Some of us have encountered a problem. That problem is that the limitations for signatures on this forum (Length, size, and image size, just to name a couple). If you are one of these people, this thread is for you! Simply make a post with what you want to have in your signature, and then put a link to your post in your signature instead!
Oh, and it might be a good idea to unsubscribe from the thread once you post to it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Do you have difficulty fitting everything you want into your signature? Then check out the Extended Signature thread!
The Binder - I've written up a Binder class for 5e based on the class of the same name from 3.5's Tome of Magic, and I need help with making the vestiges - come and lend a hand, if you wish.
Oh. Then again, maybe it's something the moderators and staff didn't want to increase hahaha. That's fine either way. I'll just have to get creative with how I manage my signatures!
Yup, the size could be increased by the staff, but I think it's already plenty big enough for most purposes.
The PbP threads aren't the primary focus of the site, though are a welcome thing - they're pretty cool and as you can see from the roll tags being introduced, the staff are keen to support the community on this.
Allowing significantly bigger signatures though detracts from the readability of threads across the forums. :)
Yeah, I had a feeling those were the reasons haha. Thanks for informing us, Stormknight! Always happy to see how quickly the moderators respond to our needs and questions. I just hope we in turn show you all the respect you deserve :)
I just hope we in turn show you all the respect you deserve :)
It's my pleasure - this is a great community to moderate for, full of people who are real fans of the hobby and wish to contribute and help each other. :)
I just hope we in turn show you all the respect you deserve :)
It's my pleasure - this is a great community to moderate for, full of people who are real fans of the hobby and wish to contribute and help each other. :)
We're only as great as our Moderators :P
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...Debts must always be paid, sometimes in more than blood and gold. But this is Ordo Ursa," Ren places his hand on Erakas's chest, right where the Dragonborn's heart is. "Right here. And it always has been and always will be. Don't ever forget that. Because I won't."
Serandis Mendaen (Aereni Elven Rogue/maybe one day Wizard)- Project Point Playtest
PbP (Zendikar/Ebeeron)Cassiel"The real fight is not with the evil outside, but with the demons inside." PbP (Void Beyond the Stars) John"The Light of the Keeper of Law shall shine over all and purify their souls!" PbP (Kaladesh - Silence in Peema) Kraithee Balhi"We are born alone and we die alone, do we live alone?" PbP(SW - Shadows of the OR)Rem Jas"Odds are, I don't care for the odds, let's do it!" PbP (Eoatha) Ivar Ironhide"For kin and Kith!" PbP (OoA) Tarlin Shadowtale"If I don't lookout for myself, who will?" PbP (Vbts: Inner Realms) Bimble Tegginuckey"The search of knowledge is the search of adventure!"
Magnus Dundragon | Aasimar Sorcerer (Adventures in Faerun) "The Spark of the Phoenix resides within me. Let it serve as a Light, a Guide, for all those who seek Justice in the world."
Quill | Aetherborn Warlock (Kaladesh: Silence in Peema) "So long as I live, I will serve the man who gives me life."
Charlotte Finne | Human Smart Hero (Advent of Shadows) "I'm not sure what that thing is, but I'm going to shoot it if it gets any closer."
Cyrus Sternfall | Human War Wizard (Wrath of Ashardon) "It was a shame our journey had to end so soon. Come, Glenn. Let us fight another battle elsewhere."
Oestus Laires | Half-Elf Warlock (Destroy the Herald) "The Sun is like a glorious father. If only I could be so grossly incandescent."
Ezal Nevuz | Eladrin Bard (Beyond this Earthly Realm) "I hate to flake out on you guys like this, but I've got business to attend to and sins to atone for."
Darion Blair | Human Rogue (Primordial Depths) "It was a sad farewell, my friends, but the adventure was a fun one. I hope I can find Bell once again..."
Wirk Zastran | Changeling Paladin (Welcome to the Abyss) "We must escape this endless maze."
Kelrah Einwam | Cursed Aasimar Paladin/Warlock (Void Beyond the Stars: Otherside) "The moon is the only thing I have left, and you would take that from me as well? Prepare to meet your end."
Valen Amakiir | High Elf Bladesinger Wizard (Void Beyond the Stars: Prime) "I must do my fallen comrades proud. Until we meet once more, my friends."
Zeseis Raviri | Kalastar Oath of Conquest Paladin (Plundering of the Winter Court) "In the name of the Great Tyrant, I will bring order to these people!"
Feldri | Lizardfolk Forge Cleric (Eternal Warfare - War Party A) "Rally to me, my brothers! In the name of the Great Maker, we shall not falter!"
Zeph | Aarakocra Fighter/Rogue (Gladiatorium Year II) "For honor and glory! I am the greatest gladiator this side of the sea, and I'll prove it to you!"
Wiivai (Nail) | Kobold Barbarian (Kobold Tales) "Wiivai will show you how a great wyrm fights!"
Danvi Madyrdae | Eladrin Rogue/Monk - (Void Beyond the Stars: Rebirth) [DEAD] "I fear that I have failed. My apologies, Nova..."
Jevyn| Hobgoblin Wizard - (Terra, Open-World) "Esme, could you report this for me? I think we may be here for a while."
Icierys Mystan | Dragonborn Paladin (Evras - Trouble in the East) "The flame of justice burns brighter than the threat of monsters in the night."
Blood Mage - based on a request by one of my players for a game on Roll20. The Blood Mage allows you to emo it up, though is in need of some adjustments and critiquing, should you wish to.
Mystic - we revised the mystic based on some stuff seen on DMsGuild, amongst other things. Have a look and please critique.
Hero Arm - wanna use big anime swords how they should be? Get some burl, then grab this feat!
Hamper of the Harvest - annoyed at having to keep track of foodstuffs? No problem, grab one of these!
The Arena—Always Recruiting (Retired permanently), a PvP battle arena with a dash of roleplay and PvE thrown in. Champion (Highest Level Participants): Larry, Disciple of the Darklord (Burgen_Badluk)
Ogguimash the Masher (Retired), Half-Orc Paladin 5/Shadow Sorcerer 4/Fighter 1 (Wins 9/Losses 1, Streak of 9) (Streak of 2 matches without getting hit . . .was lost because a level 2 crit me.). "MAAASSSSSHHHHHHH!" *rolls a 2 on Initmidation*
Latrius d'Maranok'Koerme (Retired), Elven Gloom Stalker 4 (Wins 1/Losses 0, Streak of 1). Don't know why I tried playing a ranger in an arena setting, let alone Gloom Stalker of all things.
Nock Markonus, Shadowward, High Half-Elf Ancients Paladin 6/Shadow Sorcerer 1 (Wins 2/Losses 3, Streak of 0, Downs: 3 (technically)). Og 2.0.
DragonDenn's Dragonlordsas Latrius Markon (d'Maranok'Koerme) the Shadowthorn, Wood Elf Gloom Stalker Ranger 4/Rogue 1. Kind of a blunt *******, but to everyone equally.
DragonDenn's Arenaas Karnys Ruby-Eye (Retired), Dwarf Fighter 1/War Wizard 5. Grumpy dwarf who's only smart because of a pretty circlet.
Nowas Ogguimash the Masher, Half-Orc Vengeance Paladin 5/Shadow Sorcerer 1. Big Mash. Stupidly lucky.
Robby's Beast Fighting Fun Times as Thurodurk the Binder,Aasimar Conquest Paladin 3. (Wins 1/Losses 0, Streak of 1) Og but with a shield and spooky sword things.
Fight the Night (Team Alpha Noobs/War Boyz) as Latrius d'Maranok'Koermae, the Shadowthorn, Elven Gloom Stalker Ranger 1. Hates his last name as much as you do, and sarcastic enough to confuse even the most hardened YouTube comments section. Also known as Latrius Markon, or just Lat.
A few others I can't completely recall details of including/didn't put on here originally for no apparent reason: Falmo Silvereyes, Murmen Bloodkith, Amakos, Yesqirelle Lathalas (again), Melanthios Serpentcrusher, Karnys Ruby-Eyes (the first version), and Vortrin Bhenkumbyrznaax. May they rest in peace.
Currently playing in: Quest for the Shunned City, Coliseum of Conquest, DragonDenn's Dragonlords, Shipwrecked on Fugue, Tomb of Annihilation, Razor's Lost Mine of Phandelver, The Lost Kenku & One Grung Above
Currently DMing: Princes of the Apocalypse, Out of the Abyss, Coliseum of Conquest—The Arena (Sometimes)
Oh, hi there! We’re Swan Squad™! Or, just me. My name’s Swan.
My Character(s):
”ZuZu” Erzubet Zurina Varholt. Half-Avariel Rogue/Assassin. Mafia princess, popular singer, and self-proclaimed Queen of the Wedge. Long term goal is to eradicate the Zhentarim and replace it. Calls the Xanathar “Uncle Eyeballs” and gets lit with Mind Flayers in Skullport. Leads her party despite having a 7 INT.
About two hundred NPCs?
My Current Campaign(s) as DM:
IRL Late Night Saturday Campaign
Tryna run something on Discord, like, soon-ish?
The Tenth Kingdom(!), Willow, Tolkien lore, Robin Hood legends, Camelot stuff, Rat Queens, Army of Darkness (“This... Is my boomstick!”), Poppy and Titanic, living in terrible neighborhoods, all things Harley Quinn, DJs from Mars, Grant Morrison, undercooked bacon and green juice (breakfast of champions!), and lots and lots of late nights.
Love RPGs, comic books, and all the nerd stuff. I also make draw and do other creative garbage.
Playing In: Chaotic Relief Adventuring Party[DM: Lerus17] Doozey Redfoot,(Stout)Halfling [Beastmaster/Order of the Lycan]Ranger/Bloodhunter "It's just you and me, Biscuit. Us against the world, eh boy?" (Fate: TBD)
Obsben Overhill,(Lightfoot)Halfling [Wizard/Bard|Chronurgy/Lore] "Now this reminds me of a certain story..." (Fate: Temporary Retirement)
Tales of the White Cloaks[DM:Paladin54] Rhogar Nimbatuul,(Bronze)Dragonborn - [Divine/Celestial]Sorcerer/Warlock|Level 4/5 (Undiscovered) (Fate:TBD)
Misprize Thou Not These Shadows That Belong: Lost Mines of Phandelver |DM: Stormbringer4729I Droop, Goblin - Ranger[Hunter]|Level 5 (Undiscovered) (Fate: TBD)
Laid Back Apocalypse(DM: Izi) Flux, (Water/Dwarf)Genasi - Cleric[Tempest]|Level 5 (Undiscovered) Fate: TBD
From Completed Campaigns:
Curse of Strahd[DM:Sarcasticfury] Belzo Balkamar,(V)Human - [Shadow]Sorcerer|level 6|(Fate: Returned Home, still Seeking Redemption)
Out of the Abyss, Curse of Strahd, Descent into Avernus, White Plume Mountain, Dissolution of Eternity[DM: CrispDM] Enkindle - (Light)Cleric/Fighter/Level 7/(Fate:Play thing of an Elder Evil) Yoska "Vamei-Laga" Vistani,(Scourge)Aasimar - Druid[Level 7](Fate: Death by a One V One me Bro Moment vs Hell Knight on a Nightmare) Orilo "Stonethroat" Vamei-Laga,(Fallen)Aasimar/Goliath - Paladin/Bard[Oath of Vengeance/Swords](Fate: Mind Dominated by Strahd. Bones later added to a "Collection") Rimara, Duergar - (Alchemist(UA))Artificer/(Inquisitive)Rogue<Level 6>(Fate: Natural 1s and a Bubble Pop Later...) Yarog, Centaur - (Lore)Bard/(Peace)Cleric<Level 16>(Fate: Death by Rocket Rain)
The Trials[DM: Lerus17] Jury, Warforged(Envoy) [Necromancer/Order]Wizard/Cleric (1st Form) "Rule One: Obey the Law of the Lady, and the Lady shall Bless you with purpose. Fate: Returned to original form and status as Erathis' agent after accidentally wishing to eliminate a wishing stone, ending a cycle of abuse involving the stone's magic.
Edgewalkers[DM:BooksBooks3] Vusgaar,(Beasthide)Shifter - (War)Wizard/Artificer|Level 3/2| "Come what may, we will not falter." Fate: Kept to the 'The Path', forsaking any chance to embrace the roots of his people.
The Exploits of the Misfits Company Bixby aka(*insert persona name*), Changeling(formerly Belzo Balkamar) - Sorcerer(Aberrant Mind)/Bard(Eloquonce)/Warlock(Genie) "I'm done pretending." Fate: Psyche shattered, but eventually restored at the price of much of his memories. Currently resides in the Elemental Plane of Air raising the child of a former "persona".
Courage, (Feral) Tiefling - Artificer(Armorer)/Sorcerer(Divine Soul) "Am I getting too old for this? .... Nawww!" Fate: After aiding in resealing a great evil, retired to work on creating the 'right' Golem to fulfill long ago ambitions)
Echoes of the Past[DM: DirtyDogP] Vondal Stormfist, Dwarf(Hill) [Kinsei]Monk/Wizard|Level 4| "Vell... that went better than expected." (Fate: After aiding Rockseeker brothers in getting their mining business underway, he joined the Lord's Alliance to do yet more 'good' out in the world.)
PbP Waterdeep Dragonheist [DM: Tanzier] Sizan Sidrosin, Yuan-Ti Rogue "*Long, Withering Sigh of Defeat*… This is it.. This is how die, isn't it?" Fate: Temporarily Retired
Jack aka Bix, Changeling Bard/Warlock(Last) (Undiscovered) Fate: Unknown
Tyranny of Dragons [DM:Derpwerping] Gimmor Frostbeard, Dwarf(Mountain) - Rogue 2 (Never Discovered) Fate: Presumed dead attempting to aid civilians under attack by a dragon.
Princes of the Apocalypse[DM: Futuristickf] Gren G. Galebrym, Genasi(Fire) [SunBro]Cleric "Praise the Sun!" Fate: Unkown
Lost in the Tower & The New Circle of Eight[DM:Pokepaladdy] Rumble Siltskin, Genasi(Earth) [Totem Wolf] Barbarian|Level 3| - Lost in the Tower "Name's Rumble. Rumble Siltskin. Pleasure to meet'cha!" Fate: Unknown (Presumed forever lost in the tower)
The Burning Dread[DM:] Nadaar, Dragonborn [College of Lore]Bard|Level 5| "Mon Cheri. I live for this." (Fate: Unknown)
Hidden Heroes - [DM: Wrecksors] Vruuk, Bugbear Fighter/Rogue|Level 2| "Ohhh~ I'm telling Ma!" Fate: Died holding the line protecting his Siblings.
Rustler, Kenku Monk/Cleric(Knowledge)|Level 2| (Never Discovered) Fate: Last heard attempting to escape with his siblings from the clutches of zealots...
Yet Another's Storm King's Thunder[DM:Awaypturwpn] Nirzeg, Githyanki - [Necromancer/Alchemist]Wizard/Artificer|level 6| "Aren't you just glad that I'm around? Why of course you are! Why wouldn't you be." Fate: Last heard of looking into the recent uptick of giant activity near the northern half of the sword coast region...
It's the End of the World(as we know it) Zashier Zaltomane, Loxodon(formerly human) - Paladin(Heroism(UA))|leve 4| "Hey, hey, hey man. Take it easy, now. The name's Zashier, and as you can see, I'm bit of a big guy. But, don't let the size intimidate you." Fate: Last seen aiding others in escaping a horde of orcs invading a small city...
Rise of the Runelord[Sarcasticfury] Zelvo Zezmogr, (V)Human - Cleric(Twilight)[Level 2] "Undiscovered" (Fate: Last seen attempting to rescue glasswork employees and a "bartender" from goblins...)
Storm King's Thunder, The Gods Respond[DM: GrantfromCanberra] D.O.R.K, Warforged(Envoy) [War Domain]Cleric|Level 8| "Activating Catch Phrase: Catch Phrase!" (Fate:Last seen infiltrating the mountain operating base of Fire Giants...)
Balar's Tales of the Yawning Portal[DM:Balarrachi] Cade, Goblin - Barbarian/Fighter|level 2/Level 3|Battlemaster "Why do I even bother?" (Fate: Hunting remnants of Gulthias Tree Seeds following SC Arc)
Thressa aka "Three", Symic Hybrid - Barbarian(Path of the Beast){level 5} - Current "Can I eat you now?" (Fate: Presumed dead following entrapment in ruins during a search for jade artifacts.)
Pizazz's Mythdrannor[NathanPizazz] Xemnez, Leonin - Fighter(Battlemaster)/Barbarian(Path of the Ancestral Guardians)[Level 18] "Undiscovered" (Fate: Unknown)
Lost Mines of Phandelver[fightingcrow60] Marcon, (V)Human - Barbarian(Path of the Beast(formerly Totem Warrior)[level 5] "Undiscovered" (Fate: Last seen attempting to rescue a child from the clutches of an Eladrin with a twisted since of justice.)
Fah'lin struggles to pull his battered body through the chain gate as the enormous cavern collapses behind him, entombing the Ice Giant King along with his remaining forces and the entrance to the gate. "Well..." He manages to grunt with a sigh, "That didn't go as expected."
A crow caws down at the paladin from its perch atop the pommel of Maeran-Cadail's saddle. Sciathan calls a reply, and the two birds begin a brief exchange of coarse notes. Sciathan pulls a small scroll free from the visitors leg, and brings it to Fah'lin as the crow returns to the sky.
Fah'lin reads the note silently... "I... I must return home. Hopefully... Hopefully, the knowledge and strength I've gained on this path will be enough to face... what lies ahead."
He hands Arya Xicohtencatl's token. "If ever any of you need me, send Xi and I will come." With that, he uses his remaining good arm to hoist his body weakly into the saddle, and begins his next adventure.
Hours turn to days (and then well over a year) as Jianyu watches the Stratton Estate. None have come or gone. Some of his party never returned from within. He returns to the Broken Barrel to report to the others, but he finds no one. It seems the party has decided on discretion after all. The members of the Chorus have scattered to the wind.
Jianyu steps into the shadows and disappears.
Dyoken "DK" Nogast, of The Heroes of Kings - Shepherd's Crossing. (Moved to Discord)
Archy is pleased to return to normal-ish life, but seeing the potential the use of magic presents, he starts studying the trade. He doesn't have the power his cuzkin have, but there's a spark there he hadn't noticed before.
While he's helping Yrwin in the kitchen one day, it's apparent that this is not Archy's forte. A small fire starts, a tin of valuable spices topples into the flames. Smoke billows from the doors and windows... Once the fire is stopped and the smoke clears, something strange... A beautiful girl? No, Just a shadow? Or A demon? No. It's an owl... Fortuona 'Tuon' Aethem Devi Paendrag has joined the party.
Amaruve nods as Deoch speaks, glancing over at the girl and over at the party occasionally. "A great honor..." he replies reluctantly.
The events of this leap have brought peril to himself, but moreso to his friends. Surely they would struggle more to carry on without his aid. In these last days he had thought much of the past. Memories long forgotten had resurfaced. Thinking on the past with the wisdom and knowledge of adulthood had raised new questions. New unanswered questions and an itch to solve them. Something happened that day...
Amaruve takes in the guidance of the mother, and holds it. He thinks of his youth. It had been so long since he had thought of his childhood. "I'll return..." One day the answers will be found, the world's will be set straight.
The power to control their path is finally within their reach. There is little for him at the Tower, if not answers, but here... This will be his home... "One day..."
... Amaruve: Your individual experiences were personal. You elected not to share them. ...
Amaruve tells Burble (the name the Elemental chose) all about his experience during the ride back. He tells him about the bird, the forest, and the bear, and the salamanders, and what he found when he returned.
The earth rumbles with Dahme'dre's potent unease... It rumbles forcefully, and pictures fall from the walls. Dishes slide on the tables and smash to the ground.
Is this Dahme'dre's power? Or... Does The Withering persist? Were the rumors false? Did the power remain? Dahme'dre is struck with fear, unable to move. Her hubris has spelled her certain doom. The building bucks sharply as a chasm gapes in the street below.
She turns to face her party. Their time together so brief, yet meaningful. She reaches a hand toward Valen... Erdan... "Save me?" Her voice, tiny, lost in the cacophony of destruction. Though her message came clear in her eyes.
This last night had seemed to stretch. The hours were as months, as the sun crawled over the horizon. Then, in a moment, a rush of air. The chasm rips into the building, and a torrent of unnatural power sucks in clothing, bedding, bags, and debris. An iron kettle falls from the armoire as it teaters and crashes to the ground. Dahme'dre clings to the windowsill, but she's struck by the falling cookware! She loses her grip!
In a moment the winds halt with a satisfied slurp... Dahme'dre is gone. Taken by the Withering to face judgement.
Dahme'dre, true to her word, watches the party's back, but the fires do spread. She moves confidently closer attempting to douse the flames with the earth. Her molding weakens the supporting structure... Too late she hears the wood splinter and crack. She rolls aside, but she's pinned beneath the fallen beams. "Siberys' child awakens a cool night, in a danse macabre, as Khyber sends her blood across the world."
The building crumples sending a spray of cinders into the evening sky. Beauty and terror mark the moment. Dahme'dre is gone.
An injured wolf runs back into the woods. Amaruve takes the chase. He won't let the beast escape. More appear. Amaruve fights valiantly, fighting the beasts as he can, but too often they flee. Each wolf that escapes returns with more and Amaruve is overwhelmed, returning his body to the cycle of life and death as the forest demands...
The dragon doesn't hesitate as the opportunity is presented. With a jerk of it's bonds the link snaps and the dragon is free, but it does not flee. "You would have left me here!" It screeches at Droogan, "But, you won't suffer that fate!" It cries out as it turns and sinks its razor sharp teeth into Droogan's flesh.
In one swift blow Droogan hangs lifeless in the dragon's jaws.
Jianyu attempts to pick the lock, and finds the latch turns with relative ease. But with a sudden click the stones beneath his feet give way and he falls silently into the pit. No sound returns from him landing at the bottom, no stone or water. Only silence...
Some of us have encountered a problem. That problem is that the limitations for signatures on this forum (Length, size, and image size, just to name a couple). If you are one of these people, this thread is for you! Simply make a post with what you want to have in your signature, and then put a link to your post in your signature instead!
Oh, and it might be a good idea to unsubscribe from the thread once you post to it.
Do you have difficulty fitting everything you want into your signature? Then check out the Extended Signature thread!
Here's my Extended Signature!
Play by Post
Currently DMing: Void Beyond the Stars: Rebirth!
PbP Characters on Hiatus:
Wilkas Tenur / Half-Elf Binder (Dawning) "Well Shit."
Kulan, Son of Ghurdokk Blood Axe / Half-Orc Paladin (Tomb of Annihilation) "Really not the time to be arguing. We have some monsters to kill."
Retired PbP Characters
Tano Rukke / Half-Orc Mystic (Kill Garkul) "May the Nine Hells swallow you whole."
Fraemir d'Thuranni / Elf Rogue (Lords of the Silver Dust) "Would you like to experience my Rapier Guillotine?"
Vutha / Lizardfolk Warlock (Adventures in Faerun) "What do you think, Sauriv?"
Peren Lurkwood / Firbolg Warlock (Luskan: City of the Grey Depths) "Is this event linked to the will of Oberon?"
Drake / Shifter Druid (Fangs of the Sword Coast) "For a person of the wild, I seem to be the most civil one here..."
The Heavenly Swordsman / Aasimar Warlock (Welcome to the Abyss) "May the Heaven's light show you your transgressions!"
Ra'sakar Gen'thac / Drow Mystic (Rise of the Quori) "Hush now. I'm busy crushing the minds of our enemies, and your chatter is making it difficult to concentrate."
Flux / Aetherborn Artificer (Kaladesh: Silence in Peema) "Intriguing..."
Yaktar / Kobold Mystic (Eoatha 1) "Come on, yah big oaf! You're almost as daft as that cow I met the other day."
Jeramiah / Changeling Cleric (Eoatha 2) "Come on now. Is that really the best thing you can do in front of an Inquisitor of the Church?"
Aevar / Miraluka Adept (Star Wars - Shadows of the Old Republic) "May d4s be with you."
Salleek Vorgansharax / "Dragonborn" Ranger (Stormphrax Rising) "The Dragons must be crushed."
Ended PbP Campaigns
Welcome to the Snout of Omgar
Void Beyond the Stars
Void Beyond the Stars: Otherside
Void Beyond the Stars: Inner Realms
The Binder - I've written up a Binder class for 5e based on the class of the same name from 3.5's Tome of Magic, and I need help with making the vestiges - come and lend a hand, if you wish.
Do you have difficulty fitting everything you want into your signature? Then check out the Extended Signature thread!
Here's my Extended Signature!
While this idea is a fair compromise, I think lobbying for longer signatures in general is just a good idea.
Thank you for being responsible about the size of forum signatures. :)
Also, worth noting that you can link to a specific post - the url you want is accessed by clicking the post #number on the top-right of the post:
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Oh. Then again, maybe it's something the moderators and staff didn't want to increase hahaha. That's fine either way. I'll just have to get creative with how I manage my signatures!
Yup, the size could be increased by the staff, but I think it's already plenty big enough for most purposes.
The PbP threads aren't the primary focus of the site, though are a welcome thing - they're pretty cool and as you can see from the roll tags being introduced, the staff are keen to support the community on this.
Allowing significantly bigger signatures though detracts from the readability of threads across the forums. :)
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Yeah, I had a feeling those were the reasons haha. Thanks for informing us, Stormknight! Always happy to see how quickly the moderators respond to our needs and questions. I just hope we in turn show you all the respect you deserve :)
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
"...Debts must always be paid, sometimes in more than blood and gold. But this is Ordo Ursa," Ren places his hand on Erakas's chest, right where the Dragonborn's heart is. "Right here. And it always has been and always will be. Don't ever forget that. Because I won't."
Serandis Mendaen (Aereni Elven Rogue/maybe one day Wizard)- Project Point Playtest
This is the many mes!
PbP (Zendikar/Ebeeron) Cassiel "The real fight is not with the evil outside, but with the demons inside."
PbP (Void Beyond the Stars) John "The Light of the Keeper of Law shall shine over all and purify their souls!"
PbP (Kaladesh - Silence in Peema) Kraithee Balhi "We are born alone and we die alone, do we live alone?"
PbP (SW - Shadows of the OR) Rem Jas "Odds are, I don't care for the odds, let's do it!"
PbP (Eoatha) Ivar Ironhide "For kin and Kith!"
PbP (OoA) Tarlin Shadowtale "If I don't lookout for myself, who will?"
PbP (Vbts: Inner Realms) Bimble Tegginuckey "The search of knowledge is the search of adventure!"
Check out the many mes here!
Current Characters
Retired Campaigns
Eternal Warfare
Retired Characters
Recruitment Open For:
Dungeon Master For:
Lost in another part of the Endless Tower- now linked with main campaignPlayer In:
Retired Characters/Campaigns
See My Homebrew Stuff!
DMing in:
The Arena—Always Recruiting (Retired permanently), a PvP battle arena with a dash of roleplay and PvE thrown in. Champion (Highest Level Participants): Larry, Disciple of the Darklord (Burgen_Badluk)
Princes of the Apocalypse, 5e Elemental Evil
Out of the Abyss, Welcome to the Underdark
Coliseum of Conquest, but it's the Arena (Occasionally)
Playing in:
Coliseum of Conquest as:
Ogguimash the Masher (Retired), Half-Orc Paladin 5/Shadow Sorcerer 4/Fighter 1 (Wins 9/Losses 1, Streak of 9) (Streak of 2 matches without getting hit . . .was lost because a level 2 crit me.). "MAAASSSSSHHHHHHH!" *rolls a 2 on Initmidation*
Latrius d'Maranok'Koerme (Retired), Elven Gloom Stalker 4 (Wins 1/Losses 0, Streak of 1). Don't know why I tried playing a ranger in an arena setting, let alone Gloom Stalker of all things.
Nock Markonus, Shadowward, High Half-Elf Ancients Paladin 6/Shadow Sorcerer 1 (Wins 2/Losses 3, Streak of 0, Downs: 3 (technically)). Og 2.0.
Quest for the Shunned City as Gerry Saurbreath, Variant Human Devotion Paladin 6/Celestial Warlock 2. Putting to together a jigsaw puzzle currently.
DragonDenn's Dragonlords as Latrius Markon (d'Maranok'Koerme) the Shadowthorn, Wood Elf Gloom Stalker Ranger 4/Rogue 1. Kind of a blunt *******, but to everyone equally.
Shipwrecked on Fugue: A Journey of Self-Discovery as Blue, Air Genasi Dreams Druid 3.
>>---Tomb of Annihilation---<< as Melanthios Serpentcrusher, Variant Human Ranger 2.
The Lost Kenku and One Grung Above as Darrik Orcfoe, Dwarf Totem Barbarian 3/Moon Druid 2. Entirely too many hit points.
Razor's Lost Mine of Phandelver as Murmen Bloodkith, Dwarf Forge Cleric 2. Curmudgeon.
Killilli's Dragon Heist as Spark, Fire Genasi Artificer 1. Distrusts even himself. Partially modeled on Iskaral Pust.
Completed Campaigns:
Rrakkma as Vishnu Re'var, Githzerai Arcane Trickster Rogue 9. Only 3 party members died, so it's ok.
Retired Characters/Campaigns:
Company of the Dragon - Baldur's Gate (Team 4) as Thurodurk Anklebreaker, Aasimar Conquest Paladin 3/Shadow Sorcerer 1. Subtlest intimidation tactics this side of completely unsubtle.
A Reign of Maimed Virulence as Tharnik Eversharp, Mountain Dwarf Vengeance Paladin 6. Has a literal axe to grind with dragonkind.
~ Tyranny of Dragons ~ as Bunko Autumnmourn, Variant Human Monk 1. Herbalist and medic, but might end up poisoning you.
Aragorn's Tomb of Annihilation as Yesqirelle Lathalas, Elven Grave Cleric 1 of Kelemvor. Emo elf.
DragonDenn's Arena as Karnys Ruby-Eye (Retired), Dwarf Fighter 1/War Wizard 5. Grumpy dwarf who's only smart because of a pretty circlet.
Now as Ogguimash the Masher, Half-Orc Vengeance Paladin 5/Shadow Sorcerer 1. Big Mash. Stupidly lucky.
Robby's Beast Fighting Fun Times as Thurodurk the Binder, Aasimar Conquest Paladin 3. (Wins 1/Losses 0, Streak of 1) Og but with a shield and spooky sword things.
Fight the Night (Team Alpha Noobs/War Boyz) as Latrius d'Maranok'Koermae, the Shadowthorn, Elven Gloom Stalker Ranger 1. Hates his last name as much as you do, and sarcastic enough to confuse even the most hardened YouTube comments section. Also known as Latrius Markon, or just Lat.
A few others I can't completely recall details of including/didn't put on here originally for no apparent reason: Falmo Silvereyes, Murmen Bloodkith, Amakos, Yesqirelle Lathalas (again), Melanthios Serpentcrusher, Karnys Ruby-Eyes (the first version), and Vortrin Bhenkumbyrznaax. May they rest in peace.
Class Guides:
How to Stoke the Fire Within: A Guide to the Barbarian
How to Become One with the Shadows: A Guide to the Rogue
How to Control the Storm Within: A Guide to the Sorcerer
How to Spin the Silvery Threads of Song: A Guide to the Bard
General Guides:
How to Cross Blades with an Equal: A General Guide to Player vs. Player D&D
(Not mine, but important)
Check out my Extended signature here
Class Guides: Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer, Bard General Guides: PvP
Currently playing in: Quest for the Shunned City, Coliseum of Conquest, DragonDenn's Dragonlords, Shipwrecked on Fugue, Tomb of Annihilation, Razor's Lost Mine of Phandelver, The Lost Kenku & One Grung Above
Currently DMing: Princes of the Apocalypse, Out of the Abyss, Coliseum of Conquest—The Arena (Sometimes)
Amrak | Level 1 Hill Dwarf Life Cleric
Fonkin | Level 5 Divination Wizard | The Unknown Evil (Homebrew)
Keyrona Liadon | Level 1 Wood Elf Druid
Miradithas Aloro | Level 1 Wood Elf Fighter | Princes of the Apocalypse
Paha | Level 2 Half-Elf Life Cleric | Princes of the Apocalypse
Terveys | Level 1 Half-Elf Bard
Uradurk | Level 1 Half-Orc Barbarian
Check out my Extended Signature here
Oh, hi there! We’re Swan Squad™! Or, just me. My name’s Swan.
My Character(s):
”ZuZu” Erzubet Zurina Varholt. Half-Avariel Rogue/Assassin. Mafia princess, popular singer, and self-proclaimed Queen of the Wedge. Long term goal is to eradicate the Zhentarim and replace it. Calls the Xanathar “Uncle Eyeballs” and gets lit with Mind Flayers in Skullport. Leads her party despite having a 7 INT.
About two hundred NPCs?
My Current Campaign(s) as DM:
IRL Late Night Saturday Campaign
Tryna run something on Discord, like, soon-ish?
The Tenth Kingdom(!), Willow, Tolkien lore, Robin Hood legends, Camelot stuff, Rat Queens, Army of Darkness (“This... Is my boomstick!”), Poppy and Titanic, living in terrible neighborhoods, all things Harley Quinn, DJs from Mars, Grant Morrison, undercooked bacon and green juice (breakfast of champions!), and lots and lots of late nights.
Love RPGs, comic books, and all the nerd stuff. I also make draw and do other creative garbage.
Playing In:
Chaotic Relief Adventuring Party[DM: Lerus17]
Doozey Redfoot,(Stout)Halfling [Beastmaster/Order of the Lycan]Ranger/Bloodhunter
"It's just you and me, Biscuit. Us against the world, eh boy?"
(Fate: TBD)
Obsben Overhill,(Lightfoot)Halfling [Wizard/Bard|Chronurgy/Lore]
"Now this reminds me of a certain story..."
(Fate: Temporary Retirement)
Tales of the White Cloaks[DM:Paladin54]
Rhogar Nimbatuul,(Bronze)Dragonborn - [Divine/Celestial]Sorcerer/Warlock|Level 4/5
Misprize Thou Not These Shadows That Belong: Lost Mines of Phandelver |DM: Stormbringer4729I
Droop, Goblin - Ranger[Hunter]|Level 5
(Fate: TBD)
Laid Back Apocalypse(DM: Izi)
Flux, (Water/Dwarf)Genasi - Cleric[Tempest]|Level 5
Fate: TBD
From Completed Campaigns:
Curse of Strahd[DM:Sarcasticfury]
Belzo Balkamar,(V)Human - [Shadow]Sorcerer|level 6|(Fate: Returned Home, still Seeking Redemption)
Out of the Abyss, Curse of Strahd, Descent into Avernus, White Plume Mountain, Dissolution of Eternity[DM: CrispDM]
Enkindle - (Light)Cleric/Fighter/Level 7/(Fate:Play thing of an Elder Evil)
Yoska "Vamei-Laga" Vistani,(Scourge)Aasimar - Druid[Level 7](Fate: Death by a One V One me Bro Moment vs Hell Knight on a Nightmare)
Orilo "Stonethroat" Vamei-Laga,(Fallen)Aasimar/Goliath - Paladin/Bard[Oath of Vengeance/Swords](Fate: Mind Dominated by Strahd. Bones later added to a "Collection")
Rimara, Duergar - (Alchemist(UA))Artificer/(Inquisitive)Rogue<Level 6>(Fate: Natural 1s and a Bubble Pop Later...)
Yarog, Centaur - (Lore)Bard/(Peace)Cleric<Level 16>(Fate: Death by Rocket Rain)
The Trials[DM: Lerus17]
Jury, Warforged(Envoy) [Necromancer/Order]Wizard/Cleric (1st Form)
"Rule One: Obey the Law of the Lady, and the Lady shall Bless you with purpose.
Fate: Returned to original form and status as Erathis' agent after accidentally wishing to eliminate a wishing stone, ending a cycle of abuse involving the stone's magic.
Vusgaar,(Beasthide)Shifter - (War)Wizard/Artificer|Level 3/2|
"Come what may, we will not falter."
Fate: Kept to the 'The Path', forsaking any chance to embrace the roots of his people.
The Exploits of the Misfits Company
Bixby aka(*insert persona name*), Changeling(formerly Belzo Balkamar) - Sorcerer(Aberrant Mind)/Bard(Eloquonce)/Warlock(Genie)
"I'm done pretending."
Fate: Psyche shattered, but eventually restored at the price of much of his memories. Currently resides in the Elemental Plane of Air raising the child of a former "persona".
Courage, (Feral) Tiefling - Artificer(Armorer)/Sorcerer(Divine Soul)
"Am I getting too old for this? .... Nawww!"
Fate: After aiding in resealing a great evil, retired to work on creating the 'right' Golem to fulfill long ago ambitions)
Echoes of the Past[DM: DirtyDogP]
Vondal Stormfist, Dwarf(Hill) [Kinsei]Monk/Wizard|Level 4|
"Vell... that went better than expected."
(Fate: After aiding Rockseeker brothers in getting their mining business underway, he joined the Lord's Alliance to do yet more 'good' out in the world.)
Coliseum of Conquest [DM:BDaddly]
MwaHaHA, Kenku - Monk (0 Wins/1 Loss)
Marmaduke, Dwarf(Hill) - Draconic Sorcerer(Retired) (3 Wins/2 Losses)
Mazara Mandabara, Aasimar(Scourge) - Cleric(War)/Sorcerer(Divine)/Bard(1)/Warlock(Celestial)|Level 4| (4 Wins/1 Losses)
(Never Discovered)
PbP Waterdeep Dragonheist [DM: Tanzier]
Sizan Sidrosin, Yuan-Ti Rogue
"*Long, Withering Sigh of Defeat*… This is it.. This is how die, isn't it?"
Fate: Temporarily Retired
Jack aka Bix, Changeling Bard/Warlock(Last)
Fate: Unknown
Tyranny of Dragons [DM:Derpwerping]
Gimmor Frostbeard, Dwarf(Mountain) - Rogue 2
(Never Discovered)
Fate: Presumed dead attempting to aid civilians under attack by a dragon.
Princes of the Apocalypse[DM: Futuristickf]
Gren G. Galebrym, Genasi(Fire) [SunBro]Cleric
"Praise the Sun!"
Fate: Unkown
Lost in the Tower & The New Circle of Eight[DM:Pokepaladdy]
Rumble Siltskin, Genasi(Earth) [Totem Wolf] Barbarian|Level 3| - Lost in the Tower
"Name's Rumble. Rumble Siltskin. Pleasure to meet'cha!"
Fate: Unknown (Presumed forever lost in the tower)
Yolov, Vedalken [Master Transmutation]]Wizard|Level 2|
(Never Discovered)
Fate: Unkown
The Burning Dread[DM:]
Nadaar, Dragonborn [College of Lore]Bard|Level 5|
"Mon Cheri. I live for this."
(Fate: Unknown)
Hidden Heroes - [DM: Wrecksors]
Vruuk, Bugbear Fighter/Rogue|Level 2|
"Ohhh~ I'm telling Ma!"
Fate: Died holding the line protecting his Siblings.
Rustler, Kenku Monk/Cleric(Knowledge)|Level 2|
(Never Discovered)
Fate: Last heard attempting to escape with his siblings from the clutches of zealots...
Yet Another's Storm King's Thunder[DM:Awaypturwpn]
Nirzeg, Githyanki - [Necromancer/Alchemist]Wizard/Artificer|level 6|
"Aren't you just glad that I'm around? Why of course you are! Why wouldn't you be."
Fate: Last heard of looking into the recent uptick of giant activity near the northern half of the sword coast region...
It's the End of the World(as we know it)
Zashier Zaltomane, Loxodon(formerly human) - Paladin(Heroism(UA))|leve 4|
"Hey, hey, hey man. Take it easy, now. The name's Zashier, and as you can see, I'm bit of a big guy. But, don't let the size intimidate you."
Fate: Last seen aiding others in escaping a horde of orcs invading a small city...
Rise of the Runelord[Sarcasticfury]
Zelvo Zezmogr, (V)Human - Cleric(Twilight)[Level 2]
(Fate: Last seen attempting to rescue glasswork employees and a "bartender" from goblins...)
Storm King's Thunder, The Gods Respond[DM: GrantfromCanberra]
D.O.R.K, Warforged(Envoy) [War Domain]Cleric|Level 8|
"Activating Catch Phrase: Catch Phrase!"
(Fate:Last seen infiltrating the mountain operating base of Fire Giants...)
Balar's Tales of the Yawning Portal[DM:Balarrachi]
Cade, Goblin - Barbarian/Fighter|level 2/Level 3|Battlemaster
"Why do I even bother?"
(Fate: Hunting remnants of Gulthias Tree Seeds following SC Arc)
Thressa aka "Three", Symic Hybrid - Barbarian(Path of the Beast){level 5} - Current
"Can I eat you now?"
(Fate: Presumed dead following entrapment in ruins during a search for jade artifacts.)
Pizazz's Mythdrannor[NathanPizazz]
Xemnez, Leonin - Fighter(Battlemaster)/Barbarian(Path of the Ancestral Guardians)[Level 18]
(Fate: Unknown)
Lost Mines of Phandelver[fightingcrow60]
Marcon, (V)Human - Barbarian(Path of the Beast(formerly Totem Warrior)[level 5]
(Fate: Last seen attempting to rescue a child from the clutches of an Eladrin with a twisted since of justice.)
DMing: (... Someday… )
When you realize you're doing too much: Signature.
Flayr Flameseeker | Genasi/Fire | Wizard/School of Evocation | Level 2 | Custom Campaign: Cold Cash
Sin Reaper Gabriel, High Executioner | Aasimar/Fallen | Cleric/Death Domain | Level 6 | Necromancer's Delusion
Umbutu | Human/Calishite | Fighter | Level 2 | Lost Mine of Phandelver
Dungeon Master | Terra Open-World | Level 3
Flayr Flameseeker | Genasi/Fire | Wizard/School of Evocation | Level 2 | Custom Campaign: Cold Cash
Active Campaigns:
DM: The Coliseum of Conquest has returned! The Rubble of the Coliseum, Coliseum of Conquest, and Glory of the Coliseum.
Dahme'dre d'Raine of Strawberry Cupcake Deliveries (working title) - Elustran Days. (Moved to Discord)
R-zero B-zero, Droid Tech Expert of the Large Yellow Freighter Transport "Lyft". (Discord)
Dead Campaigns:
Fah'lin, of The Heroes of Harenhal - Revenge is Best Served Cold, I've Fallen Down and I Can't Get Back Up, and Who Let the Vamp Out.
Jianyu Mendoza - Pit of Vipers.
Dyoken "DK" Nogast, of The Heroes of Kings - Shepherd's Crossing. (Moved to Discord)
Archy Lightheart, of the Cuzkins - The Forgotten Forge.
Amaruve Al'Ameth, of The Lost - The Next Leap and The Next Leap: Planebreaker.
Dahme'dre d'Lyric - Fiefdoms in a Broken Land.
Dahme'dre d'Cannith - Call of the Dragon Below.
Amaruve - Crafting a World of War.
Droogan "Fateseeker" - Pit of Bones.
Jianyu Mendoza - Palace of the Vampire Queen.
Fah'lin Kowbbercayj - Sunless Citadel Octalogy.
Extended Signature
Current Characters:
Dead/Retired/Abandoned Characters:
Currently DM:
Dreams into Journey (Abandoned)
Extended Signature