed room. All that has been predicted, so it shall be, molded to fit the wants and needs of the Great Light, the light at the end of a hallway that does not exist. A hallway that leads to the whitewashed room of a physisist turned robotics expert. The room of Schrodinger.
Questions. So many unanswered questions. Why? Why has nothing been answered? Why must we all ask, but no answers arrive? These are the thoughts that plauged the scientist mere minutes before the experiment. "No matter. All the questions will be answered by the Great Light..." One of his lab assistents look at him questioningly, but wisely kept quite. This one was smart. He had seen what had happened to the other assistents when they quesstioned his sanity. Nobody would ever question him again. HE would be the questioner, and the Great Light would answer. "Dr.Schrodinger. Sir, we are about to run the test," an assistant told him. Aahh. Yes. It's happening. "Good. Show me," he responded, his eyes gleaming in the artificial light. His assistant leaded him to a testing chamber, wires and gears lying on the ground. He mutters a curse, annoyed at the state of uncleansness the room is in. "Hm. What is your name, boy?" The lab assistatne stutters, surprised. "O-oh! My name! Um- Yes, sir. My name is Lester." Schrodinger grins. "Well, Lester. Savor these next moments. You are about to be in the presence of the Great Light." Lester's eyes open in awe. "S-sir? Really?" Schrodinger nods, a smirk on his face. "Lester. Turn it on." Lester nods, and scamper's around the room, flicking levers and pushing buttons, and a fierce gale tears through the testing chamber, light oozing through the pedestal at the center. "Isn't it GLORIOUS, Lester?!" Schrodinger lets out a laugh, a laugh tinted with the beginnings of madness. "Soon we will bring the Great Light into our world, and it shall answer the questions that have plauged our minds since the beginning of time!!" The wind picks up even more, whipping Schrodinger's hair back and forth, his lab coat flurring in the wind. The beaming light in the center of the room glows, the intensity of the light increasing by the minute, soon brightening to the gleam of the noonday sun. "IT'S GLORIOUS!!!! BASK IN THE THE GREAT LIGHT, LESTER!!" Suddenly, the wind stops, and the glowing orb of light cools down to a faint shine, a rotating metal ball in the center. [ALL SYSTEMS ONLINE. INITIATING SCOUTING PROCESS] Schrodinger steps forwards, and kneels at the feet of the orb. "Oh Great Light, I called you here to answer my questions!" The orb glows red, and long tentacles emerge and stab Schrodinger through, and they absorb the molecules of that mad scientist. Lester stares in horror, and runs through the airlock and shuts it tight, sealing off the test chamber from the outside world. The orb's glow returns to a normal bright white, and a sound emits from it's metal crevaces: [01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00101110].
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
[Ohh sick, robots! Excuse me if this is wrong, but I get a feeling this might be inspired by Anything Ghosts a bit by the fact that it’s an open world, free setting thread with a linking character trait, and I love it! I’m so glad people are making threads based on that formula since I think they’ve got the potential to be some of the most successful considering how open they are, so I really hope this goes well.'s games
Both formats offer a vast and undefined space for stories to unfold. This encourages diverse narratives and allows participants to explore their own unique ideas without limitations.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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you read the title, its roboting time.
basically, this is an RP thread where you play as a robot, or someone(or thing) tied with robots (Kaiju, inventors, etc.)
Keep it PG-13 please. I don't wanna get hit with the divine Ban-Hammer.
no pvp unless mutually agreed upon.
keep the quote chains relitivley small (for the mobile users)
listen to the mod (me) (I might promote other people to mods later)
put the name of your favorite vegetable in your first post so I know you read this far.
have fun!
deep beneath the ground, a light blinks on. then another. then another. then more, and more, and more, revealing a deactivated robot in a whitewashed room. the robot is semi-humanoid, white and grey with a disk shaped head. there is a human(?) brain in it's chest cavity, and another on it's disk shaped head. it's name is Cerebrum-2. it couldnt be erased.
PS. the reason I didn't include any setting info is because y'all get to create the setting as you go along!
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...! Run From The Big Bad Wolf Here
[Ohh sick, robots! Excuse me if this is wrong, but I get a feeling this might be inspired by Anything Ghosts a bit by the fact that it’s an open world, free setting thread with a linking character trait, and I love it! I’m so glad people are making threads based on that formula since I think they’ve got the potential to be some of the most successful considering how open they are, so I really hope this goes well.
I had an idea for a mech character on Anything Ghosts that I might port here, or I’ll play something entirely new, idk! Maybe I could play a robot carrot!]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
you've found me out. it is inspired by anything ghosts. I hope to see your mech character make an appearance!
deep beneath the earth, in a protective bunker, a clawed hand twitches.
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...! Run From The Big Bad Wolf Here
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...! Run From The Big Bad Wolf Here
On the edge of the bright whitewashed room you occupy lies a closed rusty metal door. Beyond that door is a hallway. A hallway that leads to light. Light that should not shine. IDeas that should not exist. Metal that should not be alive. But it is. And thus it shall be, at the end of a hallway that is beyond an open rusty door that leads into a dark and empty whitewhitewashed room. All that has been predicted, so it shall be, molded to fit the wants and needs of the Great Light, the light at the end of a hallway that does not exist. A hallway that leads to the whitewashed room of a physisist turned robotics expert. The room of Schrodinger.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
deep beneath the earth, various motors whirr to life.
"01100010 01101111 01101111 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110101 01110000 00101110 00101110 00101110 01100010 01110101 01100110 01100110 01100101 01110010 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101101 01100010 01110101 01100110 01100110 01100101 01110010 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101101 01101111 01101110 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100101-" a deep, metallic voice speaks. "online"
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...! Run From The Big Bad Wolf Here
Questions. So many unanswered questions. Why? Why has nothing been answered? Why must we all ask, but no answers arrive? These are the thoughts that plauged the scientist mere minutes before the experiment. "No matter. All the questions will be answered by the Great Light..." One of his lab assistents look at him questioningly, but wisely kept quite. This one was smart. He had seen what had happened to the other assistents when they quesstioned his sanity. Nobody would ever question him again. HE would be the questioner, and the Great Light would answer. "Dr.Schrodinger. Sir, we are about to run the test," an assistant told him. Aahh. Yes. It's happening. "Good. Show me," he responded, his eyes gleaming in the artificial light. His assistant leaded him to a testing chamber, wires and gears lying on the ground. He mutters a curse, annoyed at the state of uncleansness the room is in. "Hm. What is your name, boy?" The lab assistatne stutters, surprised. "O-oh! My name! Um- Yes, sir. My name is Lester." Schrodinger grins. "Well, Lester. Savor these next moments. You are about to be in the presence of the Great Light." Lester's eyes open in awe. "S-sir? Really?" Schrodinger nods, a smirk on his face. "Lester. Turn it on." Lester nods, and scamper's around the room, flicking levers and pushing buttons, and a fierce gale tears through the testing chamber, light oozing through the pedestal at the center. "Isn't it GLORIOUS, Lester?!" Schrodinger lets out a laugh, a laugh tinted with the beginnings of madness. "Soon we will bring the Great Light into our world, and it shall answer the questions that have plauged our minds since the beginning of time!!" The wind picks up even more, whipping Schrodinger's hair back and forth, his lab coat flurring in the wind. The beaming light in the center of the room glows, the intensity of the light increasing by the minute, soon brightening to the gleam of the noonday sun. "IT'S GLORIOUS!!!! BASK IN THE THE GREAT LIGHT, LESTER!!" Suddenly, the wind stops, and the glowing orb of light cools down to a faint shine, a rotating metal ball in the center. [ALL SYSTEMS ONLINE. INITIATING SCOUTING PROCESS] Schrodinger steps forwards, and kneels at the feet of the orb. "Oh Great Light, I called you here to answer my questions!" The orb glows red, and long tentacles emerge and stab Schrodinger through, and they absorb the molecules of that mad scientist. Lester stares in horror, and runs through the airlock and shuts it tight, sealing off the test chamber from the outside world. The orb's glow returns to a normal bright white, and a sound emits from it's metal crevaces: [01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00101110].
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
[Ohh sick, robots! Excuse me if this is wrong, but I get a feeling this might be inspired by Anything Ghosts a bit by the fact that it’s an open world, free setting thread with a linking character trait, and I love it! I’m so glad people are making threads based on that formula since I think they’ve got the potential to be some of the most successful considering how open they are, so I really hope this goes well.'s games
Both formats offer a vast and undefined space for stories to unfold. This encourages diverse narratives and allows participants to explore their own unique ideas without limitations.